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March's Mythic Hero Appears!! Yune: Chaos Goddess (March 28 ~)


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I said I was going to skip this banner, but I gave it a go (I'm trash at AR so any way to take less -80s is nice for me) and got H!Kagero, +Atk Lewyn, and Yune in a couple hundred Orbs. I'd say not all that bad.

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15 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

EDIT: And "camoo" is the standard English pronunciation of the French name "Camus" due to the fact that English doesn't actually have the /ü/ sound that "u" is pronounced in French.

Words cannot express how much happier I would have been if I never heard Feh pronounce Camus's name. Pronouncing it like it's spelled sounds way more impressive and dignified and fitting of him. I can't say "Camoo" with a straight face. It's like finding out after over a decade that this whole time "Ike" was supposed to be pronounced "Ikey".

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9 minutes ago, Florete said:

Although I do wonder if the RD localization actually meant for "Ashunera" to be one's name in the middle of the other's or if that's just a coincidence.

It's probably intentional, or at least that's my guess. Changing "Astarte" to "Ashera" made it harder to just smoosh Yune's name on the end, so putting it somewhere else, in this case, the middle, mode it roll off the tongue better.


2 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Words cannot express how much happier I would have been if I never heard Feh pronounce Camus's name. Pronouncing it like it's spelled sounds way more impressive and dignified and fitting of him. I can't say "Camoo" with a straight face. It's like finding out after over a decade that this whole time "Ike" was supposed to be pronounced "Ikey".

You can instead pronounce it in its original French as "kahmü" (broad IPA: /kamy/) (the "ü" sound is made by shaping your mouth to say "oo", but trying to pronounce "ee" without changing the shape of your mouth) or in the Japanese approximation as "kahmyu" (broad IPA: /kamju/).

But in standard English, it's pronounced "kamu" (broad IPA: /kӕ'mu:/), "ka" as in "camel" and "mu" as in "moo", stress on the second syllable.

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A part of me felt lucky so I went for one more round and it payed off. I finally got my favorite FE Myrmidon...as a staff unit xP.

I heard her staff is very good against Ophelia users so she'll be useful because Ophelia is one of the units I detest the most in AR.


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2 minutes ago, Hekselka said:

A part of me felt lucky so I went for one more round and it payed off. I finally got my favorite FE Myrmidon...as a staff unit xP.

I heard her staff is very good against Ophelia users so she'll be useful because Ophelia is one of the units I detest the most in AR.


Witchy Wand doesn't seem very helpful for that, since in AR, Ophelia is generally positioned in a way that lets her attack before you'll have the chance to use it.

Personally, my solution is Triangle Adept Cecilia.

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Regardless of what the "true" pronunciation of Yune is supposed to be, the fact that it was one thing in RD and they changed it to something else in Heroes is pretty jarring and they should've just stuck with the original pronunciation for continuity's sake, rather than trying to fix it regardless of how it's really supposed to be.  It's as dumb as changing the pronunciations of the Avatar casts' names between the cartoons and the movies because at that point, whether it's wrong or right, the pronunciation has already been established and changing it suddenly is just silly.

Also, legendary banners continue to hate me. The first session especially hated me. I highly doubt I'll get Yune, or any legendary, from this banner before it disappears, which is really annoying because I could've been pulling on something else instead. ;/

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I wish my luck weren't so oblique. I'm only about 150 orbs in right now, but I've gotten every red focus character exactly once and every green focus character exactly once... except Yune. And I'm sniping green.

At least the Celica was a perfect [+Atk, -Res].


31 minutes ago, Hekselka said:

A part of me felt lucky so I went for one more round and it payed off. I finally got my favorite FE Myrmidon...as a staff unit xP.

I heard her staff is very good against Ophelia users so she'll be useful because Ophelia is one of the units I detest the most in AR.

28 minutes ago, Othin said:

Witchy Wand doesn't seem very helpful for that, since in AR, Ophelia is generally positioned in a way that lets her attack before you'll have the chance to use it.

Personally, my solution is Triangle Adept Cecilia.

If Ophelia is the only unit that's running an instant Special, then it's often the case that she'll be all the way in the back, but on Infantry Pulse teams, you usually end up with 3 or 4 units with their Specials fully charged off the bat, and Witchy Wand is great against those teams.


21 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Regardless of what the "true" pronunciation of Yune is supposed to be, the fact that it was one thing in RD and they changed it to something else in Heroes is pretty jarring and they should've just stuck with the original pronunciation for continuity's sake, rather than trying to fix it regardless of how it's really supposed to be.

Out of curiosity, exactly how many times was Yune's name spoken in Radiant Dawn to begin with?

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18 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Out of curiosity, exactly how many times was Yune's name spoken in Radiant Dawn to begin with?

Off the top of my head the first and last cutscene have the name spoken by Micaiah and Ike respectively. I'd also check the between chapter narrations for examples before leaving on that number though.

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57 minutes ago, Othin said:

Witchy Wand doesn't seem very helpful for that, since in AR, Ophelia is generally positioned in a way that lets her attack before you'll have the chance to use it.

Personally, my solution is Triangle Adept Cecilia.

Hmmm, I might have to invest in something like that. My strongest green tome user is a +4 +Atk Deirdre but I haven't actually had the chance to test if she's able to stand her ground against an Ophelia.

12 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Off the top of my head the first and last cutscene have the name spoken by Micaiah and Ike respectively. I'd also check the between chapter narrations for examples before leaving on that number though.

Yup, Glennstavos is right. I just checked all of the cutscenes on youtube. Miccaiah says her name twice in the first cutscene of the game and Ike says it once in the last. I'd assume that the narrator also says it in part 4.

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19 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Then the question becomes if Feh is the creator deity in disguise, or at least a scion or herald of them, what is their point to being present and incognito?

A. To help the good be victorious over evil without impeding on their personal development and free wills?

B. To gently sway events and make sure they fall within their plan. Their plan of questionable morality, if not outright evil.

Benevolent god or arrogant god? Which would it be?

I say she's in disguise since no one (so far) point it out. Not too sure about her motive, but considering she is playing a minor role in the story so far, I'll say she's going with the flow seeing how events will transpire. Semi benevolent, she hordes orbs for a reason.

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I believe retroactive changes in names to the correct one is fine as long as it's something not too big in the grand scheme of things. Yune's name was mentioned 3-4 times in the game and a lot of people didn't even play RD, so if people can adapt to stuff like Toadstool/Peach and Robotnik/Eggman then I doubt this would be much of an issue.

To name a similar example to this one, the Puyo Puyo series "fixed" a couple of names in the most recent entry (Puyo Puyo Tetris). The characters previously known as Raffine and Rider became Raffina and Lidelle. First one to sound closer to the Japanese original, Second one to sound, well... like an actual name.

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47 minutes ago, Jave said:

I believe retroactive changes in names to the correct one is fine as long as it's something not too big in the grand scheme of things. Yune's name was mentioned 3-4 times in the game and a lot of people didn't even play RD, so if people can adapt to stuff like Toadstool/Peach and Robotnik/Eggman then I doubt this would be much of an issue.

To name a similar example to this one, the Puyo Puyo series "fixed" a couple of names in the most recent entry (Puyo Puyo Tetris). The characters previously known as Raffine and Rider became Raffina and Lidelle. First one to sound closer to the Japanese original, Second one to sound, well... like an actual name.

I disagree. It’s just jarring, and due to hearing it second it almost always feels wrong for returning players. To give an extreme example, there’s the case of Bravely Second, where they just arbitrarily changed the pronunciation of Edea’s name from Eh-DEE-uh to IDDY-uh, at random, for no discernible reason, when the entire last game had been voice acted and we heard the old pronunciation a million times. It was utterly surreal and takes you out of the experience, makes it feel less like it’s even the same continuity.

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11 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

I disagree. It’s just jarring, and due to hearing it second it almost always feels wrong for returning players. To give an extreme example, there’s the case of Bravely Second, where they just arbitrarily changed the pronunciation of Edea’s name from Eh-DEE-uh to IDDY-uh, at random, for no discernible reason, when the entire last game had been voice acted and we heard the old pronunciation a million times. It was utterly surreal and takes you out of the experience, makes it feel less like it’s even the same continuity.

See, that's more of an understandable example because Edea was a major character on Bravely Default and Second, both games having extensive voice acting. I don't consider the Yune case to be anywhere near close to that by comparison.

Here's an even more extreme example. Sailor Moon Crystal (the anime) was originally going to be dubbed to Latin American Spanish using all the name changes from the original anime (basically the same name changes from the original English dub). This caused the fanbase to get nearly evenly split between those who wanted the original names intact versus the ones who wanted consistency with the previous anime. The "original names" fans complained a lot, to the point a couple of VAs came to Twitter and told them to shut up ("This is what we're doing and it's final! Have some respect for our jobs!"). These complains eventually got so loud that Naoko Takeuchi herself found out about it and demanded the original names be kept (she had no idea what was happening to her creation on that part of the world), otherwise, the whole project would get shut down. As a result, the anime had to be redubbed entirely from the very beginning to accommodate with Takeuchi's demands and the airing got delayed quite a bit.

This makes me believe the reason why these retroactive name changes happen is because the original creators have more control on their series than they used to, and didn't find out about these changes until it was too late, so they demand the "correct" translation for newer projects.

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Geez, are people seriously still all up about the names?

Look, YOON is the more accurate name because it goes with the original Japanese name. Just like how Loptyr being changed to Loptous makes more sense because Loptous follows the original Japanese name.

And it coming up in a game before Heroes is irrelevant.

Awakening used "Loptyr," "Rachesis," and other names that were changed afterward. But guess what? Now it's been canonized and localized completely as this.

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9 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

Awakening used "Loptyr," "Rachesis," and other names that were changed afterward. But guess what? Now it's been canonized and localized completely as this.

And then there’s my favorite one: Thea being “Thite” in the first two CYLs while Shanna in FEH refers to her using Thea.

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36 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

Geez, are people seriously still all up about the names?

Look, YOON is the more accurate name because it goes with the original Japanese name. Just like how Loptyr being changed to Loptous makes more sense because Loptous follows the original Japanese name.

Except they’re not about to start calling Ashera Astarte, are they? The Japanese wasn’t Yuun, it was Yunnu. They could have ended it on a simple n in Japanese, but they didn’t. So the name was clearly changed like they did with Ashera, and like they did with countless other characters.

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8 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Except they’re not about to start calling Ashera Astarte, are they? The Japanese wasn’t Yuun, it was Yunnu. They could have ended it on a simple n in Japanese, but they didn’t. So the name was clearly changed like they did with Ashera, and like they did with countless other characters.

That is incorrect. Even in Japanese, the name never makes use of the "u" letter at the very end. The spelling shows there to be a "u" at the end, but the Japanese language has various cases of certain vowels aren't even pronounced. So there being a "u" at the very end doesn't mean anything. 

In fact, the very fact the last vowel isn't pronounced in Japan actually pushes the new English pronunciation even more where the "e" is not pronounced, so YOON is once more the one more accurate. 

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6 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

That is incorrect. Even in Japanese, the name never makes use of the "u" letter at the very end. The spelling shows there to be a "u" at the end, but the Japanese language has various cases of certain vowels aren't even pronounced. So there being a "u" at the very end doesn't mean anything. 

In fact, the very fact the last vowel isn't pronounced in Japan actually pushes the new English pronunciation even more where the "e" is not pronounced, so YOON is once more the one more accurate. 

There's no "e" at the end because they changed the name. Ashera is not their really weird reading of Astarte, they changed the name altogether. Yune just sounds closer to its original than Ashera does. Would you be saying the same thing if Heroes renamed Benny back to Benoit?

And what do you mean Yunnu's last u isn't pronounced? They have a character for when they just want to make an n sound at the end.

Edited by Alastor15243
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3 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

There's no "e" at the end because they changed the name. Ashera is not their really weird reading of Astarte, they changed the name altogether. Yune just sounds closer to its original than Ashera does.

And what do you mean Yunnu's last u isn't pronounced? They have a character for when they just want to make an n sound at the end.

Not all names need to be directly changed to such a degree. The spelling is altered, but the pronunciation can remain the same more or less, or similar sounding. Similar to how Loptous is from Loputousu. Yunnu turns into Yune. Ashera being changed from Astarte is irrelevant for this matter. The point here is in regards to Yune, and her name is ultimately being pronounced the same way. 

As I said, vowels in Japan aren't always pronounced. If it is, it's only slightly. So Yunnu can have a spelling, but not need to be pronounced with the ending. 

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9 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

Not all names need to be directly changed to such a degree. The spelling is altered, but the pronunciation can remain the same more or less, or similar sounding. Similar to how Loptous is from Loputousu. Yunnu turns into Yune. Ashera being changed from Astarte is irrelevant for this matter. The point here is in regards to Yune, and her name is ultimately being pronounced the same way. 

As I said, vowels in Japan aren't always pronounced. If it is, it's only slightly. So Yunnu can have a spelling, but not need to be pronounced with the ending. 

If they meant it to be pronounced Yoon, it would have been spelled ユウン (Yuun). It was not. It was spelled ユンヌ (Yunnu), which is not pronounced the same way at all. So this wasn't some kind of weird mis-translation on part of Radiant Dawn, it was a deliberate name change, and this pronunciation change Heroes made is not a return to the original Japanese. They're just arbitrarily changing the pronunciation to something else.

Edited by Alastor15243
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1 minute ago, Alastor15243 said:

If they meant it to be pronounced Yoon, it would have been spelled ユウン. It was not. It was spelled ユンヌ, which is not pronounced the same way at all. So this wasn't some kind of weird mis-translation on part of Radiant Dawn, it was a deliberate name change, and this pronunciation change Heroes made is not a return to the original Japanese. They're just arbitrarily changing the pronunciation to something else.

Except we have the clip of Yunnu being pronounced without the "u" sound coming. 

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1 minute ago, Alastor15243 said:

If they meant it to be pronounced Yoon, it would have been spelled ユウン. It was not. It was spelled ユンヌ, which is not pronounced the same way at all. So this wasn't some kind of weird mis-translation on part of Radiant Dawn, it was a deliberate name change, and this pronunciation change Heroes made is not a return to the original Japanese. They're just arbitrarily changing the pronunciation to something else.

I explained the word-final ンヌ sound on the previous page:

22 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Her Japanese name is ユンヌ (yun'nu). The n'nu ending is relatively rare in Japanese transliterations of Western words and names, but is most notable in ジャンヌ (jan'nu), the French name "Jeanne" (likely to differentiate from ジャン (jan), which is used for French "Jean", which has a nasal "n"). Thus, the "correct" way to pronounce the name in Japanese without the Japanese "accent" is close to "yoon".


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