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Because we humans are weirdly amused by weird things.

11 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

Well doesn't her father turn her into a dog? I'd be pretty rage filled too.

Close, she gets merged with her dog.

She gets killed afterward as an act on mercy since there's no way to change her back.

Why do the lyrics for Ring a Bell from Tales of Vesperia sound oddly romantic?

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I think that would just be called gelatin.

Why are teachers in real life not dressed like F!Byleth? That half-mini-skirt-half-dress paired with lacey stockings looks very nice.

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Because some teachers would look rather... er, distracting if they did that. Especially those over 40 and/or male. Good god, now I can't un-see it. Make it stop, MAKE IT STOP!!!

What would you call a banana milk shake if you removed the banana and the milk?

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Depends on the milkshake you're making.  The result would either be blended ice cream or an ice and cinnamon mix.

I've been running for the last 10 years trying to get to the other end of the world. When am I going to get to the other end?

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Never, because the Earth is in fact round, and round objects do not have a beginning or end. I know that might be news for some people due to the prevalence of the "Flat-Earthers" and their divine teachings (*barf*), but our home planet is not a disc, a pizza, or anything else that might be considered flat.

How unfortunate would it be if the sky's daylight color would change to green all of a sudden?

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From a scientific perspective, it would mean something significant is absorbing the blue light I think, or reflecting away the blue light. Scientists would with curiosity and concern explore why this has happened. The masses could go into more outright panic, or a sense of wonder. A sea-green would likely result in more aesthetic appreciation than mass panic. As the aesthetic loss of the blue color normally associated with the sky, I'm fine with a change for a time.

Did anyone ever make a Three Houses parody based on the HGTV show House Hunters?


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No idea, but I imagine Winterfell Castle would be sold at a discount with how horrible its defenses are. The new lord would need to raise the height of the wall, raise height of the towers on the wall, put an actual roof on all the towers, add crenelations, add machicolations, add more towers to the wall, dig a moat, rearrange the buildings in the bailey to be against the wall so you need to tear them all down and rebuild them, etc.

Would you rather live in a luxurious castle or a luxurious nuclear bunker?

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Somebody should. Right now.

8 hours ago, XRay said:

That half-mini-skirt-half-dress paired with lacey stockings looks very nice.

Agree to disagree here. Those leggings look ridiculous to me.

6 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Because some teachers would look rather... er, distracting if they did that. Especially those over 40 and/or male. Good god, now I can't un-see it. Make it stop, MAKE IT STOP!!!

All I could think of is this:

Related image

And I see I'm getting ninjaed so...DERP

I'd rather live in a castle unless the bunker has an arcade and a swimming pool.

What if it was FE Four Houses? What would the fourth house be and their leader?

Edited by Dragoncat
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The fourth house would be Green Kellam (to round out the Weapon triangle, assuming black is for colorless) because no one of proper class and standing would notice plebeians.

Why did I just realized I played the wrong game with my previous question?

8 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Agree to disagree here. Those leggings look ridiculous to me.

I find them really teasing and titillating, so very hawt.

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Because you didn't initially care about where you were posting.

So should I question what a fifth house would be or just make a new thread offering people to create their own houses for Three Houses if they were able to add their own new one?

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Eh, this is the thread for stupid questions, which means any questions, so go nuts!

6 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

All I could think of is this:

Related image


For those who didn't know, the entire Goofy Goober song at the end of the movie is actually a reference to the band who made the original song they're parodying here. The original song is called "I Wanna Rock" by Twisted Sister, and in the original music video the guys also walked around like that. Here's a link, for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRwrg0db_zY

How do I know a music video/song/band from the 80s when I was born in 1993?

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All kids are misunderstood in some way. Just not all kids have fairy godparents who grant wishes.

If Woody is a toy from the 80s and Toy Story takes place in the 90s, how did he not have an owner before Andy and if he did, why does he not remember them?

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Because someone thought they were clever when they replaced the "G" with an "M".

Why does every time Camilla speaks, I can't help but wonder if she has an R-rated backstory/childhood?

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It's Camilla's voice.

Has JK Rowling ever made a reference to My Immortal in any way, shape, or form?

I still think Supper Smash Bros Mishonh from God is worse than My Immortal.

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Maybe when she said wizards used to just poop on the floor and magic it away, she was referencing it. It makes perfect sense for a "fanfic" that's the literary equivalent of fingerpainting with your own feces.

Who would work better for Dunban in a hypothetical live action Xenoblade movie, Johnny Depp or Keanu Reeves? Bonus: for Reyn, Chris Hemsworth or Chris Pratt? Shulk = Elijah Wood (make him blond) and CGI Riki = Eddie Murphy lol.


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Dunban: Jason Momoa, Reyn: Dwayne Johnson, Shulk: Samuel L Jackson, Riki: Tara Reid... Okay now that I have that out of my system...

Dunban: Johnny Depp

Reyn: Chris Pratt (at least after a bit of a tan.)

Shulk: Elijah Wood if there's no options in this category.  I think Tom Felton could be a good second choice.

I think Eddie Murphy might not be high pitched enough to be Riki, though maybe it could be changed through sound mixer.  I'd pick Tom Kenny if I can make a choice here though.

Why can't I fart on my opponent at a Beyblade tournament when the franchise's slogan is "Let it rip!"?

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