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Doctor Seuss Mafia - X-Site Summer Invitational (Day 5 - *YLO)


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1 minute ago, Ichigo said:

I actually think animal midwife is tonally town right now when I actually read them but it's hard to get over the weird formatting

no, she literally isn't

she's had one read since she entered the thread again and it was after we hard pressured her to explain her claims of "scum being on my wagon"

the result was "maybe jc"

she's making bold claims without any actual reasoning to back it up

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5 minutes ago, Alpha Male said:

guys, even if the formatting thing isn't a real slip, it's all AM has addressed

she hasn't done anything else since she got back ITT, the one "game-solvey" post she's made we had to drag out of her when she was just deflecting to "scum is on my wagon" and her in depth explination for that? "dunno, maybe john carter" 

she's literally a frozen wolf, this formatting is the most posting she's had all game

how does this compare with animal's meta

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The more Evan posts and the less Shinori has accepted the disposition makes me feel it is more likely that Evan is in a position as scum where they feel like they have to commit to their read or else they'll look stupid. Even when Shinori ducked out and claimed him to be nullTown he still is referencing his read on him and bringing it to great importance despite nobody really paying attention or listening. While I can get that can be frustrating my inital thought was that maybe Evan was a townie who felt he had something but the way this has unfolded has made me secondguess that completely.

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2 minutes ago, Shinori said:

If yall think AM is town(Mainly focused at Evan/SB/Orihime) yall should probably vote elsewhere.  Just make sure it's on a person that's capable of being lynched.

Naana is still on the table....Just sayin'

this post is kinda disgusting honestly

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1 minute ago, Alpha Male said:

no, she literally isn't

she's had one read since she entered the thread again and it was after we hard pressured her to explain her claims of "scum being on my wagon"

the result was "maybe jc"

she's making bold claims without any actual reasoning to back it up

Town by tone not by play, which she isn't great at anyway

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1 minute ago, Fable said:

Can somebody explain the marth wagon to me? 

Check out his catchup post and give me your ~thoughts~ on it.

1 minute ago, SB. said:

Tbh I had the same reaction as Evan that it sounded townie even if it seemed unlikely so I wouldn't give him shit for it.

@Refa Does scum bus or defend Midwife here? Assuming the plan is for Midwife to give up I'd assume bus but I'm not sure.

Both.  I'd expect some scum to bus, and some scum to not defend but push another wagon.  For example, Orihime would look better to me on a Scum!AM flip.

1 minute ago, EvanManManMan said:

If I was scum and Animal was going down I would have completely ignored that post regardless of Animal's alignment.

Why that?

1 minute ago, Alpha Male said:

even without the formatting, she still looks awful

ppl are trying to use the formatting as if it's the sole crux of the entire AM wagon, when in reality she was lead wagon even before that happened I think (maybe number 2)

once again, she fails every single indicator someone could have of being a v other than she's not lolcatting or claiming w

I do agree with this FTR.  Well, half agree.  I wasn't bothered by Animal Midlife before they came back, but they're legitimately pushing nothing (except one generally town read guy) and not defending themselves at all (except from the formatting thing), which makes me think scum more than the formatting thing which is just funny.

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1 minute ago, weinerboy said:

The more Evan posts and the less Shinori has accepted the disposition makes me feel it is more likely that Evan is in a position as scum where they feel like they have to commit to their read or else they'll look stupid. Even when Shinori ducked out and claimed him to be nullTown he still is referencing his read on him and bringing it to great importance despite nobody really paying attention or listening. While I can get that can be frustrating my inital thought was that maybe Evan was a townie who felt he had something but the way this has unfolded has made me secondguess that completely.

I do this as both alignments and I actually evaluated my Shinori read more than I would do as a wolf in that scenario.

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1 minute ago, EvanManManMan said:

Anynody want to wagon Ichigo?

I'd be down for that

what? You know what


she's been ITT and you've definetly heard the case against her, but you've been abstaining from actually giving a read on her


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Just now, EvanManManMan said:

I do this as both alignments and I actually evaluated my Shinori read more than I would do as a wolf in that scenario.

I don't know you personally so this is invalid in my eyes, and I already don't like when people attribute meta for their behavior

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2 minutes ago, Alpha Male said:

even without the formatting, she still looks awful

ppl are trying to use the formatting as if it's the sole crux of the entire AM wagon, when in reality she was lead wagon even before that happened I think (maybe number 2)

once again, she fails every single indicator someone could have of being a v other than she's not lolcatting or claiming w

This is fair and I think Midwife should be lynched anyway but I guess I didn't expect that to just work out and it feels kinda lame? But I guess we take it.

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