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If we're talking about who is the most villain-like out of all of them, there's Xander, Camilla, Azura, Niles, Tharja, Henry, Peri, and / or Takumi. Take your pick.

7 hours ago, SMEDIA said:

Because some people have no taste in music; I mean, look at rap “music”.

No joke: One time in school, I was talking to some people about our tastes in music and I got called "racist" for disliking rap and hip-hop.

What is your opinion on the interchangeable legislative erosion of coffee beans?

Edited by DragonFlames
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Because you thought of a new title that fits what your story is about better than the old one.

Speaking of titles: Why do Anime episodes sometimes have two-part titles like "Explosive Showdown! Something something hero finally wins after 10 episodes of charging!"?

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I delude myself in claiming I have "20-20 vision," but in reality I think I really need reading glasses.

Are you hearing well?

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@IfIHadToPickADude's Question: Sure. I have glasses, but that's for nearsightedness in my right eye. I can see just fine without them, although the world is much more detailed with them on.


I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THESE *Bleeping* NINJA'S ON THIS *Bleeping(ly Awesome)* THREAD!

@Karimlan's Question: I hear just fine. My nose and ears have been filled with gunk since I was a kid, and a single wipe of a cotton swap or a single sneeze into a tissue with show how much I have, but needless to say, I can hear and breathe just fine.

Why did I legit loose sleep over questioning whether or not I read this correctly the first time I saw it?:



Edited by Hawkwing
Ninja's, so I made a reference.
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I don't blame you. I lost sleep over Tellah's "You spoony bard!" remark.

Why didn't you try the super-hot-fire-engine--fifth-level-alarm chili?

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20 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I didn't actually invent this idea, or any of those. The visual and audio quality is awful, and you can't get rid of the foreign subtitles, and its parceled into five smaller pieces despite being one episode, but start from 9:10 on this video, I saw this History Channel documentary back when I was naive and thought it actually taught history.

Huh. Interesting.

20 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

To summarize it, WWII desperation drove all of those ideas in the US, except for the Soviet dog bombs. The nuclear landmine chickens and Operation Acoustic Kitty were Cold War ideas the US had, unfortunately the Acoustic Kitty got ran over on its first mission. They also tested how far mosquitos would spread in case of biological warfare by dropping bombs with disease-free ones on a half-acre of Georgia populated by innocent civilians. 

So... they planned to have a chicken sit on (or at least, be around) a NUCLEAR LANDMINE, just to keep it from getting cold? I am simply amazed at the scientists of the cold war. I.. really can't say anything more than that.

Also, sad to hear that the Acoustic Kitty died. May it rest in peace.

The mosquito thing actually does sound reasonable, although I wonder if the test backfired in any way.

20 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I think it was Eleanor Roosevelt's dentist who came up with the incendiary bats idea. Bats like going under the eaves of buildings- release hordes of them to burn Tokyo, built mostly of wood, to the ground. Though why not just use regular incendiary bombs? Those actually did destroy Tokyo, and is why Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuked- Tokyo was already nonexistent. Apparently, the fire bats accidentally ignited themselves in their US storehouse, thus dooming the experiment. Oh well. Off to the history books like the Medieval Chinese fire pheasants back when gunpowder was first born and imperfected and used more for a burn than a bang.

That's... interesting, to say the least. I really cannot comment more than that.

Although now I'm reminded of the Legend of Zelda for some reason...


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@Hawkwing I don't get the reference or the point of the Skyward Sword screenshots?

A bratty toddler, a neo nazi, and a rude douchebag go to the movies. Who gets kicked out first?

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Trump. (am I right to suggest that’s an answer you had in mind coming up with that question. Technically, all three of those terms describe him.)

Am I the only person who’s favorite FE character is Neimi? I saw pix of a Japanese girl cosplaying as her once, but unfortunately, she wasn’t pretty enough to be Neimi.


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Probably stuff about Colm ripping her off and not cashing her outside.

9 hours ago, SMEDIA said:

Trump. (am I right to suggest that’s an answer you had in mind coming up with that question. Technically, all three of those terms describe him.)

OH MY GOD you're right! Totally unintentional. Honest.

What if Grumpy Cat met a grumpy dog?

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They'd have a grump-off that would end in a tie, and then they'd make a YouTube channel called Pet Grumps.

What's a more interesting concept:
1) A fairy that went insane after she lost her human lover and now wants to take revenge on the elders who banished her for violating fairy law by getting involved with mortals and trying to use her almost god-like power to their benefit
2) a prince of a dying kingdom constantly embroiled in civil war who seeks ultimate power to unite his homeland (and also the world) under his banner and become an immortal ruler?

Totally not trying to decide on a villain for my story. Nope.

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I like option 2. Mainly because my preconceived notions of what a fairy is makes it hard to take option 1 seriously unless you were going for a Maleficent type fairy, but I also think option 2's villain sounds like a potentially more interesting character so long as he's not motivated by malice and believes that what he's doing is good, a hero of his own story if you will. But don't let my suggestions limit your own creative freedom.

Why don't I write my own stories despite the fact I am comfortable providing insight on storytelling devices?

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I don’t know; maybe you just haven’t tried?

In regards to the question before that, I prefer the vengeful fairy.

My question: also in regards to the question before that, did the second option remind anyone of Breath of Fire 4’s villain, Fou-lu?

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Maybe you have a fixation on the game. :P

(since no one answered this earlier) Why didn't you try the super-hot-fire-engine--fifth-level-alarm chili?

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