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No and yes. No because they presently don't exist. Yes, because some people will take me seriously tomorrow when I take this $5 banner I just made saying "Airplanes Are A Lie!" and raise it over my head in a city plaza.


Why do I have such a hard time finishing video games?

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It's the taste of the fact you're going to hell for putting pineapple on pizza, you filthy heathen.

Jk don't kill me

Can we get Three Houses dlc where we can play as the gatekeeper?

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No, but we can get DLC where we can tame the demonic beasts and keep them as battle pets.

A drunk driver runs over a pregnant woman. Is the driver getting charged for double or singular manslaughter?

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Possibly double manslaughter depending on the state.

Why are broccoli chips so good? If you live near a Trader Joe's, check theirs out, they are seriously delicious. I bought a bag yesterday and they taste sooooooo good! You can also make your own if you are not lazy like me, although I have never tried baking it before so the results may vary wildly.

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No. I would not stick my junior in crazy.

If you can have multiple S supports would you S support multiple characters?

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4 hours ago, XRay said:

No. I would not stick my junior in crazy.

Best answer ever.

3 hours ago, Espurrhoodie said:

Why do I get the feeling I'm considered to be the elusive one in my family?

Your avatar is Marianne, so that.

A guy goes to a river on the border between two states. He has no fishing license. What would he need to ensure that he can legally fish? A license from the state he came from, a license from the other state, or both?

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She probably is! And so is my Uncle Brad, he's not a stereotype either.

Why are there old people names that are mildly offensive? Fanny, Gay, Dick...

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Because they weren't offensive at one point. Or people just accepted the offensiveness/ignored sometimes. It might have been the latter, given I once read to bypass morality censors, WWII soldiers and their beloveds would sometimes use acronyms. One of those was ENGLAND- Every Naked Girl Loves A Naked Dick.


Will the next Animal Crossing game feature anthropomorphized versions of the Three Houses house leaders each as their house animal with the matching coloring?

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OMG if it does that'd be so awesome. I'd commission an artist for that in a heartbeat. Actually I think I'll attempt it myself.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It might have been the latter, given I once read to bypass morality censors, WWII soldiers and their beloveds would sometimes use acronyms. One of those was ENGLAND- Every Naked Girl Loves A Naked Dick.

Lol that's clever.

After finally listening to Inheritors of Arcadia:

  1. Why is Celica never alluded to? Couldn't she be "ruby lioness" to go with Alm being "jasper lion"?
  2. Shouldn't Duma get to sing a little? He wasn't evil! He just went insane. I think he should have had some lines in there.
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Well, there is the line "I am the Earth and I'll make you strong" in there. While obviously from Mila's perspective, she was never really about strength. That's Duma's thing, so perhaps that line is at least referencing the guy. There are other lines that could reference both Mila and Duma, too. The line "One life surrendered so yours can begin" for example may allude to Alm having to kill Duma for good in order to a future without gods for Valentia.
Another possible explanation is that it is the voice actress of Silque is singing it (possibly in reference to the character's epilogue, where she travels the world and tells the story of SoV to the people) and she was a follower of Mila, so maybe that's why there's little to nothing about Duma. 
As for Celica, well... the game's story is often criticized for shafting Celica (not in that way, you dirty-minded being you!) in order to make Alm look good. Even if I personally do not agree with it fully, that might be something to consider.

On a scale from 1 to "Oh my god, I AM a god!", how strong are your Three Houses units currently?
If you don't have Three Houses yet, change the second part of the question to: "how strong is your favorite Fire Emblem character as a unit?"

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Like 2. Month 5. Not even timeskip yet.

Why has there been three male lords in FE called lions? First Young Lion(Roy), then Jasper Lion(Alm), now Dimitri is a blue lion.

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I'm only on month 5...

What would happen if I took all my old stretched out bras and underwear and stuffed them in the exhaust pipes of cars in the apartment complex parking lot?

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You will make the cars have kinks, but you will make the mechanics feel kinky.

When most people sleep together, someone gets pregnant. But why do when pet owners and their pets sleep together, no one gets pregnant?

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Because teh species are incompatible.

20 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

If you don't have Three Houses yet, change the second part of the question to: "how strong is your favorite Fire Emblem character as a unit?"

Meet Ballista Wolt. He is a god.


Why do I like Marisa?

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