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If we get a dragon head, I'll have to stick it on Sophia I think. Or Roy to screw with people a bit.

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This isn't so exciting to me, but I guess putting one of these on a super rare character will make one stand out.  Oh I remember that dude, Saber with rabbit ears!  

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11 minutes ago, eclipse said:

If this topic gets too weird, I'll just hand out suspensions instead.

Y'all have been warned.

Sorry, eclipse, I didn't mean for that kind of thing to happen in here...

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Sorry, eclipse, I didn't mean for that kind of thing to happen in here...

It's absolutely not your fault!  There's a bunch of accessories that could be used, but instead we get weirdness.

Since it's a running theme, I'd rather oust the troublemakers.

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3 minutes ago, eclipse said:

It's absolutely not your fault!  There's a bunch of accessories that could be used, but instead we get weirdness.

Since it's a running theme, I'd rather oust the troublemakers.

True, yeah. And good idea.

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I am hopeful that all accessories are useable across all characters. I'd hate to see some gender locked because they are usually seen as items related to a specific gender. I don't think they gender locked anything in NMotE and Fates, though, but I could be wrong. 

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I hope we get stuff like the ninja masks and flags that go on somebody's back (not sure what those are called, but I think it was a spear master thing). I liked using those in Fates. We also need a chef hat to give Peri.

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1 hour ago, eclipse said:

It's absolutely not your fault!  There's a bunch of accessories that could be used, but instead we get weirdness.

Since it's a running theme, I'd rather oust the troublemakers.

Good idea!  I'd like to get back on topic and not have another thread derailed.  Thanks!

I'd like face tattoos to make an appearance too.  Like what 6ix9ine has.

Edited by Charmeleonbrah
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Should be a pretty cute add-on. I'm not sure how much I'll invest in them. I didn't really use accessories in Fates since I'm more interested in combat and story. lol But if I can put a bow on Lucius, I'll be a happy gal. 

I've played otome type games with dress-up mechanics before, and a lot of the "nicer" accessories are usually locked behind a payment wall. I wonder if they'll do something similar here or end up creating some sort of "forge" for accessories. Maybe Oboro could run it.

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^^^^^^ I now really want a trilby on Saber or Gerome.

This sounds like fun! It’s not weapon skins like I was hoping but this might be better.

As for accessories I would like to see:

  • those feather accessories that Nanna and Priscilla wear
  • scarfs
  • wings
  • ties
  • horns
  • animal ears/tails
  • Conrad’s mask
  • bandanas
  • trilbies
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8 hours ago, Legend_of_Zelia said:

Taguel/Kitsune/Wolfskin ears/tails for characters! :D
I mean, it would be better then nothing anything relating to beasts atm. Plus it will make characters soooo cute looking!

Yeah, even better if they were to add actual  Laguz too. Just try imagine Panne wit cat years or Lethe with rabbit ones!

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I want accessories that are deceptive and/or very large. I want to be able disguise my Reinhardt as WOT!Reinhardt by being able to replace Dire Thunder's image with Meisterschwert's or any other sword's image. I also want really big accessories, like a huge hat, that could maybe camouflage the Weapon icons above the enemies, since I do not think it is possible to block or obscure those as those icons all seem to be layered on top of the unit's sprite underneath.

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29 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Also, double patch Niles, best archer ever xd

So Niles becomes Zatoichi?  I mean, he CAN go Bow Knight. . .tee-hee~!

(it's a bad pun, I'll show myself out)


I wonder if we can put headgear on top of hats.  Would love to put Feh on top of Joshua's existing hat~!

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

They probably wouldn't do this but it would be funny if mounts can be 'accessories

That will be great. I want to remove Reinhardt's pony so players who do not fight with the red danger area on might mistake him for having only 2 movement range.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

That will be great. I want to remove Reinhardt's pony so players who do not fight with the red danger area on might mistake him for having only 2 movement range.

Probably not remove mounts because, hey effort to make standing sprites for the cavaliers.

Maybe swap the horses at least? Is this new Reinhardt's horse or old Reinhardt's? I mean the weapons will give it away but if they actually do it they'll probably go this route haha

Are there any other land mounts besides horses? I guess the Mechanist puppets whenever they get introduced at least.

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Maybe swap the horses at least? Is this new Reinhardt's horse or old Reinhardt's? I mean the weapons will give it away but if they actually do it they'll probably go this route haha

Maybe give him a flying mount so they do not have to do a standing sprite for him. That way, people may still mistake him for a flier with only 2 range.

3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Are there any other land mounts besides horses? I guess the Mechanist puppets whenever they get introduced at least.

Do ballisticians' tanks count from Fates?

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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Probably not remove mounts because, hey effort to make standing sprites for the cavaliers.

Maybe swap the horses at least? Is this new Reinhardt's horse or old Reinhardt's? I mean the weapons will give it away but if they actually do it they'll probably go this route haha

Are there any other land mounts besides horses? I guess the Mechanist puppets whenever they get introduced at least.

How about an invisible horse? The character would look like they're saddled on air.


No invisible clothes though. One, they'd have to keep the underwear visible, since FtP does not stand for *insert sexually explicit language* and is a family friendly game. Therefore everyone would suddenly need underwear models. And given the hundreds of characters they need to invent underwear for, they'd get genericized underwear for the sheer ease of it. And after FEW, I cannot allow FE to go back to that! Takumi must have his fantastic, practical and aesthetically pleasing Warriors underwear!

Two, underwear is like swimsuits, and it'd ruin the Summer Seasonal magic if everyone could be put in not-waterproof "swimwear" (which may after soaking result in skinny dipping and or nude sunbathing to dry).

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