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30th May's Legendary Hero Predictions

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We've gotten our last few banner reveals two days before they begin, and the L!Lyn trailer came out three days before her (granted, that was probably just to avoid datamining because they were pushin an update at the same time, but I digress), so it's a safe bet that we'll get our new Legendary trailer tomorrow. We know it's a Red Hero, so any predictions as to who it could be?

I think a Red Bow user is most likely, which probably means Alm.

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I'm really not sure. So far, the only Legendary character to not surprise me is Lyn. I didn't expect them to shift to non-OCs when Ike came, and I didn't expect Ephraim and Grima to follow him. I suppose a red bow user makes sense, so I suppose I'd also predict Alm.

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[Long moment of silence for it 100% guaranteed to not be Anri]

To be honest, I'd like another Tome Legendary. It's supposed to be a Fire Hero, right? In that case, the Nifl brother is unlikely because Ice Kingdom Fire Hero would be weird.
Maybe Laevatainn defects?

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Who said the hero is supposed to be fire?

I'm thinking we're getting a water one because we haven't gotten once since the very first one in Fjorm.

Edited by Anacybele
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16 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Who said the hero is supposed to be fire?

I'm thinking we're getting a water one because we haven't gotten once since the very first one in Fjorm.

I seem to recall their being some kind of order followed for the Legendary Heroes, though I don't recall what exactly that order was specifying. I did forget we only have one Water, though, so probably a Water, yeah, and I could see it being Fjorm's brother in that case.

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2 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

I seem to recall their being some kind of order followed for the Legendary Heroes, though I don't recall what exactly that order was specifying. I did forget we only have one Water, though, so probably a Water, yeah, and I could see it being Fjorm's brother in that case.

There doesn't seem to be any order as far as I can tell. So far it's gone:


No real pattern here. But if you do add water right after that last wind, it does create a mirror... So water actually seems more plausible if there's supposed to be an order.

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I'm predicting it to be the brother, since he's been mentioned in the story and I'm pretty sure Gunnthrá appeared the banner after she was mentioned (or maybe the banner before?).

That's just my theory, but I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong.

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48 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

I seem to recall their being some kind of order followed for the Legendary Heroes, though I don't recall what exactly that order was specifying. I did forget we only have one Water, though, so probably a Water, yeah, and I could see it being Fjorm's brother in that case.

That is with the assumption that being in Fjorm's family would make him water. Gunnthra was wind. He could be earth or even fire if they want to spread the OC's between elements.

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4 minutes ago, Etheus said:

That is with the assumption that being in Fjorm's family would make him water. Gunnthra was wind. He could be earth or even fire if they want to spread the OC's between elements.

I'm really not seeing that making much sense, especially not the Ice-Kingdom-Fire-Hero idea. What would make the most sense there would be for Nifl to get two elements, Ice and Wind, both associated with blizzards and snowstorms, and for Muspell to get two elements, Fire and Earth, both associated with magma and volcanoes.

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I'm hoping that the new legendary hero for this month will be fire, whoever it is. We only have one fire hero and one water hero, but Fjorm was free so everyone at least had the chance to get her. Anyone who missed Ephraim has no fire hero, which (depending on what other legendary heroes you have or do not have) can be a major pain during certain arena seasons.

Fjorm is also returning this month. If the new legendary hero for this month is water, we'll have two water heroes running at the same time, which seems kind of redundant. (Yes, I know Ike and female Grima both being earth heroes in the same pool is also redundant.) Fjorm and Ephraim already cannot be in the same banner at the same time, so it'd be nice to have a fire hero who shows up when Fjorm does so people can have a chance to pull for a fire hero if they don't have Ephraim.

The identity of the hero, though ... I'll be happiest if it's Fjorm's brother, but really I don't care who it is as long as it's not Chrom or Lucina. Or Lyn. Would prefer it to not be Corrin, but it won't make me upset.

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2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

The identity of the hero, though ... I'll be happiest if it's Fjorm's brother, but really I don't care who it is as long as it's not Chrom or Lucina. Or Lyn. Would prefer it to not be Corrin, but it won't make me upset.

Why would you be worried about a Lyn legendary when she's already got one? 

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3 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

Don't we have a topic for this?


Yes, but the last time I brought back an old post I got a warning for necroposting, so...call me paranoid? xD

36 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

I'm really not seeing that making much sense, especially not the Ice-Kingdom-Fire-Hero idea. What would make the most sense there would be for Nifl to get two elements, Ice and Wind, both associated with blizzards and snowstorms, and for Muspell to get two elements, Fire and Earth, both associated with magma and volcanoes.

I agree with that reasoning, but I can see the brother being Earth if he's more down-to-earth personality and ability wise.

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12 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

Why would you be worried about a Lyn legendary when she's already got one? 

Just in case the developers thought we needed more Lyn, naturally XD

In all seriousness, I'm not ruling anything out at this point.

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Easiest prediction of my life. Blue armored manakete Anankos!Corrin with expiration. What, Corrin doesn't get possessed canonically? Dude, I can't remember what happens between three stories. I just think it's a water elemental Corrin since we can't make Robin #7 without evening out the number of Corrins. Basic math. Are you guys ready to see them powercreep the crap out of Nowi?

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I doubt we will get another legendary (red or any other) bow, before axe and R/B tome. I bet next colourful will be either standard or seasonal banner


19 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Just in case the developers thought we needed more Lyn, naturally XD

In all seriousness, I'm not ruling anything out at this point.

I would certainly appreciated blue dancer Lyn a lot. Not having dancer in Lyn emblem is huge pain.

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I think it's either Hero/Conqueror Alm, Hoshido Noble Corrin or Hríd, I've noticed a few patterns in the Legendary Heroes, but these are bound to be broken later on:

  1. The Legendary Hero is an OC, Lord or Important Character in the games
  2. They switch between genders once a pair is released
  3. If not OC, they are from either a newer or older game from the latest hero

So in this case, the hero is bound to be Male that is from a newer game than Blazing Sword, at least from this pattern, but it's bound to change as IS does like to go 180 on us

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Yeah, I think it's probably going to be someone from SoV or Fates. Since Celica already has an alt, it would make sense if Alm would get one as well (something like the Sacred Stones stuff, where Ephraim became legendary, and Eirika got an alt...). Also, it would make sense to release a new hero with a coloured bow if they've added it, but then again, they added Blárserpent at one point, and it didn't get other coloured versions yet, so maybe with Lyn having a green bow they will go for another weapon. If Fates, I'm pretty sure it's going to be Corrin, however male or female I don't know. Both have alt version already... Though they can go for other characters as well. It probably won't be Marth, as we just got a new version of him, but the Jugdral games are there as well, so maybe we will get legendary Seliph? I hope we will see it soon enough also I just realized what a long-ass comment I just wrote

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15 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Easiest prediction of my life. Blue armored manakete Anankos!Corrin with expiration. What, Corrin doesn't get possessed canonically? Dude, I can't remember what happens between three stories. I just think it's a water elemental Corrin since we can't make Robin #7 without evening out the number of Corrins. Basic math. Are you guys ready to see them powercreep the crap out of Nowi?

Except you're probably wrong because for one thing, this hero is going to be red. Fjorm is coming back which means no blue. Gunnthra and Grima are coming back too. So this hero is red. And Corrin would not be red unless he/she got a sword again, pretty sure.

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One thing also is that Ike and Ephraim will return next month, and maybe Gunnthra will return as well since Lyn returns on July, so next Legendary on June will be a colorless, Colorless Dragon Corrin Maybe?

Edited by Simpsons138
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