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Alastor plays and ranks the whole series! Mission Complete! ...For now.


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11 minutes ago, Jotari said:

This sort of makes me question how Jedah knows that Celica knows Alm.

I'd assume some of the surviving Faithful from the failed attack at Zofia Castle stuck around long enough to overhear about the spat. I can picture one just below the balcony being there by chance and hears the voices, haha.

I mean...


The balcony is not that high. I'm sure they could've been heard by however happened to be down there.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd assume some of the surviving Faithful from the failed attack at Zofia Castle stuck around long enough to overhear about the spat. I can picture one just below the balcony being there by chance and hears the voices, haha.

I mean...


The balcony is not that high. I'm sure they could've been heard by however happened to be down there.

An acceptable theory. And funny you pick that point because they do get attacked by Duma Faithful moments after argument in the manga.

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7 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

...She basically says “Fair enough, I'll just wait here so I don't get kidapped again”. How exactly does she expect the Zeke situation to end well without her presence?

The Chad "No protesting!" Maria vs. The Virgin "Guess I'll die" Tatiana

7 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

So apparently Berkut is insanely popular with the ladies, according to this one random peasant girl. Kinda weird how she says nothing about the emotional conflict from owing her life to her idol's mortal enemies. That would've been amusing. Does she know? How could she not? Why would Alm ever bring up the subject of Berkut and say that he met him to prompt this conversation, without it becoming clear that he's the leader of the Deliverance?

Maybe this is the reason Rinea is with him. There's no emotional connection, she just has the hots for him (along with half of Rigel).

7 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

easily-disposed-of dread fighters.

Those words... is it possible to use them together in a sentence like that?

7 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

So, this is kinda just dumb. First off, in what I have to assume was a bad translation, Luthier scolds Delthea for her recklessness, and then when she complains, he says he's “not criticizing [her]”. Also, Delthea's response of “Wooould yooouuu pleeeeease SHUUUUUUUT UUUUUUP!?” was read more like “Would you PLEEEEEASE... SHUT! UP!”. Makes me wonder if the voice actors even got the same script that we got. I can't imagine deciding to read the former like the latter.

I have to give Christine Marie Cabanos the benefit of the doubt here - the line, as it's written, sounds really awkward. What, is she expected to spend two full seconds on each word? That would undercut any potential emphasis, and sound more like Dory speaking Whale than anything else.

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7 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:


Maybe this is the reason Rinea is with him. There's no emotional connection, she just has the hots for him (along with half of Rigel).


Maybe it's just the stellar voice work at it again, but she certainly sounds like she's pretty into him for more than his looks when giving the whole "You don't have to be Emperor for me to love you" speech right before he sacrifices her.

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Is anyone else disappointed that Nuibaba is a pretty lady instead of a hideous lizard woman? If she gets into heroes I hope her damage art has her revert to her lizard self from the NES days to imply she's hottie when using magic on herself and a nottie when she gets too wounded to sustain that spell.

In any case when it comes to Echoes I don't have much difficulty pointing to things about it that are as questionable as with Fates. The key difference is that there's also enough good to accompany the bad. The things in the story that are really, really bad such as anything Berkut related, or Celica becoming a big dummy gets uplifted by the things about the story which are good and the general atmosphere around it.  

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3 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Is anyone else disappointed that Nuibaba is a pretty lady instead of a hideous lizard woman? If she gets into heroes I hope her damage art has her revert to her lizard self from the NES days to imply she's hottie when using magic on herself and a nottie when she gets too wounded to sustain that spell.


I want that, that would be a pretty fun way to recognize the original Gaiden. (And probably freak out a bunch of people, which I also want to see.)


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Shadows of Valentia Day 35: Zeke

Alright, so, looks like the rest of Alm's side of Act 4 isn't producing reinforcements, so it's finally time to head back and do some forging. After trading some stuff in, I made the shadow sword into a brave sword, and I forged the killer bow to the maximum level 3 for 2 more might, 5 more hit, 5 more crit, and 1 more speed. Excellent. Alright, time to rescue Zeke!

Zeke's got some pretty damned good stats, though perhaps not quite high enough to justify being a level 7 gold knight. He's got some impressive growths, but at that level he won't be taking much advantage of them. And rather infuriatingly for what is supposed to be the finest knight in all of Grust, he's outclassed by the boss, who if I remember correctly is supposed to be characterized as cocky only due to using blackmail.

This fight is gonna be a crazy clusterfuck, and hopefully I can keep Zeke alive long enough to rout the enemy. I'll be sending in Kliff to make that happen easier, since he's the only one who's likely to be able to handle an enemy phase from the assorted high-range and/or high-mov units we're facing.

Oh, also, we have Tatiana now, who starts out with physic but no recover, amusingly enough. She'll be getting fortify soon, and I want to get her there as soon as possible, so she'll obviously be healing every turn, and scoring any kills we can secure for her in, say, dungeons.

Let's go.

Okay, props to Jerome, he's not as much of a sniveling Miles Gloriosus as I'd have expected.

Kliff gets a hunter's volley off on one of the two sorcerers, and the other one, having too pitiful of a movement range to attack anyone else, goes for Kliff. But since Zeke was fool enough to announce his intention to turn traitor before actually performing his attack, he is at the mercy of the blue-red-green turn order and Jerome's army gets in a cheap first shot on his army of meatshields.

But yeah, with the two sorcerers gone, now I can safely warp in Alm to start doing some more damage on turn 2. And with that, Jerome is down.

The rest are easy to deal with, between my three physic users healing up my units and allies, and my two brave-art tanks to take out the trash.

...So, unfortunately, yet again I'll have to end after visiting this village, because my schedule is still bad.

...I wonder why Zeke's saying he can't answer Alm's request to join him here. His answer is no, isn't it? Until the event that takes place in the village causes Zeke to realize Alm has a mark on his hand. But he doesn't know that's going to happen, so why does he have to lead Alm to the village to do what he thinks is going to be turning him down?

Of course, the real reason is because they wanted to keep it like the original game that had far less dialogue and where all recruitments happened in villages. So let's go there and see what excuse they come up with for this.

Okay, I just saw Delthea's latest village talk, and, uh... lemme just... quote her previous talk and this one back to back...

Delthea: Things are what you might call “delicate” in our village. We're not supposed to talk about the whole “magical bloodline” thing. That's bullplop though, right? I think it is. We've got all this incredible magic at our disposal, and we have to HIDE it? I wanna show off! I want people to bask in my awesomeness! Plus, who wants to do REAL work? Uh, I mean... Anyway! I'm glad I fight for you now and do what I'm good at. Feel free to lay on the compliments when you see me kickin' tail, yeah?

Also Delthea: You know, folks tell me I'm wasting my natural talents. Well, I never asked to be amazing! I'm not even all that interested in magic or fighting. My brother's the one who's all gung-ho about it. Don't get me wrong! I'm glad that I have a way of helping you all out, but I sure hope it doesn't end up being my purpose in life, because... Anyway, hurry up and bring this war to an end, would you, Alm? I wanna do what I feel like without folks giving me guff all the time.


The actual.


These conversations are right after each other in village talk sequence. They each take the shape of Delthea venting about her goals, needs and obstacles, the sort of line that would be turned into an “I want” song if this were adapted into a musical. And yet they are almost the complete polar opposites of each other, with no buildup between them, and no explanation whatsoever as to why. No “Look, Alm, I haven't been honest with you. The truth is...”. No “Okay, I admit it”. No “Can you keep a secret, Alm?”. Not the slightest bit of self-awareness to the reality that the person who would say the first line in complete honesty would never ever say the second one also in complete honesty.

What the flaming fuck is Delthea's character? It genuinely reads like Delthea was written by somebody who didn't get the memo that she was still going to want to abandon her powers like in the original game, and made her a completely different person, the sort of person who would never want to do that in a million years. And then somebody else later came in and edited her last village talk to give her ending some kind of build-up, without noticing that it completely contradicted everything that came before it.

...Okay, that's enough nonsense for one day. I'll talk to Zeke tomorrow. I just realized I only have 15 minutes to proofread and post this.

Stay safe, everyone.

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I kind of wish this chapter actually made you bring Tatiana and have her directly speak to Zeke like in (what would later become) traditional Fire Emblem. It's quite the easy chapter to have Zeke's army just suicide against Jerome's while you watch. Navigating Tatiana to Zeke while not hamstringing his army in the mean time would be a decent enough gameplay goal (even if it could be easily cheese with warp rescue strategy).

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22 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I find it interesting that Jerome can even kill Zeke to begin with. Either its gameplay and story segregation or it implies that Valentia, or at least Rigel is a lot stronger than Archenea ever was. 

Hmm. Let me use the power of MATHS to see how Jerome would stand up to H5 Shadow Dragon Camus. It is possible the whole floating to and around another continent while exposed to the elements and having no sustenance took a little bit out of Camus physically.

  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Jerome 51 23 0 12 17 0 18 7
Camus (5*) 56 21 2 19 21 0 15 8
Jerome (Adjusted) 58 22 0 15 22 0 20 11
Camus (Adjusted) 63 25 3 24 26 0 19 19


First is their literal stats in Shadow Dragon and Shadows of Valentia, the second is their adjusted averages taking the stats of all playable characters across the series to compare how they are between games. And I say, unsurprisingly, 5* Camus has the lead. He loses out slightly in defense by a single point, but leads in everything else, and a quire a sizable lead when it comes to skill and res. Jerome could still potentially win if Camus isn't using Gradivus though, as they both 0 luck, meaning a crit on either side is probably pretty possible.

Yeah, or it's just gampelay story segregation because Zeke is a playable character.

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Did you also adjust for stat caps? Since SD has a stat cap of 30 for the main ones, while SoV is on paper 40, but it then adjusted by both personal and class cap modifiers.

Then it's a matter of determining if a capped 30 in SD is the same as a capped 40 in SoV. Or 30 in SD is only a 30 in SoV. Or maybe even 30 in SD is only a 20 in SoV.

Ultimately, the conclusion is... yes, this is a game, not a book or movie. Zeke or even Jerome could outrank someone like Mueller, but Mueller will have the higher stats because he's fought at a much later point than Zeke and Jerome are. Although, him being a Bow Knight will tweak things. But that proves more on its gameplay shenanigans.

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13 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Did you also adjust for stat caps? Since SD has a stat cap of 30 for the main ones, while SoV is on paper 40, but it then adjusted by both personal and class cap modifiers.

Then it's a matter of determining if a capped 30 in SD is the same as a capped 40 in SoV. Or 30 in SD is only a 30 in SoV. Or maybe even 30 in SD is only a 20 in SoV.

Ultimately, the conclusion is... yes, this is a game, not a book or movie. Zeke or even Jerome could outrank someone like Mueller, but Mueller will have the higher stats because he's fought at a much later point than Zeke and Jerome are. Although, him being a Bow Knight will tweak things. But that proves more on its gameplay shenanigans.

Not really relevant since neither of them hit stat caps.

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4 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Not really relevant since neither of them hit stat caps.

You think it stops mattering? Then think percentages. A 100% in SD could or not be the same as 100% in SoV, could be higher or lower. Just adjust the comparisons accordingly.

A 15 in SD could be a 20 in SoV, if we go by 50% of the cap. Or it could be not. And so on.

What I mean is, the stat behaviors could be as what Celsius is to Fahrenheit. A 100 in C won't mean the same as 100 in F. Neither does 0. -40 does, but that's due to how the formula works. But it won't with every single value.

The point is you can't take the numbers at face value since we don't know if they do are worth the same in both systems.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You think it stops mattering? Then think percentages. A 100% in SD could or not be the same as 100% in SoV, could be higher or lower. Just adjust the comparisons accordingly.

A 15 in SD could be a 20 in SoV, if we go by 50% of the cap. Or it could be not. And so on.

What I mean is, the stat behaviors could be as what Celsius is to Fahrenheit.

Didn't he already scale them relative to playable average stats or something?

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Just now, Alastor15243 said:

Didn't he already scale them relative to playable average stats or something?

He did. But did he factored that not all systems are 100% to each other? He said he took the average of all games, but is he assuming a 20 in original Mystery is the same as a 40 in Radiant Dawn? Or the same to the 99 of Three Houses?

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28 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

He did. But did he factored that not all systems are 100% to each other? He said he took the average of all games, but is he assuming a 20 in original Mystery is the same as a 40 in Radiant Dawn? Or the same to the 99 of Three Houses?

No, it's not just the averages of all games I was just simplifying it. It's the character's stats divided by the average stats of all playable characters in the game multiplied by the average of all stats in the series. Essentially you divide the characters stats against their peers to find out if they're above or below average for their game, and then multiply it by the series averages to give a number that relative to multiple games. So if a character's stat is 20, and the average of the game is 20, and the average of the series is 20, then the stat will come out as 20 (20/20=1*20=20). But if the character's stat is 40, the average stat of the game is 10 and the average stat of the series is 20, then they're four times stronger than the average of characters in their own game and thus would have a stat that would come out as four times the average for the series (40/10=4*20=80). Doing it by a percentage of the stat cap wouldn't work very well at all, as how close characters get to their stat caps vary across games. Three Houses characters in particular would be very heavily penalized as they never stand any real chance of reaching their stat caps, while Thracia characters would be heavily inflated as reaching stat caps in that game is very easy.

Here is where all my data is for further analysis.


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23 minutes ago, Jotari said:

No, it's not just the averages of all games I was just simplifying it. It's the character's stats divided by the average stats of all playable characters in the game multiplied by the average of all stats in the series. Essentially you divide the characters stats against their peers to find out if they're above or below average for their game, and then ultiply it by their series to give a number that relative to multiple games. So if a character's stat is 20, and the average of the game is 20, and the average of the series is 20, then the stat will come out as 20. But if the character's stat is 40, the average stat of the game is 10 and the average stat of the series is 20, then they're four times stronger than the average of characters in their own game and thus would have a stat that would come out as four times the average for the series (80). Doing it by a percentage of the stat cap wouldn't work very well at all, as how close characters get to their stat caps vary across games. Three Houses characters in particular would be very heavily penalized as they never stand any real chance of reaching their stat caps, while Thracia characters would be heavily inflated as reaching stat caps in that game is very easy.

Here is where all my data is for further analysis.


See, that's the thing. You assume it's always a 1:1 across the series. That they all gauged equal. But ultimately their true power is gonna lie more on what the story tells us about them. TH characters only reaching a small % of the stat caps on average means little. Since for all we know, they would instead become a powerhouse if they were to travel to Tellius, even against a character reaching all their caps there. Trying to get an universal average is futile when we don't know how they actually interact with each other.

Which brings back to the whole point. The gameplay tells us little on this. To use Camus again, he has normally 14 Str in Normal Shadow Dragon, but 21 on Hard 5. But in New Mystery it's 12 upon joining. Both games use the same system. So what gives?

Is it a sign of stat inflation and adjusted accordingly since NM is a sequel to SD? Is it a sign something happened to him considering his story in Valentia?


It's only a sign that Camus went from being an unrecruitable boss in the late game of Shadow Dragon, to a recruitable enemy in the early game of New Mystery. Thus his Str stat had to go down since giving you someone with 21 Str when the cap is 30 in Ch4 would be overkill. 14 would be low but then you must remember he's wielding Gradivus, which in NM he's not. If his Str stat was higher then it would make him harder to fight. Hence why the hardest difficulty bumps it to 21.

Of course, back in the original game, when stat caps were 20, Camus still had 14 Str, which would be more impressive looking in comparison. In fact, his stats are the exact same in both the original and the remake. Just gaining 8 Res, and in SD having an actual Magic stat not present in the original.

So basically... for SoV, his stats elsewhere won't matter. Only what SoV itself gives us. Because it's a game. And Zeke will be statted for his role in the game, as it takes priority over his role in the story. Of course, there can be some overlap, which is why Zeke is a late-game recruit.

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19 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

See, that's the thing. You assume it's always a 1:1 across the series. That they all gauged equal. But ultimately their true power is gonna lie more on what the story tells us about them. TH characters only reaching a small % of the stat caps on average means little. Since for all we know, they would instead become a powerhouse if they were to travel to Tellius, even against a character reaching all their caps there. Trying to get an universal average is futile when we don't know how they actually interact with each other.

Which brings back to the whole point. The gameplay tells us little on this. To use Camus again, he has normally 14 Str in Normal Shadow Dragon, but 21 on Hard 5. But in New Mystery it's 12 upon joining. Both games use the same system. So what gives?

Is it a sign of stat inflation and adjusted accordingly since NM is a sequel to SD? Is it a sign something happened to him considering his story in Valentia?


It's only a sign that Camus went from being an unrecruitable boss in the late game of Shadow Dragon, to a recruitable enemy in the early game of New Mystery. Thus his Str stat had to go down since giving you someone with 21 Str when the cap is 30 in Ch4 would be overkill. 14 would be low but then you must remember he's wielding Gradivus, which in NM he's not. If his Str stat was higher then it would make him harder to fight. Hence why the hardest difficulty bumps it to 21.

Of course, back in the original game, when stat caps were 20, Camus still had 14 Str, which would be more impressive looking in comparison. In fact, his stats are the exact same in both the original and the remake. Just gaining 8 Res, and in SD having an actual Magic stat not present in the original.

So basically... for SoV, his stats elsewhere won't matter. Only what SoV itself gives us. Because it's a game. And Zeke will be statted for his role in the game, as it takes priority over his role in the story. Of course, there can be some overlap, which is why Zeke is a late-game recruit.

I'm not assuming it's 1:1 across the series. Quite the contrary in fact, I'm making it 2:1 or 0.5:1 depending on the game and how the stats measure up against other games. And I intentionally took Shadow Dragon Camus to compare him as a general to Jerome. Comparing his Shadows of Valentia stats to Jerome's stats doesn't take any work at all since they're both in the same came.

And it was never meant to be a canonical assesment. Obviously stats don't always reflect canonical power. Kurthnaga is probably canonically the strongest playable character in Radiant Dawn, but his stats aren't all that impressive even when trained. It's designed to show how characters fair against each other by adjusting their stats for inflation. So if a character is strong in their home game, their stats will likewise be strong when adjusted for inflation (even if the numbers go down compared to their own game). Likewise, if a character is weak in their home game their stats adjusted for inflation will similarly be low (even if the numbers are higher than in their own game).

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7 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I'm not assuming it's 1:1 across the series. Quite the contrary in fact, I'm making it 2:1 or 0.5:1 depending on the game and how the stats measure up against other games. And I intentionally took Shadow Dragon Camus to compare him as a general to Jerome. Comparing his Shadows of Valentia stats to Jerome's stats doesn't take any work at all since they're both in the same came.

And it was never meant to be a canonical assesment. Obviously stats don't always reflect canonical power. Kurthnaga is probably canonically the strongest playable character in Radiant Dawn, but his stats aren't all that impressive even when trained.

Just the stats, or are you also including the caps? Since they are also important, as they're part of the system. And again, they tells us nothing since there's no actual comparison between them. The moment you have to make up data to make your system match, it stops having objectivity. So you can make an assessment, but no evidence backs it up as concrete.

I mean, there was discussion of his role in the story and his in-game stats. If people have to say something like:


Either its gameplay and story segregation or it implies that Valentia, or at least Rigel is a lot stronger than Archenea ever was. 

Then it merits the reminder.

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17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Just the stats, or are you also including the caps? Since they are also important, as they're part of the system. And again, they tells us nothing since there's no actual comparison between them. The moment you have to make up data to make your system match, it stops having objectivity. So you can make an assessment, but no evidence backs it up as concrete.

I mean, there was discussion of his role in the story and his in-game stats. If people have to say something like:

Then it merits the reminder.

No, because the caps don't matter. What matters how strong character relative to other characters, not how strong they are relative to the system. Lysethia isn't weaker than Miranda because she only reaches 50% of her magic cap and Miranda reaches 100% of hers. If all the Three Houses characters were ported to Thracia than Lysethia would still have the highest magic stat and Jertiza, who has a magic stat that's 50% of hers would still have a stat that's 50% of hers. Besides enemy characters literally don't have their own stat caps, so it's impossible to factor them into account.

 And none of the data is made up. All the numbers are taken directly from the games.

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8 minutes ago, Jotari said:

No, because the caps don't matter. What matters how strong character relative to other characters, not how strong they are relative to the system. Lysethia isn't weaker than Miranda because she only reaches 50% of her magic cap and Miranda reaches 100% of hers. If all the Three Houses characters were ported to Thracia than Lysethia would still have the highest magic stat and Jertiza, who has a magic stat that's 50% of hers would still have a stat that's 50% of hers.

 And none of the data is made up. All the numbers are taken directly from the games.

Then you're only selectively taking parts of the whole system. That won't give you a concrete final assessment either. Because whether or not Lysithea is stronger than Miranda is not something you will reach the answer just combing through their game systems.

You yourself stated you're making the adjustments by your own criteria. Which is my point. How do you know that making an 2:1 or 0.5:1 adjustment is correct? There's no definite evidence how you're doing it is the right way to judge them, so it will remain your own subjective assessment in the end.

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29 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Then you're only selectively taking parts of the whole system. That won't give you a concrete final assessment either. Because whether or not Lysithea is stronger than Miranda is not something you will reach the answer just combing through their game systems.

You yourself stated you're making the adjustments by your own criteria. Which is my point. How do you know that making an 2:1 or 0.5:1 adjustment is correct? There's no definite evidence how you're doing it is the right way to judge them, so it will remain your own subjective assessment in the end.

I'm not making adjustments based on my own criteria. The 2:1 or 0.5:1 adjustments are the adjustments derived from the relative stats between the games. If one game has stat averages that are twice as large as another game, then that is what's adjusted for. Did you really think I was jut pulling numbers out of my ass? No numbers are derived from my subjective opinion, everything is pulled from how strong characters are in their own game, adjusted for the inflation their own game has by comparing to the series average.

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24 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I'm not making adjustments based on my own criteria. The 2:1 or 0.5:1 adjustments are the adjustments derived from the relative stats between the games. If one game has stat averages that are twice as large as another game, then that is what's adjusted for. Did you really think I was jut pulling numbers out of my ass? No numbers are derived from my subjective opinion, everything is pulled from how strong characters are in their own game, adjusted for the inflation their own game has by comparing to the series average.

You're taking them as the ones to use. Which is what I meant about the 1:1. You see an average being twice that of another, and you might think it must be a 2:1 or 0.5:1 adjustment. If this was strictly the numbers, then yeah, you could be right about it. But these aren't strict numbers. They're the quantification of abstracts. How strong someone is, how agile someone is, how resilient someone is, etc. And no system is the same there.

Like, maybe the Str stat in Game A upon reaching value X means they can lift 100 kgs, to give an example. But in Game B it's value Y. Thing is, Value Y could be double value X, but that doesn't mean Y/2 in Game B is the same of X in Game A. Alternatively, Y may end up actually be the equivalent of X/3 in Game A, despite in strict value the number is double that of X. And then we must consider that Y could be 80% of the cap while X is 30%. Or any other combination of values. Because they're two different systems working on their own terms, and we don't know the exact relation between them. So yes, you are making your own assumptions of how the systems behave with each other.

But well, this is getting off-topic, so if you want to take the talk elsewhere, feel free to.

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6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You're taking them as the ones to use. Which is what I meant about the 1:1. You see an average being twice that of another, and you might think it must be a 2:1 or 0.5:1 adjustment. If this was strictly the numbers, then yeah, you could be right about it. But these aren't strict numbers. They're the quantification of abstracts. How strong someone is, how agile someone is, how resilient someone is, etc. And no system is the same there.

Like, maybe the Str stat in Game A upon reaching value X means they can lift 100 kgs, to give an example. But in Game B it's value Y. Thing is, Value Y could be double value X, but that doesn't mean Y/2 in Game B is the same of X in Game A. Alternatively, Y may end up actually be the equivalent of X/3 in Game A, despite in strict value the number is double that of X. And then we must consider that Y could be 30% of the cap while X is 80%. Or any other combination of values. Because they're two different systems working on their own terms, and we don't know the exact relation between them. So yes, you are making your own assumptions of how the systems behave with each other.

But well, this is getting off-topic, so if you want to take the talk elsewhere, feel free to.

I have a thread, though I don't think you have much to say based on that last post. Since you're just throwing up "Gameplay Story Segregation" as a defense now when that has never been what it's about. Like I said, canonically Kurthnaga is many times faster and stronger than Ike in game, but his strength and movement (especially his movement!) stats don't reflect that at all. And that's two characters from the same game. It's not an attempt to guage canonical strength, it's a method to objectively quantify for telling whether 10 damage dealt in one game is more or less than 15 damage dealt in another.


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