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Tempest Trials: A Gift of Peace!


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The stupid boxed in map nearly screwed over one of my bonus runs today. It felt like there was literally no way I could avoid one of my units dying. I had to make the choice between it being Shigure or Reinhardt. I went with Shigure, reluctantly, and lost my beautiful dancer on Map 2 of a Lunatic 7.

Somehow, though, a team of Xander and Reinhardt, with Santa Chrom very occasionally tanking a hit, got me to map 7, although Xander and Santa Chrom were not looking good. The units on that map were very fortunate. I was able to use Xander to kill off some greens before he sadly died, and Santa Chrom destroyed Robin before also dying, and then Reinhardt was able to finish off the last remaining units to be the last man standing :D

And I still got an A/A by some miracle!

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1 hour ago, Cute Chao said:

The stupid boxed in map nearly screwed over one of my bonus runs today. It felt like there was literally no way I could avoid one of my units dying. I had to make the choice between it being Shigure or Reinhardt. I went with Shigure, reluctantly, and lost my beautiful dancer on Map 2 of a Lunatic 7.

Somehow, though, a team of Xander and Reinhardt, with Santa Chrom very occasionally tanking a hit, got me to map 7, although Xander and Santa Chrom were not looking good. The units on that map were very fortunate. I was able to use Xander to kill off some greens before he sadly died, and Santa Chrom destroyed Robin before also dying, and then Reinhardt was able to finish off the last remaining units to be the last man standing :D

And I still got an A/A by some miracle!

That boxed map ughh.... if I use a horse team, I can't use Reposition freely to 'save' my horses because of those trees! :(

Anyway at least Iote's Shield SS get!

Oh and the most satisfying thing in these TT was a final map of all blue units (except a red on the left), so I just let loose my Titania in Robin's room and proceeded to murder things. I mean sure she was part of Team 2 but I was auto battling...

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3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

That boxed map ughh.... if I use a horse team, I can't use Reposition freely to 'save' my horses because of those trees! :(

Anyway at least Iote's Shield SS get!

Oh and the most satisfying thing in these TT was a final map of all blue units (except a red on the left), so I just let loose my Titania in Robin's room and proceeded to murder things. I mean sure she was part of Team 2 but I was auto battling...

Fun times :D

When playing my Lunatic 5 team, I love when there's two green units in the top box bit and a lancer in Robin's room, since I let Siegbert go wild in the top box bit, send in Santa Chrom with the Christmas Robin as back up to sort out Robin and the lancer... and Niles is there to drag back or take care of the final ranged, depending on who/what it is :D

Congrats on the shield ^.^ Despite my fears, I've found myself randomly playing the TT past my 8k target this time round. I dislike the Easter box map, but I really enjoy the other maps and the final map is a lot of fun, I've been finding :D

Edited by Cute Chao
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16 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Yes, but he only gives WoM2 at 4 star. If you want 3 without spending many feathers, you'd have to use 4 star Cain.

Ah. That would of course require a Cain, though, and I haven't seen one yet on my main account, which is the one I want more WoM on anyways, so I mostly just make do with Lv2.

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I hit 43k today. My goal is to get to 60k. Ideally, I'd be at 75k, but grinding for 25k points a day is a little tedious. And I want to train up some new characters... I'm gonna' push though. I've just got a few days left until my family vacation starts... So far, Maria and Lucina have maxed out HM, so I switched out Lucina for Masked Marth and Maria for Genny. Frederick's sitting around 1700 atm. I'll replace him with Merric (since Merric's at 2800) once he's done just for maximum feather potential.

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Got to 30k. Having only a 20% bonus units makes this a lot slower but I guess in this case it is for the best considering that if I had the orbs I'd probably waste them on Gunnthrá when I don't need her due to my lack of self control. 


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22 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

gurl that's more than just tedious

I would go insane if I did that :D Barely have 23k now

Exactly 24,300 here. Probably going to grind all day today because why not.

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18 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

Got to 30k. Having only a 20% bonus units makes this a lot slower but I guess in this case it is for the best considering that if I had the orbs I'd probably waste them on Gunnthrá when I don't need her due to my lack of self control. 


Yep, I would also go nuts if I were to do more then 10k per day. That said I found 10k/d ideal as it doesn't require stamina pots and allow me spend little time on three hero quests too.

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1 hour ago, GuiltyLove said:

gurl that's more than just tedious

I would go insane if I did that :D Barely have 23k now

I haven’t done anything today except promote Adult Tiki and train her. Lol But I want to be finished so I can enjoy myself. I still think I’m going to shoot for 60k today, but that means I need to do something. Lol 

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Well, work's been astoundingly slow so I'm sitting around 50,000 right now. Hopefully going to clear out my remaining stamina to get to 52 or so by the time I go to sleep. Iote's Shield seal already came in handy for those Florina quests. It seems a little silly, but I'm thinking Michalis for it since I'm thinking of running Heavy Blade on Valter and my other fliers are made of glass anyway. That'll at least free up his A slot for like Fury or if I ever actually get a second Hector DC. I'm strongly considering L&D Valter, but I still actually need to 100% decide on whom to give HB though.

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After a small amount of experimentation, my TT team is Seigbert, Genny, W!Chrom, and Nowi.

As a result, I have a better answer whenever I see "the box". Genny has the dazzle upgrade on her gravity, as well as already having WS. On top of this, she has SB3, and a second SB3 on a seal. So she just nukes the box while Seigbert repositions her, and Nowi and Chrom get ready to pick apart the stragglers.

So far we've been hitting double A for our score, so I'm happy with it. I'll be bummed when Seig inevitably hits max HM before we're done.

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I've been feeling pretty unmotivated this time around. I managed to convince myself to rush the Heavy Blade seal, but now I'm just stuck. I haven't even done both of the triple-point runs today. After messing around with some different teams, I think I've got one that will keep things interesting for me, centered around Gunnthrá and a Wind Blessing Arvis. It's kind of funny to see the massive damage numbers from Blizzard...and kind of painful when the enemy has a Harsh Command user =P .

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Took like 8 stamina potions, but I managed to auto-battle my way from like 23k at the start of today to 51k now. I want to hit 100k or close by the 31st, so I'll have to keep up a pace pretty close to this until then, which should be manageable.

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Welp, Winter Tharja has been tanking a lot of different things. She tanked and ORKO'd Olwen (Lunatic 7, map 2), Reinhardt (Lunatic 7, map 3), Abel (Lunatic 7, map 6, and without taking any damage whatsoever), and Lunatic 7 boss Robin on multiple occasions.

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I reached the 5* Lucina today. Oh the excitement.

The seals are nice but urgh, there's just no joy in receiving a 5* unit that a) you don't like anyway and b) can't be foddered off for skills.

If she'd had some skills, I could've at least given Aether to someone. Oh well. Merge number 3 of a character I don't particularly like. Woooo.

On the plus side, heading ever upwards towards that lovely Heavy Blade, Santa Chrom has been S ranked in support and I've A ranked The Christmas Robin so far. Siegbert will be the next along, and then Niles if there's still Trials to go :)

Might have to 5* Felicia next, once Niles hits max HM. I'm running out of high res colourless physical units to delete the mages... I've already max HM'd CYL!Lyn, Naked Gaius and Innes.

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Finally found a team that at least is not slow so I can get A/A or A/B : M!Marth (5*+1, in the first TT I couldn’t get the 5* :( , missing A-skill)-C!Robin (only missing B-skill)-Beruka (4*+3, missing A&C skills)-Lachesis (4* , rehabilitate)

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These winter units are stupidly good with the TT boosts.

My goal is to maintain a 20K per day pace but I have severely fallen off of that pace as of late. My phone's battery life has taken a shit so I can't even auto-battle while doing other things for too long without having to plug it in.

It will take a little more than 15k per day to make the cut for top 1000. 17.5k per day should be plenty, but I want 20k to give myself a nice cushion so I can coast through the last couple days.

At the beginning of the last TT I spent flags to bring my Lukas to 5* +10 which brought me down to 50k. I haven't spent any since and I am now closing in on 300k feathers. And if I continue to gain them the same as last time I should hit 400k by the end of this TT. Now I just need to figure out what to spend them on.

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13 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

At the beginning of the last TT I spent flags to bring my Lukas to 5* +10 which brought me down to 50k. I haven't spent any since and I am now closing in on 300k feathers. And if I continue to gain them the same as last time I should hit 400k by the end of this TT. Now I just need to figure out what to spend them on.

Even outside the Voting Gauntlet people mix up flags and feathers! :P

Sigh. I stupidly accidentally gave my Nowi an Atk forged Lightning Breath++ to try and make her even more of a beast in the TTs. I wanted to give her a Res boost instead, since she's -Res so the +4 patches up her bane...but I guess +2 Atk for a +Atk Nowi still works. Not sure how much of a difference it makes since she's Triangle Adept so she overkills reds anyway, but it is what it is. At least she can safely protect Frederick from pesky reds.

Also wow Stage 6 stats are something. Hone Cav boosted Rawrblade Leo couldn't one shot Bartre at Lunatic 7 Stage 6. Becuse of Fury, he lives with 2 HP, then procedes to finish off my Triangle Adept 2 Leo beacuse he outspeeds and Leo is slooow (also -Spd)

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