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Changes you wish to see in potential remakes


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3 hours ago, Michelaar said:

Agreed with all this, but with fatigue - just remove it. It adds nothing to the game except making it just more annoying.

It add everything to the game. Thracia and genealogy are the only games where you don't have the problem "i really like 16 people but i can only use 10", wich is particoularly grating in 3H. You just cycle between the 16 you like(unless you don't like 16 Thracian units, but in that case is not the fault of the stamina system.)

Also it nerf soloing and low manning to a degree, wich are strategies that should not be optimal but they are in many games due to how scaling works.

The only bad thing about fatigue imo is that they dropped it.

Edited by Flere210
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21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Then change the way items work. If people already exploit trading in other games, why would it be a bad thing in FE4? And customizing your units individually would only work if you knew ahead of time what items they were getting. Sometimes they'd get an item they can't use and they have to trade it, which means a lot of backtracking (Return Staff doesn't work the other way).

There's a lot of things that just make FE4 super unfun and a unique identity isn't gonna save it. 

I'm not even necessarily saying it's a bad thing. I'm saying that's how it designed, and making it like all the other Fire Emblems isn't going to make it suddenly better or more balanced. But I personally like the gold and item management in this game, it's part of why I enjoy playing it.

Like you said, fun is subjective, I agree that FE4 has a lot of flaws, but I still enjoy it and have a lot of fun with it because of how different it is. Some things could be changed a bit to work differently, but removing certain things from it like you would want to would make me enjoy the game less. So we'll have to agree to disagree.

10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Then change rings to scrolls ala RD that can only be switched at Base & costs money.

There's a difference between difficulty and tediousness. FE4 is a super easy game, but is also a super tedious one. And i say that as someone who loves FE4, it being my 2nd FE and all

Not sure why I didn't think of something like that, but it could honestly work. I just don't think conventional trading works for this game, it clearly isn't designed around it. If you could trade only at base, or under certain conditions I think it would be fine.

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Genealogy needs something to help put infantry on better footing (heh) compared to mounts. Problem is what that could be without reducing mounts' overall mobility, which would hurt the big maps overall. Maybe add Rescue but allow infantry to hop into the saddle themselves? It would free up an action for the horses. Disagree with everyone who says to standardize item management without also addressing the clusterfuck that free trading would cause.  "Eeeeeeeeuh i don't liiiike iiiit" is not a good enough reason to change something that's part of the game's identity.

Also please make Nordion a blue castle after recruiting Lachesis so that I have a better Warp point. And nerf Pavise, it's a terrible way to make bosses tougher.


For Thracia 776 and Binding Blade, changes to make the game less luck-based would be greatly appreciated. That being said, this is gonna be harder in Thracia because that game indulges in luck-based mechanics. That said I disagree with changing it to 0-100% Hit, but more specifically 0% Hit. That shouldn't be happening in any game ever. If the Hit floor changes it should be to Skill%. The 99% Hit cap is also used in the games for plot armor opposed to attacks suddenly being ineffective, but I suppose they could change some things to make it work?

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25 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I agree with Ana here, it's not like they couldn't change the units mag growths, that's simple minded saying that they cant.

They'd have to change the magic growths by quite a lot for magic weapons to be worth it, and realistically, there's no way it that happen.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

instead of removing traps, make them visible, or somehow detectable, and make it affect enemies as well

Tbf I would not mind hidden traps, but bringing them to an isolated area where only a rescue staff can rescue them goes "a bit" too far imo.

Warp tiles like in Fates or Three Houses would have been a better solution.

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10 minutes ago, X-Naut said:

Disagree with everyone who says to standardize item management without also addressing the clusterfuck that free trading would cause.

FE4 Balance is already a clusterfuck and needs to be adressed in general. That goes without saying.

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Path of Radiance:

  • Get rid of the stupid yellow glowing triangle that hangs above the tile you're at. It's dumb. The highlighted borders is already good enough of an indicator without also being disruptive. 
  • Change the requirement for getting a new support conversation, or at the very least reduce the number of chapters required. Then, so that players can only see certain support conversations after certain points in the story, add that restriction similar to how Three Houses does it. 
  • Include the ability to save before fighting the Black Knight. I always manage to beat him, but it is still painful how RNG-dependent it is. 
  • Increase Mia's strength growth. She can't KO anything. 
  • Give Sothe a promotion. It doesn't have to be assassin, but at least give him something so he can continue to be useful for more than just not having to spend 50 gold per lock. 
  • Give Ashnard some sort of grand villainous pre-battle speech where he lays out his ideology and that he welcomes the heroes beating him... if they can. It's weird that he only spells out his motives in a battle conversation with Reyson. 
  • Keep the NA localized script, and apply it worldwide. It's far better than the original script. 
  • Have promotions that gain a new weapon type start with D in that weapon type instead of E. 
  • Add a hint about Stefan being unlocked by standing on that particular square with Mordecai or Lethe. Similarly, give some hint that Shinon needs to be spoken to with Rolf, then beaten with Ike.


3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

For Radiant Dawn:

- For f***'s sake, change Ike's godawful ending. It makes no sense for his character.
- And while I'm on the subject of endings, there are several paired endings that should've been there too imo. Most notably Ike x Elincia. Even if it has to be platonic, they deserved SOMETHING.
- Change the support system to be more like its predecessor's.
- Fix the availability of Tormod's party. Having them only appear in Part 1 and then not show up again until the middle of Part 4 makes them hardly usable. Geoffrey also suffers from availability issues and could be given more play time as well.
- Add a few more maps for the Dawn Brigade to level up in. They suck right now because they always end up so underleveled and mediocre compared to Ike's party. They also need the changed support system to flesh them out more as characters. They have little depth and development without proper support conversations. A few additional chapters would also give Micaiah a bit more spotlight than she got, which she also should have. Her writing needs the improvement anyway.
- I believe the bases and growth rates for a few characters need changed too, those few being Fiona, Meg, and Lyre.
- Make Levail playable this time. I'd have liked one more infantry lancer and he was interesting. He had growth rates programmed in, so he was planned to be playable.

Agreed; especially the part about Ike's ending.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

another Binding Blade change that would be very welcome is heavily increase the Support rate because as it is right now, Roy/Lilina is the only Support Convo that exists. Adding to that, paired endings for characters other than Roy and whoever his wife becomes.

I forgot about that. Or better yet, use the more recent support systems.

For Genealogy:

- Rebalance the weapon types. In particular, wind magic doesn't even have a disadvantage against the magic types that SHOULD beat it because it's much lighter than those magic types.
- Rework the lover system. Or better yet, just use supports instead, with S for marriage.
- Get rid of the pawn shop.
- Nix Pursuit. 
- Nerf the holy weapons.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

I agree with Ana here, it's not like they couldn't change the units mag growths, that's simple minded saying that they cant.

Even if they did, you'd still have to address the fact that enemy units have really high resistance, as well as the fact that most physical units have strength caps in the 30s while magic caps for those same units are 20 at most (some physical classes have 15 or even 10 magic caps). So there's no way magic weapons would be worth it in RD (except, once again, if you're Mist or Elincia).

Edited by Shadow Mir
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52 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

They'd have to change the magic growths by quite a lot for magic weapons to be worth it, and realistically, there's no way it that happen.

Not true, Tempest sword has 18 mt, that's pretty good, even with a unit with 20 or so mag, would hit pretty hard.


20 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Even if they did, you'd still have to address the fact that enemy units have really high resistance, as well as the fact that most physical units have strength caps in the 30s while magic caps for those same units are 20 at most (some physical classes have 15 or even 10 magic caps). So there's no way magic weapons would be worth it in RD (except, once again, if you're Mist or Elincia).

I'm assuming they would obviously compensate for this, it isn't that hard, really.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

I'd argue Roy himself is fine, it's his movement range that causes him to fall behind (literally). Maybe they could give him two tiers though, one promotion for when he becomes leader of the Eturian Alliance and the other when he obtains the Binding Blade.

Give Roy 7 move like Marth. They're both olympian runners. And Marth can still keep his core identity of being a prince of thieves separate from our Boy

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

I think another issue with the maps is that it's damn near impossible to save villages fully intact.

point is, you're not meant to, arena is the main source of money, while villages are the main source of good items

"but i need money on my healer who can't fight" just defeat brigands and let that character visit the village, if he/she doesn't fight then he/she doesn't need that much money anyway

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Sometimes they'd get an item they can't use and they have to trade it

first time i played genealogy i married levin with lachesis, which resulted in a completely wasted forseti tome during the second generation, since delmud was the only one with major forseti blood

did that stop me from enjoying the game or even finishing it?


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16 minutes ago, Yexin said:

first time i played genealogy i married levin with lachesis, which resulted in a completely wasted forseti tome during the second generation, since delmud was the only one with major forseti blood

did that stop me from enjoying the game or even finishing it?


Like i said, for those who enjoyed the game, good for you. I personally didn't, even though i did finish the game. Someone enjoying the game doesn't negate my greivences with it.

You brought up healers which reminds me...


....Another FE4 change i'd like to see, bring the minimum promotion level down to 10. Lv.20 is too high, which is especially bad for healers who only get EXP in small doses. 

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I think fatigue should continue to exist, but the game should be more clear about it, (it would also help having some iconography indicating when a character is close to the threshold).

BTW, buff magic classes in RD, literally the only ones that have anything to do in  the game are Calill (probably the best one), Ilyana (some nice niches) and Micaiah (main character and many utilities)

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5 minutes ago, Troykv said:

BTW, buff magic classes in RD, literally the only ones that have anything to do in  the game are Calill (probably the best one), Ilyana (some nice niches) and Micaiah (main character and many utilities)

Why is Calill often considered the best one considering her availability? 

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For Sacred Stones-

- Make both sides of the route split playable at the same time. Have Seth, Joshua, and a few others go with Eirika, and everybody else go to Ephraim's. 
- Fix Lyon's inconsistent character across the two routes.
-Nerf Seth to give motivation to use the other 3 Cavs in the game

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8 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

Why is Calill often considered the best one considering her availability? 

She is the one with the highest base stats, and she can actually keep decently with the speed creep thanks to Rexflame and a respectable speed growth. So she can actually be here without dying to anything that isn't an White Dragon.

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10 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

Why is Calill often considered the best one considering her availability? 

Rexflame access, with the strength to not lose AS from it. Sanaki is not that fast, and her strength sux.

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34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

....Another FE4 change i'd like to see, bring the minimum promotion level down to 10. Lv.20 is too high, which is especially bad for healers who only get EXP in small doses. 

But healer xp is worse in the GBA-Wii era FEs. 10 per staff, FE4 at least has the Elite ring. Not that I dont agree, cause I do, just that most FE games didn't like healers.

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How would I change Genealogy? Let me count the ways.

1. Pursuit stays as a skill... but it's a class skill on all non-armored infantry units. Mounts get Canto as a class skill, and Armors get Wary Fighter (neutralizing Pursuit). Some units might get these skills as personals, undecided on this. Pusuit ring, Knight ring, and Wary ring all give these skills in a transferrable manner.

2. The Arena, Pawn Shop, Armory etc. all happen between chapters, rather than mid-chapter. The "personal gold" and lack of trading is maintained. Some base convos happen between chapters, too, for supports, items, characterization, world-building, etc.

3. Weapons can be "Forged", rather than just repaired, through the use of ores. Spend a Black-Sand Steel when repairing your Iron Sword, and it gets the Critical skill. Forge an "Equinium" om your Hand Axe, and it's dealing effective damage (still just an auto-crit) against mounted units. Ores can be obtained from the shop/enemies/villages in limited quantities. 

4. The weapon rank system is reworked, to a hybrid of FE4's, and the series-standard way of growing ranks. Basically, every class has base weapon ranks, and those are increased by Holy Blood. But you can also raise your ranks through repeated weapon use. Ex. Axe Knight starts with D Axes, but Lex has minor Neir blood, so he starts with C. Duke Knight starts with C Lances, but Quan's major Noba blood gives him A. Units cap out at A (no holy blood), S (minor holy blood, can wield holy weapon without stat boosts), or X (major holy blood, can wield holy weapon with stat boosts).

5. More weapons (Hammer, Longbow, Reavers, at a bare minimum). Better balance, too (Braves are weaker, Thunder has innate Critical, Fire just has more might).

6. Hybrid system of gambits and combat arts (gambit arts?). Like gambits, they would be attacks (or support techniques) that involve multiple units and sometimes have an area-of-effect. Like combat arts, they are linked to a certain weapon type, and cost durability. Dependent on the user's leadership stars (which anyone can earn this time round, by initiating or participating in gambit arts). Ex. A Duke Knight has 1 star, he can initiate the "Line of Lances" gambit art when next to lance-wielding allies; it has an AoE of "everyone right in front of the lance users", and costs 5 durability from the equipped (say, Steel) lance. Every class gets gambit arts at certain Leadership ranks (1, 3, 5), but units can also get unique ones in-between (2, 4).

7. Reclassing exists, but it's locked to NG+. Basically, the Fates system - every unit has a "backup class", but they can also get a class through a marriage partner, and their children inherit both parents' default classes (or a substitute, in case of duplicates). Ex. Adean is a Priest, her backup class is Archer (which she can reclass to at the home castle). She marries Midir, she gets Bow Knight as a class option. Lana's classes would be Priest (default), Archer, and Bow Knight. Lester's would be Bow Knight (default), Priest, and Lance Knight (Midir's backup). To go with this, all weapons and items are inherited, regardless of whether they're usable in the child unit's base class.

8. Rings/bands are now equippables, rather than simple inventory items, so you can only have one active at a time. There are also equippable shields. Also on NG+, you can get "Holy Bloodstones", which affect your growth rates and weapon ranks while in your inventory.

9. More about skills - Great Shield is totally gone. FE4 Miracle still works like FE4 Miracle. Luna, Sol, and Astra still exist as skills, but they now work like Combat Arts, where you choose to use them (anyone can get the skills, but these Arts can only be used by sword). New combat art skills will br introduced (ex. Jamke gets Curved Shot, Johalva gets Vengeance, Erinys gets Swift Strikes).

10. Love and Marriage. You build supports on the field as usual, which gives access to support conversations between chapters (or, less often, within the map). These give boosts in Three Houses' "linked attack" style. Moreover, when a unit and their married partner are within attacking range of the same enemy, they can activate the "Lover's Leap" gambit art, an automatic crit-cancel which also swaps their positions. Similarly, brother-sister characters get the "Bonds of Blood" gambit art, a brave-cancel attack which also heals the other sibling for half the damage dealt.

Just some ideas, let me know what you think!

Edited by Shanty Pete's 1st Mate
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30 minutes ago, Troykv said:

She is the one with the highest base stats, and she can actually keep decently with the speed creep thanks to Rexflame and a respectable speed growth. So she can actually be here without dying to anything that isn't an White Dragon.

Her stats are more or less on par with Soren. Sure her speed growth is much better but by the time you get access to Calill again, it will be in chapter 3-9. By that time, Soren will have far more levels over her so he'll also be much faster especially with the help of BEXP considering he caps mag, res and skill relatively early. 

29 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Rexflame access, with the strength to not lose AS from it. Sanaki is not that fast, and her strength sux.

But that's only relevant in the endgame. Also, Sanaki has a base mag of 33 which will quickly increase as she has more time and room to grow while Calill only gets to that level at lvl 14 tier 3. Most units aren't going to be that level at the start of endgame, let alone Calill who has less of an enemy phase than most physical units and less availability than them.

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43 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

Her stats are more or less on par with Soren. Sure her speed growth is much better but by the time you get access to Calill again, it will be in chapter 3-9. By that time, Soren will have far more levels over her so he'll also be much faster especially with the help of BEXP considering he caps mag, res and skill relatively early. 

But that's only relevant in the endgame. Also, Sanaki has a base mag of 33 which will quickly increase as she has more time and room to grow while Calill only gets to that level at lvl 14 tier 3. Most units aren't going to be that level at the start of endgame, let alone Calill who has less of an enemy phase than most physical units and less availability than them.

Soren will typically be better than Calill when they join the same army in 3-11, but Calill is quite usable. Then you can use both Calill and Soren in Part 4, since the three routes call for 30+ useful units, although typically I find Calill more useful in these maps because mages offer little utility in 4-1 and 4-4, while the other two routes feature a desert and a map where every single enemy save the boss is weak to magic. Then, in Endgame, Calill is the better choice because of her ability to double. Which one you consider "better" ends up what you want to emphasize, but overall I sympathise more with the arguments for Calill. (Soren's pretty great if you give him the 2-3 Master Crown, though.)

44 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

But that's only relevant in the endgame. Also, Sanaki has a base mag of 33 which will quickly increase as she has more time and room to grow while Calill only gets to that level at lvl 14 tier 3. Most units aren't going to be that level at the start of endgame, let alone Calill who has less of an enemy phase than most physical units and less availability than them.

Calill will have a few less points of magic than Sanaki, but often still enough to 2HKO (especially considering her dark affinity), and she doubles a hell of a lot more. She also has dramatically better durability, which says absolutely nothing about her and everything about how problematic Sanaki is, due to her woeful speed/def/HP.

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