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The People You Use Suck!

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While tiers exist for the worthy cause of finding out who is good, I am certain that most of us do not play this way unless we are specifically attempting to achieve S rank. And since most of us do not dedicate every playthrough to ranked runs, I am also certain that most of us use plenty of characters that range from mediocre to bad, along with the good ones.

So my question is: Who do you use that's a bad unit? Whether it's because they're hard to train or their growths suck or they are stuck at one inconvenient range (think Wolt), who is it that you use that isn't actually too terribly useful?

And of course, why do you use them? Personality, support conversations, official art, or maybe it's just because you want a darned dark mage on your team and its not your fault that they always suck so bad?

Plus, there are a lot of cool useless people in this game. And since I truly hate Rutger (but use him anyway because HM nearly necessitates it) I feel the need to add some flavor to my team with people I actually like.

Here are my favorites:

Garret: Because he's a Berserker and they're awesome. He actually almost ends up halfway decent if supported with people like Lalam and Gonzo, but usually I stick him in a two sided almost-support-triangle with Gonzales and Geese. It does more for Garret than anything else, but having a team of three Berserkers is the coolest thing in the game.

Barth: He usually goes unsupported because I typically cannot be bothered with Oujay (and I can never be bothered with the other armors) but I might give him something with Ashtol or whatever. Not that it matters, Barth aint easy to use but it's so fun to have extremely lopsided growths. With lame armor knights like Brom and Oswin running around with actual speed growths, you realize that they just don't make 'em like Barth anymore.

Niime: She makes a semi decent filler healer later in the game, but she's still pretty awful for combat and such. But hey, sometimes you want a dark mage.

Ray: See above, except Ray's probably worse than Niime, considering how hard he is to raise. Oftentimes I dont even bother to try.

Dayan: Like, the one time I went to Sacae, I used him because I wanted him to support Sue. I've never used Sue again, but I would use Dayan if I went back to Sacae.

Geese: He's actually not bad at all, but his speed is troublesome all the way until he promotes, and then he should double regularly. I use him for the same reason I use Garret.

Oh, and even if Gonzales wasn't one of the best characters in the game, he would still be my favorite character. Brigands are awesome, even when their name is Marty. But perhaps especially when they're The Great Gonzales.

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I think Lot is a pretty cool guy. eh gets underrated and doesn't afraid of anything.

Seriously though, I like using Lot. He joins very early and is a good support partner for Dieck. His only real shortcoming compared to the other axemen is his relatively low strength.

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I like using Lilina for fan reasons and usually use Niime for psychic and status inducing staves. I sometimes try to use Bors now and then, too. Zeiss comes to mind too, although I wouldn't consider him that bad. (especially if you go Ilia route)

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I haven't gotten very far into the game, but right now I like using Noah, Deick, and Rutger quite a lot for some reason. Noah, because he and Alan are actually good horse-back units (Lance, Treck, and Zealot all suck, and Marcus tends to suck experience away from people because I never use my prepromotes right...)

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A couple of my faves get some flak, but I'm not one to listen to popular opinion. I've used Lilina, Wendy, Oujay, and Ray, and they didn't turn out bad for me. On the contrary, they turned out excellent. (Lilina and Ray were quite the Manakete killers for me.) And Niime was a useful white magic user for me. So far, that's all I can think of.

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In both my HM ranked runs, I used Lillina, Noah, and Garret. I like RoyxLillina as a pair to not use her, and Garret is my favourite character in FE6, followed by Noah. Also gave me an excuse to use Fir. ^_^

This time, I'm also using Lot to A support Dieck. He's worked very well.

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Mostly Wolt. While most of the time Sue and Shin end up better (but not that much in my case, the RNG hates my Shin), he has never been a letdown for me (Lots of dodges, doubles, crits and kills). I use him for about the first fifteen chapters of the game.

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I haven't seriously used anyone who sucks too much. Klein and Ray are the two worst I've used, used on my first run. I was told that they were good, but they indeed performed rather poorly when I used them. And now I know why.

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I always use Niime as a filler when I can (and when it's not more of a hindrance than a help...damn Ch21). A staves with high Mag = auto-useful.

I sometimes baby Ray or Zeis when I feel like it.

I do superlow tier playthroughs occasionally, but rarely ever finish them.

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I can think of Hugh but that's mostly because he's not really good in ranked games, but otherwise he's fine. He gets a slow, albeit decent support with both Rei and Lugh.

I also sometimes use Zeiss, mostly as a partner to Miredy and sometimes Shin. The Delphi Shield helps him a lot in Sacae while Miredy doesn't get that much damage from Short Bow arrows. In Ilia he's a bit easier to train since Pegs are often weighed down by 6-8.

Dayan's high speed makes him a valuable filler in chapter 21, and so is Niime's high magic and Physic staves, should you need either of them.

Finally, like Swordsalmon, I'm quite fond of Garret, being a Berserker which means really good killing power. He can support the other 2 Zerkers which roughly means I can have an effective meat grinder with a full critical support and Killer Axes.

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Since when was Ray considered one of the worst characters? He is the best shaman you can get statistically (Good con and speed allows for doubling with Flux) and he does not require too much babysitting.

The characters I use that people do not look favorably usually is Wade because I enjoy using warriors and he will end up the best one usually. Lott has lopsided growths and Bartre ends up with worse stats overall. I also tried experimenting with Ellen and Garret who ended up quite nice.

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Being the best Shaman statistically isn't worth much in a game where your contenders are Sophia and Niime (I'd argue Niime > Ray, but that's another story). It's like saying Barth is the best Armor. His problem is that he has low stats in vital areas when he joins - HP, Hit, AS, Def.

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As I go through the game, I find that I'm using Geese and Ray quite a bit more. Geese is only bad until promotion, and then after that he's pretty useful, especially withh the high critical percentage. (I remember he criticaled the boss of Chapter 18 (in Sacae) with a Swordreaver.) And honestly, Ray is pretty good because his attacks hit more often then not and they hit just hard enough that I can get somebody else a little more experience (I say this because he's level 19 right now). It's a shame, though, because I haven't been able to promote him yet. Guiding rings love to hate me.

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