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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Hopefully the good end requirements isn't 100% the map like it is in Blaster Master Zero 1 (before Ritual of the Night, the Blaster Master Zero series was like the only Metroidvanias i've played).

It shouldn't be. Only Symphony of the Night had a map completion requirement. And all it did was add a tiny bit to the good ending, so it was more making the Good Ending into the Good Ending+. The getting that game's Good Ending over the Bad Ending required an item, which took some exploration to discover, albeit nothing obscure if you're just going around filling in the map out of curiosity.

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18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Hopefully the good end requirements isn't 100% the map like it is in Blaster Master Zero 1 (before Ritual of the Night, the Blaster Master Zero series was like the only Metroidvanias i've played).

As in, physically entering every square? Pretty sure Blaster Master Zero 1's deal was that you needed to collect the maps as items, not fill it in yourself. It was a 100% item collection requirement, essentially. I can't think of many games in this genre that care about physically being in every square. All that come to mind (and to Google) have Castlevania in the name though so Bloodstained might care. Metroid games have never cared or even tracked map completion, instead their bonus ending alterations come from speedrunning.

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4 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

As in, physically entering every square? Pretty sure Blaster Master Zero 1's deal was that you needed to collect the maps as items, not fill it in yourself. It was a 100% item collection requirement, essentially.

Yeah, i meant getting everything, not filling in the map completely. I should've worded it better. 

41 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The getting that game's Good Ending over the Bad Ending required an item, which took some exploration to discover, albeit nothing obscure if you're just going around filling in the map out of curiosity.

Which is pretty much what i've been doing from the start so if Ritual of the Night's good end requirements are the same as Symphony of the Night, then i should be fine.

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, i meant getting everything, not filling in the map completely. I should've worded it better. 

Which is pretty much what i've been doing from the start so if Ritual of the Night's good end requirements are the same as Symphony of the Night, then i should be fine.

It’s pretty obtuse for most people. It’s less a matter of getting what you need, and more getting where you need to go to start the good ending. Otherwise, the game more or less tells you what you need to do from then on.

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Mount & Blade:Warband.

Bought it a couple days ago due to the summer sale. My brother got this game for Christmas a while ago and I used to love watching him play it.

It’s super fun, I named my character Laslow because I couldn’t think of a name, so I thought of FE characters.


I’m a Horse archer,

I also use a Hafted blade and a scimitar.


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I got METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE and Tales of Vesperia yesterday.

Played th Tutorial in MGR. This is gonna be a fun game, as expected from platinum.

11 hours ago, Armagon said:

none of his lines have Nep humor. 

I agree with this. Like, he has no reason to exist really except for the play to self insert to interact with Noire. Not a fan off it.

11 hours ago, Armagon said:

About Arthur


Yeah, especially since you fight 4 Lvl100 Characters while you finish the game at lvl 50 haha. I didn't beat it yet, either, but i've been doing colloseum fights over the Months since i finished the game and My Party is at lvl 70 atm. I will try to fight them once i am ~80

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On ‎7‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 6:09 AM, Armagon said:

I'm liking it so far. The game's mostly what i wanted and expected from it, which is a good thing.

I do think the combat and some of the animations could use some more polish but it's nothing major.


I actually had some troubles in quite a few fights, which I didn't expect given the games tone. Yeah, the animations are a little plain, but I don't mind really. I actually feel like the quests aren't 100% a pain to complete, which is a good sign too. If it's one thing that gets a lot of people, it's that quests take forever to complete. One thing though, why do the quotes in battle repeat themselves? Not sure If this is just on my end, but it's a little annoying after a while.

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15 hours ago, Armagon said:

Got to Ch.9 in Atelier Lulua. Gotta say

  Reveal hidden contents

Not liking how the plot suddenly turned to gotta save the world (or at least in this case, gotta save a very populated area). Like, i guess they hinted at it but now that it's out in the open, i ain't really feeling it. I'm fine with the new lore, i'm fine with the Alchemyriddle very obviously being sent to the current Lulua by a future version of herself inb4 i'm wrong but Arland was never about saving the world (i mean, i guess they aren't saving the world but the stakes still suddenly shot up). Arland's always been more about a lot more personal goals. For Rorona, it was saving her workshop from closing. For Totori, it was finding her mother. For Meruru, it was developing her kingdom. For Lulua, it's explore Fellsgalaxen so that it benefits her status as an upcoming alchemist. You can keep the head to the center of Fellsgalaxen goal, just cut the saving Arklys from destruction part.

I'm still working on getting everyone to 100% friendship before the end and i'm also trying to fill out as much as the Alchemyriddle as i can. I'm still saving the Curry Ending for after i beat the game. I ain't gonna focus on that right now. Arklys will (probably) meet a fiery end if i don't fix whatever the fuck is going on in Fellsgalaxen so i'm gonna do what every JRPG hero does: do side stuff.



I see where you're coming from. It was a pretty jarring contrast for me at first, too. I personally believe they pulled it off pretty well in the end while keeping the personal goal theme consistent. You'll see. I hope.
The boss of Chapter 9 is also pretty awesome. I can't wait for your reaction to that.

As for Re;Birth 3, I have to admit that a few annoyances have piled up:
1) Enemies suddenly going viral. It happens far more often here than it did in the other two games, and it's suspiciously always enemies I'm already having trouble with. Those darn wolves in Luji Mountain have WAY too much HP.
2) While I do like the Seven Sages, I've fought more than a few of them three times already, with more battles to come. As Neptune aptly put it "Can we stop with the rehashing now?"
3) They're heavily foreshadowing Arfoire becoming the main villain YET AGAIN. I honestly hope I'm wrong on this one. I didn't mind it too much in Re;Birth 2 (although CFW Magic would have been a better fit for a final enemy in my opinion), because it was a different universe and she had different forms, all of which I have already fought in this game as well, so please have someone else as the final boss now.
4) I'm also not that much of a fan of Yellow Heart yet. It might change in the future, since I suspect she'll be playable at some point, but for now, she's not exactly on the top of my list of favorite characters. The story around her is good and tearjerking, though. Come back, P-Ko!
4.1) Her (battle) theme is way too epic for her.
5) The Makers being DLC, even if it's free, doesn't sit entirely right with me. They should have been included in the game from the start.

This isn't to say I don't enjoy the game. Far from it, in fact. The jokes are still really funny, the story is still really good, and the gameplay is still fantastic.
I believe I found a perhaps useful trick regarding Stella's Dungeon: It seems your rate of failure goes up the more yet unexplored floors you have her go during one trip. I found sending her more than 30 floors at once will almost assuredly end in failure. It was the same in Re;Birth 2, where I had her go one floor per trip and not have her explore one whole area at once. That might have been why I haven't seen her fail that often.

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25 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

As Neptune aptly put it "Can we stop with the rehashing now?"

Welcome to Neptunia games, Neptune


25 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

3) They're heavily foreshadowing Arfoire becoming the main villain YET AGAIN.


26 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

4.1) Her (battle) theme is way too epic for her.

Violins are kickass


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16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Welcome to Neptunia games, Neptune



17 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


This tells me enough. Oh well.

17 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Violins are kickass

That they are.

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10 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

One thing though, why do the quotes in battle repeat themselves?

Limited quote pool, i guess. Idk, the Hyperdimension Neptunia series is like the only series where i willingly play with JP voices on, so i don't actually understand what they're saying during combat aside from words i occasionally recognize because i watch anime and the occasional Engirsh.


6 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I see where you're coming from. It was a pretty jarring contrast for me at first, too. I personally believe they pulled it off pretty well in the end while keeping the personal goal theme consistent. You'll see. I hope.


I mean, at the end of the day, this is still the best Arland game. There is some stupid shit and stuff i miss from the trilogy but i'll get into that in my review when i finish the game.

5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Enemies suddenly going viral. It happens far more often here than it did in the other two games, and it's suspiciously always enemies I'm already having trouble with. Those darn wolves in Luji Mountain have WAY too much HP.

God, i fucking hate Viral Enemies. It's just a random power-up that they get literally out of nowhere. At least put it on the Action Bar the way Trails does bonus effects so you can see when it's coming and maybe do something about it.

5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

The Makers being DLC, even if it's free, doesn't sit entirely right with me. They should have been included in the game from the start.

Same. I don't really know what the decision was there. I'm more ok with Megadimension's DLC Makers since those are actually new characters, though one should've been playable from the start since he appears in the story proper. And yes, i said he. Megadimension is the one game in the series where a male character is playable.




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6 hours ago, Armagon said:

God, i fucking hate Viral Enemies. It's just a random power-up that they get literally out of nowhere. At least put it on the Action Bar the way Trails does bonus effects so you can see when it's coming and maybe do something about it.

Yup, exactly. I don't know why it seems to happen in Re;Birth 3 more often than the other two. I mean, I can still defeat them, but it's still pretty annoying to use healing items in a fight where I would normally not have to do that.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Same. I don't really know what the decision was there. I'm more ok with Megadimension's DLC Makers since those are actually new characters, though one should've been playable from the start since he appears in the story proper. And yes, i said he. Megadimension is the one game in the series where a male character is playable.

That is... interesting.
I kind of liked that it was girls only. Reminded me of Nights of Azure 2, where the entire cast consisted of girls (there isn't even a single male NPC, save for a few monsters).


Going further in Re;Birth 3, I feel sorry for IF. I don't particularly like her (I don't hate her, either), but no one deserves to go through the stuff this game puts her through.
I laughed my ass off during the boss fight against Eggplant-Arfoire though. It looked so stupid, yet so appropriate at the same time. It also made me realize that Shrimperor's "Dw" isn't an emoticon I didn't recognize, but it actually means "don't worry", so the final boss IS going to be someone else (maybe Rei? Don't spoil it!).

I also need to unlock some more dungeons to get more of Rei's past. Between this and Peashy's memory loss, this game throws some heavy stuff at you. Speaking of Peashy's memory loss, I didn't think anything in a Neptunia game would make me tear up (excluding laughter), but there you go. The scene where Neptune and the others worked to restore her memories was a genuine tear jerker.

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13 hours ago, Armagon said:

Limited quote pool, i guess. Idk, the Hyperdimension Neptunia series is like the only series where i willingly play with JP voices on, so i don't actually understand what they're saying during combat aside from words i occasionally recognize because i watch anime and the occasional Engirsh.



Oh, really? If so, that's a strange way to handle it, but whatever. I gotta say, this game's load times are pretty good, no long waiting transition between screens which is a plus for me, since I can't stand waiting five minutes for one screen to load. So far the combats interesting... I think the generic monsters are harder to deal with than the bosses.

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In Bloodstained, i finally, finally, beat the Bloodless. God, this boss fight was a pain. She heals and this is a Metroidvania where you can't see boss HP bars without equipping some special glasses, which is bullshit btw. She has attacks with range of the entire room. Her fucking Blood Rain attack is nearly impossible to avoid. You're supposed to stand underneath her floating umbrellas to protect yourself, except i did that and it still nearly killed me. Sometimes it did, because getting caught in the Blood Rain basically traps you in. But anyway, that bitch is dead and i can finally progress.

8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I kind of liked that it was girls only. Reminded me of Nights of Azure 2, where the entire cast consisted of girls (there isn't even a single male NPC, save for a few monsters).

Well i mean, it's not like men don't exist in Hyperdimension Neptunia. It's just that they are either faceless NPCs (with a few exceptions), villains, not human or both of the latter. 

8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

The scene where Neptune and the others worked to restore her memories was a genuine tear jerker.

Look forward to more tearjerkers in Megadimension.

And if you really want tearjerkers, go watch the anime. 

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

So far the combats interesting... I think the generic monsters are harder to deal with than the bosses.

It honestly depends. If you attack with what they're weak too, it's exploitable as fuck and you basically win. Case in point.

22 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

(although the Ex-boss is a pain in the ass)

I haven't beaten said Ex-boss. I got through the dungeon just fine but the final boss of the post-game is kicking my ass.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I haven't beaten said Ex-boss. I got through the dungeon just fine but the final boss of the post-game is kicking my ass.

It was pretty tough.

To beat the Ex-boss:

  • I had to clear other post game dungeons to get my party to lvl90+
  • All Idol events for OP Equipment
  • Some colosseum Matches for OP Equipment
  • Aloooooooooooooooooooooooooot of healing items, revives and SP regen items
  • Spam Exe-Drives (Especially Neptune Break and Hard Break, since they have a turn delay effect)

I couldn't clear the 3 DLC dungeons however (that increase level limit by 300 for each dungeon)

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Finished Banjo Tooie. Halfway through my playthrough I decided I was fed up with the game and broke out various guides and checklists. The experience was much improved after that and I doubt I could even beat the game without guides when you need over 75% of jiggies to access the final boss. These levels aren't very fun to explore. Extremely bloated and filled with empty space compared to the first game's densely compacted level design. It was easy to keep track of where you've been in the first game since there's often a central area where you can see everything. As well as notes leading the way to each area. Naturally the player picks up the notes when they head in that direction. Neither of these are the case in the sequel. Also unlike the first game is how much time you spend just opening up the level and creating pathways.

The warp pad system was done much better in this game than DK64, but often feels like a crutch as it's the only way of getting certain characters to certain areas. It's often said that Tooie is bad, but not DK64 bad. Well guess what this game's got five playable characters in each level too, so you've got a lot of the same gameplay. Identify an objective, figure out which character you need, backtrack to switch characters, warp back, then warp back to that switch point since Banjo&Kazooie's moveset is always preferred for continuing to explore a level. A first playthrough of this game is rough, but I bet becomes pretty gratifying on repeat playthroughs if you know where everything is and when to switch characters. I rate it a 6.6 out of 10. While I still prefer the original game, this one really expanded on Banjo and Kazooie's moveset and fixed some obvious issues with the first game. It's also got the best warp system of any Rare 3D platformer and the player will probably notice how much death warping cuts down on the backtracking (which is notable since you couldn't death warp in the previous game unless playing the remastered versions)

I've also been playing the Messenger in the past few weeks, but I may have to put this game down. I got to the point where it's time to backtrack through previous levels and man is it a buzzkill. I didn't expect this game to chase the metroidvania trend since its level design is not prepared for it. It was so much more fun as a standard action platformer in the vein of Ninja Gaiden or Shinobi III and the narrative and characters were very charming.

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So I've been trying Tales of Vesperia


And ugh, the combat seems like something i will not like, which might make me return it and get other games instead. Sure, it was just a tutorial battle that i played so far, but for some reason controlling the characters doesn't feel good, at all. Maybe because it's the tutorial...

I still have 50 Min. to go before the steam ''Trial period'' ends, so i'll give it a  few more tries.

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Yeah, i don't get why this was the way it was. This actually isn't the first time Bloodstained had a "how the fuck was i supposed to know that" moment. To get on the train on the Bridge of Evil, you need to get your picture taken and then take that to OD the friendly vampire librarian in order for him to make you a passport. Game gives you no hints about this.

But anyway, i made it to the Hidden Desert though i had to warp back to the base because i ran out of potions and i was in a very bad spot.

For Atelier Lulua, i got the key to finally get to the deeper parts of Fellsgalaxen......and then the game is like "oh we need another key to get even further". Now normally i'd be upset because i finally made it into Fellsgalaxen only for the game to say no but i'm actually ok with it. Because the game wants me to gather the materials in the Fire Domain and in the Night Domain, the latter of which was an endgame area in Atelier Rorona, so i'm really stoked to see that in HD. The Fire Domain is basically a volcanic area with machinery so it reminds me of Cauldros from Xenoblade Chronicles X, though the Fire Domain is nowhere near as big as Cauldros. 

Edit: Oh yeah, i fought the dragon in Fellsgalaxen and got my ass beat and i lost some items upon returning to the workshop. That's a thing that can happen apparently excepts it's never happened to me before in any Atelier game i've played.



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10 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

Finished Banjo Tooie. Halfway through my playthrough I decided I was fed up with the game and broke out various guides and checklists. The experience was much improved after that and I doubt I could even beat the game without guides when you need over 75% of jiggies to access the final boss. These levels aren't very fun to explore. Extremely bloated and filled with empty space compared to the first game's densely compacted level design. It was easy to keep track of where you've been in the first game since there's often a central area where you can see everything. As well as notes leading the way to each area. Naturally the player picks up the notes when they head in that direction. Neither of these are the case in the sequel. Also unlike the first game is how much time you spend just opening up the level and creating pathways.

The warp pad system was done much better in this game than DK64, but often feels like a crutch as it's the only way of getting certain characters to certain areas. It's often said that Tooie is bad, but not DK64 bad. Well guess what this game's got five playable characters in each level too, so you've got a lot of the same gameplay. Identify an objective, figure out which character you need, backtrack to switch characters, warp back, then warp back to that switch point since Banjo&Kazooie's moveset is always preferred for continuing to explore a level. A first playthrough of this game is rough, but I bet becomes pretty gratifying on repeat playthroughs if you know where everything is and when to switch characters. I rate it a 6.6 out of 10. While I still prefer the original game, this one really expanded on Banjo and Kazooie's moveset and fixed some obvious issues with the first game. It's also got the best warp system of any Rare 3D platformer and the player will probably notice how much death warping cuts down on the backtracking (which is notable since you couldn't death warp in the previous game unless playing the remastered versions)

Back as a real young child, I recall preferring BT over BK, and maybe DK64, not that I'd go off the opinions of a ~5 year old. I did have a guide for the game though and not BK (and a guide for DK64, for which I made it as far as King Kut Out). World-wise, I remember BT being much more creative, but then again, never did I get to play the four seasons forest world in BK, as interesting as it seemed, I forget why I didn't have my chance with it. Came too late?

May I ask for your world preferences? Gameplay design, aesthetics, or both.


And ever try the GBA game? It's sorta okay-ish, but nowhere near a match for either 64 title.

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Sooo... I finished Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3. The story, anyway. Got the True Ending (like always), and wanted to give some final thoughts. It will be a bit more brief this time, as I basically gave a lot of impressions as I was playing the game (maybe to the annoyance of some of you - I'll try to hold back on that one a bit when I get to MegaNep VII).

What I liked
This is definitely the funniest of the three Neptunia games I've played so far. Funny moments are plenty in this game, as opposed to the other two that did feel a bit more subdued in comparison. How funny? Well, I was still laughing during the final dungeon.
The villains, the Seven Sages, are brilliant as well. They manage to be funny (especially Anonydeath and Copypaste, the latter of which was genuinely likeable), but when push comes to shove, they are still a credible threat ('cept Warechu). 
I like the idea of there being an entirely different dimension, too. Though I like it mostly because of the wacky stuff the story goes into during the finale. The CPUs meeting themselves was everything I expected and more, especially the two Noires. XD
They brought back my favorite part from Re;Birth 1: the fake CPUs. Though this time around, they didn't feel as impactful, I still liked that they were included in this one. I honestly can't even tell you why I like the idea of fake CPUs so much. Perhaps I have a thing for bosses that have the same abilities you do?
The new character, Plutia, is a comedy gold mine, as is her other self, Iris Heart (or Sadie, as Neptune calls her). She's easily the best part about this game.
As for gameplay, while similar to the other two Re;Birth games, it has a few tweaks. I love that the SP gauge regenerates, making SP skills a lot more useful than they used to be. At the same time, they buffed the damage output of normal combos as well, so the battle system feels a lot more balanced this time around. EXE Drives are still OP af, but they aren't as spamable now.

What I didn't like
Enemies going viral. I have briefly touched upon this, but it seems to happen a lot more often in this game than the other two. And it's always more annoying than anything else.
Enemies in general seemed a lot more damage sponge-y this time around, taking multitudes more hits than they had in the first two games. Perhaps that's just my imagination, but it certainly felt that way.
You fight a lot of the bosses a few more times than necessary. The old business dude got annoying after the second time. His redemption was well done, though, with the characters still chewing him out for his wrongdoings (and rightfully so)
The other Candidates - Uni, Rom, and Ram - only join you for the final dungeon. I liked them in Re;Birth 2, so it was a bit of a shame to not have them be more prominent throughout the main storyline. I do get why they made it that way, and it does make sense that they don't join you earlier, but it's still a bit of a shame regardless.
While we are on the topic of characters, this game did no favors for Blanc or Noire's characters. After you recruit her, all Blanc does is complain to and about the others without contributing a lot herself besides pointing out the most obvious stuff (kinda like IF in the first game, come to think of it). After a while, I was like "Why are you even here if you hate everyone so much?" As for Noire, she went from Tsundere straight to arrogant witch with a b over the course of the game. Then again, the bad stuff that happens to her is funny BECAUSE she is so haughty in this game. I do prefer her Hyperdimension counterpart, though. And her meeting herself is probably one of the funniest scenes in the game. Right after the one where Sadie breaks her. "I MUST GO TO LOWEE. I MUST GO TO LOWEE" (tfw the list of gripes becomes more stuff I liked/enjoyed)

Final thoughts
While I did enjoy my time with the game, I can't say I enjoyed it more than the other two Re;Birth games. The gripes this time around are a bit heavier than they have been for the other two games, but they're still not enough to say that they "ruined" it or something. I'd say this game is a very solid 8.5/10. A bit weaker than the other Re;Birth games, but not bad in the slightest. I'm looking forward to MegaNep VII, this game's postgame, and the Conquest ending from Re;Birth 2, which is the next thing on my gaming schedule.

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10 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Enemies in general seemed a lot more damage sponge-y this time around, taking multitudes more hits than they had in the first two games. Perhaps that's just my imagination, but it certainly felt that way.

Nah, enemies generally did feel more tanky in this game. It's not just you.

10 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

The other Candidates - Uni, Rom, and Ram - only join you for the final dungeon.

Yeah, that kinda upset me too when i played the game. They do get post-game events, which is nice. So if you wanted more of them in ReBirth 3, the post-game should offer that for you.

Anyway, it's great that you enjoyed the game, especially since ReBirth 3 is a bit unpopular among the community.

Since you plan on starting Megadimension soon, imma drop the ending requirements here. It's less straightforward than ReBirth 3's and there's quite a bit to it and also it starts really early and spans nearly the whole story. If you miss even one, you lock yourself out of the true ending. Here are the requirements, spoiler-free like last time.


Bad Ending: Don't do anything.

Normal Ending:

1st arc: View every event.

2nd arc: This arc is split into four stories. You can complete the stories in any order but be sure to get all the requirements. They are:

  • Neptune's Story: 
    • Before going to “Sakura Tree Row”, be sure to complete the guild quest “First Some Practice” to kill 8 Dogoos. You can find them in the only other dungeon available at this point “First-Gen CPU Sanctuary.” After completing this quest and turning it in, be sure to view the Histoire event under “Converse”.
    • After you complete “Sakura Tree Row”, view the new event with Histoire and Compa which will unlock a new question at the guild.
    • Accept “Histy’s Extermination Request 1” from the guild. This quest can also be completed in “First-Gen CPUs Sanctuary Dungeon”. The quest is to kill 10 Delinquent Cats
    • After completing “Histy’s Extermination Request 1” and turning it in, view the event that follows and accept “Histy’s Extermination Request 2” from the guild and head back to “Sakura Tree Row”. This quest requires you to kill 10 Red Dogoos.
    • After completing “Histy’s Extermination Request 2”, view the event that follows.
    • Last but not least, be sure you get your Share % to 60+. The easiest way to do this is by boosting “Public Relations” under “Investment” or by doing quests from the guild.
  • Noire, Blanc and Vert's Stories: Raise the Shares of their respective nations to at least 40% and watch each of their daydream events.

3rd arc: At one point in the final world map, there will be four events across the world map. Don't watch them.

True Ending: Do all of the Normal End requirements but this time actually watch the four events.


If you're scared that you might fuck up, i recommend doing multiple saves. That's what i did.

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5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Enemies in general seemed a lot more damage sponge-y this time around, taking multitudes more hits than they had in the first two games. Perhaps that's just my imagination, but it certainly felt that way.

Nah, not your imagination. It's one of the 3 main reason i rated it lower then R;B1 (The other reasons being Makers getting the shaft, and overplaying Nep's laziness way too fucking much.)

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

especially since ReBirth 3 is a bit unpopular among the community.

From what i noticed, it's just a loud (Nepgear) minority. R;B3 is still rated higher then R;B2, even on Gear's cult Homebase, a poll there put R;B3 above R;B2.

Also, i don't think you should've posted the true ending requirements now. It's a bit spoilery + some stuff isn't really correct. 

1 hour ago, Rosalina said:

And I have heared that the final dungeon is not fun either...  

Trails in the Sky SC?

The final dungeon is the doooooooooooppppppeeeeeee

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21 hours ago, Armagon said:

It honestly depends. If you attack with what they're weak too, it's exploitable as fuck and you basically win. Case in point.

Yeah, I think it's nice to reward/punish you for the right set-ups though, keeps it interesting rather than, "oh i'm using the same moves throughout the entire game!" I also think that half AP makes that much more enjoyable haha. Joking aside, what would you say the games strong points and weak points are?

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