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Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer


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Because they require more than one person to play, and often times they have together work as a team. Since life is unpredictable, you won't always have the time or the ability to play with someone you know, while random people online are often unreliable and untrustworthy as teammates.

Dammit, I didn't see that this thread had an extra page. Feel free to ignore this unless you like things without context.

As for @Dragoncat's question:

They aren't. The funny part about them is they either show just how bad a person is at making an insult, or to show  how little respect a person garners when thier opponent doesn't even bother making a proper insult (Such as Poes "Your Mom" joke to General Hux who's a legitimate bastard in "The last Jedi.")

Who was in charge of naming the constellations?

Edited by Hawkwing
Forgot there was another page.
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Because you enjoy paying rent? Who enjoys paying rent? Weirdo xD

Why does the US have such a terrible education system?

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Oh boy, where do I start? 1.) low pay for teachers (and the very small amount of money given to schools in general) 2.) Lack of effort put in by most parties involved (if people don't want to learn they're not gonna) 3.) Public misunderstanding of just how important schooling is, why/how much you have to pay for it. 4.) The social stigma that school is just a place you suffer though to get a piece of paper, rather than a place you go to learn very important life skills. I'm barely scratching the surface here, but these are boring, so how about gremlins? It's cause they got too many gremlins wet and now they have to spend a bunch of money to keep the gremlin plague under control.

Who ya gonna call?


Edited by ProfImpossible
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1 hour ago, SMEDIA said:

If Serra from FE7 could be your sex slave, would you gag her?

...I've already had a... talk... with several members of this thread on the matters of sex.

We're not having the same conversation again.

First of all, slavery is wrong, no matter what kind it is or what time period we're talking about. The general perception that the people of those time periods had on the topic is an entirely different conversation, but it was, is, and always will be wrong, and it is too serious a topic to be treated lightly, even today.

Second, sex trafficking is also a very serious issue that should never, ever, be treated lightly. It would be an understatement to say that it permanently damages the lives of the victims, and that the wicked people who engage in this kind of practice will rot in Hell.

Third, do not bring up any twisted fetish, no matter what it is. Perversions of any kind should not be treated as 'normal,' no matter what it's about.

I'm not even going to do a joke comment on that question. Never ask anything like that again.


...What the hell am I supposed to ask after something like that?

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2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

...I've already had a... talk... with several members of this thread on the matters of sex.

We're not having the same conversation again.

First of all, slavery is wrong, no matter what kind it is or what time period we're talking about. The general perception that the people of those time periods had on the topic is an entirely different conversation, but it was, is, and always will be wrong, and it is too serious a topic to be treated lightly, even today.

Second, sex trafficking is also a very serious issue that should never, ever, be treated lightly. It would be an understatement to say that it permanently damages the lives of the victims, and that the wicked people who engage in this kind of practice will rot in Hell.

Third, do not bring up any twisted fetish, no matter what it is. Perversions of any kind should not be treated as 'normal,' no matter what it's about.

I'm not even going to do a joke comment on that question. Never ask anything like that again.


...What the hell am I supposed to ask after something like that?

Something unrelated and lighthearted.

As for my question, @SMEDIA, what is wrong with you?

Edited by Purple Mage
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4 minutes ago, SMEDIA said:

I was joking; but if I offended anyone, then I apologize. I won’t do it again.

Apology accepted. As I said earlier, I already discussed a matter of s*xual origin with a few other members earlier on in this thread, and I don't want to get into another one. That, and your question went too far. I'm glad to see that you realized your mistake and won't repeat it.

On a side note, I've already edited my original posts on the subject matter if you know the original situation that I'm talking about, but I would still like to give my formal and sincere apologies on continuing that topic. I didn't start it, but in hindsight I did have a hand in escalating it, and I jumped the gun at times when I should have been patient. Again, I apologize for any discomfort that may have caused anyone.

To continue the thread:

Why is Blustone such a hard game to discuss with someone who hasn't played it before?

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Because Cold Steel the Hedgehog is in it (that joke has been made countless times, hasn't it?)

What's the difference between the Chaos Emeralds and the Infinity Stones?

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I just went wtf at the Serra sex slave thing. For the record the former topic was the penis size of fictional characters. Less wtf imo, I know the Serra sex slave thing was a joke but it's wrong...

Current question: The chaos emeralds are all green (I assume) while the infinity stones are all different colors (I assume)

What's so special about a show made for little girls to 20 some year old men? *coughMLPcough*

Edited by Dragoncat
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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Who is Vienna?

T'was a reference to the song "Vienna" by Billy Joel.


16 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

What's so special about a show made for little girls to 20 some year old men? *coughMLPcough*

Idk, probably some varying reasons.

Why do I want to play Monster Prom extremely badly?

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Because you like monsters and proms.

If an ambulance is going to save somebody and it runs somebody over does it save them?

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Cause not everyone has the dry cool wit of an action hero, like me.


Because every one knows 8:00 (I'm assuming this is around when you close) is the peak sandwich hour.


28 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

I just went wtf at the Serra sex slave thing. For the record the former topic was the penis size of fictional characters. Less wtf imo, I know the Serra sex slave thing was a joke but it's wrong...

 Not to keep bringing this subject up, but we were funnier too.

Seriously, what's up with pear flowers? They straight up smell terrible. (I have a pear tree in my yard that's currently flowering)

Edited by ProfImpossible
It doesn't take a genius, only a ninja
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