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Chaos reigns when I take the reins! - Let's play Tear Ring saga, Ironman mode, while being terrible at Fire Emblem!

Saint Rubenio

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Dnca5rhy o

Oh my! How lewd! And after beating all those balls no less. 

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

should've brought Esther instead of Arkis,

*grumble grumble* I swear he gets good *grumble grumble*


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'll take generic

Did someone say Arkis?


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Arkis Jeigans a guy for Roger.

S-see he's being useful... he's top tier I promise


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Em05vn6l oYou only have to hold out until I get away. After that, do whatever you want. Just know that if you don't keep them occupied long enough, I'll see to it that you are punished for your cowardice.

Q9iqnfjl o


What a piece of slime. You should totally let arkis kill him and his troops to really humiliate the guy, I mean we both know it's not like you do this for optimal play or anything. 

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45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Everyone's hoping they give news about Three Heroes and that guy from Guy 5 joining Smash (no, Japan, I'm still not over you using spanish words as names, you fuckers. I don't care why you did it, you named your series "person" and I'm entitled to get irrationally mad at it) and shit.

You do realise a persona is not the same as a person?

45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Personally? I just want a release date for Luigi's Mansion 3. I don't give a damn about anything else, just give me a date. I waited for Luigi's Mansion 2 for years (it was the first game I ever actively waited for, too), and it was also the first game (and nearly the last) I ever pre-ordered. I bought the 3DS for it! Before that, I even had my mother order the original from overseas oh-so-many years ago when it still wasn't so easy. If there's a series I'm willing to completely forego all of my gaming principles for, it's that one. FE doesn't get the same luxury, sadly. I don't want to preorder a game for it to turn out to be three games. Or a waifu simulator.

Not a bad call to make, I only got Fates and Echoes on sale after all.

46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You're lazy, that's all there is to it. You lazy boi.

Holmes was supposed to be on the outside of the carriage anyway, the character he replaced wasn't on the inside.

47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why are you always making plans in case I run out of units?

I remember BB. I know this isn't BB, but Kaga's BS rating's kind of off the charts in this period, even if he'd peaked with Thracia.

Just look at Attralm.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can't even remember what we were talking about or why you'd send me this again, but I'm still glad you did.

I decided to make it Tom's theme.

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dougy for Heroes, c'mon IntSys, you know the game doesn't need any more Camillas.

We all know it doesn't. She still gets a brave alt though.

49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Which is... exaclty what I was trying to say!

That's not a cat fight though. It involves actual fighting, in the most cliche way with scratching at each other, often with handbags involved.

I don't think I've seen any of that since I was a child.

51 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Poor guy... benching him now would be monstrous!

I mean, he'd be less likely to die.

He wouldn't get to avenge Eisenbach though.

51 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I remember how you screamed because I promoted Hugh at level 18, and not only did it not impact his performance at all, he ended up dying because he was too good. Relax, man, this is TRS. Early promoting usually isn't harmful at all, and here? Much less so. Krishna probably would've been benched if I hadn't promoted her.

I... wasn't complaining about it here.

I do remember how you can raise levels in this game. :P

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Itofpr1v o

There you go. Based the colors on his Thraccia 776 portrait. Gotta say, with all the colors these sprites have, I thought it'd be harder, but it didn't take me much longer than GBA sprites. The main problem here, really, is that there's no sprite database, so for Mages I'm stuck with idle sprites for the most part, as the rest of the frames are obscured by the spells.

That's still neat, not hard to see hit it could fit with that portrait.

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I sure hope it's not needed, because there are only three promo items for Mages. One of them's already been used, and I know exactly who'll get the other two, and it's not Alicia.

Are they the siblings?

53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oNice find! That's a Hammerne staff. Skiller clerics can use them to repair almost anything. I say "skilled" clerics, though, because they're notoriously difficult to use. I doubt you'd be able to.

Skiller clerics?

Are they the clerics who gut fish?

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

4lt3brpp o Piece of--!

Njdtyjkp oHolmes...! Why are you always such a dick?!

F4aswdy8 o ...okay, no, sorry.

I don't think an apology's needed there.

55 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Kdulibj5 oZwbaaji0 oXzj2v8el o


Is this him practising for a dance with Mel?

56 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
6ltwvrcw o

F4aswdy8 o There! Motherfucking Eugen is back, bitches! I won't even nitpick the fact that apparently all of Holmes's chapters happened "last night", Eugen is back!

Could be they've been partying the whole time since they took it.

57 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Vruscekd o

0zfd96rn o ...Eugen, you... I cannot believe I'm about to say this, but...

4lt3brpp o What the holy blistering barnacles is wrong with you?! You can't just sacrifice a potential ally and great man like that, that's a borderline Richard move! The heck, man?! This is... okay, it's not unlike you, but... c'mon!

I think Eugen just confirmed he's named after Eugenics and he uses it to be a dick.

57 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Uniilxix o

0zfd96rn o Oh, thank goodness, someone's got a brain and a heart in this fucking game! Holmes would probably have agreed to that plan... thank you, Runan. Thank you for being reasonable. Who cares if that makes you more generic? I'll take generic over psycopathic like everyone else!

You always have to watch out for the calm ones through, you never know when they'll turn.

I know there's that meme about looking precious while smiling, but don't let Runan do so.

59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Asyl38zc o2f1x47a6 o

There we go, that's what we've been missing.

Albertus! (Okay, maybe the rest Matthis's army and himself and Margaret too).

59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hkpzgglw o

Was Albertus about to say Haggis?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Zz5fyitz o

Speaking of guys who'd help hot women, here's Mintz. Let's talk about Mintz.

HP 85% - Strength 30% - Skill 25% - Speed 20% - Defense 30% - Magic 5% - Luck 20% - Mastery 15%

So, Mintz. Mintz is awesome. Wrath would already be pretty damn good (Roger learns it later on, incidentally), but then he's got Flurry on top of it, and access to Pilums. Sadly, I cannot get him any with my current funds, but I should be able to do it in time for the one chapter I've been hyping up so much. Yes, it is Fort Balt. Thankfully, Carnell showed up to be a distraction, so we get one more chapter before we go there. Anyway, going back to Mintz, his stats are good all-around. He doesn't truly excell anywhere, but his stats work, much like Roger's. Really, he's like a The Roger who comes later and trades off the free support for Flurry. I'll take it, especially since he doesn't have to stay glued to anybody when the armies split up.

Good Not Jack Black.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9ebnx0gr oYes, sir. As you command!

P1zzgcas o I like how Lionheart doesn't leave anything up to chance. He's a good tactician, that man, and a good leader. I like him. Why is Holmes the lord and not him?

Why didn't we indeed?

Maybe his is another campaign that got cut for time (Dammit Kaga, that'd be No. 3 for Tearring if true?)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Xjbxzixx o

Upon thinking on it (and looking at the map), I may be onto something with Bizzaro Sacae.


So, with Blaad nearby and fort Balt, I have to wonder if the continent of Bizzaro Sacae was only the centre of a more widely altered Bizzaro Elibe, because while Lot escaped to the south, this region as a whole (Selba, Blaad (as Bulgar no less) and Senay could all be the places that built up after Bizzaro Sacae arose out of the period shown in the Bizzaro Sacae chronicles (also known as that time someone ironmanned BB with horrific consequences), with Balt and certain places near it being the successors of Bizzaro Bern.

Where Isla and Wellt fall into this is still uncertain. But I have the wilder theory looking at the map that we have the remnants of Etruia in the south of the map, Lycia in the east, Ilia in either the north or west (Bizzaro Sacae was a world-altering event) and Bern essentially to the north of Maybe Lycia..

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Em05vn6l oDon't be a fool! Lionheart is here to wreak vengeance on us. Even if we surrender, he'll have each and every one of us executed! We can't surrender!

3q0wpngw o

O1IBui99_o.pngI asked you not to be a dick, please respond.

Speaking of those, more Ippei does obscure FE units!

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Before we begin, I'd like to ask everyone to keep a minute of silence for the great loss that we've just suffered.

5jw4xb3q o

You will be missed dearly.

Thou sacrifice will be remembered, Maruj.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Now, a surprise Nintendo Direct was announced for tomorrow. Where I live, it happens at 11 PM on a schoolday, and I don't ever watch these things anyway, preferring to just surf the web the day after and get a quick idea of all the announcements. Everyone's hoping they give news about Three Heroes and that guy from Guy 5 joining Smash (no, Japan, I'm still not over you using spanish words as names, you fuckers. I don't care why you did it, you named your series "person" and I'm entitled to get irrationally mad at it) and shit.

Meanwhile, I'll be programming robots and then taking a welding class when the direct airs.

Also, I thought that Persona meant "person" or something like that in a different language. Glad to see my guess was correct.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Personally? I just want a release date for Luigi's Mansion 3. I don't give a damn about anything else, just give me a date. I waited for Luigi's Mansion 2 for years (it was the first game I ever actively waited for, too), and it was also the first game (and nearly the last) I ever pre-ordered. I bought the 3DS for it! Before that, I even had my mother order the original from overseas oh-so-many years ago when it still wasn't so easy. If there's a series I'm willing to completely forego all of my gaming principles for, it's that one. FE doesn't get the same luxury, sadly. I don't want to preorder a game for it to turn out to be three games. Or a waifu simulator.

That is dedication, and considering how much fun I had with the first two games, I do not blame you in the slightest.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

His birth?

Footballman was an accident. That's gotta hurt.

Yet Footballman has decided not to see his life as an accident, and has become a dedicated member of the church. Perhaps he sees the value of all life, even the lives of legal pirates and a man as a-holish as Holmes.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have no idea, the ads only say "realistic game for men".

Yeah, I think I've seen that one before, although I don't recall what that was for. I blame using Incognito window all the time as the reason I keep getting those kinds of ads.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Neither have I.

...uh, in this computer. I mean, it's in the living room, too much of a risk to watch that sort of stuff here.

Are thou intentionally digging thou self deeper, Ruben?

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't act like you didn't notice the elephant in the room! You clearly wrote Mel's name when you meant to write "Renee"!

Ah, my mistake. Being honest, I have a hard time remembering names, especially when I'm not seeing them every time I play the game.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No, they haven't. I can assure you that much. Camilla's popular enough to win the shitty popularity contest again and make money, and that's all IntSys and Nintendo care about.

On the bright side, characters can only win it once. And with hope, IS learned from their mistakes with Fates in Warriors as well.

Echoes has brought me hope that they learned their lesson, but we'll have to wait and see what tomorrow holds for Three Houses.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ike? Panne? Nonsense, they wouldn't put those losers in. They need the GBs for Fates royals.

I take it GB means Gigabytes?

Anyway, Ike would probably get in, because popularity, muscles, and people being ticked he wasn't in Warriors.

Course, they could do what the 3DS version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games, and have it where the characters are limited to which events they can appear in, but I don't want them to do that. And I'm overthinking this again.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But can you destroy all of your teammates AND send them off to a fatass pimp?

Mentally destroy them, yes. And looking over the TV Tropes page for the game... Oh my...

And yes, that list includes selling them into slavery for a magical tone.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I need to find a way to introduce Bagman into the fanfic.

I mean, he's a millionaire, appears to be squandering his wealth playing heads or tails, and his nickname is one letter off from Batman...

Maybe he stuffs criminals into sacks in his down time?

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They fail very often, step down your high horse.

Tails has a 50% chance of failing!

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sorry, I'm a nerd, but a young nerd, and a videogame nerd at that. Shows and films were never my greatest interest. Don't think I've ever watched anything Star Treck in my life.

*Spelled Star Trek with a "c"*

Related image

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nah, the main concern was that the player suffered. Then, there was that.

Maybe they knew that the map would cause the player to go crazy, and decided to use the opportunity to distract them from this with awesome visual effects on the overhead view?

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You haven't seen anything yet.

I am prepared to be amazed.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Except it to make some more comebacks down the line. That image is just perfectly perfect.

Without a doubt, Footballmans prayers will aid you throughout this LP.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This game's critical hits deal x2 might, not x3. So it's not merely "glorified", it's a plain better crit that always has a chance to trigger, unless the enemy has Nihil.

I see. Sounds like something Julia needs.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahah, I know the feeling. I went ahead and compared the two sprites, and much to my surprise...

Td4rox8u o

Yup. I think the deal here is that Maruj's Sage attire is a lot larger and his pose is much more confident and upright. This makes him look bigger, when really, it's his ego that's grown bigger, so to speak.

Huh, interesting. I can see what you mean by the developers putting effort into some of the promotions.

It's amazing what a change in attitude and position can do for ones appearance.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oNice find! That's a Hammerne staff. Skiller clerics can use them to repair almost anything. I say "skilled" clerics, though, because they're notoriously difficult to use. I doubt you'd be able to.

Skiller clerics can repair anything, while skilled ones can use the staff.

For some reason, I imagine Holmes mispronouncing that in-universe, and then ignoring his mistake.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Njdtyjkp oHolmes...! Why are you always such a dick?!

F4aswdy8 o ...okay, no, sorry.

Njdtyjkp oHolmes...! Why are you always so mean?!

Not gonna lie. I could actually see Katri making that slip after that level of Richardness. And then covering her mouth afterwards and being surprised that she was capable of such words.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Iyzewnnj o

That's a nasty enemy. The fierce breath pieces defenses, too. That's not very nice.

Sjtdrw4l o

That's a nastier enemy. 20 critical? 11 AS? Way better defenses than the balls? Shit...

I see that dracozombies (name changed to necrodragons in Echoes. YMWV as to which one is better) and gargoyles are back from gaiden.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's the B team's turn, and Roger. In hindsight, I should've brought Esther instead of Arkis, but it doesn't matter. The only one who did any fighting was Roger, because I didn't want him to fall behind.

You forgot the "The" again.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Qkxkvhvg oNgemkf2e o

Anyway, the Dracozombies.

And they look bad@$$

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Yzqzenk4 oHh6xvug4 o

They look absolutely nasty.

E88xmzsm oKgbp9yg5 o

Their attacks kinda ruin the whole deal, though. The flames disappear as soon as the unit dodges or gets hit, unlike, say, Elfire's flames which linger for a while. It's really dumb to watch.

Heheh. Reminds me of the "roll to distinguish flames" that some games have. Except here, they fan them out.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Dymrlv0j oOnawhfhv oQi3jeuv0 o

Then they do another flip and quickly strike their opponent.

Aw. They lack their scythe.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Kdulibj5 oZwbaaji0 oXzj2v8el o


Simple, yet epic.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Cbhfewuq o9o8hersa o

Hoo boy, another The Crit!

The Roger The Paladin The Crit! That sounded better in my head...

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oWhat?! No! We are NOT a couple! Two separate rooms, please!

Ctmximdg oWait, really? I could've sworn you were being all lovey-dovey just a moment ago...

...What were they doing exactly to give off that impression?

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
V1hfmn5j o

Oh! Could it be... is it time, at last?

Yxfwcmlf o

Oh, yeah...!


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

4lt3brpp o What the holy blistering barnacles is wrong with you?! You can't just sacrifice a potential ally and great man like that, that's a borderline Richard move! The heck, man?! This is... okay, it's not unlike you, but... c'mon!

I'm wondering more why Eugen didn't propose that they sabotage the fort first before saying they'll assist Lionheart in the assault. Something as simple as a false alarm would put their enemies on edge and tire them out, but they could also poison their food supplies or make a diversion to get the rest of the forces elsewhere. Then the proposal to let Lionhearts group attack on their own would seem less a-holish, as they'd be fighting a weakened enemy.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Uniilxix o

0zfd96rn o Oh, thank goodness, someone's got a brain and a heart in this fucking game! Holmes would probably have agreed to that plan... thank you, Runan. Thank you for being reasonable. Who cares if that makes you more generic? I'll take generic over psycopathic like everyone else!

Runan is even more refreshing than I imagined after having to deal with Holmes.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still better than Holmes. I... think. Not so sure anymore.

Holmes is terrible person, but Eugen is a terrible planner.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's the worst part, man. This opportunity's perfect. We capture a pivotal point from the Empire, Selba, we make a powerful friend, and Fort Balt isn't going anywhere. We have literally no reason to screw Lionheart over. And still Eugen wanted us to, just for the heck of it, I guess. Maybe if he was a hot woman, he would've agreed to help... urgh!

Eugen plan sounds like an example that could be used in "Tactician vs Strategist" discussions of how short term advantages can be disadvantageous in the long run. Except that Eugens plan doesn't make much sense tactically, either, because it's avoiding a chance to outnumber the enemy, and although numbers don't win wars, they can most certainly make a difference in the hands of a skilled general.

...Wait a second...

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uvrpnhkg o


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Vgcfw0ld o

Nice way of keeping them in the plot while still preventing them from breaking the story.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o And proceeded to insult him for no good reason.

Who hasn't Richard insulted? At this point, it'd be newsworthy to find someone he hasn't.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o As a matter of fact, you won't get to exact revenge on him. It is I who will kill him. You'd waste the experience, and more than that.

With hope, Lioheart is a mature man that knows that revenge is unsatisfying and it doesn't really matter who puts Carnell down.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o I like how Lionheart doesn't leave anything up to chance. He's a good tactician, that man, and a good leader. I like him. Why is Holmes the lord and not him?

Same reason Celica's party is separate from Alm's; Kaga can't stand if there aren't misfits and randos in at least one army.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o It's a sad day when you can say Holmes was less of an ass than somebody else. Eugen, you're breaking my heart here...

Well, Holmes did insult Katri earlier this update...

Besides, everyone has an "off" day.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sure, it may seem like he's completely outclassed, but Lionheart alone could probably take on the lower-leveled chumps, and all those level 18s won't actively fight. More on that later.

Maybe Eugen proposed the plan because he knew Lionheart was just that good? Maybe?

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I wish I knew who was the genius that made Footballman. Aside from the designer who died (I hate to refer to them as such, but I don't know their name. Pretty sure it was a she?), Kaga himself was involved with some of the designing. Do you think he was the one to shit out Footballman? 'Cause I dunno 'bout you, but that'd be enough for me to forgive him for the whole "press O to enslave girl" ordeal.

A quick google search told me that their name is Mayumi Hirota, and it's a she.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Em05vn6l oDon't be a fool! Lionheart is here to wreak vengeance on us. Even if we surrender, he'll have each and every one of us executed! We can't surrender!

I'm curious on whether or not Lionheart would actually do this, or if his reputation precedes him.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
3q0wpngw o

P1zzgcas o Ahahahah... okay, I like this throwaway.

Same. Shame he's probably not going to last long...

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Poor fool. I wish I didn't have to kill him. He seems like an all right guy.

Same. Runan's side seems to have a few good throwaway bosses. More than we've seen on Holmes side, at least.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Em05vn6l oYou only have to hold out until I get away. After that, do whatever you want. Just know that if you don't keep them occupied long enough, I'll see to it that you are punished for your cowardice.

Said the coward who might be punished for his cowardice.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o He has parents?! He looks like he's 80 years old!

He must have some really healthy grandparents.

And I... missed the chance to respond first. Again.

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8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Before we begin, I'd like to ask everyone to keep a minute of silence for the great loss that we've just suffered.

5jw4xb3q o

You will be missed dearly.

Let's hope he will learn to speak Latin now (yeah, I haven't commented on any spells because I couldn't access my account). 

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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

5jw4xb3q o

You will be missed dearly.


7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Good write-up. Just a little thing, Navarre wasn't after Shiida in that one downloadable map. Shiida wasn't even there from the start. Navarre wanted to settle things with Ogma, and then Shiida arrived (and Norne, but who cares about Norne really) and intervened to stop them.

True, but he definitely did use the threat of killing her to goad Ogma, on the grounds "she made him soft". The fact he apparently couldn't carry out implicates perhaps he was a bit of a hypocrite. I also re-read Rutger's supports and realized why I remember very little of the character's dialogue. He loves to say "..." way too much. His backstory is pretty decent, as is his motivation, and his A-support with Karel suggests the possibility of redemption at least. But his supports with Dieck and Fir kind of show he's still an edgelord and a half.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What do you mean, her friend?

San/Sun's friend, not Wii Fit Trainer. Frau. Sorry for the poor phrasing there.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Your family are satanists? Oh, dear, you really are a mad manakete, aren't you?. If you wish to make me sacrifice things in your name, I'll have you know, I am an unemployed student who lives with his daddies. I ain't got no goats.

Not Satanists. My mother is as Catholic as anyone who ever lived. But my father is best known as a Norse god, and I don't mean playing a role in a movie. Complicated story. Just not every day you get someone who can say they're a son of Odin and not be insane/full of shit/Kana under specific circumstances/claiming membership to that white supremacist group my brother's girlfriend once pointed out has the name "Sons of Odin".

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My hat's off to you. Words cannot express how perfect this is.

Fun fact: when I first read this, I was hanging out with a couple of friends, one of which is a fan of Sonic and really likes Shadow. He had to hand it to you, that was genius.

Honestly a reference to an old meme


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ads are so dumb. I wish I could say "sometimes".

Tell me about it. This one looks like something written by/for the slave-trader.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ike? Panne? Nonsense, they wouldn't put those losers in. They need the GBs for Fates royals.

Given Warriors line-up this isn't even a joke.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is art, y'know? Just... pure art. My only complaint is Law, why is he here? He hasn't joined us (yet?). Frost would've been a lot more better, in my opinion.

Honestly, I was torn on Frost and Law, but when it came down to it, I thought bald synergy might work better. On a side note, I was prepared for a joke about Pretzel being told by Xane that if he dressed as Superman he'd get his powers if anyone questioned that. Kind of like the Tiki's hair incident, as he'd be dumb enough to fall for it again with a slight twist.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Q9iqnfjl o

0zfd96rn o He has parents?! He looks like he's 80 years old!

Maybe he's senile and forgot they died?


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I would like to note that while threatening people's families has been used to keep officers of the empire in line several times so far, said officers had no intention of actually switching sides. They just didn't want to fight a battle they had no chance of winning anyway.
And that distinction is important. If the best you can come up with for why a sympathetic antagonist would not ally themselves with the supposed heroes is because they are being blackmailed with the lives of their family... well, you are not exactly giving a face to the many poor schmucks caught up in the war. Quite frankly, you are doing the opposite. You are merely supporting the dominant and lazy narrative that anyone who opposes "our side" deserves death, as if it were such an easy step to turn your back at your home and comrades and align yourself with an invading army ravaging through your country. Which is why Mustafa is a complete joke as the designated sympathetic antagonist, even if Emmeryn would have actually lived up to all the praise he gives her.

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Also, for @Hawkwing, I've taken a trip to old Mimir's well, and viewed a possible ending to Plum's abductor's story. Mind you, as my sacrifice was nothing more than a copy of "Russel Grant's Astrology" for the DS, I cannot vouch that this is the future we'll see. After all, my posting part of it here would disrupt the timeline enough to invalidate the world I saw. That said, I'm going to go with doing so anyway, as it gives me the excuse to watch this bastard die two different ways. Apologies if Ruben has to pull a Metroid 4 on the death scene and start over because of this.




After this, the slavetrader is consumed by an effect as if he were an enemy in Wind Waker and got hit with a light arrow after being hit with a crit by the wrathful murderprincess. It's not as if this were an elaborate joke making fun of kids whose dads work at nintendo or anything baka.



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Part 32 - An Archer to surpass Dorothy.

Soooo I watched the Nintendo Direct after all. My first teacher of the day was absent that morning, so I had a couple more hours to sleep. Therefore, I decided, hey, 11 pm ain't so late, let's watch it fuck it.

Was I satistied? Heck no, I wasn't! That was so disappointing! Super Mario Maker 2 was by far the best part, because it appears Luigi's going to be playable in this one (finally!). Now all I need is coop support and I might just get the game. Not sure otherwise, I really would rather not buy Nintendo's crappy online. But other than that? I wanted exactly one thing, the release date for Luigi's Mansion 3, but nope, better announce a thousand remakes and Yoshi's Crafted World.

Of course, I suppose I should address the elephant in the room. Did I hate the Three Houses trailer for revealing that it's more like High School of the Crests DxD? No, I don't really. I don't like it, but it might make for cool customization of the army. Did I love it? Not that either. I feel lukewarm about it, mostly because they revealed absolutely nothing substantial. We got a world map, that's cool, but not exactly the world's greatest discovery; we were told that there are Three Houses in FE Three Houses again; Byleth was revealed to be the avatar (is there anyone who didn't see that coming from a mile away?); we were shown 5 minutes of school and 5 seconds of gameplay, and... that's about it. About the most shocking revelation was that there's a Leonie in FE3H, which means IntSys is ripping Kaga off. Again.

Speaking of Leonie, let's get moving. I've got an update to push.


On 13/2/2019 at 1:17 AM, Pengaius said:

For Footballman's sake, you're Arkis now?! You wish he was the lord of Three Heroes for the 3DS! He's not important enough to be the lord of one of those generic ecchi visual novels that plague Steam! Why don't you change your name to ArkisLover on top of everything, huh? I dare you, you fucker, I double dare ya!

Oh my! How lewd! And after beating all those balls no less. 

Yeah, we beat those balls all right. You can't beat Arkis's balls, though, because he's got no balls. Hah!

*grumble grumble* I swear he gets good *grumble grumble*

When? At level 100?

Did someone say Arkis?

Pfffhwahahahahah... okay, five points for you.

S-see he's being useful... he's top tier I promise

Esther would've done it better.

What a piece of slime. You should totally let arkis kill him and his troops to really humiliate the guy, I mean we both know it's not like you do this for optimal play or anything. 

There's a fine line between not doing this "for optimal play" and not doing this "with Arkis's survival in mind". You may draw your own conclusions, you reckless imbecile.


On 13/2/2019 at 1:35 AM, Dayni said:

You do realise a persona is not the same as a person?

I do. However, it is the same as a person in spanish, because "persona" is spanish for person. And not just a female person either, there is no such thing as a "persono". So basically, we got this word that's not the same as "person", but means "person" in spanish.

Language is such crap. Babel did too much harm to humanity.

Not a bad call to make, I only got Fates and Echoes on sale after all.

Nice idea.

Holmes was supposed to be on the outside of the carriage anyway, the character he replaced wasn't on the inside.

I see.

I remember BB. I know this isn't BB, but Kaga's BS rating's kind of off the charts in this period, even if he'd peaked with Thracia.

Piece of... I will not do as badly here as I did back in FE6, I've got a--

Just look at Attralm.


I decided to make it Tom's theme.

It works wonders. This could be Maerchen's theme. And Arkis's.

We all know it doesn't. She still gets a brave alt though.

People are dumb.

That's not a cat fight though. It involves actual fighting, in the most cliche way with scratching at each other, often with handbags involved.

It was a manner of speech, dangit!

I don't think I've seen any of that since I was a child.

I don't think I've seen that ever.

I mean, he'd be less likely to die.

He wouldn't get to avenge Eisenbach though.

I want Maruj to be strong and succeed his granddaddy. Such is his destiny.

I... wasn't complaining about it here.

I do remember how you can raise levels in this game. :P

Aha, see, I win for once.

That's still neat, not hard to see hit it could fit with that portrait.

I'd hope it did, since I used its colors!

Are they the siblings?


Skiller clerics?

Are they the clerics who gut fish?

Of course, there it is! The typo that's going to make everyone go wild on me! But at least I didn't state that a mouse killed Nolzeria this time around.

I don't think an apology's needed there.

Hahah, very much indeed!

Is this him practising for a dance with Mel?

The dance of death? C'mon, they're not monsters like Smiley Runan and his Murderprincess.

Could be they've been partying the whole time since they took it.

Then why is Eugen just talking about "last night"?

I think Eugen just confirmed he's named after Eugenics and he uses it to be a dick.

Bwahahahahahah... that's an awesome coincidence(?).

You always have to watch out for the calm ones through, you never know when they'll turn.

I know there's that meme about looking precious while smiling, but don't let Runan do so.

Tl;Dia (Too late; Did it already)

7asioga8 o

There we go, that's what we've been missing.

Albertus! (Okay, maybe the rest Matthis's army and himself and Margaret too).

The Hypeman strikes again!

Was Albertus about to say Haggis?

You really want Albertus to be Irish, don't you? Well, my Iran friend, I'm sorry to say, but he's Archanean. The accent is just there because I don't know how to characterize.

Good Not Jack Black.


Why didn't we indeed?

Maybe his is another campaign that got cut for time (Dammit Kaga, that'd be No. 3 for Tearring if true?)

Nah, don't think so, but it would've been so epic...

Upon thinking on it (and looking at the map), I may be onto something with Bizzaro Sacae.

  Reveal hidden contents

So, with Blaad nearby and fort Balt, I have to wonder if the continent of Bizzaro Sacae was only the centre of a more widely altered Bizzaro Elibe, because while Lot escaped to the south, this region as a whole (Selba, Blaad (as Bulgar no less) and Senay could all be the places that built up after Bizzaro Sacae arose out of the period shown in the Bizzaro Sacae chronicles (also known as that time someone ironmanned BB with horrific consequences), with Balt and certain places near it being the successors of Bizzaro Bern.

Where Isla and Wellt fall into this is still uncertain. But I have the wilder theory looking at the map that we have the remnants of Etruia in the south of the map, Lycia in the east, Ilia in either the north or west (Bizzaro Sacae was a world-altering event) and Bern essentially to the north of Maybe Lycia..

Your crackpot theories are just the best. By the end of this I expect you to write a full-blown fanfic on the lore of bizarro Sacae. I'd love you if you did that.

O1IBui99_o.pngI asked you not to be a dick, please respond.

Reasonable throwaways in a nutshel.

Speaking of those, more Ippei does obscure FE units!

Oh, it's... that one guy from FE4...

Someone get him to draw Frost please.


On 13/2/2019 at 2:37 AM, Hawkwing said:

Thou sacrifice will be remembered, Maruj.

Class for stats. Affordable losses...?

Meanwhile, I'll be programming robots and then taking a welding class when the direct airs.

Kewl. Program battle robots.

Also, I thought that Persona meant "person" or something like that in a different language. Glad to see my guess was correct.

'Twas indeed.

That is dedication, and considering how much fun I had with the first two games, I do not blame you in the slightest.

They're two of those games from my childhood, alongside Indiana jones and the Emperor's Tomb. I played that one so much throughout the years, the CD was all fucked and doesn't work anymore. I need to get another one, that game's my life.

Yet Footballman has decided not to see his life as an accident, and has become a dedicated member of the church. Perhaps he sees the value of all life, even the lives of legal pirates and a man as a-holish as Holmes.

Praise Footballman.

Yeah, I think I've seen that one before, although I don't recall what that was for. I blame using Incognito window all the time as the reason I keep getting those kinds of ads.

Hah! What do you need incognito for? Buying nuclear weapons much? You silly goose.

Are thou intentionally digging thou self deeper, Ruben?

Does thou believe thou are holier than mineself? I shall have thee know, I am a person of great virtue and exemplary honor. Thou should regret your every word!

Ah, my mistake. Being honest, I have a hard time remembering names, especially when I'm not seeing them every time I play the game.

And you're not even playing this game!

On the bright side, characters can only win it once. And with hope, IS learned from their mistakes with Fates in Warriors as well.

Inb4 they revoke that rule to make way for more Camillas.

Echoes has brought me hope that they learned their lesson, but we'll have to wait and see what tomorrow holds for Three Houses.

Echoes did sell worse than Fates, though.

I take it GB means Gigabytes?

Of course.

Anyway, Ike would probably get in, because popularity, muscles, and people being ticked he wasn't in Warriors.

A fair guess...

Course, they could do what the 3DS version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games, and have it where the characters are limited to which events they can appear in, but I don't want them to do that. And I'm overthinking this again.

You are, but don't worry. Overthinking is an art!

Mentally destroy them, yes. And looking over the TV Tropes page for the game... Oh my...

And yes, that list includes selling them into slavery for a magical tone.

But is that person underage? And does the game just let you get away with a bunch of cartoonish punches?

I mean, he's a millionaire, appears to be squandering his wealth playing heads or tails, and his nickname is one letter off from Batman...

Maybe he stuffs criminals into sacks in his down time?

Bwahahahahahahahahaah! I need to make that a reality...

Fprtmn7b o

Tails has a 50% chance of failing!


...okay, that's the truth, but it definitely didn't feel that way the other day!

*Spelled Star Trek with a "c"*

Related image


Txrycfai o

I may or may not have spelled it "Star Treck" on purpose. Heheh...

Maybe they knew that the map would cause the player to go crazy, and decided to use the opportunity to distract them from this with awesome visual effects on the overhead view?

Could be. It's a solid theory.

I am prepared to be amazed.

You better be.

Without a doubt, Footballmans prayers will aid you throughout this LP.

They sure will, I'm gonna give him more money when I have the chance.

I see. Sounds like something Julia needs.

Might be, but since Julia isn't ever getting it, them's the breaks. Guess it'll serve Krishna just as well, though.

Huh, interesting. I can see what you mean by the developers putting effort into some of the promotions.

Some more than others, yeah.

It's amazing what a change in attitude and position can do for ones appearance.


Skiller clerics can repair anything, while skilled ones can use the staff.

Here we go, the typo... urgh...

For some reason, I imagine Holmes mispronouncing that in-universe, and then ignoring his mistake.

It'd fit him, but alas, it was my mistake.

Not gonna lie. I could actually see Katri making that slip after that level of Richardness. And then covering her mouth afterwards and being surprised that she was capable of such words.

Aethin, patch, now.

I see that dracozombies (name changed to necrodragons in Echoes. YMWV as to which one is better) and gargoyles are back from gaiden.

Yep, they are. Kaga more or less recycled the whole troupé for this game.

You forgot the "The" again.

An unforgivable blunder. I shall repent by giving cash to Footballman when we go back to Holmes. Any excuse is good to give Footballman the dough.

And they look bad@$$

That they do, badASS.

Heheh. Reminds me of the "roll to distinguish flames" that some games have. Except here, they fan them out.

Distinguish them from what? The background?

Nah I get what you're saying. On a related note, it's not just "some games", it's what you should probably be doing in real life if there isn't water or a person with a fire extinguiser nearby.

Aw. They lack their scythe.

Lol. Fair I guess?

Simple, yet epic.

The Roger The Paladin The Crit! That sounded better in my head...

The Roger The Paladin The Dismounted The Crit The Vantage!

...What were they doing exactly to give off that impression?

They were arguing, he assumed they were an old married couple and tried to help with their inevitably sinking relationship.



I'm wondering more why Eugen didn't propose that they sabotage the fort first before saying they'll assist Lionheart in the assault. Something as simple as a false alarm would put their enemies on edge and tire them out, but they could also poison their food supplies or make a diversion to get the rest of the forces elsewhere. Then the proposal to let Lionhearts group attack on their own would seem less a-holish, as they'd be fighting a weakened enemy.

Still horrible.

Runan is even more refreshing than I imagined after having to deal with Holmes.

You can say that again. No need to, but you can.

Holmes is terrible person, but Eugen is a terrible planner.

That's true.

Eugen plan sounds like an example that could be used in "Tactician vs Strategist" discussions of how short term advantages can be disadvantageous in the long run. Except that Eugens plan doesn't make much sense tactically, either, because it's avoiding a chance to outnumber the enemy, and although numbers don't win wars, they can most certainly make a difference in the hands of a skilled general.

...Wait a second...

Eugen = not skilled? Bitch, please, everyone has bad days sometimes!



Nice way of keeping them in the plot while still preventing them from breaking the story.

Thanks. I tried.

Who hasn't Richard insulted? At this point, it'd be newsworthy to find someone he hasn't.

This just in: local asshat is nice to elderly woman. Elderly woman currently under suspicion of being a member of the mafia. Stay tuned for more news.

With hope, Lioheart is a mature man that knows that revenge is unsatisfying and it doesn't really matter who puts Carnell down.

Or, I get to the old fellow before he does.

Same reason Celica's party is separate from Alm's; Kaga can't stand if there aren't misfits and randos in at least one army.

Dangit, Kaga!

Well, Holmes did insult Katri earlier this update...

Besides, everyone has an "off" day.

Fair enough.

Maybe Eugen proposed the plan because he knew Lionheart was just that good? Maybe?

That's my headcanon. I cannot stand the thought that Eugen's a dick.

A quick google search told me that their name is Mayumi Hirota, and it's a she.

Cool. I now have a name.

I'm curious on whether or not Lionheart would actually do this, or if his reputation precedes him.

I think a healthy mix of both.

Same. Shame he's probably not going to last long...

Same. Runan's side seems to have a few good throwaway bosses. More than we've seen on Holmes side, at least.

I mean, half of Holmes's chapters didn't have a boss, and half the other half were Maerchen.

Said the coward who might be punished for his cowardice.


He must have some really healthy grandparents.

Now I'll feel even worse when I kill him.

And I... missed the chance to respond first. Again.

It's not a competition, don't worry your pretty little head about it.

Still, you lost. Hahah ya big loser. Ya lost the race.


On 13/2/2019 at 3:46 AM, eclipse said:

Why not have Esther and Kreiss be your walls or something? :P:

Could work. I'll see.


On 13/2/2019 at 7:53 AM, Goddess Serra said:

Let's hope he will learn to speak Latin now (yeah, I haven't commented on any spells because I couldn't access my account). 

I'm afraid he hasn't. Still using Google Translator. But c'mon, forgive Aethin him, he's trying at least.


On 13/2/2019 at 8:01 AM, Mad-manakete said:



True, but he definitely did use the threat of killing her to goad Ogma, on the grounds "she made him soft". The fact he apparently couldn't carry out implicates perhaps he was a bit of a hypocrite.

Poor guy. I wanted to defend him for a change, and I ended up making him look worse.

I also re-read Rutger's supports and realized why I remember very little of the character's dialogue. He loves to say "..." way too much. His backstory is pretty decent, as is his motivation, and his A-support with Karel suggests the possibility of redemption at least. But his supports with Dieck and Fir kind of show he's still an edgelord and a half.

I only remember he wanted to kill Dick in their support.

San/Sun's friend, not Wii Fit Trainer. Frau. Sorry for the poor phrasing there.

Ah, I get it now.

Not Satanists. My mother is as Catholic as anyone who ever lived. But my father is best known as a Norse god, and I don't mean playing a role in a movie. Complicated story. Just not every day you get someone who can say they're a son of Odin and not be insane/full of shit/Kana under specific circumstances/claiming membership to that white supremacist group my brother's girlfriend once pointed out has the name "Sons of Odin".

He's finnish. You can just say it like that, y'know?

Honestly a reference to an old meme

Pfffft oh my God it made me laugh again. Why in the world is he carrying a sniper rifle...?

Tell me about it. This one looks like something written by/for the slave-trader.

Cap'n Sleever (he's very subtle like that) will take 'em kiddos on a joy ride with his boat. They may sit on the mast!

...goodness gracious, I can't wait to kill him.

Given Warriors line-up this isn't even a joke.

I know, right?

Honestly, I was torn on Frost and Law, but when it came down to it, I thought bald synergy might work better.

But Frost's bald too... he has the sickest beard ever below, but the top of his head remains clean.

On a side note, I was prepared for a joke about Pretzel being told by Xane that if he dressed as Superman he'd get his powers if anyone questioned that. Kind of like the Tiki's hair incident, as he'd be dumb enough to fall for it again with a slight twist.

Pfft. Sounds like Pretzel all right.

Maybe he's senile and forgot they died?
Amazing. C'mon, first good throwaway since the last Runan chapter and you have to make him out to be a dumbass.


On 13/2/2019 at 9:21 AM, BrightBow said:

I would like to note that while threatening people's families has been used to keep officers of the empire in line several times so far, said officers had no intention of actually switching sides. They just didn't want to fight a battle they had no chance of winning anyway.
And that distinction is important. If the best you can come up with for why a sympathetic antagonist would not ally themselves with the supposed heroes is because they are being blackmailed with the lives of their family... well, you are not exactly giving a face to the many poor schmucks caught up in the war. Quite frankly, you are doing the opposite. You are merely supporting the dominant and lazy narrative that anyone who opposes "our side" deserves death, as if it were such an easy step to turn your back at your home and comrades and align yourself with an invading army ravaging through your country. Which is why Mustafa is a complete joke as the designated sympathetic antagonist, even if Emmeryn would have actually lived up to all the praise he gives her.

Personally, I like the way they handled it here, because it reinforces one point: the Empire's pretty clearly falling apart. Things like the fact that they have to blackmail half of their generals and higher-ups just so they'll help the corrupt nobles and Gerxel's priests, the very existance of those corrupt nobles and Gerxel fanatics, and the fact that even the crown prince hates the way Canaan's handling things show this much better than, say, Barker going "man, mah country's just in da shit, dude". Something he might still do, mind, but at least they tried.

My point is, sure, it makes the Empire look like nobody gives a damn about it, but that's because noone does. At this point, most people have realized that Bahanuk is mad and understand that the best course of action is to defect and help bring Canaan back to the way it was in the old days, like Mintz did and Seamus implored for us to do in his final moments. And those who remain are either evil, greedy or wish to change things from within, like Barker.

As for Mustafa, I don't know enough about him to talk, but I was never that fond of the Camus archetype. It makes for good tragedy, for sure, but some of them just didn't make much sense at all. Like, problematically enough, the original Camus himself. I know it's hard to turn your back on your country, but Camus had literally no reason to stay with Grust other than, well, the fact that it's his country. Lorenz was in a similar position, but he was able to understand that sticking around wouldn't do anyone any good, and after the war, he went right back to Grust and put his back into helping the country back up on its feet. If Camus hadn't been such a stubborn brat, maybe Lang wouldn't have been so full of himself, and Hardin wouldn't have been free to marry Nyna and have his heart broken in half after the deed was done and not before.

Of course, he lived to learn his lesson later on in Valentia, but that doesn't change the fact that he pretty much could've stopped FE12 from happening and didn't because he just felt like showing off the Gradivus.


On 13/2/2019 at 1:51 PM, Mad-manakete said:

Also, for @Hawkwing, I've taken a trip to old Mimir's well, and viewed a possible ending to Plum's abductor's story. Mind you, as my sacrifice was nothing more than a copy of "Russel Grant's Astrology" for the DS, I cannot vouch that this is the future we'll see. After all, my posting part of it here would disrupt the timeline enough to invalidate the world I saw. That said, I'm going to go with doing so anyway, as it gives me the excuse to watch this bastard die two different ways. Apologies if Ruben has to pull a Metroid 4 on the death scene and start over because of this.

Oh, dear. Fan theories. Satanist fan theories, too! I'm kinda scared now.

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents

After this, the slavetrader is consumed by an effect as if he were an enemy in Wind Waker and got hit with a light arrow after being hit with a crit by the wrathful murderprincess. It's not as if this were an elaborate joke making fun of kids whose dads work at nintendo or anything baka.



...you son of a...

I mean, no, that's not... at all what I was thinking, no! Sasha... Sasha totally wasn't going to kill him... yeah... at least you didn't get the dialogue right...?

In all seriousness, though, I like how you went out of your way to use the game's own font to write that thing. You've got more patience than me, I can tell you that much.



Oc6csnqo oNo2wwrme oUnw8jsyc o

A little inventory management. Kate gets the brave bow because Raquel brings everyone down to 1 HP with the iron bow, and Kate can actually kill, so she'll do wonders with the thing. As well, Mintz gets a Canto scroll that basically has his name all over it. Think one or two lines of latin that represent the canto-obtaining spell and just MINTZ MINTZ MINTZ everywhere else.

53bllh1s o

Today's map. The river's annoying, the only ways to get across are those shallower parts and the bridge, but the bridge is drawn. Thankfully, we still have the key we were given ages ago in Fort Wellt, so that's easily dealt with. There are a few houses and an academy that teaches Grassrunner (not all that useful, honestly). However, they don't contain all the loot that can be obtained here. Far from it.

H2g05w6j o2dqaavsi oVxpetktr oZ9is1jtv oMtaelwda o

Carnell is going to attempt to hightail it out of here alongside his escorts. These escorts, instead of protecting their leader, will also be running for their lives, since each of them is carrying one of Carnell's """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""well-earned""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" riches. However, Carnell himself sports the most juicy one: the Salia Codex. Put that sucker in somebody's inventory, and their strength, speed, skill and defense growths will be increased by 10%. I want that. Besides, letting Carnell escape while Marshall gets killed in his place wouldn't feel right.

Zbgvpxor oAmdckurd o

As for the man himself, he's kinda screwed. Guy's a decent spellcaster and has a long-ranged spell, but Carnell left him with a handful of scrubby knights and horsemen and that's it.

N0bs482w o

Another thing to note in this map is that we've got our first Ballistician. Ballisticians are tanks who have used a ballista. This takes away all their move, but allows them to... well, use ballistae! It's situational, but depending on the situation, it can work. Tom would love to have that, but first, we need to kill the guy, and it's not that easy. Not because of the shield or the other enemies, no. It's difficult to beat Lionheart to the punch.

0kqgvxmg oZvwhwk3n oQhmscpjp o

Shirou and the generic nomads aren't much to write home about, but Lionheart himself? Hoo, boy. Look at that beast. Canto, Grassrunner that gives him bonuses in this map, Adept, Sol, solid stats, a great sword... he's an absolute unit. Which is bad, since more than half of the enemies here drop things, and we don't want Lionheart to make them disappear. All things considered, it's a solidly designed map, if leaning on the easier side.

On a side note, perhaps I've already mentioned it, but I really don't like the Nomadic Trooper name. It was just put there by Aethin to be consistent with mainline FEs, but in this case, I would've been a lot happier with keeping the old name, Mamluke. It fit these guys like a glove, and it's an actually smart reference to a real historical thing, unlike Nomadic Trooper which means nothing, is too long for the interface and sounds like crap.

Mq3emxnw oVpckqr3r o

To begin, I get my man Mintz Canto. There's really no reason not to do this, Mintz will get us another one of these just next map, and noone else really needs it that bad. Maybe Kate, she learns it but way too late, but that's it. As I learnt the hard way, Canto doesn't work on foot units, but the game lets you waste the valuable scroll on them.

Nhyivjrt o08bvt4ol o

Then, Lee pays a visit to... oh, come now! Again?! They have a thousand old guy sprites and they have to use this one all the time?

Ha0dg21k oAre you here to help retake Selba from the Empire? Here, I got something for you. It's a magic blade that can summon the power of lightning! They call 'em levin swords. Please use it to help Lionheart. He's put his trust in you, so I'll trust you, too.

C7ywtl0v o

And Eugen wanted to just stab Lionheart in the back and not come here at all... we just got the Murderprincess one more of her favourite toy!

Wixvmwu1 oRtbqhs2w oJxdvyxdw o

Everybody moves. Us, forward. Lionheart, west. Carnell, east.

Oimqanuz o

As for the rest of the enemy, they come to meet us. And their end!

Gekwiagn o

Since it's been a few chapters, I feel it's appropriate to remind you that this is Lee, folks. This is Lee still. One-rounding Great Knights.

Ofdiaeux oQdr5fyk1 oSf11zhmk o

But Runan needs the experience more.

Fnsojjjq o0gwdoefx o

Kate dismounts so she can cross the river. Mintz and Sasha cross it already. Norton heads to the southeastern corner of the map.

16nphkym oZnglbwdm o

Lionheart and Co. begin their assault. Hands off Carnell, he's mine, you fools!

Nx9cazbh oY24mqhtl o

Ahahah, you fool! Nobody attempts to harm Lee and Leeves to tell the tale!

2gf28pra oEegzdxhc o

The same cannot be said about Billford. He's a meme in reddit, it may appear, but I've never found him to be particularly amusing. He's not even so bad that he's good, there are others who far surpass him in that regard. Like Luca, or the second tank.

Viylxy2d oMolodllp o

Norton prepares to cross the river in his heavy armor, while Mintz runs up to demonstrate Flurry's power.

7mwikglv oS356okw7 o

Hah! That main gauche of yours will do you no good, old man!

Tj6hyurr o

Dude the battle just began.

Sfolfa70 oJaeoaypf oGetnl8nm o

Uimp1lxt oOtydmb5y oHfaqc9mj o

Two hits instead of one, solid. And that was a really shitty Flurry, seeing as two is the absolute minimum amount of rounds a Flurry battle can last. There's a chance it might go on for all of five rounds of combat!

4qjba2o8 oYwtzgtra o

Murderprincess could murder him right now with her magic, but I'd rather let Mintz take the kill. Sasha doesn't need the boss kill.

M984emcf o5an1oxnc oRpadsrrf o

Ah-ha! There goes your shield, pal! Now you're screwed!

Tckgpmyo o3wzswg4j oA0butpxl o

On the other side of the map, Runan Jeigans a guy for Meriel. Don't fail me now!

Hsktjw48 o

I... think she got 'em?

Dnfb9crl o

For all the good it did her. Urgh... all my mages are so bad...!

Kawg9zt5 o55i8uvlh o

Not Raquel, tho. Raquel's gonna be such a godsend next time.

Qejcjl84 oYuv19k81 o

Might as well give the meme a kill.

7rqympnn oU4fzuvtl o

It's turn two and already Carnell's with one foot in the grave. Poor guy. Not!

El0ihiwn o2mllmmxo oWtltqjet o

Lionheart retreats to heal, which is good, because he would've wasted Carnell.

Wygadcpc o

The rest of the NPCs lay waste to that one horseman.

Fvptifze o

Thank you, Marshall! I was worried he'd bite the dust before we could make him!

1cfbyojx oStnmdxzc o

That was the ballista. Oof!

39pkw1hd o

Hey, who's that? Oh, God, not again... not the raiding horsemen! No! Leave my sight before I crush you senseless!

4xpo2zsc o



They recolored his portrait for a throwaway. After he was recruited.

...Kaga just didn't take Maerchen very seriously, did he? Well, if he's not going to make an effort, neither am I.

S8r56gkv oTake whatever booty you find!

Kpwl7ol8 o

S8r56gkv oCowards! Do you really think I'd go against Lionheart if I didn't have some trick up my sleeve?

0zfd96rn o You don't have sleeves. You dumbass.

S8r56gkv oThere's a reason I'm having that girl we captured brought here instead of selling her. She's our own goddess of victory, she is! With her in tow, we don't need to fear anyone. We could rule the world if we wanted!

4giqgk82 oDo you really want to use her again, though? I think we're pushing our luck, Boss. Not to mention that Yutona is probably cursing us for capturing her...

0zfd96rn o Sympathetic generic pirate? Really?

S8r56gkv oBah, I never took you for being one of those religious nuts! Even if she were real, we've done so much bad, there's no point in turning back now. So quit being a wimp! I'm gonna go get the girl. Go stir up trouble while I'm gone!

4giqgk82 oRight... Understood, Boss.

Mzyi4jua o

That was cute, but before anything else, Carnell needs to go before Lionheart can make him.

5nreyis4 o3t6s24os o9srp2crm o

While Kate wears down Carnell, Sasha destroys one of his escorts with two thunderstrikes.

7njangwy oXluwbgfz o

Hahahahahahahah, oh man. I don't deserve you, Sasha.

Calflcdc o

We need Knight Crests, not this, but thanks, I guess.

Qh4xhqah oHxrarmbb o

And that's it for the Carnell. He died a pathetic, unremarkable death in the middle of the battle. Fitting.

Jrdshbjj o

Rest assured, I will dare.

Ojinsz8j o

Ahahah, excellent. A most magnificent level, Mintz, I like it. Thanks.

8lm5fhkc o

And the Codex is ours! Mintz might as well keep it for the moment. I know who'll be getting it, though, and it's not him.

Ukaiwhor o

The foul deed done, Mintz rushes north and sits down next to the ballista. It'll fall next turn.

Gd3fwgcf o

To the south, Norton has finally crossed the river.

Mrqvkq46 oPvtovuy0 o

Meriel kills a man. Not bad, but that hitrate still annoys me. I miss Maruj already.

D50vw7dy oMjrxcp4e o

Enteh hands over the bridge key to Lee. She'll be the one to take care of the bridge.

49tqimqj oAdyelhs3 o
Kroipppv oGfysmyfq o

The Selbans and the enemies do their things. I particularly like how that escort can't even move. Didn't even do it on purpose.

0urn3aoi o8lcymnpe oBpcvjmhs o

That shall be the last Arrowspate use you waste, you fool!

3dra0nwf oLhtvpesr oXbs8fxku o

Assault the keep!

Enj3596a oRarnziqi o

Cool effect, Runan.

Xasa8ivp o

Not so cool. Runan, please, I need you to be good so you can show Holmes you don't need to be a dick to be a good unit.

Brj3syga o

Hmm... it's not a guaranteed kill, but with Flurry, perhaps...

Nliolygn oKfftafvq oZhv1lxpk o

Turns out he wouldn't have even needed Flurry! Expertly done, Mintz.

D81nij6f o

And now it's ours. Tom is going to love this.

Kmgymcpn oBvhaqccf o

Oh! Well, I know exactly who to send there.

Eucsdvfh oF0mqtgxs o

But first, more escort killing. Lionheart, I see you there! Those guys are mine, not yours! Go find your own target!

F0mqtgxs o


Nja0lydm o

Oh my goodness gracious, blistering barnacles, fuck! Before long, she won't even need the levin swords, she'll do just as well with a pilum!

Lxqovcyv o

I like this. This is nifty, in a game where res is so hard to come by.

P1zymuid oXrl6tjcq o

Not much damage, but what matters is that the pesky shield goes away.

Jf8bwlj4 oO3tanbnm oEmnwvzvc o

Whoa! That's one way to fix the lesser damage, Kate! I like it.

Bx230fsy oQfnfay6t o

This is how things stand. Next turn, we'll begin attacking Marshall.

Fvrznnjp oMngtltqu o

The Selbans only attacked one escort, for whatever reason. Marshall sadly undid all the damage Kate inflicted upon the other one, but it doesn't matter, the shield's gone.

Efztuz87 oR5k58rhj o

Hah! Outclassed! Mintz's shield is broken, but it's okay. It did its job.

8lzq73fc oTqxz6weq o1ivbfzpw o

A pilum, cool! That's for Mintz, no questions asked.

Tswl0uth oEelhzrja o

Speaking of, he kills his attacker before heading south.

Odoqbp65 oT4wmcnhy o

Ack! You again? Don't startle me like that!

Ctmximdg oThat Carnell is gonna run away with all that stolen treasure! He's even got his filthy mitts on the holy Salia Codex from the Fire Shrine. They say that whoever holds it will be given a mysterious power, don't you know?

0zfd96rn o This is all old news, pal. Tell me something I don't know.

Ctmximdg oHuh? Oh, you mean this cloak? It fell off one of their carts full of loot, so you can have it if you want. It's too gaudy for my taste.

Upojjf7w o

Don't mind if I do! Insta-promoting Meriel might just be exactly what she needs right now.

27t399bo o

Only one escort left. Hmmm... if Lionheart and his goons were nice enough to leave him be, I'd like to save him for later.

Ovibgvoh o2pbpkbop o

Now, Marshall. Marshall's going to be a bit of a problem, so long as he's holding his staff. Not even Raquel can double him!

Qbosclkr oEap1kbtk o

Let's try tricking him. That's... not the sort of line I would've expected from you, but okay.

X2jewebu o


D2xtwnby o

Bwahahahahahahahah! Aaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaaaaahaaaaahaaaah! Heheheheheheh! Ahahah! I've missed you so much, Raquel. Oh, such a cleansing sight for the soul! I can feel all the negativity from Holmes's route going away.

Jslm3tsz oC2kagxza o

Best be wary, though. If she died now, I'd be sorely devastated.

0n2xlfwl oNizgz8mq o

Thankfully, Lionheart and his men went after the Horsebrigands, so the escort lives to flee another day.

Vqavpatr o

Meanwhile, Marshall fell for it. Oh, Jesus, I'm so glad I decided to heal those 5 missing HP up. They would've been her undoing!

Semoi4bb o454znn1d oGkrcxjai o


Nwsjbo7v o

Well, he's done for.

9jfbusso oWkkeysze o

There we go. I'm sorry, Marshall, but the game wouldn't let me spare you, so...

Enmjvzwb o8gdfwf1y o

I'm sure she will. You weren't such a bad guy.

U2ztgaqn o6dxrcrpq o

We can leave any time we want, but it'd be such a waste to let that one escort or that one Defender live! Can't have that, can we?

Ezqnblqn o

Bwahah! Excellent! Now, if Lionheart would just cooperate...

Vm7tvtuc oOikyvixw o

Ah, perfect. Thank you for being such a great guy, Lionheart. The Defender ran off after one of the Nomads, but oh well, affordable losses.

Jesyqdc9 oE02r5lc5 o

9wemniw4 oLeonie! You're all right! It's a relief to see you safe and sound.

Ri5bp6h0 oHold up! Let me go with you!

9wemniw4 oHaven't you learned your lesson after being caught in such a terrible experience?

Ri5bp6h0 oI'm sorry... You risked your life to save me, and I wanted to pay you back somehow.

9wemniw4 oWell, it's not like I have authority to stop you, so sure. You can come along.

Ri5bp6h0 oThank you, Sir Mintz...

0hxxpegk o

Oh, goodness, an Archer Est? That's so shit, off to the bench you g--

HP 55% - Strength 40% - Skill 30% - Speed 55% - Defense 18% - Magic 10% - Luck 35% - Mastery 40% - MOVEMENT 10%

...10% move growth...?


Leonie's amazing. Tier lists will put her in the bottom tier because she's an Archer with bad bases, but you know what? I don't give a fuck. Flurry, Paragon in 6 levels, 1 in ten chance of getting move out of levelling up, amazing growths everywhere else, a great promotion, a full 15% support with Mintz (and supports him for 10%!)... this girl has the potential to surpass even Raquel, if you can get her out of her initial rut. Heck, even at base, as mundane as she is, that Flurry can do wonders if you prepare properly. She's probably the most fun I've ever had training an Est, and rest assured, I'll do my utmost to try it again here. She's going to get all my shields and charms to ensure she doesn't die while she still sucks. Her defense is problematic, but 28% defense growth with the Codex should work, and that Hero Crest we just got today is going straight to her. And her defense isn't the only one to benefit from that book: her growths are going to look like they belong in FE12. 50% strength? 65% speed? That's, like, MU-tier growths. Not Pretzel, normal Kris, I mean.

Fmbnuoxr oTgqzrmus o

All right, last escortman. Head south now. I assure you, nothing will happen to you if you go quietly. Heheheh...

Cmucvmyr oOjbhotpr oJnvfjg2p o

I like how that one Nomad hid behind Meriel.

Z3hr7bj6 o

Ah-HAH! Gotcha! You fell for it!

Etc5jrjp o

Leonie's gonna spend the next few turns taking potshots at this guy. I'd like to get her a level today, if at all possible. Next chapter's really tough, and I fear for her life. She only needs to survive that one and she's good, c'mon!

5opli1h2 oXow9bhun o

Sure, that looks weak as hell, but let's see how he's looking like after a round of Flurry shots.

Pdbrzp3x oAphrwrgb oDerwsefr o

This is her sprite. It's like Raquel but tinier.

Obi8xnlu o

Almost a brave weapon double with an iron bow. Flurry's the best skill in this game, I swear. Leonie, you and Mintz are going to be Partners in Flurry soon...

Qb6gnmh6 oZac1hahy o0p5gkpiw o

As for Runan's team, Meriel fails to kill this guy, who will be finished off by Lionheart, depriving our unfortunate Mage of her experience. A shame.

Dyynpc7n o

Yup, there he goes.

4iqeweh2 o

The next turn, this keeps on happening.

Xy0pd4pd o

And the next... Poem's back, it seems. With a Cleric? Pfah! Laughable! Come at me, bro, I'll destroy your ass! If I can make it to you before Lionheart does, of course.

Ay7afhk7 oHwf42wnj o

P1zzgcas o You, attacking? Don't make me snicker.

S8r56gkv oThen you'll be sold as a slave, and you'll never see your dear big brother again. Is that what you want?

Zrfcllhj o How can you be so cruel? I want to see my brother... Take me back to Erial!

S8r56gkv oI'm only gonna tell you one more time. You only have to scare them off, and then I'll take you back to Erial.

Zrfcllhj oReally...? You're not lying, are you?

Fhw9t5dp o

0zfd96rn o ...

Zrfcllhj o...

Kv5wulqf o...

Muvphmfm o...

1iskus6q o

P1zzgcas o I'll admit, that was funny. You're a funny guy, Poem.

Zrfcllhj oAll right, I'll trust you... O Yutona, please grant me strength...

0zfd96rn o Of course, and she just goes with it! I think Gerxel isn't this continent's greatest problem, but the general idiocy of its people.

Kwvbhnhs o

I mean, what is she going to do, exactly? Whack Lionheart over the head with a staff?

Usb5j9vd oUfllwzrg o



0ooq3bch oKoeiu3cf o30f0riba o

Our heroes react to the plottwist accordingly.

Um606rva oEnteh, do you know what it is?

A3liakj5 oI'm afraid so... It's Rachis, the Guardian Dragon of Canaan!

0zfd96rn o As usual, Enteh is very much not suspicious or important at all.

Um606rva oThis is bad... If we're not careful, it'll be like the Tragedy of Nolzeria all over again!

Ih49ob2i oI'll inform the troops, Lord Runan. In the meantime, we need to push for the castle so we're not exposed like this!

Um606rva oPlease hurry, Eugen! Warn everyone to avoid Rachis at all costs! I'll take care of capturing Selba!

Ih49ob2i oYes, milord!

3rbfu7i5 o


Yqfvokyc o

Yeah, fuck that noise, I'm getting out of here.

Nipy17qd o

Poem exists too, but he's behind Rachis, so I guess he'll live.

...wait a minute, hold the presses! That's not Poem! Seriously, look closely! Notice how Poem's headband is green in the cutscenes, but here, it's white? The lazy fucks just reused Maerchen's mugshot and called it a day! Unfathomable! Okay, very fathomable, but still...!

Q06uvfg5 oQjzbdsgv oAeww7mmt o

Such a shame, she just barely missed the levelling mark. Ah, well, next time it is.

Cwta3xzy o

Last treasure. I'll most likely save this one for Krishna.

8txytf8m o

Run, Runan, run!

Wait, but I thought one of these things destroyed an entire city! Remember, Mouse? How exactly is this little castle going to save us? Let's stick around and find out.

Nbt6mmcx o7c6uhw6z o

Well, I just seized and some random joe entered the map and headed towards Rachis...

Grflxjxm o

He is the Sennet? Does that mean it's treason, then?

Sgrlr4ty oF2iyoue0 o

That worked. Huh.

Bdpi56gk o

Cpz3qysn oI'm sorry, Neyfa. It's all my fault. I never should've left you alone like that...

Euyrrcr9 o

Rl6mlglm oFrom there, we should return to Erial as quickly as possible. Lord Temujin and Lady Katrina must be worried too.

Cpz3qysn oThank you, Verna. I'll be right there.

P1zzgcas o Bunch of name drops. One of them seems familiar.

Cpz3qysn oNeyfa, you don't need to cry anymore. You're fine now. You never lost control of Rachis. You didn't kill anyone or destroy anything. You remained yourself the whole time, so you don't need to worry about our safety.

0zfd96rn o It's worth noting that, if you let her, Neyfa will wreck havoc among Lionheart's troops or possibly even your own. Yeah...

Cpz3qysn oI promised I'd be there for you, remember?

P1zzgcas o D'aww... you're a nice guy, Senate.

Well, that's that... but before we go, I've one last thing to show. Through save states, I opened a rift on the fabric of space and time and created an alternate universe where Runan remained at the gates of Selba for a few turns, trying to figure out the meaning of life. In this alternate universe, and at the cost of many Selban lives, I managed to record a fact of great importance.

V26svsjc oUlrvyfk4 o

Poem's apparently Maerchen's brother. And he thinks his brother's famous.

I've no words. This is just so delightfully dumb... Maerchen in general feels like the sort of thing you'd see in a FE parody. Good lord...

Ljyn0rve o

Oh, and his sprite doesn't fit him in the slightest, his death quote is utterly forgettable (I'm surprised they didn't reuse Maerchen's "death" quote from the boat chapter), and his mugshot is still Maerchen's when he dies. Well. Far be it from me to criticize the Lord Shouzou.

Anyway, that would be that. Next time, we get text and the build-up to one of this game's best battles. I wouldn't recommend missing it, so farewell until then time comes!

Death count: Attrom

Reset count: 2 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 3


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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

About the most shocking revelation was that there's a Leonie in FE3H, which means IntSys is ripping Kaga off. Again.

I knew you'd mention this somehow. Hopefully I still have the chance to make a joke with this in mind in the future.

You also missed the Linhardt meme (proving they're the only canon ship in Heroes?), but still.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nice idea.

Yeah, I was especially terrible and got SoV's special edition for under 50.

Well worth it though.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It was a manner of speech, dangit!

They're acting too respectful for even that argument!

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Aha, see, I win for once.

I see, in the sense of picking fights you know you can win.

Even if there wasn't a fight there to begin with. :P

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The dance of death? C'mon, they're not monsters like Smiley Runan and his Murderprincess.

It's an elegant dance of death though. Like I could see Clive and Mathilda doing.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Then why is Eugen just talking about "last night"?

They've been partying every day clearly.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Tl;Dia (Too late; Did it already)

7asioga8 o

I must humbly request the immediate removal of this image from the internet.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You really want Albertus to be Irish, don't you? Well, my Iran friend, I'm sorry to say, but he's Archanean. The accent is just there because I don't know how to characterize.

......Haggis isn't Irish.

I wasn't worrying about trying to make him the Archanean equivalent of Irish either, never mind Irish Irish. It just seemed like he was about to say haggis, which seems like s strange and Haddockian insult.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Your crackpot theories are just the best. By the end of this I expect you to write a full-blown fanfic on the lore of bizarro Sacae. I'd love you if you did that.

I'm going to have to see just how many more parallels I can pull off.

It's also nice to realise that a certain nation is the baddies this time.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, it's... that one guy from FE4...

Someone get him to draw Frost please.

I recommend you take the lead.

I wouldn't trust me with making the meme levels sufficient to make Frost great (in the eyes of the general fanbase).

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pfffft oh my God it made me laugh again. Why in the world is he carrying a sniper rifle...?

Because he's kool?

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
0kqgvxmg oZvwhwk3n oQhmscpjp o

Shirou and the generic nomads aren't much to write home about, but Lionheart himself? Hoo, boy. Look at that beast. Canto, Grassrunner that gives him bonuses in this map, Adept, Sol, solid stats, a great sword... he's an absolute unit. Which is bad, since more than half of the enemies here drop things, and we don't want Lionheart to make them disappear. All things considered, it's a solidly designed map, if leaning on the easier side.

On a side note, perhaps I've already mentioned it, but I really don't like the Nomadic Trooper name. It was just put there by Aethin to be consistent with mainline FEs, but in this case, I would've been a lot happier with keeping the old name, Mamluke. It fit these guys like a glove, and it's an actually smart reference to a real historical thing, unlike Nomadic Trooper which means nothing, is too long for the interface and sounds like crap.

I mean, I'd wish he had a camel for being a Mamluke.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Uimp1lxt oOtydmb5y oHfaqc9mj o

Two hits instead of one, solid. And that was a really shitty Flurry, seeing as two is the absolute minimum amount of rounds a Flurry battle can last. There's a chance it might go on for all of five rounds of combat!

That is a lot of 0 fucking damage.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
4xpo2zsc o



They recolored his portrait for a throwaway. After he was recruited.

...Kaga just didn't take Maerchen very seriously, did he? Well, if he's not going to make an effort, neither am I.


That implies Maerchen was taken seriously ever.

This is Kaga in Dark Dragon reuseage and he has no excuse at this point.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Xluwbgfz o

Hahahahahahahah, oh man. I don't deserve you, Sasha.

Sasha's just going to either be the hero this run needs or the moment it all goes to hell's right after her death, isn't it?

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Enj3596a oRarnziqi o

Cool effect, Runan.

Did he learn the Blink spell?

I mean, it'd be nice if he cast it on someone else.

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Kmgymcpn oBvhaqccf o

Oh! Well, I know exactly who to send there.

.... Did you just waste Norton's use this map just to show this screen?

17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Nja0lydm o

Oh my goodness gracious, blistering barnacles, fuck! Before long, she won't even need the levin swords, she'll do just as well with a pilum!

Mixed offence Sasha.

I think she needs a sequel for that album.

18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
D2xtwnby o

Bwahahahahahahahah! Aaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaaaaahaaaaahaaaah! Heheheheheheh! Ahahah! I've missed you so much, Raquel. Oh, such a cleansing sight for the soul! I can feel all the negativity from Holmes's route going away.

She's got 21 speed already and the other bases are nothing to sneeze at.

She'd be amazing in most FE titles and would likely have better growths too. It's like she's just there going "You'd wish I was merciful." as she keeps getting stronger.

19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
0hxxpegk o

Oh, goodness, an Archer Est? That's so shit, off to the bench you g--

HP 55% - Strength 40% - Skill 30% - Speed 55% - Defense 18% - Magic 10% - Luck 35% - Mastery 40% - MOVEMENT 10%

...10% move growth...?


Leonie's amazing. Tier lists will put her in the bottom tier because she's an Archer with bad bases, but you know what? I don't give a fuck. Flurry, Paragon in 6 levels, 1 in ten chance of getting move out of levelling up, amazing growths everywhere else, a great promotion, a full 15% support with Mintz (and supports him for 10%!)... this girl has the potential to surpass even Raquel, if you can get her out of her initial rut. Heck, even at base, as mundane as she is, that Flurry can do wonders if you prepare properly. She's probably the most fun I've ever had training an Est, and rest assured, I'll do my utmost to try it again here. She's going to get all my shields and charms to ensure she doesn't die while she still sucks. Her defense is problematic, but 28% defense growth with the Codex should work, and that Hero Crest we just got today is going straight to her. And her defense isn't the only one to benefit from that book: her growths are going to look like they belong in FE12. 50% strength? 65% speed? That's, like, MU-tier growths. Not Pretzel, normal Kris, I mean.

Some say that Ests are to blame.

But they're wrong-

I assume Leonie will be a regular from now on.

If only she could hit the final boss. And not get copied into FE in some form. Hell, the age even sort of fits for this one.

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


This seems fitting, even if Ruben's elsewhere.

(It took me longer to find this than I'd expected. Thanks Abba and the show Gimme Gimme Gimme)

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Fhw9t5dp o

0zfd96rn o ...

Zrfcllhj o...

Kv5wulqf o...

Muvphmfm o...


Oh he's totally trustworthy.


21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Usb5j9vd oUfllwzrg o



Considering Enteh, I could see that somehow working. Not sure why though.......

22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Nipy17qd o

Poem exists too, but he's behind Rachis, so I guess he'll live.

...wait a minute, hold the presses! That's not Poem! Seriously, look closely! Notice how Poem's headband is green in the cutscenes, but here, it's white? The lazy fucks just reused Maerchen's mugshot and called it a day! Unfathomable! Okay, very fathomable, but still...!

You have to applaud such laziness on occasion.

23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Grflxjxm o

He is the Sennet? Does that mean it's treason, then?

Disappointed that his name isn't Sonnet so we'd have a stupid reason for Neyfa to have been captured by Poem.

24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
V26svsjc oUlrvyfk4 o

Poem's apparently Maerchen's brother. And he thinks his brother's famous.

I've no words. This is just so delightfully dumb... Maerchen in general feels like the sort of thing you'd see in a FE parody. Good lord...


Maybe he considers himself a brother in arms or something. Thinks Maerchen's just not recognised for the master he truely is.

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I can't believe Poem is even more powerful then his brother. Holy shit!

Anyway, I really like this map. Makes for a nice respite between eyeball hell and Fort Balt.

Unlike other dragons, Nayfa actually does use her small breath to attack. So with 11 points of damage and 8 speed she is not all that deadly. Nice in-cooperation of story and gameplay there.
That reminds me, maybe you could show of the battle animations of the dragons when there is an opportunity? They look so sick, yet you never see them because Large Breath uses map animations and the player has no reason to attack what they can't damage.

And I wonder what you are planning to do with the Arrowspate. Ballisticans can't move and I am not aware of any way to transform them back into a tank.

Edited by BrightBow
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18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Pfffft oh my God it made me laugh again. Why in the world is he carrying a sniper rifle...?

Because that is unironically what Sega decided to go with when they gave him a game... the ability to use weapons like guns and swords, and choose between being good or evil or neutral. Meaning he could kill the police and get boss battles with Sonic, or he could save the world from aliens. Or he could just kind of get through the levels and fight Robotnik then decide between killing him or not at the end.

19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Poor guy. I wanted to defend him for a change, and I ended up making him look worse.

Eh. I'd argue the fact he hypocrited when it came down to carrying through the threat proved he's not as much of an edgelord as he tries to be. Rutger on the other hand does actively attack Dieck for no real reason, but then later in the support he shows a more human side when Dieck kills one of the soldiers that sacked Bulgar turning him into a vengeance seeking edgelord and he's upset but forgives him on the grounds he had no way of knowing. Funny in a way his most dickish support also shows him at his most human

25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, I was torn on Frost and Law, but when it came down to it, I thought bald synergy might work better.

But Frost's bald too... he has the sickest beard ever below, but the top of his head remains clean.

You know that beard is so impressive I actually manage to forget Frost's bald.

28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, dear. Fan theories. Satanist fan theories, too! I'm kinda scared now.

More Nordic Pagan actually. Mimir's well was where Odin sacrificed his eye for knowledge. But seeing as I like my vision as is, that Russell Grant's Astrology game Club Nintendo used as a prize circa 2006 had to do. Really, what were they thinking?

31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...you son of a...

I mean, no, that's not... at all what I was thinking, no! Sasha... Sasha totally wasn't going to kill him... yeah... at least you didn't get the dialogue right...?

In all seriousness, though, I like how you went out of your way to use the game's own font to write that thing. You've got more patience than me, I can tell you that much.

Noted. Games that no one wants do still make semi-acceptable sacrifices. Stockpiling Shaq-Fu carts, then ribbing dad about his eye.
But of course, it's not the hardest to use the game's font... just took some shots from the LP (Codha's debut, Sasha's scene where she announces she's going with Runan, the first three villages and Vega's "Thank you come again") and made sure I had every letter I needed to work with. Actually, if I were to do this regularly, I'd probably just take the time to make a full alphabet as a separate image so I could just copy paste each one as needed. So, in all seriousness, it wouldn't even have been possible without the LP

39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A little inventory management. Kate gets the brave bow because Raquel brings everyone down to 1 HP with the iron bow, and Kate can actually kill, so she'll do wonders with the thing. As well, Mintz gets a Canto scroll that basically has his name all over it. Think one or two lines of latin that represent the canto-obtaining spell and just MINTZ MINTZ MINTZ everywhere else.

Then it turns out the latin actually says "If you didn't use this on Mintz you wasted it".

43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Shirou and the generic nomads aren't much to write home about, but Lionheart himself? Hoo, boy. Look at that beast. Canto, Grassrunner that gives him bonuses in this map, Adept, Sol, solid stats, a great sword... he's an absolute unit. Which is bad, since more than half of the enemies here drop things, and we don't want Lionheart to make them disappear. All things considered, it's a solidly designed map, if leaning on the easier side.

Maybe Eugen wasn't being as much of a dick as one would think initially. Lionheart probably could have done this without help.

46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As I learnt the hard way, Canto doesn't work on foot units, but the game lets you waste the valuable scroll on them.

Kaga trick 127: Let the player waste resources

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
C7ywtl0v o

And Eugen wanted to just stab Lionheart in the back and not come here at all... we just got the Murderprincess one more of her favourite toy!

Really, a Levinsword explains how you can slice someone, but not in any specific spot. After all, they're hit by lightning, not the actual sword.


50 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Nx9cazbh oY24mqhtl o

Ahahah, you fool! Nobody attempts to harm Lee and Leeves to tell the tale!

He ain't Leeving this battle in one piece.

53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ywtzgtra o

Murderprincess could murder him right now with her magic, but I'd rather let Mintz take the kill. Sasha doesn't need the boss kill.

Just slaver kills.

55 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
7rqympnn oU4fzuvtl o

It's turn two and already Carnell's with one foot in the grave. Poor guy. Not!

We have a bishop to Leed the funeral procession. Not that he deserves it, but we'll give him that much Lee-way.


58 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

S8r56gkv oTake whatever booty you find!

"But the Beast is mine". Kaga really didn't take this seriously, so I'm not either.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


0zfd96rn o You don't have sleeves. You dumbass.

Shhh. That's the trick.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

While Kate wears down Carnell, Sasha destroys one of his escorts with two thunderstrikes.

And two slices consume him? That's not right.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Almost a brave weapon double with an iron bow. Flurry's the best skill in this game, I swear. Leonie, you and Mintz are going to be Partners in Flurry soon...

I need to make "Mintz and Leonie: Partners in Flurry". Somehow.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Poem exists too, but he's behind Rachis, so I guess he'll live.

...wait a minute, hold the presses! That's not Poem! Seriously, look closely! Notice how Poem's headband is green in the cutscenes, but here, it's white? The lazy fucks just reused Maerchen's mugshot and called it a day! Unfathomable! Okay, very fathomable, but still...!

Tear Ring Saga villains don't repeat.. but they sometimes rhyme. Like Poem.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


P1zzgcas o D'aww... you're a nice guy, Senate.

Hard to believe he stabbed Julius Caesar to death. I think those charges were fake history.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
V26svsjc oUlrvyfk4 o

Poem's apparently Maerchen's brother. And he thinks his brother's famous.

I've no words. This is just so delightfully dumb... Maerchen in general feels like the sort of thing you'd see in a FE parody. Good lord...

This is a work of art. How else can I put it. Maerchen, the dumbest pirate ever, has a brother who is even more stupid. To top it off they both kidnap clerics. Tear Ring villains do rhyme when they're Poem.

I must now sLeep to reLeeve fatigue. FortunateLee, our favourite Leen mean healing machine is back Leeding to the inspiration for yet more puns, and with the addition of Leeonie to the cast, the future is gLeeming bright.

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why don't you change your name to ArkisLover on top of everything, huh? I dare you, you fucker, I double dare ya!

Challenge acccepted. Why don't you use arkis and make him good and have him as your main unit, huh? I dare you, you fucker, I double, nay, triple dare ya!


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You can't beat Arkis's balls, though, because he's got no balls. Hah!


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We need Knight Crests

For Arkis. 


And just in case you haven't worked it out, since I acquiesced to your dare, you must do the same in regards to mine, as it is not only a return of the favour, but my dare is of a higher magnitude than yours, congratulations Ruben I look forward to Arkis' success.  

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15 hours ago, ArkisLover❤️ said:


And just in case you haven't worked it out, since I acquiesced to your dare, you must do the same in regards to mine, as it is not only a return of the favour, but my dare is of a higher magnitude than yours, congratulations Ruben I look forward to Arkis' success.

You know the bench is literally the safest place to be for a unit that's had continued mishaps with his growths in an Iron Man run... so here's hoping you haven't just signed Arkis' death warrant.

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21 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Pvtovuy0 o

Meriel kills a man. Not bad, but that hitrate still annoys me. I miss Maruj already.

You know what annoys me? "Adustionem pro adustione" means basically "burning for the sake of burning". Turning Meriel from an anime girl to a sadistic pyromaniac.

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On 16/02/2019 at 11:57 AM, Mad-manakete said:

You know the bench is literally the safest place to be for a unit that's had continued mishaps with his growths in an Iron Man run... so here's hoping you haven't just signed Arkis' death warrant.

He'll be fine, I'm sure. 

On 16/02/2019 at 1:52 PM, BrightBow said:

Especially if he is on Runan's team. Not a safe place for Arkis in particular.

Don't worry about it Ruben will keep him safe I have enough confidence in him to not get best cav horribly killed. 

Edited by ArkisLover❤️
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43 minutes ago, ArkisLover❤️ said:

Don't worry about it Ruben will keep him safe I have enough confidence in him to not get best cab horribly killed. 

Well, Raffin should be fine, seeing how Ruben doesn't even use him.

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34 minutes ago, ArkisLover❤️ said:

He'll be fine, I'm sure. 

Don't worry about it Ruben will keep him safe I have enough confidence in him to not get best cab horribly killed. 

I seem to remember a track record with green-armored cavaliers. I mean, Rody got away due to prologue not allowing perma-death, and Lance got away due to Roy dying. Abel... well I'll admit he wasn't any more screwed over than he was in his actual endings. Damn. I ruined my own argument.

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Out of curiosity, I googled to see if "Chaos reigns when I take the reins" appears anywhere else.

Congratulations! You're the first person to use that exact phrase on the internet! Also, some of the memes made here are officially on google images! Even some of the stranger ones.

On 2/13/2019 at 7:51 AM, Mad-manakete said:

Also, for @Hawkwing, I've taken a trip to old Mimir's well, and viewed a possible ending to Plum's abductor's story. Mind you, as my sacrifice was nothing more than a copy of "Russel Grant's Astrology" for the DS, I cannot vouch that this is the future we'll see. After all, my posting part of it here would disrupt the timeline enough to invalidate the world I saw. That said, I'm going to go with doing so anyway, as it gives me the excuse to watch this bastard die two different ways. Apologies if Ruben has to pull a Metroid 4 on the death scene and start over because of this.

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After this, the slavetrader is consumed by an effect as if he were an enemy in Wind Waker and got hit with a light arrow after being hit with a crit by the wrathful murderprincess. It's not as if this were an elaborate joke making fun of kids whose dads work at nintendo or anything baka.



...I have several things I could say about this, but here is not the place to do so.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

...you son of a...

I mean, no, that's not... at all what I was thinking, no! Sasha... Sasha totally wasn't going to kill him... yeah... at least you didn't get the dialogue right...?

This does not help.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Pfffft oh my God it made me laugh again. Why in the world is he carrying a sniper rifle...?

I think that's a grenade launcher, actually. Shadow the Hedgehog doesn't have sniper rifles as part of its... interesting... arsenal of playable weaponry.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Kewl. Program battle robots.

I don't need to program battle robots. Just run a program at 100% speed (or, horror of horrors, even higher), and it could probably kill anyone in the way of its assigned path.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

They're two of those games from my childhood, alongside Indiana jones and the Emperor's Tomb. I played that one so much throughout the years, the CD was all fucked and doesn't work anymore. I need to get another one, that game's my life.

I've played Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb, and it's one of my favorite games. I think it and Fate of Atlantis are tied for "Best Indiana Jones Game" because they both nail the feeling of being a playable Indiana Jones movie in different ways.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah! What do you need incognito for? Buying nuclear weapons much? You silly goose.

I use incognito window to prevent Google from presenting me millions of things I've only looked up once. It's also because I have no idea what people will link, and I'd rather be on the safe side. My youtube recommendation box is also chaotic as heck, and I don't want to add to the chaos.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Echoes did sell worse than Fates, though.

Fates was split into two games, had a lot of marketing, people didn't immediately know that the story sucked.

Meanwhile, Echoes is a remake of an NES game, was released only a few months after it was announced, and didn't have several of the features that Awakening and Fates had. IS knew this, and kept their expectations in check, and they were satisfied by the sales.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

But is that person underage? And does the game just let you get away with a bunch of cartoonish punches?

No, but some of them have been in slavery before. And if you try to take the generic "evil" path and just kill random people, you'll be erased form existence by the Lady of Pain.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Fprtmn7b o


On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Txrycfai o

I may or may not have spelled it "Star Treck" on purpose. Heheh...

I shall admit that that was clever, and was more successful than my previous attempts at setting up those kind of jokes.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Nah I get what you're saying. On a related note, it's not just "some games", it's what you should probably be doing in real life if there isn't water or a person with a fire extinguiser nearby.

It's amazing how many fictional characters forget the rule of "Stop, Drop, and Roll".

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

You can say that again. No need to, but you can.

Runan is even more refreshing than I imagined after having to deal with Holmes.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Eugen = not skilled? Bitch, please, everyone has bad days sometimes!

I, uh, wasn't referring to Eugen...

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, half of Holmes's chapters didn't have a boss, and half the other half were Maerchen.

And the last one was a giant hairy eyeball. I wonder if we'll see any examples of good throwaway villains on Holme's route in the future.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

It's not a competition, don't worry your pretty little head about it.

Still, you lost. Hahah ya big loser. Ya lost the race.

I mean, the only time I commented first was when I was replying late. Remember when I said I had that computer fast and would risk double posting?

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Carnell is going to attempt to hightail it out of here alongside his escorts. These escorts, instead of protecting their leader, will also be running for their lives, since each of them is carrying one of Carnell's """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""well-earned""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" riches. However, Carnell himself sports the most juicy one: the Salia Codex. Put that sucker in somebody's inventory, and their strength, speed, skill and defense growths will be increased by 10%. I want that. Besides, letting Carnell escape while Marshall gets killed in his place wouldn't feel right.

Huh, so you can kill Carnell right here and now. I thought he was going to retreat and appear later in the plot, but nope.

I can see what you mean by being thankful whenever Kaga gives the player a chance to slay an a-hole.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
N0bs482w o

Another thing to note in this map is that we've got our first Ballistician. Ballisticians are tanks who have used a ballista. This takes away all their move, but allows them to... well, use ballistae! It's situational, but depending on the situation, it can work. Tom would love to have that, but first, we need to kill the guy, and it's not that easy. Not because of the shield or the other enemies, no. It's difficult to beat Lionheart to the punch.

Interesting to see Ballisticians return as a unit. Is the change permanent, or can you switch between using a ballista and being a tank?

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

On a side note, perhaps I've already mentioned it, but I really don't like the Nomadic Trooper name. It was just put there by Aethin to be consistent with mainline FEs, but in this case, I would've been a lot happier with keeping the old name, Mamluke. It fit these guys like a glove, and it's an actually smart reference to a real historical thing, unlike Nomadic Trooper which means nothing, is too long for the interface and sounds like crap.

I looked up what Mamluke means. It's an Arabic designation for slaves. And for some reason wikipedia is using a picture from Mount and Blade.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Sf11zhmk o

But Runan needs the experience more.

It looks like Runan is igniting a light saber.

Silver is a lightsaber color, by the way.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Y24mqhtl o

Ahahah, you fool! Nobody attempts to harm Lee and Leeves to tell the tale!

I kid you not; At first glance, it looked like Lee was playing the banjo. Then I zoomed in and saw it was a staff.

Also, nice pun.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Two hits instead of one, solid. And that was a really shitty Flurry, seeing as two is the absolute minimum amount of rounds a Flurry battle can last. There's a chance it might go on for all of five rounds of combat!

Huh, so it's chance based on how many times flurry will attack. I really need to look at the SF page for this game, just to see what everything does.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
4xpo2zsc o



They recolored his portrait for a throwaway. After he was recruited.

...Kaga just didn't take Maerchen very seriously, did he? Well, if he's not going to make an effort, neither am I.

On the one hand, Maerchen is the butt-monky of this game, and this only furthers his status as one.

On the other hand, I've only seen Awakening be more lazy with a throwaway boss.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

S8r56gkv oThere's a reason I'm having that girl we captured brought here instead of selling her. She's our own goddess of victory, she is! With her in tow, we don't need to fear anyone. We could rule the world if we wanted!

Oh joy. Another kidnapped female that you will probably rescue and recruit into the army. Did Kaga take this from Gaiden as well?

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
9srp2crm o

While Kate wears down Carnell, Sasha destroys one of his escorts with two thunderstrikes.

I can't help but wonder what Sasha's pegasus is thinking with her rider shooting out a bolt of lightening.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Jrdshbjj o

Rest assured, I will dare.

This is one of the best counters to a generic death quote I've seen thus far.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Enj3596a oRarnziqi o

Cool effect, Runan.

The dashing effect is cool. The second picture looks like Runan has scissorhands and grew an extra head and forearm.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Kfftafvq oZhv1lxpk o

Turns out he wouldn't have even needed Flurry! Expertly done, Mintz.

I have no idea why Mintz is critting the ballista instead of the operator, but it's awesome. Maybe he prefers hand-crafted mints instead of the factory made kind, and vows to destroy all the machinery he can find?

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Eap1kbtk o

Let's try tricking him. That's... not the sort of line I would've expected from you, but okay.

Perhaps he knows he won't have much longer to live, and is trying to make the most of his new position?

That, or the turn of recent events has made him lash out at any cowardliness, and thinks that two armies attacking at once is just that?

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Enmjvzwb o8gdfwf1y o

I'm sure she will. You weren't such a bad guy.

A fitting death quote for the character.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

HP 55% - Strength 40% - Skill 30% - Speed 55% - Defense 18% - Magic 10% - Luck 35% - Mastery 40% - MOVEMENT 10%

...10% move growth...?


Leonie's amazing. Tier lists will put her in the bottom tier because she's an Archer with bad bases, but you know what? I don't give a fuck. Flurry, Paragon in 6 levels, 1 in ten chance of getting move out of levelling up, amazing growths everywhere else, a great promotion, a full 15% support with Mintz (and supports him for 10%!)... this girl has the potential to surpass even Raquel, if you can get her out of her initial rut. Heck, even at base, as mundane as she is, that Flurry can do wonders if you prepare properly. She's probably the most fun I've ever had training an Est, and rest assured, I'll do my utmost to try it again here. She's going to get all my shields and charms to ensure she doesn't die while she still sucks. Her defense is problematic, but 28% defense growth with the Codex should work, and that Hero Crest we just got today is going straight to her. And her defense isn't the only one to benefit from that book: her growths are going to look like they belong in FE12. 50% strength? 65% speed? That's, like, MU-tier growths. Not Pretzel, normal Kris, I mean.

This sounds like it will be fun. I don't really have much experience with the est archetype ( I think one or two exist in Gaiden/Echoes, but with the way that game works, combined with the time you get them, means that they aren't as difficult or painful to train as they are in other games.) so this should be pretty interesting to watch.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Leonie, you and Mintz are going to be Partners in Flurry soon...

That sounds like either an awesome movie or an awesome TV show. Wonder if the protagonists fight crime with flurry and then eat the ice-cream in their spare time. Who knows? Wait a year or so, and they may do that crossover with Bagman.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Fhw9t5dp o

0zfd96rn o ...

Zrfcllhj o...

Kv5wulqf o...

Muvphmfm o...

A question so ridiculous, people give him "really?" stares from continents away.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Usb5j9vd oUfllwzrg o



Ey! Another dragon! So Katri isn't the only one!

I wonder if there's a link between stupidity and being able to turn into a dragon in this game.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I just seized and some random joe entered the map and headed towards Rachis...

Grflxjxm o

He is the Sennet? Does that mean it's treason, then?

Once again, the plot does what it want's.

On the bright side, this time it isn't reliant on the involved parties being complete idiots.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Bdpi56gk o

Nefya is sounding more and more like Katri, and I don't know how I feel about that.

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Cpz3qysn oNeyfa, you don't need to cry anymore. You're fine now. You never lost control of Rachis. You didn't kill anyone or destroy anything. You remained yourself the whole time, so you don't need to worry about our safety.

0zfd96rn o It's worth noting that, if you let her, Neyfa will wreck havoc among Lionheart's troops or possibly even your own. Yeah...

So this is either story and gameplay integration, or Sennet is lying to prevent Neyfa from feeling terrible?

On 2/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
V26svsjc oUlrvyfk4 o

Poem's apparently Maerchen's brother. And he thinks his brother's famous.

I've no words. This is just so delightfully dumb... Maerchen in general feels like the sort of thing you'd see in a FE parody. Good lord...

For once, Kaga did it first, yet IS did it better. Not that that's saying much, as the bandit brothers thing is kinda just there no matter the game.

Also, if Poem ends up dead, then life just keeps kicking Maerchen in the groin. Except he no longer has those.

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I don't think it would do to change my name (sucks being a mod and all), but if I were to change my title to a homage to Esther and Maruj, would you use them both? :P:

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On 18/02/2019 at 5:55 AM, eclipse said:


I don't think it would do to change my name (sucks being a mod and all), but if I were to change my title to a homage to Esther and Maruj, would you use them both? :P:


I mean if it works that way for you, then it will have to absolutely work for me, so that could work. If it doesn't we can just keep pestering him anyway. Although he's already using Maruj and will probably use Esther to spite me so Arkis turns out the statisically worst cav anyway.

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Part 33 - The good General.

Forgive me for the late update. I was a little sick all weekend, and it was my birthday too, in one of life's little ironies. Also, I found my childhood game, Indiana Jones and The Emperor's Tomb, on steam. I had a pirated CD of it for the longest time, but I used it so much throughout the years, it no longer works, so finding a way to obtain it again was awesome. A legal way, too! I don't care how much people hate Disney or George Lucas or whatever. This game's my fucking life, and I was glad to give them my cash to enjoy it again. Heck, I'd be willing to give them five times the five dollars I paid for it, after all the years of fun I got out of the game!

Only half of this is nostalgia speaking, by the way, the game's absolutely great, and even if it can get a little buggy and derpy at times, the derpiness is usually more on the amusing side. To me at least.     My favourite one is the one where he looks mad! Might use it in the future, even.

Anyway, to summarize, didn't feel like copying text much for a few days there, but I'm back now, calm yourselves.

Still, don't feel like it was all wasted time. Aside from the Emperor's Tomb, I've been playing FE11 with a friend (don't worry, Eclipse, I am using one of your dear skittles, so you don't have to ban me. Sniper Roshea, to be precise. He's doing good!), and, well... it has happened again. The legend... has resurfaced.

T7dgvcdu o

I have no words. I guess it pays to be that one man in the whole wide world who unironically likes Matthis! And before you say it, no, I didn't throw a mountain of statboosters his way. That's all his own growth, except for a luck charm because I hate crits and a couple speedwings to fix his admittedly lacking speed. I probably wouldn't even have needed the second speedwings, but I saw that, if I gave them to him, he didn't get doubled by Camus, so I just went for it. Camus, tremble in fear, for the one and only Matthis is coming for you!


On 15/2/2019 at 6:06 PM, Dayni said:

I knew you'd mention this somehow.

How could I not?

Hopefully I still have the chance to make a joke with this in mind in the future.

Please do.

You also missed the Linhardt meme (proving they're the only canon ship in Heroes?), but still.

Given my profound indifference for Heroes, Lyn and Reinhardt (okay, I like the latter two, but they're far from my favourites), it's only natural I'd ignore that one.

Yeah, I was especially terrible and got SoV's special edition for under 50.

Well worth it though.

Dang! Well, if you had fun with it...

They're acting too respectful for even that argument!

Whatever you say, mate.

I see, in the sense of picking fights you know you can win.

Even if there wasn't a fight there to begin with. :P

Let me win, damnit.

It's an elegant dance of death though. Like I could see Clive and Mathilda doing.

But could you see LIESLIESLIESLIESLIESman and Sigurda doing it?

They've been partying every day clearly.

That's the way of Eugen.

I must humbly request the immediate removal of this image from the internet.

I politely refuse.

......Haggis isn't Irish.

I wasn't worrying about trying to make him the Archanean equivalent of Irish either, never mind Irish Irish. It just seemed like he was about to say haggis, which seems like s strange and Haddockian insult.

Actually, he just called him an old hag. That was the end of it. I prefer to keep the Haddock lingo for myself.

I'm going to have to see just how many more parallels I can pull off.

Please do, I beg of you!

It's also nice to realise that a certain nation is the baddies this time.

I guess so.

I recommend you take the lead.

I wouldn't trust me with making the meme levels sufficient to make Frost great (in the eyes of the general fanbase).

Neither would I trust myself. Y'see, Frost is a great, serious character without much meme potential beyond the frown, so of course, the general fanbase hates him.

Because he's kool?

Kid Koll?

I mean, I'd wish he had a camel for being a Mamluke.

Ah, details.

That is a lot of 0 fucking damage.

But a whole lot of massive damage to the shield itself.


That implies Maerchen was taken seriously ever.

This is Kaga in Dark Dragon reuseage and he has no excuse at this point.

Remember Jiol's many brothers.

Sasha's just going to either be the hero this run needs or the moment it all goes to hell's right after her death, isn't it?

The former, I hope!

Did he learn the Blink spell?

I mean, it'd be nice if he cast it on someone else.

Maybe they're his brothers, Runin, Runen and Ronin? After Poem, anything's possible.

.... Did you just waste Norton's use this map just to show this screen?

Nah, I tried to get all strategic and it wasn't the best idea. He wasn't needed today though, and he's a higher level than the rest of Runan's army anyway.

Mixed offence Sasha.

I think she needs a sequel for that album.

That she does.

She's got 21 speed already and the other bases are nothing to sneeze at.

She'd be amazing in most FE titles and would likely have better growths too. It's like she's just there going "You'd wish I was merciful." as she keeps getting stronger.

Who cares about permanent mercy if she brings quite literally everybody to 1 HP if she so much as looks their way funny?

Some say that Ests are to blame.

But they're wrong-

I assume Leonie will be a regular from now on.

Unless she dies, for sure.

If only she could hit the final boss. And not get copied into FE in some form. Hell, the age even sort of fits for this one.


This seems fitting, even if Ruben's elsewhere.

(It took me longer to find this than I'd expected. Thanks Abba and the show Gimme Gimme Gimme)

Hahahahaahah, great. That's great.


Oh he's totally trustworthy.



Considering Enteh, I could see that somehow working. Not sure why though.......

I mean, she'd have a decent chance of dodging.

You have to applaud such laziness on occasion.


Disappointed that his name isn't Sonnet so we'd have a stupid reason for Neyfa to have been captured by Poem.

Implying being the perfect Star Wars Prequel meme bait doesn't already elevate Senate to the status of Greatest Name in the Game. Well, behind Juliattisnacordst.


Maybe he considers himself a brother in arms or something. Thinks Maerchen's just not recognised for the master he truely is.

He's even dumber than him, gotcha.


On 15/2/2019 at 6:28 PM, BrightBow said:

I can't believe Poem is even more powerful then his brother. Holy shit!

He may even match 0.0001% of Shaggy's power on a good day!

Anyway, I really like this map. Makes for a nice respite between eyeball hell and Fort Balt.

Oh, God.

Unlike other dragons, Nayfa actually does use her small breath to attack. So with 11 points of damage and 8 speed she is not all that deadly. Nice in-cooperation of story and gameplay there.
That reminds me, maybe you could show of the battle animations of the dragons when there is an opportunity? They look so sick, yet you never see them because Large Breath uses map animations and the player has no reason to attack what they can't damage.

There will be a chance to show them all, so yes, I can do it. I agree that they look amazing, too.

And I wonder what you are planning to do with the Arrowspate. Ballisticans can't move and I am not aware of any way to transform them back into a tank.

Frankly? Nothing much, beyond showcasing his ballistician sprite at some point down the line. Maybe he'll shoot down the optional boss of Holmes's second boat map.


On 15/2/2019 at 6:38 PM, Mad-manakete said:

Because that is unironically what Sega decided to go with when they gave him a game... the ability to use weapons like guns and swords, and choose between being good or evil or neutral. Meaning he could kill the police and get boss battles with Sonic, or he could save the world from aliens. Or he could just kind of get through the levels and fight Robotnik then decide between killing him or not at the end.

Not gonna lie, that actually sounds... kinda awesome? Unless they picked the Telltale approach and, like, one branching dialogue in the whole game matters.

Eh. I'd argue the fact he hypocrited when it came down to carrying through the threat proved he's not as much of an edgelord as he tries to be. Rutger on the other hand does actively attack Dieck for no real reason, but then later in the support he shows a more human side when Dieck kills one of the soldiers that sacked Bulgar turning him into a vengeance seeking edgelord and he's upset but forgives him on the grounds he had no way of knowing. Funny in a way his most dickish support also shows him at his most human

In the end, there are no edgelords. Just angsty teens.

You know that beard is so impressive I actually manage to forget Frost's bald.

Hahahahahahahahah, I know the feeling. It doesn't help that, in FE12, his sprites were given the same grey hair as the likes of Lorenz and Jagen, instead of being bald like Wendell or Boah.

More Nordic Pagan actually. Mimir's well was where Odin sacrificed his eye for knowledge. But seeing as I like my vision as is, that Russell Grant's Astrology game Club Nintendo used as a prize circa 2006 had to do. Really, what were they thinking?

They don't ever think.

Noted. Games that no one wants do still make semi-acceptable sacrifices. Stockpiling Shaq-Fu carts, then ribbing dad about his eye.
But of course, it's not the hardest to use the game's font... just took some shots from the LP (Codha's debut, Sasha's scene where she announces she's going with Runan, the first three villages and Vega's "Thank you come again") and made sure I had every letter I needed to work with. Actually, if I were to do this regularly, I'd probably just take the time to make a full alphabet as a separate image so I could just copy paste each one as needed. So, in all seriousness, it wouldn't even have been possible without the LP

Well, to be fair, that works if you have to make two shots or something like that. Given how lengthy my own dialogue tends to be, it'd be unreasonable to try this.

Then it turns out the latin actually says "If you didn't use this on Mintz you wasted it".


Maybe Eugen wasn't being as much of a dick as one would think initially. Lionheart probably could have done this without help.

I'm willing to forgive him.

Kaga trick 127: Let the player waste resources

Kaga, you grand bastard...

Really, a Levinsword explains how you can slice someone, but not in any specific spot. After all, they're hit by lightning, not the actual sword.

It's more wonky in melee range. The unit gets sliced, and then struck by thunder, but takes the same amount of damage as they'd take from afar.

He ain't Leeving this battle in one piece.

Not even the sleeghtest chance.

Oh God that doesn't work, but I'll leave it there.

Just slaver kills.


We have a bishop to Leed the funeral procession. Not that he deserves it, but we'll give him that much Lee-way.

Lee puns are what I Leeve for. And what Lee Leeves for, I'm sure!

"But the Beast is mine". Kaga really didn't take this seriously, so I'm not either.

Noone takes this seriously, I'm afraid.

Shhh. That's the trick.

Ah, I see.

And two slices consume him? That's not right.

It is, because Murderprincess.

I need to make "Mintz and Leonie: Partners in Flurry". Somehow.

Let's give it time. If I am competent enough to train Leonie without killing her, I shall do it.

Tear Ring Saga villains don't repeat.. but they sometimes rhyme. Like Poem.


Hard to believe he stabbed Julius Caesar to death. I think those charges were fake history.

Damned Senate, it ruined the Senate!

This is a work of art. How else can I put it. Maerchen, the dumbest pirate ever, has a brother who is even more stupid. To top it off they both kidnap clerics. Tear Ring villains do rhyme when they're Poem.

That's right.

I must now sLeep to reLeeve fatigue. FortunateLee, our favourite Leen mean healing machine is back Leeding to the inspiration for yet more puns, and with the addition of Leeonie to the cast, the future is gLeeming bright.

I'm not going to lie, Leeonie has to be one of my favourite Lee puns thus far.


On 15/2/2019 at 9:01 PM, ArkisLover❤️ said:

Challenge acccepted. Why don't you use arkis and make him good and have him as your main unit, huh? I dare you, you fucker, I double, nay, triple dare ya!

Yeah. How about no?


For Arkis. 

For green Kreiss* Fixed it for ya.

And just in case you haven't worked it out, since I acquiesced to your dare, you must do the same in regards to mine, as it is not only a return of the favour, but my dare is of a higher magnitude than yours, congratulations Ruben I look forward to Arkis' success.  

You're really trying to push me into using your beloved. May I remind you that I am the same person who had thirty-something casualties in his previous LP? Mayhap you hate Arkis with a passion in reality and want to see him die that badly? Well, if that is the case, I would be glad to humor you!


On 16/2/2019 at 12:57 PM, Mad-manakete said:

You know the bench is literally the safest place to be for a unit that's had continued mishaps with his growths in an Iron Man run... so here's hoping you haven't just signed Arkis' death warrant.

Yeah, like I said.


On 16/2/2019 at 2:52 PM, BrightBow said:

Especially if he is on Runan's team. Not a safe place for Arkis in particular.

And again!


On 16/2/2019 at 3:05 PM, Goddess Serra said:

You know what annoys me? "Adustionem pro adustione" means basically "burning for the sake of burning". Turning Meriel from an anime girl to a sadistic pyromaniac.

Mxzjqyc8 o


On 17/2/2019 at 4:31 PM, ArkisLover❤️ said:

He'll be fine, I'm sure. 

Don't worry about it Ruben will keep him safe I have enough confidence in him to not get best cab horribly killed. 









C'mon, I couldn't even keep myself alive throughout the LP!


On 17/2/2019 at 5:14 PM, BrightBow said:

Well, Raffin should be fine, seeing how Ruben doesn't even use him.



On 17/2/2019 at 5:15 PM, Mad-manakete said:

I seem to remember a track record with green-armored cavaliers. I mean, Rody got away due to prologue not allowing perma-death, and Lance got away due to Roy dying. Abel... well I'll admit he wasn't any more screwed over than he was in his actual endings. Damn. I ruined my own argument.

That's right, actually, I seem to always kill off my green cavs but they find ways to be better off than they were otherwise. Rody became the lame running joke back when I still didn't take my little stories seriously, Lance became plot-relevant for once, Abel didn't have to have his life ruined by Est... it works. Guess we'll have to see what happens to Arkis.


On 17/2/2019 at 10:35 PM, Hawkwing said:

Out of curiosity, I googled to see if "Chaos reigns when I take the reins" appears anywhere else.

Congratulations! You're the first person to use that exact phrase on the internet! Also, some of the memes made here are officially on google images! Even some of the stranger ones.

First one that popped up when I did the search myself was the Merlinus Smash Intro thing. Oh my goodness... I also saw Cook Marlon and the one Dayni made with Codha and the Thomas Conductor.

...I have several things I could say about this, but here is not the place to do so.

Sounds like trouble.

This does not help.

Sounds like more trouble!

This might or might not be the kind of reaction we sought...

I think that's a grenade launcher, actually. Shadow the Hedgehog doesn't have sniper rifles as part of its... interesting... arsenal of playable weaponry.

Huh. Weird 'nade launcher, if it really is one.

I don't need to program battle robots. Just run a program at 100% speed (or, horror of horrors, even higher), and it could probably kill anyone in the way of its assigned path.

I insist that you must program battle robots.

I've played Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb, and it's one of my favorite games. I think it and Fate of Atlantis are tied for "Best Indiana Jones Game" because they both nail the feeling of being a playable Indiana Jones movie in different ways.

Aaaaaahhh, a man of culture! My highest regards to you. Yeah, you do feel like Indy in those amazing fist fights. I swear, the rest of the game is varying degrees of great-good-decent-hilarious, but the fist fights? Probably THE best melee combat system I've seen in a videogame. So satisfying, oh goodness. When you start encountering big nazis it even feels like all those fights he had with Pat Roach. I remember back in the good ol' childhood days, I used to just play a select few levels on loop because I just loved fighting way too much.
Still do, as I found out. I was stuck on the Prague Courtyard level for like half an hour because I just couldn't leave without punching everyone repeatedly. I never even use the guns, aside from that one time I wanted to recreate the infamous swordsman battle with one of the generics with a knife in Istambul.

Oh, and how to forget the hilarious fact that Indy can't move two steps without going HAAAAHHHHHH PAAAANTTT HUUUHHHHH BUUFFFFF but you can make him roll up stairs and he's fine. The ludicrous panting does work better when you're fighting, like pretty much everything else in the game.

The game's just pure gold. Sometimes totally unironically, other times very ironically, but pure gold one way or another.

I use incognito window to prevent Google from presenting me millions of things I've only looked up once. It's also because I have no idea what people will link, and I'd rather be on the safe side. My youtube recommendation box is also chaotic as heck, and I don't want to add to the chaos.

I can understand these reasons.

Fates was split into two games, had a lot of marketing, people didn't immediately know that the story sucked.

Three games, actually.

Meanwhile, Echoes is a remake of an NES game, was released only a few months after it was announced, and didn't have several of the features that Awakening and Fates had. IS knew this, and kept their expectations in check, and they were satisfied by the sales.

Eh, I guess that's fair.

No, but some of them have been in slavery before. And if you try to take the generic "evil" path and just kill random people, you'll be erased form existence by the Lady of Pain.




I shall admit that that was clever, and was more successful than my previous attempts at setting up those kind of jokes.

I shall graciously accept your kind praise!

It's amazing how many fictional characters forget the rule of "Stop, Drop, and Roll".


Runan is even more refreshing than I imagined after having to deal with Holmes.

Why, you...!?

I, uh, wasn't referring to Eugen...

Eh, who cares, I'll take any chance I can get to defend Eugen.

And the last one was a giant hairy eyeball. I wonder if we'll see any examples of good throwaway villains on Holme's route in the future.

There are a couple, but don't expect many more.

I mean, the only time I commented first was when I was replying late. Remember when I said I had that computer fast and would risk double posting?

Ah, yes, of course.

Huh, so you can kill Carnell right here and now. I thought he was going to retreat and appear later in the plot, but nope.

If he escapes he disappears too.

I can see what you mean by being thankful whenever Kaga gives the player a chance to slay an a-hole.

Yeah, right?

Interesting to see Ballisticians return as a unit. Is the change permanent, or can you switch between using a ballista and being a tank?

Permanent, sadly.

I looked up what Mamluke means. It's an Arabic designation for slaves. And for some reason wikipedia is using a picture from Mount and Blade.

Pfffft the lazy bastards.

It looks like Runan is igniting a light saber.

Silver is a lightsaber color, by the way.

I see. Runan's probably a Sith, considering his brightest smile makes him look like the Senate.

I kid you not; At first glance, it looked like Lee was playing the banjo. Then I zoomed in and saw it was a staff.

Those Holmes chapters were bad on us.

Also, nice pun.


Huh, so it's chance based on how many times flurry will attack. I really need to look at the SF page for this game, just to see what everything does.

You do that, but there's not that much info to be found there. That's what happens when a game's obscure. And Berwick's even worse!

On the one hand, Maerchen is the butt-monky of this game, and this only furthers his status as one.

On the other hand, I've only seen Awakening be more lazy with a throwaway boss.

FE1 had, like, 2 portraits available to use for every single boss in the game. Even Michalis was a recolor back then!

Oh joy. Another kidnapped female that you will probably rescue and recruit into the army. Did Kaga take this from Gaiden as well?

Dunno, myself.

I can't help but wonder what Sasha's pegasus is thinking with her rider shooting out a bolt of lightening.

It probably finds it highly distressing. It'll get used to it. It better...

This is one of the best counters to a generic death quote I've seen thus far.

My thanks.

The dashing effect is cool. The second picture looks like Runan has scissorhands and grew an extra head and forearm.

Pfffft. Lol.

I have no idea why Mintz is critting the ballista instead of the operator, but it's awesome. Maybe he prefers hand-crafted mints instead of the factory made kind, and vows to destroy all the machinery he can find?

You piece of trash, making me laugh with these things...

Perhaps he knows he won't have much longer to live, and is trying to make the most of his new position?

That, or the turn of recent events has made him lash out at any cowardliness, and thinks that two armies attacking at once is just that?

Maybe. He just wants to go out on a bang. Or maybe he mistook us for Carnell's escorts.

A fitting death quote for the character.

That it is.

This sounds like it will be fun. I don't really have much experience with the est archetype ( I think one or two exist in Gaiden/Echoes, but with the way that game works, combined with the time you get them, means that they aren't as difficult or painful to train as they are in other games.) so this should be pretty interesting to watch.

All righty then, I must do my best not to let her die.

That sounds like either an awesome movie or an awesome TV show. Wonder if the protagonists fight crime with flurry and then eat the ice-cream in their spare time. Who knows? Wait a year or so, and they may do that crossover with Bagman.

Hahahahahaha, crossover with Bagman, oh good God...

A question so ridiculous, people give him "really?" stares from continents away.

Heck, dimensions away, as I gave him the stare too, and I'm not even from the same plane of existance!

Ey! Another dragon! So Katri isn't the only one!

Nope, not at all.

I wonder if there's a link between stupidity and being able to turn into a dragon in this game.

Well, the pattern seems stable thus far.

Once again, the plot does what it want's.

On the bright side, this time it isn't reliant on the involved parties being complete idiots.

That is quite correct, and quite relieving too.

Nefya is sounding more and more like Katri, and I don't know how I feel about that.

You should feel concerned, probably.

So this is either story and gameplay integration, or Sennet is lying to prevent Neyfa from feeling terrible?

You decide.

For once, Kaga did it first, yet IS did it better. Not that that's saying much, as the bandit brothers thing is kinda just there no matter the game.

What do you mean, they did it better? How could anything possibly be better than this horrendously dumb shit?

Also, if Poem ends up dead, then life just keeps kicking Maerchen in the groin. Except he no longer has those.

Losing his balls was just the first trial.


On 18/2/2019 at 6:55 AM, eclipse said:

I don't think it would do to change my name (sucks being a mod and all), but if I were to change my title to a homage to Esther and Maruj, would you use them both? :P:

If I wake up one day and come to see everybody in the thread just having changed their names to the units they want me to use, I might consider actually following those suggestions. I'll consider Esther, though, real talk. Arkis... not so much.

Anyway, you could always change your rank, wink wink nudge nudge. C'mon, change it, make me feel important, like I have the influence to bend the mods of the site to my liking.


On 18/2/2019 at 9:41 PM, Goddess Serra said:

Spoiler: it's only 50% true.

We'll see...

3 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

FortunateLee, I don't have to change my name because Lee, Tom the Tank Engine and The Roger the Paladin are already in use, and as long as The Roger doesn't fall off too terribLee I'm good.

I love you.



Zczpbvpv oJ18z5nc9 o

Um606rva oI noticed that, too. It was almost as if she was sad... Perhaps the Shaman who became Rachis didn't want to attack us?

0zfd96rn o And that's about it. Nice scene. Could've included it last time, but eh.

Ctjnmcaf o

Ih49ob2i oI am General Eugen. I tried to convince my liege to leave you to take Salia all on your own. But he didn't follow the plan, the damned whippersnapper... grumble grumble...

1pcfv1ay o...excuse me?

Um606rva oLet's pretend he isn't here, all right, Lord Lionheart?

1pcfv1ay oThat's... fine by me, I suppose? A-Anyway...

1pcfv1ay oWell met, Lord Runan. I am Raziel of Selba, called Lionheart. I apologize for being unable to meet with you properly during the battle.

Um606rva oNot at all! This way we can take our time.

1pcfv1ay oHmm... Perhaps you hear this often, Lord Runan, but you are the spitting image of your father in his youth.

Um606rva oDid you know my father?

1pcfv1ay oMany years ago, Duke Gramud saved my life.

Um606rva oHe did? When?

0zfd96rn o Did Eugen also try to convince him to abandon you back then?

1pcfv1ay oDid he ever tell you of his time in the Ledan Crusade.

0zfd96rn o Be warned, we're about to get a history lesson. It's all quite interesting stuff, but it's dense, so be wary.

Dltgqnjx o

1pcfv1ay oThat's right. Over twenty years ago, the Cult of Gerxel tried to take control of the lands formerly ruled by the fallen Kingdom of Leda. They were quite successful, for a time. The citizens who suffered under their harsh rule begged the other kingdoms for relief, but the royals wouldn't budge. Instead, help came in the form of volunteer soldiers from all across Lieberia.

3uydh6yr o

1pcfv1ay oI'll never forget the day where I met both the Six Warriors and the Six Sages in the flesh.

Um606rva oFather did tell me about the Six Warriors.

Jl6iqjcj o

P1zzgcas o It's quite refreshing that only two of them are confirmed dead. The way things are looking, we might even get playable legends, akin to Athos, except not as Gotohs, I would hope!

1pcfv1ay oThat's right. They were the ones responsible for leading and organizing the Liberation Army.

Um606rva oWho were the Six Sages, then? I assume Sage Maios of Reeve was among them, but who else?

1pcfv1ay oFrom Reeve, there was Sage Maios, as well as his son Narith before he went mad;

0zfd96rn o ...Nariz? Really? Spanish for "nose" was one of the Six Sages? Good grief... no wonder he went nuts.

1pcfv1ay ofrom Salia, Sage Octavus and his son Andre; And from Canaan, Sage Eisenbach and his son-in-law Alfred.

0zfd96rn o These guys aren't looking as bright as the Six Warriors. Maios and Octavus are all dead for sure, we witnessed Eisenbach's fate ourselves, Alfred's almost certainly dead as well, and Nose sounds like he's more trouble than anything else if he lives still. That leaves Andre as the one plausible candidate for a playable unit. Oh, well.

Um606rva oReally? Sage Eisenbach was from Canaan?

Xhp8chgg o

Um606rva oBanished?! Whatever for?

1pcfv1ay oLet's see... It was fourteen years ago. Prince Arless's wife Selene was murdered, his mansion set ablaze, and his two children presumed dead among the ashes. Eisenbach was Lady Selene's father. He swore that the incident was all a plot by one of the royal concubines. Bahanuk was furious, and he banished him.

0zfd96rn o One of the royal concubines, huh? I have a feeling we've heard of a concubine of Bahanuk's being a dickhead before...

Um606rva oI never knew... To think he was the Wind Sage... Were the missing children ever found?

1pcfv1ay oEveryone assumes they died in the fire. Though if they were still alive, they'd be just a little younger than you.

Dzmmyjjr o

1pcfv1ay oWell, that's enough stories for now.

1pcfv1ay oLord Runan, I would be honored to join your alliance against the Empire, but until I free the rest of Salia from Viceroy Ahab, my place remains here. My sincerest apologies.

Um606rva oI can't say I'm not disappointed, but it is clear that Salia needs you now more than we. I'll leave it to your judgment.

0zfd96rn o C'mon, is he seriously going to pull the same trick Eugen tried to get us to pull on him?

Kueyjjvx oCxfv0eur o

P1zzgcas o Ah, okay.

1pcfv1ay oYou will go with Lord Runan and assist him in my stead as proof of our alliance. Lord Runan, may fortune follow your journey.

Um606rva oThank you, Lord Lionheart!

Xtv7cfkg o
Ah, is it time to check out what the enemy's doing already? Cool, let's see...
6z6ijhl9 oOrqtey31 o

0zfd96rn o Uhhhh, that man is huge. Seriously, look at him! I'm huge in real life (not because of muscles, sadly) and I think even I would be casted a shadow upon by this monster!

Mtiwvyhd oYou needn't trouble yourself with such things. Any news regarding the western front?

L6nd6ydx o Yes, Your Highness. The allied force calling itself the Champions of Yutona has captured both Senay and Selba. We believe their next target will be here at Fort Balt. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, sire.

Mtiwvyhd oOn the contrary, General. I think that's good news, in a way. I was always opposed to expanding the Empire to beyond the Reeve line.

S96ttmu1 o

Mtiwvyhd oAdvancing west was our first step down the road to self-destruction. We were supposed to use the Great River of Reeve as a natural defense and wait for the situation to stabilize. That was always the plan, but...

L6nd6ydx o I agree, things have gotten far out of control. Our forces have grown weary from the never-ending conflict. We haven't the strength to repel the full force of the enemy alliance.

Reqbdqar o

Mtiwvyhd oI cannot comprehend what my father hopes to gain by taking control of the continent... No matter how I protest, he refuses to listen.

L6nd6ydx o I wish I knew, sire.

Mtiwvyhd oNot only that, but he assigned nitwits like Pavlov and Carnell to manage the newly occupied territories! That was the final nail in the coffin.

L6nd6ydx o ...

Zq8hrkhn o

L6nd6ydx o Your Highness...

Mtiwvyhd oSorry, I went on a rant there. I know I need to watch what I say. You're the only one I can trust enough to voice these concerns to.

L6nd6ydx o No, I understand how you feel, Your Highness.

Mtiwvyhd oI wish I could trade places with Julius. He's staying in Zemsellia, refusing to have anything to do with the Salian invasion.

L6nd6ydx o I've always thought that Prince Julius was the stubbornest of you royal children.

0zfd96rn o Julius, huh. Well, that's an interesting coincidence, ain't it?

Mtiwvyhd oDefinitely, by far. He called me a spineless coward for obeying Father's orders.

I3bo6kan o

L6nd6ydx o I understand your reasons, Your Highness. I think that's what all of Canaan's people are praying for. You are our hope for the future.

Mtiwvyhd oNo... I'm just a coward. Arless would've done something about it, but I can't do anything but nod my head to whatever Father says...

Tdzvz5ha o

Whew, that was a really good scene. I swear, the more I see Barker, the more I like him. He seems like such a reasonable, honorable man. I hope he'll live long enough to succeed his father and right the wrongs he's done. Barbarossa's great, too. They struck me as old friends, those two.

Wait... Barbarossa's the boss of the next chapter? That can't be right...

Inyzjixc o

This year's score? What...?

S3lok4op o


Em7mgiau oGmsegd8a o

Well, on the bright side, there's no way in hell this is going to be the real boss of the next chapter. Look at that, he's even got a nickname!


Anyway, let's take a look at Lionheart's second-in-command...

HP 70% - Strength 35% - Skill 25% - Speed 35% - Defense 22% - Magic 10% - Luck 45% - Mastery 35%

Oh my God, Lionheart, dude! I understand you need to stay in Blaad, but at least leave me something better, a cool bow or something, I don't know! What the heck is this? Shirou is worse in a few areas than Leonie at base, which would already be bad enough, but he's also got the crippling flaw of being like Arkis at the beginning of the game: he can't use anything because his mastery is too low. He can use the wooden bow and that's it. I'm not kidding. Y'know, the bow with 3 might? And his base strength is bad too. He gains Canto at level 14, which is... okay, I guess, but Grassrunner is a strong contender for the least memorable terrain skill, his growths are mediocre, his bases are bad, he can only use the wooden bow at base, he's got no supports for the time being, he joins right before one of the game's hardest chapters, he can only use the wooden bow at base, his personality is as I've said before Tomas without the funny hairdo, HAVE I MENTIONED, HE CAN ONLY USE THE WOODEN BOW AT BASE!?

Blistering barnacles, we got scammed! Eugen was right! He was right all along! We shoulda just left that arsehole Lionheart to kill Carnell by himself!

Ih49ob2i oHeh heh heh...

Oh, shut up, you. You're not playable. I... wish you were. Wait, no, I don't. If you were playable, you'd have no text, and then Runan would be stuck with little generic Enteh as his one conversation partner. That'd be such a tragedy...

50tdrdaf o

Anyway, I move to that useless little patch of land below Selba and we get more cutaways. Erial?

Nv3e2mi9 o

Are you General Lawrence?

Me5kwbxt o

Ctmximdg oHer Highness left with her subordinates to assist in the capture of Istoria.

0zfd96rn o Guess not. Tch... what kind of name is Logg, anyway?

Ctmximdg oShe seemed very enthusiastic about it.

Cpz3qysn oIt's about time we saw the end of that wretched kingdom.

0zfd96rn o I didn't "see" shit. Sigh...

Ctmximdg oIndeed. In fact, not a moment ago, I received word from Lady Katrina that Castle Istoria has surrendered to the Leda Liberation-- I mean, the Champions of Yutona, led by Their Highnesses Richard and Tia.

Cpz3qysn oTia... She's at Istoria too, then?

Ctmximdg oLady Katrina's message says that Princess Tia is waiting at Castle Istoria, and she asks that you hurry there, too.

Cpz3qysn oHurry to Istoria? Did something happen?

Ctmximdg oI don't know the full details, but the message says that hordes of foul creatures have appeared on the western frontiers. Perhaps Her Highness is requesting your assistance in defeating them.

0zfd96rn o Once again, really cool stuff we won't get to see. Still, I do dig the idea of the NPCs doing things while the protagonists protag.

Cpz3qysn oGot it. Thank you, Sir Logg! I'll get the rest of the details when I meet up with Katrina.

Cpz3qysn oIt's been ages since we've seen Tia, hasn't it, Neyfa?

Zrfcllhj oYes, it has...

14x3dmdf o

Then, as soon as I step into Senay, we jump yet again, this time to... Hidden Village on top of Balt?

Iui5i21i o

Oh, whoa. You look important.

Hep89whk o

P1zzgcas o Raphael? That's a name that sounds familiar... no, I don't mean the Three Houses trailer, I mean before that. Guess Liza was right about her husband's survival.

9bmvwara oFantastic, actually! My wounds are almost completely healed thanks to you. I suppose that's to be expected with a nurse as talented as you! You have my sincerest gratitude.

E7ffcz4a oYou should be thanking General Barbarossa. He recognized you as the King of Wellt during the battle, and he wanted to make sure you made a full recovery.

9bmvwara oEven though we were on opposing sides... He's a good man, that Barbarossa.

P1zzgcas o Maybe you could try recruiting him? I'd love to have that beast on my team.

9bmvwara oSo, do you think it was Yutona's divine protection that led me to be treated by my own sister-in-law?

E7ffcz4a oWho can say? That reminds me, have you heard of the Champions of Yutona yet, Raphael?

Rat7ikx0 o

E7ffcz4a oThey're an alliance, led in part by the Wellt Army, who have been pushing east along the coast of the Sea of Senay. It's expected that they'll arrive at Fort Balt any day now.

9bmvwara oThe Wellt Army?! Who's leading them? Don't tell me it's Sasha!

P1zzgcas o I mean, technically, she does lead the Wellt part of the Army. But don't worry, my Welltese guys are some of my best units, and your daughter, more so!

E7ffcz4a oIt's young Lord Runan of Razelia, with the support of Liza and Count Marlon.

D0x3vjub o

F4aswdy8 o Hahahahah... about right.


Kkjq85ec o
Bgxx5hjt oX8remus1 o
Gkfjpdum oMbpsottm o
76x6avae o
Qhkvmxh4 oKvp9gj1e o
V34lqasd o
16hsneoc oWkyquf73 o
7uiak9gk o
Ak2rivv6 o
Crfnajvw o
Yaqgudwq o
P8vvagth o
Cv4b98a5 o
Adgcdfih o
Xiqmt77e o
Zlqere9i oTpslovp1 o
0rfifeui o
Azlxfjct o


Kkjq85ec o

If we hadn't sent Kate and Zieg together, that would've been the end of it, but since we did, we get a supportive moment.

06nw5gqa oMpmjdcgb o

Dymo2jvo oI... I didn't see you around anywhere, so I was wondering where you'd gone. You haven't been yourself recently, Zieg. Always thinking, staring off into space... I've been worried.

Rqqssoyw o...

Dymo2jvo o...Ow! What was that!?

Rqqssoyw oKate! Don't move! There's a venomous spider on you!

Dymo2jvo oWha...!?

Rqqssoyw o...Gotcha!

0zfd96rn o ...this is different...?

Rqqssoyw oDamn, it must've bitten your leg... Try not to move, Kate. That'll keep the venom from spreading too quickly. But if we don't get most of it out quickly, you could die...

0zfd96rn o Nice. Class act, Zieg. Of course that's what you should tell a person who might die in a minute. By the way, if Kate dies randomly because of this, I'm going to be very cross.

Rqqssoyw oJust lie there for a moment, I'll get it out.

Dymo2jvo oAh...

P1zzgcas o Friendly reminder that, in fiction (and maybe in real life, I don't know), people tend to get venom out of other people's bodies by sucking on the wound. So this is Zieg just sucking on Kate's leg in the middle of the forest. Great. Now's when Albertus randomly walks in on them...

Rqqssoyw oThere... You ought to be fine now, but we should still get you back to the others and have one of the healers take a look at you. Here, get on my back.

Dymo2jvo oR-Right... Thank you, Zieg...

P1zzgcas o And now she's gonna ride him! That's wild.

8lstxzh3 o

No more conversations, so it's time to face the music.

Z3rawval o

This fancy title card ain't fancy enough for this chapter, let me tell you that much.

Uoncv7dy oQci7mc3j o

Ih49ob2i o'Tis a magnificent stronghold. It makes excellent use of the terrain of the forest surrounding it. The forest is thick and difficult to see or move through, and the fort's ballistae and catapults will repel any invaders who dare use the front entrance. This will be no easy battle, Lord Runan.

0zfd96rn o Understatement of the century, goddamnit! This is where my perfect death count for Runan's route is going to come to an end, believe me. Someone is guaranteed to die here. Just watch.

Um606rva oThat would be the case if the Empire hadn't already pulled out most of the soldiers stationed at Fort Balt. We are fortunate to have this opportunity.

Ih49ob2i oThat is true. I hear that the Emperor thinks his forces are spread too thinly, so they are regrouping before resuming the invasion. Now is our best chance to take Fort Balt.

Um606rva oThis battle could decide the whole war...

0zfd96rn o Oh, God help us...

Jzmmrxx6 o

0zfd96rn o Not this day, actually. And, I fear next day will not be it, either...

P1zzgcas o Heh, now watch as this is like Chapter Douglas from last LP, where I was fully expecting to lose a bazillion units but it turned out to be the single chapter where everything went my way in the entire LP. Ah, good t-- okay, not good, but I had my fun.


Orin8cv0 oPq63zo1q o
6tfqsszq o
Keckaf73 o


Iw5krjsk o

Meanwhile, in the fortress of evil... okay, I can't call Barbarossa evil with a straight face. C'mon, he saved Raphael! And when you see what Raphael looks like as a unit, you'll understand why everyone should be thanking this man every time they play TRS.

Mdmlpysf o

Oh hey. New face. Also very recruitable-looking.

Ucagkmrs o

K5ueiwj7 oYou can't do this! Father ordered you not to do anything rash!

0zfd96rn o Notice how her portrait's all sad-looking now? It changes to that in this part of the scene, at the same time as some dramatic music starts blaring in the background.

K5ueiwj7 oHe said if things took a turn for the worse, you're supposed to withdraw and regroup with the rest of the knights of Canaan! Please, General! I'm begging you not to do this! I'm the Princess--you have to come with me if I order you to!

L6nd6ydx o It breaks my heart that my last deeds in service to Canaan must be disobedience to you and your father. Forgive me, Princess. But if I abandon Fort Balt, the Champions of Yutona will catch up to your father and the others as they regroup, and Canaan's hope for the future will be lost.

Fdg2ba6s o

0zfd96rn o See, I did a write-up a while ago, replying to one of BrightBow's comments, on how I feel like some of the Camuses were just being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn. Now, I don't feel that way about all Camuses, and Barbarossa overhere is definitely not one of them. He actually has a good reason for doing what he's doing (that being to protect the one man who, as things stand, might be able to change things from within Canaan without outright putting it down), and thus his sacrifice makes sense and is quite admirable. It also helps that Barker's been shown as a really good, reasonable man.

P1zzgcas o Well, of course, this is all assuming he was allowed to sacrifice himself, which is not likely. Come now, level 36? No way, that's 4 levels shy of the absolute level cap!

K5ueiwj7 oDon't say that, Uncle Barbarossa! I don't want this! You're like family to me, and I can't stand the thought of losing you!

L6nd6ydx o No matter how much time has passed, you've always been a gentle soul, Princess. You're just like your late mother. Seeing what a beautiful young woman you've become fills my old heart with happiness.

K5ueiwj7 oNo... Barbarossa... You've always been there for me... Whenever I had nightmares, you were the first one to comfort me... How can I live knowing that you won't be there anymore?! This war is taking everything from me...

L6nd6ydx o Princess, a face as beautiful as yours shouldn't be sullied with tears. Now please, Princess... Go now to your father's side and be safe. You can't stay here, it's too dangerous.

L6nd6ydx o You there, guard! Escort Princess Stephanie to Zemsellia! That's an order!

K5ueiwj7 oBarbarossa...

0zfd96rn o Damn... some might say this whole drama with Barbarossa's too rushed, since we only just met him, and honestly? They'd be right, but I'm a sucker for this whole sequence. It's just... well done, you know? We weren't there to see it as players, but it is made absolutely clear that this man was a beloved figure of Canaan, one of its pillars of strength, and they're just about to lose him just like that. It hits the right strings for me. Much like the likes of Selena, Lorenz and Gale, I really don't want to be forced to kill this great man.

P1zzgcas o Ah, but don't worry. I won't kill him. I can't kill him! His stats are insane! He'll retreat for sure.

Fo7y4yyq o

0zfd96rn o Ah, there's our real boss of the day. Now this is more of what I like to murder without remorse.

L6nd6ydx o Get out of my sight, devil-worshipper, or I'll make you disappear.

Jgdd7hcv oHow does it feel, knowing you're going to die for your country while your own flesh and blood will live because she betrayed it? You must be terribly ashamed of Silva.

L6nd6ydx o ...

P1zzgcas oThis is Silva's father? No wonder she's such a badass!

Jgdd7hcv oHeh, it's of no consequence to me. I'm going to enjoy watching you suffer, General Barbarossa.

0zfd96rn o Not likely. I'm going to rip you apart for making fun of him, bleach-hair! And for the experience.

Byg1usf3 o

Mahovah (that's his name, not Devil-Worshipper, by the way) leaves the fort and parks his ass two tiles above the tank, and we're done for today.

Next time, one of this game's most memorable maps. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that this is, bar none, my favourite chapter in the entire game. Don't miss it, you! It would be a tragedy if you did, for this is one of the highlights of the game! Fare well so you may watch well! See you next update!

Death count: Attrom

Reset count: 2 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 3















Meanwhile, in Blaad...

T4og6vre o
Jbqviyla o
Glasoluz o
Gymrnemg oV5c8mbi0 o
Siivcusz o
Rtlhvags o
Nextwqqf oBdpjojy5 o
Oinqh1xy o



Lwuvxxmt o
Gqeoys78 o
Opq3qmho o
Fvzbufx5 o
Diuoosdh o
Lm4frrsd o
I6e37th9 o
Fgbfuxih o
Wdchosm9 o
X3gzavyb o
7h2wilxe o






To be continued...


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