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Coffee or Tea?



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  1. 1. nao.

    • TEA!
    • Coffee.

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I don't really drink tea, but I will say it's better than coffee. Caffeine is just too addictive, and should be used sparingly.

I know some people who used to be, like me, able to weather 72 hours of being awake with near-to-full functionality before needing to go to sleep. Then, since they started drinking coffee in the morning, they're always tired and angry when they don't get their fix.

Personally, caffeine doesn't really affect me much anyway. I must have a lead stomach, because alcohol and oral drugs don't really do much for me. This is probably the only reason I didn't give in and transform into a rabid coffee drinker years ago.

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I like coffee. I especially like it when I add some milk and sugar =)

This poll is biased. Coffee deserves all capitals and an exclamation mark as well.


Edited by Freohr Datia
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It is all about tea. I have over 37 different blends of tea from all over the world by the finest names in tea since the early 1700s. I have teas that run the entire gambit of styles- black teas, green teas, oolong teas, white teas. Rooibos, Ceylon, Lapsang Souchong, Assam, Earl Grey, Lady Grey, English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast, Prince of Wales, Matcha, Kabusecha, Mugicha....Darjeeling, the champagne of all tea be it black, green, oolong, or white. Truly the finest beverage ever created.

Edited by GTF234
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What's sad is that I recognise most of those types of tea and what ones I prefer, for that matter. My vote is for tea, as you may have guessed.

A mate of mine has a habit of gorging himself on coffee Wednesday mornings before class. It's kinda become a running joke on how many he can drink before he gets there, which is now about 14 before 9:00 AM, I think. What took the cake though was when he came in with his coffee on a tray, with tea for me and coffee for the rest of the class, including the teacher. I still can't believe he did that and remembered how much I hate coffee.

Edited by CO_Fimbulvetr
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Tea God, I'm typically british...I'm not wearing a dressing gown or a suit while sitting in an armchair in a musky room surrounded by bookshelves

After every meal...and usually inbetween. So that is Breakfast, Mid-morning, Lunch, Afternoon, Evening Meal and usually one after that...

The most common varviety I try is ordinary (PG Tips) though I someitmes have Green Tea, Lapsang Souchong, Peppermint, a few other flavours I can't remember the name of and accidently Earl Grey (I don't like it too much).

As for Coffee...my father is the Coffee drinker :P

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I prefer tea, as coffee is just so darn bitter without copious amounts of milk and sugar, and tends to stain the teeth. (More-so than tea, anyway.) Lady Grey is probably my favorite. :P

Edited by Popo
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