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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

the latter, however there's NG+ where you can choose what to carry over(like in Cold Steel). And from NG+ until Route Split you can fly through it in less then an hour. And the 3rd route is NG+ exclusive, since you need some stuff you can only get post route split -> carry over.

Ah, I see. That's great then.
First boss be like "Mwahaha! I have you no-- *sliced* Oh, I'm dead? How?!?"

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

i wouldn't say grating, but it was kinda... different? Dunno how to explain it xD

It's more shrill than in the Re;Birth games, I'd say. Might be a headphone vs. TV thing, but on my Vita, with headphones on, her Japanese voice wasn't as bad (though I still prefer her in English by a landslide) as it is in MegaNep VII.
Eh, she'll vanish from the plot soon enough, so it's fine.

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5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Ah, I see. That's great then.
First boss be like "Mwahaha! I have you no-- *sliced* Oh, I'm dead? How?!?"

Yup haha. IF it wasn't for the need to fullfil extra conditions pre Route Split, i bet i could've rushed through it in like 20 Minutes

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Yup haha. IF it wasn't for the need to fullfil extra conditions pre Route Split, i bet i could've rushed through it in like 20 Minutes

IF/CH seems to be pretty good with making repeat playthroughs faster so you can get to the other routes/endings.
'cept maybe Re;Birth 2 because Share grinding.
Which reminds me that I still need to get the Holy Sword ending.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

If i were you, i would watch it on youtube xD

The share grinding is ugh...

I definitely see that now, too. It wasn't as bad on my first playthrough, since it gave me the opportunity to try every character, but now on the third time through it does get a bit... ugh, as you aptly put it.
Though I won't watch it on YouTube because I like to experience these kinds of things for myself.

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So i got Neptunia Shooter and Stardew Valley for my birthday. I haven't tried the former and the latter i've played mainly co-op. Fun times, Stardew will definitly tide me over until Rune Factory 4 Special comes out.


For obvious reasons, i won't be talking about Three Houses in this thread (and i can't anyway because it hasn't released).


11 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Million Arthur is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters in this series period. 

Million Arthur was honestly a surprise. I didn't expect her to end up being my favorite of the DLC crew in Megadimension.

11 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Speaking of probably sadistic nurses, is it just me, or is Compa's Japanese voice especially grating in this game?

11 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

i wouldn't say grating, but it was kinda... different? Dunno how to explain it xD

11 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

It's more shrill than in the Re;Birth games, I'd say.

Is it? Compa's always sounded the same in all her appearances iirc. Idk, maybe it's subtle and isn't really detected unless you have really good ears.


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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Million Arthur was honestly a surprise. I didn't expect her to end up being my favorite of the DLC crew in Megadimension.

Yup. Got Nitroplus now, too, but I have already decided to make Million Arthur a mainstay in my party. Her EXE Drive looks really freaking amazing.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Is it? Compa's always sounded the same in all her appearances iirc. Idk, maybe it's subtle and isn't really detected unless you have really good ears.

Again, might just be the speakers on my TV, but Japanese Compa sounds annoyingly shrill.

A question, if I may: how do you unlock new weapons for the DLC characters? Umio has several already buyable, since his seem to unlock as he levels up (as per usual) and Nepgya shares Nepgear's, but I can't seem to find any for God Eater, Million Arthur, and Nitroplus, meaning their damage output is a little lacking.

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So with Three Houses coming out soon, I suppose I'll update what I've been doing lately.

I finished Mario Odyssey a few weeks ago. Jump-rope is much easier (or maybe I got lucky) if you throw Cappy for more air time, and I got 108 jumps immediately after I started doing so. The Darker Side is easier in comparison, though the atmosphere is more fitting if you save it for last. More games should have a cast of NPCs congratulate you after doing something challenging.

I've also been Korok seed hunting in Breath of the Wild (using an interactive map of course). After spending ten minutes trying and failing at boulder golf to get one annoying seed, I decided to fight a nearby Silver Lynel to vent my annoyance. I won, somehow, but there was a Blood Moon right after so it immediately respawned. I ended up completing the boulder golf later.

After a year I've resumed playing the original Xenoblade Chronicles. I'm stuck on Valak Mountain's boss, and since my party is under-leveled I went sidequesting instead (level 44 vs. the boss's level 48). It makes me better appreciate how XC2 tells you where the sidequest objectives are... I also tried restarting Xenoblade X, but I forgot how small the text is so I decided to save it for later.

And lastly I bought Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's Fighter Pass because there was a sale online. Now I just have to wait for the Hero to release... 

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7 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

A question, if I may: how do you unlock new weapons for the DLC characters? Umio has several already buyable, since his seem to unlock as he levels up (as per usual) and Nepgya shares Nepgear's, but I can't seem to find any for God Eater, Million Arthur, and Nitroplus, meaning their damage output is a little lacking.

I booted up the game to confirm and yeah. the DLC folks do indeed get weapons. I uh.....i don't remember how i got them though. Probably you have to watch certain events before you can get them.

4 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

After a year I've resumed playing the original Xenoblade Chronicles. I'm stuck on Valak Mountain's boss, and since my party is under-leveled

Yeah, that one's a bit of a difficulty spike. I always end up under-leveled when i reach the end of Valak Mountain, which usually you could work around it but with the level penalties of Xenoblade 1, that ain't happening.

4 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

It makes me better appreciate how XC2 tells you where the sidequest objectives are

Oh yeah, that and Xenoblade X's Follow Ball are blessings.  

Xenoblade 1 sidequests are just tiring. A lot of it is just blindly running around because you don't know where to go and while rebuilding Colony 6 is cool, once you finish it, you never want to do it again. Ice Cabbage rarity *shudders*.

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The heat right now really kills all the fun out of playing games for me. These days I really only play BotW and F-Zero X on the Wii U gamepad for a while after the sun goes down.

Once the temperature is gonna be a bit more reasonable in a few days, I'm gonna do some more modding for Dragonball Xenoverse 2. I also still have a Thracia run that needs completion.

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Sorta delved back into Starcraft 2 to play some "Custom Games" on the "Arcade." Specifically, Crap Patrol 2 and Undead Assault Chronicles.

Crap Patrol 2 is best compared to an Action RPG or a Warriors title, where one controls a single powerful hero that just destroys mobs left and right. The controls are in the RTS style and most runs tend to last an hour or two. Its fun to play just to see your hero destroy enemies and bosses as they clear out the map and make way for your AI Army to push against hostile forces.

Undead Assault Chronicles is your standard "Zombie Survival" game with a military theme. There are the usual survival modes, but there's also a campaign mode that is fairly fun. The main thing that sucks about UAC is progression, as progression and the grind takes forever. Doesn't help I lost my "Bank File" (Save File), so I have to start all over. I had like 200 games too...
The community of UAC is also hit and miss.
* * * * *

Also, working a bit on my Battle for Wesnoth projects. Currently I'm trying to finish a single-shot scenario before Three Houses comes out (I originally planned on trying to finish my campaign, but that is not happening). Basic premise is playing as a patrol group for a trading post that comes under siege.

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11 hours ago, Armagon said:

I booted up the game to confirm and yeah. the DLC folks do indeed get weapons. I uh.....i don't remember how i got them though. Probably you have to watch certain events before you can get them.

Ah, that might be it! New weapons for Million Arthur suddenly appeared in the shop after I watched an event with her and Uni, which, by the way, cemented both of them among my favorite characters in the Neptunia franchise.
Don't shoot me, but from what I've seen of her in Re;Birth 2 and this game, I think I like Uni a tiny bit more than Noire, character-wise. Not that I dislike Noire, of course, I just think Uni has the slightly more compelling character arc(s).

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So, after restarting Xenoblade 2, I restarted it yet again since I didn't like how things were progressing. I've made it to Uraya yet again, and it doesn't feel like there's a lot you can do here, which is sad since it's my favorite area to explore. Using the expansion pass kills the difficulty, since you can use Corvin almost right away, and he's pretty amazing. So I decided against using him this time.

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After successfully ascending in Cultist Simulator I've mostly been focused on Battle for Wesnoth, for the LP. Currently on 106 hours, just on that... and in theory, that's only covering half the mainline campaigns! World of Warcraft's taken a bit of a back seat recently, as MMOs do - waxing, then waning. Currently looking for a backup game to help avert LP burnout with Wesnoth.

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9 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Don't shoot me, but from what I've seen of her in Re;Birth 2 and this game, I think I like Uni a tiny bit more than Noire, character-wise. Not that I dislike Noire, of course, I just think Uni has the slightly more compelling character arc(s).

It's treason, then.

I kid, i kid. Uni got really good in Megadimension so i see where you're coming from. I prefer Noire more but she's also my favorite character in the series so there's that.

2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Using the expansion pass kills the difficulty,

Bringer of Chaos and Custom difficulty exist though. I mean, Bringer of Chaos is more geared to New Game+  but with Custom difficulty, you can set the difficulty so that it's just right for you.

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continuing my focus on FFF, it's exp galore atm



I feel like should be finishing the game soon, especially since my Party lvl is in the 80s atm, and the story has been giving the ''ending soon'' vibe. I think by weekend i should've finished it, Monday at most. I've been enjoying it honestly, even though i have some gripes with the game in general, which i will explain later.

3rd route definetly feels the most like Canon route though.

There's also a 3rd route exclusive Character that's freaking op. So OP, it makes the Hell difficulty feel like Cold Steel lmao xD. To explain why she's so op, i need to mention 2 Spells only she has access to:

Spd up, Spd down.

They act pretty much like Clock Up and Clock down in Trails (and are even named as such in japanese.). They increase SPD of Ally/decrease that of the enemy, however...

Not only do they do that, they also affect the AT-bar. SPD up makes you character faster and also acts as AT advance (like Shera's whip), while SPD down slows down the enemy and AT-delays them xD

Thankfully she's only NG++ exclusive, as i've already enjoyed some challenge in the other routes. Otherwise i would've been pretty annoyed tbh.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Uni got really good in Megadimension so i see where you're coming from

I fail to think of one Character that isn't great in MegaNep tbh. Well, there's K-sha, but that's it.

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Last minute backlog clearing before Fire Emblem. Starting with Prince of Persia (2008)



The only complaints I heard about this one is the game seeming too easy because you can't die. It's more like an overly generous checkpointing system. "You can't die" in this game as much as any other game that lacks an extra life or health bar system. It really doesn't change much and I found plenty actual flaws in the gameplay. First off was the light seeds. You need to collect a ton of them to progress the game, but they only appear in the world after healing that area. The only way to collect these hundreds of seeds is through backtracking in a finished area which makes for a very shameless method of padding out the game's play time. And how many do you need to collect? 540, out of 720 that are available at that point of the game. That's 75%. To 100% an area's light seeds, you can expect to be running jumping and climbing through the same challenges several times, and occasionally getting creative since some challenges weren't designed for the ability to go through in the opposite direction. This collection process turned this potentially fun 5 hour game into an 8 hour grindfest.

The climbing gameplay is good as usual, it's the same things we've been doing in the PS2 games, but with one or two added tricks like roofrunning. The power plate abilities were very extra. Only 1 of them has you traversing the environment in a new way, while the other three is just a point A to B functional teleport requiring little to no input from the player. All in all this is the Prince of Persia that feels most like an on rails experience loaded with contextual button presses. And that input buffer window has killed me many times as I jump over an edge unintentionally. The combat is also pretty bad. All the fights are one on one affairs and thankfully very infrequent. You gain no new combat abilities over the course of the game, and the combat feels repetitive as you always go for the parry and highest damage retaliation. The PS2 games were like that too, but they didn't rely on quick time events as much as this game did. One final gripe is how the game only autosaves when progress is made in an area. So if your play session ends with an hour of grinding light seeds, you better remember to make a manual save. Man, I usually make manual saves in video games because I'm skeptical of the autosave feature, but this is the rare time I neglect to do that and it actually mattered a lot.

I also encountered a near game breaking bug in a crank turning puzzle. To turn the crank, the Prince and Elika must both push, but my Elika refused to move towards the crank when I called her. I had to physically push her into position, then get her stuck in a specific animation that transitions into the animation where she grabs the crank. If I didn't find that solution within five minutes I would have dropped this game. The ending I also take issue with. Though I wasn't expecting a happy ending, more of Shadow of the Colossus style ending, I think what we have in the game is kind of shallow and emotionally eliminated by the game's true ending DLC where everything works out. I rate it a 4.1 out of 10. Barely functioning and deliberately wastes the player's time. When it's fun it's fun with the occasionally brilliant level design around the Prince's abilities, but the lack of polish in this game is impossible to miss. With some competent restructuring of objectives (such as making it so the light seeds can be collected before you've cleared the area) this game could have easily been a smoother experience and still make that 8 hour mark for a first playthrough.


And in the next four hours I knocked out Medal of Honor (2010), another attempted reboot for the seventh generation of systems


Interesting history regarding this series. Steven Spielberg actually directed the PS1 originals following Saving Private Ryan and they were touted as extremely faithful and educational recreations of World War 2. The series wouldn't leave that setting until the modern military craze established by Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. In this romp through afghanistan, we take the role of three mute protagonists as they mow down hundreds of "taliban motherfuckers". Even on the hardest setting initially available your resistance to bullets is remarkable and I seldom needed to find cover. The game is completely linear with constant invisible walls keeping you along the intended path. As well as constantly waiting for AI partners to open doors for you to mask the game's loading. Once you've finished headshotting all the red colored turbans the end credits play us out to that tired genre of christian/country rock written romantically about our armed forces post 9/11. I think when people criticized call of duty games in that era, this is the game they were imagining in their head.

Not much to say about this game. It's gameplay is attempting to be a carbon copy of Call of Duty and mostly succeeds. Weapon variety is low but the gameplay is mixed up quite a bit with on rails shooting gallery levels. Can't comment on the online but I imagine it attempted to make up for the short and shallow campaign. I guess I rate it a 5 out of 10 for being over before a reasonable opinion can be formed.


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21 hours ago, Armagon said:

Bringer of Chaos and Custom difficulty exist though. I mean, Bringer of Chaos is more geared to New Game+  but with Custom difficulty, you can set the difficulty so that it's just right for you.

I'm not at all a fan of the New Game+ Function in this game, since you keep everything from the previous playthrough, it's kinda hard for it to be a challenge. Also, you can't select any difficulty except Easy or Normal.

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5 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Also, you can't select any difficulty except Easy or Normal.

Wait, are BoC and Custom NG+ exclusive? That's shouldn't be right.

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On 7/25/2019 at 5:20 PM, Armagon said:

It's treason, then.

I kid, i kid. Uni got really good in Megadimension so i see where you're coming from. I prefer Noire more but she's also my favorite character in the series so there's that.

My favorite character in the series is Neptune (also the adult one, as they're practically the same character), followed closely by Nepgear. Boring, I know. I like pretty much everyone, though, with one or two exceptions (specifically K-Sha and IF).

On 7/25/2019 at 7:56 PM, Shrimperor said:

I fail to think of one Character that isn't great in MegaNep tbh. Well, there's K-sha, but that's it.

Yeah, K-Sha isn't really all that good, I'll agree. The other members of Gold Third are awesome, have great motives and great character arcs (with B-Sha being my personal favorite as I can relate to her struggles of overcoming phobias a lot - she's also the funniest out of the bunch), whereas K-Sha is just plain selfish. And she doesn't learn a thing, that's probably the most egregious part of it all.

Also, while I found her really, really entertaining in MegaNep VII, I do hope they don't try to portray Arfoire as a serious threat in future games, because her credibility as a potential main antagonist has all but vanished since Re;Birth 3 turned her into a giant eggplant with CPU-like wings, and she became obsessed with the stuff. The end credits for the Hyperdimension Arc list her under "You again?! Go home!". With that kind of humiliation, I sincerely hope - if she absolutely HAS to come back - she's more like an anime Team Rocket type villain: completely ineffective, but funny. Everything else would just be bad storytelling at this point.


I also went and got a Switch yesterday, along with Fire Emblem Three Houses. I also wanted to get Super Neptunia RPG, but the physical copies of that game are apparently out of stock, which sucks. I won't be spoiling anything about Three Kingdoms Houses, don't worry. (Will I ever stop making that joke? Who knows?)
I joined the Blue Lions (Dimitri and Annette, as well as the fact that blue is my favorite color, won me over, as I was going to go Golden Deer initially) and so far, I like the game. The story is intriguing, if it delivers on what it promised so far, Sothis is funny, and the combat-related gameplay reminds me of Tellius, graphics-wise. Also, the school system is literally Trails of Cold Steel. No joke.

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19 hours ago, Armagon said:

Wait, are BoC and Custom NG+ exclusive? That's shouldn't be right.

I just started over and i'm 100% sure it wasn't on there. But I started over using a different user, if that means anything.

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12 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I just started over and i'm 100% sure it wasn't on there. But I started over using a different user, if that means anything.

You can only pick between Easy and Normal when starting a new game, but you can switch to Bringer of Chaos or Custom in-game while playing your file.

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5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

My favorite character in the series is Neptune (also the adult one, as they're practically the same character), followed closely by Nepgear. 

The Neps rank very close to the top on my favorites list. I know i said Noire was my favorite but the Planeptune CPUs are also in S-tier as well.

5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I like pretty much everyone, though, with one or two exceptions (specifically K-Sha and IF).

That's me as well, except i like IF a lot. I think the character i liked the least though was RED.


5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, while I found her really, really entertaining in MegaNep VII, I do hope they don't try to portray Arfoire as a serious threat in future games, because her credibility as a potential main antagonist has all but vanished since Re;Birth 3 turned her into a giant eggplant with CPU-like wings, and she became obsessed with the stuff. The end credits for the Hyperdimension Arc list her under "You again?! Go home!". With that kind of humiliation, I sincerely hope - if she absolutely HAS to come back - she's more like an anime Team Rocket type villain: completely ineffective, but funny. Everything else would just be bad storytelling at this point.

See, the thing with Arfoire is that she's the recurring villain type, like Ganondorf for instance. But because it's Neptunia, they gotta make fun of it somehow. I wouldn't be surprised if she returned again in the next game.

5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I also wanted to get Super Neptunia RPG, but the physical copies of that game are apparently out of stock, which sucks.

Niche JRPGs like these tend to not be in physical stock very often from my experience. I think i've ever only seen like two copies of Neptunia games at GameStop like twice. For games like that, i recommend downloading them from the eShop.

5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, the school system is literally Trails of Cold Steel. No joke.

Yes, i'm not the only one who sees it. More accurately, it's Trails of Cold Steel 3 if the teaching was actually integrated into the gameplay. People compare it to Persona more but that's probably just because Persona is more well known. But like, Three Houses even has a library where you can expand the worldbuilding, just like in Trails.

Anyway, like i said before, i also won't be talking about that game too much here. I went Black Eagles and i'm just starting Ch.7 and this game is quickly shaping up to be my favorite in the series. I'm really loving the freedom given to you when deciding what you want each character to be and also they nerfed Mandom the turnwheel. Still the same maximum number of uses (12) from what i hear but getting more than 3 isn't easy. Which is good. I've been playing on Hard Classic and it's about as difficulty as Blazing Blade Hard Mode. Story has the potential to be great, if pulled off.

Oh and this comes as no surprise but every other game i'm playing has been put on hold. I'll finish Super Neptunia RPG, Ritual of the Night and Stardev Valley (that game actually has no end but you get the point) at a later date. I wanna play Fire Emblem.

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46 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The Neps rank very close to the top on my favorites list. I know i said Noire was my favorite but the Planeptune CPUs are also in S-tier as well.

That's me as well, except i like IF a lot. I think the character i liked the least though was RED.

Oh yeah, somehow I completely forgot about Red. Yeah, I don't really like her, either. I tend to try and forget about characters I don't like. I'm sure I'll have forgotten about K-Sha, too, if Gold Third doesn't return in future installments.
Noire is S-tier for me, too, along with Neptune, Nepgear, Neptune (the bigger one), Uzume, Uni, Umio, Million Arthur, and Nitroplus.

50 minutes ago, Armagon said:

See, the thing with Arfoire is that she's the recurring villain type, like Ganondorf for instance. But because it's Neptunia, they gotta make fun of it somehow. I wouldn't be surprised if she returned again in the next game.

I wouldn't be surprised either. And I wouldn't mind her returning, because I believe Neptunia actually does the whole recurring villain thing right. All I'm saying is that she really shouldn't be the "Big Bad" anymore. I actually hope she returns as a joke antagonist, because the comments other characters make about her are plain hilarious and won't get old anytime soon.

53 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yes, i'm not the only one who sees it. More accurately, it's Trails of Cold Steel 3 if the teaching was actually integrated into the gameplay. People compare it to Persona more but that's probably just because Persona is more well known. But like, Three Houses even has a library where you can expand the worldbuilding, just like in Trails.

Exactly. I can't speak on Cold Steel 3, because I haven't played that game yet and haven't watched any videos on it, but the moment I was introduced to the school mechanics, I was immediately reminded of Cold Steel 1 to an uncanny degree: one main mission per month, the days leading up to it spent in preparation for that mission, with free days to do quests and flirt strengthen your bonds with the other students.
My personal comparison to Persona mainly came from the overall character designs more than the game mechanics.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Anyway, like i said before, i also won't be talking about that game too much here. I went Black Eagles and i'm just starting Ch.7 and this game is quickly shaping up to be my favorite in the series. I'm really loving the freedom given to you when deciding what you want each character to be and also they nerfed Mandom the turnwheel. Still the same maximum number of uses (12) from what i hear but getting more than 3 isn't easy. Which is good. I've been playing on Hard Classic and it's about as difficulty as Blazing Blade Hard Mode. Story has the potential to be great, if pulled off.

You're farther than I am, then. I'm only on the fourth month, I believe.

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