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What type of characters should Legendary Heroes be?


Which type of character should receive legendary status?   

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Which type of character should receive legendary status?

    • Original Character (Fjorm and Gunnthra)
    • FE Lord (Ike, Ephraim, etc.)
    • Major Character (Ryouma and Tiki)
    • Obscure Legends (Athos, Bramimond, Lehran, etc.)

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I've noticed a lot of people get upset whenever a character is made a legendary hero. For example, Gunnthra is criticized for her lack of plot relevance and not accomplishing much. Ike was initially criticized for being an excuse to give FE lords more alts, etc. 

Personally, I think FE lords should be the ones to receive such alts or other major characters from the series. They are obviously very iconic and have a lot of accomplishments under their belt as well as popularity to drive hype. 

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They can be anything Intelligent Systems want. As long as the stuff under the hood is good (decent stat spread, good skills, etc.), I do not really care what the car looks like.

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My votes go towards:

Lords who accomplished legendary feats, the ones who struck down literal gods and stuff.

And the true legendary figures like Athos. The ones who have shown to have truly godlike powers and capabilities.

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I believe that legendary units should be certain OC, lords and major characters in each game. My idea of why Gunnthra was considered one was because the devs weere still experimenting what is considered a leg hero, as well as type up book 2 more. I don't want obscure legends in lore to be leg units because of there isn't much material to work with.

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Lords and actual legends like Anri and Gotoh.

I've never liked the OCs being LHs, as they just don't have enough development, nor have they accomplished great feats.

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All of the above, but mostly the first 3:

1) OCs - We haven't gotten another OC Legendary since Gunnthra. Even though they both are lacking a bit in characterization, I like that the Legendary banners were a way to introduce more OCs into the game/story.

2) Lords - Very common, to the surprise of no one. Lords are important in the series, so they should rightfully get the recognition they deserve. However, I kind of wish they'd mix up the variety and have more non-Lords be Legendaries.

3) Major characters - Tiki is a great example of a prevalent character in the series who is just as important as Lords, some even more so. She's certainly not the only one in that role, too. IS could get really creative with others who would be considered a non-Lord major character with great impact throughout the FE-verse's history.

4) Obscure - The phrase "not gonna happen" is staring me right in the face when I think about this category being considered, but I'd be interested in how they'd go about choosing characters for it.

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Legendary Heroes should be Characters who did something to really earn the title of legendary which means that relevance should probably be a bigger factor than fanservice. Everyone might like Mae for example but she hasn't really done anything that could be considered legendary. 

Lords are very safe bets for legendary Heroes since they usually win a giant war and bring peace to the continents. The major characters that get the legendary slots should probably be akin to Hardin, figures who were already big shots in their respective continents and who would remain prominent characters in the story. Hardin for example managed to be the sole ruler who didn't get conquered and went on to become emperor. Other figures like that might include Quan, Greil, Flavia/Basillio or Tibarn. 

The Heroes OC are a bit trickier. It really depends on who you'd pick. The Snow Loli really never did anything aside from being a loli so she obviously isn't the stuff of legends but her brother at least became a king. Gunntra was a bit odd since she didn't do anything but getting tortured to death while defending your homeland might make future generations of Nifle declare you to be legendary so she kinda fits. 

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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Mythic non playable legends, we are talking Anri, 12 crusaders, etc.  That and since everyone the story is about the OCs, them.

It is a waste to just release lord alts, that can be done on any banner which they are doing already.  I'd be much more excited and enthused about a new OC or legendary character from the main series that was unplayable, rather than an alt of someone already in the game.  Just a huge wasted opportunity, other than Fjorm and Gunnthra.  

I mean yay 5th Lucina, or 3rd or 4th other character, yawn.  That doesn't compare to dual wielding Altina.  Now that would be something to be excited about.  

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16 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

That doesn't compare to dual wielding Altina.

She gets two Weapon slots, and she attacks once with each Weapon every time she attacks. It is the dawn of the octo-Brave/quad-Distant Counter/always-active-Moonbow meta.

Edited by XRay
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6 minutes ago, XRay said:

She gets two Weapon slots, and she attacks once with each Weapon every time she attacks. It is the dawn of the octo-Brave/quad-Distant Counter/always-active-Moonbow meta.

That's what I'm talking about!  She'll show the boys, Ike and Zelgius, how it's done.

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We really have no say in what Legendaries should be. If people did, the likes of Seliph, Alm, and Micaiah would been added while Lyn, Lucina, and Grima would have been ignored.

In terms of what I want though, I’m really interested in the OCs (particularly Hrid and Ylgr) because they’re something damn new for a change and I feel they deserve a chance to be fleshed out further. Many people complain that they’re uninteresting and don’t deserve anything, which I find unfair. Why exclude characters when it’s a perfect opportunity to flesh out their character by being obtainable? 

Otherwise I don’t really don’t care who becomes Legendary aside from choices like Athos or Gotoh.

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28 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

We really have no say in what Legendaries should be. If people did, the likes of Seliph, Alm, and Micaiah would been added while Lyn, Lucina, and Grima would have been ignored.

In terms of what I want though, I’m really interested in the OCs (particularly Hrid and Ylgr) because they’re something damn new for a change and I feel they deserve a chance to be fleshed out further. Many people complain that they’re uninteresting and don’t deserve anything, which I find unfair. Why exclude characters when it’s a perfect opportunity to flesh out their character by being obtainable? 

Otherwise I don’t really don’t care who becomes Legendary aside from choices like Athos or Gotoh.

No one is saying that OC's should be excluded from the game. That is a complete misunderstanding of the argument.

What people, myself included, are saying is that legendary status should be earned - as in exclusive to main characters, major plot characters, and/or backstory legends. Gunthra did nothing to earn her status and her entire character could be effectively replaced with a map to the rite of frost shrine. Fjorm did a little more and at least gave her life (possibly) to defeat an invincible foe, but this should have resulted in, at best, legendary status after the conclusion of her story, not before.Hrid has done nothing and Ylgr has done less than nothing.

OC's should, in my opinion, absolutely exist but should be limited to regular banners. If one is to be legendary, let it come after a character arc that shows us why they should be legendary. I think that's fair.

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9 minutes ago, Etheus said:

If one is to be legendary, let it come after a character arc that shows us why they should be legendary.

Because people definitely need another reason to complain about there being too many alts.

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IMO anyone who will likely be a legend or has been a legend should be a legendary unit.

I do want to keep seeing OC legendaries here and there. I feel not every one should be a legendary though. Partly because the amount might grow to be too much while spacing them out might take longer than they're still relevant by (looking at you Hrid, if you ever get one). The other part. Well, this is more personal bias tbh but not all OCs necessarily fit "Legendary Hero." Yglr for example who is just Fjorm's captive sister who probably won't get anything "Legendary" to her name as she is.

Other than that, I'd like to see IS do more Villain legends every now and then. "Hero" definitely has a different definition in FEH, and FE definitely has legendary villains.

As for option 4, I'd definitely like a few characters that were legends by the time of each respective game they were featured in but no longer alive by. Anri or the First Exalt for example. The only issue I see however is that IS doesn't really have much to base them on, not that they couldn't just up a bunch of things for their inclusion. I have to admit that they'd be a bit odd to have among the relatively familiar FEH characters that we comparatively know so much about.

Edited by Arcphoenix
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Being a legendary hero is a burden, not a boon. From a selfish perspective, I'd rather my favourite characters not be legendary so they can benefit from the blessing boosts from the poor saps who got stuck with the legendary yoke.

At the same time, I'd prefer both no one and everyone be legendary at the same time. That is, overhaul the system so you don't pull for legendary heroes, but instead complete some sort of task and get an item you can use to convert any hero of your choosing into a legendary one. e.g. I complete the latest Story chapter and receive a "Legend of Fire scroll". I apply it to Bartre. Voila, I now have Legendary Hero: Bartre.

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All four options have some potential grounding I guess, even if things haven't always worked out well in practice. RD, and Vanguard to be more precise, Ike had good reason to be legendary, that is Ike at the height of his power. And RD and PoR Ike being visually very different. Lephraim had weaker ground than Like, but maybe still some concerning distinctiveness since it is based on his SS promotion. Kyoma? Yeah, this is when it just becomes alts for alts' sake. Tiki is in herself okay, but could they have not given us another her for at least six months after Lolisicle girl?


Which category would I like the most? The last, not because Sephiran- he is likely to be the next RD GHB (I hope).

More because I like lore, and I really like Bramimond. Give me my Buddha of Darkness, a feat no other character in FE has achieved. Let the ten million evil sorcerers and sorceresses cackle and scheme. Let Tharja play with her hexes, let Henry joke, let Niime experiment, let Sophia speak... in ellipses..., let Raigh protect his friends and family, let Knoll be sorrowful, let Canas die, let Salem hang with Perne, let Sierra warp, let Owen be cursed, let Nyx tell fortunes, let Odin be Odin, let Ophelia Ophelia, and let Leo pose nude for the fangirls. But Bramimond alone of all these has walked the thin line between becoming a vegetable and becoming a madman, he sacrificed, but endured, and alone has achieved the true depths of Elder Magic!


5 hours ago, XRay said:

She gets two Weapon slots, and she attacks once with each Weapon every time she attacks. It is the dawn of the octo-Brave/quad-Distant Counter/always-active-Moonbow meta.

Moonbow? No. +300% damage Goddess Astra. She also needs minimum of 36 Atk, since Ragnell and Alondite have 18 Wt each, and we can't have her slowed down. Distant Counter, +10 Def (five from each sword) and PoR's critical hit immunity in the form of nulling enemy Specials, all must be on there too. Add Mantle just to make absolutely sure she isn't afraid of dying.

Altina is a broken sword lady I would approve of.

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I had hoped that Legendaries would be rare, that only characters who actually did legendary things would be given the title. Marth, Tiki, Ephraim, Ike, Robin, and Lucina make sense as Legendary heroes; Lyn, Hector, and Ryoma less so, even if I like them. I think it'd be cool to add some actual legends this way too for maximum fanservice.

As far as OCs, I wouldn't mind more being legendary as long as they earn it. Neither Fjorm nor Gunnthra really did anything legendary in book II.

I expect that we'll just get all the lords and the Fates royals regardless of whether they're actually legendary. 

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