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Valentia Accordion Translation Project Thread

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10 minutes ago, Sock said:

Thabes is...destroyed... Wow, wait, what?!

It was never rebuilt, was it?

Is THIS why Duma set out to destroy Thabes in the first place? Too powerful, indeed.

It wasn't rebuilt. I'm saying that the entire case that the Senate sent messengers and soldiers for Forneus before they ultimately decided to seal the workshop happened AFTER Grima had already killed Forneus. After the sealing was done, Duma must have sent soldiers to destroy Thabes. 

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Struggles to hold back the bile rising within*

NO! Keep Tellius in its own world! Ashunera better not be retconned into an incarnation of Naga. I have nothing against Archandraltia (I think by this point we could use a name for the entire planet), but Tellius must be kept pure!

Yeah, I'm with @Interdimensional Observer on this one. I'd prefer if we DIDN'T have this kind of connection and Ashunera being some form of Naga as well. The Tellius series has built up a very solid world and structure, and to really make connections like this would destroy the very foundations of the Tellius series.

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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

"It was not"? So there was no menace from the west despite fears one would come. Duma was that menace, but never came because Alm and Celica slew him.

I think it was meant to imply that the dragonkin party came from off-shore, but they were not the calamity described in Furian folklore.

Here's something else you might like. Dunno if I can translate any more today, since it's getting late.

The Death Masks

The critical component in the death mask is a particular shelled insect,
born accidentally during an experiment to create artificial life.
It is as big as a thumb and resembles a shellfish.
I have come to call these marvels of nature thanatophages.

Placed on a cadaver, shockingly, thanatophages set down roots
and assert control by means of internal parasitism,
and are capable of moving the body.

By embedding the thanatophages so they live on the reverse side of
the mask, the death mask is born.

When there is no bait, the thanatophages inside the mask sleep
like a stone.

When placed on a person and given the proper stimulus,
they can erode the host body and freely control them within 2 nights.

Some kind of preservation fluid is ejected from the thanatophages' roots,
which suppresses the host's decay; it appears that they can be preserved
for a long time. It also seems like the body muscles are toughened
compared to before death.

Thanatophages feast on the flesh of the host, but it seems they like to
move the host to hunt for prey and take in nutrition that way.

The masks exist to tell the thanatophages that their will is mine,
to control them. The shape and design of the mask is based on the
face of my deceased wife.

Since the cadaver can move. Then, what would happen if they were
placed on a living human... it is interesting to think about.
Thanks to the senate, I have many cadavers at my disposal.
I can create an army of masks.

They are faithful and only listen to my orders.
Some may call them hideous, but to me, they are my adorable pets.

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19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Struggles to hold back the bile rising within*

NO! Keep Tellius in its own world! Ashunera better not be retconned into an incarnation of Naga. I have nothing against Archandraltia (I think by this point we could use a name for the entire planet), but Tellius must be kept pure!

You say this but currently this franchise is trying to interconnect everything, so its only a matter of time I think. 

FE7 Echoes if it ever happens will probably retcon the Dragon Gate into an Outrealm Gate as well.

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7 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

It wasn't rebuilt. I'm saying that the entire case that the Senate sent messengers and soldiers for Forneus before they ultimately decided to seal the workshop happened AFTER Grima had already killed Forneus. After the sealing was done, Duma must have sent soldiers to destroy Thabes. 

Yeah I got all that. Sorry if I'm not making sense--you totally blew my mind that Grima could be soooo old.

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So I saw someone post this from the concept section of the book:



Clive was very hot, why was this changed.

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3 minutes ago, Sock said:

Yeah I got all that. Sorry if I'm not making sense--you totally blew my mind that Grima could be soooo old.

He IS that old. He's older than Tiki. Grima may have existed possibly 5000-6000 years now. 

9 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

The masks exist to tell the thanatophages that their will is mine,
to control them. The shape and design of the mask is based on the
face of my deceased wife.

OH GOD! They really had to go there on the necrophilia now. 

Oh yes, Forneus, make the Death Masks resemble your dead wife that take over corpses. 

10 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

The masks exist to tell the thanatophages that their will is mine,
to control them.
The shape and design of the mask is based on the
face of my deceased wife.

Since the cadaver can move. Then, what would happen if they were
placed on a living human... it is interesting to think about.
Thanks to the senate, I have many cadavers at my disposal.
I can create an army of masks.

They are faithful and only listen to my orders.
Some may call them hideous, but to me, they are my adorable pets.

And this clearly shows that Forneus has a thing for control. He wanted to kill Grima because Grima COULDN'T be controlled.

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5 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

Placed on a cadaver, shockingly, thanatophages set down roots
and assert control by means of internal parasitism,
and are capable of moving the body.

By embedding the thanatophages so they live on the reverse side of
the mask, the death mask is born.

When there is no bait, the thanatophages inside the mask sleep
like a stone.

When placed on a person and given the proper stimulus,
they can erode the host body and freely control them within 2 nights.


"Thanatophages"- death eaters.

So what have learned today? FE now features the stuff of sci-fi horror.

I just hope those thanatophages can't go flying off the masks and land on somebody. I'd hate to explore Thabes and have Kliff suddenly become infected.


1 minute ago, Jedi said:

You say this but currently this franchise is trying to interconnect everything, so its only a matter of time I think. 

Then I shall revolt and reject, and summon Lord Almighty Lavos to undo it all! Time Devourer, sever the shackles being placed on the multiverse! Just as I am with the Zelda franchise- let each Legend be appreciated on its own merits, free from absurd ties and detached from the rest.

Or so I prefer to do, I, some interconnection is fine, and I let people enjoy that. I won't oppose WW being tied to OoT. But I stand against needless post facto bonding that does nothing for and possibly undermines the games being bound together. Which is what connecting Tellius to the rest would do.

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11 minutes ago, Jedi said:

You say this but currently this franchise is trying to interconnect everything, so its only a matter of time I think. 

FE7 Echoes if it ever happens will probably retcon the Dragon Gate into an Outrealm Gate as well.

Well, it A) doesn't need to be retconned because it was described as an Outrealm Gate to begin with and B) Fates has a Dragon's Gate that is an Outrealm Gate, so the reverse should be true.

Nils calls the Dragon's Gate a portal in time and space, which is functionally the same as an Outrealm Gate.

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10 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

Well, it A) doesn't need to be retconned because it was described as an Outrealm Gate to begin with and B) Fates has a Dragon's Gate that is an Outrealm Gate, so the reverse should be true.

Nils calls the Dragon's Gate a portal in time and space, which is functionally the same as an Outrealm Gate.

Very true, I forgot the Time & Space line haha, so it wouldn't exactly be a retcon.

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1 hour ago, Sock said:

You're compass is reversed. Valentia/Valm is the western continent and Archanea/Ylisse is the eastern continent.


1 hour ago, Sbuscoz said:

The "left" in a map is the west, while the "right" is the east. That's why China/Japan are in the east and America in the west, the name "western" of the movie genre, and the "wild west" should make it quite obvious. 


1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:

Yeah, you're definitely mixing the compass here. Valentia is the west, and Archanea the east. The only time what you said made sense is if you're basing this off of the world map from Complete, where it shows Archanea to be the western continent.

Yeap I messed up and I'm still trying to figure out why. I had a very stupid moment, my bad.

1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:

He wasn't actually inside a womb. He was inside a vial. And somehow a very big one since he eventually grew the size of a puppy. 

But Grima wasn't necessarily good. He clearly had dark and violent thoughts and had destructive urges. 

I know it was a vial but since it had created Grima and was currently keeping him in a form of gestation I referred to it as a womb. By the sound of it Grima was still developing in that vial when Forneus realized it couldn't control it and decided to kill it.

I don't think Grima was good more so that he could have been better then he ended up being had Forneus not done whatever he did to him. Nah had destructive urges as well so that might just come from being part dragon. The dark thoughts were most likely a result of his conception however. I can't imagine a divine dragon willingly giving Forneus their blood, and that along with whatever forbidden magic he was using would have resulted in that. We do have examples throughout the series of what happens when you mess around with dark magic, and it is never a good thing. Of course this could mean Grima was damned from conception, but I like to think that he could have learned to control the dark and destructive urges because I lean more on the nurture side of the nature vs nurture argument.

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Geez, why are people always obsessed with their dead wives? And using her image to make zombies no less. At least Forneus didn't try to cause the apocalypse to reunite with his wife like some people did. Though Forneus did cause an apocalypse indirectly,  but that's neither here nor there...

The most interesting thing here, to me, is that all of this and Duma's-destroying-Thabes business happened while the Earth Dragons, including Medeus and Loptyr, and other dragon tribes were still around. How did they feel about Thabes? Did Naga not invite them to her "let's advance human civilization" party? Maybe Loptyr thought it would be funny to anonymously send Forneus some of his blood and see what happened.

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16 minutes ago, Jedi said:

You say this but currently this franchise is trying to interconnect everything, so its only a matter of time I think. 

FE7 Echoes if it ever happens will probably retcon the Dragon Gate into an Outrealm Gate as well.

But it's really not? FE1-5 & 13 were always connected to begin with. 9/10 still have nothing explicit and the biggest connection (I'm aware there's other, more minor things you can read into), Priam, is explicitly from another realm. Elibe & Jurgdal have gotten no connections to the others at all, beyond the bonus items and Lyn being reminded of Mark which just seems like a cute nod to previous avatars and the player likely being the same. And even so far as bonus items go the Awakening Armads (only available from spotpass) goes unremarked on even in the artbook. 

Fates.......miiiight connect to the big archanea timeline? Guess it depends how you want to look at the hoshidian children's death quotes and the Before Awakening dlc. It all seems a bit messy to me though and doesnt really add much, though...I mean it'd be nice to at least get a name for the continent before linking it to other things...

Warriors & Heroes just take the outrealm concept and run with it in different ways for the sake of bringing in a bunch of games together.

Now obviously this can always change moving forward, but I feel if they wanted to connect Tellius (or indeed, all the games) they'd probably be a little more explicit about it. Right now they seem content with just having Priam (or an ancestor) wander in through the outrealms and just mercenary-ing around.

36 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

The masks exist to tell the thanatophages that their will is mine,
to control them. The shape and design of the mask is based on the
face of my deceased wife.

That's uh

That's pretty messed up there, forneus. On multiple levels.

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2 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Geez, why are people always obsessed with their dead wives? And using her image to make zombies no less. At least Forneus didn't try to cause the apocalypse to reunite with his wife like some people did. Though Forneus did cause an apocalypse indirectly,  but that's neither here nor there...

The most interesting thing here, to me, is that all of this and Duma's-destroying-Thabes business happened while the Earth Dragons, including Medeus and Loptyr, and other dragon tribes were still around. How did they feel about Thabes? Did Naga not invite them to her "let's advance human civilization" party? Maybe Loptyr thought it would be funny to anonymously send Forneus some of his blood and see what happened.

Loptyr's an Earth Dragon, and the blood Forneus got was Divine Blood. I doubt there was a mix up here, since Naga and Tiki regard Robin to have power similar to their own, which is likely a result of Fellblood being concocted from Divine Blood. 

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50 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

I think it was meant to imply that the dragonkin party came from off-shore, but they were not the calamity described in Furian folklore.

Here's something else you might like. Dunno if I can translate any more today, since it's getting late.

The Death Masks

The critical component in the death mask is a particular shelled insect,
born accidentally during an experiment to create artificial life.
It is as big as a thumb and resembles a shellfish.
I have come to call these marvels of nature thanatophages.

Placed on a cadaver, shockingly, thanatophages set down roots
and assert control by means of internal parasitism,
and are capable of moving the body.

By embedding the thanatophages so they live on the reverse side of
the mask, the death mask is born.

When there is no bait, the thanatophages inside the mask sleep
like a stone.

When placed on a person and given the proper stimulus,
they can erode the host body and freely control them within 2 nights.

Some kind of preservation fluid is ejected from the thanatophages' roots,
which suppresses the host's decay; it appears that they can be preserved
for a long time. It also seems like the body muscles are toughened
compared to before death.

Thanatophages feast on the flesh of the host, but it seems they like to
move the host to hunt for prey and take in nutrition that way.

The masks exist to tell the thanatophages that their will is mine,
to control them. The shape and design of the mask is based on the
face of my deceased wife.

Since the cadaver can move. Then, what would happen if they were
placed on a living human... it is interesting to think about.
Thanks to the senate, I have many cadavers at my disposal.
I can create an army of masks.

They are faithful and only listen to my orders.
Some may call them hideous, but to me, they are my adorable pets.

Welp that was not something I needed explained in such detail IS but thank you? Seriously speaking Forneus has to got to be one of the most F-ed up people in the franchise. Why would you even think to do this, and then why corrupt your wife's image like that? I wonder if we will get Forneu's story on how he became so crazy because I highly doubt he was born this way o_O.

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1 minute ago, YingofDarkness said:

Welp that was not something I needed explained in such detail IS but thank you? Seriously speaking Forneus has to got to be one of the most F-ed up people in the franchise. Why would you even think to do this, and then why corrupt your wife's image like that? I wonder if we will get Forneu's story on how he became so crazy because I highly doubt he was born this way o_O.

Clearly Forneus wanted control. Perhaps his deceased wife is why he wanted to revive the dead and create the perfect life? 

He wanted to ultimately control life and death. 

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Considering he specifically made the godless abominations using his wife's face something he can fully control, I uh,I think he was probably not the best husband...

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33 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

Clearly Forneus wanted control. Perhaps his deceased wife is why he wanted to revive the dead and create the perfect life? 

He wanted to ultimately control life and death. 

Well yes but why? It is quite a leap to go from being a controlling husband to being a madman bent on creating the perfect life form. His wife might have been the trigger, but I don't think that is the whole story there. The amount of horrible things you can imagine he did just to be able to even start conducting these experiments is not something that just comes naturally I believe. Just from that passage we can assume some of the horrible things he did since it is obviously from his perspective.

  • The Thanatophages themselves are obviously his creations from his experiments in trying to create a life, and he is obviously happy with them both in him calling them marvelous and pets.
  • He had no problems using the bodies of the soldiers sent in to murder him to test out his little experiments.
  • Some of these bodies might have even been killed only recently considering that "two nights" comment.
  • The whole mask thing to begin with makes it obvious the guy has some serious control issues which is why he only considers Grima to be a monstrosity (he can't control it or he would have called that a pet as well). The fact that the mask is based on his dead wife's face just makes things creepier.
  • I actually wouldn't put it pass him to have used those Thanatophages on soldiers that were on the brink of death to test out what they would do to living people. Although this one is more speculation since he never says he does it. Just that it would be "interesting".
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So they included the information found in the game. That was nice of them.

It seems that IS is fixing lore and characterization problems after the games are released, which is proving to very much be a double edged sword for them. On the one hand, it allows them to obtain feedback and criticism, and use that extra time to fix or mend plot holes, and provide extra information about the world. On the other hand, a lot of this information would have been nice to have in the base games, and they could just update said games to have it available as an unlockable or something (or dlc, but would draw quite a bit of criticism).

I'm resisting the urge to say that Forneus played Plauge Inc., bought the Neurax worm, and enjoyed using them so much that he jumped at the chance to use the Thanatophages to emulate the game in real life.

Also, if, the risen are supposed to model his dead wife's face... either he wasn't a good sculptor or his wife wasn't much of a looker I am so, so, sorry for that!


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19 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Also, if, the risen are supposed to model his dead wife's face... either he wasn't a good sculptor or his wife wasn't much of a looker I am so, so, sorry for that!

Given how the mask has stitches and has living corpses snarling and such, it's pretty much the mask itself is contorted. 

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5 hours ago, VincentASM said:

I am making better progress than I thought. There are 5 accounts and I've transcribed 2 of the longest ones. Also, I was able to translate perhaps the most interesting one...

The Creation

At last, blood from a divine dragon!
Although it took some time to cross that dangerous bridge,
at least it wasn't a folly. Now I have the real thing.
Even just looking at it, the blood, its power is terrifying.

After mixing the divine dragon blood with human fluids, certain herbs and nectar,
I sealed the concoction in a vial and observed it for 40 days.
New life had been born. At first, it was a tiny thing, the size of a thumbnail.
Looking at it, it looked no different than a human fetus,
but without a doubt, it was a new life form that had the blood of the gods.
I carefully decided to watch over the growth of this new life form.

I kept it at the temperature of a horse's womb and, each day, I gave it my blood.
On the 80th day, its humanoid shape gradually started to disappear.
Eyes appeared, its neck grew and I could see a tail growing from its behind.

Slowly and slowly, it began to take the shape of a dragon.
However, it was an unusually-shaped dragon, not at all like a divine dragon.
Its six eyes seemed to be smiling at me from inside the vial.
Does it possess consciousness? Is it I that it's smiling at?

I think I have created something truly tremendous.
Even though it is now as big as a puppy,
it shows glimpses of a terrifying power.
I have yet to find a solution to control its rampage when it becomes an adult.

Its voice echoes in my head; I feel like I can see inside of it.
Within it, I can see dark thoughts, Violent thoughts.
It makes me tremble from my heart.
At the same time, I feel like it can look inside me.
As it stares at the trembling me, it smiles re-assuredly.

"That thing has become a dangerous existence that nobody can control.
It pains me, but I have decided to destroy it with my own hands."

(The account comes to an abrupt end.)


4 hours ago, VincentASM said:

By the way, here's the first parts that I skipped over.

Note that some of it may be slightly inaccurate because I had to guess or outright skip some tiny kanji.

"Unexpected Things"

(From a historian's transcripts)

In the dark night, I witnessed fireflies, then thousands upon thousands of death.
In the darkness, there may be the light of dawn.
Darkness has a will of its own, and it mockingly laughs at each life.


That fishing village was "unusual".
Everyone seemed to give me a deadly stare.
The shadows from the western sea that I saw, they were "unusual".

I heard the following old stories from those who lived in Furia for a long time.
It is said that a great calamity shall come here from the western seas.
An ancient fell god driven yonder by the divine dragons' ruler,
holding a grudge against the land of Archanea, shall return---
Therefore, they train in combat. To prepare to face the unknown horror.
So that's why the air in Furia Harbour feels so thick and tense.

When the Furians reach adulthood, it is said they test their bravery
by visiting the ancient city ruins in the north of the eastern desert.
The ruins are home to ruffians, and sometimes Terrors appear.
They are taught to travel the desert, where the horizons are naught but sand,
until they suddenly see the abandoned tower.
That tower is the tower of Thabes, the ruins' landmark.


That day, it was not the calamity that came from the western seas.
A hero that seemed to be cloaked in azure flames, and a maiden with shining wings.
They were... gods, or dragonkin with dragonstones;
a mysterious group that livened the place with their majestic presence.
But, in other words, they were "unusual"---
My curiosity gave me no choice but to follow them.


"It", suddenly was "there";
emotions beyond my knowledge awakened inside of me.
Fear, awe and despair---

Sealed with a Secret

Here are accounts left behind by various people.
These writings were carved on stone tablets retrieved from the depths of the Thabes Labyrinth;
they recounted a madness incomprehensible to common folk.
An abominable darkness within the Archanean continent where man and dragon co-existed.
Perhaps the inevitable outcome is--it is not safe to divulge.
If you are unfortunate to uncover these pages, I would recommend that you keep everything to yourselves.
--At the very least, it no longer has anything to do with me--


2 hours ago, VincentASM said:

I think it was meant to imply that the dragonkin party came from off-shore, but they were not the calamity described in Furian folklore.

Here's something else you might like. Dunno if I can translate any more today, since it's getting late.

The Death Masks

The critical component in the death mask is a particular shelled insect,
born accidentally during an experiment to create artificial life.
It is as big as a thumb and resembles a shellfish.
I have come to call these marvels of nature thanatophages.

Placed on a cadaver, shockingly, thanatophages set down roots
and assert control by means of internal parasitism,
and are capable of moving the body.

By embedding the thanatophages so they live on the reverse side of
the mask, the death mask is born.

When there is no bait, the thanatophages inside the mask sleep
like a stone.

When placed on a person and given the proper stimulus,
they can erode the host body and freely control them within 2 nights.

Some kind of preservation fluid is ejected from the thanatophages' roots,
which suppresses the host's decay; it appears that they can be preserved
for a long time. It also seems like the body muscles are toughened
compared to before death.

Thanatophages feast on the flesh of the host, but it seems they like to
move the host to hunt for prey and take in nutrition that way.

The masks exist to tell the thanatophages that their will is mine,
to control them. The shape and design of the mask is based on the
face of my deceased wife.

Since the cadaver can move. Then, what would happen if they were
placed on a living human... it is interesting to think about.
Thanks to the senate, I have many cadavers at my disposal.
I can create an army of masks.

They are faithful and only listen to my orders.
Some may call them hideous, but to me, they are my adorable pets.

Thanks for all the work! I knew there would be something nice in there lore wise. I could've sworn there wasn't much in the game itself in comparison, but wasn't sure as I didn't play it as thoroughly so left it in the hands of someone more familiar. xD

1 hour ago, Jedi said:

You say this but currently this franchise is trying to interconnect everything, so its only a matter of time I think. 

FE7 Echoes if it ever happens will probably retcon the Dragon Gate into an Outrealm Gate as well.

I would prefer they not force it too hard beyond what it already puts in there, yeah. xD

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2 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

Given how the mask has stitches and has living corpses snarling and such, it's pretty much the mask itself is contorted. 

I know. I was just making a(n admittedly morbid) joke.

As for why he modeled them after his dead wife... was Forneus not exactly right in the head, or was he well aware of the "crazy person tries to remake their deceased spouse" trope, knew people found it disturbing, and played it up for all it was worth. Or was it simply because he had memory of her face, and found it easy to recreate (for a less disturbing example, the Staute of Liberty's face was famously modeled after the sculptors mother). All of the above? Something else entirely?

This thread keeps getting more and more fun and interesting every time more information is released.

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8 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

I know. I was just making a(n admittedly morbid) joke.

As for why he modeled them after his dead wife... was Forneus not exactly right in the head, or was he well aware of the "crazy person tries to remake their deceased spouse" trope, knew people found it disturbing, and played it up for all it was worth. Or was it simply because he had memory of her face, and found it easy to recreate (for a less disturbing example, the Staute of Liberty's face was famously modeled after the sculptors mother). All of the above? Something else entirely?

This thread keeps getting more and more fun and interesting every time more information is released.

The mask resembles his wife's face. The mask is a symbol of his control over the thanatophagus. He considers them and the Risen to be his obedient pets. 

He wanted to always control his wife?

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2 hours ago, Azz said:

So I saw someone post this from the concept section of the book:

  Hide contents


Clive was very hot, why was this changed.

Whut. I'm sorry, the really long face looks so goofy. It's surprisingly out of place with everything else, maybe that's why.

Also, the best case scenario with Forneus modelling the death masks off his wife is some weird thing about placing her on a pedestal, likely after her (probably untimely) death. Best case. Did he just shoot miles ahead of Orson?

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So here is The Creation's profile. It doesn't actually say much, or anything --but that may be because they left that to the Secret lore that VincentASM is in the process of translating more of.

Duma is next on the tally. I'll try to do his concept art along with it (as well as Nuibaba as it mentions she wears a death mask, wonder if it's related to the above)



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