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Choose Your Legends: Round 2 - Jan 21 - 28! Who will YOU vote for? [FEB 1: RESULTS ARE IN]


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If Lyn isn't an option, I don't know who I'd care to vote for.  I guess Ayra or Larcei, but if they exclude prior winners the females are obviously going to be Camilla and Tharja.  Maybe I'll go Hector just to try to ensure some FE7 rep... I dunno.

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I'm going for Male Robin! 

IS, give him the new version that he deserves!!!

Red Sword Unit, personal weapon Levin Sword, has an effect or can be forged to have an effect similar to refined Lightning Breath+.

Rally Spectrum: Best Rally in the game that's exclusive to him.

Stats that are total ~160s.

Levin Sword is iconic for Robin, being his weapon in Smash Bros and Warriors. He deserves his weapon!!!!

And Rally Spectrum is Robin's Grandmaster skill. He should get it.

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Another choose your legends interesting, I wonder if Lyn, Ike Roy and Lucina are omitted since they won last time. It will be interesting how Echoes and Heroes affected the popularity of certain characters. I'll go with Tharja, Camilla, Norie, fMorgan, Inigo, Malice, and Peri. Got to support my girls.

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I’ll have to see how this works (I didn’t participate in the last one), but...if I can vote for Caeda, I’m totally doing that. No surprise there.

Beyond her...Leo, Elise, Jeorge, Merric, & Faye always put in work when I do playthroughs of their respective games, so I’ll probably honor that. There are probably more that I’m missing because I just skimmed the top of my memory and the Catalog of Heroes for that list.

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If the top 4 from last time aren't eligible, then my votes will be:

Micaiah, Elincia, Zephiel, Lewyn, Arvis, Leif, Jill

If 13 are allowed then also Jaffar, Nino, Ephraim, Pelleas, and Eldigan

It will be interesting to see how things shift. I fully expect Tharja to place first for the women, but it's not so obvious who will win among the men. I think SoV characters will rank higher and I expect Celica in the top 10, maybe also Alm. Fates characters will probably rank lower overall this time while Awakening ones will still rank well. Older characters who have been good in Heroes like Reinhardt, Hector, Klein, Ninian, etc. will probably also do better.

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Camilla top priority if the 1st/2nd place are not allowed her chances skyrocket and a bunch to Selkie, little to Nowi or Micaiah I did wish they wait for FE16 for a better poll because lets be honest if they do it the right way they'll be alot of popular characters from there like Awakening/Fates.

Edited by Blade Lord Lyn
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I am not sure, but I imagine Panne, Kaden, and Selkie would be on my list. Panne and Kaden were both my avatar's partners on my first run through the whole game they were in. Though to be fair I know in awakening I started a female avatar run first, but I never got very far in it(I think, if memory serves, I regretted my difficulty choice greatly. I picked too easy and lost interest).

Beyond that Amelia is already in, so I would probably support her buddies Ross and Ewan as well. Myrrh would make a neat Dragon addition since it would be an excuse to have a non-infantry dragon. That would be six, for the seventh. . . I suppose Tethys would be a neat choice for a different dancer. While we may have more dancer choices it would be nice to have some additional ones that weren't alternate costumes. Ninian, Olivia, Inigo, Azura, and Shigure are our choices. Would be nice to have another non-3ds dancer to keep Ninian company.

Thirteen unique votes gets a bit trickier. And will definitely end up with more from the newer titles/SoV. Sacred Stones is practically the only pre-3ds era Fire Emblem that I have much experience with. Technically I partially played several others, but as a youngling I never had much money for games so, for example, I only every played a friends copy of FFT. He couldn't get past a fairly early map and basically handed the game to me and told me to do it(and if I did it and saved past the point for him I could keep the game for a bit for myself to play on my own memory card). Anyways, the 3ds is the first Nintendo console I owned myself and wasn't 'borrowing' time on, so yeah. My votes will basically be Sacred Stones + Modern 3ds releases.

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To my annoyance that they aren't waiting till FE 16. I do wonder if the Heroes characters will be added if so beside big support to my Camilla, little for Selkie and a few to Ophelia, Nowi and Micaiah I'm going Fjorm a bit she seems very popular since her debut.

Edited by Blade Lord Lyn
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3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

“3DS babies” sounds pretty damn derogatory, I dunno.

I'm only saying that they haven't experienced that many FE games. They're experience is only at it's infancy.

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Maybe I'm misinformed, but are the previous winners in the polls? (I see people voting for Lyn here but I'm not sure if IS will make a 5th Lyn).

My votes are (in any case):

Hector, Benny, Astrid, Tethys, Linus, Greik, Largo

Runner ups are Tatiana, Zelot, Juno, Callil,  Danved (NOT DEDVAN), Charlotte

Edited by Crux404
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3 hours ago, Alkaid said:

I'll probably go all in for Camilla, since I'd really like to see a CYL of her and she seems like the best chance out of who I like besides Tharja. Assuming they don't let the past winners run again, Tharja's got a good shot at retaining her high placement, while Camilla's the one who might need more help to not get beat out by Azura or something instead.

Hard to say how much impact the game itself might have on characters or not. I'll be interested to see how much Reinhardt, Nino, and some others move up.

i can see where your 2 prefences are. why dont you also add Kagero to the list!

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