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Alastor plays and ranks the whole series! Mission Complete! ...For now.


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1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

...Seriously? I'll have to see that in action then! Does the tutorial mention it and I didn't see?

Ha. As if I ever read tutorials XD If the game is doing it's job right it shouldn't need a window to pop up telling me to press A to select things...but, uh, yeah even given all that, it took me a while to figure you could do that. Despite the fact that there is a HUD on the bottom right of the screen saying you can. So they probably could have stood to make the option more visible.

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3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Let the player pick their own specialties, in addition to the default swords and authority. Let them choose to be talented at something else too, and have them start at, bare minimum, a C in those fields. Then have the students from each house who are inclined towards that talent share classes with Byleth, and maybe even be temporarily playable at times. But, and here's the kicker: at least most of these students shouldn't automatically side with you when shit goes down at the end of the game. You get to know them, but you don't get to recruit them.

I definitely would've liked customizable Teach. I do think they should've had a Sword boon (since they get the Sword of the Creator) and the Faith budding talent (since it relates to their "Awakening" later on). Of the other 9 areas, they can pick up to 4 more boon areas. But, for every additional boon, they also have to accept a bane. So if I want a War Master Teach, I could give them Boons in Axes, Gauntlets, and Authority, but Banes in Reason, Lances, and Flight.

Also, each boon/bane would correspond with a change to a stat (+/-1 base, +/-10% growth). For instance, an Armor boon would boost Teach's defense, while a bane in Bows would lower their Dexterity. Note that the 9 customizable stats matches perfectly with the number of customizable skill ranks. So each setup choice makes for an interesting trade-off, and most Teaches will be distinct from one another.

3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Dedue: A mix between brawling and armor classes. End goal is to make him a general with quick riposte, because that's basically the only way to salvage his terrible speed stat. Near as I can tell, that terrible speed stat really typecasts him.

Dedue learns One-Two Punch at C+ Brawling, which acts like a pseudo-Quick-Riposte. It's a really good tool for him, especially since he won't get his master class mastery until lategame.

3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Seriously, these scenes have no business existing. There's no reason to force all eight student characters into this many scenes if they're each gonna have basically one line. Why not only have like four or so at a time, with Dimitri and maybe Dedue being constant fixtures, and have the others show up when it would actually be appropriate and when they would actually have interesting things to say to carry a scene?

Some later scenes do "half the class", often with other "adult" characters, and they feel a bit more natural.

3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Sylvain: I'd really, really like to make him something that synergizes well with Leonie. They have complementary personal skills and each gain +2 attack and defense when next to each other, so ideally I'd love to make him a bow knight just like her, especially since he has comparable physical stats to her. The problem, of course, is that he has a bane in bows. ...Now, I'm gonna do it anyway, because I need to milk all the dumb fun I can get out of this game, so I'm hoping sticking him with bows as a goal as long as I can will let that eventually work.

Worth noting that he'll keep up with Leonie as a Paladin, too. Which also gives him the strongest possible Swift Strikes. That said, best of luck in getting him to Bow Knight.

3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Felix: This guy is an absolute offensive menace, especially at the start of the game when not equipping a battalion to activate his personal skill isn't a huge deal-breaker. I'm not exactly sure what I'll be doing with him long term. Wyvern would be a pretty damned safe bet for any situation, but I dunno, part of me really wants to make him a swordmaster or something. I'll see how things play out with him.

His personal crest is golden with regular attacks. He's particularly great with brave weapons, like Thunderbrand or Gauntlets. That said, he can do well in any physical class.

Also, your planned routes generally sound great! Not that you require mine, or anyone's, approval of course.

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14 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Worth noting that he'll keep up with Leonie as a Paladin, too. Which also gives him the strongest possible Swift Strikes. That said, best of luck in getting him to Bow Knight.

That is tempting. Didn't realize he learned swift strikes. But I'd love to be able to put both of them side by side on enemy phase, and if Sylvain can't range-counter, he's just a liability in that regard no matter how good he is with lances. Hm...

17 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Dedue learns One-Two Punch at C+ Brawling, which acts like a pseudo-Quick-Riposte. It's a really good tool for him, especially since he won't get his master class mastery until lategame.

Ooh! Yeah, looks like I REALLY should have looked at what the Blue Lions learn from weapon ranks. That sounds great! Thanks for the tips!

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22 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

I definitely would've liked customizable Teach. I do think they should've had a Sword boon (since they get the Sword of the Creator) and the Faith budding talent (since it relates to their "Awakening" later on). Of the other 9 areas, they can pick up to 4 more boon areas. But, for every additional boon, they also have to accept a bane. So if I want a War Master Teach, I could give them Boons in Axes, Gauntlets, and Authority, but Banes in Reason, Lances, and Flight.

Also, each boon/bane would correspond with a change to a stat (+/-1 base, +/-10% growth). For instance, an Armor boon would boost Teach's defense, while a bane in Bows would lower their Dexterity. Note that the 9 customizable stats matches perfectly with the number of customizable skill ranks. So each setup choice makes for an interesting trade-off, and most Teaches will be distinct from one another.

Whoa whoa whoa. What's with the profile pic change!? That's going to take some getting used to. Years of seeing you have conditioned me to associate Krusty the Clown with pirates.

Anyway I think this is a fantastic idea in general. Though, while I like the plot reasons for the innate boons, I'd actually rather full customization on that front. I also think seperating Awakening/Fates style boons and banes could be more fun too. If I want to have a boon in armour ranks and res then why can't I? But just to entertain the idea, let's see if the stats actually match up though. I guess we could do

HP = Brawling

Str = Axes

Mag = Reason

Skl Acr= Bows

Spd = Swords

Luk = Lances

Def = Armour

Res = Faith

Char = Authority

Hp=Brawling and Luk=Lances is a little weird, actually maybe Axes for HP would be better given Fighters have that as a niche stat, though doubling down on str with brawling just seems like it's conceived to be broken. But more importantly, it also seems I never used flying, so there's 10 customizable skill ranks. Unless we want to go back to making movement a stat you can grow.

Edited by Jotari
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4 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Dimitri: Right now he's working on axes and flying. I plan to make him a wyvern rider, because in case you didn't know, fliers in this game are absolutely broken. Because like every single console game since the concept of canto has been introduced, and only the console games, this game has “super canto”, the version that lets you move again after just about any action, including attacking. It also allows dismounting if you absolutely need to resist arrows or enjoy a terrain bonus, meaning that there's basically no downside whatsoever to picking a flying class. And wyvern lords in particular have absolutely busted stats. I'm gonna have to have him work on axes early and often though, because he's apparently bad at them.

I'ma warn you - there are only so many good flying battalions to go around... Also, good luck trying to get this online before part 1 is over. You are gonna need it.

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10 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Yo, Alastor, you makin' a game?

Sounds dope, hope it turns out well. Should be cool to have something like that to add to your resume.

Yeah, I hope so too. Right now I'm a bit too busy to really get to work on it so I'm using the time where I'm at least free to think about it to really hammer out what I intend to make, making sure I don't bite off more than I can chew while still making a game I would want to play.

Probably the biggest gimmick of gameplay, definitely the one I'm most excited to play around with, is gonna be that damned near everyone can use both staves and weapons (I'm avoiding tomes right now in favor of staves and magic weapons since staves don't require custom animations), but there are multiple different types of staves and everyone can only use one type. Say, a warping archer, or a healing armor knight, or flier with time magic (my version of dancing).

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4 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

That is tempting. Didn't realize he learned swift strikes. But I'd love to be able to put both of them side by side on enemy phase, and if Sylvain can't range-counter, he's just a liability in that regard no matter how good he is with lances. Hm...

Worth noting that the Blue Lions are gifted with the D-rank Kingdom Archers battalion (purchasable, I believe, from chapter 8 onward). Thus giving them unique access to the Retribution gambit (otherwise hoarded by A-rank battalions). Ergo, "being a Lance unit" and "countering at range" won't be mutually exclusive.

7 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Ooh! Yeah, looks like I REALLY should have looked at what the Blue Lions learn from weapon ranks. That sounds great! Thanks for the tips!

No problem! Dedue also gets the tremendous Vengeance art, in case you wish to lead him down the path of Lances. Not that I'd advise spreading him that thin...

6 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Whoa whoa whoa. What's with the profile pic change!? That's going to take some getting used to. Years of seeing you have conditioned me to associate Krusty the Clown with pirates.

C'mon, it's not like @Acacia Sgt is the only one allowed to change their profile pic. Also, that wasn't Krusty the Clown, but Handsome Pete. He dances for nickels.

The new pic is the seldom-seen Pirate variant of Luz, star of Disney's ongoing series, The Owl House. ...Uh, not that anyone was asking.

7 minutes ago, Jotari said:

HP = Brawling

Str = Axes

Mag = Reason

Skl Acr= Bows

Spd = Swords

Luk = Lances

Def = Armour

Res = Faith

Char = Authority

Mine are mostly this, except Swords and Faith are removed (since they're fixed as a boon and budding talent, respectively, on Teach). So the chages are

HP = Riding (uh, the horse is like an extra HP bar?)

Spd = Gauntlets (instant brave effect, also gauntlet enemies are hella fast)

Res = Flight (Pegasus Knights are known for their Resistance, I guess?)

And yeah, the "Luck = Lance" is only justified by, uh... starting with the same first letter?

4 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

I'ma warn you - there are only so many good flying battalions to go around... Also, good luck trying to get this online before part 1 is over. You are gonna need it.

Probably not that hard to get to C+ Axes and C Flight before the skip, especially if it's planned out from day one.

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9 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Probably not that hard to get to C+ Axes and C Flight before the skip, especially if it's planned out from day one.

Perhaps, but if he doesn't get there before then, he might not get there (there in this case being to Wyvern Lord) at all... also, the limited amount of good flying battalions is still a concern.

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39 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Perhaps, but if he doesn't get there before then, he might not get there (there in this case being to Wyvern Lord) at all... also, the limited amount of good flying battalions is still a concern.

True, but with in-house Ingrid, Galatea Pegasus Co. is a given. And it's hardly a stretch for Dimitri to get to B Authority pre-skip.

The bigger issue may be using multiple Dark Fliers. One gets Nuvelle Fliers Corps, the rest... well, they won't get their magic boosted, that's for sure. Then again, the extra mobility might just make the trade-off worth it.

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55 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

And yeah, the "Luck = Lance" is only justified by, uh... starting with the same first letter?

Well… lances are like the average joe of weapons, the jack of all trades, master of none… and luck kinda is as well? I guess?

…have I ever actually commented on this thread before? I honestly can’t remember.

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28 minutes ago, Anathaco said:

Well… lances are like the average joe of weapons, the jack of all trades, master of none… and luck kinda is as well? I guess?

…have I ever actually commented on this thread before? I honestly can’t remember.

Don't recognize you if you have. So let's assume you haven't: welcome! Hope you enjoy!

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27 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

True, but with in-house Ingrid, Galatea Pegasus Co. is a given. And it's hardly a stretch for Dimitri to get to B Authority pre-skip.

The bigger issue may be using multiple Dark Fliers. One gets Nuvelle Fliers Corps, the rest... well, they won't get their magic boosted, that's for sure. Then again, the extra mobility might just make the trade-off worth it.

That's not the real issue here, though.... What I AM concerned about is that Dimitri cannot be tutored for a good chunk of part 2, which is not a good thing when your planned build requires heavily investing in a weakness...

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Just now, Shadow Mir said:

That's not the real issue here, though.... What I AM concerned about is that Dimitri cannot be tutored for a good chunk of part 2, which is not a good thing when your planned build requires heavily investing in a weakness...

So I agree that's a serious limitation of Dimitri, yes. But there are threr questions here: A) Can Dimitri get into Wyvern Rider pre-skip; B) How long will it take him to reach Wyvern Lord; and C) How much does any such delay matter?

A) is unaffected by the inability to be tutored post-skip. It's a harder reach than most Advanced classes, but certainly doable with planned investment. 

B) Wyvern Lord requires A Axes, A Flight, and C Lances. Bad news, Dimitri is weak in the first and neutral in the second. Good news, he'll still grow in both of them through natural battle. More good news, getting him to C Lances is trivial. He'll have pretty good certification odds at the more-attainable B+/B+/C. If you're really concerned, have him spend an Aux battle nursing a Knowledge Gem.

C) Obviously, Wyvern Lord is better than Wyvern Rider. More strength, more speed, more avoid, and an extra point of movement. But Wyvern Rider is no slouch - it's a 7-move flying class with Axefaire, and bonuses in the "Armor Knight stats" as well as Speed. Dimitri has enough strength to one-shot many enemies, and two shot almost all the rest. And with the powers of Flight and Canto, even 7 move hardly feels limiting.

Bottom-line, Wyvern Dimitri is gonna do well, even if he's stuck as Rider (rather than Lord) forever. Which he won't be.

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14 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Moving on, though, time to go down the line and say what builds I have planned for every unit.

Some of these just seem as if you're setting yourself up for annoyance. It's certainly possible to have characters work through weapon skill weaknesses and to have them pick up mastery skills from master classes, but doing so requires altogether more grinding/busywork/engaging with the monastery than I'd have thought you'd be looking for. This is especially the case for (put behind a spoiler since I don't know if you know the various Azure Moon specific things nor if you care about potential spoilers):


Trying to get Dedue into a master class and master it and also train up his armour rank to get him into Fortress Knight seems like a nightmare, given that he's missing for several chapters. I just don't see this happening without either some amount of grinding or extreme favouritism.


14 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Ah yes, and here's the week where it's a mandatory seminar or rest. I'll be doing the seminar because rests suck.

I pick Hanneman because he has the most interested students, at 6.

Seminars in this game annoy me. Partly the fact that they're completely rubbish, but mostly that the game won't let you choose who attends without doing some aggressively annoying micromanagement of goals.

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11 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

So I agree that's a serious limitation of Dimitri, yes. But there are threr questions here: A) Can Dimitri get into Wyvern Rider pre-skip; B) How long will it take him to reach Wyvern Lord; and C) How much does any such delay matter?

A) is unaffected by the inability to be tutored post-skip. It's a harder reach than most Advanced classes, but certainly doable with planned investment. 

B) Wyvern Lord requires A Axes, A Flight, and C Lances. Bad news, Dimitri is weak in the first and neutral in the second. Good news, he'll still grow in both of them through natural battle. More good news, getting him to C Lances is trivial. He'll have pretty good certification odds at the more-attainable B+/B+/C. If you're really concerned, have him spend an Aux battle nursing a Knowledge Gem.

C) Obviously, Wyvern Lord is better than Wyvern Rider. More strength, more speed, more avoid, and an extra point of movement. But Wyvern Rider is no slouch - it's a 7-move flying class with Axefaire, and bonuses in the "Armor Knight stats" as well as Speed. Dimitri has enough strength to one-shot many enemies, and two shot almost all the rest. And with the powers of Flight and Canto, even 7 move hardly feels limiting.

Bottom-line, Wyvern Dimitri is gonna do well, even if he's stuck as Rider (rather than Lord) forever. Which he won't be.

Okay then. Though I'd agree that with lenticular that he's probably setting himself up for annoyance.

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Three Houses Day 8: First Blood

Alright, let's get this show on the road.

I'm checking out the marketplace, which you hilariously can visit even on the battlefield prep screen if you want, and I buy another iron lance for Dimitri since he burnt through his original one using tempest lance because for some fucking reason lances are singled out to have 10 fewer uses than the equivalent swords and fifteen fewer uses than the equivalent axes, and they don't let you repair things at this point for some reason, so your only option is to buy another one.

And now Sothis grants us the power of divine pulse, and it will be a very dark day for this game if I ever feel the occasion to use it.

And this game will sure as shit try.

Because this game is when rewinds went from “Don't like it? Don't use it”, to “Don't like it? Go to hell.”

I have soooooo much to say about this shit, but it's pointless to write multiple paragraphs about this when I haven't been properly provoked yet, so I'll save it for later and just get on with the damned fight.

...Okay, I'm moving everyone around, and something on Dedue's sheet catches my eye.

Something I find hilarious is that certain battalions will just directly boost charm. Why is that hilarious to me? Because battalions don't boost your strength, magic, dexterity, speed, luck, defense or resistance. No, they boost your physical or magical damage, your hit, your crit, your avoid, your protection, and/or your resilience. But of course, since there are no listed calculated stats related to gambits on the unit info page, this is the only option they had to them. Sure, they could've made the associated gambit stronger and more accurate, but there'd be no way to have the gambit improve your gambit evasion other than this.

But anyway, let's go. Only thing I really did besides give Dimitri his new iron lance is give Sylvain that training bow.

Kostas: You can't be a thief if you fear death!

God damn it, that line is just so ridiculously delivered I can't help but chuckle at the game's expense.

Dimitri advises we split up to “gain the advantage”, but, like, this is almost never advantageous unless there's an actual race against time involved. Which I really wish more Fire Emblem games did. I really wish there were a Fire Emblem game where there were continuous pressure to move forward at all times and multiple things to do in every map. There have been times when the game's had that sort of feel, but it's way less common than it really should be.

Ah yes, and everyone gets a quote when they get their first kill on this map. It's... an interesting concept, but the only one I vividly remember is Linhardt's, and that's because he's a pacifist who is absolutely horrified with himself for having done it.

Watching Mercedes and Annette's back to back is pretty hilarious. Mercedes is all “may the goddess have mercy on them and let them find peace” and all that shit, and Annette's just celebrating that she managed it and that she's a “great fighter”.

...Huh. So I just noticed that Mercedes is apparently a commoner, despite having a Crest. I wonder what her deal is there... Oh yeah right, isn't she a former Empire noble who's now a refugee in the Kingdom? Guess her Empire Crest didn't get her that much respect in Faerghus.

One really weird thing about the animations in this game is that characters move in straight lines from their origin to their destination, and when they're attacking someone at the end, that makes it look like they're attacking their target from a space they aren't, and then they just show up at the correct space afterwards.

Ironically, when everyone's stacked up vertically like this, on this bridge, the portraits over everyone's faces are actually making it harder for me to tell who's where, because everyone's portrait looks like it's over someone else's space.

Also, for some weird reason, when you hold A to fast-forward through troop movements... it keeps going fast for a while after you let the button go.

The funny thing here is the main thing I'm finding difficult is just getting everyone close enough to the action to do shit. Four mov units combined with cramped spaces... is not fun.

Ingrid gets everything but magic for her first level, which is encouraging, if not for the field I have planned for her.

Okay, this is amusing. People keep calling these bandits “thieves”, when in basically every other setting in Fire Emblem History, thieves and bandits are completely different things, and thieves have far more potential to be heroic. My guess? Slander. The church made the terms synonymous as a way to slander Nemesis's profession since for some reason they decided they couldn't slander the real person. The church wants there to be no distinction in the populace's mind between the profession of the man who bravely infiltrated the alien stronghold and assassinated the broodmother armed with nothing but stealth and his wits... and the violent, rape-and-pillage bandits who forever plague the land.


...I'm looking at the battalion this one random “thief” is using... “Iron King's Thieves”...? How the fuck did Kostas manage to get the nickname “the Iron King”? That's fucking badass! Why can't a cool character get that nickname!?

Anyway, as I'm noticing I still have plenty of units getting their first levels, I think this is the first time I've seen the enemy be significantly higher-level than the average of my party. Everyone's at level 4, which only Felix, Dimitri and Professr can match. Everyone else is level 1-3.

I had Ashe grab the large bullion in the chest. I'll be honest: I'm so used to this game being badly-designed and badly-optimized in weird and stupid ways that I genuinely had 50% odds on this action using the key in his inventory before using his skill.

Also, I'm looking at the experience gauge, and for the life of me I can't fathom why they changed the “100 for a level but exp gets harder to come by” system of the previous games into the usual RPG fare of needing more exp for every level. The previous way is iconic and so much easier to get a grasp on. Smaller numbers make it easier to tell at a glance how many more kills you need for a level.

Also, I apologize for bitching about every random thing that comes to mind, but can we talk about the blue arrow that shows up on a unit whenever you have a stat buff? They seem to show up for everything, even stuff like food buffs, stuff that lasts the entire battle. Kinda dilutes the point of having it, no?

...Okay, did Hanneman's voice actor voice Kostas too? The way he acts...

...Nope, different guy. Yeah, it was a bit of a stretch. I find it amusing that Brad Venable is credited for voicing Kostas, Nader, and Nardel. Either Nardel is Nader's alias (I can't remember what he went by when disguising himself) and that alias has an entirely separate voice acting listing for some reason... or there's some guy in the game who's the spitting image of Nader in some paralogue I'm forgetting or never saw.

Ah yes, the gambit voice effects are pretty dumb. They always use an all-male group of people for the yelling charge, no matter the gender makeup of the battalion. Even if it's all-female. And here, even the generic trash-talk they give before the charge is all-male, despite there clearly being at least one woman among them.

But of course, this game is full of shit like that. I don't know if they patched this out, but I remember during the Battle of the Eagle and Lion seeing an enemy Ingrid throw javelins like they were hand-axes. Spinning them.

Alright, Kostas is dead, now for a story scene of Professr and Sothis wondering why they both have weird deja vu about the Red Canyon, Dimitri interrupts us, and...

...We're back. And it occurs to me as Dimitri talks to Edelgard about missions that I realize that canonically, the missions aren't assigned by house... they seem to be assigned by teacher. Because otherwise it wouldn't always be Professr's house doing each story mission.

I think I just spotted a significant localization change. There was a quick angry emoticon thing on Dimitri after Edelgard accuses him of doubting her abilities after he expresses concern for her, when the line and voicing are all apologetic for causing that misconception. I'm guessing he was more angry at the accusation in the original Japanese.

Gee, it sure is lucky for the localization team that the models are so hilariously unexpressive that they can completely change a character's personality without anybody noticing.

Yeah, the “Missions are being assigned for Professr's sake” concept seems to be checking out so far. Rhea clearly wanted Professr to expose herself to the Red Canyon to try and trigger something.

And Rhea keeps spouting her bullshit knowingly-false religion about how the goddess created all life on the planet that was doing just fine without her before she came along, thank you very much. Damn do I hate her.

Oh, and I hate Sothis too. She's way better now, with no memory of what she did in the past, but there is quite a bit to indicate that she was indeed an egotistical shit with a god complex before she died. Why else, pray tell, would she have apparently tailored her own magic runes to spout religious dogma about how she will abide in heaven forever? She was clearly completely on board with styling herself as a goddess to her new home's “lowly indigenous monkeys”.

But anyway, I get a save opportunity, and that's a good time to end for today.

Stay safe, everyone!

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13 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

...Huh. So I just noticed that Mercedes is apparently a commoner, despite having a Crest. I wonder what her deal is there... Oh yeah right, isn't she a former Empire noble who's now a refugee in the Kingdom? Guess her Empire Crest didn't get her that much respect in Faerghus.

That sounds about right. 

13 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

I'm checking out the marketplace, which you hilariously can visit even on the battlefield prep screen if you want, and I buy another iron lance for Dimitri since he burnt through his original one using tempest lance because for some fucking reason lances are singled out to have 10 fewer uses than the equivalent swords and fifteen fewer uses than the equivalent axes, and they don't let you repair things at this point for some reason, so your only option is to buy another one.

What's even weirder is that steel weapons have MORE uses than iron despite pretty much every game with durability doing the exact opposite.

Anyways, I might have asked this before, but are you planning on recruiting anyone? And if so, who?

Edited by Shadow Mir
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Just now, Alastor15243 said:

Leonie and Constance. Not sure if I'll use anyone else. I don't think you can ever use more than 10.

You get to use 12 characters at most, plus three adjutants.

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47 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Three Houses Day 8: First Blood

Alright, let's get this show on the road.

I'm checking out the marketplace, which you hilariously can visit even on the battlefield prep screen if you want, and I buy another iron lance for Dimitri since he burnt through his original one using tempest lance because for some fucking reason lances are singled out to have 10 fewer uses than the equivalent swords and fifteen fewer uses than the equivalent axes, and they don't let you repair things at this point for some reason, so your only option is to buy another one.

And now Sothis grants us the power of divine pulse, and it will be a very dark day for this game if I ever feel the occasion to use it.

And this game will sure as shit try.

Because this game is when rewinds went from “Don't like it? Don't use it”, to “Don't like it? Go to hell.”


Ah yes, the gambit voice effects are pretty dumb. They always use an all-male group of people for the yelling charge, no matter the gender makeup of the battalion. Even if it's all-female. And here, even the generic trash-talk they give before the charge is all-male, despite there clearly being at least one woman among them.


Funfact: Anna showing up there was a patch thing, I initially played the game for the first few chapters without patching it, so when I ended up patching it, I had already viewed this screen, so Anna popping up and saying Welcome actually startled me.

What like having enemies spawn from weird wooden bits on the walls that are only identifiable as doors when you use the entirely zoomed in view that no one would really use because it denies you the ability to properly see where everything is on the battlefield?

Yeah FE Combat doesn't really take advantage of splitting up, it's not like a Unit's facing matters for instance (so even if you did do some big brain IQ tactic to somehow get behind some enemies, it doesn't really matter.) nor is there any form of stealth somehow.

It's almost like Battalion's were a mistake. (I stick to my belief they should have been DS-style generics instead.)

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1 minute ago, Samz707 said:

It's almost like Battalion's were a mistake. (I stick to my belief they should have been DS-style generics instead.)

You know there is a demo for a game called Brigandine on the eShop and the game I think is on sale right now (which is a rarity- I keep checking). The game uses named characters with generic monsters assigned to them. I'd personally wait for a steeper sale based on reviews and the demo, but I'm just sayin' b/c maybe it'd catch your interest on this point.


54 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Because this game is when rewinds went from “Don't like it? Don't use it”, to “Don't like it? Go to hell.”

I have soooooo much to say about this shit, but it's pointless to write multiple paragraphs about this when I haven't been properly provoked yet, so I'll save it for later and just get on with the damned fight.

Is it possible to copypaste + edit some Turnwheel ranting from earlier in this topic to cut down on how much you must write?🤔

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Is it possible to copypaste + edit some Turnwheel ranting from earlier in this topic to cut down on how much you must write?🤔

It's going to be new stuff regarding how Three Houses handles map design in light of rewinds, I promise.

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55 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

...I'm looking at the battalion this one random “thief” is using... “Iron King's Thieves”...? How the fuck did Kostas manage to get the nickname “the Iron King”? That's fucking badass! Why can't a cool character get that nickname!?


There are no cooler characters than Kostas. 

1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

Ah yes, and everyone gets a quote when they get their first kill on this map. It's... an interesting concept, but the only one I vividly remember is Linhardt's, and that's because he's a pacifist who is absolutely horrified with himself for having done it.


That one and Sylvain, because it’s kind of a weird contrast between his normally carefree personality and his “Don’t hate me, please”.


1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

Ingrid gets everything but magic for her first level, which is encouraging, if not for the field I have planned for her.


Lol I would have killed for levels like that on Ingrid when I used her.

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