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2 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

Me wanting to test your defenses is not about that entirely. It’s more about showing how someone on offense would tackle it, and why certain things like positioning and baitability of units come into play. I can write things about the map that have nothing to do with the units and their skills. 

I can talk about range overlap, rally traps, fort positioning, which map suits which kind of team, all of the things are still valuable knowledge that stay relevant regardless of which units are on your actual defense team. 

For that part I’d like pictures of your barracks, since that gives me(and others willing to help) an idea of what you have available to you.

Okay, I see then. Makes sense. And yeah, I will show those barracks pictures when I can.

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@Anacybele Here are some ideas I had for your units in your AR Def team. Feel free to ignore them if you want to...

  1. Put a seal on Surtr. Maybe Warding Stance Seal to help his Res, a Bond Seal like Def/Res Bon or a Chill Seal.
  2. I have some ideas of seals for Yune.

    - You could go for a Res+ Seal instead of Atk+ Seal. Increasing Yune's Res will make her more useful than increasing her Atk, because it would help her to inflict Sabotage Res and Chaos Named more easiy, which both would help Catria and Ishtar to deal more damage.

    - Aerobatics Seal, so Yune can teleport to the space below Sothis and attack the foe that tries to bait Catria and Ishtar from below the GD Banner.

    - Changing her Special to Iceberg. Glacies does more damage, but Iceberg charges faster. If you give her Quickened Pulse, she will have Iceberg at 2CD. Against a debuffed foe, she will have guaranteed follow-up, so: Yune attacks, foe attacks and, if Yune survived, Yune will trigger Iceberg.
  3. Catria could also have a Seal. She has Drive Spd C Skill, so maybe Drive Atk Seal?
  4. Sothis doesn't have a Assist and a Seal. A Rally skill could be useful. She would rally Catria, then Ishtar will dance Sothis, for example. For Seal, since foes can bait Catria and Ishtar from below the GD Banner, a Dual Spur Seal could be useful in this case, like Spur Atk/Spd seal.
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2 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

@Anacybele Here are some ideas I had for your units in your AR Def team. Feel free to ignore them if you want to...

  1. Put a seal on Surtr. Maybe Warding Stance Seal to help his Res, a Bond Seal like Def/Res Bon or a Chill Seal.
  2. I have some ideas of seals for Yune.

    - You could go for a Res+ Seal instead of Atk+ Seal. Increasing Yune's Res will make her more useful than increasing her Atk, because it would help her to inflict Sabotage Res and Chaos Named more easiy, which both would help Catria and Ishtar to deal more damage.

    - Aerobatics Seal, so Yune can teleport to the space below Sothis and attack the foe that tries to bait Catria and Ishtar from below the GD Banner.

    - Changing her Special to Iceberg. Glacies does more damage, but Iceberg charges faster. If you give her Quickened Pulse, she will have Iceberg at 2CD. Against a debuffed foe, she will have guaranteed follow-up, so: Yune attacks, foe attacks and, if Yune survived, Yune will trigger Iceberg.
  3. Catria could also have a Seal. She has Drive Spd C Skill, so maybe Drive Atk Seal?
  4. Sothis doesn't have a Assist and a Seal. A Rally skill could be useful. She would rally Catria, then Ishtar will dance Sothis, for example. For Seal, since foes can bait Catria and Ishtar from below the GD Banner, a Dual Spur Seal could be useful in this case, like Spur Atk/Spd seal.

Oh, thanks. I'll keep this in mind. 🙂

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I have a new Astra defense team if anyone wants to take a look, I am not perfectly happy with it, since it requires quite a bit of HP juggling, and combat skills would be better. And I don’t like my odds vs B!Ike tanking, Thrasir doesn’t attack first most of the time. 

Also, Tailtiu has too high Hp even without a blessing and after Healing tower she often stays out of wrath range. 


Skills that I do not have yet: 

Lul Spd/Def for Kagero

Time’s pulse for Tailtiu


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I am still baffled how people fuck up in this mode against my defense Team with Double Duo-Abilitys from Hector, a Bolting Tower... and a Kronya on top of this. how is this possible!!!? Everyone was basicly on single digit HP but... he killed Bride Fjorm who had no dazzling staff and left Sothis with Hardy bearing alive which quickly snowballed into a wings of mercy shitfest lol

The other one just died to normal stuff

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37 minutes ago, Hilda said:

I am still baffled how people fuck up in this mode against my defense Team with Double Duo-Abilitys from Hector, a Bolting Tower... and a Kronya on top of this. how is this possible!!!? Everyone was basicly on single digit HP but... he killed Bride Fjorm who had no dazzling staff and left Sothis with Hardy bearing alive which quickly snowballed into a wings of mercy shitfest lol

Their Kronya needs Null C-Disrupt I guess.

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27 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

I'm going to have to build a new defense. (or ideally after Lief maybe i won't have issues). but Lief and his dumb galeforce is ripping through my defense (How i managed to win despite this is beyond me).  boo

Like other Player Phase units and teams on offense, while he is better equipped to deal with Player Phase defense teams by being able to retreat farther back, he would still do less well against them since Player Phase defense teams are designed apply pressure and rush and are very unforgiving against mistakes made by a Player Phase offense team. Just make sure you have enough Firesweep and Hardy Bearing or else they would just cheese with Counter-Vantage.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

Like other Player Phase units and teams on offense, while he is better equipped to deal with Player Phase defense teams by being able to retreat farther back, he would still do less well against them since Player Phase defense teams are designed apply pressure and rush and are very unforgiving against mistakes made by a Player Phase offense team. Just make sure you have enough Firesweep and Hardy Bearing or else they would just cheese with Counter-Vantage.


well as i am not awash with firesweep. that's a no go. 

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1 minute ago, daisy jane said:


well as i am not awash with firesweep. that's a no go. 

Staff users work as cheap Firesweepers. You can also try sword and lance cavalry, but I do not think they are as effective.

Beast Galeforcers might also work. Tibarn got Sturdy Impact and beast cavalry got innate Impact to help them a little against Counter-Vantage somewhat.


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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Staff users work as cheap Firesweepers. You can also try sword and lance cavalry, but I do not think they are as effective.

Beast Galeforcers might also work. Tibarn got Sturdy Impact and beast cavalry got innate Impact to help them a little against Counter-Vantage somewhat.


 so basically what you're saying i'm just going to have to live with my defense 😉
all the beasts that i have (minus Leanne) are fodder - i need them for arena or their skills on other units. 

I'll figure something out. i'm just noting this is going to be a hugeeee issue for me. 

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My flier ball got -60’d today, which is the max loss i can get. I don’t feel too bad, two +10 eirs with premium skills, a +10 fury 4 L!Leif, a H!Hector +10 and a +10 L!Azura.


Whales can be beat, most play sloppily, but this guy had the cash and the knowledge on how to play the map perfectly.

I might post a replay of my defenses this week.

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Nice! I got a Success today!

A +10 Legendary Marth, with +6 to all stats, with a fully buffed Kaden and a refined Brave Lucina within 2 spaces of him, tried to bait my team, in a position 2 spaces below my Reyson. To bad Reyson has Guidance, so Legendary Alm and Legendary Lucina are able to teleport and defend Reyson.After losing his tank, this player surrendered.

But this was a nice +Spd +10 Marth! With DC and Null C-Disrupt


Edit: Oh, I didn't noticed that Defensive Teams will be able to have 6 structures now... That's neat!

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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6 defensive structures doesn't sound like it will affect that much, but it might make playing offense just a little bit more annoying as it will be easier to have room for both Shrines to nerf supertanks in addition to everything else for example. I guess it also makes the AR Defense series of skills just a little bit better, while the offense variety becomes even worse than they already were? Honestly I don't know if I care for this change, I'd rather have an easier time on offence than defence.

Perhaps we could get the option of having a "backline" on offence where we are allowed to place one structure without it taking up space on the map? Would be the perfect place to have your Escape Ladder or a Shrine, and it might make people use offence structures more (if they just allowed us to have 6 structures on offence as well nobody would use it as you need the space on the map more).

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4 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

6 defensive structures doesn't sound like it will affect that much, but it might make playing offense just a little bit more annoying as it will be easier to have room for both Shrines to nerf supertanks in addition to everything else for example. I guess it also makes the AR Defense series of skills just a little bit better, while the offense variety becomes even worse than they already were? Honestly I don't know if I care for this change, I'd rather have an easier time on offence than defence.

Perhaps we could get the option of having a "backline" on offence where we are allowed to place one structure without it taking up space on the map? Would be the perfect place to have your Escape Ladder or a Shrine, and it might make people use offence structures more (if they just allowed us to have 6 structures on offence as well nobody would use it as you need the space on the map more).

I see the 6th structure as another obstacle for my foe to destroy before starting an attack against my team, like the common structures. Maybe they took an extra turn just dealing with it.

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7 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I see the 6th structure as another obstacle for my foe to destroy before starting an attack against my team, like the common structures. Maybe they took an extra turn just dealing with it.

In that sense it might also be a buff for teams that aim to stall out the 7 turns. It won't make much of a difference though, and those teams are rarely effective in my experience. Other teams I find are more often hindered by their own structures since you have control over when they are destroyed and can create choke points. I find the scariest teams to be the ones that have a lot of free space to move.

Thinking about it, they probably added the extra defensive structure to accomodate for the stupid duo structures they added. This way people with Duo Heroes can place the structure without being slightly gimped when going against teams that don't have a Duo Hero. Because we can't have there be even a silver lining to not using Duo Heroes, no way.

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Quite happy my Cavline is nuking the crapola out of people. No defense loss so far this week. Which really helps since I keep running into teams that pretty much hard counter my offense. Or ones I just don't feel like playing because they are annoying. But since the cav line seems incapable of losing points T23 at least is secured. That said the cavline this week has mostly faced flier heavy teams and teams with no back row space available. Watching the matches makes me wonder if I need to take off Veronica's healing skill. She spends most of her actions healing rather than attacking. Same with Lilina, she seems to rally most of the time rather than attack. Not sure if they would be better off not having a non-attack option or not.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

I got a couple defense successes the past couple days. But it still means very little because I almost never win offensive battles. I will forever hate this mode.

well positive thoughts -YAY for defense wins.
but i agree with you. this mode can die in the pits of hell

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1 minute ago, daisy jane said:

well positive thoughts -YAY for defense wins.
but i agree with you. this mode can die in the pits of hell

Yeah, thankful for the defense wins for sure though.

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On 10/30/2019 at 8:28 AM, Vicious Sal said:

I have a new Astra defense team if anyone wants to take a look, I am not perfectly happy with it, since it requires quite a bit of HP juggling, and combat skills would be better. And I don’t like my odds vs B!Ike tanking, Thrasir doesn’t attack first most of the time. 

Also, Tailtiu has too high Hp even without a blessing and after Healing tower she often stays out of wrath range. 


Skills that I do not have yet: 

Lul Spd/Def for Kagero

Time’s pulse for Tailtiu


I'm still seeing your Flier Ball for some reason

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