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X-Rated Ads...

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Lol, the closest I've ever gotten to an X-Rated ad would be for an MMORPG. The chick was wearing armor that barely covered anything. Which defeats the purpose of armor completely.

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Considering Miley Cyrus isn't 18, she's never been fully naked and photographed. Legally. You may have see her naked back, but it's not the same.

I'm fairly sure both were photoshop...but still I've been scared for life...
Edited by Locke Cole
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It makes a small difference, I'd think. Because being nearly naked and actually naked are two different things. If what you saw wasn't her Vanity Fair photos or actually her naked chests, then something like that can probably be removed fairly quickly, as it promotes child pornography.

Otherwise, without paying more, I'd imagine the only way to really regulate ads is to simply to not post stuff that would set off the adsense to give you ads like that.

You can complain, sure, but if the adsense thinks it's valid, I wouldn't think there's much you can do.

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It's not the site owners that generate the ads, but what is said in topics that generate it. Ads are always nearly related to anything you are reading at the moment.

You can either:

A) Stop visiting topics about sex or anything that will scar you.

B) Ignore the ads all together.

C) Get Firefox Adblock, which I posted about a few months ago.


Scroll down a bit.

Edited by Will
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I got one from IMVU with two girls about to have sex. :/

If you want to see this stop, you need to stop making SEXCOPTERS.

Edited by Harvey Berin
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Yeah, the only ads I really get are for atlantica and other MMOs. Besides, Adsense doesn't do X-Rated ads.

How are image ads reviewed?

Image ads are reviewed using a combination of human and automated processes before they are served to your pages. This review considers many factors, including image quality, the content of the image, and whether the ad is suitable for all audiences.

If you see a Google image ad that you feel is inappropriate or misleading, please click the Feedback: Ads by Google link below the image ad. Using this link will flag the ad for additional review, and will also allow us to review your comments and suggestions to help us improve our AdSense program.

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No, impressions (aka pageloads) matter too. And the money for ads pays for about half the dedi per month. The rest I get from my tutoring job.

By the way, I renewed the domain. It expires christmas of next year.

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No, impressions (aka pageloads) matter too. And the money for ads pays for about half the dedi per month. The rest I get from my tutoring job.

By the way, I renewed the domain. It expires christmas of next year.


I hope this doesn't go the way of Reaver's site.

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