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Tempest Trial+: An Alliance of Princesses [DATAMINE]

Diovani Bressan

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Looking forward to Atk/Spd Bond, that will go on Sharena during her Arena weeks, but otherwise on Winter Fae to complete the buffs with her Def/Res Bond.  Fjorm is max SP so I'll only use her till I get Laejarn.  Team will be Nowi, Laejarn, Sharena, Eir for the autobattles.  Healer TT is going to be a cakewalk for Nowi to solo compared to fighting Fae last time, Mystic Boost will render her helpless.  Laejarn's Chill Res is good fodder, but I'll just keep her book in case there's ever a lance Nowi to inherit her weapon.


Edited by Nowi's Husband
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3 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

no silly ;) i know that. i mean why would that mean Fjorm wouldn't be the freebee.


NY Laegjarn is the only unit with 4 skills, and none of them are that surprising. She will probably have Def Tactic at 4-stars.


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6 minutes ago, daisy jane said:
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i'm slow and it's late. what does Pivot have to do with it?
(also.. i totally ignored Laejarn. what she she?)



Pivot lets a unit move to the opposite side of an adjacent ally. It’s on regular Marth, regular Eirika and Cherche.

It’s also really not that useful for most units, except maybe on Armors since they can’t move all that much.

Also Laegjarn has no Special, and she doesn’t have a Link Skill to justify not giving her a Special like Halloween Niles did.

And Laegjarn is a Lance Cavalier, for whom Pivot is really not that great because they have the largest movement range of any movement type and thus can just walk to whatever space she’d be Pivoting to unless she’s Pivoting around a Flying ally to get around a forest or something. She looks pretty good stat-wise too, like her regular self except on a horse, but her odd base skillset (in the below spoiler)


Chill DEF 3 Lance (which looks kinda neat)



DEF Tactic 3

makes her look like a freebie to me.


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3 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:
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Pivot lets a unit move to the opposite side of an adjacent ally. It’s on regular Marth, regular Eirika and Cherche.

It’s also really not that useful for most units, except maybe on Armors since they can’t move all that much.

Also Laegjarn has no Special, and she doesn’t have a Link Skill to justify not giving her a Special like Halloween Niles did.

And Laegjarn is a Lance Cavalier, for whom Pivot is really not that great because they have the largest movement range of any movement type and thus can just walk to whatever space she’d be Pivoting to unless she’s Pivoting around a Flying ally to get around a forest or something. She looks pretty good stat-wise too, like her regular self except on a horse, but her odd base skillset (in the below spoiler)

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Chill DEF 3 Lance (which looks kinda neat)



DEF Tactic 3

makes her look like a freebie to me.



5 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:
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NY Laegjarn is the only unit with 4 skills, and none of them are that surprising. She will probably have Def Tactic at 4-stars.



aww booooo :(
(sigh). thanks guys.

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8 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

@ILikeKirbys I believe the Chill Res on NY Laegjarn is to help her sister, so NY Laevatein can target the foe effected by the -7 Res, while Laegjarn herself target the foe effected by the -7 Def.

Aw, that’s actually rather sweet. Makes sense too.

She’s gonna end up supporting Double Reinhardt with that Chill combination though.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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Well, I guess I was right on Three princesses after all.


So Laegjarm seems alright as the free unit. As for the other bonus units it's nice that we won't have to pull, though Fjorm is tempting.

As for the Seals, of course Atk/Spd bond happens and of course I want it, Threaten Res is irrelevant and Spur Def/Res will be nice actually, I can give someone +6 Def/Res to their allies now.

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Everyone's talking about skills and meanwhile I'm sobbing about my orbs cause they all look gorgeous

I'm not a fan of any of these units in their OG form, except Laegjarn but I'm absolutely in love with all of them now. Free Leagjarn I'll def take if she's any good cause I have no Spear Cavalier trained up at all. Think I'll put her on the tactics team.

But ugh I want all the others too, especially Laevetein is just gorgeous though there's already so many cavalier healers and I like a lot of them ugh. And I really don't need more fliers too but hnnn that art. Damn you game.


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Atk/Spd Bond Seal? It's not even my birthday.. ;-;

Not only will all my Takus be baneless in the new update, I can get my Sakura up to 44 Spd! And she'll receive the bonus due to being +10. This is amazing! 

And more orbs for the beasts too.~ Life is good!


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Atk/Spd bond is the closest we'll ever get to swift sparrow being a budget skill

I like how Laegjarn powercreeps Fin. So hilarious

Edited by silveraura25
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Ahhhhh, I want Hrid and Laeg!

Sounds like Gunnthra and Hrid are gonna share a banner colour >.< What's the betting I end up with a tonne of her. No interest in her at all. At least Laeg seems like she'll be free.

Again, four females to one male. We've had two guys released in December. They couldn't even make the legendary hero male. Sign of things continuing into the new year. Would've murdered for a Bruno alt to go with the Veronica alt xD

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42 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Sounds like Gunnthra and Hrid are gonna share a banner colour >.< What's the betting I end up with a tonne of her. No interest in her at all.

I am the opposite. I really want Gunnthrá, and I don't have any interest in Hríd. Lucky us this is a 1 month banner.

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2 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

Atk/Spd bond is the closest we'll ever get to swift sparrow being a budget skill

I like how Laegjarn powercreeps Fin. So hilarious

imho swift sparrow is kinda outdated (its still good, but there are alot more skills that benefit most chars more) besides the SPD meta is kinda gone. Although they are trying to bring it back now

Edited by Hilda
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9 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I am the opposite. I really want Gunnthrá, and I don't have any interest in Hríd. Lucky us this is a 1 month banner.

Let's hope we both get the luck we wish for :)

The beasts are coming and I'd rather like some more orbs for them, but I'm not passing up on the only other male sword flier to enter the game since Ryoma -.-

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1 minute ago, Hilda said:

imho swift sparrow is kinda outdated (its still good, but there are alot more skills that benefit most chars more)

It is. If only IS could see that. Atk/Spd Bond is a better choice on mages than Swift Sparrow

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Just now, Thane said:
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Laevatein sure looks cute but is there even a point to rolling for her if you've got Veronica?


She is a good fodder, at least. Her Special, and B-Skill are quite useful, and if you don't plan to use the Pain+Savage Blow combo, her weapon can be useful too. She has no chance against Veronica, which despite being the 2nd place in the Female side of this year, I consider her the best unit from CYL 2.

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Wow first Cecilia and now Laegjarn as TT reward. Thank you IS, you know which units I want the most. xD I am really happy about Laegjarn being the free one. And she is blue. Which means I can team her up well with Rinkah and Aversa. Only one more character to go. I am a bit sad about letting go of the banner though. But I can life with it. 


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Oooh this is a good banner.

Thank Naga the best of them all seems to be free. But I would also like to get the others. Even Hrid wouldn't make me mad, since he doesn't look as boring and emotionless as his original version.


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