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Your least favorite character is now the Lord of their own game

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Clair is now on a search for the ability to be good unit. Too bad she cannot find the ability to be a good unit, she is too terrible to be good. Also in the end Clive one shots her and I can finally be freed from the curse of Clair. 


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Some evildoer forgot to bring Peri a cookie. Now Peri must travel all across Nohr and Hoshido to KILL EVERYONE IN SIGHT!!!

The goal is to kill every single unit on either side. Enemies must be killed immediately while allies will draw Peri's ire when they miss to often, almost die or if they just spend to much time near her. If that's the case the chapter won't be finished until you have Peri kill them. 

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Makalov has to kill someone he owes money to. Too bad the person he lost to was a reality warping wizard who ends up being hired by Marcia to wreak vengeance upon him for every time she had to bail him out. Marcia is the final boss riding a Red Dragon Laguz.

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Celica will-

Er, I mean as a child, Corrin-

Dammit, so many of my least favorite characters are lords!  Uh...


Asugi is tasked with defeating his dark other half, Gaius, who threatens him with superior character development and... somewhat better parenting.  And his mentor is the 'Boro, who is the mother of his transporter, Midori.

The kicker is that all damage dealt to Gaius deals half as much to Asugi, and vice-versa.  Also, Gaius is the boss of every chapter until the final one, where Asugi must defeat his worst enemy...  Saizo.

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Priam goes on an adventure to become noteworthy on his own merits. (Or maybe it's before Awakening and finding out just how he amassed his massive army and all his breaker skills)

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44 minutes ago, CyberController said:

Okay, if your least favorite character is a lord, it's a direct sequel to the game they're in.

Okay then, Sequel to Gaiden/ Shadow of Valencia where Celica kills Alm(:(:) then attempts to destroy the peace Alm/ Celica made. 


25 chapters of Celica killing everyone's favorite characters, until the final chapter, where Alm comes back to life and acts a last line of defense. 


Spoiler Alert: It has a happy ending, Alm kills Celica.

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Tharja goes around killing every girl who dares even look in Robin's direction. Yeah, it's just Yandere Simulator: Tharja Edition.


I wanted to do one on Peri but all the Peri Emblem ideas got taken and Sigurd's dead so no sequel for him.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Tharja goes around killing every girl who dares even look in Robin's direction. Yeah, it's just Yandere Simulator: Tharja Edition.


I wanted to do one on Peri but all the Peri Emblem ideas got taken and Sigurd's dead so no sequel for him.

Maybe it should have all the stalkers team up. Rhajat helps her counterpart too!

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3 minutes ago, CyberController said:

Maybe it should have all the stalkers team up. Rhajat helps her counterpart too!

Yes! Tharja, Rhajat, and Camilla all help each other accomplish the same goal.

Faye's actually reasonable though, so we can leave her out of this.

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1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Some evildoer forgot to bring Peri a cookie. Now Peri must travel all across Nohr and Hoshido to KILL EVERYONE IN SIGHT!!!

The goal is to kill every single unit on either side. Enemies must be killed immediately while allies will draw Peri's ire when they miss to often, almost die or if they just spend to much time near her. If that's the case the chapter won't be finished until you have Peri kill them. 

It turns out Peri’s actually from Valla. She’s the daughter of Anankos, and has his hair color. She thinks that her stone was stolen by Corrin, and joined the army to kill her. 

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Oh boy...

FE4- Lewyn (or Levin)

In the first part of his story, he abandons his responsibilities, as he does not enjoy the life of a noble. He renouces his father's desire that he inherit the throne of Silesia, and when his father dies, he leaves his country for 2 years, eventually settling in the nearby country of  Agustria.This is in spite of his mother's tenous reign and the power struggle expected to occur between his uncles (assuming his mother managed to keep isolated Silesia from the rest of the continent untill her death).

Because he is also a womanizer, he chooses to live the life of a bard, as this allows him access to the loosest kind of woman. He comes to love "the people" even those of a country like Agustria, and helps out villages against oppresion by minor local nobles, going so far as to kill them himself "Macbeth has to go". At this time in his life he is even naive enough to imagine villager's scournging up a reward and returning to town to bask in the glory and appreciateion of a liberator afterwards.  He is convinced that his own country will be fine if it maintains its Neutrality. He sees Sigurd as an aggresor, and when challenges Sigurd's intentions. Levin is convinced by this encounter that Sigurd is a good guy, but isn't so high handed as to ignore the unusually high ratio of females in his army. Levin proves himself to have no moral backbone by sticking with Sigurd during the half year of Sigurd's military regency in Agustria despite the promise he exacted from him earlier.

Levin follows Sigurd when the latter takes exile in Silesia His mother is willing to recognize him, desite his attempt to get disinherited. However, she spends much more time talking to Sigurd than Levin, who becomes jealous that he is seen as so lacking in responsibility by comparison. The core of Silesia's army, it's peagus knights, is shattered shortly after, and due to his personal relationship with the leader of the pegaus unit, Levin is finally awakened to the need for him to play a larger role and  is reconcilled  by his mother after the castle is reclaimed. Levin accompanies Sigurd to Barhara, and Silesia is condemned to retribution by the Empire in the yearsto follow. 

After his death, the god Forsety comes to inhabit his body, in order to restore balance to the whole continent. The "new" Levin spends some time with his wife in hiding, but leaves her again so early that it affects the development of both of his children. In addition, his wife catches a fatal illness further affecting the development of his children. He is the one to spread the folk legends about Sigurd and Seliph, ensuring that recruitment drives  are easy to pull off, and that a properly malleable noble is the one to claim the throne. In his role of strategist, he is crucial to the infant rebellion. He instructs August to do a similiar public relations campaign with Leaf in Lenster. He plans the campaign of liberation to focus on the outlying countries first, so as to bolster the numbers  of the army until they are on more equal footing with the empire forces in Granvale's heartland. Lewyn knows of the book of Naga, but as Seliph is the lesser partner in their relationship, he keeps it on a need to know basis, allowing Selph to court Julia during the campaign with the intent to weaponize her from the very beggining. 

Like Robin and Corrin, he gets resurrected, because he's super special. Like Kris, he is the one actually responsible for the bulk of what the figurehead lord acomplishes but purposely allows the Seliph to claim the credit and have himself written out of history.

The only good thing to come out of Levin getting his own game is to see the development of Fee and Sety in more detail. Sety being able to say "a Holy Warrior is more than just someone who wields a weapon" is especially refreshing compared to a father who essentially turns back on his theroy of leadership and insists that only Holy Blood holders can be left in charge.  Levin as the god of exposition already has half the dialgoue in gen 2 of FE4 so his own developement doesn't really interest me. 


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2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Some evildoer forgot to bring Peri a cookie. Now Peri must travel all across Nohr and Hoshido to KILL EVERYONE IN SIGHT!!!

The goal is to kill every single unit on either side. Enemies must be killed immediately while allies will draw Peri's ire when they miss to often, almost die or if they just spend to much time near her. If that's the case the chapter won't be finished until you have Peri kill them. 

I actually want to play this.

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Least favorite character is the lord of a game, well that means...........oh great! That's just great! That would mean a game where Owain is the lord. NOT PICKING IT UP! Owain is annoying as it is without the plot featuring him as the main character. Plotwise I don't know, we're talking about a theoretical game that features a lunatic as the main character. 

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Tharja tries to get Robin's attention, somehow.  She can use various hexes and the like to get Robin to pay attention to her.  Sometimes, she'll help others instead of being creepy to Robin.

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Sanaki already features dominantly in Radiant Dawn and is force deployed, so just making FE10 been seen more from her perspective would pretty much be it.

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Peri is on a quest to kill everything with glee. Someone already said about the quest involving the cookie, so maybe that.

I join Garon in groans of discomfort.

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Not gonna lie, this looks like one of these "bash your least favorite character" threads.

But I can see some sorta spinoff about Shinon and his racism of laguz which he holds on to through RD. Could work as good character development for him that could redeem one of the biggest things I despise about him.

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