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Alastor plays and ranks the whole series! Mission Complete! ...For now.


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14 minutes ago, Carmine Sword said:

You can get both the exp and res wells in the Sea Shrine. They aren't mutually exclusive. 


...Shit. Right. That explains why it was only 2 uses then.

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On 6/23/2021 at 10:26 AM, Alastor15243 said:

So yeah, apparently this is the sluice gate that takes in water from the ocean?

The ocean? That'd mean saltwater, which is bad for plants and stuff. And here I think I had assumed that it was a ginormous aqueduct or other irrigation project. What could compel one to need a continental canal? Is east-west shipping that valuable? An aqueduct sending down rainwater and glacial meltwater from all those surrounding mountains could make even Rigel fertile.


On 6/23/2021 at 10:26 AM, Alastor15243 said:

Yep! Okay, so, this isn't remotely reliable on Echoes ironmans, but Echoes ironmans suck anyway. Basically, I put Faye and Silque up front by the bridge, have Faye rescue Kliff to the absolute limit of Silque's movement range, then have Silque warp Kliff as far up as she possibly can. This is just barely enough for Kliff to attempt a hunter's volley on Tatarrah.

It would take two consecutive crits to one-shot him, but he'll go down next turn without a problem, assuming nothing goes wrong on this following enemy-phase.

...Something did in fact go wrong. All of the mire mages attacked Kliff and he didn't get enough lucky dodges. Okay, let's try something different. I'm gonna do everything the same except that I won't use hunter's volley on Tatarrah, I'll use it on one of the mire guys at point blank range and thus bait Tatarrah off of the supply pile from out of the range of one or two of those mire guys. That should leave him open to be killed next turn.

Yep! Even when healed back up, he took enough damage to exactly only need one crit to die!

Interesting assassination tactic, I never considered it.

Usually, in order to not kill Delthea, I'd attack her to below Aura-casting HP thresholds with one of my characters, as she usually never went off to heal afterwards. It tended to be the case that I had Luthier safely do the job, which meant he had to take an Aura to the near-death face himself, what a brother will suffer for the sake of his sister.😛

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I really like Grieth's chapter. I think its the best designed map in Echoes. 

It really feels up like its made of several phases. First you start in the desert and need clear a path by taking down the archers and mages behind the wall, once you're inside you fight through a zombie horde in a very cramped hallway and then you finally reach Grieth. 

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9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Oh. And I here I think I had assumed that it was a ginormous aqueduct or other irrigation project. What could compel one to need a continental canal? Is east-west shipping that valuable? An aqueduct sending down rainwater and glacial meltwater from all those surrounding mountains could make even Rigel fertile.

It kinda is. Considering Rigel is higher in elevation than Zofia, having the big water reservoir up to the former's elevation is meant to help Rigel to be fertile. The whole thing was built to help both countries' irrigation.

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It kinda is. Considering Rigel is higher in elevation than Zofia, having the big water reservoir up to the former's elevation is meant to help Rigel to be fertile. The whole thing was built to help both countries' irrigation.

Ah, glad I hedged my bets with all that "not an expert" talk then. I was INCREDIBLY confused.

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Admittedly, the whole thing confuses me a little too. Since it seems to act more like a canal than a water reservoir, at least with the idea that one gate is to let the water in and the other out. Or that opening the west gate without the east one would let the whole thing overflow. Can't really use the ocean water to farm for that matter, unless there's something going on in there that purifies it for such purpose.

That said, the idea itself is only like half-plausible. Fill up the reservoir so Rigel has water, but then how does Zofia benefit? Unless there's gates along the length of the wall to let water flow into Zofia. But then most of the length of the wall is against mountains, so there's not an easy way for Zofia to receive water from the reservoir anyway.

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Admittedly, the whole thing confuses me a little too. Since it seems to act more like a canal than a water reservoir, at least with the idea that one gate is to let the water in and the other out. Or that opening the west gate without the east one would let the whole thing overflow. Can't really use the ocean water to farm for that matter, unless there's something going on in there that purifies it for such purpose.

That said, the idea itself is only like half-plausible. Fill up the reservoir so Rigel has water, but then how does Zofia benefit? Unless there's gates along the length of the wall to let water flow into Zofia. But then most of the length of the wall is against mountains, so there's not an easy way for Zofia to receive water from the reservoir anyway.

Maybe Fire Emblem oceans aren't salty?

(there's no doubt quote somewhere there that disproves that, but it's still a fun though, and would marginally make Camus's ridiculous journey to Valentias slightly less impossible).

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41 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Ah, glad I hedged my bets with all that "not an expert" talk then. I was INCREDIBLY confused.

Aqueducts and other forms of irrigation projects are as old as human civilization, they helped bring civilization into existence. And to this day they remain invaluable- California wouldn't be an agricultural powerhouse without aqueducts.

I actually have a book on environmental history and the roles rivers have played right next to me right now. To recite from the first chapter....

  • We have tablets from Pharaonic Egypt recording the use of Nilometers to measure the height of the annual floods dating back as far as the First Dynasty, 3100 BC.
    • By measuring the peak height of the flooding, which Egyptians relied on for their agriculture, rulers could estimate the size of the harvest in advance and set taxes in accordance.
  • Mesopotamia, the "Cradle of Civilization", the first human civilization to arise, might have begun experimenting with stream irrigation as far back as 7000-6000 BC in northern Iraq, although Sumeria didn't formally rise until roughly 5200 BC.
    • Mesopotamian floods from the Tigris and Euphrates were too unpredictable and damaging, unlike Egypt's, and also came too early for planting. Irrigation was needed to store those early floodwaters for when the rivers ran low later in the year when the crops were in the ground and thirsty.
  • Harappan civilization in Pakistan and northwestern India flourished between 2500-1900 BC, with their informal origins possibly as old as 7000 or 5000 BC. 
    • Harappan civilization relied on rivers controlled by the appropriate infrastructure just as Mesopotamia did, and went a step further, building baths and toilets with running water, and enclosed sewers.
  • Chinese civilization began around 6000 BC along the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, forming various cultures. This culminated in the Xia Dynasty, the first Chinese dynasty according to oral tradition, whose existence draws some doubt by modern historians, but it is described as having used dams, dikes, and ditches.
  • All of the above examples of early human civilization were located in flat, wide river valleys, the soils fertile with silt from those rivers, but located in regions that actually receive little rainfall, and hence depended on those rivers for their agriculture. 

-Although aqueducts tend to be used to draw water out of mountains, not so much rivers, which is what I thought the Sluice was being used for.

History lesson of the day! 

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Shadows of Valentia Day 24: A Whoooooole Lot of Skirmishing

As I have just learned that the experience fountain is still usable even after using the resistance one, and since I saved yesterday inside of the shrine and not outside of it, I'm gonna try to grab it so I can get Palla and Catria promoted before leaving.

...Alright, I picked Leon and Catria instead because Palla managed to get enough exp from going back that just one more battle will level her up (which will be achieved by getting to the exit), so using the experience water on her seems like a waste.

Honestly, 90% of the extra experience I need to get is due to sheer backtracking I have to do to promote in this specific act, because they decided that both of the shrines added in this part had to be at the absolute end of it, and right fucking next to each other. Item-based promotions would have made this stuff way less annoying.

I got a village talk with Leon where he ends with “Gods, it really throws me when you're so rational and correct.” Which seems to imply he doesn't perceive Celica to be that way very often.

Anyway, Palla and Catria are falcon knights now, and Leon is a bow knight. I'm gonna see if I can get him a killer bow so he can, way later than he should have, learn hunter's volley.

Catria and Palla don't benefit statistically from their promotions as much as Clair did, but still, they're gonna be really useful now, especially in Act 4. For now though, let's get moving, finally. Back to Grieth's Citadel, and then on the road to the Temple of Mila.

The bow knight group wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Just that guy and two paladins. Now to fight the cantor in the graveyard. Sounds like a job for Palla and Catria. And maybe I should finally give Catria a proper weapon instead of that luck ring. Her attack against anything that isn't a terror is really bad.

Yep. So I gave Catria the javelin and Palla the steel lance so they're both fast enough to take on these gargoyles. They should make this a breeze. And then it's to the village to make that damned killer bow, and off to Grieth's Citadel with nothing standing in our way until we head back.

Alright, I've got my killer bow. Time to fight off this cantor who moved in and finally get back to doing what I should have done yesterday.

I could have milked that for a ton of hunter's volley exp, but chose not to. A single killer bow crit to the face finished the guy off before he could summon anything.

God damn more reinforcements.

But yeah, now I'm in the citadel proper. Atlas found his brothers... completely offscreen. Would've been nice to see them.

Palla describes her queen (Minerva) and says “her siblings caused her terrible grief”.

...The fuck did Maria do, exactly, to lump her in with Michalis there?

Got a memory prism! Alright, checking that out once I leave here.

I found a silver purse++, which helps recoup a lot of the silver losses from making that killer bow. If we get like 100 more silver and 1 more gold, I'll be able to make a fully forged killer bow with way better stats.

I got some pegasus cheese, and I'm gonna hold onto that because I can't think of any specifically good candidates for it.

Alright, recruited Sonya. Oh! And Alessio's here! Let's see...

Ah yes, selling five steel lances. I've never managed to do this one. Is it worth it?

And behind the prison door number one... I mean two, since apparently two is closer to the rest of the building than one is...

...Irma, the priestess. Who swiftly realizes that Celica is Princess Anthiese, daughter of Lady Liprica. Who was apparently a priestess, and not a noble. Also, she had natural gray hair. Seems Celica inherited her hair color from her father.

Aaaaaaand... Lima IV... kidnapped and raped her.


They went there.

I mean they don't say that, but they do say he forced her to join his harem of brides, and... y'know... having gotten pregnant... yeah, no way that wasn't rape.

And apparently she died very shortly after giving birth to Celica.

...And Celica is, rightly, confused as all hell how Liprica gained access to the royal crown, or why she asked Irma to give it to Celica when she came of age, because “surely [she] had cause to hate the monarchy above all else”.

...Liprica apparently stored the circlet in the temple vault. ...How? How did she arrange for any of this to happen!? Surely Lima didn't approve of this! It doesn't make any sense!

And yeah, to mount absurdity upon absurdity, Irma says she'll make her way to the Temple of Mila at once.

Through the assorted obstacles we have not fucking cleared yet. And Celica does nothing to suggest they should travel together, which she totally should, because it's freakishly dangerous.

Yeah, I agree with the people who said Irma should have been made a party member. We're short dedicated healers as it is on Celica's side, so someone like her would be a valuable addition.

And we get Est! And there's an adorable CG where they're all reunited and hugging. With both Palla and Catria promoted, I imagine Est is gonna be significantly behind, but she also means we can use the triangle attack now, so that might be handy.

Also, it's incredibly easy to tell that Brianna Knickerbocker is the voice of Est. I can just hear “more perky Sakura” in everything she says.

Also, absurdity of absurdities...

Est's recruitment is optional.

Leaving you with the absolutely ludicrous prospect of turning her down.

Causing her to just stand here.

In this open cell.

Literally forever.

After all the effort her sisters went through to save her.

Seriously, at what fucking point does the mounting absurdity of all of this cross a damned line? Just how worth it is it to slightly streamline the prospect of low-manning this already absurdly under-rostered game?

...I really wish the level up quotes actually related to the stats gained, because some of them are pretty funny. In particular, Sonya worrying about looking too muscular is hilarious. I'm reminded of Inigo's “most stats capped” quote: “I'd say that's strong enough. Bulk is... tacky.”

Another graveyard fight, this time with paladins joining in. I decide to have Leon fight the bulk of the undead for hunter's volley experience while my three dread fighters take on the paladins.

I remember that Genny and Sonya have supports, so I'm also working on getting those. I'm gonna try to use Sonya, see if I can get rewarp. That sounds like a lot of fun.

Awesome! Leon got hunter's volley at the absolute last second of that graveyard skirmish! Sweet! Time to kick some serious ass with this thing!

Celica: What are Rigelian forces doing all the way out here?

Oh, so Celica does fight Rigelian forces. Well, once at least.

Anyway, Blake makes this badass boast about how thanks to him, none of the priestesses seeking the temple have made it there.

...You know, except Irma.

...This map is damned near identical to the one right after the Thief's Shrine in Act 1, complete with the danger sword user about to attack us over the mountains. But this time it's with way stronger enemies. But that's fine. Our party is way stronger too.

...But not that strong, apparently. I forgot how slow Leon is with the killer bow and failed to kill with a hunter's volley, causing him to be attacked by three mages when he could barely handle one. Kliff this man is not. He's significantly slower and has 9 less resistance. Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking there.


Yeah, rushing in with my dread fighters is a way better idea. They're damned near invincible, with high defense and near immunity to magic.

I probably should've forged the killer bow at least partway, honestly. I have the silver and gold for it, and I'm noticing Leon's just barely too weak to one-round these enemies with hunter's volley without crits. Lame. Alright, I'll forge it when this is over.

Well anyway, Blake is swiftly dealt with once we all swarm him. Hunter's Volley is the opening shot... and the only shot. I got the shadow sword, and I might use it. Depends on what exactly this curse thing is and if lifetaker works on enemy-phase in this game.

Mae: Dangit, I hate it when they die right before they say something important!

Ah yeah, that's referring to Blake saying “Mila is... already...”.

...Alright, that's it for today. We've got a dungeon up next, and I don't have quite enough time to explore it and proofread for today. So we'll pick up next week, finish Act 3 pretty early on, and move straight into Celica's part of Act 4 so we can get Alm promoted ASAP.

Stay safe, everyone!

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20 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

...The fuck did Maria do, exactly, to lump her in with Michalis there?


Ha. Good point. Kept Michalis alive, maybe XD Though I don't think Minerva knows this at that time. Maybe it was legit meant to be grief from worry. Isn't this when they're recusing Est? So less that it's commenting on stuff her siblings did and more how just having family in war time can cause much worry for their safety.


...Irma, the priestess. Who swiftly realizes that Celica is Princess Anthiese, daughter of Lady Liprica. Who was apparently a priestess, and not a noble. Also, she had natural gray hair.

Seems Celica inherited her hair color from her father.

Well makes sense considering Conrad is a redhead too.


Yeah, I agree with the people who said Irma should have been made a party member. We're short dedicated healers as it is on Celica's side, so someone like her would be a valuable addition.

And at this point I think giving Celica's party a warp user to make the swamps easier to clear would be very much appreciated. A warp user in the prior maps with Grieth could kind of snap the level in half as they're clearly meant to be tackled in a pretty specific way, but sending a vanguard across the swamp rather than spending three turns wading through it would have likely have made players more warm to the map design.


Est's recruitment is optional.

Leaving you with the absolutely ludicrous prospect of turning her down.

Causing her to just stand here.

In this open cell.

Literally forever.

After all the effort her sisters went through to save her.

Seriously, at what fucking point does the mounting absurdity of all of this cross a damned line? Just how worth it is it to slightly streamline the prospect of low-manning this already absurdly under-rostered game?


Ha Fair points XD But it really doesn't bother me at all. Do Palla and Catria still leave you if you get to this point and turn down Est's recruitment though? I'm guessing not? Since they'll stay with you should Est be killed too.


I remember that Genny and Sonya have supports, so I'm also working on getting those. I'm gonna try to use Sonya, see if I can get rewarp. That sounds like a lot of fun.

It's really not. For one, unlike Fates and even the Witches in this game, it uses up your turn to use it. In addition, the maps in this game are all pretty small, at least by the time you get it, you'll probably be on the tower skirmishes, so there's just not a whole lot of actual tactical use for it. If she had it right away it'd be pretty useful in the swamps for sending a pegasus across and having her follow, but it's quite a few levels beyond promotion when you're finally able to get it from what I recall.


Anyway, Blake makes this badass boast about how thanks to him, none of the priestesses seeking the temple have made it there.

Blake also uses the original Deen design, which seems a bit unfair to me. I'm bias to playable characters looking the same over random bosses. Maybe I'd be kinder to the change of Deen's new design looked better, but I feel it's missing something crucial to tie it together for me. Not that the Polnareff design would be anything other than ridiculous in this century.


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Even if it wasn't on purpose, Maria being turned into a hostage in order to force Minerva to fight is going to be grief-indusing. The wording could've been better or less vague, though, but it's no less correct.

45 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

...Liprica apparently stored the circlet in the temple vault. ...How? How did she arrange for any of this to happen!? Surely Lima didn't approve of this! It doesn't make any sense!

Considering how he is, I doubt he noticed.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Even if it wasn't on purpose, Maria being turned into a hostage in order to force Minerva to fight is going to be grief-indusing. The wording could've been better or less vague, though.

"Our queen is a beautiful, kind woman. But her siblings caused her terrible grief. Being family allows you to forgive some things you couldn’t otherwise. Though I understand it also makes other things unforgivable."

Yeah this is terribly phrased. Implying Maria did something requiring forgiveness is... weird and disturbing.

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16 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

"Our queen is a beautiful, kind woman. But her siblings caused her terrible grief. Being family allows you to forgive some things you couldn’t otherwise. Though I understand it also makes other things unforgivable."

Yeah this is terribly phrased. Implying Maria did something requiring forgiveness is... weird and disturbing.

She ensured Michalis' survival. That's kind of a crime. 

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

On that subject, playable Irma would've been interesting, yes. But I guess it was only one old person per group, and Nomah already got that spot. XD

Funny thing is that Irma hardly looks old. She just has her hair in an "old" style and has that holy headdress. With her hair down she'd look pretty dang young for the peer of a teenager's mother.


1 minute ago, Etrurian emperor said:

She ensured Michalis' survival. That's kind of a crime. 

But she doesn't know that yet.

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1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

Mae: Dangit, I hate it when they die right before they say something important!

Ah yeah, that's referring to Blake saying “Mila is... already...”.

Nice lampshading there XD

1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

Well anyway, Blake is swiftly dealt with once we all swarm him. Hunter's Volley is the opening shot... and the only shot. I got the shadow sword, and I might use it. Depends on what exactly this curse thing is and if lifetaker works on enemy-phase in this game.

Remember how the Devil Sword and Devil Axe can backfire and damage the user instead? The Hex effect of the Shadow Sword is like that. You're better off forging it into a Brave Sword. By the way, Lifetaker is not limited by phase in this game like it is in the other games with it (though that isn't enough to make up for the backfire chance imho).

Edited by Shadow Mir
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7 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Remember how the Devil Sword and Devil Axe can backfire and damage the user instead? The Hex effect of the Shadow Sword is like that. You're better off forging it into a Brave Sword. By the way, Lifetaker is not limited by phase in this game like it is in the other games with it (though that isn't enough to make up for the backfire chance imho).

Oh shit right! I can make it a brave sword! Thanks for the info about lifetaker.

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1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

Funny thing is that Irma hardly looks old. She just has her hair in an "old" style and has that holy headdress. With her hair down she'd look pretty dang young for the peer of a teenager's mother.


We don't know how old Liprica was when she was Limad. She looks fully grown in the one image we see of her and baby Celica, but 17 year old Celica looks of an approximately similar age too.  So conceivably if Irma is a year or two younger than Liprica, and Liprica herself was a teenager at the time, Irma could be in her early 30s now.

1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

Nice lampshading there XD

Remember how the Devil Sword and Devil Axe can backfire and damage the user instead? The Hex effect of the Shadow Sword is like that. You're better off forging it into a Brave Sword. By the way, Lifetaker is not limited by phase in this game like it is in the other games with it (though that isn't enough to make up for the backfire chance imho).

I don't think it works for Dread Fighters, the backfire I mean. Though there are still better weapons out there.

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9 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

But yeah, now I'm in the citadel proper. Atlas found his brothers... completely offscreen. Would've been nice to see them.

"Imagine, non-playable relatives of playable characters getting represented by their own portraits."



9 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Honestly, 90% of the extra experience I need to get is due to sheer backtracking I have to do to promote in this specific act, because they decided that both of the shrines added in this part had to be at the absolute end of it, and right fucking next to each other. Item-based promotions would have made this stuff way less annoying.

I actually really like promotions being limited to certain "holy sites" in this game. It makes it feel more special than, say, eating a Promotion Berry whenever you feel like getting a boost in levels. And requires more planning, if you're trying to play efficiently. That said, the particulars of the placement on Celica's Act 3 are... quite poor.

9 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Alright, recruited Sonya. Oh! And Alessio's here! Let's see...

Genuinely never realized he was the same guy who bought the coral from Celica. Then sold the Coral Ring to Alm. Apparently, he bought the coral to make it for 50 gold, then sold it for... 30 gold? If this describes his business acumen, it's no wonder his kneecaps are perpetually imperiled.

9 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Seriously, at what fucking point does the mounting absurdity of all of this cross a damned line? Just how worth it is it to slightly streamline the prospect of low-manning this already absurdly under-rostered game?

You've just insulted my entire playthrough style. But yes.

I prefer the option to turn people down, just for the sake of increasing player choice. Even if it's a terrible choice. And to their credit, they gave everyone voiced lines for getting turned down. It's a funny bit, and they've committed to it.

9 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Anyway, Blake makes this badass boast about how thanks to him, none of the priestesses seeking the temple have made it there.

...You know, except Irma.

What a weak-sauce boast. If any of the priestesses had made it, how would he even know? All he can say is "I prevented any priestesses whom I personally witnessed from passing this place".

8 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

Nice lampshading there XD

If only Mae were there when Desaix perished, too.

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2 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

You've just insulted my entire playthrough style. But yes.

I'm not insulting the playstyle. I'm staring, mouth agape, at the absurd pandering to it at the expense of all logic and sanity.

Plus, it's a pretty shitty convenience feature even for you, no? Wouldn't the game have been far better served just... letting you set a fixed random battle roster, or at bare minimum let you bring fewer than 10 people into a dungeon even if you have them? You wouldn't need damned near every recruit in the game to be optional if recruiting them wasn't an automatic force-deploy in so many circumstances.

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10 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Plus, it's a pretty shitty convenience feature even for you, no? Wouldn't the game have been far better served just... letting you set a fixed random battle roster, or at bare minimum let you bring fewer than 10 people into a dungeon even if you have them? You wouldn't need damned near every recruit in the game to be optional if recruiting them wasn't an automatic force-deploy in so many circumstances.

Truthfully, yeah, this would be a good quality-of-life feature to have. That said, if talking to characters causes you to automatically recruit them, then it goes from "optional" to "semi-optional". Wherein, I can still choose not to talk to this character and progress the game - but if I do talk to them, I have to take them in. So, choosing to talk to the character forces the recruitment... which I guess isn't that different from recruitment in previous games? I dunno, I guess that'd be alright. But then I'd no longer get to take a perverse pleasure in turning down an enthusiastic Forsyth, or keeping Mathilda away from her husband. C'mon, let me play a bastard Alm!

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9 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:


...Irma, the priestess. Who swiftly realizes that Celica is Princess Anthiese, daughter of Lady Liprica. Who was apparently a priestess, and not a noble. Also, she had natural gray hair. Seems Celica inherited her hair color from her father.

Aaaaaaand... Lima IV... kidnapped and raped her.


They went there.

I mean they don't say that, but they do say he forced her to join his harem of brides, and... y'know... having gotten pregnant... yeah, no way that wasn't rape.

And apparently she died very shortly after giving birth to Celica.


Fire Emblem Echoes! 12 For kids!

Good job taking care of your Followers, Mila.


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1 minute ago, Samz707 said:

Good job taking care of your Followers, Mila.


Ouch, yeah, excellent point. This was when she was still in the temple and physically there. And Lima just had the balls to kidnap Liprica from it. Honestly, it's kind of hilarious that Celica's so cynical about her country's useless royalty but has this massive blindspot for all of the shortcomings her goddess has to have in order for any of this shit to have happened.

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11 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:


Palla describes her queen (Minerva) and says “her siblings caused her terrible grief”.

...The fuck did Maria do, exactly, to lump her in with Michalis there?

Maria did decide to put her life in extra danger by joining Marth's army as a combatant, entirely due to a crush on Marth... I am guessing that kind of boy crazy probably gets her into trouble at other times as well.

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15 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Maria did decide to put her life in extra danger by joining Marth's army as a combatant, entirely due to a crush on Marth... I am guessing that kind of boy crazy probably gets her into trouble at other times as well.

I mean, on the contrary. Within Marth's army Minerva can count on her sister being looked after, by herself even. And, realistically, Maria would be on duty in a field hospital, not outright on the battlefield.

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