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Nintendo Direct confirmed for 3/8/18


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According to GameXplain, there was someone on Twitter predicting this Direct, saying, among other things, that Fire Emblem Switch will be shown a CG trailer and be called "Elegy for the Brave".

I always take those things with a grain of salt, but now I'm thirsty for news.

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7 minutes ago, Thane said:

According to GameXplain, there was someone on Twitter predicting this Direct, saying, among other things, that Fire Emblem Switch will be shown a CG trailer and be called "Elegy for the Brave".

I always take those things with a grain of salt, but now I'm thirsty for news.

That would be a fascinating title. I would approve of a little more tragedy in Fire Emblem. It's part of the reason why I love FE4.

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9 minutes ago, Thane said:

According to GameXplain, there was someone on Twitter predicting this Direct, saying, among other things, that Fire Emblem Switch will be shown a CG trailer and be called "Elegy for the Brave".

I always take those things with a grain of salt, but now I'm thirsty for news.

Sounds like a grim title, I guess we will see if it legitimate  in T- minus 8 hours.

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38 minutes ago, Thane said:

According to GameXplain, there was someone on Twitter predicting this Direct, saying, among other things, that Fire Emblem Switch will be shown a CG trailer and be called "Elegy for the Brave".

I always take those things with a grain of salt, but now I'm thirsty for news.

The interesting thing about that title is that it break the current trend of having Fire Emblem games have one title (Awakening, Fates, Echoes, Heroes). Now granted, Echoes did have "Shadows of Valentia" but i assume it's because it was a remake.

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No Fire Emblem, but apparently there is a Smash Brothers on the way.

There's some other cool stuff in the Direct, but I was looking forward to seeing some Fire Emblem. Oh well...

Edit: Here's is the Smash Reveal Trailer, from GameXplain.

Edited by Sire
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Wow, that was...much worse than I thought. I can barely remember what they showed aside from Octopath, Splatoon and a teaser for Smash. 

Guess we'll have to wait until E3 to get Fire Emblem and Virtual Console news...the two things I wanted to see.

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FE was literally the one thing I was sure would be announced and the one thing I wanted info on. I'm feeling it's getting delayed until next year now. It's beyond time we should've heard something if it was still coming out this year.

Smash is amazing dont get me wrong but it's for sure a holiday release. Other than that I was pretty let down.

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8 hours ago, Thane said:

According to GameXplain, there was someone on Twitter predicting this Direct, saying, among other things, that Fire Emblem Switch will be shown a CG trailer and be called "Elegy for the Brave".

I can't believe that people take these twitter users seriously.

But hey, at least I managed to win at Nintendo Direct Bingo, so it wasn't a total loss, I guess.

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2 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

I can't believe that people take these twitter users seriously.

I never said I did. In fact I explicitly said I normally don't, but brought it up because I was thirsty for Fire Emblem news. Not sure what you're trying to get at here.

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2 minutes ago, Book Bro said:

FE was literally the one thing I was sure would be announced and the one thing I wanted info on. I'm feeling it's getting delayed until next year now. It's beyond time we should've heard something if it was still coming out this year.

Smash is amazing dont get me wrong but it's for sure a holiday release. Other than that I was pretty let down.

Echoes released in April in Japan and was announced in January. If it's not announced at E3, I say it's next year. The biggest reveals are still months away. We never get info on FE this far in advance. I expect E3 is Prime 4, Pokémon, and Fire Emblem. If not, then we wait. We always will.

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Guess I post my detailed thoughts now that it is over and I had some time to think.

I really would have liked to see Fire Emblem, but I guess that is being moved to E3. There is also the matter of Fire Emblem Heroes being an advertising machine, so I guess it makes since there is no Fire Emblem in hindsight since Heroes just got a big update (FEH would have had some tie-in thing if FE Switch was announced, or at least that is what I think).

Smash Brothers is okay. While I played all of the installments, I think I spent most of my time playing Brawl back in the Wii days because of the Subspace Emissary. 4 was good and all, but I never got invested enough to buy all the DLC since I had other games to play (even though I bought both the 3DS and Wii U versions).

Splatoon 2 looks interesting. I enjoyed playing the first and still intend on getting the 2nd, and the story DLC is definitely up my alley. I mostly just want to mess around with it's take on Horde Mode.

Otherwise, Octopath Traveler is on my main list, with Mario Tennis Aces and the Mario and Luigi remake being on a "pick up eventually" list. Dark Souls and the Crash trilogy are nice surprises, but I rather get Dark Souls Remasterd on PC and I'm not that invested in to the Crash series. I also never got around to the whole No More Heroes thing, so its new title does little for me.
* * * * *
Overall, the Direct is just okay. There were some games that appealed to me, but there was nothing that got me hyped. Smash Brothers is nice and all, but I enjoy playing other games more.

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Hrm, guess I was right to remain skeptical that FE would show up. Still a huge bummer. Thought it would be the finale announcement.

That's a load of great games coming to switch though. Okami, Crash collection, Undertale, the South Park games, And the Solaire amiibo is sure to be meme fuel. Kirby's content updates are huge for fans of the series. Travis Strikes Again has co-op which I was really anticipating. Mario Tennis looks fun for the first that I can recall. And Captain Toad was going to be my very last Wii U game, but I guess I can get that on Switch instead. Depending on what Smash Bros. will end up being, the finale wasn't even the biggest announcement.

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20 minutes ago, Book Bro said:

FE was literally the one thing I was sure would be announced and the one thing I wanted info on. I'm feeling it's getting delayed until next year now. It's beyond time we should've heard something if it was still coming out this year.

Smash is amazing dont get me wrong but it's for sure a holiday release. Other than that I was pretty let down.

I think so too. So far the only thing we know about the game is that Nintendo confirmed that it exists. That's all. No teaser, no trailer and not even a logo.

If Nintendo hasn't shown anything it could be because they just don't have anything to show. And if they only show a teaser or god forbid just a logo at E3 then it would indicate the development hasn't gone very far yet. 

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There is a lot to unpackage here. Excuse my tardiness on this, I wanted to get everything.

EU stream:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UwKHEg-kEc


So, 3DS first. Probably happened after backlash from last time.

Warioware finally comes out for the first time in a while. Good for those fans.

Another Dillon's Rolling West game, with some new gameplay and furry Miis. I am weirded out but it's probably not all bad.

Mario+Luigi: BIJ got a rerelease? A remaster? I have no idea what's up here.

Detective Pikachu got something I guess. Nothing really new here.

Also Luigi's Mansion got a port. Nice for those who only played 2 at least, I'm surprised it can play on the regular 3DS.

The new Kirby game gets free DLC. That's not bad.

Okami gets another port. Does seem like they're trying with it so I might get it at some point after getting a switch.

Sushi Striker: I wish the cutscene art was used more. Comes out on 3DS as well. Alright, could be worse.

Octopath got details, Greg Chun (I'm certain) and a release in July. I expected later, so that's nice.

Is the No More Heroes game a rerelease or a sequel?

Dark Souls is here. Praise the Sun amiibo is here. I'm tempted to buy one because memes.

Mario Aces got an introduction, didn't care, you're expecting me to keep up with a Mario sports spinoff?

Treasure Tracker gets a port. Alright I guess, it has New Dank City. When TMS#FE?

Oh yeah Undetale confirmed. And honestly the segment was offputting, I hadn't heard much actual ingame stuff and Sans's voice frustrates me. If I had to hear that regularly. Didn't hype me up at all, though oddly 8-4 are involved.

Also, I DIDN'T SEE N. SANE TRILOGY PORT COMING. Might be more interested now, and who knows if this leads to Spyro port?

Little Nightmares seems creepy enough. Not interested imo.

The Fractured But Whole? Eh, I'll got for PC if I get it.

Hyrule Warriors got a release date. Alright I guess.

Arms gets a free weekend? Alright, too late for me. :P

Splatoon got a lot of coverage. A big update, future DLC (And that music is surprisingly good, I have no idea what's going on though), 


So no FE, no Pokemon. Ah well, probably by June we'll know. More surprised they threw Smash out there like that. So who did we see? BotW Link, Mario, a couple of other staples (sure Marth is safe anyway).

TLDR: Nothing setting me on fire but there's some stuff hyping me on Switch.

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17 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Also Luigi's Mansion got a port. Nice for those who only played 2 at least, I'm surprised it can play on the regular 3DS.

I mean, Luigi's Mansion isn't too demanding on the hardware.

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Just now, Armagon said:

I mean, Luigi's Mansion isn't too demanding on the hardware.

I didn't think a Gamecube game would work on base 3DS.

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39 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I didn't think a Gamecube game would work on base 3DS.

This is promising for other GC ports. Guess we're back to the days of porting console games to handhelds if Nintendo is supporting it through 2019.

Edited by Hylian Air Force
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Well it figures that this direct would not be that good at least to me since my whole week has been pretty bad.  At least I have Smash to look forward to, but dang it I wanted to see FE Switch so badly today:(  All I can say is Nintendo had better bring their A game at E3 because right now there are no games that they have shown for this year I want to buy.  

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So now that I've had time to collect my thoughts, this Direct was pretty good.

  • Remakes for Bowser's Inside Story and Luigi's Mansion are great, the former is my favorite Mario & Luigi game and I've never played the latter.
  • Detective "Owain" Pikachu remains interesting.
  • Kirby Star Allies was already looking amazing, and now we get other playable characters in free updates who haven't been seen in years? Sign me up.
  • I've never played Okami before so a Switch port is neat, and now Chuggaaconroy has another reason to not make his bonus video!
  • Octopath Traveler is interesting, I haven't played the demo but I'll keep an eye on it.
  • I haven't played No More Heroes, Dark Souls, or Captain Toad but I'll look into them. PRAISE THE SUN
  • Mario Tennis Aces is looking good, Mario Power Tennis was always one of my favorites growing up. And how can you say no to a tennis playing Chain Chomp?
  • I guess I don't have an excuse to not get Undertale now, huh...
  • The only Crash game I played before was Tag Team Racing, this looks like a good game to start with.
  • Little Nightmares and South Park look interesting, I'll give them that.
  • I still don't have ARMS or Splatoon 2...
  • Smash is Smash, of course.

I'm bummed that there was still no Fire Emblem, but everything else was good enough to make up for it.

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Man, that was pretty solid! Smash teaser for a release this year, Splatoon expansion, Mario Tennis looks improved and intriguing, some surprise Switch jumps like Crash and Undertale...man! No FE though, but I honestly expected them to hold off until E3 anyways.

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After letting myself calm down from Smash hype, I can recall that the Splatoon 2 expansion actually looks pretty sweet. That trailer was legitimately cool. I haven't played Splatoon 2 in months but I'll go back to it when this drops.

That and Smash were pretty much the only aspects of the direct I really cared about, though. I love Okami, but I've already owned it on 3 consoles. I love Dark Souls, but I can boot it up on Steam whenever I want (I might get Solaire's amiimebo, though). Hyrule Warriors got a release date, so that's cool, but that was literally it. All the other games I don't really care enough for.

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Dissapointed that there is no info on FE16. Stupid Smash Bros (and especially a certain someone who has absolutely no business to be in the ring and should just stay as a trophy princess) can bugger off to hell, as well as anything from Mario. The sooner they bomb out, the better I feel. Okami HD might be something that I want to pick up, so I'll give that.

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18 hours ago, Dayni said:

Detective Pikachu got something I guess. Nothing really new here.

So no FE, no Pokemon.

How can you say that there's no Pokémon, when Detective Pikachu is clearly a Pokémon game?

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