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Chaos reigns when I take the reins! - Let's play Tear Ring saga, Ironman mode, while being terrible at Fire Emblem!

Saint Rubenio

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Part 77 - The calm after the chaos.

It's more like 82, actually. I screwed up so many times...

...first try, and it already works? Is this the RNGoddess's way of apologizing? 'Cause I'll take it, but she's going to need to do more before we're even...

Anyway. We encountered a few bumps on the road, but we're finally here. The end of Tear Ring Saga. It's a really long one, but since there's nothing coming afterwards, I think it'll be fine. Enjoy. It's really, really long. Seriously, I cannot emphasize this enough, I could probably have divided this into three updates. Of course, there's nothing coming after it, so please, feel free to read at your own pace, and don't be afraid to stop for coffee breaks.

Oh, and because this is so long, I haven't been able to properly proofread it. There shouldn't be anything more than a few minor typoes, so please forgive those.

Before that, however, I've got something to share with you. I had fun making the crappy minor boss tier list in FE6, so I've decided to do the same with TRS, now that we've seen all the villains the game has to offer. Here it is. Don't look at it directly, it's so crappy it may damage your retinae.

G3dovexq o

First place goes to Ahab, because I love all the subtle details about him, his posthumous character development, and how he singlehandedly manages to save a portion of Holmes's disaster of a route.

Lentzenheimer goes second. He's hyped up as soon as chapter 4, is the major antagonist of an entire arc, and, well, he's just amazingly written, overall. Especially if you take both routes into account, he has great moments in both.

Ernst grabs third place. I was torn between him and Barbarossa, but his superior death scene (if only by a small margin, I love both of them) and his scenes in chapter 10 give him an edge, I feel. Still, great antagonists, the two of them. Really, anybody who isn't below Simon is, at the very least, pretty decent in one way or another. This isn't like FE6, where there are, like, four great bosses, and everyone else's a stinker.

I also included my own ranking of the major-- I'm sorry, mayor villains. Don't be too mad because I placed Barker above Carla; aside from Zieg, whom I like a lot better, and Bahanuk, whom I like a lot less, I like them all almost equally. Yes, even Codha. He's a great first arc villain, I think, and I love all the scenes where he gets roasted.

Everything else should be pretty self-explanatory.

Father... have I..:

On 10/22/2019 at 5:25 PM, Goddess Serra said:

Shouldn't Sennet also be a descendant of Carluon? Canaan WAS the name of his youngest daughter. If you're going by ethnicity, then Canaanites were originally Zoan, but Ledans and Welltese are supposedly a mix of Reevans, Salians and Zoans. Granada is pretty much independent so yeah, no chance Holmes is anywhere near 0% legendary hero, and there is no evidence the dukes of Reeve were related to the royals in any way. So yeah, apparently (for once) being of a legendary bloodline means you're a Gotoh here.

Hmm, you're quite correct, yes! Runan might have some minor blood, there's no way to be sure. Holmes is definitely a commoner, though. Quite interesting.


On 10/22/2019 at 6:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Sad. Only character I overly dislike is Edelgard. At least playable.


I enjoy her as an antagonist. She could've been a great protagonist villain, too... if her route wasn't the hodgepodge it is.

But my favourite is still the ever ridiculous Acheron. Because, he's essentially just an idiot.

I'm currently giving the game another shot, on maddening difficulty (well, I did speed through Dimitri's final chapter to get New Game +, 'cause no way in hell am I going to face 3H's craptastically designed bullshit without bullshit of my own. And yes, the final chapter was as poor as I thought it'd be. Myson right next to my starting position was hilarious, the boss was piss easy, and again, chests).

Golden deer, this time around. I like the characters better than Dimitri's crowd, I must say, but Claude... infuriates me. I hate that everyone loves him but hates lords like Marth and Eliwood. Claude's the exact same thing, but reversed: he has all the personality, but he's completely useless in every route that is not his, and even in his own route, he is little more than an irrelevant side kick. A side effect of the route being a copy of Silver Snow, I suppose. He's very much like a less abrasive Holmes, actually. Kaga did it first!

Anyway, what I'm getting at is, I've done Lorenz's paralogue, and found out that Acheron... really only sounds like Lionel Hutz in his "I'm not in for a beating, am I...?" line. Still, I've already interiorized him as FE Lionel Hutz, so that's that. I still wish I could've recruited him, for his design alone.

Hanneman is definitely a good character... not so much as a unit. Meteor gives him a niche but that speed is atrocious.

Nonsense! His speed is bad, yes, but I've yet to find a Mage not named Ignatz that doesn't have atrocious speed. Even the oh-so-beloved Lysithea gets doubled and killed by everything. Not trying to say that Hanneman's better than Lysithea (frankly, he isn't), but hating him for his speed is kinda hypocritical, considering every Mage suffers from that.

Hanneman's spell list gives him an edge, as he starts with Thoron to give him extra range (this is something Lysithea lacks forever), which is extremely good in many situations; wind is very accurate, and sagittae is a good middle-ground spell. Then, of course, he gets meteor, and ragnarok is a very good nuke that goes well with his godly magic. Oh, and he rallies magic. That's very good also.

What I'm trying to say is, he's not the best unit, but he's far from being the worst, or even just bad. He has a ton of tools at his disposal that make him plenty usable. I'm using him alongside Lysithea, and I have to say, Hanneman does not lag behind. The two of them serve as excellent nukes, and they're the greatest partners. It also helps that I'm trying to get their ending together. It's Hanneman's most wholesome ending, and one of the few where Lysithea


does not die young.

Hey, while on the subject of Three Houses, I found out there's a crest of Ernest in the game. It can only be obtained, as far as I know, by using one of the crest items gained through New Game +. I have given it to Leonie, for one reason alone:

Wo8iuyoa o

Yeah. The enemy's best and my own team's best, combined. That's not something any enemy would want to face. Hanneman would surely be interested, though...

Yep. Funny how late I appeared in retrospect. But then I read everything up to that point (including the prior LP) before starting to comment... so it took a while to catch up.

It's all right.


W1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv o

Well, after all, the original song was about a depression stemming from the monotony of doing the same old thing year after year, and the wish for something unknown. I figured Zach's own regret would stem from his irrelevance to the plot.

Alas, poor Zach... he'll get to talk again today, though! Rejoice!

When even the site conspires to hide you from view...

Hoo, boy...

Attempted suicide by Leonie? He's really desperate to get away at this stage.


Well... this was certainly different. Go figure, being a monster was just a phase. She was still the same underneath it all.

Hahah... I thought I'd catch you off-guard.

Seriously, it's kind of heart-warming that two characters that both went down a questionable path in this run could be the source of each other's salvation. Think on that for a moment.

That was the intention, yes. And it's not the end of the irony...

How is it at different points I get to see my three favourite units in this LP die?

Sheesh... I'm so sorry...

Kaga really ended that battle on a high note.

Without a doubt.

So am I. She killed Tom. Well, can we at least pretend the bonus death sequence was canon?

I have something else in mind. I hope you'll like it.


On 10/22/2019 at 6:56 PM, BrightBow said:

You know, I always hate it when things just randomly work for no discernible reason.

Yeah, it's such a bother.
Well, at least this one is out. Having to quit a massive project like this so close before the finish line would no doubt be even more frustrating.

Well, it's been... unendingly difficult at times, and not because of the game, precisely. But I'm glad we pulled through.

You don't need a tank for that. There are spells like Meteor with the same range.
And more importantly, as massive as the altar is from the south, the northern edge is actually really close. When Gwenchaos stands in front of one of the shamans, you can snipe him with a simple Longbow from the north. That would require the Warp staff, of course. Maybe you got the Evil Worm or Tomaharn spell lying around? They got 1-3 range.

Anyway, I did try out area of effect attacks by now thanks to the power of cheat codes. And most of them got 1-3 range too, so I could just attack from the north. The attack occurs but Gwenchaos automatically dodges, even when he should face 100% hit. Or at least that's how the game displays this in map animations. In any case, it seems impossible to damage him in normal gameplay, as far as I can tell.
Huh, how curious. Thanks for taking the time to try it out.

Well, what else to you expect him to grow? The only stats he hasn't capped are Luck and Defense. Technically Magic too, but Garo got a 0% magic growth. So that's not gonna happen.
Hohohohohohoh... right, I'd almost forgotten Garo is godly. I remember you were the one saying you were interested in seeing what I was expecting to get out of Garo, since you didn't think he amounted to anything. Well, here is what I expected. A man who beats maps by himself. Would Samson have been better? Probably, but I can't say I care much.

You did well, Thomas the Tank Engine. Not your fault they didn't implement the ability to turn the ballista back into a tank.

It sucks when your parents are so difficult to approach.

You know, you're always so serious, but today you're being an absolute riot.

Fun fact: This is also what Holmes saw right before Eugen knocked him flat.

Bwahahahahahah... this one's got to be my favourite!

Niselg4y o

Well, Holmes gets +10 from his support with Runan and +20 from the holy sword. Also, I tested this just now: The support bonuses from the dead Shamans are still active. So that's another +15% for Holmes in your formation. If he has 23 skill, then that accounts for his 68% crit.
Runan and Sennet also get +15 crit from their respective shamans. So I suppose the ideal formation would be for Runan to attack from above, Holmes to attack from the left, Sennet to attack from the right and for Tia to attack from the bottom.

Ah, I see.

Poor Tia, though. His damisel in distress was so crappy, he couldn't even support her from beyond the grave...


On 10/22/2019 at 9:55 PM, Dayni said:

I mean, I tried to write up posts but my laptop may have crashed more than once. Not because of the size of the post mind.

Not to worry. I forgive you for this slight. Not that it is even a slight, to begin with.

Also, How could you not respond to the only thing that Dave Kearney's ever going to be known for?

I dig the gif, but didn't imagine I could add anything to it.

I mean, maybe I don't think Sonia's the worst, but maybe when I finally chop my way through my mind will change?

Hah! I don't thinks he's the worst, either, but she's... not the most compelling villain, frankly.

Wait a minute I thought I did! Not for you specifically, but let me check-

*fumbles through paper

Huh, guess that doesn't apply to here.

...okay, I will not ask.

Intentionally skipped them.

I'm trying to be at least somewhat blind. 😛

Yes, that's fair. Well, suffice to say, there's some Kaga-tier bullshit to be found in there. Don't let the hype overwhelm you.

I mean, again I think the BS backlash might be overblown. We'll see though.

Hey, hey, you know I am merely jesting. I may not be too overly fond of FE7, but I can see the appeal.

Also, Guenchaos didn't find the fountain of youth.

Well, he managed to make the power of love be a bad thing, for once in fiction. That is quite commendable.

Really Kaga?


I mean, if you're going to knock off yourself at least pick a different enemy type.

Hey, they do their job: to be annoying.

You know, nuclear level power. That's intentional by the way.

It probably is.

From Mogalls?

There isn't enough time to get her a level from those.

This lad's capped.

No need for levels for him at least.

You could take the time to give him an occult manual. But why?

The mount's been following the whole time.

The real surprise is that this chamber's apparently big enough.

It wouldn't dare to defy Sasha...


You're giving her a chance to not be crazy.

That I am. Didn't feel right to let her end up like that. 'Sides, wouldn't fit the endings.

I'm trying to remember why she turned out like that to being with.

I think it started as a minor joke about how she's a good fighter despite wearing a cutesy pink dress. Then it escalated. Boy, did it ever escalate.

Well, when you had so little left, it's not surprising that it'd be hard even for the best to do something about.


  Reveal hidden contents

Calling it Ruben's not dead. They pulled out the remains of the other guy somehow.

I'd missed those wild predictions of yours. We'll see, we'll see...


Sheesh, not even Kate could tell her?

Dude, Kate's barely holding on to the last of her sanity as it is.

Okay sure she couldn't, but nobody else?

That... is a plothole.

That.... That's a nice use of portrait change.

Right? Thanks. It was unused, so I figured, might as well. That's mostly my stance on TRS's unused portraits. Gotta thank Aethin again for handing them to me!

I mean, I think Eugen's unbeaten in the bluntness stakes.


Cooked in the end and not even by a dragon.

Damm shame, the first true death since Lionel. You hope to not see it happen.

Damnit... I should be happy, this is my lowest death count, and yet...

Yeah, this fucking thing.

Everyone gets nuked in a cave.

There ain't no escape.

It's positively terrifying. And I love it!

...... So was this one of hers?


Well, yes and no. The crying face was my edit. The pose is an unused sprite, but she looks a lot more determined than broken.

Hence all the other little things that happen to go wrong with TRS?


Is that where Holmes's plot and Sennet's gameplay money went?

...damn you, stop trying to make me hate TRS! Only I am allowed to do that, with FE7! You hear me!? Only I!

Considering they just merged, it makes sense.

Would there eventually be one dominant or would they be in limbo on this? Turns out Guenchaos's plan to be with his gf and tell everyone else to fuck off might have had the snag of him not even coming out the other side, which seems even more tragic.

God, I didn't even think of that...


That's kind of insane.

No kidding!

These four are OP as all hell.

That's the powah of lov--

...no, actually, the powah of love caused the war and then outright died with the Shamans and Richard. This is the power of fucking brute force.

No mater my complaining, this?

This is artful work, makes me sad Kaga never got to release the Saga games internationally.

Oh, yeah. I absolutely love Gerxel's death, scripted or not. Berwick is equally beautiful. Kaga's sprite artist(s) were quite the talented lads and lassies.

...lads and lassies... I really gotta decide on which dialect I want to use when I write in english. It's been three LPs now, and I've been using a disastrous conglomerate of scottish, irish, american, english, australian and spanish throughout it all.

I guess that strange lady wants her sword back.

What Carluon did's gonna be awkward to explain, ain't it?

We'll... we'll see.

Man Yoda was freaking dumb.

Pfffff... that's your whole input on this? Sure, fine.

Oh boy, better get out my popcorn for an epilogue longer than Return of the King's!

You better have it ready, 'cause ready or not, here it comes!


On 10/23/2019 at 1:22 PM, Pengaius said:

Heehee car

Why, you son of a-- you're worse than Arkis and a horseman, combined!

Somehow, you're still better than Gotoh.

Tomorrow, Tomorrow he'll have no Tomorrow, Tomorrow is only a life awaaaay. 

Sweet mercy... and this has to be the best one yet...! Bastard of a bastard...!

Uh GG low death count Ruben

Huh, a compliment! Why, thanks. And you know the best part? Arkis is, somehow, not a part of it.


On 10/24/2019 at 7:59 AM, eclipse said:

Tom fought for a world he would never see.

...just why... why did you have to go and make it WORSE!?


On 10/24/2019 at 9:46 AM, Goddess Serra said:

Farewell, Mr. President. You never got with your Emily in the end, but you had a good run.

Good is right, died right before the end... could stand to be better, however. Damn that Carla...


11 hours ago, eclipse said:

Image thing update:

So I just did the FE6 Ironman thing, and was able to post a bunch of pictures.  The issue might be with your image host.

I doubt it. I can post just fine from other places, and, well, as you can see, sometimes it works. Or maybe it's fixed now. I have no idea. I'm just glad it worked on the first try.


Have I been a good knight?


God, I love that death quote, I swear. Kate's such a great character.




Znbr85r2 o
Soajcseu o

Xhpakucv oI am Miradona. Long have I slept beneath this earth, as all emiyu must.

0zfd96rn o You know Miradona is important because her lips actually move when she speaks. And, you know, everything else. If you're wondering, no, Aethin didn't randomly forget to translate a word there. That emiyu thing is... actually a subplot, come completely out of left field, that isn't even explained unless you fulfill some sort of requirement. I am not sure what it is, but I'm fairly certain it requires that no people die throughout the game. I got the explanation in my first run, but in this one and the one before (where people died) I didn't.

0zfd96rn o Before you ask, I will be showing it, alongside a couple of scenes involving Mel that I didn't get on this file because she's considered dead, even though she isn't.

Xhpakucv oCenturies ago, my blood brought great calamity to the humans living here... I never realized how much damage was done until it was too late... I will make everything be as it should. The soul of Kalbazan is sealed away once more, and Guenchaos and Tita shall have their eternal rest. Let this temple be purified...

0zfd96rn o I like how this implies that Miradona just casually murdered Tita while we were doing the same to Guenchaos. Still, at this point, it is but a mercy for the two of them.

Xhpakucv oYutona's daughters will awaken soon. No longer will darkness hound them. May their lives be filled with happiness...

0zfd96rn o Wait, you can do that? Surely you cannot... I know you're Literally God, but...

Xhpakucv oI will return to the earth once more.

Qizqfcbj o

Xhpakucv oI will cherish the short time I have spent alongside you as I join my brothers and sisters in their eternal sleep...

0zfd96rn o Short is right, we've barely been speaking for thirty seconds. I know, I know, none of this makes any blasted sense. If I didn't have a save file with 100% survival rate lying around, it would stay that way, so let's thank past me for being too much of a coward to let people die.

Xhpakucv oFarewell, humans. With your courage and love for others, I know that Heaven will bless you...

Psrftrao o

I like to imagine everyone on the altar is just flipping their shit, except for Eugen. Eugen's just wondering what the best way to hit on her is. Because he's Eugen. Remember the time he randomly stopped following Runan around and went with Sasha to meet Raquel, solely so he could coddle her into joining? I remember.

55zkdmre o
Uihx4pbt o

Anyway--whoa, whoa! Where did the rest of the army go?! Did they merge into the new pretty floor?! Damn you, Miradona!

Death count: E V E R Y O N E

Swb7zxza o

The really annoying thing about this scene is that the text crawls at a glacial pace.

Llibn6rp oNo, I felt it too... It's light... Light is filling us...

Hjqvrqsr oThe great Mother Earth... Yutona's mother herself...

Cpz3qysn oThe supreme goddess...

1xihcxaw o
Icp1g97k o

P1zzgcas o Oh. All right. Well, that is one way to fix the fact that everyone is dead. Quite literally, a deus ex machina.

0zfd96rn o Rest assured, though, Tom won't be brought back. Miradona's a bitch, like that.

Cpz3qysn oNeyfa!?

Zle4pfgf o

Zrfcllhj oI'm not dreaming, am I? You're really here, Sennet...?

Cpz3qysn oNo, Neyfa... It's really me. The Goddess created this miracle... I'm so sorry, Neyfa... I couldn't protect you... Please forgive me...

Zrfcllhj oDon't cry, Sennet... I knew you would come and save me. I always believed in you.

0zfd96rn o Still, I love how, deus ex machina be damned, our heroes failed miserably just then. You believed wrong, Neyfa, he couldn't make it.

Cpz3qysn oNeyfa... Let's go home, Neyfa. To our real home, in Canaan.

Gbuhzdkq oKu1py2n7 o

Hjqvrqsr oKatri...!

F52kytnt o

Njdtyjkp oHolmes, am I... Am I alive...?

Hjqvrqsr oWhat the hell kind of question is that? Of course you're alive, you idiot!

Njdtyjkp oS-Sorry... Holmes, are you... crying...?

Fkbkbbgo o

F4aswdy8 o Pffft!

Njdtyjkp oOh, Holmes!

Hjqvrqsr oH-Hey! ...All right, let it all out. I'm here, Katri...

Njdtyjkp oI was so scared... Holmes...

Hjqvrqsr oI know, I know... Everyone's staring at us. Besides, I really am covered in sweat from head to toe... I don't want to get you all gross...

4lt3brpp o Holmes she just died, you really think she gives a damn?

Cr8vrjvr o

F4aswdy8 o Bwahahahahahah! When did Shigen get here!? Not sure, but I'm glad he did!

Llibn6rp oEnteh... Enteh, can you hear me?!

W8yiizkd o

Llibn6rp oEnteh, please wake up!

A3liakj5 oLord... Runan...?

Lbm0bevf oThank heavens! I couldn't bear losing you, Enteh...

P1zzgcas o Just a heads-up, this is going to be the update that features the most Runysmiles. He'll be smiling every second scene. Isn't that wonderful? I mean, his smile still looks like he's about to murder the person he's smiling at, but...

A3liakj5 oI'm sorry, Lord Runan...

Llibn6rp oI promised I'd protect you, Enteh. Why did you run away from me? Don't you understand how I feel?

A3liakj5 oLord Runan... I couldn't...

Llibn6rp oI know we can never forget the past... But you've saved my life so many times. No, not just me... all our lives.

Akxrmncg o

Llibn6rp oEven if we make mistakes along the way, or bad things happen to us... Even if the damage we've caused is irreversible... It's our job to continue moving forward. No one should ever feel that they should never have been born. You have to live, Enteh! I need you!

A3liakj5 oYou... need me...?

Kgphgg3j o

A3liakj5 oRunan...

P1zzgcas o Well, it took literal death to get them there, but finally, they've put all that ugly dad-murdering business behind 'em. Good for them!

X7zrefuj o

F4aswdy8 o Bwaahahahahahahah! Ahahahahah! That's his whole input! That's all he cares about! Runan killed a god (twice) and witnessed another, but all Eugen cares about is that he finally put the moves on his girl! Hohohahahahaaaah! I'm going to miss you so much, Eugen. You truly are the greatest advisor. Ward and Augustus come close to you, but other than that... there's no competition!

Hmso78my oXcxn8xrf o

E7ffcz4a oPrincess Tia... The others told me what happened. I know how you must feel...

Gifg77uy oIt's my fault Richard was killed... I gave him my sword, but I... I didn't know... How can I even begin to apologize...?

Utkisbth o

0zfd96rn o Oh, look at that. The fourth damisel in distress is back. I do suppose, however, that "Yutona's daughters, and that other guy, will awaken soon" would've been an awkward sentence for a goddess to say.

Gifg77uy oRichard?! You're alive!

Bo8pldu6 o

Kv5wulqf oI should never have lost to a man like Guenchaos.

Gifg77uy oOh, Richard...!

Kv5wulqf oJust leave everything to me, Tia. I'm going to make Leda a great kingdom, like it used to be.

H4rqj9ts o
Koitn0bp o

F4aswdy8 o Okay, I've got to give it to you, Richard: that was hilarious.

04edcfbn oDid she have to bring back that guy...? Ugh...

0zfd96rn o Don't flatter yourself, Holmes. He at least succeeded in saving his love. You didn't even react.

Llibn6rp oHolmes, I'm not familiar with the myths... Do you understand what's going on?

04edcfbn oThis, Runan, is Miradona's love... And Yutona's love... And our love, too.

Zbxiiwtb o

F4aswdy8 o This whole finale, man. It's being a fucking riot.

04edcfbn oFrom Lady Claris. But it's true, isn't it? After all we've seen, it has to be. This is the Goddesses' blessing. But our troubles aren't over yet. We've still got a few things to wrap up. Isn't that right, Runan?

Llibn6rp oYou're right. We've won the day, but not without considerable sacrifice. I swear to all the lost souls, I will not let your deaths be in vain. I will never let the same mistakes be made again. May the Goddesses bless our future...

0zfd96rn o Tom... Lionel... Attrom... Juliattisnacordst... I... completely ruined the moment with that name, didn't I? Gosh darn it...




Xtdknq2i o
1xzlgtbq o
Qohijmgs o
Gdecezrh o
Tugvhmag o
Zzjgcjli o
Hotfgcrs o
Hsbuca8i o
Z4gp8x1a o
Ps5q7pmt o




6ppuseap o
Kbr5mhsv o
Isjrvoqz o
Zjjaqjee o
Rrfkvmjg o
87ymudwe o
2rooql03 o
Aw4zbgay o
Yspgmrkx o
Vyvohhhv o
K8httzw0 o
Gw64l7hg o
Cl5eibjf o
Ggrs1v1e o
Mpoez18t o
Ygdgyukn o
Jukquvqn o
Jmukiniv o
Wpup8474 o
3edrbwah o
0qhfliqh o
Xqionatf o
1te4noqi o
Ulxhltvr o




Cj98mbbp o

And now, we get... holy fuck, what happened to that screenshot? All the screenshots for the credits were horrible, for some reason.

Bvuuaghi o

Well, basically, we get a bunch of artwork of various characters. For some reason, only like, twelve people got artwork?

Wppp7iqx oXnnflr7p oMpenctsg o

Some are pretty damn awesome...

Pmwe1ryq oDftkmbiz oWy6r7zmm o

Others... not so much. What the hell is going on with Julia?

Parsxwdk o

I love how Maruj is doing his plane pose in his artwork. Also, while I mantain that Marajah was probably a better name for him, Maruj is definitely a lot less dumb than Maruju. Ugh.

Pnlt2sl9 o

Anyway, with the credits over, we are booted back to the map.

Xxxcd21a o
Lkkwwltd o

04edcfbn oWhat's wrong, Runan? Aren't you happy?

Llibn6rp oI'm trying to be happy, Holmes... But when I think about those who fell along the way, I can't...

04edcfbn oOh, that's what's bugging you? I bet the Dakruon could do the trick. That is, assuming it still works... Lady Claris, could you do us a favor and warp the two of us to the Tower of Morse? I know it's pretty far, so...

Xsojevcu o
J2v6jl55 o

Oh, I see. So that's how it is.

Zsl5fl9k oCbgkoy4i o

Wait, does this mean I could've left the chests locked and opened them here? Like, for no reason at all? Just for the hell of stealing from Mimae?

This game sometimes, man.

0llgciua o

Ah... tempting, but Kreiss deserves this. Let's... not think of Tom's, like, five or six siblings that are revealed in his ending.

Ig8rms2l oUushhccp oAml6ypwc o

Welcome back, Letena.

Heekssf0 o

Yeah, damn straight I wanna leave.

N7doqtcf o

And we're back. Cool.

Ezg5a6vu oAidfp8g1 o

E7ffcz4a oDon't... mention it... It was my pleasure...

04edcfbn oAll right, let's go!

Llibn6rp oYeah, I think everyone's anxious to finally be heading home. Though I'm going to visit Queen Liza of Wellt and tell her of our victory first.

04edcfbn oWait, what? You're going all the way back to Wellt?

Jad27nst o

Llibn6rp oAt the very least, I want to express my gratitude to the both of them.

P1zzgcas o I love this, it's so wholesome. Nice to see that the game hasn't forgotten the first arc, disconnected as it was from the overall plot.

04edcfbn oI suppose you're right. You're a man of integrity, as usual. Well, I'll accompany you as far as Razelia, and then I'll be headed to Granada.

P1zzgcas o Good. The sooner we lose sight of you, the better.




3spzqxxw o
N1v91kao o
Dequxe5a o
Rjvrwrv7 o
Xiz7uenx o
Gy3xzqkk o
Kyknvr9z o
6ll5hiwq o
Rpg0dgkg o
Lokmv1xx o
Xv7upg1x o
3nar2y5f o
Zwa5xolj o


Bp3qwdcs o
Lkc5hmnr o
Vjpxj5pb o
P7scbflv o
Xppfkcmr o
Vxwd2wrr o
Xvo99fob o
Xhjebuez o
Ak5dhqmy o
G4fswjfv o
0esj1ryp o
Gc15vu8m o
Uoecsz9w o
Fp3igbn2 o
Oaigex2l o




Unvnsgpm o

Aaaand here we go! The true ending begins here. You know how FE just shows a bunch of cards summarizing what became of the characters? Well, TRS does it quite differently: we're going to walk all the way back to Wellt. Along the way, our characters will gradually leave us, as they depart for their respective homes. This, of course, means the finale will be much, much longer than the average FE ending, but it's worth it. Believe me, there are some awesome moments to be found here.

V6el9jtz o

First stop, Nolzeria. Since Canaan is just to the north of here, our Canaanite fellows will be saying their goodbyes here, starting with...

E426gdhc o

Cpz3qysn oGeneral Theodora and General Silva, you will lead the advance guard.

E6ckxgxj oYes, Your Highness. We will await your arrival at the Canaanhall.

Aryzhpbb oKnights of Arless, move out!

Dhvdqleq o

Aryzhpbb oMintz... You'll stay here and guard Prince Sennet. That's the second-in-command's duty.

9wemniw4 oS-Second-in-command?!

Aryzhpbb oThat's right. Got a problem with that, Lieutenant-General?

9wemniw4 oN-No, General Silva. It just wasn't the welcome I expected... It won't be easy, but I'll make you proud!

P1zzgcas o Silva names the most infamous troublemaker in the Black Knights her right-hand man. You deserve it, man.

Yaq7z27y o

9wemniw4 oHey there, Leonie! What're you doing over here?

Ri5bp6h0 oI want to go to Canaan, too... Maybe we can go together?

9wemniw4 oI'm fine with that, but why? Do you have business there?

Ri5bp6h0 oN-No, not really... I just want to go with you... Because I... I love you, Sir Mintz!

4lt3brpp o W-What?!

Mwuuvcmj o

F4aswdy8 o Bwahahahahahah... poor guy. For a renowned womanizer, he sure breaks easily, upon being given some of his own medicine.

Ri5bp6h0 oBut it's true! You're very special to me...

Aryzhpbb oTake her with you, Mintz. Remember, you're supposed to set an example for the younger knights. Just don't do anything... irresponsible.

Azi3wu0e o

P1zzgcas o Still, I'm glad that Kaga had the restraint to not let Mintz accept her advances. Mintz isn't that kind of man. He maybe a bit of a scoundrel, but... not that much of a scoundrel!

9wemniw4 oUgh... All right, Leonie. You can come along. But none of this love business, all right? Just pretend I'm your uncle or something. Sorry to let you down, but... I'm just more into women... my age.

Ri5bp6h0 oI understand... That's enough for me. Thank you, Uncle Mintz!

N4jyhv9q o

0zfd96rn o This is Hagar's ending. This is all of his ending. Nobody gives a damn about him. Serves him right, for being completely unnecessary.

Bwxo4x9i o

Magytno8 oR-Right! Understood, General!

X0i1svla oYour mother's really scary, San... She's just like Martel...

Magytno8 oNah, she's not scary. She's really a very nice person. She's just had a lot of responsibilities to take care of ever since Prince Arless passed away, so she has to be tough. We still love each other, even when we don't act like mother and daughter.

Wi3zkown o

Magytno8 oReally? You think so?

X0i1svla oYeah... You're cool and independent. I've always relied on my big sisters to look out for me... but you're able to take care of yourself just fine. Even though we're the same age, I'm still a child compared to you.

0zfd96rn o Yes, you are. San got some use. You instantly hit the bench.

Magytno8 oI don't think you're a child, Frau! You're so kind, and dependable! We've been great partners these last couple months, haven't we? The only reason I've made it this far is because you've been there the whole way. It's been a blessing to fight alongside you. I'll never forget about the things we've been through for as long as I live.

Hxe82tyr o

X0i1svla oDon't act like this is the end! We'll be best friends forever, San! Promise me, okay?

Magytno8 oYou're right... It's a promise, Frau. Forever and ever!

P1zzgcas o D'aww...

W6zkn261 o

0zfd96rn o Oh hey, Billford. With Raffin deciding to return to Wellt with Esther, and Sharon dead, he got the short end of the stick. A shame. As much as I made fun of him, comparing him to Norton, I like Billford. His design's rad.

Llibn6rp oBillford... I'm sorry about Lady Sharon. I know she was very important to you.

Piffstqk oThank you, Lord Runan... I shall take milady's sword home and erect a grave for her... Even though her body lies elsewhere, I hope that she finds peace in Barge.

Llibn6rp oI see...

Piffstqk oWell then, please excuse me...

Llibn6rp o......

0zfd96rn o Jikes... as you can see, the endings actually reflect the events of the game. It doesn't always work (for example, Roger just vanished in my ending, because they weren't expecting him to be present without Mel), but it goes surprisingly far.

Wr6layyr o

Cpz3qysn oI'd like to meet Lady Sylphis at least once. Once things have settled down in Canaan, I want to visit her at the Temple of Mars. Do you think you could arrange that?

Zrfcllhj oHey Maruj, what's Aunty Sylphis like? Does she look like our mother did?

Lrqlhy1s oI wouldn't know; I never met Selene... My mother's a pretty strict woman. She always loves to give me scoldings.

Zrfcllhj oHah, just like Lady Katrina... I'd love to come and meet her!

Lrqlhy1s oI'm sure she'd like that, too. Actually, I bet she would want to go back to Canaan, instead. I'ts been a long time since we left.

Cpz3qysn oYou should come, too! You are the next Sage-in-Waiting for the Wind Shrine, right?

Lrqlhy1s oThat is true...

Lacfcrmt o

Zrfcllhj oBye, Maruj!

Lrqlhy1s oGoodbye... You two take care of yourselves.

0zfd96rn o Somehow, I get the feeling that Maruj is still not really all that happy. It's subtle, but you can sense that he's not as cheery as everybody else. His grandfather's death still weighs heavily on his shoulders, no doubt...

Ldtcgwer o

Cpz3qysn oYes, I have. It's painful to say goodbye, but I know we'll all meet again someday. Sorry for making you wait. Let's head onward to Canaan.

So4wonkf o

Zrfcllhj oWhat?! You're not coming with us, Mother?

Fwhksugy oNeyfa, please, you know I'm not your mother.

Zrfcllhj oYes, but... Sorry, Lady Katrina.

Fwhksugy oListen closely, you two. The road to restoring Canaan is one you have to walk by yourselves. You can't rely on us to help you anymore. You need to learn to lead on your own. Generals Silva and Theodora will be there to advise you, but it's all you from here on out. Outsiders like us shouldn't be involved.

Cpz3qysn oBut Lady Katrina...

P7dqyqor o

B4cp2kin oIf you don't prove to the people of Canaan that you can do this on your own, you'll never earn their trust. A true leader must put aside his own desires for the good of his people. If you're not willing to do that, then you're not fit to be king.

Cpz3qysn oForgive me, Lord Temujin... I understand. It was selfish of me to ask you to come with me to Canaan... I promise, I will throw away my selfishness and work for only my people.

3ueajvwa o

Cpz3qysn oYes, sir. My apologies.

Fwhksugy oThat's my father for you... Tough love until the very end. But it's only because he loves you. Don't cry, Neyfa... The two of you are my most important treasures. These fifteen years you spent as my children have been the happiest of my life. I wish those days could've lasted forever... But alas, it was not to be.

Fwhksugy oSennet... Neyfa... Take care of yourselves, you hear? Even though we're apart, I'll always be with you in spirit. I love you both very dearly.

B4cp2kin oThat's enough affection, Katrina. Let's get going.

0zfd96rn o Calm your tits, Temujin. Not everyone can be a stoic edgelord.

Fwhksugy oY-Yes, Father... *sniff*

Cpz3qysn oLady Katrina...

Zrfcllhj oMother...

Weg80dlu o

Cpz3qysn oHello, Tia. I suppose this is goodbye for now. Fate truly is mysterious, isn't it? A few years ago, the two of us were just children in Leda... But now, we're royalty!

Gifg77uy oIt is strange, isn't it? It feels like the world is playing one big joke on all of us.

Cpz3qysn oIt really does... Say, Tia, I...

62nwzd1f o

Gifg77uy oOh, sorry! I'll be right there, Richard! What were you going to say, Sennet?

Cpz3qysn oN-Nothing... It's not important. We're not kids anymore... I hope you have a happy wedding, Tia. I wish I could be there.

Gifg77uy oThank you, Sennet. Me too. You've always been a dear friend to me. Well, until we meet again!

0zfd96rn o ...why do I get the feeling poor Sennet just got friendzoned hard? Kind of a bittersweet ending for the guy...

Evb6mofn o

And we're back to the map! Here's a really cool detail about the ending. Compare this screenshot of our team, to this one I took before we moved to Nolzeria.

Fsenmv45 o

That's right, our list of units diminishes as they leave us. As they say, the devil is in the detail.

Pxii4sxm o

Reeve palace! This has to be one of my favourite segments. No, I don't know why Holmes is randomly leading the army all of sudden.

Hpjjcozx o

P1zzgcas o Ah, Tatus! Boy, am I glad to see you! Not because of you, per se, but because you're just about to get just desserts...

Llibn6rp oCount Tatus... You're still here?

Wxsupq8l o Of course, Lord Runan. In fact, there's something I'd like for you to hear. I have already arranged the ceremony for Princess Maeve and I to be wed, as planned.

Llibn6rp oYou have, have you?

P1zzgcas o In spite of the static portraits, you can totally see the fiery rage in Runan's eyes. This is gonna be good.

Wxsupq8l o Indeed! I know it's sudden, but the ceremony is going to be held this afternoon. And if you've gotten over those silly objections of yours, you and your subordinates are welcome to attend. Now, let us go to the cathedral!

Nf1gpy6o o

Wxsupq8l o Behold the Princess Maeve, a true child of Lady Reeve's holy bloodline! Yea, she bears the Brand of Yutona here upon her wrist, proof of her lineage!

Twah88vv o

Wxsupq8l o Try as the Empire did to wipe out the holy family of our blessed kingdom, Yutona herself has protected this child! Together, the two of us will ensure the holy bloodline will not die, but rather flourish here in or restored kingdom!

Wxsupq8l o It wil certainly be a great responsibility, but know that I, Tatus, am up to the task!

P1zzgcas o ...Pfhah, that's a bad joke. You wouldn't be up to the task of tying your own shoelaces!

Njsyuukm o

F4aswdy8 o Look, even the offscreen guests witnessing the wedding know it!

Aozc6hnd o
Ecq8efu7 o

Wxsupq8l o Now then, Princess Maeve, have you anything to say on this glorious occasion?

Dcuw5xeg o...

Dcuw5xeg oNow, Runan!

Llibn6rp oRight!

Ellpt4a7 o

F4aswdy8 o Ahah! Yes! He's a badass!

Wxsupq8l o T-That's high treason, Lord Runan! Someone, arrest this man!

Rlvzhpf3 o

Ih49ob2i oLook around you--you're surrounded by his most loyal knights and followers. Tell me who on this earth would dare stand against Lord Runan!

F4aswdy8 o You know it's a grand day when Eugen's roast isn't the end of the mongrel's torture: it's the beginning.

P5lqoouk o

9bmvwara oDon't forget, Tatus, that several hundred of my soldiers are stationed just outside this palace.

Dqdtzhbu o

1pcfv1ay oYou can't weasel your way out of this one, Tatus.

Umq6jw90 o

Kv5wulqf oHowever...

Gifg77uy oRichard!

Kv5wulqf oDon't be so angry! I said "however"!

U4mjkbqf o

Kv5wulqf oThough I hardly think it'll be necessary.

9awnfupj o

04edcfbn oThere's no way out, Tatus. There isn't a soul alive who'd stand up for you against Runan. He wouldn't even have to lift a finger, and your head would roll to the floor.

F4aswdy8 o Literally all of Lieberia is Tatus's enemy right now. He's, quite literally, become the second Lentzenheimer. And he already had his hands full when it was just Eugen and his mop! Bwahahahahah... so satisfying! I'm glad Tatus and his dumb subplot exist, if only because it allows for this scene to exist!

Wxsupq8l o No... Spare me...!

Xf872c0b o
Stmvbtah o
Sjcdc9mb o
Asfi64gj o

F4aswdy8 o I couldn't decide which of these lines I liked the best, so I just uploaded all of them. I don't think there are words to express how badly Toadie just got squashed.

Wxsupq8l o Q-Quite clear, Lord Runan... I swear allegiance to you... I will not interfere in the affairs of the royal house any further...

Llibn6rp oEnteh... Will you join me? Will you stand by my side, as we build a new kingdom together?

Dcuw5xeg oI have wished for this for so long... For years, I've dreamed it...

Hf8hecga o

F4aswdy8 o And as one final kick to the toad's teeth, Runan steals his wedding for himself and marries Enteh right then and there. I don't think I have ever seen a person getting so thoroughly destroyed as that old fuck. And boy, did he ever deserve it.

Xw9vbz6w o

Dcuw5xeg oRishel!

Uggd5dsm oI'm so happy to see you smile again after so long. Though I wouldn't have expected that this would be the occasion for it...

Dcuw5xeg oRishel, are you... crying...?

Uggd5dsm oO-Of course not...! A-All right, maybe I am.

F4aswdy8 o Ahah! Man, I wish IntSys would steal this ending from Kaga. Sure, it's long as all hell, but this is amazing.

Uggd5dsm oI'm happy for you, Maeve. I'm just going to miss spending time with you. You've always been my precious little cousin, ever since we met that day in Rimne. I've got my duties to take care of at the Fire Shrine in Salia, but I'll come see you as often as I can. You can always count on me.

Dcuw5xeg oThank you, Rishel. Please keep in touch.

M19jyffe o

Uggd5dsm oYou'll do no such thing. You've got your own responsibilities to take care of as the new Water Sage-in-Waiting. It'll be your duty to stay here in Reeve and be a spiritual advisor to the new king and queen.

X4svuaba oI know... But I want to come see you in Salia! I don't want you getting lonely...

Uggd5dsm oAll right, fine.

Xpzwf15r o

X4svuaba oAww...! I've never seen you so lovey-dovey, Rishel!

0zfd96rn o Hey now, what's with the vague incestuous vibes? What is so wrong with a guy wanting to see his family?

Uggd5dsm oDon't just hide over there, Bud. Come here!

Owmaf3rz o

Uggd5dsm oYou'll get used to it in no time. I don't want you to be wanting for anything ever again, so I'm arranging for you to stay here at the castle and learn how to be a proper lady of the court.

8hjyjt84 oI-If that's what you like, Rishel, then I'll do my best!

Uggd5dsm oHuh?

8hjyjt84 oN-Nothing! Forget I said anything...

F4aswdy8 o Bwahahahahah! Rishel, my dude, you're just terrible; if you force her to stay here, so far away from the Fire Shrine, there is one thing she'll always be wanting for.

P1zzgcas o your d

Ydp6b68e o

Ih49ob2i oYou'll understand when you finally grow up, Holmes.

04edcfbn oVery funny, old man.

P1zzgcas o For once, we agree on something. You idiot.

04edcfbn oTell Runan I said goodbye. I'm sure he'll be fine, but let him know that if he ever needs anything, I'll be just across the desert. That or off hunting treasure somewhere.

0zfd96rn o That could be... anywhere, Holmes. Why must you be so insufferable?

Llibn6rp oHold up, Holmes! Were you planning on leaving without even saying goodbye?

Jibfnc6q o

04edcfbn oBesides, don't you have a new wife you should be paying attention to?

Ih49ob2i oHer Highness has asked Lord Runan to continue on to Wellt in order to properly thank Queen Liza for her assistance.

0zfd96rn o Yes, Eugen! Holmes spoke with Runan about it! How he forgot already is beyond me... oh, wait, right. It's Holmes.

Ih49ob2i oI will take care of things in his absence.

04edcfbn oJust you? Don't you think Enteh needs a little more protection than one old man?

0zfd96rn o Holmes, need I remind you that this "one old man" knocked you flat on your ass that one time?

Ih49ob2i oMy subordinates will be here as well, of course.

8irjaoeq o

Llibn6rp oThank you, you two. I'll be back as soon as I can.

Sjl5htjr oDon't worry about us, Lord Runan. I would die before I let anything happen to Her Highness!

Bj0pq57z o

Sjl5htjr oI'm sorry, Letena, but I think it might be safest if you returned home to Verje until everything settles down here. I'll come and get you after...

4ze9boel oNo, I'm staying at your side, Kreiss. You needn't worry about me.

Sjl5htjr oBut...

4ze9boel oI promised I wouldn't become a burden for you, Kreiss. I want to be there to support you. Please, let me stay by your side.

Sjl5htjr o...You're right, Letena. I'm sorry...

P1zzgcas o Awwww... you've earned this, man. You have been a model knight from the very beginning.

On 12/14/2018 at 5:45 PM, Hawkwing said:



That's absolutely amazing! Where's my jaw, I can't find it, ah who cares! That's even better than Sasha's own hilarious level! My God... well, now I just can't let you go, can I? You've proven yourself, it's only fair I give you a deployment slot! Whoa... great work, Kreiss. I'm proud of you! Now keep 'em coming.

P1zzgcas oYeah...

V7gq4j4c o

B8qnojud oT-That reminds me, General... I was hoping to ask you for a leave of absence... There's something I need to take care of...

Ih49ob2i oW-What!? Don't be ridiculous, boy! This is a crucial mission!

0zfd96rn o You'd think that, after nearly getting beheaded by Eugen, he'd know better than to try to scurry out of his duties...

Sjl5htjr oGeneral Eugen, I'll work hard in Arkis's place, so please... Can't you give him a short break? Please?

P1zzgcas o Thankfully, Good Friend Kreiss comes to the rescue.

Ih49ob2i oNot you too, Kreiss...!

Ih49ob2i oAll right, Arkis... I'll grant your leave of absence.

Guy9gjfs o

B8qnojud oAll right, all right! Geez, always with the lectures...

Ih49ob2i oWhat!?

Sjl5htjr oArkis, don't push your luck. Besides, General Eugen is only trying to make you into a better knight.

B8qnojud oI know, I know... Thanks for covering for me, Kreiss. And sorry about this, General Eugen. When my sabbatical is over, I'll be back and ready to work.

Aqahtq2e o

Dcuw5xeg oRunan...

Llibn6rp oAfter I meet with Queen Liza, I'll come home straightaway. I'll see you again soon, Enteh.

Dcuw5xeg oI'll be waiting for you, Runan. Take care on your journey.

04edcfbn oSorry to rush you, Runan, but if we don't head out soon, the sun's gonna set on us.

0zfd96rn o Wait, what? They're leaving together now? But I thought you were going to Granada! Wellt's the completely opposite way! Can you please stop changing your mind on the fly every two seconds!?

Llibn6rp oAll right. Take care of things here, Eugen.

Ih49ob2i oAs you command, milord! Leave it to me!

Nb4dv2nm o

Off to Razelia.

Btioetit o

Llibn6rp oNo, I'll take care of that on the return trip.

04edcfbn oI see.

04edcfbn oYou're headed back to Yr, right, Shigen? Are you gonna be all right crossing the Arcana Desert?

Gmhhyxnn oOf course. I'm ready for a nice break away from your ugly mug, anyway.

7vf109ck o

04edcfbn oNo way, I'm the one who owes you. The way you fought on the battlefield... You're really a magnificent swordsman. If you could've been around when Granada was under siege, I bet we could've held the Empire off!

Tbmbi8q0 oI doubt that. If Vals couldn't do it, then I sure couldn't. He could beat me in a duel any day.

04edcfbn oWait... Are you serious?!

Tbmbi8q0 oDid you never see your father in battle? He's like a demon, that man...

0zfd96rn o I can believe that. After all, if you remember, he survived a battle that more or less killed all of the Reevan army, aside from Eugen and the boys he was protecting.

Rrwdaiib o

F4aswdy8 o Bwahahahahahahah! C'mon, Yoda, don't say things like that. He might actually believe it.

04edcfbn oI-I need a minute...

8umyxv09 o

14m72bdm oI'd love to. Thank you, Shigen.

Gmhhyxnn oJulia, are you coming back with us?

Tza0nwom oYeah, I'll come along. I've got nowhere else to go...

Wjs5s8xq o

P1zzgcas o Since I sent Julia with Runan to destroy Lentzie, I missed the necessary events to do the incestuous pairing, so instead, she's going with Garo. I've got to say, I far prefer this one.

Cyvsoplb oMe...?

Tza0nwom oOf course! Ever since I was little, I've had a dream... That I would find the man who rescued me and that we'd live together in Yr... Garo... Will you make my dream come true?

Cyvsoplb oI, uh... I-I mean...

04edcfbn oNow look what you've done, Julia! You've turned him mute! I guess I'll have to say it for him... "Julia, I..."

Cyvsoplb oD-Don't you dare...!

8hmarxt9 o

4lt3brpp o H-Holy shit! Holmes look out! He's all capped--

0zfd96rn o Wait, what the hell am I saying?! Kill him, Garo! Do it!

04edcfbn oWhoa, whoa, whoa! Relax, Garo! Don't swing your axe around like that! You could've taken my arm off!

8r0nbdpm o
1mxqmqmh o

04edcfbn oThere you are, Narcus!

Swox3h53 o Gah...!

04edcfbn oHey, didn't you say you promised to do something for General Eugen? Did you ever take care of that?

Swox3h53 o O-Of course, Captain!

0zfd96rn o If you aren't catching on, I'm pretty sure they're implying that, all the way back in Wellt, this is what Narcus told Holmes when he left his ship. How ironic, that his lie to get away from the Sea Lion would end up becoming the truth...

Swox3h53 o But never mind that... You're looking pretty dashing in that new armor of yours, Captain. It really fits your image as a noble seeker of legends. So dazzling!

Lwe64s2z o

04edcfbn oI didn't really care for it at first, but it's really grown on me. I've been getting lots of compliments on it recently. There was even this drunk girl at Runan's wedding who came up to me and...

Ryrz59or o

0zfd96rn o Oh, Holmes. You really let him bamboozle you with lame compliments. Sigh...

Ih49ob2i oDid you really let that treacherous whippersnapper fool you like that? I already knew you were an idiot, Holmes, but I didn't know you were also gullible.

Hjqvrqsr oG-Gah! The old fossil!? Here!? You're supposed to be in Reeve--

Gmhhyxnn oDid you like my impression of General Eugen, Holmes? Hmm... I'm a little unsatisfied, myself. I think I should've punched you in the back of the head. Be really faithful to the source material, you know.

Hjqvrqsr oShigen...!

5gfd09rl o

Ha0dg21k oWhat are you doing here, Arkis? Don't tell me you got kicked out of Lord Runan's knights!

B8qnojud oYou always assume the worst... No, I got a leave of absence. I'm here with full permission. When I return, I'll be stationed as a guard at Reeve Palace, so it'll be hard for me to come and visit like this. Please take good care of Lina for me.

Ha0dg21k oI'm fine with that... But have you talked to my granddaughter herself about this arrangement?

Zxqkvuce oYou needn't worry about me. I'll be here in Razelia until the day I can come and join you, Arkis.

Ha0dg21k oI see...

6peczm60 o

0zfd96rn o Well... he tried to play the hero for her, got her kidnapped, was blackmailed into fight Runan and co., and then needed to be saved from Eugen's wrath by Lina herself. Soooooo... if you consider saving his sorry ass from Eugen to be a "move", yeah, she did pretty well for herself!

B8qnojud oW-What are you talking about, old man?! Nothing happened between us!

Ha0dg21k oHa ha ha... I'm only teasing.

P1zzgcas o Hah! I like Lina's grandfather. He's as much of a badass as a generic NPC with the most common old man face in Lieberia can be.

Ha0dg21k oI'll take good care of Lina, rest assured. Now, you'd best be returning to Lord Runan's side, shouldn't you? Time's a-wasting, Arkis!

Zxqkvuce oGoodbye for now. I hope we can see each other again soon!

B8qnojud oSame here. Take care, Lina.

Flnvalgs o

04edcfbn oWell, at least most of the troublesome ones are gone now.

Llibn6rp oIt's a bit lonely without their rowdiness... Let's get a move on. We've still got a long ways to go... And there'll be a few more farewells to endure along the road to Senay.

0fsoc41n o

They swap leads again when they move to Zemsellia. I wonder why the game does that. Eh, anyway. Nothing happens in Lentzenheimer's birthland... in this file, because Mel is gone. However, since I don't feel it's right to miss these scenes (Mel and Roger are both alive, after all), I resorted to my old file.

Xxpfrrce o

P1zzgcas o You can tell it's the old file because I used a slightly lighter shade of green for the dialogue boxes. Can you tell I love green?

Slulcp6k oOf course I do. I could never forget that beautiful face of yours... It's been too long, Mel.

H01pczrp oYou knew?! And you've been ignoring me all this time? When Mother and I heard that you'd fallen in Leda, we were heartbroken... But even still, we've held on to hope that you would one day return to us... So when I saw you in that underground temple, my heart leaped for joy. I knew it was you right away. I couldn't help but cry. But you... You didn't say a word to me! You knew who I was, and you ignored me! Why would you do that, Father?!

8esgmyex o

Slulcp6k oI don't deserve to speak with you until I've made things right with her.

H01pczrp oSo you are coming back...

Slulcp6k oYes, I am. I have avoided it for far too long. I don't know if Sylphis will forgive me, but I must apologize to her nonetheless.

H01pczrp oFather...

0zfd96rn o Okay, that was very cute, but... aren't you going to say something to your depressed son?

13xvs3hq o

0zfd96rn o No? Nothing? Why does this game hate Maruj so much?

H01pczrp oAlicia...? Are you familiar with my father?

Kuetqgdh oYes, I knew him for a time. He spent more than a decade in my house.

H01pczrp oWhat?!

Kuetqgdh oDon't worry, don't worry... I'll tell you all about it. Even though the Ledan Crusade toppled the oppressive government the Cult had set up over Leda, the struggle still wasn't over. The Cult still tried to keep its influence in the region, and volunteers rose up to fight against them. My mother was a cleric in the resistance.

Ymqb1rzb o

Kuetqgdh oAfter the head priest saw him, he called him a lost cause and told my mother to start digging him a grave. But my mother wouldn't give up on him, and to everyone's surprise, she managed to stabilize his condition. It took an entire half a year before the man regained consciousness. We learned his name was Alfred, and that he was a master sorcerer. But he still remained bedridden for the next ten years, healing his burns.

0zfd96rn o If you've forgotten, Alfred suffered these wounds fighting the Witch Dragon. Guenchaos was not the only one whose life was torn to shreds by the king's cruelty...

Kuetqgdh oIt was only two years ago that he actually managed to walk again.

Soz3a71f o

H01pczrp oHow heartbreaking... But if Father was alive and speaking for all those years, why didn't he have word sent to us in Mars?

Kuetqgdh oI think he was too ashamed. He didn't want your mother to see him in such a miserable state.

Ovd1vqtb o

Kuetqgdh oShe kept his survival a secret for all those years.

H01pczrp oSo, you must've gotten to know my father pretty well, huh?

Kuetqgdh oYes, I did. I was four years old when he was brought to us, and I stayed with him in Mahl until last year, when I was seventeen. My real dad died before I can remember, so he was the closest thing to a father that I had growing up. Even if he was confined to a bed for twelve of those years...

H01pczrp oDid Father and your mother... Did they love each other?

Fowoji8v o

Kuetqgdh oIt wasn't until recently that I learned why he couldn't love my mother back. For a while, I hated you for being the cause of my mother's sadness... But it's not your fault, Mel. I'm sorry.

H01pczrp oIt's all right, Alicia. I've misunderstood you too... When I realized my father was alive, I thought that he'd betrayed my mother for another woman.

In3nxqnk o

Kuetqgdh oThank you for understanding, Mel. You're very kind. As my olive branch, I'm returning Sage Alfred to you in perfect health.

H01pczrp oYou should come with us to Mars, Alicia! We can all live together!

Lrqlhy1s oNO!

H01pczrp oA-Ahhh! Maruj! You nearly gave me a heart attack...! What's wrong?!

Lrqlhy1s oI will never allow it! As the next Sage of Wind, I shall not allow that woman to set foot in the Temple of Mars!

H01pczrp o...Alicia, do you know...

Kuetqgdh oYes, I... I do. Maruj, I'm sorry... please understand, I--

Lrqlhy1s oUnderstand?! Have you any idea what I've been through!? My life has been hell for the past year... and you only made it worse! If you dare come close to my family, I will kill you on the spot!

H01pczrp oMaruj!

Kuetqgdh o....

Lrqlhy1s oStay away from my family, wench. You have been warned.

H01pczrp oAlicia...

Kuetqgdh oNo, don't say anything. This is my just deserts... besides...


Kuetqgdh oI'd love to, Mel, but I can't. Not yet, anyway. I still have a few things I need to think about and learn for myself. I can't settle down until I do.

H01pczrp oI see... Good luck to you, Alicia.

41nmfvfs o

That done, Fort Balt time.

Bnsipxmw o

Njdtyjkp oMother!

Hjsonnj6 oOh, my little girl... We've been so worried about you! Come here, let me hold you...

Njdtyjkp oI'm home, Mother...

Llibn6rp oThank you for coming here to meet up with us, Your Majesties.

D276aybk oNonsense, my boy! It's the least we could do. If I weren't in this blasted state, I should've followed you the whole way.

04edcfbn oYour Highness, we have eliminated those who sought the princess's life, and we've brought her back safe and sound. Let's keep it that way, got it?

D276aybk oSir Holmes, I owe you an unpayable debt. I will never forget what you've done for my daughter for as long as I live.

04edcfbn oJust promise me this: You'll never make me Katri be or do anything that she doesn't want to be. I couldn't live with myself if I knew she was being used as a weapon or a tool for politicians...

Zdlxlffj o

D276aybk oTrust me, Neuron will never resurface.

04edcfbn oLord Lionheart, do you remember our deal? It's your job to help protect Katri now.

Asafrmob o

04edcfbn oI can't just settle down in one place. Like I told you before, I'm an adventurer. There are too many things out there in the world for me to find and see.

1pcfv1ay oRight...

04edcfbn oAlso, as agreed, it's your job to become the next king of Salia after King Dagnell kicks the bucket. With you at the helm, I know Salia will be able to liveup to its former glory, like Canaan and Reeve. I think that's what's best for Salia.

1pcfv1ay oShirou...

0zfd96rn o That's... a strange transition. Why is every one of Lionheart's interactions with Holmes so awkward?

1pcfv1ay oI heard about your actions from Lord Runan.

0zfd96rn o You mean all the four skeletons he killed? How he got two bad level ups and I wrote him off as a lost cause?

1pcfv1ay oDo you want to return to Salia to aid me?

V7sich29 o

0zfd96rn o Archduke...? Is it ever mentioned elsewhere that his title's archduke? And Lion? That's not even his name... And here's a fun fact about this line, that explains why it's so strange: it's completely unchanged from the horrible old translation. Found that out by accident. Isn't it amazing? Shirou somehow managed to end on a note more lame than the one he mantained throughout his existance. That's quite impressive, to be honest. I almost regret not using him. Almost. Then again, I used both tanks, so that more than makes up for it.

Ugpdbodp o

04edcfbn o Sure, sure. Lady Claris would've killed me if I let anything bad happen to you, anyway.

0zfd96rn o Doggone it! I should've gotten her killed...

X0i1svla oHa ha... Princess Katri is safe with me, Captain! I'll be the best knight ever! Just you wait and see!

04edcfbn oGodspeed, royal babysitter. Take good care of her.

Ztftzt4t o

X0i1svla oThat sounds fun! I'll pass on the message. Please give my regards to Aunt Liza.

Qiv07d1d o

Llibn6rp oI should be thanking you, Verna! It was thanks to your swiftness that Sennet and I were able to coordinate the new peace treaty of Nolzeria. Both Reeve and Canaan are indebted to you.

Rl6mlglm oThank you very much, Lord Runan.

0zfd96rn o Come to think about it, Kreiss never gave back the Salia Spear. Indebted is right.

D02wyioh o

Llibn6rp oMartel... You've been with us ever since we ran into you in Wellt... Seeing you leave makes me realize just how much I'm going to miss our ragtag bunch of soldiers... Do come visit us in Reeve sometime. I know Enteh would love to see you. Do you think that would be possible?

Rzfzyvym oPossible? Ha! I'm a pegasus knight! I can go where I want!

Goredcfw o

Rzfzyvym oRebuild it?

Uggd5dsm oYeah... It was destroyed by the Cult's monsters, so I want to restore it to the way it was. I'll also need help running it once the restoration is finished... I was going to ask Aunt Claris first, but she's already got her hands full. So I was thinking...

Rzfzyvym oOh, so I'm just a substitute for her?

Uggd5dsm oI-I didn't mean it like that... I want you specifically to come, Martel. I know you said you aren't very good at magic, but I have to disagree. I've seen you practicing, and I think you've got a knack for it. And I'm sure that clerical robes would be much more comfortable than that armor that you're always wearing, too.

T7220qsd o

0zfd96rn o The man made an honest request, and you're accusing him of incest. Go back to your shop in Erial, won't you?

Uggd5dsm oD-Don't be ridiculous! The clothes don't matter at all! I think you're beautiful no matter what you wear!

0zfd96rn o ...on second thought...

Rzfzyvym oWow... Is that the same speech you gave to my mother when you asked her?

E7ffcz4a oMartel, stop teasing him! You're being inconsiderate to Rishel! Despite your wishes to be a knight, my father always believed your place was at the Fire Shrine. But if that's the way you're going to treat the future Sage, then I'm going to have to disagree!

Rzfzyvym oMother...

E7ffcz4a oPlease forgive her, Rishel.

Uggd5dsm oNo, it's fine, Aunt Claris. It's a big responsibility that I'm asking her to take on. It's all right if she doesn't...

K1nzgjz5 o

Rzfzyvym oBut I'm not making any promises! If I decide I don't like being a cleric, I'm going back to being a knight! You hear that, Mother?

P1zzgcas o In all seriousness, I enjoy this. She doesn't outright refuse to give it a shot, but she does not shackle herself to the clerical duties with promises, either. Good call.

Ofx30xj9 o

Xxpglhid oThank you, Father! Of course I'll come!

1pcfv1ay oI'm glad. If ever there's anything you need, just let me know, and I'll try and help. So, what do you want to do, Plum? Do you plan on continuing your work as a priestess, or is there perhaps a man who has won your heart?

Xxpglhid oI'm not really sure yet... But I'd like to continue dancing. Will you allow it, Father?

1pcfv1ay oOf course I'll allow it. I know your mother would be happy to see you carrying on her tradition.

Xxpglhid oThank you, Father...

0zfd96rn o I'm just sorry for Juliattisnacordst's grandfather. He watched his son die unloved, his daughter-in-law die without getting to see her true love again, then his grandson died in the war, and his granddaughter's ditched him for her real father. He'll wither away in Taurus, all alone in the world.

Wl2vkznf o

Njdtyjkp oYou're really leaving, Xeno?

Zw6re1gs oYes...

Clwjzjt0 o

Njdtyjkp oI won't! I'll always remember you both.

Ccdcdz7k oWe'll come back and see you! I promise! So don't cry, Katri... Whatever you do, don't...

Njdtyjkp oJuni...

Ccdcdz7k oI promised myself I wouldn't... But I can't stop crying...! Let's go already, Xeno...

Zw6re1gs oBy your leave, Princess. Goodbye...

Njdtyjkp oGoodbye, Xeno...

0zfd96rn o Joining Sennet and Maruj's team of bittersweet endings, we have Xeno, whose love remains unrequitted.

2vzkh7iq o

04edcfbn oYes, what is it? We're kind of in a rush now, so please make it quick.

0zfd96rn o Holmes, have you seen how long this update already is? Nobody is in any rush.

D276aybk oI think you should stay with us. Katri will be very lonely without you.

Njdtyjkp oIt's all right, Father... I'll be fine. Holmes, if you're set on leaving, I'm not going to stop you. Give my best to Lord Runan for me.

04edcfbn oWell, color me surprised! I thought for sure you'd be bawling... I guess I'm really not needed around here.

Njdtyjkp oA lot has happened over this year. I'm not a frail little girl anymore. I've grown up a lot.

P1zzgcas o Yeah, I agree. Standing up to Guenchaos and giving him an earful as you did... that took balls. Even if your wise words fell on deaf ears. And then you died.

Njdtyjkp oI'll be all right even without you watching over me, Holmes. I'm going to work with my Father and do my best to help with Salia's reconstruction.

S7md2cuu o

P1zzgcas o Oh! Look alive, everybody: Zachariah has been mentioned and is about to speak. Can you believe it?!

N8hsa76x o

F4aswdy8 o Ahhhhhh, there we go! Perfect! It's the most generic line in the history of anything ever! Astounding! It's so short, I didn't even get to use the Morgan edit I made for him! Hahah, great! I knew you wouldn't disappoint, Zachariah!

Njdtyjkp oSee, Holmes? We don't need your lousy band of pirates around here for anything anymore. Just go and do whatever you want.

04edcfbn oH-Hey... Katri...!

0zfd96rn o In other news, dying has made Katri jump straight into the "angsty teen" phase. Poor Maria and Dagnell are going to have to deal with that... And Zachariah, I guess, but he's soulless, so he probably won't be affected.

Lcyysipq o

Hjqvrqsr oN-Nothing! Nothing at all! Damn it all... Katri...

Tlqyeq7i o

Oh, yeah. Don't believe that, just because this is the ending, we'll get away without any more plotlines being spun on us randomly. That's not the way of TRS.

Lptgzc7j o

Llibn6rp oHeaded back to Erial, I take it?

Fwhksugy oYes, I know the citizens must be anxious for my father to come back. I'm sure a lot of work has piled up for him while we've been away.

04edcfbn oI've been meaning to ask, how did Erial end up becoming a country, anyway? Didn't it used to be just a Ledan fort?

Fwhksugy oAfter the Kingdom of Leda fell and the Cult of Gerxel moved in,

0zfd96rn o Is it too late to say that I regret not splitting this update in half? It is, isn't it? Hoo, boy... Please tell me none of you are trying to read all of this in one sitting...

Fwhksugy opeople had to rely on their local leaders to protect them. When that wasn't enough against the Cult, the Crusaders came and drove them out.

04edcfbn oSo your father was one of the Crusaders who went there twenty-three years ago?

Ktnnzfpx o

Fwhksugy oHe switched sides and became one of the Six Warriors who led the Crusade.

04edcfbn oThat's quite a change of heart... He must've been a pretty strong fighter to be so influential like that.

Fwhksugy oI was only a little girl back then, but that's what everyone told me. He did manage to capture the so-called impenetrable Fort Erial from the Cult. Everyone called him a miracle-worker. People from Erial and the surrounding area begged my father to become their king. He refused at first, but eventually gave in. He never goes by King Temujin, though, just Lord Temujin.

04edcfbn oA cultist turned crusader turned king... No wonder people look up to him.

B4cp2kin oAre you quite finished bragging about me, Katrina? It's about time we left.

Fwhksugy oYes, Father!

B4cp2kin oYou've done a great job, Samson. Thanks for covering the other front.

04edcfbn oWait, aren't you just a mercenary? Why do you know Lord Temujin?

Lpoxzha4 oI told you I was a big deal in Erial. My job was to find Admiral Vals's son and help point him in the right direction.

0zfd96rn o Oh... yeah. This. This is... extremely stupid. So your job was to find Holmes, a goal you accomplished by... joining up with a random band of bandits so you could rescue the girl they were holding captive? Mighty lucky for you, that we just happened to walk in there for... no reason at all.

Lpoxzha4 oDidn't you notice all the help I was giving you behind the scenes? Why do you think all those mayors and townspeople were so nice to you?

0zfd96rn o Oh, I don't know, maybe because he came running to help Ocus with their bandit problem? The chapter was called "Holmes the Hero", for crying out loud, and for once I agree! You mean to tell me you put those bandits there to make Holmes look good? And Lionheart! What exactly did you have to do with Lionheart, and all the help he got from Holmes? Were you behind Ahab's insurrection 15 years ago, too? This is almost as lame as the "Maerchen is actually a devout believer who saved Law and Order" moment! They're trying to take the few good things Holmes did, and give this random Joe all the credit for them!

0zfd96rn o Well, for once, I'm going to stand up for Holmes, and say- Nay! He saved Ocus, he was an invaluable help to Lionheart, and that's all his fucking merit!

04edcfbn oThat was all you...? Just who the hell are you, Samson?!

Woo17wal o
Qq8i3mxk o
Nob6vdhb o
Imwsfony o

P1zzgcas o Okay, gotta give it to them, though: that was funny.

Fwhksugy oYou make me so proud, Samson! You better be grateful my sweetie was there to help you out, Holmes!

04edcfbn oY-You're all pulling my leg, right? There's no way you're not just a regular guy, right, Samson?

Lpoxzha4 oOh, Holmes...

X5oczorm o
Nxtsxs3j o
Pndqxxdh o

Richard's place is where we go next.

Ckdq2qp7 o

04edcfbn oThanks, but no thanks, Richard. I'd like to be leaving as soon as possible.

Kv5wulqf oHmph, suit yourselves. You both will of course be invited to our wedding and coronation ceremonies. You should receive formal messages of invitation in due time.

04edcfbn oYeah, I'll be there. Best of luck to you both.

Llibn6rp oIt was good to see you again, Princess Tia. I look forward to seeing you both again.

Gifg77uy oSame to you, Lord Runan.

Vednyekr o

04edcfbn oThat's good. Maybe you'll be able to teach that Richard some manners while you're around.

4lt3brpp o Her?! The woman whose first instinct was to mock a depressed child for being unable to save his grandfather from a horrifying death at the hands of the continent's most powerful sorcerer?! If anything, Richard could teach her some things! He's a fuckin' better person than her! I know she had her reasons, but I'm never going to forgive her for that! It was... inhumane!

04edcfbn oI hope everything goes well with the revival of Leda.

Kuetqgdh oAs do I. Sage Alfred has left the Earth Shrine in my hands for now, so I have a lot of work ahead of me. And don't worry, I'll keep Prince Richard's head from getting too big.

04edcfbn oThanks, Alicia. I'm glad we met you on our journey.

4lt3brpp o If Maruj hadn't been such a strong lad and offed himself when she poked him in his weak spots, would you have been so glad? Well, would you, Holmes!?

Kmsp5w7v o

Zw6re1gs oSorry, Holmes, but I need to do this. This has been a long time coming for me.

04edcfbn oMy father sent investigators to Corfu years ago to try and dig up whatever they could on your parents, but they found nothing. What makes you think this is going to turn out any different?

Zw6re1gs oI'll never know unless I try. When I saw Katri reunite with her parents, it rekindled the hope inside me...

Llibn6rp oYou're an orphan, Xeno?

N2ln7grf o

Zw6re1gs oA farmer who lived nearby took care of me for a while, but he died when I was five. After that, I was caught by slavers and sold to a plantation owner from the city. When I was thirteen, I stowed away in Admiral Vals's caravan to escape, and I've been working for him ever since.

04edcfbn oListen, Xeno, regardless of what you find, you can always come back to Granada. And let me know if you run into trouble. I'll come lend you a hand.

Zw6re1gs oThanks, Holmes. Wish me luck!

0zfd96rn o You know, it just hit me that Granada is still without a leader. Holmes is off to do whatever, and Vals is retired. Once again, if Attrom were alive, Holmes would've tricked him into going to Granada to inherit the rule of the city. Because, here's a small little detail about him, Attrom was one of Vals's bastard children. He's one of the most vital characters to Holmes's whole story. And he can die in the first turn of his joining map if the RNGoddess isn't kind to him. Kaga...

3n8xz7nb o

0zfd96rn o You know how Juni nearly got Plum'd that one time? Well, that's earned us a whole additional scene with more backstory from absolutely nowhere. Isn't that great?

Zw6re1gs oThanks, Juni. I was hoping you'd come along.

Ccdcdz7k oThanks... I think you're lucky, Xeno.

Zw6re1gs oReally? What makes you say that?

Ccdcdz7k oYour parents might still be out there! Mine are both dead, so I know I'll never see them again...

Zw6re1gs oI see... You're from Venette, right? Were they killed during the war with Istoria?

Ccdcdz7k oYeah, almost two years ago now... After the Battle of Balt, Istoria started to attack all its neighbors, including Venette. News hadn't reached us that Istoria had betrayed us before they invaded... My father was a senator, so our family was targeted by the enemy soldiers. It was my thirteenth birthday when they attacked the capital...

6kmoww6t o

Ccdcdz7k oI watched it all happen...

4lt3brpp o ...

Zw6re1gs oBut you survived, huh? The Goddess must have been watching over you.

Ccdcdz7k oNo, that wasn't it. I survived because I lied to them. I told them I was just a servant, and I clung to the soldiers and begged for my life...

R2oh2igy o

4lt3brpp o ...oh God please tell me this isn't going where I fear it is...

Zw6re1gs oDon't cry, Juni... You don't ahve to talk about it if you don't want to.

Ccdcdz7k o...No, I want you to know, Xeno. Ever since that day, I've worn rags and covered my face with dirt, so... So no one would think I looked pretty... But still, you... You thought I was beautiful... I was happy, but at the same time, it terrified me...

4lt3brpp o ...oh my fucking God he really did go there. Kaga has done it again, folks.

Zw6re1gs oJuni... I promise you, Juni. I won't ever let anything like that happen to you again. I don't want you to worrya bout what those soldiers did to you anymore...

Ccdcdz7k oXeno... Thank you...

Aimzmgu3 o

Zw6re1gs oHuh? Why?

Ccdcdz7k oJust do it!

All right, I will...



Okay, Xeno, you can open them again.

Zw6re1gs oWhoa...

Wcb02ywx o

P1zzgcas o Awww... at least that horrendous story had a wholesome ending. Even if I don't get how she managed to clean herself up in, like, tens econds.

Zw6re1gs o...can I open them yet, Juni?

Ccdcdz7k oN-No! I'm not ready yet! D-Dammit, this damn speckle won't... come off...!

Zw6re1gs oJuni...?

Ccdcdz7k oD-Don't you dare!

Ugnrfrq3 o

0zfd96rn o Oh, not him... go back to your store, clerk! I don't care for your edgy banter!

Idkay99o oMaybe that's a good thing, though. I haven't been home in a long time...

2eka1cxm oOff to find more work, Vega? Heading to Istoria?

Idkay99o oKrishna...

Smstmyp6 o

0zfd96rn o ...did he just... did he just apologize...? He's sorry for- for murdering her lover...? Is this... character development? He didn't simply get the "disappeared like the wind" treatment...?

4lt3brpp o I... am dumbstruck.

2eka1cxm o...Are you going back to Istoria or not?

Idkay99o oWell, yes... Now that the war's over, I'll be hard-pressed to find any work. I was thinking of going back home to Schram. Why do you ask?

2eka1cxm oI've had a lot of time to think, and I think it's time I forgave you. And since I'm also headed home to Istoria, do you mind if I tag along with you? I'd definitely feel safer with a bodyguard.

Idkay99o oA bodyguard, you say? That's not a bad idea, actually...

0zfd96rn o An ending that's not edgy. He got an ending that isn't edgy. He pulled an Elrean right under my nose. I... cannot believe it. Those long hours sitting behind a desk must've gotten him thinking...

Awohgiis o

0zfd96rn o Ergh... I'm pretty sure this is bugged, because of the clone. This one's going back home alone. It's going to be awkward, when he gets back and finds the other Krishna there.

Guvvizvy o

04edcfbn oBishop Law...

Vrbnhily oLady Claris sent me word of what happened. It sounds like you had quite the historic encounter after we parted ways! Retrieving Agneyastra, stopping Guenchaos... You're a great hero, Holmes. And I can't thank you enough for going to the aid of my dear Katri. I owe you a great debt.

04edcfbn oThanks a bunch, Bishop Law... But I specifically asked Lady Claris not to send word to you, since I said I'd come bring you the news myself.

Tlrzbidz o

04edcfbn oI knew it! I've got to say, you had me fooled for quite a while there. But you just knew way too much. I won't tell Katri, but one of these days, you need to tell her yourself. So, where's the real Bishop Law?

Isukkoxl o

0zfd96rn o This also wasn't in the original script. Originally, there were two Laws: the real one was the one Maerchen had been keeping alive, and then he went to Mahl to recuperate. However, the Law that gave us all the exposition dumps was an imposter. This was lame, and it directly contradicted a future scene, so Aethin gave it a tragic spin and made the real Law die in the skirmish that separated him and Katri. Then, White Sage Morse (it's revealed later that it's him) possesed his body and used it to guide Holmes along with endless bibles. Sound familiar?

0zfd96rn o Personally, I like this better than the original. I enjoy all the changes, really, except for one, regarding Shigen Sr. Originaly, Shigen Sr. was a devout cultist, and he died fighting for the Pontiff to the bitter end. Aethin changed it so he betrayed the Pontiff and Carla killed him as a result, which... does not fit Shigen's theme of doing away with the more toxic sides of the Zoan culture. Shigen's whole thing is that he saw the error in Guenchaos's ways by himself and had a fall out with both the Cult and his family, whereas Aethin's take makes it seem more like it was a personal issue, due to his father's death.

0zfd96rn o Still, all things considered, I'll take that over the original Richard and Law.

Vrbnhily oKatri would've realized at once that something was wrong, so I couldn't risk seeing her again... But I promise I'll tell her before I go.

04edcfbn oI'll take you at your word, then. Where is it you'll be "going" to, anyway? Where's your real body?

Vrbnhily oHah, you wouldn't believe me if I told you.

04edcfbn oIf you say so, gramps. I do have one last thing I want to ask you about, though, if you'll indulge me...

Vrbnhily oOh? And what's that, my boy?

Obhelvuu o

04edcfbn o...Do I know you?

S8r56gkv oW-What? It's me, Captain! Maerchen! You know, the ex-bandit? You wouldn't forget me, would you?

04edcfbn oRunan, do you know this guy?

Llibn6rp oI've never seen him before in my life. I assumed he was one of your men.

04edcfbn oNo, he's not one of mine...

S8r56gkv oDammit, you...! Why don't you remember me?!

Cpiiotue o

04edcfbn oBecause it's much more fun this way.

Samgkqdv o

Our team's gotten so much smaller. Only Welltese troops remain.

Gynbepoj o
3eperpag o

04edcfbn oI haven't stopped thinking about it since it happened... Miradona... Yutona... Carluon... And whatever "emiyu" are... It's still all so mysterious. Anyway, we still have our travel to finish instead of thinking about that...

0zfd96rn o This is what happened in my file. However, in the 100% survival rate file, things were... quite different.

Ctbk6zvk o

04edcfbn oWell, you remember when we were at the Altar of Gods and we met Miradona... She mentioned a word: "Emiyu".

Llibn6rp oYes, I remember that. Though I have no idea what it means. Is that what you asked the bishop about?

04edcfbn oYes, and he told me all about it. It's a lot to absort, but it's all really interesting stuff.

0zfd96rn o Indeed, ladies and gentlemen: around 20 minutes before the end of the script, the game suddenly feels the need to drop a metric fuckton of backstory on the universe's figures of legend. Everything we've heard about Carluon and Yutona? The full truth is to be uncovered here. All of it. Every single, last drop of fictional history. It's not well placed, honestly, but hey, for those of you who enjoy worldbuilding, here's some.

Dndqrman o

04edcfbn oThey were nearly immortal, capable of extending their lifespans for millenia through their advanced magic. About 1500 years ago, Miradona, the princess of the emiyu kingdom, came here to Lieberia, a land which had never been set foot on by her kind before. But apparently, she's one of the last emiyu still around today. Most of them disappeared around when human civilization started to take off.

Llibn6rp oWas there a plague? Surely the early humans weren't advanced enough to wipe out their entire race?

04edcfbn oNo, apparently it was voluntary.

Sefeuxsb o

04edcfbn oThey decided to assimilate their bodies into the earth itself, where they would sleep for all eternity. Naturally, a great number of emiyu were opposed to this plan, and there was a revolt. But the king defeated the rebels, and he forced them to go along with his plan.

0zfd96rn o Frankly, I have no idea where Kaga was going with this. Sequel bait? Prequel bait? Tie-in with FE that he forgot to remove when the lawsuits happened? Drug night at the office?

Llibn6rp oBut Miradona stayed behind, didn't she? You said she came here to Lieberia.

04edcfbn oYes, apparently she was still an infant, and so she was unable to follow her father's plan to sleep within the earth. Instead, he sent her far away from where the rebels were imprisoned... here. The chamber at the Altar of Gods was originally just where Miradona lived. He carved out the core of the mountain himself, hoping she would be safe there.

Fh6znj2s o

0zfd96rn o You know, if you stop to think about it, this story is beyond ridiculous. So this king dude went "I'm tired of my race being in power, time to go push up daisies- literally!", commited race-wide mass suicide, but left his infant daughter - apparently the only baby of the entire race - stuck inside a big rock.

Llibn6rp oHow lonely...

04edcfbn oEventually, Miradona ventured out of the mountain in search of others, and she came across the native humans. The forest-(sic) and plains-dwelling tribes worshipped her as their mother goddess... While the native Zoans feared her power, believing  her to be a god of destruction.

Llibn6rp oSo the gods Gerxel and Miradona... They're both meant to be her?

04edcfbn oSomething like that... Miradona was afraid of her own power, and when the Zoans began to fear her, too, she hid herself away in Mt. Cielo again. She fashioned hordes of monsters in order to scare away anyone who came near. But the Zoans continued to fear and worship what they believed to be their benevolent but dangerous god of destruction.

P9hhlfow o

Llibn6rp o......

04edcfbn oEventually, their leaders decided to venture into the forbidden mountain in order to plead with Gerxel for salvation. The only one who survived the onslaught of her guardians was a man called Kalbazan. Believing her to be Gerxel, he pleaded with Miradona for the power to save his people. Naively, she decided to grant his request, and she let him drink a drop of her blood.

Ulirixmg o

04edcfbn oDriven mad by this power and his desire for revenge, he conquered every corner of the continent.

Llibn6rp oAnd that's how the ancient Zoa Empire came to be...

04edcfbn oRight. After he received that power, he demanded to be recognized as the god Gerxel himself, and he became the Zoans' god and emperor. He declared that as retribution for crimes against himself, the Jugudi had to give up pure virgins as sacrifice to the monsters who dwelt at his holy mountain... Mt. Cielo.

Llibn6rp oHow awful...

04edcfbn oYears passed, and Miradona was none the wiser that the human she'd helped all those years ago had become a demon. But then, one girl's screams echoed deep into the cave, and Miradona came outside to investigate. Miradona saw what Kalbazan had become, and she pleaded for him to stop. But Kalbazan turned on her, and she was severely wounded in his betrayal. Miradona resolved to fix what she had done.

7infj4qm o

04edcfbn obut also the means to seal away her new power within a bracelet, lest she be driven mad as he was. The girl, Yutona, was given the responsibility to save the human race from Kalbazan.

Llibn6rp oThe Goddess Yutona... She was just a human girl?!

04edcfbn oAn extraordinarily powerful girl, but yes. Yutona sought out the leader of the slave rebellion against the Empire, a young Zoan man named Carluon, and she imbued the sword with her power. Together, the two of them toppled the wicked empire Kalbazan had created, and he fled into Mt. Cielo. There, he was hunted down and finally killed by Carluon himself.

Llibn6rp oCarluon the Great...

Zl910i2y o

04edcfbn oTogether with Yutona, they rebuilt Lieberia and founded the Empire of Lieberant. Their four daughters inherited her power, and the four Shamans are the descendants of their bloodlines...

04edcfbn oIt's amazing, isn't it?

Bfyeixbh o

Llibn6rp oThe truth behind the legend... It's too incredible to believe...

Dyielu1d o

What's incredible to believe is that we're finally done with that. I dig the idea that all those gods and goddesses were just dumb people who were later glorified in myth and song, but... did they really need to wait until the end of the game?

Ryfb6bmw o

04edcfbn oYep, the birth of the rebellion. Hard to think it's only been a year, huh? Feels like it's been much longer.

Llibn6rp oI'll never forget the generosity of the people I met here in Wellt... I owe this country an unrepayable debt.

Keod8thr o

Llibn6rp oTight-lipped sorcerer? Oh, you mean Sage Alfred? I think he was headed to Mars. I wish I could've talked more with him before he left.

04edcfbn oHe's already gone? Guess he must've been in a hurry.

0zfd96rn o This is Alfred's ending if Mel isn't present. It's... dumb. Very dumb. This isn't right! Good thing I have my old save file. This dialogue even transitions perfectly into Alfred's ending, so it's no big deal.

Zasmxptb o

Slulcp6k oSylphis!? You came here to meet me...?

Vgk8zquo oYes... When I received word that you were coming home, I rushed here to Saura. But I still can't believe it... You're really alive...!

Slulcp6k oI'm so sorry, Sylphis... I couldn't...

Vgk8zquo oShhh... Don't say anything, my love. All that matters is that you're safe.

Slulcp6k oSylphis...

Vgk8zquo oI feel like I'm dreaming... I never thought I'd see you again...

5v4iwutd o
Vleslgeb o

H01pczrp oI've never seen my mother so happy... It's like she doesn't have a care in the world anymore.

Uzyy8gjw oTheir love is truly an inspiration. I pray that our marriage will be just as wonderful.

H01pczrp oMe too, Roger...

J11dbl9f o

0zfd96rn o Oh, no, this isn't me screwing up. Maruj really doesn't appear in that scene. Instead, Mel and Alfred leave him behind so he can say goodbye to Runan for all of them, and miss the happy reunion. This kid will never stop taking kicks to the face from the universe, will he...

Llibn6rp oVery well. Give my best regards to Lady Sylphis.

Lrqlhy1s oI will. ...It's been fun, Lord Runan. I hope to see you again.

Llibn6rp oSame here, Maruj.

0zfd96rn o Godspeed, Sage of Wind. Don't ever lose that strength of yours. Do get some better growths, though. Sheesh, I like you, but were you ever painful to use...

9nia2rqx o

Llibn6rp oThank you for coming with us, Father Lee. You've been an enormous help.

Q7cix2tv oNo, no... I couldn't possibly compare to everything you youngsters have done. Goodbye, Lord Runan.

P1zzgcas o Ever the simple character, eh? In a game full of compleecated family relationships and contrived backstories, I must admit, guys like you and Zach are a breath of fresh air. Enjoy your retirement, man.

Lwnntakr o

0zfd96rn o Among the top 3 women of the game, and you're saying you didn't do much? Pfah!

38ti9te7 oI'm sorry, Raquel... You've gone through so much, all because I begged you to come along with us... I'm really, really sorry.

Fbktddjf oIt's not your fault, Princess Sasha. I made the decision to come myself. You didn't force me to do anything.

38ti9te7 oBut, Raquel...

Fbktddjf oReally, it's not your fault...

Fbktddjf o...If you still want to practice cooking with me, you can always come by.

38ti9te7 oReally!? Yes, I'll definitely do that! Thank you, Raquel.

7iecc6up o

The final batch of characters. Raffin wouldn't be here if he'd gone to Barge with Sharon. Not that he could've, even if we had him accept her offer way back in Senay. Urgh...

Jankvsde o
E51t03rk o
Xf53q9gt o

P1zzgcas o Marlon! So good to see you, man. I've said it before in this update, but it begs repeating: I love how this game takes the time to give the early characters some attention. The closest I've seen mainline FE come to this is when Marth mentions he has to go thank King Talys for his help in the Shadow Dragon ending. And that's just a mere mention!

9bmvwara oCount Marlon, you have my sincere gratitude for everything you've done to protect the kingdom of Wellt. It is thanks to you that our country even stands today.

Iyt3rwwz oYou flatter me, Your Majesty... But it was Lord Runan who fought against Codha and defended our kingdom. I merely supported his efforts.

9bmvwara oIs that so? Regardless, I want you to continue to serve as chancellor of Wellt. I can't have you retiring just yet.

Iyt3rwwz oHa ha ha, I can't say I'm not disappointed. I was actually hoping to ask you about negotiating for my retirement...

9bmvwara oPerhaps in a few months, after I have the kingdom's reins firmly once again. But until then, I'm going to need your help.

Iyt3rwwz oAs you wish, Your Majesty.

Rsxnm0ss o

Iyt3rwwz oShe anxiously awaits your return at the palace at Fort Wellt, Your Majesty. When she received word that you had been found in Salia, she was unbelievably joyful.

4ksdezl2 o

Iyt3rwwz oRaffin! I thought for sure you would be returning to Barge...

Ju0m09ko oRaffin's had a change of heart. He's decided to stay here in Verje. Isn't that right, Raffin?

Iyt3rwwz oAre you sure, Raffin? You're not going to return home?

Bu2igwdd o

Iyt3rwwz oRaffin... Thank you... my son...

P1zzgcas o D'awwwwwwwwwwwww... I must say, I like this ending better for these guys. Raffin's ending with Sharon is cute too, but watching Marlon break down and tear up is so heartwarming...

Dreigd66 o

Lbm0bevf oYou're really popular among the soldiers. You seem like a good commander, Norton.

Irrdqn4a oAs do you, Lord Runan. You'll be a splendid king, milord.

Lbm0bevf oThanks, Norton. Let's meet again someday, huh?

Irrdqn4a oYes, I'd like that.

P1zzgcas o On friendly terms with a king and a princess. He's sure come a long way from when he was accidentally recruited, has he not?

Vegxpgsw o

0zfd96rn o ...oh, no... Well, that's the end of the bright mood.

38ti9te7 oWhat...? But I want you to come with me, Kate!

Dymo2jvo oForgive my selfishness, milady. I want to visit my father's grave...

38ti9te7 oOh... I'm sorry, Kate. I didn't realize...

85syh5yv o
Npktj8ne o

0zfd96rn o That's Kate's ending, folks. Just like Zieg didn't get any last-minute love declarations or redeeming speeches from the heroes, Kate gets to sit in front of his father's grave, no doubt under pouring rain, to tell him that she's a complete, abject failure.

Vx8bc9pm o

Uzyy8gjw oLet's postpone our meeting with the queen.

H01pczrp oYes, I agree. Excuse us, then, Lord Runan.

Lbm0bevf oLady Mel, Sir Roger... I will pray for your happiness. Do invite us to your wedding!

H01pczrp oOf course, Lord Runan.

Bn7lgofz o

04edcfbn o......

H01pczrp oI wish you both unending happiness. Goodbye for now!

04edcfbn oGoodbye, you lovebirds.




A2ky1sya o
T4ixidiz o

Usb3dlak o




Vxgiqusk o

Llibn6rp oYou're being very evasive... C'mon, Holmes, what's the matter?

04edcfbn o...I really don't want to go to the palace. It would only be trouble for everyone.

Llibn6rp oI see...

0zfd96rn o Sigh... yes, I suppose it's about time. If you send Sasha with Holmes in the first route split, it is revealed that Holmes's mother is Queen Liza of Wellt. He's the rightful heir to Wellt, as well as Granada. And that pisses me off to no end. But at least Wellt still has Sasha when Holmes ditches them. Who does Granada have?

Llibn6rp oIf that's what you want, Holmes, I won't force you to go.

Sbkk7len o

9bmvwara oMy darling Liza... Because of my folly at the Battle of Balt, I caused you so much hardship... I don't know how to apologize...

Eqwdkird oDon't say that, Raphael... You have nothing to be ashamed of. You are the pride of our kingdom. There isn't a single citizen in Wellt who will not rejoice at our safe return.

9bmvwara oLiza... Thank you. I'm blessed to have such a loving wife. Please stay by my side forever.

Eqwdkird oOf course, Raphael. As long as I live, I will walk this road together with you.

Arntjn1l o

Eqwdkird oYou've done wonderfully, Sasha. Thanks to your courage, you were able to bring your father back home. Thank you, Sasha. You are my pride and joy.

38ti9te7 oThank you, Mother...!

Eqwdkird oLet us thank the Goddess that we have lived to witness this happiness...

Fuf2kp4l o

Llibn6rp oNo, Your Highness, it is I who should be thanking you. We were only able to achieve victory thanks to the aid you provided us. This victory is yours as much as it is mine.

Eqwdkird oLord Runan...

Llibn6rp oAnd now, I must say goodbye for now. I have much to do now in Reeve. But someday in the future, I will come and visit with you(sic) again.

38ti9te7 oYou're leaving already, Lord Runan?

Hv2el1jf o

38ti9te7 oThanks, Lord Runan! I'm looking forward to it!

Jn3i4x3u o

04edcfbn oFinally, there you are! Can we get going already?

Yohilafm o

The only ones left are Runan and Holmes. Two scenes left, everyone...!

Bedow7g0 o
Ba53somi o

Yeah... I guess there's nothing left for me to do but just return to Reeve.

04edcfbn oYeah...

So, what are you going to do next? Head home to Granada? Or maybe to Salia?

04edcfbn oIf I show my face in Granada, my father is gonna force all his old responsibilities as head of the fleet onto me... I'm not about to let that happen.

Would that be very different than what you already do? I think you're just avoiding your father.

04edcfbn oSo what? You'd avoid him too, if you knew him like I do.

Then what about Salia? Katri's waiting for you, isn't she?

04edcfbn oI don't know about that...

Xcngvhn4 o

04edcfbn oAnd since when did she start addressing me as "Lord Holmes"?! It pisses me off just thinking about it!

Llibn6rp oShe really got under your skin, didn't she? She certainly was acting strange back then. Did you do something to make her hate you?

04edcfbn oNo way! At least, I don't think so...

Jynoyqn3 o

Llibn6rp oHolmes, you're talking nonsense. Miradona told us herself. Gerxel is gone.

04edcfbn oWhat if she was wrong, huh?

Llibn6rp oOh yeah, Literally God was wrong when she spoke directly to you. You hold the world's truths. You, the biggest idiot in Lieberia. I mean, c'mon.

04edcfbn oMaybe Enteh's in danger, too!

Llibn6rp oDon't stay(sic) things like that, Holmes. Enteh hasn't changed at all.

04edcfbn oAre you sure about that, Runan? Are you absolutely sure?

X63xhsa5 o

04edcfbn oMaybe you're just being blinded by love! Did you think about that?

Llibn6rp oHolmes, I'm done talking about this. Neither Katri nor Enteh is possessed.

04edcfbn oFine, fine... It was just an idea.

D9snkxac o

04edcfbn oHa ha ha...

Lbm0bevf oBrings back memories, doesn't it? We fought all the time over trivial little things like that in the old days.

04edcfbn oWell, we are like night and day. But we always made up really quickly. We learned how to understand each other.

Lbm0bevf oYeah... Through thick and thin, we've stood together. You're the greatest friend a man could ever ask for, Holmes. I might not have any real siblings, but you're like a big brother to me.

Asm5aqeb o

Lbm0bevf oHa ha, maybe so... I'm glad I can talk like this with you again, Holmes. It's been far too long.

04edcfbn oHey, Runan... When we first came to Wellt, you said that one day, when the war was over, you'd come adventuring with me.

Lbm0bevf oYes, I remember.

04edcfbn oSo...? Let's get going, right now! We'll go wherever our hearts take us!

Llibn6rp oHolmes, I can't just...

04edcfbn oOh, right, you have a wife now...

0zfd96rn o You were talking about her five minutes ago!

Fhicshec o

Llibn6rp oWhat about Katri, then? We need to pick her up, too.

04edcfbn oShe wouldn't want to come along... She doesn't want anything to do with me.

Llibn6rp oHolmes, you really need to go talk to her. You owe her at least that much.

Hc0qltsr o

Llibn6rp oThat's because you never stop to worry about how other people might think. It makes you a great leader,


P1zzgcas o Runan, you're such a great comedian.

Llibn6rp obut not so much a lover.

04edcfbn oYou've got a point there... Well, let's get on board. I'll give it some more thought.

Lhfrmvmu o

Llibn6rp oFirst, we'll go to Reeve and get Enteh, and then we can go to Salia for Katri.

04edcfbn oDo you really think Katri will come...?

Llibn6rp oI'm sure she'll forgive you. You just have to ask her from the heart.

04edcfbn oHow about, "wanna come with us?" Or is that too informal?

Nb4twz4k o

0zfd96rn o ...oh. All right. Shigen out of nowhere. Sure.

04edcfbn oNo way, that's too sappy.

0zfd96rn o Oh, and the game's doing this nonsense again. Holmes is a complete idiot and doesn't realize Shigen's here when he should be in Yr.

Gmhhyxnn oWell, you don't want to lose her, do you?

04edcfbn oI don't, but that doesn't...

Av0xc1ck o

Gmhhyxnn oI stowed away when you got to Wellt. I almost didn't catch up to you in time.

0zfd96rn o Wait, what? You've been secretly following us all along? How did you cross the sea? Did you get on a different ship solely so you could hide in this ship? Is Samson somehow behind this too?

Gmhhyxnn oNow then, Katri has something she'd like to say to you.

04edcfbn oYou brought Katri here?!

Dzvrfshs o

04edcfbn oYou... You what?! That's what you say to me after all this...!

Llibn6rp oHolmes! Relax!

04edcfbn oRight, sorry... Thank you for coming, Katri. I'm happy to see you, too.

Njdtyjkp oReally...? Do you mean that, Holmes? I was worried you hated me...

Bgpxkq44 o

Njdtyjkp oExperiment...?

Gmhhyxnn oYou know, the words I told you to say to him when you parted ways at Fort Balt.

Njdtyjkp oOh, right! You said that it'd make him feel more at ease, but he looked really mad... I don't think it worked at all.

Gmhhyxnn oWell, I was hoping it'd force Holmes to finally make a move. I guess it didn't work.

0zfd96rn o This is the game's finale, folks. Everyone making a fool of Holmes for the last time. And he's lucky Eugen didn't get to clock him again.

Peiyoat7 o
Msg38ems o

Gmhhyxnn oBy the way, Lord Runan, I brought Enteh along with me, as promised.

4lt3brpp o How many people have you brought along!? Who's next, General fuckin' Lawrence?!

Gmhhyxnn oEugen said he would cover all the court matters while you were away, provided it wasn't too long.

F4aswdy8 o Eugen! Eugen I can understand. Eugen is so awesome, he agrees to become the king for a while so Runan can have his honeymoon. Now that is a man you can rely on.

04edcfbn oYou're behind this too, Runan?!

Ckvp9nyl o

Lbm0bevf oSpeaking of which, Enteh, I'm glad you agreed to come along.

A3liakj5 oI am, as well.

Gtkke4u6 o
Lit426cp o

0zfd96rn o Seriously, the saddest thing about finishing this game is that I know Eugen won't be there in the next one.

A3liakj5 oBy the way, Runan... You don't need to call me Enteh anymore. Please call me Maeve.

Lbm0bevf oThat's fine with me... But I thought you didn't like that name.

Elsrsmuc o

A3liakj5 oApparently, it means "seagull" in Jugudi. My mother dreamed that I would one day be able to fly free of all the troubles my father feared for me... That's why she named me Maeve.

P1zzgcas o In good ol' Eugen fashion, he just made up a bunch of bullshit on the fly so as to butter up the cute young lady. Of course, in this case, he's not trying to conscript her.

Lbm0bevf oI see... It is a beautiful name.

A3liakj5 oIsn't it, though? I've spent so much time hating it because it reminded me of my father... I never once thought about what it meant. But now I know that it's a reminder of the love my mother had for me.

Lbm0bevf oVery well, then. Maeve it is!

04edcfbn oIt's a good name, Maeve.

Njdtyjkp oI like it, too!

04edcfbn oIt's always easier to just stick with the name your parents gave you.

Njdtyjkp oYou think so? Should I go by Maria, then?

Vhpphhjj o

04edcfbn oEven if you change your name, I refuse to call you anything but Katri.

Njdtyjkp oThat's good... I prefer Katri, too. It's the name Bishop Law gave me.

0zfd96rn o Awwwwwww... that's... not going to be a pleasant news to receive, is it...

04edcfbn oTrue...

Lbm0bevf oMaeve... I hope that you feel free and light, like a seagull on the wind. I don't want anything to hold you back ever again.

A3liakj5 oI do... Because I'm here with you, Runan...

0zfd96rn o Wait, "I do"? So... you do want something to hold you back? Hoo, boy. And all the typos, too... Not saying they're ruining the ending or anything, I love it all the same, but... Aethin, man, were you as tired of translating this as I am of transcribing it?

9glgt69k o

Gmhhyxnn o...They're not listening, are they?

0kr6nnks o

P1zzgcas o Ah, well, that explains why they were able to catch up to us. They just warped here, no doubt. That skill is useful in any situation. In all seriousness, Shigen brings along whatever his partner is by the end of the game. In this case, it's Sierra. I'm perfectly fine with this outcome.

04edcfbn oYou're here too, Sierra?

Gmhhyxnn oYeah, I brought her along.

Pqewcvze o
Hzdd4ere o
H8s7sg7c o
Uli7fhby o
Ghtvej2n o
Midlpw0f o
Zoc9urlu o

That... was awkward.

Ocbdexlx o
Zblncmud o
Lezkka3k o

And that's it! Tear Ring Saga is officially over!

Wvifnygz o

We started so well.

4ufbfhok oFsmnypmn o

...it got ugly fast, though.

Llx5mqgj oUrogujhk o

Goodness fuck...

Nsr0ihw8 o

And with that, all that's left to watch is...

Czzxgz9u o

A bunch of battle backgrounds with our units' stats, poorly displayed on top! I'll skip the fourty-something images and just give you the units kill ranking!

51jlsmm6 o

Looking good! Some of these are surprising. I was not expecting Maruj and Tom to be so high. The top 3 is perfect, as far as I'm concerned.

G0xp2nle o

I never understood why so many games love to slap "end" in spanish on their ending cards.

Dwkw8ksj o

VS data I'll probably never touch...

K8bprhuq o

And that's been Tear Ring Saga! It had its ups, its downs, and its Eugens. What a ride it's been. Bit of a rocky ride towards the end, but that's life.

So, what comes next? Well, Berwick Saga would be the obvious answer, but... there are a couple of problems. For starters, I'm not sure if I'd like to LP it right away when the full translation comes out or first do a run by myself. It's a long game, and we'll probably spend a year on it like TRS, maybe even more. I don't want to be too hasty. Besides, just like after FE6, I'm going to need a bit of a break. I love LPing, but it's nice to spend some time just minding my own business.

The real problem is the site. It may sound ridiculous, but if in a few months I still cannot post well, I won't be able to do any LPs. I pushed onward with this only because I had just two updates left. Didn't feel right to just let it die there. But having to spend days futilely pressing "submit" dozens of times, praying it'll randomly work at some point... it's just not convenient. I really hope it doesn't come to that, but yeah, keep in mind that it's a slight possibility that this might be my last rodeo in this site.

In a less depressing note, as always, please leave any questions you might want me to answer! I'll be happy to continue replying to this thread for as long as it remains alive. Any feedback is also much appreciated. And, whenever it begins, I welcome all of you to join me on my next trainwreck.

Well. I can't think of much else to say. Fare well, eat your vegetables, and I'll be seeing you around, perhaps, if I get off my ass and stop lurking everywhere but here.

Until next time, all!

And remember: fuck Holmes, praise Eugen!


Indiana Jones

The Roger The Paladin


Reset count: 3 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1 - Holmes: 1)

Dishonorable reset count: 1

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 8


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43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, what I'm getting at is, I've done Lorenz's paralogue, and found out that Acheron... really only sounds like Lionel Hutz in his "I'm not in for a beating, am I...?" line. Still, I've already interiorized him as FE Lionel Hutz, so that's that. I still wish I could've recruited him, for his design alone.



Just gonna leave that here.


54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o Oh. All right. Well, that is one way to fix the fact that everyone is dead. Quite literally, a deus ex machina.

0zfd96rn o Rest assured, though, Tom won't be brought back. Miradona's a bitch, like that.

Cpz3qysn oNeyfa!?

"I will fix Katri, Enteh and Nefya... but not Tom. Because fuck you that's why".


58 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Njdtyjkp oHolmes, am I... Am I alive...?

Hjqvrqsr oWhat the hell kind of question is that? Of course you're alive, you idiot!

I can't decide which one's being dumb. On one hand, Katri couldn't be asking that question if she were dead, on the other hand the last thing she remembers is literally dying. I'll just go with "unusual circumstances" and give both a pass.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Tom... Lionel... Attrom... Juliattisnacordst... I... completely ruined the moment with that name, didn't I? Gosh darn it...

Poor Sharon.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
0llgciua o

Ah... tempting, but Kreiss deserves this. Let's... not think of Tom's, like, five or six siblings that are revealed in his ending.

Ig8rms2l oUushhccp oAml6ypwc o

Welcome back, Letena.

R.I.P. Tom, your sacrifice will be honoured.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o Still, I'm glad that Kaga had the restraint to not let Mintz accept her advances. Mintz isn't that kind of man. He maybe a bit of a scoundrel, but... not that much of a scoundrel!

9wemniw4 oUgh... All right, Leonie. You can come along. But none of this love business, all right? Just pretend I'm your uncle or something. Sorry to let you down, but... I'm just more into women... my age.

Ri5bp6h0 oI understand... That's enough for me. Thank you, Uncle Mintz!

Yeah. That could have been worse.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Llibn6rp oBillford... I'm sorry about Lady Sharon. I know she was very important to you.

Piffstqk oThank you, Lord Runan... I shall take milady's sword home and erect a grave for her... Even though her body lies elsewhere, I hope that she finds peace in Barge.

Llibn6rp oI see...

Piffstqk oWell then, please excuse me...

Llibn6rp o......

0zfd96rn o Jikes... as you can see, the endings actually reflect the events of the game. It doesn't always work (for example, Roger just vanished in my ending, because they weren't expecting him to be present without Mel), but it goes surprisingly far.

Nice to see she's not forgotten though.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As they say, the devil is in the detail.

And here's a few more for you...


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dcuw5xeg oNow, Runan!

Llibn6rp oRight!

Ellpt4a7 o

F4aswdy8 o Ahah! Yes! He's a badass!

Wxsupq8l o T-That's high treason, Lord Runan! Someone, arrest this man!

Rlvzhpf3 o

Ih49ob2i oLook around you--you're surrounded by his most loyal knights and followers. Tell me who on this earth would dare stand against Lord Runan!

F4aswdy8 o You know it's a grand day when Eugen's roast isn't the end of the mongrel's torture: it's the beginning.

P5lqoouk o

9bmvwara oDon't forget, Tatus, that several hundred of my soldiers are stationed just outside this palace.

Dqdtzhbu o

1pcfv1ay oYou can't weasel your way out of this one, Tatus.

Umq6jw90 o

Kv5wulqf oHowever...

Gifg77uy oRichard!

Kv5wulqf oDon't be so angry! I said "however"!

U4mjkbqf o

Kv5wulqf oThough I hardly think it'll be necessary.

9awnfupj o

04edcfbn oThere's no way out, Tatus. There isn't a soul alive who'd stand up for you against Runan. He wouldn't even have to lift a finger, and your head would roll to the floor.

Suddenly the smackdown that Gerxel copped looks like piker-tier shit compared to what Tatus was threatened with.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sjl5htjr oGeneral Eugen, I'll work hard in Arkis's place, so please... Can't you give him a short break? Please?

P1zzgcas o Thankfully, Good Friend Kreiss comes to the rescue.

To be fair, in a way Arkis was responsible for Kreiss and Letena meeting in the first place. So, the guy kind of helped Kreiss get his happy ending.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lrqlhy1s oUnderstand?! Have you any idea what I've been through!? My life has been hell for the past year... and you only made it worse! If you dare come close to my family, I will kill you on the spot!

Well... I can't say she didn't do anything to earn that.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
N8hsa76x o

F4aswdy8 o Ahhhhhh, there we go! Perfect! It's the most generic line in the history of anything ever! Astounding! It's so short, I didn't even get to use the Morgan edit I made for him! Hahah, great! I knew you wouldn't disappoint, Zachariah!

Living up to Zach's Lament.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Is it too late to say that I regret not splitting this update in half? It is, isn't it? Hoo, boy... Please tell me none of you are trying to read all of this in one sitting...

I'm reading it in one sitting. But I'm fine. By my standards this is light.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o Okay, gotta give it to them, though: that was funny.

Fwhksugy oYou make me so proud, Samson! You better be grateful my sweetie was there to help you out, Holmes!

04edcfbn oY-You're all pulling my leg, right? There's no way you're not just a regular guy, right, Samson?

Lpoxzha4 oOh, Holmes... 

I'm just going to take it as "Samson and gang play an elaborate joke on Holmes to see how gullible he is". Because that's more believable.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o You know how Juni nearly got Plum'd that one time? Well, that's earned us a whole additional scene with more backstory from absolutely nowhere. Isn't that great?

That sounds rather awful.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ccdcdz7k o...No, I want you to know, Xeno. Ever since that day, I've worn rags and covered my face with dirt, so... So no one would think I looked pretty... But still, you... You thought I was beautiful... I was happy, but at the same time, it terrified me...

4lt3brpp o ...oh my fucking God he really did go there. Kaga has done it again, folks.

He didn't only go there... but her face was actually covered in dirt. Holmes bathing remarks somehow were made more insensitive than I thought.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Ergh... I'm pretty sure this is bugged, because of the clone. This one's going back home alone. It's going to be awkward, when he gets back and finds the other Krishna there.

Yep. One Krishna's going to be there having forgiven Vega... and the other won't have. Vega will be there, and most likely will be killed by the one who hasn't before realizing that there's two Krishna's and the one approaching isn't his employer.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Isukkoxl o

0zfd96rn o This also wasn't in the original script. Originally, there were two Laws: the real one was the one Maerchen had been keeping alive, and then he went to Mahl to recuperate. However, the Law that gave us all the exposition dumps was an imposter. This was lame, and it directly contradicted a future scene, so Aethin gave it a tragic spin and made the real Law die in the skirmish that separated him and Katri. Then, White Sage Morse (it's revealed later that it's him) possesed his body and used it to guide Holmes along with endless bibles. Sound familiar?

Have to admit, I feel a little sad that Maerchen's one achievement is undone. On the other hand, at least he tried I guess. Between that and Vega's last second character development, Alicia's the biggest POS that you had in your army.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

04edcfbn oBecause it's much more fun this way.

So Holmes literally just messed with Maerchen to make him think he was forgotten? This ending has done wonders for the guy.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Wait, what? You've been secretly following us all along? How did you cross the sea? Did you get on a different ship solely so you could hide in this ship? Is Samson somehow behind this too?

Maybe Samson really was behind all that shit. Spooky Axeman in time for Halloween.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

51jlsmm6 o

Looking good! Some of these are surprising. I was not expecting Maruj and Tom to be so high. The top 3 is perfect, as far as I'm concerned.

I feel sad that Tom got to be 4th in kills and never saw the fruits of his work. On the other hand... it's way too appropriate that Zachariah was only able to beat out the "10 kills or less" crowd. I mean, it's awful that Shirou and Hagar beat him out.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Indiana Jones

The Roger The Paladin


Reset count: 3 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1 - Holmes: 1)

Dishonorable reset count: 1

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 8

Looking at the final death count, I can't decide which one mattered most. Tom definitely deserved better looking at his body count, but Lionel's death was early enough his survival could have changed things while late enough to see he was achieving something. Juliattisnacordst's death was early enough it's hard to say how he would have been. Attrom's passing had a number of indirect effects(loss of healers and damage to story). Sharon definitely got the short end of the stick in relevant deaths thereby. May they rest in peace.

On the bright side, it really is a low death count, and could have been lower if RNG were a bit nicer.

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So, something pretty funny happened.

You see, I was done with the update and all, and I tried submitting, without much faith that it'd work.

When it actually sent me to the usual captcha screen, I... kinda panicked? And submitted without thinking. I was afraid it wouldn't work anymore.

The result? I forgot half the scenes I wanted to make for the final update. That includes dealing with Carla, the Royal Historian, and a twist for the Ruben Cinematic Universe, for all two people who care about it.

So yeah. I'm completely dumb. I'll edit this post later with the scenes I forgot.

EDIT: okay, here they are.


This is at the Altar of Gods, before the credits.

Km4pqhc9 o
6umxnic0 o
Wd9qlsvl o
Jrvo8bm4 o
Mzcyfuqo o
Xplywqba o
T8k5ko5v o
Yy1vqzbf o
Gynmgj3e o

This is in Rimne, right after Letena is revived.

6kmqix1y o
Gskqlaux o
J7objtig o
Ulvcqifm o
Mayq6dgh o
Anm0pcql o
Supwirey o
Pxqlkatd o
Rwkgavs3 o
Vhreeazo o
N9tiixbe o
Ex8a3iwo o
Rifnuhly o
Nfhk7umb o
Brmzavuw o
39zelqrc o
2gr9bx3d o
9spbiyyq o
Dpml2k1z o

This is in Razellia, before leaving.

Wq69ibsa o
Fawxlrgx o
Nxpubhec o
Vwgc1x88 o
Qeftvsms o
Xsm8itni o
Ux29z0la o
8kpfg5af o
Ejw3a3lw o
Tiqk5nyl o
Sequqiwd o
Vlhwdz7b o
Lt9fgzhj o
Pf9x1ire o
Rwrwn329 o
Aiikqny8 o
Kzbwd2na o
9cpnlnro o
Iwmqkptd o

A trainwreck to the end, this LP. Jesus... At least it seems like it wasn't just a fluke. My issues seem to have disappeared. Here's to the next LP, may my technical issues never return and may Berwick be even more glorious than TRS!

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So, something pretty funny happened.

You see, I was done with the update and all, and I tried submitting, without much faith that it'd work.

When it actually sent me to the usual captcha screen, I... kinda panicked? And submitted without thinking. I was afraid it wouldn't work anymore.

The result? I forgot half the scenes I wanted to make for the final update. That includes dealing with Carla, the Royal Historian, and a twist for the Ruben Cinematic Universe, for all two people who care about it.

So yeah. I'm completely dumb. I'll edit this post later with the scenes I forgot.

I get to have my comments on the update in the middle of it? Keep this up and people are going to think I'm officially part of this as opposed to a regular reader.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Jrvo8bm4 o
Mzcyfuqo o
Xplywqba o

This was worth it. General Lawrence was to this LP what the Cow was to the end of Earthworm Jim... a joke built through the whole thing that hit when you thought it was over. More so in my case seeing as it was over for a bit.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Supwirey o
Pxqlkatd o

Well, you could say his luck didn't fail in the end after all.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Tiqk5nyl o

So basically it was the tome equivalent of the devil axe. Prove me wrong.

Well... now I'm officially out of comments. To Berwick.

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So I'm thinking, since I'm going to the B I G   C I T Y to buy Luigi's Mansion 3 tomorrow, that I'll see if I can find Shadows of Valentia. I don't know, I've heard bad things about it, but I just feel like giving it a shot. Anyone got any tips?

2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Just gonna leave that here.

Dark simpsons is the bane of my recommendation feed. Not that I mind too much. It's better than badly-edited Family Guy clips.

2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Maybe Samson really was behind all that shit. Spooky Axeman in time for Halloween.

Hvq7vnyj o
If this gets posted, my technical issues are officially gone!
2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Looking at the final death count, I can't decide which one mattered most.

I'm torn between Tom and Lionel, myself. Lionel deserved far better than to die to Lentzenheimer, but... Dammit Tom, we were so close!

11 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

This was worth it. General Lawrence was to this LP what the Cow was to the end of Earthworm Jim... a joke built through the whole thing that hit when you thought it was over. More so in my case seeing as it was over for a bit.

Right? That was so fitting, too. The guy everyone forgets about, I decide to give him a face, and then forget about it and have to do it later. Brilliant.

5 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

To Berwick.

That depends on @Aethin

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So I'm thinking, since I'm going to the B I G   C I T Y to buy Luigi's Mansion 3 tomorrow, that I'll see if I can find Shadows of Valentia. I don't know, I've heard bad things about it, but I just feel like giving it a shot. Anyone got any tips?

Because promotion is based on bringing a character up to the benchmarks for the class they're going into... promote early. It's not like anyone's going to cap stats without the Dread Fighter loop or turnwheel manipulation. Other key thing to remember is that enemy reinforcements on the map (overworld map, not in battle map) move about and initiate combat starting with "Chapter 3". Which can be very negative because if you get hit with that they get the first turn. Which was awful for Forsyth when I went for the Blitzkreig run. Finally... the Labryinth at Thabes is not in line with the difficulty of the rest of the game, and I remain convinced it was designed to sell the overclasses. Though definitely possible without through use of Tiger Stance and other such combat arts... I'd argue it verges into "not fun" territory.

19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dark simpsons is the bane of my recommendation feed. Not that I mind too much. It's better than badly-edited Family Guy clips.

Oh good. I thought I was getting them as a side-effect of watching one too many steamed hams edits. Thankfully I don''t get the Family Guy clips, which seems almost appropriate. I remember when I was in high-school and my classmates loved the show, and I never got the appeal. Here we are years later, and I haven't changed while others seem to have moved towards where I begun.

26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That depends on @Aethin

Positive thinking.

Anyway... really done this time, so the other readers can get a word in edgewise.

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Ah, Shadows of Valentia, where Sierra clones herself as the enemy, repeatedly, while you get none.

Train a flying unit on Celica's route.  That's my only advice.

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You absolute madman actually did the whole ending in one go. I figured we'd be looking at like 2-3 updates here. Congrats on finishing the whole thing.

Not sure how to really feel about the Deus Ex Machina ending. I suppose the fact that FE7 also did that whole "resurrect the shaman at the end" thing along with all the other stuff that is suspiciously similar to TRS, and the fact that Miradonna is handled very differently from everyone's else's dialog style, does suggest to me that Kaga considered this to be a vital part of the story, rather then something he just pulled out of his head because he wrote himself into a corner. But I can't exactly say that it clicks for me.

I would imagine the fact that Richard ended up being resurrected too is probably the biggest reason why Aethin decided to rewrite the guy. If he at least had the decency to stay dead, it would be one thing. But not only coming back alive but also getting to marry the girl who he sold to an evil cult for the most pettiest reason is utterly remarkable. You'd think at least that bridge would have been burned to the ground, it's ashes atomized, and the gap below filled up with acid, and then that acid being filled up with acid breathing sharks. And yes, there is an acid breathing shark in a D&D sourcebook. Apparently the sourcebook in question is called "Dungeonscape: An Essential Guide to Dungeon Adventuring".
But obscure D&D monsters aside, as baffled as I am about how his character ended up, at least Richard is still no Corrin. So at least you can just ignore him until he goes away. Plenty of other stuff to talk about.

Like how I love how you get to use the Dakroon at the end. It's just so sweet to be able to revive people for no other reason then them being able to participate in the ending.
And the ending style is really powerful. For all the game's highs and lows, it's hard not to get misty-eyed as everyone leaves you one by one. And of course it's just great so see everyone getting some attention here. Including characters who weren't even playable. It's a bit of a shame that the game didn't take into account Roger and Mel's situation. But hey, at least we know now.
In any case, it's a really bittersweet mix of endings. For all that was accomplished, life still goes on, with all it's troubles.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

4lt3brpp o ...oh my fucking God he really did go there. Kaga has done it again, folks.

Oh wow, can't say I caught that implication in the old translation.
I suppose this also puts her reaction when Xeno saved her in a different light. Not that she wasn't justified in freaking out back then. But coming from Kaga, and the generally mess of anything related to the kidnapper, I figured he was just doing a tired tsundere routine. Didn't think it was meant to be a sign of Yuni being genuine traumatized due to past abuse.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So I'm thinking, since I'm going to the B I G   C I T Y to buy Luigi's Mansion 3 tomorrow, that I'll see if I can find Shadows of Valentia. I don't know, I've heard bad things about it, but I just feel like giving it a shot. Anyone got any tips?

Well, are you familiar with Gaiden? As far as being a remake goes, it most certainly plays in a different league then Shadow Dragon. Shadow Dragon just dumped a whole bunch of modern mechanics into FE1 without putting any consideration for how they would affect the actual game around it. So advice for Gaiden is still mostly valid in the remale.

Edited by BrightBow
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A finale update? What a nice birthday present!

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
G3dovexq o

Is it depressing I forgot most of the bad/poor ones?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...okay, I will not ask.

It was from a different time, before I even went by Dayni.

I used to check a lot of playthroughs. Here, not so much.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, he managed to make the power of love be a bad thing, for once in fiction. That is quite commendable.

I mean, he also made it the solution considering the motivations of the protagonists and the very weapons that protected them.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's the powah of lov--

...no, actually, the powah of love caused the war and then outright died with the Shamans and Richard. This is the power of fucking brute force.

Considering the origins of those shiny swords, still power of love. :P

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pfffff... that's your whole input on this? Sure, fine.

I mean, he should have expected naming Theo after his dad would have been a bad call.

He still did it.

That's the only comment I had to add.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Xhpakucv oCenturies ago, my blood brought great calamity to the humans living here... I never realized how much damage was done until it was too late... I will make everything be as it should. The soul of Kalbazan is sealed away once more, and Guenchaos and Tita shall have their eternal rest. Let this temple be purified...

0zfd96rn o I like how this implies that Miradona just casually murdered Tita while we were doing the same to Guenchaos. Still, at this point, it is but a mercy for the two of them.

I mean, I doubt it was casual for her, considering that's her descendant writing in agony as a dragon.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Uihx4pbt o

Anyway--whoa, whoa! Where did the rest of the army go?! Did they merge into the new pretty floor?! Damn you, Miradona!

Death count: E V E R Y O N E

Except for the Shamans and the other sword users.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hjqvrqsr oI know, I know... Everyone's staring at us. Besides, I really am covered in sweat from head to toe... I don't want to get you all gross...

4lt3brpp o Holmes she just died, you really think she gives a damn?

She did probably come back very clean.

Also Holmes is really bad at being honest about his feelings, real tsundere that he is.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
X7zrefuj o

F4aswdy8 o Bwaahahahahahahah! Ahahahahah! That's his whole input! That's all he cares about! Runan killed a god (twice) and witnessed another, but all Eugen cares about is that he finally put the moves on his girl! Hohohahahahaaaah! I'm going to miss you so much, Eugen. You truly are the greatest advisor. Ward and Augustus come close to you, but other than that... there's no competition!

Runan needed training in ladykilling not dragonkilling in Eugen's eyes.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Utkisbth o

0zfd96rn o Oh, look at that. The fourth damisel in distress is back. I do suppose, however, that "Yutona's daughters, and that other guy, will awaken soon" would've been an awkward sentence for a goddess to say.

Richard would absolutely rock the dress though.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hotfgcrs o
Hsbuca8i o

I see Albert approves.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
K8httzw0 oGw64l7hg oCl5eibjf o

I guess he could just slide under death's scythe.

I was also incorrect.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
0llgciua o

Ah... tempting, but Kreiss deserves this. Let's... not think of Tom's, like, five or six siblings that are revealed in his ending.

RIP Tom and Indy.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Jad27nst o

Llibn6rp oAt the very least, I want to express my gratitude to the both of them.

P1zzgcas o I love this, it's so wholesome. Nice to see that the game hasn't forgotten the first arc, disconnected as it was from the overall plot.

And with that Talys was no longer the first place that got the longest mention in an ending.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Xv7upg1x o3nar2y5f o


I'm not sure what you term being into that as.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Zwa5xolj oZPKR1WAk_o.pngBp3qwdcs o
Lkc5hmnr o

Ah, this issue.

I kind of want to see a more serious conversation where the relationship isn't reciprocated full stop.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Xhjebuez oAk5dhqmy o

Naga should probably tell them to get a room. We know she can do it.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Aryzhpbb oThat's right. Got a problem with that, Lieutenant-General?

9wemniw4 oN-No, General Silva. It just wasn't the welcome I expected... It won't be easy, but I'll make you proud!

P1zzgcas o Silva names the most infamous troublemaker in the Black Knights her right-hand man. You deserve it, man.

At least Mintz gets some recognition after all the trouble he's had.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ri5bp6h0 oBut it's true! You're very special to me...

Aryzhpbb oTake her with you, Mintz. Remember, you're supposed to set an example for the younger knights. Just don't do anything... irresponsible.

Azi3wu0e o

Considering how good she is, I think that Wrys's words truly sit here.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas oStill, I'm glad that Kaga had the restraint to not let Mintz accept her advances. Mintz isn't that kind of man. He maybe a bit of a scoundrel, but... not that much of a scoundrel!

9wemniw4 oUgh... All right, Leonie. You can come along. But none of this love business, all right? Just pretend I'm your uncle or something. Sorry to let you down, but... I'm just more into women... my age.

Ri5bp6h0 oI understand... That's enough for me. Thank you, Uncle Mintz!

Considering what could have been said, that went a lot better than expected.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
N4jyhv9q o

0zfd96rn o This is Hagar's ending. This is all of his ending.

And with that he has more ending than he expected to.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wxsupq8l o Of course, Lord Runan. In fact, there's something I'd like for you to hear. I have already arranged the ceremony for Princess Maeve and I to be wed, as planned.

How did he get it ready then?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Njsyuukm o

F4aswdy8 o Look, even the offscreen guests witnessing the wedding know it!

I assume that wasn't there.

I mean, it probably should have, even if only a laugh track.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wxsupq8l o T-That's high treason, Lord Runan! Someone, arrest this man!

Rlvzhpf3 o

Ih49ob2i oLook around you--you're surrounded by his most loyal knights and followers. Tell me who on this earth would dare stand against Lord Runan!

Wanted to stab in the back, left it easy to stab in the front.

Tatus failed to scheme successfully every time then.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Umq6jw90 o

Kv5wulqf oHowever...

Gifg77uy oRichard!

Kv5wulqf oDon't be so angry! I said "however"!

Even Richard rejected the obvious benefits.

The guy whose surname likely translates to head in Jugudi or something.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
9awnfupj o

04edcfbn oThere's no way out, Tatus. There isn't a soul alive who'd stand up for you against Runan. He wouldn't even have to lift a finger, and your head would roll to the floor.

I mean, I'm pretty sure Runan could go it alone and it'd be over in one round, but sure Holmes.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hf8hecga o

F4aswdy8 o And as one final kick to the toad's teeth, Runan steals his wedding for himself and marries Enteh right then and there. I don't think I have ever seen a person getting so thoroughly destroyed as that old fuck. And boy, did he ever deserve it.

Runan just stole a fucking wedding.

Did he just go full alpha?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

8hjyjt84 oN-Nothing! Forget I said anything...

F4aswdy8 o Bwahahahahah! Rishel, my dude, you're just terrible; if you force her to stay here, so far away from the Fire Shrine, there is one thing she'll always be wanting for.

P1zzgcas o your d

I could mash multiple memes from the last decade here.

I decided some sense of class might as well be upheld (as true as that is after my line about Guenchaos's unquenchable thirst and the amount of implying this post)

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Rrwdaiib o

F4aswdy8 o Bwahahahahahahah! C'mon, Yoda, don't say things like that. He might actually believe it.

04edcfbn oI-I need a minute...

Even Holmes can't believe it.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

8r0nbdpm o

So wait did Shigen just approve of Garo as a brother in law?

Why not I guess?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
8esgmyex o

Slulcp6k oI don't deserve to speak with you until I've made things right with her.

H01pczrp oSo you are coming back...

Slulcp6k oYes, I am. I have avoided it for far too long. I don't know if Sylphis will forgive me, but I must apologize to her nonetheless.

At least you didn't misspell it as syphilis.

That aside, I assume it'll be a while before Mel gets that talk eh?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kuetqgdh oAfter the head priest saw him, he called him a lost cause and told my mother to start digging him a grave. But my mother wouldn't give up on him, and to everyone's surprise, she managed to stabilize his condition. It took an entire half a year before the man regained consciousness. We learned his name was Alfred, and that he was a master sorcerer. But he still remained bedridden for the next ten years, healing his burns.

0zfd96rn o If you've forgotten, Alfred suffered these wounds fighting the Witch Dragon. Guenchaos was not the only one whose life was torn to shreds by the king's cruelty...

I mean, sure.

Even ignoring those that were affected by Guenchaos's vengeance.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lrqlhy1s oStay away from my family, wench. You have been warned.

H01pczrp oAlicia...

Kuetqgdh oNo, don't say anything. This is my just deserts... besides...

Maruj, I get it.

Alicia stung hard, I get stinging harder.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

F4aswdy8 o Ahhhhhh, there we go! Perfect! It's the most generic line in the history of anything ever! Astounding! It's so short, I didn't even get to use the Morgan edit I made for him! Hahah, great! I knew you wouldn't disappoint, Zachariah!

I want to see the Morgan.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

04edcfbn oA cultist turned crusader turned king... No wonder people look up to him.

A Crusader King you say......

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Oh, I don't know, maybe because he came running to help Ocus with their bandit problem? The chapter was called "Holmes the Hero", for crying out loud, and for once I agree! You mean to tell me you put those bandits there to make Holmes look good? And Lionheart! What exactly did you have to do with Lionheart, and all the help he got from Holmes? Were you behind Ahab's insurrection 15 years ago, too? This is almost as lame as the "Maerchen is actually a devout believer who saved Law and Order" moment! They're trying to take the few good things Holmes did, and give this random Joe all the credit for them!

I hope this is just going on a rant for the sake of it, I assume Samson meant he was walking with them after the fight and making sure dealing with Holmes didn't cause them to make Holes Holmes have to run off after screwing up somehow.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Zw6re1gs oA farmer who lived nearby took care of me for a while, but he died when I was five. After that, I was caught by slavers and sold to a plantation owner from the city. When I was thirteen, I stowed away in Admiral Vals's caravan to escape, and I've been working for him ever since.


Also he never finds out does he?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ccdcdz7k o...No, I want you to know, Xeno. Ever since that day, I've worn rags and covered my face with dirt, so... So no one would think I looked pretty... But still, you... You thought I was beautiful... I was happy, but at the same time, it terrified me...

4lt3brpp o ...oh my fucking God he really did go there. Kaga has done it again, folks.

That's Yikes number 6 or something isn't it?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Wcb02ywx o

P1zzgcas o Awww... at least that horrendous story had a wholesome ending. Even if I don't get how she managed to clean herself up in, like, tens econds.

Jesus, this has its own fucking implications with possible whitewashing. May be unintentional, but I can't ignore it and it's a personal yikes.

Juni gets kicked down repeatedly.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Awohgiis o

0zfd96rn o Ergh... I'm pretty sure this is bugged, because of the clone. This one's going back home alone. It's going to be awkward, when he gets back and finds the other Krishna there.

Or if Vega plays his cards right kinky.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Isukkoxl o

0zfd96rn o This also wasn't in the original script. Originally, there were two Laws: the real one was the one Maerchen had been keeping alive, and then he went to Mahl to recuperate. However, the Law that gave us all the exposition dumps was an imposter. This was lame, and it directly contradicted a future scene, so Aethin gave it a tragic spin and made the real Law die in the skirmish that separated him and Katri. Then, White Sage Morse (it's revealed later that it's him) possesed his body and used it to guide Holmes along with endless bibles. Sound familiar?

0zfd96rn o Personally, I like this better than the original. I enjoy all the changes, really, except for one, regarding Shigen Sr. Originaly, Shigen Sr. was a devout cultist, and he died fighting for the Pontiff to the bitter end. Aethin changed it so he betrayed the Pontiff and Carla killed him as a result, which... does not fit Shigen's theme of doing away with the more toxic sides of the Zoan culture. Shigen's whole thing is that he saw the error in Guenchaos's ways by himself and had a fall out with both the Cult and his family, whereas Aethin's take makes it seem more like it was a personal issue, due to his father's death.

0zfd96rn o Still, all things considered, I'll take that over the original Richard and Law.

So wait, what does the imposter have to do with anything? Is it revealed to be someone in particular?

Also, where does it indicate Shigen was particularly on side with Gerxel? I'm not going to pretend I remember.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

S8r56gkv oDammit, you...! Why don't you remember me?!

04edcfbn oBecause it's much more fun this way.

I kind of wish he'd said that to Maerchen's face, but it would ruin it.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

04edcfbn oSomething like that... Miradona was afraid of her own power, and when the Zoans began to fear her, too, she hid herself away in Mt. Cielo again. She fashioned hordes of monsters in order to scare away anyone who came near. But the Zoans continued to fear and worship what they believed to be their benevolent but dangerous god of destruction.

Zoa, what the fuck?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

04edcfbn obut also the means to seal away her new power within a bracelet, lest she be driven mad as he was. The girl, Yutona, was given the responsibility to save the human race from Kalbazan.

Llibn6rp oThe Goddess Yutona... She was just a human girl?!

04edcfbn oAn extraordinarily powerful girl, but yes. Yutona sought out the leader of the slave rebellion against the Empire, a young Zoan man named Carluon, and she imbued the sword with her power. Together, the two of them toppled the wicked empire Kalbazan had created, and he fled into Mt. Cielo. There, he was hunted down and finally killed by Carluon himself.

This also sounds familiar.

Lesson: don't drink strange species's blood.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
J11dbl9f o

0zfd96rn o Oh, no, this isn't me screwing up. Maruj really doesn't appear in that scene. Instead, Mel and Alfred leave him behind so he can say goodbye to Runan for all of them, and miss the happy reunion. This kid will never stop taking kicks to the face from the universe, will he...

Maruj: Top of the screwed by TRS list?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Bu2igwdd o

Iyt3rwwz oRaffin... Thank you... my son...

P1zzgcas o D'awwwwwwwwwwwww... I must say, I like this ending better for these guys. Raffin's ending with Sharon is cute too, but watching Marlon break down and tear up is so heartwarming...

Marlon's Pike Hall will at least have a spare heir then?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
85syh5yv oNpktj8ne o

0zfd96rn o That's Kate's ending, folks. Just like Zieg didn't get any last-minute love declarations or redeeming speeches from the heroes, Kate gets to sit in front of his father's grave, no doubt under pouring rain, to tell him that she's a complete, abject failure.

Kate really is the knight of sorrows.

It's a real terrible time.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Sigh... yes, I suppose it's about time. If you send Sasha with Holmes in the first route split, it is revealed that Holmes's mother is Queen Liza of Wellt. He's the rightful heir to Wellt, as well as Granada. And that pisses me off to no end. But at least Wellt still has Sasha when Holmes ditches them. Who does Granada have?

Vals, you need to stop.

Your number of bastards is ridiculous.

Did he even have a wife or was living in sin his whole plan?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Llibn6rp oOh yeah, Literally God was wrong when she spoke directly to you. You hold the world's truths. You, the biggest idiot in Lieberia. I mean, c'mon.

I'm sorry, wasn't that you saying that?

Wow even Kaga stopped trying to pretend Holmes wasn't dumb.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hc0qltsr o

Llibn6rp oThat's because you never stop to worry about how other people might think. It makes you a great leader, 

but not so much a lover.

Runan, I don't think you needed to twist the knife with the truth and a lie.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gmhhyxnn oEugen said he would cover all the court matters while you were away, provided it wasn't too long.

F4aswdy8 o Eugen! Eugen I can understand. Eugen is so awesome, he agrees to become the king for a while so Runan can have his honeymoon. Now that is a man you can rely on.

Razelia's going to go to crap so fast due to Eugen's arbitrary policies they'd wish Gerxel won?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lbm0bevf oMaeve... I hope that you feel free and light, like a seagull on the wind. I don't want anything to hold you back ever again.

A3liakj5 oI do... Because I'm here with you, Runan...

0zfd96rn o Wait, "I do"? So... you do want something to hold you back? Hoo, boy. And all the typos, too... Not saying they're ruining the ending or anything, I love it all the same, but... Aethin, man, were you as tired of translating this as I am of transcribing it?

I mean, she wants him to hold her back?

Is that a dirty thing as well, was everyone just really horny the whole time and with the war over they can finally get on with it?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

51jlsmm6 o

Did Runan also get 66 or not? I am confused why it's not a 3-way tie.

Maruj and Meriel surprise me with how many they got.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So, what comes next? Well, Berwick Saga would be the obvious answer, but... there are a couple of problems. For starters, I'm not sure if I'd like to LP it right away when the full translation comes out or first do a run by myself. It's a long game, and we'll probably spend a year on it like TRS, maybe even more. I don't want to be too hasty. Besides, just like after FE6, I'm going to need a bit of a break. I love LPing, but it's nice to spend some time just minding my own business.

The real problem is the site. It may sound ridiculous, but if in a few months I still cannot post well, I won't be able to do any LPs. I pushed onward with this only because I had just two updates left. Didn't feel right to just let it die there. But having to spend days futilely pressing "submit" dozens of times, praying it'll randomly work at some point... it's just not convenient. I really hope it doesn't come to that, but yeah, keep in mind that it's a slight possibility that this might be my last rodeo in this site.

Take a break then, it's not like I'm making great progress on my end. :P

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Jrvo8bm4 oMzcyfuqo oXplywqba o

And so the brick finally landed.

And what a shiny brick it is.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
8kpfg5af oEjw3a3lw oTiqk5nyl o

So you just carried Humphry's book around?

Why would you bring that to another region Wrys?

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Aiikqny8 oKzbwd2na o

Come now, she's probably in trouble with a god relating to that.

She could find a way to get one of those restore staves. Just in case he ended up somewhere insane like Fateslandia that doesn't have it but has status staves.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So I'm thinking, since I'm going to the B I G   C I T Y to buy Luigi's Mansion 3 tomorrow, that I'll see if I can find Shadows of Valentia. I don't know, I've heard bad things about it, but I just feel like giving it a shot. Anyone got any tips?

You know what? I think I will, as someone who apparently ranked it as the best FE in his eyes overall (I'm still asking how) and got a special edition super cheap:

1: Weapon Triangle? Terrain having defences and little avoid? No 1-range bows? Consistent accuracy? THROW IT ALL OUT THE WINDOW, WE VALENTIA NOW. Equipment has levelable combat skills too, some of which are useful.

2: Supports do exist, they level like Fates/Awakening but you don't have to be adjacent and some supports are capped to certain points in game, but there's also bond supports like MotE/Thracia. These can affect magic as well, speaking of:

3: Everyone has their own list (Some are great, some are terrible), it's cast from HP and accuracy is set so that no matter what terrain it'll be the same percentage. This can be relieving and frustrating, especially because it's single RNG.

4: Reclassing's a thing. It's free DLC. The Merc line can also loop around if you're okay with grinding (This is SoV don't do it) and want to smash the game into pieces. Forging's and trading between parties are also a thing and can also break the game.

5: Units can carry food items in battle as well, good in a pinch especially early on when other items are rarer. The food is also used in dealing with fatigue in dungeons, which only increases in combat.

6: Oranges, cats and booty await.

7: I bet you'll hate the villains so much.


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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I assume that wasn't there.

I mean, it probably should have, even if only a laugh track.

Oh that laugh track is indeed in that scene.
Not surprising too, considering that toad's last line was really just him bragging about his manhood in an embarrassingly, eloquent fashion.

Edited by BrightBow
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Man, what a wild ride. Would you believe that I wasn't able to bring myself to play TRS for years after redoing the script? It was so jarring to play through it, wanting to change and re-word every little thing again. I still hate the first line of Chapter 1. "Eugen, do you believe that the kingdom of Wellt will be sympathetic to our cause?" I'd see it every single time I recompiled the game to test menus and such, since I was stupid and didn't get a save to load. Fortunately, the weirdness has worn off after a couple years, though Let's Plays like this have still been the main way that I've enjoyed the story since then--and I've been thrilled to have been able to do so again.

Boy, I really started to get lazy/tired in some of these epilogue scenes, didn't I? I remember the nights sitting on my couch and editing those, thinking, "Damn it, Kaga, when is this going to end?!" I was really pushing myself to get it done so I could relax (and finish Zero Escape 3, as I recall). Today, my coworkers were a bit confused when I started chuckling uncontrollably at my desk at Enteh's "I do" response to Runan.

I look forward to your future LPing (Let's Play-ing? Let's Be Playing? Let's-ing Play?) endeavors, and I'll try to get Berwick in everyone's hands as soon as life lets me.  :)

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You're not gonna believe my luck. I went to the mall to buy my games. As I've said in the past, I usually buy them at Carrefour, as they're cheaper there. They had Luigi's mansion (at the very tasty price of 45€), but no Echoes. So I resorted to the mall's Game store. They didn't have it on display. In a last-ditch effort, I asked the clerk. He gave me that "meh, don't count on it" look, but checked anyway.

As it turns out, they had exactly one copy of the game in storage for 30€. It's still 15€ cheaper than the digital version. I can only pity the next local FE fan that comes after me.

All that remains is to enjoy it. While I was at it, I got the Rise of the Deliverance and Cipher DLCs. I hope I won't regret it.

I might post some thoughts later, as I reply to the readers' farewells.

19 hours ago, eclipse said:

Ah, Shadows of Valentia, where Sierra clones herself as the enemy, repeatedly, while you get none. 

Ah, yes. I'm not as familiar with Echoes as I am with Gaiden, as I once read an LP of the latter, but I do remember that Sonya is basically Sierra, except she's a dick and becomes a normal mage when she joins.

16 hours ago, BrightBow said:

You absolute madman actually did the whole ending in one go.

What, you doubted me? What really worries me is that it took me less time to do this than the five previous updates.

16 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Like how I love how you get to use the Dakroon at the end. It's just so sweet to be able to revive people for no other reason then them being able to participate in the ending.
And the ending style is really powerful. For all the game's highs and lows, it's hard not to get misty-eyed as everyone leaves you one by one. And of course it's just great so see everyone getting some attention here. Including characters who weren't even playable. It's a bit of a shame that the game didn't take into account Roger and Mel's situation. But hey, at least we know now.

I agree with you on both accounts. The shamans being revived feels a bit less shitty than Ninian's nonsense, if only because their deaths were necessary for the final battle to happen, and they were brought back by a literal god after the fight, not before it to expedite a shitty deus ex machina. Still, I can see why you wouldn't enjoy it.

And yeah, the ending is definitely a very high point of the game. Feels a lot more personal than the ending cards.

14 hours ago, Dayni said:

What a nice birthday present!

Well, well! Ain't that a beautiful coincidence. Happy birthday!

14 hours ago, Dayni said:

Is it depressing I forgot most of the bad/poor ones?

Not really, that's why they're ranked low.

14 hours ago, Dayni said:

Richard would absolutely rock the dress though.

Bt3vnzbv o
14 hours ago, Dayni said:

I assume that wasn't there.

I mean, it probably should have, even if only a laugh track.

As Brightbow said, the game really does throw a laugh track there. It's amazing.

14 hours ago, Dayni said:

I want to see the Morgan.

I used it back when he actually spoke, but here you have it again!

Ejjzw24y o
14 hours ago, Dayni said:

Jesus, this has its own fucking implications with possible whitewashing. May be unintentional, but I can't ignore it and it's a personal yikes.

Juni gets kicked down repeatedly.

I suppose you could think of it that way, but personally, I'll go for the more obvious idea that she figured nobody would want to touch a girl that's so dirty you can't even see her skin color. Still, pretty horrifying story, all in all.

14 hours ago, Dayni said:

So wait, what does the imposter have to do with anything? Is it revealed to be someone in particular? 

Also, where does it indicate Shigen was particularly on side with Gerxel? I'm not going to pretend I remember.

The imposter is off-handedly revealed to be White Sage Morse by Holmes. He's basically Gotoh. If you remember, his apprentice at the tower of Morse says he's "exploring parallel realms".

As for Shigen Sr., Shigen explained his backstory back in the first arc, when we were exploring Wellt with Holmes's team.

14 hours ago, Dayni said:

I'm sorry, wasn't that you saying that?

Heh... yeah, it was obviously me. You know what I said about not being able to properly proofread?

14 hours ago, Dayni said:

Did Runan also get 66 or not? I am confused why it's not a 3-way tie.

Maruj and Meriel surprise me with how many they got.

Fuck! Yeah, my mistake. He got 63 kills. Funnily enough, Runan's "units kill" count is the only one you can actually see, as it's the only screenshot of those that I posted to save space. You know, the one I got wrong. Pfhah...

Maruj and Meriel, I think, got so many kills because, at first, they were weak and I fed them loads of enemies, and then they gained access to the likes of Sylphid and Aura Rain, so they begun to score more and more.

14 hours ago, Dayni said:

And so the brick finally landed.

And what a shiny brick it is.

Right? I'm proud of myself for getting that idea. Then I forgot about it. Urgh...

14 hours ago, Dayni said:

Echoes tips

All right, thanks for these. I can only hope to enjoy it half as much as you did.

21 minutes ago, Aethin said:

Man, what a wild ride. Would you believe that I wasn't able to bring myself to play TRS for years after redoing the script? It was so jarring to play through it, wanting to change and re-word every little thing again. I still hate the first line of Chapter 1. "Eugen, do you believe that the kingdom of Wellt will be sympathetic to our cause?" I'd see it every single time I recompiled the game to test menus and such, since I was stupid and didn't get a save to load. Fortunately, the weirdness has worn off after a couple years, though Let's Plays like this have still been the main way that I've enjoyed the story since then--and I've been thrilled to have been able to do so again.

I love how you claim to despise that line, but you have it as your profile background.

I'm glad to have had you along for the ride.

21 minutes ago, Aethin said:

Boy, I really started to get lazy/tired in some of these epilogue scenes, didn't I? I remember the nights sitting on my couch and editing those, thinking, "Damn it, Kaga, when is this going to end?!" I was really pushing myself to get it done so I could relax (and finish Zero Escape 3, as I recall). Today, my coworkers were a bit confused when I started chuckling uncontrollably at my desk at Enteh's "I do" response to Runan.

Bwahahahahahah... I can't blame you, that typo's pretty damn amazing. And as someone who just transcribed the entire ending by hand, I can sympathize. That was excrutiating.

The typo's not quite as great as The Roger the Paladin, though. That's a typo that's transcended being a mere mistake. It's now a part of the character.

21 minutes ago, Aethin said:

I look forward to your future LPing (Let's Play-ing? Let's Be Playing? Let's-ing Play?) endeavors, and I'll try to get Berwick in everyone's hands as soon as life lets me.  🙂

Well, my next LPing endeavor will probably be Berwick, so... get a move on, ya goddamn lazy bum!

No, no, I'm just joking, just joking, please don't quit, please, pretty please...


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bt3vnzbv o


Really delivering with this one.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As Brightbow said, the game really does throw a laugh track there. It's amazing.

So I wonder, would that work in other games?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I suppose you could think of it that way, but personally, I'll go for the more obvious idea that she figured nobody would want to touch a girl that's so dirty you can't even see her skin color. Still, pretty horrifying story, all in all.

I mean, that's just me reading into it something that isn't there. It's a personal Yikes, not on Kaga.

It's kind of apparent that she made herself dirty to avoid being seen as pretty by.... You know what I'm upset typing that much.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The imposter is off-handedly revealed to be White Sage Morse by Holmes. He's basically Gotoh. If you remember, his apprentice at the tower of Morse says he's "exploring parallel realms".

I had forgotten that was the case, with me thinking it was just some random asshole there.

Jeez Morse.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All right, thanks for these. I can only hope to enjoy it half as much as you did.

Trust me, I kind of enjoy it as much as I do despite, rather than because of itself at times (My first playthrough was on hard, so that might not have helped :P). It is a remake whose original is older than me after all.

Anyways, I guess that's that..

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Hmmm, come to think of it. There is an unused "Naga Dragon" class in the game. So maybe at one point Miradona was supposed to appear in her dragon form?
Of course the game has a zillion unused classes, and the only one of them that has a clear purpose as far as I can see, is a mounted version of Tia.

Otherwise there is Bahamuk's "Emperor" class. Not unused but we only get to see it for a few seconds. It has very high stats and access to Swords, Fire, Thunder, Wind and Dark. So yeah, that's a boss class if I've ever seen one. Of course the mere fact that they bothered to give Bahamuk a unique map sprite at all is a pretty good indicator that at some point he was meant to have more then 5 seconds of face time.

Also it might be worth noting that in multiplayer mode, Tia can transform into Kranion. Enteh can also freely transform there, something she couldn't ever do when she was playable. Since Neyfa isn't available, Rakis is the only one of the guardian dragons to not be playable in any capacity. Which is kind of a shame since Rakis is also the one with 8 movement and flight.

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On 10/30/2019 at 8:23 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
On 10/23/2019 at 12:25 AM, Goddess Serra said:

Shouldn't Sennet also be a descendant of Carluon? Canaan WAS the name of his youngest daughter. If you're going by ethnicity, then Canaanites were originally Zoan, but Ledans and Welltese are supposedly a mix of Reevans, Salians and Zoans. Granada is pretty much independent so yeah, no chance Holmes is anywhere near 0% legendary hero, and there is no evidence the dukes of Reeve were related to the royals in any way. So yeah, apparently (for once) being of a legendary bloodline means you're a Gotoh here.

Hmm, you're quite correct, yes! Runan might have some minor blood, there's no way to be sure. Holmes is definitely a commoner, though. Quite interesting.

Oh, forgot to chime in about this bit!

  1. I think it’s Tatus who mentions in an offhand comment that Runan has “only a maternal connection to the royal family,” so presumably his mother was a minor princess or something. So there’s Carluon Hero #1.
  2. Tia is of course the Earth Shaman and King Grauss’s great-granddaughter (through her mother), which makes her Carluon Hero #2. 
  3. Sennet is both Canaanite royalty and Sage Eisenbach’s grandson (not to mention that his sister is the Wind Shaman), so he’s easily Carluon Hero #3.
  4. And here’s the kicker—since Holmes is Liza’s daughter, he’s Sage Octavus’s grandson (and thus the first cousin of Renee, Rishel & Mariel, and the Pegasus sisters) giving him the status of Carluon Hero #4.

Freakin’ family trees. It turns out Richard is the only of the “new 8 heroes” to have no established connection to Carluon, which may explain why he didn’t use the Bhaumastra against Guenchaos.

On 10/31/2019 at 11:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, my next LPing endeavor will probably be Berwick, so... get a move on, ya goddamn lazy bum!

No, no, I'm just joking, just joking, please don't quit, please, pretty please...

As punishment for your hubris, Berwick will now be delayed until the after release of FE19.


P.S./Edit: I had a bit of a grin seeing the "Mayor Villains" section tierlist... maybe the Mayor of Ocus, slimy as he is, should be included as well. (Definitely not a typo from villanos mayores, no sir!)

Edited by Aethin
appreciation of accidental wordplay
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41 minutes ago, Aethin said:

Oh, forgot to chime in about this bit!

  1. I think it’s Tatus who mentions in an offhand comment that Runan has “only a maternal connection to the royal family,” so presumably his mother was a minor princess or something. So there’s Carluon Hero #1.
  2. Tia is of course the Earth Shaman and King Grauss’s great-granddaughter (through her mother), which makes her Carluon Hero #2. 
  3. Sennet is both Canaanite royalty and Sage Eisenbach’s grandson (not to mention that his sister is the Wind Shaman), so he’s easily Carluon Hero #3.
  4. And here’s the kicker—since Holmes is Liza’s daughter, he’s Sage Octavus’s grandson (and thus the first cousin of Renee, Rishel & Mariel, and the Pegasus sisters) giving him the status of Carluon Hero #4.

Freakin’ family trees. It turns out Richard is the only of the “new 8 heroes” to have no established connection to Carluon, which may explain why he didn’t use the Bhaumastra against Guenchaos.

I hadn't thought about that! Thinking about it, on one hand it's kinda weird that despite the Rings being the keys to the swords, all four of their wielders are actually descendants of Carluon, but on the other it creates a pretty cool link between the royal families and Carluon's.

What I'm trying to say is that, since Lieberian countries seem to favour male rulers over female ones like most real-life monarchies (I'm not an expert on contemporary monarchies, but I'm pretty sure these kinds of governments were all pretty patriarchal until like two centuries ago), and Carluon only had daughters, either him, Yutona or the daughters themselves probably chose the most suitable husbands to begin the modern Lieberian countries (and considering what happened with Grauss and Enteh's father, I think we can be pretty sure that was the only time it happened).

This means that while, for the following generations, it was the males who held the power (Grauss forcing Tita to transform, Enteh being locked away in the Water Shrine, even Bahanuk restoring the Zoan Empire to an extent), that power was granted to them by Reeve, Salia, Leda and Canaan, four women, interestingly enough! And it's those very women (through their descendants, in our case Enteh, Katri, Neyfa and Tia) who grant the men (through the rings, aside from Tia and Richard but they're a special case) access to the physical manifestation (the swords) of the goddess' power (Yutona), which she granted Carluon (the precursor to the kings of the four nations)... wow, when people say Fire Emblem mistreats its female characters, they sure aren't including TearRing Saga!

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So I've made it to part 3 of Echoes now. Also did half the RotD chapters (I intend to do the rest after recruiting Mathilda) and both Cypher Legends. Here are my thoughts, if anybody cares.

I'm digging it thus far! The map design is annoying me less than I expected it would. Of course, I haven't made it to the worse maps yet, but eh, we'll see. Anyway, I'm having fun with it. The scale of battles is a lot smaller than in other games of the series, but the game throws a lot more at the player, and I don't know, it somehow feels designed around that smaller scale. Besides, I enjoy the faster pace, makes it easier to pick up and play. Difficulty's fine too, not too much, not too little.

As for the units, I like most people. Even Clive, I feel he's a bit unappreciated. Had it not been for his fighting prowess, I probably couldn't have so easily recruited his direct upgrade, Randal. Speaking of, he's basically IntSys stealing Mintz, which is fine. Valbar and Leon are both pretty kickass characters, too. Luthier's pose is ridiculous, so that makes him an instant fav as well.

Normally I don't dig the "cutesy little gurl" types, but Genny's "I'm ready to roll" just melts my heart every time I hear it. And then she crit an enemy once and went "NOw i'M AngERy!" She sounds like she's five years old, I love it. She also doubles everything with nosferatu and summons soldiers to keep Dracozombies and Witches alike distracted. Love her. Probably the biggest surprise fav, for me. I really wasn't expecting to enjoy this character as much as I am.

There are two units I despite, though: Silque and Python. Silque's completely useless, I swear. She dies to literally everything, she got doubled from day one, she's caused every single one of my resets on Alm's side, and I can't wait to replace her with Tatiana. Rollin'girl being awesome only makes things worse for that weak imbecile. Python's basically a worse Tobin who gets doubled by everything and can't hit a thing. Lame, very lame.

Overall, Better Than Three Houses / 10.

...Can I just say that it's extremely sad that this game is way better than Three Houses when it comes to graphics? Like, seriously, it's so much better it's not even funny. The conversation backgrounds aren't bad JPEGs, the models don't have as many clipping issues - and their feet don't sink into the floor half the time, animations feel more natural and have way more charm to boot (I chuckled the first time I saw Lukas just rammin' a guy to death), the HUD is readable, the framerate never drops like it does in Three Houses AND they didn't have to cap it (Three Houses abuses particles way too much), the artstyle is just plain better, the character designs are far superior to "Hanneman and all the boring anime kids"... It has its wonky things (OH MAH MISTAKE... five hours later WAIT A SECOND!), but overall, it doesn't make my eyes bleed like Three Houses did sometimes. Just pointing out a fact. A... very long fact.

On 10/31/2019 at 10:17 PM, Pengaius said:


Vk45rsxj o
On 10/31/2019 at 10:58 PM, BrightBow said:

Which is kind of a shame since Rakis is also the one with 8 movement and flight.

Ever the troll, that Kaga.

6 hours ago, Aethin said:

Oh, forgot to chime in about this bit!

  1. I think it’s Tatus who mentions in an offhand comment that Runan has “only a maternal connection to the royal family,” so presumably his mother was a minor princess or something. So there’s Carluon Hero #1.
  2. Tia is of course the Earth Shaman and King Grauss’s great-granddaughter (through her mother), which makes her Carluon Hero #2. 
  3. Sennet is both Canaanite royalty and Sage Eisenbach’s grandson (not to mention that his sister is the Wind Shaman), so he’s easily Carluon Hero #3.
  4. And here’s the kicker—since Holmes is Liza’s daughter, he’s Sage Octavus’s grandson (and thus the first cousin of Renee, Rishel & Mariel, and the Pegasus sisters) giving him the status of Carluon Hero #4.

Freakin’ family trees. It turns out Richard is the only of the “new 8 heroes” to have no established connection to Carluon, which may explain why he didn’t use the Bhaumastra against Guenchaos.

Oh, shoot... I didn't realize that thing about Holmes. You're completely right, he's got the holy blood- just as much as Runan, in fact.

I also love that Richard is the only one that's a common Joe. The man with all the dreams of grandeur is just some guy. Amazing. He claimed before he died that the Bhaumastra "wouldn't work on him", so that supports the theory that he doesn't have a drop of holy blood in him.

7 hours ago, Aethin said:

As punishment for your hubris, Berwick will now be delayed until the after release of FE19.

How dare you! Even forgetting... Who playtested for you! You... stupid translator!

7 hours ago, Aethin said:

P.S./Edit: I had a bit of a grin seeing the "Mayor Villains" section tierlist... maybe the Mayor of Ocus, slimy as he is, should be included as well. (Definitely not a typo from villanos mayores, no sir!)

It's really annoying, actually. Whenever I lower my guard, I start confusing major and mayor, precisely because one of mayor's meanings in spanish is major. I am certain I must've slipped more than a couple of unintended mayors along the way.

About villanos mayores, that's even more confusing, because it technically makes sense, but it's not an expression that is used in spanish. The correct way to say it would be villanos importantes, or villanos principales. Overall, I think we can safely say that Babel did a lot of damage. Then again, you'd be out of a job if it didn't happen, so...

6 hours ago, Goddess Serra said:

wow, when people say Fire Emblem mistreats its female characters, they sure aren't including TearRing Saga!

People say that? I find it treats them well enough. It jumps the gun sometimes, especially when it comes to fanservice, but the amount of strong females in there is actually quite impressive. They're also all my favourite females in the series, so there's that.

Anyway, I'm... not so sure if I'd agree with that statement. TRS has all of its low points to take into account (fatso in a green coat, anyone?). Still, the male-to-female ratio is way better than in the main series (I seem to remember it being somewhere around 50%?), many of the game's more relevant characters are women, and Sierra's existance is a whole positive all on its own. Sierra in general is a positive. I sure wish there was a woman in real life that wore all leather and could warp. Please give me a woman that wears all leather. I crave...

A-Ahem. Yeah. TRS good. FE7 bad. Yeah, controversial statements make great distractions.

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24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still, the male-to-female ratio is way better than in the main series (I seem to remember it being somewhere around 50%?)

Do you mean playable character rosters? Well then:


  • In Shadow Dragon's case, there are 59 playables. 14 of whom are female, or 23.7% of the roster.
  • Next, how about we apply this to FE4? We have 24 characters in the First Generation, and in the second, 24 original characters excluding subs (and excluding Finn). In the 1st Gen, we have 9 females, and 8 females in the 2nd. So 37.5% is female in the 1st and 33.33% in the 2nd.
  • Skipping New Mystery b/c lazy. Unless you really want me to crunch it.
  • FE5: 15/52 = 28.84% female.
  • FE6: 54 PCs without the trial map characters, of whom 19 are female, or 35.19%.
  • FE7: 13 females in a playable roster of 44 counting Ninian and Nils separately. 29.55% is female.
  • Let us see what the ratio would be for FE8, which with Creature Campaign has 43 playables. Of whom, 14 are female, 32.55% of the roster. Removing the CC characters, we have 33 playables, of whom 12 or 36.36% are female.
  • 9 & 10 together  74 including the Black Knight, and tossing in Largo from PoR just to get him out of the way. Of this, 25 are female, or 33.78%. 
  • For SoV, there are 34 characters, of whom 13 are female, or 38.23%
  • The ratio for Awakening is next. 49 characters between Spotpass and the main game excluding Einherjar. 23 of whom are female, well 24 with Robin or Morgan, one of whom will be female if the other isn't. So 46.94% of the playable roster is female here. Here, absolute equality is virtually the same as true equality, so it works here
  • What can be said of Awakening is true of Fates by virtue of modernity and modern baby making. I forget the exact percentage female, but it is really close to 50%.
  • I haven't done the basic math for 3H yet. I expect gender parity to have been maintained.


TearRing Saga: 26/62 = 41.93% female.

Berwick Saga: 13/35 = 37.14% female.


Until Awakening, females made up made up no more than a little over a third of any game's playable roster. Considering villains and important NPCs tend to be male, add those in the and the number of important women in any world shrinks a little.

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On 11/1/2019 at 1:57 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

The typo's not quite as great as The Roger the Paladin, though. That's a typo that's transcended being a mere mistake. It's now a part of the character.

Also a username.


12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So I've made it to part 3 of Echoes now. Also did half the RotD chapters (I intend to do the rest after recruiting Mathilda) and both Cypher Legends. Here are my thoughts, if anybody cares.

I'm digging it thus far! The map design is annoying me less than I expected it would. Of course, I haven't made it to the worse maps yet, but eh, we'll see. Anyway, I'm having fun with it. The scale of battles is a lot smaller than in other games of the series, but the game throws a lot more at the player, and I don't know, it somehow feels designed around that smaller scale. Besides, I enjoy the faster pace, makes it easier to pick up and play. Difficulty's fine too, not too much, not too little.

As for the units, I like most people. Even Clive, I feel he's a bit unappreciated. Had it not been for his fighting prowess, I probably couldn't have so easily recruited his direct upgrade, Randal. Speaking of, he's basically IntSys stealing Mintz, which is fine. Valbar and Leon are both pretty kickass characters, too. Luthier's pose is ridiculous, so that makes him an instant fav as well.

Last time I went through the game, my Clive actually got speed blessed enough that I took him into the end game. Which was amazing. Despite your grievances, I had a lot of use for Silque (as long as I kept her out of enemy range) thanks to warp and Python may have been an inferior archer... but he still was an Echoes archer. The bow knights in this game have pretty good range. Just keep him on an iron bow (forged if possible), and use curve shot for extra accuracy when needed.... and he can contribute. No comments on Randal because I never bought the Cipher Legends DLC, though I love the Rise of the Deliverance stuff. Reminds me of the DLC missions from New Mystery. Also the fact it unlocks new weapons/shields and supports as a bonus (mission 3 has a rather handy one from memory).

I thought I wasn't going to comment here anymore, but I guess I break my own rules.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Funnily enough, I just beat The End a week ago. It was much, much easier than I expected it to be. I just zigzagged around, traced back where the shots where coming from (and/or used the map, since it helpfully pointed out sniper positions), threw smoke grenades when closing in, rapid fired the tranquilizer pistol when I saw him, raced after The End when he ran away to another location, firing along the way. Rise, rinse, repeat until he was Ended. Since he uses tranquilizer rounds, it just required a quick stop to the cure menu to remove the tranquilizer and a fast meal to recover the lost stamina, so it was an easy battle of attrition.

Still, the fight had its funny moments. I accidentally ate a spatsa when grabbing things to eat, causing Snake to fall asleep (thankfully, this didn't end the battle). I instinctively blew up the armory, before thinking "Wait, there aren't any enemies in the area nearby. Was that armory meant to help me?" The End and I also threw stun grenades at each other at the same time, leading to him just standing there stunned and me firing blindly hoping I'd hit him. The End used the lens flare on his sniper rifle to blind me, which I thought was a cool trick since I didn't know he could do that, but it also pinpointed his location, which made him easy pickings.

Honestly, it reminded me of the first time I played Star Fox 64 3D. Thanks to the boss on Macbeth, I lost all my wingmen, so I had to do the Bolse level all on my own. I was wondering why the Star Wolf crew hadn't appeared yet in this playthrough, and lo and behold, this is where they showed up. On edge, I had heard that they were a tough boss fight from several sources, and prepared myself for an intense battle... and I kicked their collected asses to Corneria and back! Seriously, though I had so much fun with all four members attacking me at once and being the one to take them all down that I wish there was a challenge mode to fight them that way normally.

Oh, and I'm taking an Advanced PLC class now. It's a continuation of the one I took over the summer, and just like last time it's a night class. I think wires are dangerous, because the day after we hooked up the PLC's, my knuckles and a few fingers had several cuts all over them. Two/Three weeks later and they're still healing.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

It's got me tempted to throw a "Hanneman appreciation thread" in the middle of all the drawings of the lords and Bernadetta in the subreddit, honestly.

I'd say go for it.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, that looks like fun! I'll steal from Hawkwing as well!

Kbfosulg o

I've found that while Raiden may be a (surprisingly) good representation of a videogamer/the player, he's not the most relatable character.

That is, until you have a really bad day.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I see, I see.

It really does feel like I could write a paragraph about just about every aspect of the game (and I eventually will, once I get around to creating that first impressions/review topic. I have my thoughts collected, I just need to actually write them down.). I've mentioned it before, but it is not difficult at all to see why there's still discussion going on about Fates even several years later.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, yeah, Shadow Dragon is not quite like other games in the series. Your movement options are much more limited, for one. You can move, and take an action. Period.

Funnily enough, I just beat the game a little over a week ago. Overall, I really enjoyed it! Not the most exciting Fire Emblem game, admittedly, but after Fates intense difficulty, I welcome the change in pace. I love how well this game handles ironmanning. I played largely blind (really only looked up item locations and who recruited whom, and even then that was only because of paranoia. I found the game generally does a good job at informing the player of such things), and I lost several hard hitters along the way, yet I always felt like I had the resources to press on. Even thought I prefer the 3DS game's handling of reclassing at the end of the day due to its greater depth, it was still cool to see the origins of the mechanic, and trying out different combinations adds to the replayability. And while the story is extremely basic and the characters barely have any, I adore the writing itself. It's eloquent without being pretentious, and the little characterization we do get is enjoyable and non-generic. Oh, and the music is amazing. I don't know whose idea it was to add electric guitars to the boss music, but they deserve a promotion.

Really, about my only complaints are that the units tend to be more fragile than I'd like, the weapon triangle feels like a haphazard inclusion, and the strategy for beating most of the early bosses tends to boil down to "have Merric Excalibur them". The game also has a few questionable moments, such as chapter 13 relying a bit more on the RNG than it should and Gharnef requiring a strong mage to defeat. They aren't bullcrap, since there are several ways to work around them, but I can't quite call it good game design, either. The requirements for unlocking gaiden chapters (except for 24X. That one is actually reasonable) are also ludicrous, to the point I don't think the extra experience, items, and character is going to help a struggling player all that much if they unlocked it naturally. Still, I like the idea behind the mechanic, I just think it needs some major adjustments. My only criticism from a writing perspective is that the death lines and epilogues are some of the lamest in the series, although to be fair that was true for the original games as well.

Again, I really enjoyed the game! I can see why it has a mixed reputation, since it sacrificed the series famous character development for an excellent implementation of its famous permadeath. I knew this going in, and thought that Shadow Dragon is good for what it is. It also solidified my thoughts after Conquest that I really can't rank the games in this series. Every time I try, I feel like I'm ignoring an aspect another game did right or better.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh my God the list format is going to make it hell to reply to.

Sorry about that.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, you see him, he looks dumb, and then he goes and murders Katri. That's when you know he means business.

My initial thoughts/reaction to the event in a nutshell.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

It'd be a very Holmes thing to do, indeed. That gets me thinking, actually: where even are the bathrooms in this cave system? They ought to have some, this is their base. Just because they're cultists doesn't mean they can pee anywhere.

M8wsklkm oSince we've had several recent complaints about employees getting lost on the way to the restroom, we are now posting instructions in every section of the workforce. To make sure everyone knows where they are, we will also provide them verbally. Now, if you work in the statistics offices, head west, turn right...

M8wsklkm o...If you work in the reconnaissance corner of the base, turn left, left, right, left, skip the next three caves entrances, and go right. It should be on the right...

M8wsklkm o...If you work in human resources, go right, right, left, left, straight, past the statue of our Dark Lord (I'm told it will be finished in about a month or two. Remember to grab the free ear plugs if you are sensitive to noise), left again, the restroom should be on either side...

M8wsklkm o...As for janitorial, just clean up after yourself...

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

What were you thinking?

Katri was an unavoidable death and you could save the rest with the keys.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

In motion, it's more like lifting the unit into the air and smashing them against the ground.

So is the caster performing an extremely powerful ground pound then, or are they using the force to lift the enemy army into the air before letting go?

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Pfffff... what?

Know the phrase "there's always a bigger fish"? Sometimes it's a good idea to summon it.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Richard's sprite is actually seen elsewhere: it's the same sprite as Raphael's, only recolored, obviously. The problem is that I have barely used Raphael.

I had to look up Raphael (there's both a Three Houses character with the same name, and he's also called Loffaru. No seriously), and I actually remember him! He's Murder princess's dad and had that amazing dodge animation that I think someone actually made a video about it. And he still needs to work on growing his beard.

How long has it been since we last saw Raphael?

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I had no idea how to make a death portrait of that, in all fairness.

I would say to have blood come out of his ears ever since you said the spell went into his mind, except his portrait doesn't have any. Any other ideas kinda fall into the "needlessly gory" side (like his eyeballs popping out and blood coming out of every hole in his face).

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's... not good, is it. The final boss theme starts playing here. I suggest you keep it handy.

Nice final boss music. Shame it only lasts a minute.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Xbtzcwef o

As for the Black Rain, it's a very simple attack. Let the battle drag on to turn 20, and he kills everything. I'd never seen it before, but I took care to record it for the LP, and... well, I won't spoil it, but suffice to say, it's absolutely horrifying.

I actually have seen the Black Rain attack out of curiosity after watching the video of the final map like you suggested in the previous update.

The description ain't joking.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Gjr0rjft o

Alfred, too, has joined us. Alfred is basically the game's way of ensuring you don't soft-lock yourself. He has Warp, which is all sorts of amazing, and is packing a door key. Even if you lost all your Thieves, keep in mind that Holmes can open doors, just not from the inside in this map. You can have Alfred warp up to Holmes and open his door, so that he may free the rest. Still, that leaves little time to move his and Sennet's arses to Gerxel. And you need all four of them to fight Gerxel. It's very important.

So just like Batman's Butler, the Middle-Earth Elf saves the heroes at the last second so that they can save the day?

On a serious note, though, I actually do like this design choice. The player isn't put into an unwinnable situation, but they damn sure better move to make up for that lost time.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ndfsdafu o6s5qmscc o

Boy, now wouldn't it have been such fun to have had an entire route dedicated to this force of nature? And Silva?

Well, that's one way to sell to sell a non-existent expansion pack/DLC. "See how epic this character is on the final level? What to play an entire game with that power?"

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


I am very curious to see how this ends.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Dzlzzviv o6gmscs5m o

That's an amazing-looking background. Also, no-risk Witch killing. That always makes my day better.

Now all we need is for one of the heroes to turn to the dark side so that Revenge of the Sith can be recreated.

...Is it a bad thing that I'm debating between whether Holmes or Runan would be the better fit for doing so?

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Esp720hf oVblgzrtl o

Oh, please... If Carla survives this whole ordeal, it's going to be so stupid...

Kinda like how it's possible for Jedah to survive the events of Gaiden/Echoes. Except he's actually in the way, so the player has to deliberately avoid killing him.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rx79mwxc oWho's the most powerful-looking... ah! You!

Ri5bp6h0 o...

Rx79mwxc oI beseech you, I beg you! Please, kill me! Don't let her... don't let that monster get to me!

Snsiwpph o

Rx79mwxc oAttack! D-Damn you, why won't you attack!? She's so close... she's so close...! Noaaaarrrrrrrrrghh!

Wrong game, bud. You'll have to wait 16 years before bows can attack at 1 range naturally again.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Euu950bw o

The unit quickly strikes twice as if they were doubling, and finishes with a critical hit. It's quite the show. This works for anybody who's wielding a melee weapon. We've just had no luck up until now.

That is an awesome combo move and it's both fitting and a shame that we only saw it at the end.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Lvmcckxa oEqejdgya o0kp9g54v o

Gerxel is dumb and has squashed one of his own balls while trying to get to Tia.

Is Maerchen on this level? I'd think he'd have a few issues with that phrase...

I apologize for that.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ci69cf1x oF8t78bt5 o

Let's not question the logic behind Sasha summoning Wally while deep underground.

I mean, there's enough space for a giant evil dragon god to fit with room to spare. A wyvern having trouble flying in a cave that large shouldn't be an issue.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Opeu0fcl oSo it's true. This is me. All I wanted was to end this miserable conflict, and bring peace to the world... and find my father, I also wanted to find him... he must be so disgusted... by what I've become... everyone must be... I am... o-oh... sniff... I-I just...

Rx79mwxc oW-Well... I-I-If I may, I... maybe there's still... time? Time to redeem yourself, yes! Y-You've done so much... I'm sure your accomplices-- y-your friends! Would never have made it so far without your efforts... y-you just need to realize, this isn't something you can e-enjoy...! So long as you... repent? Regret! Regret your feelings, and resolve to... to never kill again after the war is over! Then surely... surely...! Please don't kill me...!

*Imagine I'm quoting the whole thing, because I want to save on space.*

I... was not expecting this subplot to take this route. In a good way. Kudos for catching me off guard.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Gkl9qrid o

While we wait for those slowpokes, here's Gerxel. This is my best unit against Gerxel. Stupid boss fights that can only be fought by protagonists...

Dang, one or two hits and it wrecks everythi-

70 DEFENSE?!?!?!

...well, that's one way to make sure you can't cheese the final boss.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Laofotcs o

Eugen knew he had a rare sentence on his hand, and captialized on it.


Yeah, several weeks have passed, and I'm not even through the second to last update. Well, as I mentioned at the start, classes started up again, which ate up my time in the evenings, and I didn't always feel like writing when I came home from work. Really, though, having to copy-paste everything I wrote previously was probably the biggest reason this took a while. Refinding every quote when I might not even post the reply that day added up, and honestly hurt my interest in continuing on to the end, especially with SF acting up the past few times. With this out of the way, the next time I return to finish what I wrote, it should be able to just blast through it, without having to worry about reinserting what I wrote previously.

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12 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Yeah, several weeks have passed, and I'm not even through the second to last update. Well, as I mentioned at the start, classes started up again, which ate up my time in the evenings, and I didn't always feel like writing when I came home from work. Really, though, having to copy-paste everything I wrote previously was probably the biggest reason this took a while. Refinding every quote when I might not even post the reply that day added up, and honestly hurt my interest in continuing on to the end, especially with SF acting up the past few times. With this out of the way, the next time I return to finish what I wrote, it should be able to just blast through it, without having to worry about reinserting what I wrote previously.

Hey, it's okay. I've said it several times before, but you really don't owe me anything. The LP was meant to entertain, I don't want you losing your head over the last ever reply. Besides if you lose your head you'll miss out on Berwick and that just won't do

13 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

easy pickings.

Jlme62p5 o

Allow me to use this chance to say that my Luthier is godly. He's better than Kliff and his sister who's level 10 right now. I mean, when I heard that he was one of Echoes's few units that could be described as "bad", I knew it was my duty to make something out of him.

All I can say is, "EASY PICKINGS" has to be my second favourite first move quote, after Genny's adorable rollin' line. The very subtle stutter at the beginning of the line really drives home the point that, for all his bragging, easy pickings man has no idea what he's doing.

By the way, speaking of bad units, Clive is good. I really don't see where all the hate comes from. Sure, Randal is straight up better, but he beats Mathilda in a few areas, and he's overall pretty useful. Valbar has some trouble against mages, but he's still useful enough with his truckload of strength, and his low movement really isn't that much of an issue when nobody moves faster than two squares by act 4. Lukas and Forsyth with the javelin and the ridersbane make for an awesome duo, they're second only to Randal for Alm's team. Oh, and Python's... redeemed himself in my eyes, somewhat. He and Tobin are ten times worse than Leon, but they're all right enough. Python can also invalidate people's movement with his bow's art, so there's that.

Silque's the one that's gotten the short end of the stick. She stumbled along being useless until I tried fighting Marla (right before Nuibaba's abode) alongside a random witch skirmish. Let's just say, sacrifices had to be made that day.

13 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Again, I really enjoyed the game! I can see why it has a mixed reputation, since it sacrificed the series famous character development for an excellent implementation of its famous permadeath. I knew this going in, and thought that Shadow Dragon is good for what it is. It also solidified my thoughts after Conquest that I really can't rank the games in this series. Every time I try, I feel like I'm ignoring an aspect another game did right or better.

That's the beauty of FE for me. With their flaws and all, every game is distinct enough that you cannot say any one game is just plain "better" than the rest. They're all their own experience.

That's the main reason I've come to rather dislike FE7 despite starting with it. It's possibly the most basic FE out there. It really doesn't have much of anything special to its name, if you think about it. I welcome anybody to try and change my mind, though. After all, it's been, what... five years since I last played it? Something like that?

13 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

M8wsklkm oSince we've had several recent complaints about employees getting lost on the way to the restroom, we are now posting instructions in every section of the workforce. To make sure everyone knows where they are, we will also provide them verbally. Now, if you work in the statistics offices, head west, turn right...

M8wsklkm o...If you work in the reconnaissance corner of the base, turn left, left, right, left, skip the next three caves entrances, and go right. It should be on the right...

M8wsklkm o...If you work in human resources, go right, right, left, left, straight, past the statue of our Dark Lord (I'm told it will be finished in about a month or two. Remember to grab the free ear plugs if you are sensitive to noise), left again, the restroom should be on either side...

M8wsklkm o...As for janitorial, just clean up after yourself...

The funniest thing is that I cannot tell if that's just one guy or all four of them that used that portrait.

13 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

So is the caster performing an extremely powerful ground pound then, or are they using the force to lift the enemy army into the air before letting go?

The latter.

13 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Now all we need is for one of the heroes to turn to the dark side so that Revenge of the Sith can be recreated.

...Is it a bad thing that I'm debating between whether Holmes or Runan would be the better fit for doing so?

Allow me to dust off an old image I made long ago. It's perfect for this.

Vlgxcjp6 o
13 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

That is an awesome combo move and it's both fitting and a shame that we only saw it at the end.

Actually, I was re-reading some part of the LP, and I found that we actually did see it once before. Kate pulled it off at the Tower of Morse. I didn't make a gif of it back then, though, so it's only fair we'd forget.

13 hours ago, Hawkwing said:
On 10/22/2019 at 4:36 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Laofotcs o

Eugen knew he had a rare sentence on his hand, and captialized on it.

I'm just quoting this because you gave me the chance to see Eugen's best line again and that always makes my day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dang, it's been over a year since this let's play started. I would have commented at or after November 25... but predictably life got in the way. There were also time where I just plain didn't feel like writing when I got home from work.

I also found this a few weeks ago:


For some reason, the first thing I thought of when I saw this joke was this Let's Play.

On 11/3/2019 at 4:25 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

...Can I just say that it's extremely sad that this game is way better than Three Houses when it comes to graphics? Like, seriously, it's so much better it's not even funny. The conversation backgrounds aren't bad JPEGs, the models don't have as many clipping issues - and their feet don't sink into the floor half the time, animations feel more natural and have way more charm to boot (I chuckled the first time I saw Lukas just rammin' a guy to death), the HUD is readable, the framerate never drops like it does in Three Houses AND they didn't have to cap it (Three Houses abuses particles way too much), the artstyle is just plain better, the character designs are far superior to "Hanneman and all the boring anime kids"... It has its wonky things (OH MAH MISTAKE... five hours later WAIT A SECOND!), but overall, it doesn't make my eyes bleed like Three Houses did sometimes. Just pointing out a fact. A... very long fact.

Hearing that Three Houses has worse clipping issues that Shadows of Valentia raises several alarm bells for me. One of the two legitimate criticisms I have towards Echoes graphically-speaking is how it seems to be an unspoken rule that if a cape, dress, or other fabric exists in Valentia, something must clip through it (the other complaint is that slowdown isn't uncommon in forest and especially swamp areas, although I tend to be more forgiving towards that). All the 3DS games have issues with clipping to some extent, but it's nearly impossible to ignore in Echoes when compared to Awakening (where it's easy to laugh off as reclassing shenanigans and can even be charming in its own way) and Fates (which has some glaring occurrences of it, but those aren't necessarily common).

Interestingly, the developers mentioned in an interview that they specifically made sure that characters would have proper footing on stairs, as they admitted that they cheesed that in previous titles. I can only hope that Three Houses is a case of the developers still getting used to the new engine and that the next Fire Emblem game on the Switch improves drastically in quality. The 3DS games had significant improvements in graphics and animation from game to game (especially noteworthy because very few things were reused between games), so I hope the Switch games do the same.

On 11/17/2019 at 1:18 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

By the way, speaking of bad units, Clive is good. I really don't see where all the hate comes from. Sure, Randal is straight up better, but he beats Mathilda in a few areas, and he's overall pretty useful. Valbar has some trouble against mages, but he's still useful enough with his truckload of strength, and his low movement really isn't that much of an issue when nobody moves faster than two squares by act 4. Lukas and Forsyth with the javelin and the ridersbane make for an awesome duo, they're second only to Randal for Alm's team. Oh, and Python's... redeemed himself in my eyes, somewhat. He and Tobin are ten times worse than Leon, but they're all right enough. Python can also invalidate people's movement with his bow's art, so there's that.

I believe that Clive is usually considered "bad" simply because he's average and because his resistance noticeably sucks more than usual. He's never been a top performer for me, but I still get a lot of mileage out of him, especially when Mathilda is being brought up to speed. It helps that Echoes allows you to field everyone, so he can still participate in battles and gain experience instead of warming the bench. It's one of my favorite things about the game, actually.

As for Luthier, I believe he's considered "bad" because he has a high skill growth and low attack growth in a game where magic doesn't use skill outside of critical hits and critical hits are common due to the enemy rarely having a luck stat. Delthea may have given me a definition of "magical nuke", but I still get a use out of Luthier, because magic in general hits like a truck in this game.

On 11/17/2019 at 1:18 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Silque's the one that's gotten the short end of the stick. She stumbled along being useless until I tried fighting Marla (right before Nuibaba's abode) alongside a random witch skirmish. Let's just say, sacrifices had to be made that day.

If you haven't noticed already, Echoes has an achievement system of sorts. One of them is beating the game without losing anyone on Hard.

Also, any thoughts on the turnwheel in this game?

On 11/17/2019 at 1:18 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's the beauty of FE for me. With their flaws and all, every game is distinct enough that you cannot say any one game is just plain "better" than the rest. They're all their own experience.

I couldn't agree more.

On 11/17/2019 at 1:18 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's the main reason I've come to rather dislike FE7 despite starting with it. It's possibly the most basic FE out there. It really doesn't have much of anything special to its name, if you think about it. I welcome anybody to try and change my mind, though. After all, it's been, what... five years since I last played it? Something like that?

I still want to play FE7, both for gameplay and writing reasons. I'm curious how the non-(3)DS games played, as well as they handled their characters.


After beating Shadow Dragon twice (and averting the events of Mystery of the Emblem and Gaiden. Twice) and starting a new playthrough on Hard 1, I felt in the mood to return to Shadows of Valentia to see what my thoughts on the game would be after playing Conquest and Marths adventure. I remembered how slow the first and second act can be on subsequent playthroughs, mostly because the story scenes mean it can take a while to go from battle to battle. It's also weird how fast-paced the battles can be strategy-wise since there are less things you need to be attentive to, especially after experiencing Conquest's "observe every enemy stat, skill, and weapon or die" mentality. That said, I'm also remembering why I love this game, with the character interactions and voice acting making the story enjoyable to go through even with its flaws, the battle animations being fluid, fast, and powerful, and the unique mechanics that give the game its identity.

Also, I never noticed how crows land on cemeteries and fly away later on maps that have them.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Cpz3qysn oYou're right... I'll kill that bastard myself!

Or Sennet could crush the bastard. I'm curious if this line is a reference to the original gaiden, since this game has a number of them.

Also, He_is_the_senate indeed.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Qfxp1ur3 o

I was with Dayni originally that I thought they mistook his corpse for the other guy.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
8zfvrzm2 o

This is the game's finale, folks. Bunch of empty levels, god-tier drop right when it's useless, and nobody dodges anything.

I would be surprised if it played out any other way.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Pnjod8g8 oQd3k6owa o

Good night, man. You were good, son, real good. Maybe even the best. Meet your best friend in the afterlife.

Rest in peace. Deaths near the end of the game always hurt the most.

Also, since it's been over a month since this update posted, my first thought when seeing this again was "Tanks for the memories, Tom."

Also Also, I feel like I am going to be completely lost with the next update wrapping everything up with the plot. Woo boy...

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
R52r0dmn o

Hlcfgyha oI see my reputation precedes me. And what would a cute little boy like yourself want with me?

Gmhhyxnn oAll I want, witch, is to send you to hell with my own hands.

Hlcfgyha oDo your worst, boy. My job's done here, anyway. It's too late to stop the second coming of our lord Gerxel now.

Short but sweet.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
D4fkor4c o

Oh, and of course, Gerxel has Renewal. And unlike Veld, he can't go down in a single blow, so he can actually use it. Maybe. Gerxel honestly isn't a very hard boss. He beats Idun, Veld, the generic dragon from FE7 and Fomortiis, but that really isn't saying much.

...beating a quarter of the series's final bosses "isn't saying much". That says a lot about the quality of our beloved franchise's final contests, doesn't it?

You forgot Grima, who can be ended on the first turn on Normal difficult if you have a dancer (and if you have a unit with galeforce, on Hard as well. Don't know about Lunatic, although I wouldn't be surprised if some madman accomplished it). To give the guy credit where it is due, the final battle is visually exciting and has some awesome music.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


0fre87wt o

Now's when a lesser game would've just faded to black and kicked us out to the game over screen.

Actually, I'd think I'd be more surprised if a game didn't have a special animation for its world destroying spell/weapon.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ehrzzsxk o

Oh, but no, that isn't how Kaga rolls. Kaga wants you to suffer for letting this happen.

Still, Kaga does not disappoint.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Lnr5srrc o

Holy shit. I knew everyone would die, but I thought they'd just go out in a cutscene... to kill everybody in such a cruel manner, slowly, taking such horrifying delight in their demises... and the final gut punch with Tia... that was... that was...

...Amazing! I loved that! So heartless, so brutal, so merciless! That's a bad ending with a capital B! Leave it to Kaga to have the balls to pull something like this. Hats off. That man is the best when it comes to making the player suffer in every imaginable way.

Ah, yes. I remember seeing this sequence originally now. It doesn't mess around and is a major gut punch, with my only criticism being how slowly it played out.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ta2xvp8a o

Y'know, Holmes pose takes on a different meaning in the context that he's contemplating what Eugen told him earlier.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Actually, you didn't do anything, Tia. Maybe that's why we failed... Dammit, Holmes! Did you really have to overdo it like that!? You killed the world!

You're taking every chance you can to make Holmes your punching bag before the gameplay part of the game is over, aren't you?

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Qo3fi7vv o

That said, it still looks weird seeing the words "I agree with Holmes" uttered in a non-sarcastic context.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Oqrstdel o

....Oh my God, Kaga did pair up first.

Not only did Kaga do pair up first, he did four way pair up first.

Also, I like how while everyone else is in an action pose, Holmes looks like he's just chillin', bored with the final map, or wondering what counter he should say to Eugen later on.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oqrstdel o

Gerxel tries this twice. The swords defend the heroes both times. I would like to reiterate my suggestion that, once you're done with the update, you find a video of the final chapter and watch this in motion. It's absolutely amazing. I tried my best to do it justice, with gifs and all, but... yeah, this deserves to be seen in all its glory. I can tell you, I had trouble finding my jaw the first time I witnessed this game's finale. This scripted battle is absolutely incredible. I present it to you: Gerxel's demise!

I second seeing a video of this. I had no idea what was being said  during the story sequences, but this whole things is awesome in motion.

On 10/22/2019 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Igxeuaq0 o
4hguidr8 o
O1mzf0bn o
Ehhevgwt o

I don't care how fugly the UI is, this game is fuckin' beautiful.

Doesn't matter if most of the final map is scripted, Tear Ring Saga knows how to end the final battle on a high note.


Well, that took less time that I was expecting to write and I still posted it late because of life shenanigans. I'm probably just going to do the list format for the next update, because I have the feeling I would be at the computer the whole week if I quoted everything I wanted to say, and SF would probably delete it all at the last minute anyway.

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Well, I've got to hand it to you, man. I admire your dedication. The LP's been over for ages, and yet here you are, still determined to see things through. Just barely avoiding the necroposting time limit, to boot!

Fine, then. Let's have it. It may just be the two of us left in this decommissioned ship, but I shall stand behind the helm till you step out also!

7 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Interestingly, the developers mentioned in an interview that they specifically made sure that characters would have proper footing on stairs, as they admitted that they cheesed that in previous titles. I can only hope that Three Houses is a case of the developers still getting used to the new engine and that the next Fire Emblem game on the Switch improves drastically in quality. The 3DS games had significant improvements in graphics and animation from game to game (especially noteworthy because very few things were reused between games), so I hope the Switch games do the same.

They promised that? It was a craptastic failure, then. The tight deadlines strike again!

7 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

If you haven't noticed already, Echoes has an achievement system of sorts. One of them is beating the game without losing anyone on Hard.

If I finish the game at all, it's already going to be a miracle. Nuibaba's abode has singlehandedly killed all enjoyment I got out of it. I was only able to finish the map by killing the cantor, retreating, killing Nuibaba, retreating again, and then dealing with the remaining enemies. Took me like 5 or 6 days to do all that (admittedly, I never lasted too long before dropping the game in frustration).

...I revived Silque at the fountain (alongside Clair and Faye, the other sacrifices of Marla's skirmish), but realized that the only way I'd get any use out of her was if I promoted her immediately. Thus, I kept the last mage low on health using Alm's subdue and grinded her up to level 12 at the abode.

In my impatience, I screwed up and Alm died. When she was at level 11 with 99 experience.

I don't think I've ever gotten such morbid pleasure out of purposely murdering one of my units. That weak bitch can go be useless in hell. Heck if I care, too. Tatiana will do her job 10 times better than her if I ever continue.

7 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Also, any thoughts on the turnwheel in this game?

It's as cheap as ever, but when the game's design began to plummet, it's what got me through. Through to Nuibaba's Abode, so it could kill the game for me anyway...

I... don't think I'll ever replay this game. I can only hope FE4 turns out better when I get around to playing it. The last three FE games that I've tried out have consistently been contenders for the last spot on my ranking.

7 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

I still want to play FE7, both for gameplay and writing reasons. I'm curious how the non-(3)DS games played, as well as they handled their characters.

Go ahead, don't let me stop you. People tend to love FE7, so don't let my own unpopular opinion dissuade you.

7 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

I'm curious if this line is a reference to the original gaiden, since this game has a number of them.

I doubt it. There are only so many ways to say "I'm gonna kill him". And the original line was "Don't worry, Celica. I'll crush these bastards". Quite different, no?

7 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Rest in peace. Deaths near the end of the game always hurt the most.

Also, since it's been over a month since this update posted, my first thought when seeing this again was "Tanks for the memories, Tom."

Also Also, I feel like I am going to be completely lost with the next update wrapping everything up with the plot. Woo boy...

You were already lost when we were actively moving forward. It's going to be a fun read, isn't it...

7 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

You forgot Grima, who can be ended on the first turn on Normal difficult if you have a dancer (and if you have a unit with galeforce, on Hard as well. Don't know about Lunatic, although I wouldn't be surprised if some madman accomplished it). To give the guy credit where it is due, the final battle is visually exciting and has some awesome music.

Oh yeah, I'm willing to forgive Gerxel for being easy when the battle's so nice on the eyes. Unlike, well, half of FE's final battles.

7 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Y'know, Holmes pose takes on a different meaning in the context that he's contemplating what Eugen told him earlier.

Anyone would be depressed if they became the target of Eugen's wrath, in all fairness.

7 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Doesn't matter if most of the final map is scripted, Tear Ring Saga knows how to end the final battle on a high note.

This still hasn't been said enough.

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I... don't think I'll ever replay this game. I can only hope FE4 turns out better when I get around to playing it.

Trust me, it won't. Fe4 is suuuuper tedious, and it has something even worse than a turnwheel, in game save scumming at the start of every turn, meaning you can undo literally any screwup with an infinite number of uses. The story is great for 5 chapters (even if it is a bit minimalistic) then it dumps, and one tenth of the entire game is desert level. It has what I would consider the worst replay value of every game in the series, as unless you do a deliberate challenge run, the first half is going to be the same every time you start over, and the second half is going to be mostly the same, because there's never a deployment limit so you don't get to make fun strategies. If you like mindless every enemy is going to die to one unit you'll love this. 

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