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June Legendary Banner Expectations


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4 minutes ago, Lau said:

That's certainly one way to put it, hahah.

Has Fjorm done anything that could be seen as legendary? Does someone affiliated with ice catching a "cold" count?

Well, no, but Fjorm is clearly a primary protagonist (at least of act 2) who is building up to a legendary task (defeating Surtr). 

Gunnthra could be entirely removed from the story, and the only change that the writers would need to make is having Fjorm know the location to the shrine that, as a mature royal of Nifl, she should already have known the location of.

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

You mean where you think it's dumb. I am not wrong about that. Lyn got five versions in little more than a year while many other characters, including popular ones, only have one alt, no alts, or aren't even in the game yet. And the most popular male, Ike, still only has three and no seasonals while two of Lyn's are seasonals. Some of us just feel things have been too lopsided to her and not enough attention is going to other characters. There is nothing dumb about that at all.


I. Agree. With. You. You just can't seem to get that through your head. As much of a Lyn fan as I am and as fine as I am she has five versions, I DO think it's been lopsided and other characters should get more love.

2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Excuse me, I don't know who the fuck you think you are if you think you can tell me what I can and can't say here. I can count Lyn's CYL version if I damn well please, thank you. So I'M sorry, my reasons are not dumb or invalid just because a super biased fanboy says they are.


Don't even FUCKING go there. You go on and on about Ike and Frederick for DAYS and steer every thread their way even when they have absolutely nothing to do with the topic on hand. Get your own super biased fangirling in check before you even THINK of calling anyone else biased about anything.

2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I'm done with this argument though, it's pointless to go on when you're just not going to understand that some people have different views of Lyn and her treatment in this game from yours. To the ignore list (and I might as well take you off my Heroes friends list too).


No no no, fuck you, you started this so don't fool yourself into thinking you get last words or anything. 

This is the first time in months I've even MENTIONED Lyn in Heroes, and it was only in passing. Do you know why I don't talk about Lyn very much? Because of you. Every single time I mention Lyn in any way whatsoever, you put me in a chokehold. And what happened here when I just mentioned Lyn IN PASSING? You did it again. YOU replied to me. YOU started this, like you ALWAYS do.

You know what? You're a cyber bully. You harass me about pretty much everything and then act like you're some victim or some shit. I've tried being nice SO MANY TIMES. But all you do is bully like a whiny brat. You're a cyber bully, a hypocrite, a plain and simple jerk, and quite honestly, I wish you had deleted your Serenes Forest account way back when you were considering it. You shouldn't be on this forum, or ANY forum. You're cruel, plain and simple. And I don't care if saying this gets me suspended. I've had enough of your shit. Congratulations, your bullying has pushed me over the edge.

Beat you to it, asshole. You're off my Heroes ally list.

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How about we compromise and say you're both annoying, especially right now. Good? Good.

Where is my legendary green Naga!Seliph with book of Naga, IS

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i just clicked into this thread at random what the fuck


EDIT: cool, anyway, please remember to report stuff like that thanks


the only reason i was here was to say that for the first time in feh history there are more sources of dc than cc and they're all hector.


Edited by Integrity
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5 hours ago, Etheus said:

I wonder if anyone at the planning meeting pointed out that Gunnthra's "legendary" accomplishments would be that of a glorified compass.

Which would be more than a legendary Tharja or legendary... *well somebody really popular not a main character from an older game* (just trying to be fair to Awakening) would've ever canonically accomplished. 

Not to criticize on Tharja or *insert non-FE13/14 person who I cannot think of as another example at this moment*. Only that if legendary characters are supposed to have legendary feats behind them to be considered legendary, then that should put some restrictions on things. I used Tharja as an example, again with no offense to her, that she does nothing in the plot at all, and can even just not be recruited, Chrom can have her head on the Falchion, and she does nothing beforehand either. And yet, Tharja is very popular, so I'd expect she'd get a Legendary self one day, yet it'd make no sense because she has no legendary feats behind her.

@Ice Dragon Quick reminder, what does the Japanese for "Legendary Heroes" translate as? Was it "heroes who are greater than great", or was that Grand Heroes? I only ask since it might make the whole notion of "legendary feat" criteria null and void.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Quick reminder, what does the Japanese for "Legendary Heroes" translate as? Was it "heroes who are greater than great", or was that Grand Heroes? I only ask since it might make the whole notion of "legendary feat" criteria null and void.

"Great Hero" ("one who is great who is greater") is the literal translation for what is localized as "Brave Hero".

The Japanese for "Legendary Hero" is just "Legendary Hero", literally "one who is great whose story is passed down in legend".


Grand Heroes don't exist. It is the Hero Battles that are grand, not the Heroes that are grand whom you battle.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Well, interesting notes about how the next banners. Here's when everyone will return:

  • Robin - July
  • Lyn - July
  • Ryoma - July
  • New Blue - July
  • Fjorm - August
  • Gunnthra - August
  • Ike - September
  • Hector - September
  • Ephraim - October

This suggests the following line-ups:

  • July - Ryoma, Lyn, New Blue (probably Earth), Robin
  • August - Fjorm, Gunnthra, NEW RED, Robin
  • September - Ike, Hector, either July's hero returns and we get a new colorless, or we get another new blue and Robin returns
  • October - Ephraim, probably Ryoma, the rest is too far to tell

Too tired to start a new thread so I'll do it tomorrow.

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7 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

New blue...Michaiah maybe? And that red SHOULD be Marth but I know better by now.

It can also be a new OC or Corrin. I'd prefer Micaiah but my gut tells me Corrin is the most likely option.

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As unlikely as it might be, I would love to have a legendary version of Linde with Starlight.


Lances have Azura, Hinoka, and Dimitri available among playable main characters. Hinoka is somewhat unlikely, and Dimitri is very unlikely. If we include notable enemies, there's also Hardin, but he's also somewhat unlikely.

Thunder tomes pretty much just have the descendants of Tordo, and any one of them is unlikely, considering how recently Ishtar was released.

Light tomes have Julia and Micaiah as playable. (I wouldn't be surprised if they made Julia blue for a legendary version) Sephiran, Lehran, and Ashera are also possible.

Blue breath only has Corrin and Ninian as particularly likely to take the color.


Micaiah, Corrin, and Julia are probably the most likely among them to get a legendary version at this point in time.

Azura or Ninian would be interesting if they kept their ability to refresh and possibly gained Gen 2 stat boosts.


But I really want a legendary Linde and a Gharnef. Starlight could be effective against tomes (not broken, I swear) and Imhullu have the same effect as Loptous, but with tome effectiveness disabling the Atk penalty (making Gharnef  weak to Kitty Paddles).

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I'm guessing the blue Legendary Hero for July are

  • Micaiah in her Light Sage/Light Priestess outfit
  • Azura if they want to be lazy
  • Corrin in her promoted version
  • Eliwood using Rex Hasta to complete the FE7 trio
  • Xander using a lance I don't know which one

Also should the title be renamed to the July predictions?

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4 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Also should the title be renamed to the July predictions?

Which do you suppose is better, making a new thread or editing the first page of this one?

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On 28/6/2018 at 2:17 AM, Johann said:

Well, interesting notes about how the next banners. Here's when everyone will return:

  • Robin - July
  • Lyn - July
  • Ryoma - July
  • New Blue - July
  • Fjorm - August
  • Gunnthra - August
  • Ike - September
  • Hector - September
  • Ephraim - October

This suggests the following line-ups:

  • July - Ryoma, Lyn, New Blue (probably Earth), Robin
  • August - Fjorm, Gunnthra, NEW RED, Robin
  • September - Ike, Hector, either July's hero returns and we get a new colorless, or we get another new blue and Robin returns
  • October - Ephraim, probably Ryoma, the rest is too far to tell

Too tired to start a new thread so I'll do it tomorrow.

I see so we will probably have Robin for a while... Wait...


July - Ryoma, Lyn, New Blue (probably Earth), Robin

> Blue Unit

> Potentially Earth Elemental

> Earth Elemental is usually associated with Darkness in FE (like Medeus, or Grima in a FEH Case)

> Micaiah is a Dark Affinity Unit.

It would be? o.o

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