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Who do you think should be in the next batch of Genealogy heroes?


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13 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Gen 1: Azelle, Lex, and Erinys for the banner, Chulainn for the GHB, and Beowolf for the TT.

Azelle and Lex have a very clear connection and Azelle is the most popular Gen 1 character not in the game yet. Azelle should be the star of the banner and a red mage of some sort, whether it be infantry, armored, or cavalry. Lex could be the demoted character that would also greatly help the low number of axe cavalry in the summoning pool.

Erinys doesn't really have any connections left since she didn't come with Lewyn, so this is really the only spot I can think of for her. Plus they could make her the waifu co-star if they wanted so people would pull on the banner. She'd be a lance flyer. I didn't list Edain because I feel like she'd come with her sister or Dew or someone else.

Chulainn and Beowolf because, like Erinys, they don't really have any connections left so this would be where they fit. Chulainn fits for a GHB, given that he's recruited in Genealogy by being defeated in the arena.

I like everything here, characters of different colors who could realistically come together, and you even specified the demote.

The only thing I don't like is Chulainn. I know Heroes has set the precedent from the beginning with Navarre, but I hope the game goes as far away from that as it can.

GHB should be for enemies who were never recruitable! Instead we have Navarre, Xander, Robin F, Kana M, Oliver, Jamke, Saias and Michalis but he is a bit more justified since he was only recruitable in 1 of the 4 games with him. If all of these came in a banner or as a special reward, we could have in their place Gharnef, Iago, Gangrel, Arete, Sephiran, Travant, Kempf and Medeus.

I understand wanting how many of your favorites come as quickly as they can, but I want IS to give a chance to the villains which have only so many occasions to become playable.

27 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Gen 2: Arthur, Fee, and Tine for the banner, Hilda for the GHB, and Diarmuid for the TT.

Arthur, Tine, and Hilda are all connected, and Fee comes with Arthur in Genealogy if I remember right. Arthur should be the star of the banner, with either Fee or Tine demoting, or both.

Diarmuid for the TT because, like other characters, his best connections (his sister and mother) are already in the game, so he could slide in here without much fuss.

This one is nice too. I'm a little iffy only on Arthur and Tine coming in the same banner. How much can IS do to make them appear distinct?

I have a sneaking suspicion the reason Lachesis ended up like that was because IS wanted to avoid people thinking the two new characters (who are pretty much strangers for casual players) were basically the same, both Horse Swordies. And they did Lachesis dirty by giving her a staff.

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Brigid, Lex, and Aideen, Manfroy GHB.

Shannan, Tine, and Oifey, Hilda GHB. 

Altena is probably my most wanted Jugdral character now but I do kind of feel she'd be saved for a Thracia banner. I'd also like Ced and Arthur but on a later banner. And Emperor Arvis could always be a Legendary Hero instead of a GHB.

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1 hour ago, Ertrick36 said:

She could come with her daughter.  I know they usually do these banners by generation, but I don't see a problem with changing it up as long as it's still thematic to some extent; maybe there could be a "parent-child" banner where Erinys and Beowulf could come with Fury and Diarmuid (there are implications that Beowulf is his canonical father in Thracia).

She could! And if they do ever mix generations, then that's where I'd assume she'd be added. But, since it's seemingly split by generations for now...

1 hour ago, GrandeRampel said:

The only thing I don't like is Chulainn. I know Heroes has set the precedent from the beginning with Navarre, but I hope the game goes as far away from that as it can.

I don't like the idea of Chulainn as a GHB either, but realistically that's the only place I can see him. I highly doubt they'd give him a banner spot over Alec, Naoise, Midir, or really any of the other remaining playable Gen 1 males.

1 hour ago, GrandeRampel said:

This one is nice too. I'm a little iffy only on Arthur and Tine coming in the same banner. How much can IS do to make them appear distinct?

Different colored tomes. They both don't have to have the same color, and I'm not sure they'd mind putting two mages on the same banner.

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If a new Genealogy banner came around it would probably be a 2nd generation one this time. Not only because we had 1st gen last time, but also because every playable character with greater importance to the story from gen 1 is allready in the game, except perhaps Aideen who serves as a means to start the story and then after recruitement has no further bearing on the overall story.

In my mind gen 2 is lacking only a few story important playable characters that being:

Oifey, Shanan and Altenna.

Enough for a banner I think. 

When it comes to major villains only Travant and Manfroy are really missing, and I don't think anyone is really waiting on Manfroy ;p

So add a Travant GHB and we'll probably be done with FE4 for quite a while. That's not to say FE4 doesnt have anymore interesting and fun characters, but with these four the main cast is pretty much all accounted for.

Edited by Falter
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Alright I've gotta few more good banner suggestions:

The villain's of Geneoology:
Chancellor Reptor , The Avaricious Lord Langobolt, and Queen Hilda (for obligatory waifu), with Manfroy as the GHB, and buck the trends with Travant as TT

Advisors of Geneology:

Oifey, alt Lewyn: hero from a distant land Holsety of the winds (Green dragon infantry), General Hannibal, with Aida as the GHB, and Shannon as TT

ALL right I will give the Waifus of Geneology:

Brigid, Aideen, Larcei with Lamia as GHB (I know obscure even for me, but the leader of the all female mercenary band deserves it) and Leylia (I know a repeat but a free dancer and female w/charm fits the banner idea...)

And for of course Husbandos of Geneology:

Lex, Azelle, Delmund, with Ishtore as GHB, and Ced for TT

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Azelle, Lex, Adean, and Midyele.  Azelle joins cause of his crush on Adean, Lex joins cause being BFF of Azelle, Midyele is Adean's loyal knight.

Brigid, Dew, Claude, and Erinys.  Claude is fighting against pirates, mutiny happens against Brigid.  Dew actually is connected more with Brigid's sister but can't fit her on that banner.  Erinys also is more connected with Lewyn but he's already released.

I'll get to gen2 later.

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Gen 1: Brigid, Axel, Lex

GHB: Chulainn or Beowulf since all the decent candidates are already in the game or kinda boring and/or old men. Maybe Travant, though Thracia or gen 2 seem better for him.

TT: Dew

Brigid would probably be the star and maybe an attempt to help bow units out of their hole. Ichibaal is already +str and speed, so it lends itself fairly easily to like a built-in SS or something of the like. She also has pretty decent bulk in FE4, so she might dump a bunch of res and a little atk/spd to be able to take a hit from strong DCs, and let Ichibaal cover for her there. Though dragons would still wreck her.

Much as I'd be disappointed, one of Lex or Azel would get shafted, just depends which. If Azel is infantry, he'd almost certainly be the drop and probably be comparable to Sanaki or Lilina with a bit more speed. Lex would probably be powercreep Frederick. If Azel is promoted form, then no way Lex isn't dropping and Azel would be a weird middle between Eirika and Leo.

The rest seem pretty straightforward, so I won't go into much detail.

Gen 2: Shannan, Patty, Altenna

GHB: Travant, Johan, or Johalva (probably Travant if Altenna is in)

TT: Oifey

Altenna is the easy star, Shannan, much as I'd be sad, is the Quan of this lot -_-" though hopefully he fairs better and is like a costar. Patty would be like Legault or Sothe where they're good but not amazing drops and probably with a huge speed stat and okay everything else. Maybe a personal weapon, say, sleep dagger that's like Candlelight.

Oifey would almost certainly be like Finn. Good stats, but nothing very special. Travant seems like he could be like Linus or Dorcas where they're actually pretty great for a free unit, but then Areone can come along soon to powercreep him :P

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I'm not so great at figuring out what's likely or not, but my FE4 wishlist would include Dew, Midayle, Noish (I've always loved his name), Azel, Briggid, Trabant, Lex, Skasaher (again, fun name), Oifei, Arthur (maybe give him some pants? I'm curious to how they're going to get around his...attire), Patty, Corpul, Altenna, Ishtor, and Areone. Of course, the more I review the characters to form that list, the more I keep adding on. XD Top spots on the wishlist go to Altenna, Dew, Patty, Azel, and Trabant.

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12 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

According to the last chose your legends poll Azelle is the most popular gen 1 character who isn't in the game yet.

Nah, he's behind both Brigid & Lex.

(Also, I never liked Azelle)

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8 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

Nah, he's behind both Brigid & Lex.

(Also, I never liked Azelle)

Ah, I meant more popular then all the male characters so I didn't really take Brigid's place into account. But like I said Lex getting in would do more to help than hinder Azelle's chances and with them both being in the 300 range while most other remaining males are much lower than that they both seem likely to get in. And Azelle did beat out Lex in the first poll which I got my info from when I wrote that post.

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The remaining Gen 1 males are really boring. People seem to like Lex and Azelle but outside them both, the only one that carries weight is Travant and he perhaps may fit Gen 2 better. Perhaps Claud because of his legendary staff?

The next Genealogy banner won't be for a while but I fully expect it to be Gen 2, where there are still plenty of big names to pick from.


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The "face" of the banner is usually that banner's thematic "core": World of Holy War, as the first dedicated FE4 banner, naturally had Sigurd as its face. Ares was the face of the Genealogy banner (supported by the fact that the music for that chapter was his father's theme, Lionheart Eldigan), and Lewyn was the face of the most recent Doorway to Destiny banner (Disturbance in Agustria is the theme of the chapter he joins in).

The "second" of the banner is usually thematically-linked to the face: Deirdre is Sigurd's wife, Lene's joining dialogue is with Ares, and Sylvia's is with Lewyn.

The "third" of the banner may have little to do with the thematic core duo, besides being in the same generation. Tailtiu and Quan fit this bill. Ishtar at least has her first boss encounter in the same chapter Ares and Lene join in, but little other relation.

The "free" unit(s) share traits with the thirds; Arvis is naturally Sigurd's antithesis, while Arden is a meme character, and when else is he supposed to join? Julius is the central character to Ishtar's arc, while Ethlyn is obviously Quan's wife.

And since the last one was Gen 1, I'm guessing the next FE4 banner will be Gen 2.  

Thus, with all this in consideration, my guess is the face being Shannan, the second being Patty, and Altena as the third, with Travant/Arion as the "free" unit.

Shannan, by having one of the remaining Holy Weapons - Balmung - and likely bearing Regnal Astra, will probably be 5\* locked. Whether he'll be able to stand out among the ever-increasing crowd of swordmasters is another issue entirely. However, if IS cared at all about accuracy to the lore and original game mechanics, Shannan should by all rights be stronger than Ayra; he canonically has major Od blood where she only has minor, and they are basically identical in terms of stats and skills... except that where Ayra has Nihil, Shannan has Adept. Balmung is also quite literally sword!Forseti. Hopefully, when they finally get around to implementing it, FEH!Balmung will synergize better with Regnal Astra than Ayra's Blade does. His art will probably be done by Asatani Tomoyo. 

Patty joins at the same time as Shannan, and of her two most well-known moments, it's her dialogue with Shannan that stands out the most. So naturally, she'd be the second on his banner. She'd probably continue the demotion trend IS has been doing for multiple banners this year, in their continued efforts to make the colourless pool less of the steaming pile of crap it was in 2017. She comes with the Sleep Sword in FE4, so maybe she could come with an interesting weapon for SI - maybe even a Firesweep dagger. But given how badly the healer pool has cut in to the dagger unit niche (I'm looking at you, Brave Veronica), I'd like to see daggers get a dig into the healers' niches. For instance, Patty could come with a weapon that induces status effects on top of the dagger debuff. I don't expect her statline to be all that spectacular, though; unless IS pulls a Karla with her, FEH!Patty should dump pretty much everything into HP and Spd.

Altena as the banner's third, which, amusingly, matches how every other FE4 banner's third has been a blue unit. The base effect of Quan's Gae Bolg does not suit Altena, so its effect should be changed, if for no other reason than for better flavour. This means Altena will probably wield the "(adjective) Gae Bolg". Furthermore, given Quan, Ethlyn, and Leif's base kits, Altena's default A will almost certainly be Spd/Def-oriented. Being the Minerva of FE4 makes me think that kaya8's style would be ill-suited for her, so I'm not too sure who her artist would be. Probably the same one as for Travant/Arion, now that I think about it.  

My guess is on the former; but no matter if it's Travant or Arion, Gungnir's effect had better suit their matchup vs. the Gae Bolg wielders the way Loptous and (Divine) Naga have been set up in FEH. Note that Gae Bolg is defensively-oriented, while Gungnir is offensive. After all, the only differences between the sister lances was in how Gae Bolg granted Skl, while Gungnir granted Spd. Howevermajor Dain holy blood is as focused into Spd as major Forseti blood. So to make up for their lack of IVs/merges, Travant/Arion should have significant bases in Spd. This also has the benefit of giving base Leif an even harder time against them....

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8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Chancellor Reptor , The Avaricious Lord Langobolt, and Queen Hilda (for obligatory waifu),


Yeah, the lady who pretty much tortured one of the playable characters to death and drove another to go on a quest for revenge resulting in her fighting her own relatives... whose appearance is akin to that of classic cartoon villains like Cruella de Vil... and who's perfectly content with (and even delights in) sending children as young as mere infants off to be sacrificed to an evil dragon god...

She is totally waifu material.

6 hours ago, Vince777 said:

The remaining Gen 1 males are really boring. People seem to like Lex and Azelle but outside them both, the only one that carries weight is Travant and he perhaps may fit Gen 2 better. Perhaps Claud because of his legendary staff?

Chulainn and Beowolf have some degree of development, so they're not the worst characters of Gen 1 to include.  I don't think many would miss the cavalier duo, Midir, or Dew, though.  And like Eltosian said, Reptor and Langobolt could fill the villain niche for the Gen 1 pool.  I'd still prefer Lex and Azelle.

I have to wonder what they'd do with the Valkyrie staff, though.  They haven't put any other resurrection staves in Heroes, right?  But they'd have to put the Valkyrie staff in because it's a holy weapon and pretty much Claud's trademark item.

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3 hours ago, domilea said:

Thus, with all this in consideration, my guess is the face being Shannan, the second being Patty, and Altena as the third, with Travant/Arion as the "free" unit.

Wow, not only this is a good guess, but I like your reasoning. Good work, buddy.

1 hour ago, Ertrick36 said:

I have to wonder what they'd do with the Valkyrie staff, though.  They haven't put any other resurrection staves in Heroes, right?  But they'd have to put the Valkyrie staff in because it's a holy weapon and pretty much Claud's trademark item.

Yeah, I wonder what they can do with PRF staves. The only ones we have in the game belong to Brave Veronica and Loki. It's little to base a prediction on how to implemente PRF staves.

Aum staff from Archanea and Latona from SS will also be interesting to see.

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On 10/14/2018 at 12:31 AM, domilea said:

Thus, with all this in consideration, my guess is the face being Shannan, the second being Patty, and Altena as the third, with Travant/Arion as the "free" unit.

You have Patty on there, I love you already. Anyway, I already made my own post for a Gen 2 banner, but I'll share it here anyway :P

-Shannan (Infantry Red Sword Unit, comes with the Balmung)

-Patty (Infantry Colorless Dagger Unit, comes with a dagger version of the Sleep Sword)

-Arthur (Mounted Green Tome Unit, comes with an Elwind tome)

-Tine (Infantry Blue Tome Unit, comes with a Thoron tome)

Tempest Trial: Larcei (Infantry Red Sword Unit, comes with Larcei's Blade)

Grand Hero Battle: Travant (Flying Blue Lance Unit, comes with the Gungnir)

What about you guys, who do you personally want?

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So, i'm not well versed in FE4 stuff, but by what i read here, it really only have 2 axes units in the entire game? For real? How the hell did you all deal with lances?

Anyway if when there's another Genealogy banner my only bet is on Green being a Tome. 

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1 minute ago, RexBolt said:

So, i'm not well versed in FE4 stuff, but by what i read here, it really only have 2 axes units in the entire game? For real? How the hell did you all deal with lances?

Anyway if when there's another Genealogy banner my only bet is on Green being a Tome. 

Basically FE1-5 hated axes with it going over to Binding Blade. Enemy lance units are rare, most of the time they are fliers so just use bows or Forseti.

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3 hours ago, RexBolt said:

So, i'm not well versed in FE4 stuff, but by what i read here, it really only have 2 axes units in the entire game? For real? How the hell did you all deal with lances?


Nah, there is 3. 

Only you have to pick one of two for your 2nd gen axe user, hahaha. 

He's also not a child from a gen 1 character so he's not going to be as good as your other units. 


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12 hours ago, RexBolt said:

So, i'm not well versed in FE4 stuff, but by what i read here, it really only have 2 axes units in the entire game? For real? How the hell did you all deal with lances?

Anyway if when there's another Genealogy banner my only bet is on Green being a Tome. 


8 hours ago, Vince777 said:

Nah, there is 3. 

Only you have to pick one of two for your 2nd gen axe user, hahaha. 

He's also not a child from a gen 1 character so he's not going to be as good as your other units. 


Technically 7 axe users in the game, because Leif, Lachesis, and Arden can all use axes once they promote, and Hannibal joins as a pre-promoted general, meaning he can use axes right off the bat

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