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What kind of legal drug do you indulge in?


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What kind of legal drugs do you indulge in? This could be anything from coffee to weed to cat fur.

I love sniffing my cat. Snorting her belly fur gives me a nice tingly ASMR high. I also like to watch to ASMR videos on YouTube, especially the ones that have mouth sounds or hand movements. I also get ASMR high when my friends massage me. As far as I have experienced, ASMR is the only high that I can completely enjoy without worrying about the hangovers or feeling like shit. ASMR highs can feel pretty intense, but it will never feel bad, unlike physical substances. The trade off is that you may develop immunity to ASMR very quickly so you may need to find new triggers. Basically, while over indulging in it will never make you feel like shit, but according to some people, it is possible to become so desensitized that the trigger will never give you a high anymore.

As for alcohol, it depends on the alcohol and amount. I like pale ales and whiskey in moderation to get a slight buzz. The bad thing is that it is possible to overindulge and get drunk if you are not careful. Getting drunk feels like shit, and the hangover is even worse.

I smoke hookah sometimes, but the high does not feel as good as ASMR or weed and it sometimes make me feel dizzy or give me a migraine.

I am lumping coffee and energy drinks together as they have caffeine. I am not a huge fan caffeine since it does not really make me more awake and it sometimes makes me feel like shit.

Recreational weed is sort of in the grey area. It is legal in California but illegal in the United States, so depending on which type of law enforcement catches you, you are either completely fine or completely screwed. Weed high feels pretty good, although you do need to take it in the right amount; going overboard can make you feel like shit too.

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Just kidding. I don't smoke. (It's legal where I live)

Okay, but I love sniffing my cat. I also like ASMR videos, but I don't get any kind of high from it. I just watch it because I think it's funny. Try ASMR Suna. 

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2 hours ago, Purple Mage said:

I've sniffed nail polish back when I was a kid. It smells good.

I remember sniffing chemical stuff like Sharpies when I was a kid. Destroying brain cell has never felt so exciting.

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3 hours ago, Aera said:

Okay, but I love sniffing my cat.

My favorite place to sniff is my cat's belly. Her fur is so soft there. I wish my cat is like the size of a lion or tiger so her tummy can fully envelope my face. Taking deep breaths in fur feels calming, and after a feel huffs, it starts to feel tingly a bit and I get an ASMR high.

3 hours ago, Aera said:

I also like ASMR videos, but I don't get any kind of high from it.

Not everyone gets the feeling I think. The best way I can describe it is having an orgasm in your brain. If you have ever used a scalp massager or have someone gently whisper in your ear, ASMR feels something like that.

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I mean, Alcohol. I'm a bit of a picky drinker and most of the big brand beers don't appeal to me at all, but I do like some.

Other than that medicine counts as drugs right?

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Alcohol: Whiskey or whisky, I like most of them, except the sweet flavoured ones (apple, honey...), because I get a headache from sweet drinks (even from normal chocolate sometimes), and the brands that sell whiskey mixed with coke in cans. Just don't do that. I also like beer, mostly the bitter ones, like Orval. But I do like Pale Ales as well. And Gin-Tonic. Tonic is my favourite soft drink, and it tastes good with gin as well. Though I rarely ever drink actually. And I never get to the point when I will have a terrible hangover. I had it a few times as a freshman, and I remember how bad it was.

Caffeine: 2 cups of coffee every day. No more, no less. Black, no sugar, no milk. I like a variety of tastes here, even the less bitter ones, as they are never sweet enough to make my head hurt. I sometimes drink black or green tea as well, mostly when I'm still tired but had both of my coffees already. Or when I run out of coffee beans. I don't like the taste of energy-drinks.

Spearmint chewing gum: I used to chew gums regularly, but then I got braces, so I wasn't allowed to. Since the day they took it down I chew even more often than before.

That's all I guess, all kinds of drugs/weed/whatever are banned where I live, and because of my allergy I don't smoke (one sip and I'm coughing myself to tears). Also, it just smells bad, and why would I pay so much to ruin my lungs?

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7 hours ago, XRay said:

I remember sniffing chemical stuff like Sharpies when I was a kid. Destroying brain cell has never felt so exciting.

Sharpies. Just, Sharpies.

Also I have a soda pop addiction.

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Dank memes, tea, listening to SoV's OST/Masa songs is pretty much ASMR to me.

In all actuality (not really an indulgence but I do take it frequently), a very high dosage of adderall, because without it, I'm basically Snoop Dogg on 4/20.

Actually, I'm like that even with my meds.

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7 hours ago, Dayni said:

Other than that medicine counts as drugs right?

Yeah, although I have not experienced getting high off of them though.

Which do you recommend to get high off of?

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

Yeah, although I have not experienced getting high off of them though.

Which do you recommend to get high off of?

I'm sorry, but the most powerful stuff I'd have taken is stuff for a tough cold. High I was not. Unless you count laughing gas or anastesia, but that was for surgery. Not exactly personal consumption.

Maybe I didn't connotate indulge with getting high. :P

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Coffee is a must everyday for me. I start to get headaches and shit if I don't drink it. But also I really love drinking coffee, specially if I am with friends. It is great to sit, talk and have a cup of coffee.

Weed, even before it was legal. I prefer getting high with friends, but I do often vape/or ingest it when I am alone. The high used to be really entertaining, but now I feel like I need to get really really high to get the previous effects most of the time, so I tend to have breaks between my regular uses. 

Alcohol consumption is mainly from beer. I don't like getting too drunk too often cause I fear the next morning. I used to be able to finish a bottle of rum with one of my friends and at most I'd get a headache. Now, a bit of whisky and my stomach is in angry protest the next morning. Still beer can be really nice for a buzz and sometimes getting fucked up drunk is worth the next morning.

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On ‎12‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 1:08 PM, Zangetsu said:

Weed is incredibly over rated & cause me more anxiety than actually relaxes me whenever I try it

Nope. You either have had bad weed or have had some sort of stigma the first time you used it.

I still smoke pot occasionally (once per three months or so), and have the tipple on weekends. I don't really drink alcohol on weekdays. I've sworn off nicotine for ten years running.

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1 hour ago, Shoblongoo said:

When you smoke the herb it reveals you to yourself

No truer words have been spoken.

The same is true with the other hallucinogens (LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, etc); at least I've found among a close circle of friends and with myself over the course of our forays into these substances.

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5 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

Image result for you sit on a throne of lies


5 hours ago, Karimlan said:

Nope. You either have had bad weed or have had some sort of stigma the first time you used it.

I still smoke pot occasionally (once per three months or so), and have the tipple on weekends. I don't really drink alcohol on weekdays. I've sworn off nicotine for ten years running.

I smoked more than just once & I just can't handle coughing. & I already did the whole eat it by baking it & it still doesn't work. The fact matter is unlike my friends who more or less does it on regular basis weeds causes me anxiety. I rather get drunk than getting high.

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