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March's Mythic Hero Appears!! Yune: Chaos Goddess (March 28 ~)


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Well shit, it's a Tellius character. Now I'm going to have to dive into this banner. Good thing the still-absent Lewyn is also here to give me further incentive.

Oh, and most of all thank God Ophelia was picked for the third blue slot instead of snow loli.

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13 minutes ago, Sentinel07 said:

She sounded like an old lady trying to sound like a child in RD and failing. Listen to the final cutscene after Ashera's defeat and it's a very deep voice.

Her English voice actress in Radiant Dawn was Mik Kuhlman who, according to IMDb, guest starred on an episode of a TV series called Medicine Ball in 1995. Apparently, she's had 25 years of experience in theater, circus, dance, improvisation, and voice over. Not sure how old she is, but she isn't a spring chicken.

Edited by Kaden
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I just rewatched that final RD cutscene, Yune does have a deeper voice there than I remembered, but I still don't think it's as deep as this one. xP

Still though, SO EXCITED! I wish I had more orbs, but my bank account is gonna have to take a hit if need be. I GOTTA HAVE HER.

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I was hoping for Mila, but Yune is great too. I already have Lewyn and Kagero, though, so I'll pass on her this time.

I'll dive straight into blue. Lucina is the one I want most, but I'd be happy with any of the three, and it's a good rate unless I get both of the others before her. I'll try to go for green in any non-blue sessions. Only other unit I'm missing is Celica, so red is okay but a bad rate while colorless is worthless to me.

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Blue looks like the best color for me if I decide to summon on this banner since thankfully they didn't put Yglr on there. I don't have L!Lucina yet and I wouldn't mind merges for Ophelia and L!Azura. Red also would have been nice if H!Myrrh wasn't on there. Banner is very tempting just to pull blues but I just got to 1000 orbs saved up and I was hoping to continue stockpiling orbs. VG banner will also be up in a few hours and who knows what will be on that. Oh decisions, decisions.

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Well... some Tellius love is always great!

But another green tome flier? We just had received Spring Vero!

Anyway, the banner looks nice, good fodder, great units and the myyhic looks good for me

I’m wonder who will be next?...

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5 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

The legendary next month is going to be Micaiah. 

Yeah, that's far from a guarantee. If you want to know why, ask Alm and his still-no legendary alt self even following Duma's release.

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6 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

The legendary next month is going to be Micaiah. 

That's not a guarantee. Look how many people thought Mila was going to follow Duma.

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Just now, Tybrosion said:

Yeah, that's far from a guarantee. If you want to know why, ask Alm and his still-no legendary alt self even following Duma's release.

Roy made more sense to coincide with the Binding Blade banner. Also, I remember people making predictions that April's legendary will be Micaiah due to earth res blessing being one of the few ones remaining. 

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Anyway, my priorities for this banner:

Red: I really want Ryoma. Been tryong for him since release and I really hope he comes home this time. Already have Myrrh, but merges and VF are never a bad thing. Ditto for Celica, while I would have prefered Camilla, having DB4 fodder is never bad. (still hoping for just Ryouma to pop up though)

Blue: I really want Lucina too, and Ophelia could use merges. L!Azura is less than worthless, since I already have her and her fodder sucks. Sadly gotta skip.

Green: YUNE! I NEED HER! Thank god I am playing the Japanese version though haha. Kagerou would be neat herself and has Bold Fighter. Lewyn is excellent fodder as well, so all is good.

Colourless: Pretty lackluster compared to the others. Eir would be useful to have more of, but not a priority. I already have HS!Sakura, so the most Mia could offer would be her staff. Lyn is lol. Most people already have her, and she the only thing she can fodder is on a gazillion other units as well. Pass.

So for this banner, I'll be pulling red and green equally, or blue in case of drought. Let's hope I can get both Ryouma and Yune in 200 orbs, so I don't have to deal with them when going after the reruns of Tana or Micaiah in Summer.

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Yune's art is ADORABLEEEE! Miwabe Sakura never fails me~

Anyway, Banner's a total skip for me~ Interesting they went for B!Lyn and surprising Adrift Camilla didn't end up in B!Celica's place, but it was high time she appeared~

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

That's not a guarantee. Look how many people thought Mila was going to follow Duma.

That's not a good comparison because there are many gods/goddesses still remaining. There aren't many lords with legendary alts, especially female candidates. 

April is supposed to be colourless as well IIRC. I don't remember the other arguments for why April made sense for Micaiah but I remember good arguments from since last year. 

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3 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

Roy made more sense to coincide with the Binding Blade banner. Also, I remember people making predictions that April's legendary will be Micaiah due to earth res blessing being one of the few ones remaining. 

Yeah, I understand why it was Roy there and not Alm. I'm was just trying to caution you to not treat this as a stone-cold lock that Micaiah is next line on the Legendary side of things.

2 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Whose Alm? 

-- InternKun

Apparently only Celica was deemed worthy of getting an alt. At the very least, Alm isn't alone in Valentia's chapter of the "zero alts" club.

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6 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Anyway, my priorities for this banner:

Red: I really want Ryoma. Been tryong for him since release and I really hope he comes home this time. Already have Myrrh, but merges and VF are never a bad thing. Ditto for Celica, while I would have prefered Camilla, having DB4 fodder is never bad. (still hoping for just Ryouma to pop up though)

Blue: I really want Lucina too, and Ophelia could use merges. L!Azura is less than worthless, since I already have her and her fodder sucks. Sadly gotta skip.

Green: YUNE! I NEED HER! Thank god I am playing the Japanese version though haha. Kagerou would be neat herself and has Bold Fighter. Lewyn is excellent fodder as well, so all is good.

Colourless: Pretty lackluster compared to the others. Eir would be useful to have more of, but not a priority. I already have HS!Sakura, so the most Mia could offer would be her staff. Lyn is lol. Most people already have her, and she the only thing she can fodder is on a gazillion other units as well. Pass.

So for this banner, I'll be pulling red and green equally, or blue in case of drought. Let's hope I can get both Ryouma and Yune in 200 orbs, so I don't have to deal with them when going after the reruns of Tana or Micaiah in Summer.


does Lyn have Atk Smoke or Spd smoke?
I was thinking Mia would be nice for other fly teams, but let's be honest - Sakura is better.. 
Ryoma is always... it's either he's with crap (Hrid) or he's up against other things i need. :( 


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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

Apparently only Celica was deemed worthy of getting an alt. At the very least, Alm isn't alone in Valentia's chapter of the "zero alts" club.

At least Alm is getting a Brave alt. Even if that was chosen by the fans. But it might send IS a message saying we want Alm alts, so hopefully legendary Alm is in the works.

5 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

That's not a good comparison because there are many gods/goddesses still remaining. There aren't many lords with legendary alts, especially female candidates. 

No, but there are still other candidates left, like Alm, Celica, Sigurd, Leif, Seliph, any of the lords. I'd also say Elincia is possible since IS considered her important enough to make her Awakening DLC along with a bunch of lords.

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On 2/28/2019 at 8:50 AM, Florete said:

I don't think Mila will come so soon after Duma. My guess for this month's new mythic is one of Ashera, Yune, or Ashunera as either green tome or green beast.

Can I just say I totally called it.

And I don't have any of the greens so I know what I'm pulling.

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Don't know anything about Yune, but her presentation is a bit off-putting to me. Unit type is good, but when considering the other two green units are mediocre for me, and that I have no actual use for Mythic heroes, I'll pass on greens for now.

Not that the other colours are as good as I was hoping either. I quietly had hope that this might be the best legendary banner yet, but as it stands, it's simply a good but unspectacular one.

Red: Celica is of no interest to me - of no real use in my teams but annoyingly in the position where I wouldn't fodder my only copy either. Better solution would be to not get a copy at all then. A shame since I wouldn't mind fixing up my Ryoma's speed bane but it's probably not worth it at this point. Myrrh is an armour so I'd never intentionally pull for her. Tentative skip.

Blue: Disappointed that the third blue is just another infantry mage, though admittedly one of the better ones. In practical terms though I'd rather just go with a cheap Tailtiu merge project, or even Reinhardt. She's not someone I'd ever intentionally pursue, especially as I find her personality irritating. I suppose I won't be too disappointed if I just get the one - my only copy now has an attack bane, but if more turn up instead of the other two, very valuable legendary units, I'll be very cross indeed.

Green: I'm fine with my one Lewyn considering I have a +10 Nino, and after getting Cecilia for free, I now only want ranged armours that do magic damage so that means no need for Kagero either. That means even if I really wanted Yune, I'd probably pass anyway, let alone when I'm ambivalent about her, which I am.

Grey: It's remarkable how I've never managed to pull a copy of Bowlyn, ever. She was my free pick in the event, but I've since pulled at least two copies of every other brave hero, but my tally of Lyns remains a big fat zero. With the merge changes, I wouldn't mind a copy for just the +5 stat bonus, ideally with a better-than-neutral nature. Wa-mia (Wia?) was one of my most-wanted units last year, and while not so much this year due to getting a Towel Sakura in the meantime, would still be happy enough to get a copy. Eir is a weird case where I've pulled two copies, and can still go claim my free copy, so I probably don't need more despite lacking a great merge base. I don't even do ARs so her utility is mostly wasted.


TL;DR: Will go either blue>grey, or just blue.

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Yune is Green (Tome right?)? Well that is weird, I thought she'd be Red as a Red can be. Either because Grima, or because Julia (she does have a god in a tome) that they made this be.


Still, Lewyn and Yune. I like, two characters on Green I'd want. That is all I summon on then. I just hope the Seasonal doesn't get in my way. 

Although on the topic of Lewyn, since I played FE4 recently and was interested in knowing what he was like. My thoughts:

I'm a bit mixed on him overall. Gen 1 Lewyn is a pretty likable guy, a concerned and somewhat free-thinking prince, if not the most sensitive and a bit selfish in his choice to just get up and leave Silesse. His reasons for flight weren't bad at all, just his choice to do it without alerting his mother. 

In Gen 2 he became a bit too much of a jerk, to Seliph and his children (I've only ran with LewynxErinys so far) alike. His language also became just too casual, not what I'd expected of him, nor was really common in the 1st Gen, particularly in serious conversation. It reflected poorly on the 2nd Gen plot and writing as a whole to see this change in behavior. Fortunately, owing to the root cause of Lewyn's change being a fundamental change in his being, I can excuse Gen 2 Lewyn as not being the "true" Lewyn. 

-Although I do love the idea of the Forseti possession. I hope the dragon were one to meet him in other circumstances, perhaps in the flesh, that he'd be of a better temperament.

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Gonna have a much easier time getting the units I want here, I hope.

~Yune is Yune.

~I'd like to get another Brave Lyn now that Flaws don't matter.

~My Halloween Kagero needs a different Asset (+Spd on a slow armor?). Neutral is okay to.

I suppose it'd be nice to get a different asset on Legendary Lucina, but my +Def is doing alright so I'm not that concerned. Either way, I see this banner going far more okay for me than past banners have so far. Lewyn is Special Spiral fodder now that mine is +10, Mia is... okay, and Eir is the least desirable.

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