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April 4th, FEH Channel Announced! (8:30 PT ~)


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8 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:


I dunno how any of you can hold a conversation with another person with the way you treat the cute owl.

Speeeeaaaaking veeeeery slooooowlyyyy bbbbrrrrr


Nah, just kidding, I find Feh too cute

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The problem with Feh is that she takes a long time to explain things.

Also people have the right to hate things if they want, it's called an opinion. Just because you like one thing doesn't mean someone else will.

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Eh, maybe people would tolerate the owl better if she wasn’t somehow worse at getting to the point and wasting time than Kaepora Gaebora.

Personally, I always listen to these mute. The one time I did hear Feh’s voice, though, nearly caused me to hurl.

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28 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Eh, maybe people would tolerate the owl better if she wasn’t somehow worse at getting to the point and wasting time than Kaepora Gaebora.

Personally, I always listen to these mute. The one time I did hear Feh’s voice, though, nearly caused me to hurl.

"*Insert 14 minute long spiel* *After spiel* Hey, do you want another mass demotion?"







"You don't? Oh well, if you say so!"


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Feh in Japanese feels way less annoying than in English to me. Maybe because it takes longer for me to register Japanese in my head since I'm not a native speaker. And maybe because I like female Japanese voice acting more than female English voice acting on average (partly because most of the English ones sound like they're trying to sound like the most obnoxious people I knew back in high school).


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I'm with others that Dragalia lost collab if it unfortunately happens should just be accessories and bonus maps or something, it better not rob us of our once a month new heroes banner.  Also you guys see Feh's stats, and skills?  Easy to talk about someone behind their back, I'd like to see any of you say it to her face.  

Personally I think Feh is the dearest sweetest most wonderful hero and owl there is!  (Don't kill me please, shower me with orbs and good luck!)

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4 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

Easy to talk about someone behind their back, I'd like to see any of you say it to her face.

As long as you stand close enough to her, she can't hit you with her 9+ range.

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16 minutes ago, Jave said:

Now I kinda want the DL collab happen even more just to see all hell break loose in this thread.

Well if it is a summoning banner consider me completely skipping out.

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21 minutes ago, Jave said:

Now I kinda want the DL collab happen even more just to see all hell break loose in this thread.

*Hands you popcorn in case your schadenfreude comes true.*


And I don't mind feathery volleyball. I don't even know her.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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36 minutes ago, Jave said:

Now I kinda want the DL collab happen even more just to see all hell break loose in this thread.

Well since someone else said it, I guess there’s no point in hiding the fact that I’m also in that camp. The ensuing meltdowns would be absolutely magnificent.

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42 minutes ago, Jave said:

Now I kinda want the DL collab happen even more just to see all hell break loose in this thread.

i'm for it.anything that lets me save my orbs is a good thing. 


6 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Well since someone else said it, I guess there’s no point in hiding the fact that I’m also in that camp. The ensuing meltdowns would be absolutely magnificent.

i will provide the popcorn.


Edited by daisy jane
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What to expect:
Tweak to a mode (not a new mode, exact wording of the announcement never said it was a new mode), and L.Roy's effect being tied to it
DL Crossover (I'd think when two gachas do a crossover it works both ways most of the time, time to accept that)
Golden Week info
New banner

What's a possibility (but I wouldn't count on it):
Demotions (If they happen, don't expect anything mindblowing. Or for any 5* exclusives to drop including Year 1 5* exclusives)

What's never going to happen unless they somehow found a way to make it more profitable than forcing you to summon constantly:
Skill Shop (Really you should not want this in the game. It would hurt their profits so badly, there's no way they would let you get around RNG within RNG within RNG for summoning unless they found a way to make it so insanely expensive that its more profitable than random summons where a person can literally spend $100s trying to get one copy of one unit. And I don't want to know what that looks like or what the consequences of such a shop would be)

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Whether I summon on the potential Dragalia banner or not depends on their skills and whatnot since I like the characters, but not enough to pull for them no matter what.

Edited by Anacybele
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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

As long as you stand close enough to her, she can't hit you with her 9+ range.

So act friendly offering a piece of cake and when she gets close grab her and break out the hunting knife and....!   So cruel.

Well I'm at 13 orbs, having gotten every orb that can be gotten so a skip would be good for me.  Still don't understand how people want something garbage added to the game just to see people's negative reactions.  Seems stupid.  

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22 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

So act friendly offering a piece of cake and when she gets close grab her and break out the hunting knife and....!   So cruel.

Well I'm at 13 orbs, having gotten every orb that can be gotten so a skip would be good for me.  Still don't understand how people want something garbage added to the game just to see people's negative reactions.  Seems stupid.  

Garbage maybe to you. I don't consider something garbage for the sake of being a collab or something. That's dumb.

As for the whole "wanting to see people's reactions" to it, I was half-joking. But I won't deny that sometimes this fandom feels so entitled that it's fun to watch when things don't go their way.

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Are there sexy or loli characters in Dragalia Lost? Or maybe even sexy loli characters? I think collaboration with those characters may trigger vocal players the most, especially if they are in a wedding dress or a bikini, or maybe even a wedding bikini.

Throw in triple trainee bonus and broken exclusive skills too.

If they want to trigger me, I think they need to release something that completely shits on ranged Player Phase units and Dancers/Singers. A skill and/or structure with Chill Dance/Sing sounds absolutely disgusting.

4 minutes ago, Medeus said:

I'll break out the wine.

Nice potluck going on. We got popcorn, Cheerios, and wine. We might need some milk, cheese, and cured meats too if others can bring them.

I myself will bring pot brownies to enhance everyone's humor.

4 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

Still don't understand how people want something garbage added to the game just to see people's negative reactions.  Seems stupid.  

Some players make it seem like a collaboration is the end of the world, which causes other curious players to want to see what it looks like.

The only things I really care about in the game are stats, skills, movement type, and other stuff related to gameplay mechanics, so stuff based on cosmetics (game representation, gender balance, artwork, fan service, etc.) does not stop me from enjoying the game. Cordelia looks absolutely weird to me, but that did not stop me from building her twice to 4*+10 (about to make one of them 5*+10 for Aether Raids) since she is fun to play with using Hit and Run. I actually like fan service so I like RR!Loki, although that does not stop me from benching her until I need her for Arena Assault since ASS!Takumi exists.

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Goddamn you people have some... "strong opinions".

@XRay First off, Dragalia Lost doesn't have any 2,000 year old lolis, only millenia-old but still sexy zombies (well, zombie singular)

While it does have its provocative outfits among the cast, especially the big booby ones, none of the lolis are all that "sexy" in my opinion. I also checked and there's only about... what, three or four young units total? Not even anything like Gordin with shota-face syndrome, legit young-uns.

Now what you SHOULD be wondering about is the dragons, because fucking hell I think DL has only had like four or five dragons added post-launch who were actual dragons as opposed to humans with dragon horns, wings, and tails, and a good number of said dragons are scantily-clad women.

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13 minutes ago, Jave said:

Garbage maybe to you. I don't consider something garbage for the sake of being a collab or something. That's dumb.

As for the whole "wanting to see people's reactions" to it, I was half-joking. But I won't deny that sometimes this fandom feels so entitled that it's fun to watch when things don't go their way.

I mean it is garbage.   A junky practice greedy gacha games use to lure people with their limited "one time only" collaboration!  Also Dragalia lost, a generic gacha game 90% of the playerbase probably hasn't even heard of?  If they are going to do a collab use a real game (not gacha) with a rich history or that is recent and was a masterpiece many have played and near everyone has heard of.  

Is it really entitled to not want a collaboration of a game most haven't heard of to take the spot of our once the month new heroes banner?  I don't think so, it isn't like asking for more orbs or something.  People just want the game to be better not trashier.

8 minutes ago, XRay said:


Some players make it seem like a collaboration is the end of the world, which causes other curious players to want to see what it looks like.

The only things I really care about in the game are stats, skills, movement type, and other stuff related to gameplay mechanics, so stuff based on cosmetics (game representation, gender balance, artwork, fan service, etc.) does not stop me from enjoying the game. Cordelia looks absolutely weird to me, but that did not stop me from building her twice to 4*+10 (about to make one of them 5*+10 for Aether Raids) since she is fun to play with using Hit and Run. I actually like fan service so I like RR!Loki, although that does not stop me from benching her until I need her for Arena Assault since ASS!Takumi exists.

There is no need for curiousity collaborations aren't some rare cool phenomenon but something in many gacha games.  I have future vision, what would happen is the 1% of Heroes players who also play Dragalia lost will be happy, many of the others won't be.  Some won't care.  Nothing really exciting.  Probably a similar reaction as if the next banner was 4 Camillas. 

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