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What type of Trade mechanic would you prefer?

What type of Trade mechanic would you prefer?  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. What kind?

    • The typical version in which a unit can only use it once per turn
    • Thracia 776's version in which a unit can trade with multiple allies in a single turn
    • Genealogy of the Holy War's Pawn Shop

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I was doing work on my Fire Emblem: Ascension concept when I realized I didn't know if you could trade with multiple people in a single turn.  Eventually I found out that most games only let a unit use the Trade command once per turn, except in Thracia 776, in which a unit can trade with multiple allies in a single turn and create a sort of Trade chain.

That said, I'm curious as to which of these Trade systems you all prefer.  Of course, I can't see why anyone would want Genealogy of the Holy War's Pawn Shop system back, but I guess it too counts as a Trade system of sorts, so I included it as well.

Edited by Von Ithipathachai
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While Thracia's trade system is overall the best, the typical system we have now is probably for the better. It keeps things balanced and challenging, so if a unit needs a vulnerary but they're halfway across the map, then you'll need to rethink your strategies.

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All three? Seriously, I don't think there should be one definitive way of approaching Fire Emblem. Games should be willing to stray from the beaten track every now and then.

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24 minutes ago, MyBoyHector said:

I vote none of the above, its fire emblem, they should always try new things, so a new trade system would be far better!

What new system to you suggest? No trading at all? Only trading with a Merlinus style character? Free trading among units on the battlefield, but at a fee on their individual gold?

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I do't really care if there's a limit per turn, just so long as I don't have to pay to trade like in FE4.  

In FE4 it comes across as: "hm, I got this sword I can't use, better sell it so the guy next to me can buy it instead of giving it to the guy next to me who can use it."

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53 minutes ago, Jotari said:

What new system to you suggest? No trading at all? Only trading with a Merlinus style character? Free trading among units on the battlefield, but at a fee on their individual gold?

Any and all really, in the end its just another mechanic in the game that we the player, as strategists must work around. Though that last one does seem intriguing....

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2 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

I was doing work on my Fire Emblem: Ascension concept when I realized I didn't know if you could trade with multiple people in a single turn.  Eventually I found out that most games only let a unit use the Trade command once per turn, except in Thracia 776, in which a unit can trade with multiple allies in a single turn and create a sort of Trade chain.

That said, I'm curious as to which of these Trade systems you all prefer.  Of course, I can't see why anyone would want Genealogy of the Holy War's Pawn Shop system back, but I guess it too counts as a Trade system of sorts, so I included it as well.

Don't you have an option for a new type of trading?

It really depends on how your game is, if it contains of many small chapters, type 1 would work.

Or to increase difficulty, you can lock the trading for chapter preparation only, no in-chapter trading

or add 1 mobile convoy unit


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5 minutes ago, hanhnn said:

Don't you have an option for a new type of trading?

It really depends on how your game is, if it contains of many small chapters, type 1 would work.

Or to increase difficulty, you can lock the trading for chapter preparation only, no in-chapter trading

or add 1 mobile convoy unit


I asked because I was considering using Thracia-style Trade, since I like that it's a bit less error-prone.

It never occurred to me that people would actually be interested in revamping such a mundane mechanic.

Edited by Von Ithipathachai
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20 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

I asked because I was considering using Thracia-style Trade, since I like that it's a bit less error-prone.

It never occurred to me that people would actually be interested in revamping such a mundane mechanic.

Yeah, it really depends on how the game manage the items system.

If weapons can break and vanish into thin air like most games, trading between units is okay.

If weapons can be used as many times as possible, if it is broken, a repairshop/blacksmith can fix it anytime, then no trading.

Many people complain about the FE4's Pawnshop because of the price, it can be replaced with an global warehouse free of charge, but the stat boost items need to change how they work to avoid arena abuse.

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15 hours ago, hanhnn said:

Many people complain about the FE4's Pawnshop because of the price, it can be replaced with an global warehouse free of charge, but the stat boost items need to change how they work to avoid arena abuse.

In addition the stat boost items, another reason why I believe ye old pawn shoppe existed was because of the weapon kill bonus.

Imagine, if you would, being able to pass around, willy nilly, a Hero Sword that, say, Sigurd kills 100 foes with(because it wouldn't be hard at all). Then they'd be complaining about how broked, or how much easier that makes the game(somehow), and then the inevitable "oh dat kneeds to be balinced in muh eck oos"

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23 minutes ago, Soledai said:

In addition the stat boost items, another reason why I believe ye old pawn shoppe existed was because of the weapon kill bonus.

Imagine, if you would, being able to pass around, willy nilly, a Hero Sword that, say, Sigurd kills 100 foes with(because it wouldn't be hard at all). Then they'd be complaining about how broked, or how much easier that makes the game(somehow), and then the inevitable "oh dat kneeds to be balinced in muh eck oos"

Passing around the Hero Sword wouldn't change things that much since you're probably not going to have everyone on the battlefield use it in one turn, and if you do, it's going to break pretty quickly. The pawn shop trading probably more comes down to the fact that characters have individual bank accounts, which in turn was probably implemented so lovers have something they can actually do with each other aside from making children.

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2 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Passing around the Hero Sword wouldn't change things that much since you're probably not going to have everyone on the battlefield use it in one turn, and if you do, it's going to break pretty quickly. The pawn shop trading probably more comes down to the fact that characters have individual bank accounts, which in turn was probably implemented so lovers have something they can actually do with each other aside from making children.

And thieves, and as far as that particularity goes, the only thing I'd fix up is being able to set how much money to give, but you're hanging yourself up on something that was merely a minute example of many a possibility.


Anyway, for the topic, I wouldn't care what style is chosen in the future, hell you could invent an actually cumbersome trading process for all I care(e.g. Trading only once a stage, at the start...but don't). But you would see me with a wine glass and a good chuckle if ye olde pawn shoppe ever returned

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Anything except the Pawn Shop, as that is an arbitrarily mechanism that serves only for the sake of raising fake difficulty and throws common sense out through the window. (I can totally hear LP!Selena yell, "Just hand me over yer bloody weapon, ya dickhead!") Having individual bank accounts are also stupid for the same reason - just send the weapon purchase invoice to Army HQ for heck's sake. Just keep the marriage mechanism for some extra conversations, pair-up bonuses, and children for the second generation.

Edited by henrymidfields
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