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Between sharpening the chisel for tablet presentations, and sending my toga to the laundry, two weeks.

What if instead of simply listening appreciatively to the music of the spheres, angels felt the desire to get down and boogie to it? Will we finally be able to answer the ages-old question "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?"

Edited by Karimlan
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Mr. Westinghouse. Or Mr. Electric, who served in the military.

Isn't it a funny coincidence that the guy who researched on the effects of LSD in the 60s had the name Leary as the last name? ;)


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8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

How long do / did you guys spend preparing presentations for school / university?

Usually a week or two weeks. Depends on how much research is required beforehand, and how important the project is. The longest time I ever spent working on a presentation was three weeks, and that was a group project that required compiling data from a survey, as well as creating several different logos, and we even filmed a small commercial. Our class was helping out a Credit Union who wished to update certain aspects of their marketing and appearance.

46 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

But who was phone?

Someones dad, apparently. A ghost dad, to be specific.


What's an ornithopter?

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37 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

What's an ornithopter?

A really crummy card from Magic: The Gathering.



on topic:

Because they are tiger familiars.

Why am I seeing serious answers on this thread?

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18 minutes ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

Think of a plane, except its wings flap like a bird and holds only one person.

No wonder they crashed... Thanks.

7 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

A really crummy card from Magic: The Gathering.

I'm not that familiar with Magic: The Gathering. I take it it can't do anything? Or Flying isn't that useful of an ability?

10 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

Why am I seeing serious answers on this thread?

Because some questions kind-of needed a serious answer, and taking a goofy question seriously is grounds for the comically serious trope.


Is it possible to play/download mobile games from other countries (Japan, South Korea, etc.)?

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19 hours ago, ProfImpossible said:



3 hours ago, Purple Mage said:

Why do Christian fundamenalists believe that their interpretations and added dogmas are 100% absolutely correct when the Bible teaches that humans are imperfect? @Hawkwing, can you lend me a hand here?

Extremism, I guess. It does that to people.

Why does writers block have to exist?

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Because the world hates us.

3 hours ago, Purple Mage said:

Why do Christian fundamenalists believe that their interpretations and added dogmas are 100% absolutely correct when the Bible teaches that humans are imperfect? @Hawkwing, can you lend me a hand here?

Because extremists are stupid. No exceptions.

What is the cooler character concept:
1) A human-like demon that has lived among other humans and can just make their weapon (in this case a single-edged sword) appear in their hand and imbue with fire or lightning magic
2) A fairy hiding their identity with magic powerful enough to bury an entire city under a sheet of never-melting ice that they can only tap into when they lose control of their emotions?

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4 hours ago, Purple Mage said:

Why do Christian fundamenalists believe that their interpretations and added dogmas are 100% absolutely correct when the Bible teaches that humans are imperfect? @Hawkwing, can you lend me a hand here?

I haven't met many, if any, fundamentalists in the sense that you are describing them. However, I will say that the moment you add or cut anything from the Bible, you're in danger of following a false doctrine. Similarly, you can't take verses out of context and expect them to work, and neither can you ignore them. Every word in the Bible has its place and meaning.

Anytime someone says something that seems to be their own interpretation of the Bible, it needs to be tested by the scriptures to see if it has a foundation. And not just "this verse said x," the surrounding context needs to be taken into consideration, along with the fact that in the area of prophesy, there can be dual (and more) fulfillment's.

17 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

Piledrivers or powerbombs?

Powerbombs seem more practical in an actual fight, even if the chances of using it are slim.


How does Ultima 4 still manage to a unique game to this day?

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Be lucky you aren't fighting some amalgamation of various mini-golems that form into one big, mega, golem that explodes. I swear I will kill that(those?) thing(s?).

Is it time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel?

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