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Give me one good reason Celica didn't hook up with Saber

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Now, I ain't a shipper. It's simply not my thing. In fact, I don't even understand the mindset of people who ship. Personal investment in the love lives of fictional characters is like really bizzare to me. But I do have a sense of narrative causality, and I got to question it, why didn't Celica and Saber bone?

I guess the narrative wants us to believe it's because Celica is oh so in love with the foster brother she hasn't seen in ten years and as soon as she does meet him she gets into a fight like immediately, super red flags for a dysfunctional relationship. Plus, you know, incest. Meanwhile, in reality, she's a young women going off on her own for the very first time. She has no parental oversight. Just the companionship of her child hood friends. And almost immediately she stumbles upon this dashing rogue.

File:Cg fe15 celica meets saber.png

He has that bad ass "I'm a dangerous guy," charm, yet at the same time proves he's also a sincere and honest man with a heart of gold who's willing to put his life on the line to help her in exchange for very little. He's intelligent, slightly older (and thus no doubt more experienced) and challenges her in ways no one else in her life has before while still remaining respectful (albeit not overly courteous). And then they immediately go on a long sea voyage where there's nothing to do, but occasionally fight zombies and pirates. Let's be reasonable, what naive straight young woman wouldn't want to jump his bones? Not like the classism thing is even that big a deal to Celica as she has no interest in continuing Lima's line at this point in the game. Like I said, I'm no shipper, nor do I subscribe to the belief that you just need beautiful people in proximity to create a relationship, but honestly I can't see any reason why Celica wouldn't have even the vaguest interest in trying Saber's saber in this set up.

File:Portrait saber fe15.png

All the elements point him to being the Han Solo of the Luke and Leia thing she has going on with Alm. Maybe she just hates gingers or something. Which is pretty hypocritical of her.

Edited by Jotari
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Is it that hard to imagine that someone would not just jump someone else's leg just because they may be attractive? Why do you need to see a reason for her not to do that?

In any case, I'm glad that's not a thing. It's bad enough that he goes from considering her a brat to suddenly being super loyal to her when she puts the crown on, with no explanation.

Also, he's twice her age. Let's not forget that.

Edited by BrightBow
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14 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Is it that hard to imagine that someone would not just jump someone else's leg just because they may be attractive? Why do you need to see a reason for her not to do that?

In any case, I'm glad that's not a thing. It's bad enough that he goes from considering her a brat to suddenly being super loyal to her when she puts the crown on, with no explanation.

Also, he's twice her age. Let's not forget that.

Not just attractive, but intelligent, kind, dedicated, charitable and exotic in comparison to the life she's live up until this point. As I said in the OP, I don't subscribe to the belief that you just need handsome single people plus proximity to equal a relationship. But Saber's gotten so much more going for him than just being handsome, while Celica's been cooped up in a monastery for her entire puberty.

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Because she wanted Genny to be with Saber. Not like it mattered with the ending. :P

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Didn't IGN dock some points over this?

Maybe its because Saber is old enough to be Celica's dad. Saber's implied fondness for woman and possible fondness for drinking might also remind Celica of her daddy which naturally wouldn't turn her on.

Saber would definitely not be a man daddy would have picked for Celica. Maybe that's a point in his favor but he's also a man granddaddy Mycen wouldn't have picked for Celica which is not a point in his favor. Plus a naïve kindhearted priestess probably condemns the mercenary life pretty badly.

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The answer: because her heart and mind is set on Alm. When you have romantic feelings for someone for a long time, and especially if it's your first crush, your mind tends to filter out other people in terms of also being thought of that way. From what I've seen, it can happen for guys and girls (which explains Alm similarly being only interested in Celica). I speak partly from experience on this one. Unrequited experience, sadly. 

Also, speaking from what I've seen, some girls don't like "rogueish charm"; some girls want the sweet guy. 

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5 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

The answer: because her heart and mind is set on Alm. When you have romantic feelings for someone for a long time, and especially if it's your first crush, your mind tends to filter out other people in terms of also being thought of that way. From what I've seen, it can happen for guys and girls (which explains Alm similarly being only interested in Celica). I speak partly from experience on this one. Unrequited experience, sadly. 

Also, speaking from what I've seen, some girls don't like "rogueish charm"; some girls want the sweet guy. 

Was your unrequited first love also a foster sibling you only knew as a prepubescent and spent a decade separated from?

6 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Didn't IGN dock some points over this?

Maybe its because Saber is old enough to be Celica's dad. Saber's implied fondness for woman and possible fondness for drinking might also remind Celica of her daddy which naturally wouldn't turn her on.

Saber would definitely not be a man daddy would have picked for Celica. Maybe that's a point in his favor but he's also a man granddaddy Mycen wouldn't have picked for Celica which is not a point in his favor. Plus a naïve kindhearted priestess probably condemns the mercenary life pretty badly.

Ah, of course, Daddy issues. The evidence builds even further. How do you think Nomah would feel about it? I can't really get a read on that guy.

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8 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Ah, of course, Daddy issues. The evidence builds even further. How do you think Nomah would feel about it? I can't really get a read on that guy

I think Celica might be more concerned about Mycen's opinion. Mister backrubs doesn't seem like a very responsible granddad while I can see Mycen spending an entire evening shooting Saber dirty looks when the happy couple comes dining at his house.

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26 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I think Celica might be more concerned about Mycen's opinion. Mister backrubs doesn't seem like a very responsible granddad while I can see Mycen spending an entire evening shooting Saber dirty looks when the happy couple comes dining at his house.

They're both Rigelian defectors. I'm sure Saber could win Mycen over.

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Why Saber in particular though? Why wouldn't Celica jump in bed with the rest?

Boey is a young man Celica's own age who she's quite close with. He's also fairly exotic.

Leon is fabulous.

Kamui is also exotic and lived a life full of adventure.

valbar is a true stud with a big heart. He's also definitely single.

And Jedah is a ladiesman with three lovely daughters and a long life full of experiance. And he's BLUE! How could Celica say no to that?

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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

Was your unrequited first love also a foster sibling you only knew as a prepubescent and spent a decade separated from?

No. It was a classmate and close friend who changed schools two years later. So I can relate even though the circumstances aren't the same.

Going back to Alm and Celica, the game made it clear that, even back when they were kids, they didn't see each other as foster siblings. Celica tells people that she saw Alm as a friend, but the script heavily implies even back in Part 2 that she saw him as more than that. 

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54 minutes ago, Chocolate Kitty said:

for someone who claims to be against shipping, you sound suspiciously like a dedicated shipper with these overly defensive responses to people's posts

In honest truth, I just wish the characters that were upgraded to "Plot Relevant Status" actually effected the characters and plot instead of being, basically, cardboard cutouts who deliver a mandatory opinion whenever something happens without real contribution.

51 minutes ago, Mad-manakete said:


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No. I'm just saying that to get a reaction.



26 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Why Saber in particular though? Why wouldn't Celica jump in bed with the rest?

Boey is a young man Celica's own age who she's quite close with. He's also fairly exotic.

Leon is fabulous.

Kamui is also exotic and lived a life full of adventure.

valbar is a true stud with a big heart. He's also definitely single.

And Jedah is a ladiesman with three lovely daughters and a long life full of experiance. And he's BLUE! How could Celica say no to that?

Boey's friend zoned, Leon's gay, Kamui's blind and Valbar is Leon's waifu. Jedah though, I have no excue. Celica totally should have tapped that. Would have made about as much sense as everything else involving Jedah's god awful writing.

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3 minutes ago, Etheus said:

The real question is why Alm picked Celica over the much more attractive, useful, cultured, and intelligent human paragon that is Claire.

Alm has a thing for redheads. Faye and Clair never stood a chance.

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3 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Alm has a thing for redheads. Faye and Clair never stood a chance.

Funny enough; Alm's not alone in that regard; it's common enough to be its own trope: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeroesWantRedheads

Since the majority of protagonists in popular media are male, this would explain why there are a lot more female redheads in popular media than male redheads (that, and women have historically been told by society to go for the tall, dark-haired and handsome guys).

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Saber likes Likes sweet and calm girls and not slightly bratty (yes I think Celica was a bit bratty at the start of the game) girls.  I can just picture Saber turning her down flat, because Celica just doesn't seem like his type.

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4 hours ago, Jotari said:

I guess the narrative wants us to believe it's because Celica is oh so in love with the foster brother she hasn't seen in ten years and as soon as she does meet him she gets into a fight like immediately, super red flags for a dysfunctional relationship. Plus, you know, incest

Mycen never tried to say Alm and Celica were siblings. I can see the point, but it's not really incest. I see Alm and Celica as more like Simba and Nala, where it's like "holy hell you grew up hot" Alm was totally holding back a boner when Celica tackled him lol. The fight? Awkward sexual tension I guess.

If there was anything between Celica and Saber it was one sided from Celica's end. Saber's a dashing rogue, but he's also old enough to be her father and if there's laws against pedophilia then yeah, and plus I think he's attracted to women his own age.

The fact that both Saber and Lima drink too much is a good point too. Celica saw how much of a douchebag Lima is so she doesn't want that in a partner. Lima may have even been downright abusive to Liprica and his other wives when he was drunk. No girl wants that. Drunk Saber might get aggressive.

Please nobody bring up Corrin being able to bed his/her adopted siblings because Fates writing is terribad and does not count.

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1 minute ago, Dragoncat said:

Mycen never tried to say Alm and Celica were siblings. I can see the point, but it's not really incest. I see Alm and Celica as more like Simba and Nala, where it's like "holy hell you grew up hot" Alm was totally holding back a boner when Celica tackled him lol. The fight? Awkward sexual tension I guess.

In the Awakening dlc Alm sort see Celica as a sister. I can understand why Echoes removed those implications.


Alm: If I lost, I'm glad it was to someone worthy. I am now yours to command. My name is Alm. Do you know who I am?
Textbox: Have you heard of Alm?
Alm: [if 'No' was chosen] My grandfather raised me in a village in the verdant kingdom of Zofia. My best friend from the village, Celica, is like a sister to me. When the Rigelian Empire invaded, I felt compelled to fight back.


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This feels like a Far From The Forrest joke, if I'm being completely honest.


1. As people have already said, there's a pretty significant age difference between the two, with Saber being old enough to pass as Celica's father.

2. Celica already had feelings for Alm that were mutual.

3. Saber drinks (although how responsibly depends on if we're talking about Gaiden or Echoes), which as others have also brought up, may have reminded her of Lima, and she wouldn't want to marry someone like that.

4. Celica hired Saber as a bodyguard, and he decided to aid her on his own accord after she fully accepted her position as Princess and went to rescue Mila. Entering a romance would be screwed priorities on both sides, and their reputation would be taken through the mud if they did enter a relationship and it was found out.

5. Celica's main goal throughout the entire journey is finding and eventually rescuing Mila, with the attacks on the criminal empire being mandatory a happy accident. Despite her having conflicted feelings on Alm being the leader of the Deliverance and taking the fight to Rigel, she doesn't let this distract her from her journey. So Celica entering a romance at all in the course of the game would be out of character.

6. It is mentioned in Sabers ending that he married, so perhaps he already had an eye on a girl by the time Celica hires him, and never brought it up because no one asked.

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4 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:


If Fire Emblem has taught me anything, two people with the same hair color are siblings. So what your suggesting is pretty gross.

So Subaki is a lost member or the Hoshidan royal family. Who is a retainer to his own sister?

I think not!

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