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Ultra Instinct Marth?


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Thanks to Legendary!Roy's trailer (finally~) we got to see what skills he has. Too bad for him, though, this won't be about him...but one of his inheritable skills: Bonus Doubler 3. Three guesses at what it does.
So I was talking to one of my friends about this, and he mentioned Legendary!Marth's Exalted Falchion...which has the exact effect. And neither one has a limiter. So I did some brainstorming, and came up with this build:

Preferred Asset/Flaw: +Spd/-HP
Weapon: Exalted Falchion
Assist: Ardent Sacrifice or Reciprocal Aid, depending on if he's merged or not
Special: Fire Emblem
A Passive: Bonus Doubler 3
B Passive: Desperation 3
C Passive: Any (Infantry Flash is probably the best idea, considering it's usefulness and the fact he comes with it)
Sacred Seal: Flashing Blade 3
Necessary Allies: Legendary!Azura with Prayer Wheel and Hone Atk 4 (or any Hone 4 skill once another comes out)

Legendary!Azura's Prayer Wheel copies and redistributes the largest field bonus on the Sing victim (being Marth here). So...give her Hone Atk 4, and that redistributes Marth's field bonuses being +7 Atk/Spd/Def/Res. After that, his Exalted Falchion and Bonus Doubler will, together, give Marth an additional +14 to those stats; with the +7 he's already getting thanks to Azura, that's +21 to each stat, for a total stat increase of 84, excusing if his allies have any Drive or Spur skills. With the Spd Asset (in addition to the flat Spd+3 from Exalted Falchion, and we're ignoring the Flaw because it's HP), his Atk/Spd/Def/Res — without any merges — becomes 71/63/56/45. And with 63 Spd, Fire Emblem's does 18 additional damage when it triggers, for an effective Atk of 89. If Fire Emblem is fully charged when you initiate battle, you can kill an unmerged full HP Black Knight in 1 hit with or without him having Steady Stance. And considering this build has both Desperation and Flashing Blade...unless your foe happens to have Wary Fighter or Hardy Bearing, they're gonna have a Bad Time. I haven't done the math, but I'm pretty sure that no dragon (unless it's Blue with TA and possibly Swordbreaker) can live any combat with him.

Now, I'm not sure if we're really allowed to post hero builds on here, but I thought that this build was too important of an idea to just put in the back page of a random discussion thread. So...I'd like to hear what you guys think about the build. Is this going to break the game, or will it be manageable?

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Not really game breaking, definitely very strong because the strongest A slot so far is 4/4/4/4 so this give Marth 3/3/3/3 over normal build

Coupled with no Distant Counter, and Steady Stance 4 being as overloaded as it is


The core issue isn't Legendary Marth but rather LAzura existing itself. Handling Doubler Marth isn't any harder than handling say Blade Tome + LAzura

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I'd actually give him any number of different B skills (like Null Follow-Up), Atk Smoke for C, Brazen Atk/Res for seal. The beauty of giving a unit absurd stat boosts is that you don't need things like Desperation since you're taking little to no damage anyway, and Fire Emblem is such a low charge that you'd get more from making him even hardier.

Incidentally, Marth will be a bonus unit in AR during the season after the next, and it's Fire season all through March

Edited by Johann
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50 minutes ago, Etheus said:

I'd be curious to see how Bonus Doubler would interact with Eirika's refined Sieglinde. Ultra instinct Eirika could be a riot.

It behaves exactly as it says in on the tin.

If Eirika has +6/6/6/6, Sieglinde [unique], and Bonus Doubler and has an ally with +6/6/0/0 in range, she'll receive +6/6/6/6 from Bonus Doubler and +6/6/0/0 from Sieglinde for a grand total of +18/18/12/12 including her visible buffs.

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38 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

This seems... completely ridiculous, like it very well might not actually stack in practice. This sounds like it could totally break the game and they may very well not have the falchion effect stack with this.

Combat bonuses have always stacked. We already have Litrblade.

And remember that running Bonus Doubler means you're passing up on other skills like Distant Counter and that the skill is rendered completely ineffective by Dull skills and the Panic status.


And with the pattern of recent skills, it's highly likely that the skill will be restricted to infantry.

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Let's consider a team with Legendary Marth, 2 Legendary Azuras and Kaden. Let's say both Azuras have Hone Atk 4, and Azura A dances to Marth and Azura B dances to Kaden. We will use Legendary Marth's neutral stats for this calculation, and since Marth needs to start the turn adjacent to Azura to get the Hone Atk 4 bonus, let's give them ally support. Also, let's give Marth Atk/Spd Bond Seal, and let's give one of the Azuras Spur Def/Res Seal. The results are:

50 Atk (34 base atk + 16 from the weapon) + 7 visible buff + 7 from Exalted Falchion + 7 from Bonus Doubler + 7 from Kaden + 2 from Azura's ally support + 5 from Atk/Spd Bond Seal = 85 Atk;
39 Spd (36 base spd + 3 from the weapon) + 7 visible buff + 7 from Exalted Falchion + 7 from Bonus Doubler + 7 from Kaden + 2 from Azura's ally support + 5 from Atk/Spd Bond Seal = 74 Spd;
32 Def + 7 visible buff + 7 from Exalted Falchion + 7 from Bonus Doubler + 7 from Kaden + 2 from Azura's ally support + 3 from Spur Def/Res = 65 Def.
21 Res + 7 visible buff + 7 from Exalted Falchion + 7 from Bonus Doubler + 7 from Kaden + 2 from Azura's ally support + 3 from Spur Def/Res = 54 Res.

Quite impressive, right? And we can get better results if Legendary Marth is +10, if he has Summoner Support, if Marth has +10 Dragonflowers and if Kaden and the 2nd Azura have some Drive Skills.

With Summoner Support (+2), +10 merges (+5 Atk/Spd, +4 Def/Res) and +10 Dragonflowers (+2), we can have a Legendary Marth with 94 Atk, 83 Spd, 73 Def and 62 Res.

@Johann I would use Null Follow-Up too, since skills that nullify follow-up is the only way to not make Marth double the enemy.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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How powerful would Laegjarn get fighting a Marth kitted out like this? Wouldn’t she get twice as many buffs as Marth would?

...Hell, what if she had bonus doubler too?

...Or wait, do in-battle buffs not count for her power?

Edited by Alastor15243
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42 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

How powerful would Laegjarn get fighting a Marth kitted out like this? Wouldn’t she get twice as many buffs as Marth would?

...Hell, what if she had bonus doubler too?

...Or wait, do in-battle buffs not count for her power?

Niu only counts visible buffs for its effect.

Marth with +7/7/7/7 would give Marth +21/21/21/21 and Laegjarn +14/14/14/14.

If Laegjarn had +7/7/7/7 in visible buffs, too, then she'd match Marth with +21/21/21/21.


Laegjarn cannot learn Bonus Doubler because it appears to be locked to infantry.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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