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Doctor Seuss Mafia - X-Site Summer Invitational (Day 5 - *YLO)


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Just now, EvanManManMan said:

I'm literally not defending AM wtf are you talking about. I said a single post of theirs looked villagery. I haven't read or don't remember anything else they have done. Get off my dick.

then start reading, you've been playing exactly like a slightly more active AM in that you complain this is too busy for you and you aren't able to read or catch up

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1 minute ago, LaserGuy said:

This is the claim for whomever was asking for it.

Drats.  I was hoping that Scum!SB assumed his buddy posted a discussed claim when he didn't really.  That would have been great.


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Honestly the format analyzing that went on for a couple of posts was pretty pointless and seemed like a quick way to look town, especially to those already voting Midwife like a self-fulfilling prophecy

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17 minutes ago, Elemina said:


you know i'm ranmaru right

why do you read me the way you do

talk to me

I just haven't like your reads so far, I forget what they were at this point


Animal is starting to look outted

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Don't think Evan is scum either way, Scum!Him doesn't need to stand out to look better on an AM mislynch.  People have already stated why he's not W/W with AM.

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Tbh I had the same reaction as Evan that it sounded townie even if it seemed unlikely so I wouldn't give him shit for it.

@Refa Does scum bus or defend Midwife here? Assuming the plan is for Midwife to give up I'd assume bus but I'm not sure.

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3 minutes ago, Shinori said:

If AM flips scum, Evan probably not buddies.

If AM flips town currently, Evan sounding super TMI.

TMI? What are you smoking? I literally said a single post was villagery. Nothing else. You are making a mountain out of a molehill and it's just plain stupid

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