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Characters that make you question the growth rate resources?


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Okay, so, have you ever had a character in a Fire Emblem game where, due to your meaningless personal experience, you're all but positive that every resource on them on the planet is lying to you about their growth rates? Like, every time you've used them, damn near every time, you've consistently gotten really good or really terrible stats with them?

For me it's Jakob. Fucking Jakob. I have literally never gotten a good Jakob. Everyone's talking about how his "mediocre" stats are vastly compensated for by his ludicrous skill availability due to his quirk as a weird tier-1-tier-2 hybrid, but... what mediocre stats? I cannot remember getting a single good level with this guy, and nearly every time I've used him it's been all but a neverending steam of consistently getting HP, Skill and Luck.

Also, Rinkah.


It takes every fiber of my being to believe the resources that say she has a 45% strength growth as an oni savage.

Edited by Alastor15243
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For me it has always been Camilla.... She is always super low on hp and does very little damage despite everyone saying she is a top tier unit. Every run I found her to be weaker than beruka after leveling them both up so I was baffled when I saw her actual growths and stat-averages.

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For me it's always been Soren. In all my 10+ play throughs of RD he has NEVER turned out as well as people like to say he does. In fact I have had a few runs where Ilyana, yes Ilyana, outperforms him. The funny thing is he never seems to have this issue in PoR, just RD.

I can't really think of one that's overperformed? I'm sure it's happened though.

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Jill. Just Jill. She NEVER seems to live up to the hype she always gets. And this is in both PoR and RD, mind you.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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For the longest time, i assumed that Sophia was one of the better units in Binding Blade because she always turned out decently every time i trained her. So when everyone told me she's one of the series' worst units, i thought what they were saying is bullshit. Nowadays, i know better but that still doesn't stop me from training her because it's worth it in the end.

On the flip side, Sue and Shin are apparently good but i have yet to see that.

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Jill in PoR for me has never turned out good, even though people consider her a really good unit once her growths kick in. For me, they never do.

And oddly enough, SoV Clive in the opposite way. People say his growths suck all around, but i've only had a single run where he didn't turn out good even on hard mode without any out of the way grinding.

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I have never gotten a good Erk. 

I've been playing FE7 fairly often for 15 goddamn years now, and I don't think I've ever seen him get above 15 in any stat by endgame. 

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On the bad side, Sain and Kent. I normally don't use them, but they'd always pick up a level or two in Lyn Mode and they were universally disappointing (1 or 2 stat-ups). My most recent run I decided to actually train them up and while Sain turned out decently enough with his great Strength, Kent was underwhelming. Too balanced for his own good.

On the good side Lance has always turned out absurdly good, certainly leagues better than Allen and Noah. I remember recruiting Perceval (albeit on Normal) and realizing my Lance was significantly better everywhere except in Resistance and weapon levels.

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In Awakening, it’s Virion usually. In Fates, it’s a tie between Nyx and Odin. 

Almost every run I’ve had, Virion gets speed screwed despite having a 60% speed growth. 

Meanwhile, Nyx prefers gaining skill or luck over speed despite having a 60% speed growth and having atrocious growths in luck and skill.  Elise’s  growth rate in speed is only 5% higher and somehow, she gains much more speed than Nyx. 

Then there’s Odin who is one of the earliest benchwarmers for my team. The most level ups he ever got was six. He gained one point of magic and three points of strength in six level ups. 

Edited by Paris
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On the bad side, for whatever reason, My Mathilda sucked ass. She had trash stats in most of her and she had a really hard time staying alive. Also Shiva.


On the good side for me , Rinkah and Machyua. Rinkah always had plenty of strength for me, and Machyua was amazing in all stats and far outclassed Shiva.

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Radiant Dawn Jill. In Path of Radiance she's an absolute defense tank that not even Ashnard can damage, but in every Radiant Dawn playthrough she's just failed to gain any sort of momentum despite people saying she's one of the best characters in the game.

Oon the flip side there's Astrid who always turns out amazing for me, but that's because I actually manipulate her stats using Blossom. But still, with careful use of Bonus EXP, she can legitmately cap every stat before reaching 20/20/20.

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On 26.3.2018 at 7:27 PM, JimmyBeans said:

For me it has always been Camilla.... She is always super low on hp and does very little damage despite everyone saying she is a top tier unit. Every run I found her to be weaker than beruka after leveling them both up so I was baffled when I saw her actual growths and stat-averages.

Same here, actually. It's probably because people tend to focus on her boobs more than anything else.
The only purpose Camilla serves nowadays is breeding an unstoppable Velouria. After that, it's bench city for her.

Silas is another example for me. I highly doubt his growth rates are actually that high. I've had several playthroughs where I would level Silas and his Defence just stayed at its base. Combined with him being slow as all get-out, that was another reason for me to disregard him completely and just focus on other, better units.

From Echoes, there is Palla and Catria, who continually failed to live up to their reputation among the community. For being "among the best characters in the entire game", they sure do pitiful amounts of damage, don't take many hits and to top it all off are prone to get doubled by many lategame enemies, more specifically, Mogalls and Dread Fighters.

On the flipside, we have Hana, who is consistently among my best units in any Birthright or Revelation playthrough I do. She even vastly outperforms Ryoma by the time he joins. Needless to say, I have a hard time seeing how she is supposedly among the "worst units" in Fates.

For units who don't grow as they're supposed to from older games, we have Edward from Radiant Dawn, who starts out being shit and consistently stays shit throughout the entire game.
Another example would be Ike from Path of Radiance, who magically becomes good after promoting to a Lord, but before that, hoo boy, does he NOT live up to his reputation.

Edited by DragonFlames
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I don't think it's so much my Alms have turned out bad, as the first of mine in SoV turned out above average and the rest have ended up being average/a little below average. Double Lion aside, Alm is not that godly in FE15, not bad, but not a one-man army at all, a DF much outdoes him.

And I'm not so sure, but I don't think I've ever had an amazing Canas. He's a bit overrated honestly, Luna is only for bosses and if you want a chance to crit a generic in exchange for what is likely less power. Sans Luna, he is using Flux and is hardly any different functionally from Lucius or Erk.

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I've like, never had any good Nolans in my life. He scarcely gets good levels for me.
Meanwhile everytime I play RD all of my Leonardos are blessed in every stat. 

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My first playthrough of PoR my Mia kept gaining STR, SKL, and SPD along with other stats with every level eventually getting to the point where she didn’t know what a weapon triangle was.  I was baffled when she didn’t live up to those expectations and ran into weapon lock issues and poor STR in subsequent playthroughs until I researched her growths.

Subaki and Azura during my first birthright playthrough made me wonder if I was getting RNG screwed or if I kept getting these odd level-ups that didn’t contribute to their roles or build on their bases.  Then I researched their growths and learned IntSys has a sense of humor.

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Wend- *cough*, Gwendolyn, from FE6. Her bases suck, everyone knows that, and her growth rates are medicore, most of them being in the 40s, with HP at 85% and Def at 30%. While trainign her is a pain, the outcome isn't exactly too rewarding, so she should just end up usable.

Amazingly however, she always ends up with pretty high stats in my playthroughs (all of them except Res end up in the 20s).



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1 minute ago, Flee Fleet! said:

Amazingly however, she always ends up with pretty high stats in my playthroughs (all of them except Res end up in the 20s).


Lv 20/20 HP 55.3 Str 23.2 Skl 20.2 Spd 22 Lck 23.1 Def 22.4 Res 7.8

So expectable. Of course according to your wording, I expect that in your case they were even higher and sooner in coming then the averages here.

Her stats issue is that outside of HP and Luck her "midgame self" perhaps we could call it, at 20/0, is the same as Normal base stats Melady. And of course there is the bad class and poor bases as well.

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20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So expectable. Of course according to your wording, I expect that in your case they were even higher and sooner in coming then the averages here.

Well, checking a screenshot of her in my first playthrough, she's level 13 and has about the same stats as the averages of her stats you posted, with lesser HP and more Res and Skill. I guess I should worded my post more clearly, sorry.



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3 minutes ago, Flee Fleet! said:

Well, checking a screenshot of her in my first playthrough, she's level 13 and has about the same stats as the averages of her stats you posted, with lesser HP and more Res and Skill. I guess I should worded my post more clearly, sorry.

No need for apologies, I was just trying to make the point that Wendy does eventually get good stats. It just takes a while, lucky for you that it took less.

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15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

No need for apologies, I was just trying to make the point that Wendy does eventually get good stats. It just takes a while, lucky for you that it took less.

Ah, I see then. I guess I just always assumed her averages were lower than 20 except in Speed, HP, and Skill. I don't really know why, but oh well.

I'm still puzzled why they gave her low base stats. In fact, many FE6 units have so many problems. Was that their way of making the game difficult?


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Artur over performed so much I I just assumed he was supposed to cap pretty much everything without even being max level. Odin also apparently got RNG blessed heavily as all of his stats were good. Mozu makes me question the accuracy of her health growth as she almost never gets a health level up when I play making her rather difficult to use, I honsestly thought that Azura and Elise had better hp growths than Mozu but I was wrong.

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21 hours ago, Flee Fleet! said:

I'm still puzzled why they gave her low base stats. In fact, many FE6 units have so many problems. Was that their way of making the game difficult?

Probably. But FE6 has major balancing issues, so it might be that, too.

Another unit that always turns out amazing for me is Lute in FE8. She always ends up with amazing Magic, Skill, Speed and Resistance and is vastly superior to Saleh and every other mage in the game. I once had a Lute so strong, she did more damage to monsters with standard weaponry than others with the Slayer skill or some legendary weapons.

On 1.4.2018 at 7:33 PM, Bubba Jones said:

My first playthrough of PoR my Mia kept gaining STR, SKL, and SPD along with other stats with every level eventually getting to the point where she didn’t know what a weapon triangle was.

That's every Mia for me, hence why she's my all-time favourite Fire Emblem character (there are other reasons for that as well, though) and unit.
And then Radiant Dawn came along and Mia turned out to be even stronger than Ike. In every playthrough I did. I don't know how or why, but it just... happens. I don't even use any stat-boosters on her. I usually give all of them to Sanaki once she joins.

Edited by DragonFlames
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Eliwood for me. He struggles to keep up with Lyn's strength, and barely keeps up with Hector's speed. Neither of those things should be true.

He certainly doesn't do this on a regular basis, but I've had one Guy, 20/20 HNM, no stat boosters or RNG abuse, hit only 24 speed, 20 strength, and a whopping 20 defense.

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I just remembered my very first playthrough of Blazing Blade, where Hector legitimately had worse aim than Darkness from Konosuba. He almost never hit things and because of it, by the time endgame came around, Hector was only a Lv.7 Lord. That's how much he sucked. This has only ever happened in my first playthrough but what an abysmal first impression of a unit. I almost didn't want to do a second playthrough out of fear of Hector sucking that badly.

On 4/1/2018 at 4:04 PM, Flee Fleet! said:

I'm still puzzled why they gave her low base stats. In fact, many FE6 units have so many problems. Was that their way of making the game difficult?

I think it's more of just the fact that a lot of units in FE6 are Est-types, except for Ziess who is an Est-type but joins at Lv.7. It just doesn't make sense to me. Wendy and Lilina both join in the same chapter. Both are Lv.1. Fir joins one (two if the Gaiden is counted) chapter later, also Lv.1. Lalum/Elphin join later but also Lv.1 (but they are Dancers so eh). Then, probably the most infamous of the bunch, Sophia joins in Ch.14, also at lv.1. Aside from Wendy and the Dancers, these characters starting at Lv.1 isn't too much of an issue since i know how to train them but i guarantee that Wendy and Sophia would not be at the bottom of the tier lists if they started at a decent level. It's something i hope that a remake fixes.

Of course, i never dived into Hard Mode because the one time i tried, everyone died on the first map.

19 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Another unit that always turns out amazing for me is Lute in FE8. She always ends up with amazing Magic, Skill, Speed and Resistance and is vastly superior to Saleh and every other mage in the game.

Isn't Lute good normally though?

Fun fact, her Magic and Res growths are higher in the Japanese version (70% Magic growth in Japan vs 65% in international versions and 45% Res growth in Japan vs 40% in international versions).


On the subject of Sacred Stones, my Amelia always turns out great. I always make her a General because the concept of a fast General is hilarious to me. On the flip side, Ross is never good for me, despite having the best join time out of all the Trainees. Knoll also turns out good for me and spamming summons to wear down the weapons of the bosses in Ch.15 until they are completely defenseless is a perfectly viable strategy.

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