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Doctor Seuss Mafia - X-Site Summer Invitational (Day 5 - *YLO)


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If AM flips scum Naana looks bad for not voting AM when Naana was the other growing wagon.

Just food for thought.

Also anyone who hopped off the AM wagon while refusing to vote Naana is also under suspicion.

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@Iris What are the votals?

@SB. Where did you see AM claim Vanilla, I do not see this.

This is kind of the best way to catch a scum TBH.  I bet someone who's on currently is a scumbuddy because it doesn't make sense for Scum!AM to c/p a Discord post otherwise.

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29 minutes ago, Elemina said:

YOLO why do you town read NANA

I've played with him several times, I think I'm better at reading him than most people, though as wolf he does elude me for prolonged periods of times. I think he's a villager here from that post where he posted his wolf and villa reads; I could follow the thought process behind how he got there. If he's wolf, I'll figure it out later hopefully.

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Just now, EvanManManMan said:

I just thought that one post came from a villagery perspective

Why are you trying to force my narrative so hard and why are you so troubled about me thinking a single post of Animal's is towny.

cause you were quite literally defending an outed maf, and like, not even for a good reason. Gorf made a sarcastic comment that was the exact same as your post and everyone instantly recognized as a joke cause of how absurd it was, that's the level we're talking here

actually now that I think about it, I doubt a maf would actually even try to do that so this feels like VI

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Just now, Alpha Male said:

sorry but AM clears me

so why are you defending AM

I'm literally not defending AM wtf are you talking about. I said a single post of theirs looked villagery. I haven't read or don't remember anything else they have done. Get off my dick.

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(1) Red Ryu: Mello
(1) Donald Trump: Magnificence Incarnate
(1) Shinori: EvanManManMan
(1) JohnCarter: Animal Midwife
(5) Naana: moonbird, manti, Elemina, Shinori, Red Ryu
(7) Animal Midwife: dyachei, JohnCarter, Donald Trump, Ryanyb, Alpha Male, LaserGuy, weinerboy
(5) Magnificence Incarnate: SB., Refa, Naana, Omega., Orihime
(1) Omega.: Shattiel
(1) moonbird: Ichigo

(1) Not Voting: Fable

With 24 alive, it takes 16 to hammer or the person with the most votes at deadline will be lynched. You have ~2.5 hours until deadline at 6/19, 10 pm EDT

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