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The League shall fall if I'm in control - A bad tactician plays Berwick Saga, Ironman mode!

Saint Rubenio

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Finally Isomer has ended: now i'm fre-

Yeah, nevermind...



On 7/26/2020 at 11:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

And then they (aggressively) kissed and got super pregnant. The end.




(Hover the cursor on the dialogue boxes to display their translation)


Sequel of this. Maybe.


*Insert enemy with weapon/shield-breaking weapon here*



*Insert Barselphony here. Again*




*Insert Ruben's "because i am a master tactician" moments here*



On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Part 50 - Fiery temper.

On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm pretty sure you fell prey to rule 2. That's not enough effort on a meme, it seems. Not for the main sub, anyway. Maybe you should've gone to the meme sub right off the bat.

That post was removed only after i edited my comment, which happened AFTER i got banned: as i said, you need to check the links in my comments and bactrack from there.


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

But, wait, they permabanned you just for that? A single infraction? How many low-effort memes did you post for the situation to escalate to that? Or... maybe the question is, what kind of assholes moderate the AK subreddit? No wonder you went into a paranoid frenzy when Eclipse gave you that warning...

Also pretty sure i already showed you this and commented upon it: just to reiterate, assuming all that was true (it isn't!) i apparently did it all in the span of 24 or so hours as i didn't get any warning or any kind of interaction with the mods before that.

I'd also like to point out that "lied about the reason why i got banned from GFL's subreddit": assuming it was true (again: it ISN'T!), HOW do they know it and, most importantly, WHY would they care?


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I really don't get your mindset. It's like the moment a game stops getting updates you go "well, that's it, time to go" and refuse to ever return to it. I'm probably mistaken, but that's the vibe I've gotten from you.

Those game did NOT stop getting updated: they were SHUT DOWN, which means they can no longer be played (you can technically still play DW's first world, which is basically tutorials land, but that's it)

As for GK, they basically made most of its new units AND newer features locked behind real money transactions, whereas before they could all be obtained through premium currency, which could be earned even as F2P.


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I may sound like filthy elitist scum here, but... fuck mobile gaming, seriously. Half the effort, double the paywalls. Why would anyone bother? Just install an emulator in your phone, and play actually good games instead of bothering with all this garbage.

As a matter of fact, i basically have almost any existing ROM for GB, GBC, GBA, SNES, N64, NDS, SMD, SMS, SGG, NGP and many PSX ones too (plus the emulators to run all of them, of course), as well as several PC games: it's just that gacha games are so damn addicting!

(Though i'd never play more than one... at least until they released AK)

(And as a pure F2Player, i'm actually quite oculate when spending resources)


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I am glad I have contributed to the bullying of Des.

Conversely, i contributed to Des becoming a bully:

Though she had it MUCH rougher before "Intelligence Quests" were introduced:

(Now she shares the pain with 3 other bosses, so her burden has been greatly lessened as a result)


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, this would've worked better back when Seamus screamed "I SHALL END THIS MYSELF" and then escaped the battlefield.

Pretty sure i posted it back then too. Or at the very least i remember posting it at least twice before.


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

What even is going on here?

On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

No, seriously, what the heck is happening here?

Guess you weren't paying attention, time to fix that:

(Unless you intended the water)


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, now that I take a better look at it... the bear clips belong to a tv show of some kind, don't they? We know how copyright stuff gets. That may be the reason it died.

Pretty sure i mentioned all that myself back then.


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Better than endless horny fanarts of Three Houses characters in swimsuits.


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, that's different. Why does that girl look like she's been needing to sleep for the past 37 years?

Because she does.





On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahahahahah... This one's legendary. Gringe should've kept this line, even if it was terrible.

Someone else did though:





On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Allow me to repeat the question once more: what results in a greater money flow, balance or powercreep?

Actually, if they had powercrept Springfield instead of M14 they would have most likely made much more money: as i said, most of MICA's bad decisions come from incompetence and/or pure @assholery rather than greed.


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

The shield is bigger than her... pfffft...


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Her design's good, but I can't glean much of a character here. She just wants to be strong. The end. Vanilla indeed.



On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

...stay away from me, you.


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, yes, a string of numbers. Best gif ever.

This one works fine too for me though: dunno why you get all these issues with links and .gifs.


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Is everything:

On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

The other day, we fell right into the brigands' trap in the Liga Desert, and Enid got to 4 magic. Today... Oh, shit! Lebough, look out! It's a trap!


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Bnes4lei oYou found the sacred orb?! So, it was just as the ancient texts said after all... Well done, Nagra! With this, we can finally start to take the fight to the Razites.

G7jy5qyy oBut Your Excellency, the orb has been completely drained of its magic... Not even the robbers seemed to think it worth stealing.

G2ymqjzd o


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ledduf6j oYq0sdayw o


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


All right, so this is the Starlight. Why, yeah, I forgot to screenshot its stats until next chapter. Anyway, it has 23 might and 60% accuracy. It's good, but... not the best.


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

5v6ut6va o



On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Meanwhile, on the side of EVIL...


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Weiserjn oWhat is it, Arcturus? Have any problems arisen?

Vkwzpjfv oNo, not at all, sir. It's just... I'm worried that you've become... exceedingly thorough about this coming battle, sir.

Weiserjn oAre you saying I shouldn't be?

Vkwzpjfv oWell, the commander of the League's entire western front was just exiled to Berwick Island... And while his successor, Margrave Bernstol, is a brave warrior indeed, he can't hold a candle to you, sir. Our victory is all but assured. Why go so far to prepare for every possible contingency?



On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Weiserjn oAfter all, the army's loyalty will be the deciding factor between a peaceful transition and civil war. But if we seize victory here on the western front, we'll be untouchable. This is the only way we can protect my sister. Failure isn't an option.

Mwhrbxia o



On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Weiserjn oDon't worry about it, Arcturus. These times are trying on all of us. We've had to sacrifice everything to make it this far. My sister most of all... Without her, I would have died a long time ago.

X6lfdgix o
On 8/2/2020 at 3:56 AM, Golb89 said:



On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

It's Arcturus that is the exact same character as friggin' Levail! Well, there is one difference (that makes Arcturus better, in my opinion), but we won't see that for a long, long time.

He's actually playable?


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Pibsxzgn o


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy oI'm glad to see that we aren't the only ones with a ruler that only amounts to a handicap.



On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Gjjba5an o


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Pobpolog oI need you to assist in their retreat south to Fort Remagen. It hardly needs saying, but this is an urgent matter. If you are too late in getting there, Imperial troops will massacre the entire force. We will lose not only our men, but the bulk of our siege weaponry as well.



On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

19gazxsi oWhen Father gave me these funds to send to you, he said, "This is the last time I pamper your brother, Lynette!"

Uedfz3v4 o Dad! I-I would hope it isn't...! What have we done to upset you? Did you hear about the time we used your money to purchase a painting? That was a worthy investment! That painting allows your son to save up Gram uses! ...somehow!


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


9qk5ifz8 oAs far as sidequests go, this is one of the most hilarious ones. Remember the time I had Axel looking around the battlefield for a book? Or the time I had him diving to the bottom of a lake looking for a mirror? This time, Daoud's going to be axing trees instead of Imperials. And then he'll carry the log back to Navaron on his shoulder, 'cause fuck it.


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Gxx4mdl9 o


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rnwsddzf oDearest Cecily, if I could see only one thing forevermore, it would be your beautiful, soft red hair! I must have you for my own!



On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Yju58pga o

1w4wvxim oWho's it from?

Xhqpmjzv oSome Highlander woman. I told her you weren't around, but...

Auxsttnv o

1w4wvxim o......


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

P1rt2tqf ozYFj7vhG_o.png




On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Aofpvug6 oDon't say such stupid things... I couldn't use Thunder until I was already two years into my training!


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Aofpvug6 oYou've certainly worked hard as a student, but it's something more... Enid, you're unnaturally gifted. When it comes to fire magic, you've done in mere months what I haven't been able to do for six years.


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ve1whlac o

So, uh... Yeah. She just nearly killed both herself and Perceval.


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Itfytqpi o




On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Aofpvug6 oAs I said when we first started, you have to be born with a gift in order to be a mage. You are gifted, Enid... And I'm not.


(In case you were wondering, but even if you weren't, this is Lava)


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Iruphkt2 o

9qk5ifz8 o D'awwwwww... She just wants to get her friend back, legendary orbs be damned. That's so cute.

(I can't wait for you to turn Enid into a piromaniac in your fanfics, just like you turned a certain other blue-aired trainee-like girl into a psycho murder AND mugger...)


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rday0ffn oEwh96wmd o


(There were several other characters that would have fitted better here, but i got none of them so i couldn't post any of their promotion quotes)


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Hdgaield o

As for the Pallas Leia... Ahahahahah... 32 might, 90% hitrate. Yeah, only 10 uses, but it recovers 2 per chapter. So essentially, you get two free nukes every chapter. Now imagine this orb with Focus Chant on top. Yeah. It's enough to make me cry. This is basically Starlight but better.


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
3ftw0xar o

K6a8y571 o...I was doing well until just now, when my afternoon was interrupted by the filthy stench of perfume...




On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

K6a8y571 oI'm afraid I don't put much stock in the opinions of a woman who spends her days off luring men to her bed.




On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Txzubig9 o Ahah... This girl. She's just the greatest comedian in the continent, isn't she?


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Liouf0cr o


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
D8ol4vmf o

Ahh, so this is the famous Weiss. Introduced as he saves a family from starvation.




On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Vknktqrj oSylvis... Here to kill me? Come to put an arrow in my throat?

K6a8y571 oNo, I'm not going to kill you... I'll just shoot you in both legs so you can't run away. That's the way I do things. You know that.




On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Sz6a2fvz o

Enid grabs some extra orbs. She's never touching a sword ever again.




On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ikqmuhh0 o5g8j0ivv o

That chapter title... Thankfully, in this case the wooden cavalry is on our side, not against us. Anyhow, we're done for today. Next time, we go and save a bunch of ballisticians. A familiar face will be among them. See if you can guess who it is. Until then, do the opposite of faring bad, please. See you around!



7 hours ago, Goddess Serra said:

Hey guys! I just wanted to say I’m back on SF.


















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*Insert Ruben's quote about Rhodes Island being not safe because of "Martel" here*



22 hours ago, Golb89 said:
  On 7/26/2020 at 11:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

And then they (aggressively) kissed and got super pregnant. The end.

22 hours ago, Golb89 said:

Sequel of this. Maybe.

Or rather, this:

(Note: "appuru pie" is just "apple pie")

(Also, this is Provence. Maybe)


22 hours ago, Golb89 said:
  On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Better than endless horny fanarts of Three Houses characters in swimsuits.




22 hours ago, Golb89 said:

Actually, if they had powercrept Springfield instead of M14 they would have most likely made much more money: as i said, most of MICA's bad decisions come from incompetence and/or pure @assholery rather than greed.

Hypergryph on the other hand...


22 hours ago, Golb89 said:

This one works fine too for me though: dunno why you get all these issues with links and .gifs.

And now it doesn't work for me either: maybe like this?


(If this one works, then it was probably a matter of hotlinking from the source's site: i thought only Pixiv did that nowadays, but apparently i was wrong)


22 hours ago, Golb89 said:
  On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

The other day, we fell right into the brigands' trap in the Liga Desert, and Enid got to 4 magic. Today... Oh, shit! Lebough, look out! It's a trap!





22 hours ago, Golb89 said:
  On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


9qk5ifz8 oAs far as sidequests go, this is one of the most hilarious ones. Remember the time I had Axel looking around the battlefield for a book? Or the time I had him diving to the bottom of a lake looking for a mirror? This time, Daoud's going to be axing trees instead of Imperials. And then he'll carry the log back to Navaron on his shoulder, 'cause fuck it.



(Sorry, not sorry)


On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Zkvr1h8b o

22 hours ago, Golb89 said:



22 hours ago, Golb89 said:
  On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
D8ol4vmf o

Ahh, so this is the famous Weiss. Introduced as he saves a family from starvation.




22 hours ago, Golb89 said:
  On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ikqmuhh0 o5g8j0ivv o

That chapter title... Thankfully, in this case the wooden cavalry is on our side, not against us. Anyhow, we're done for today. Next time, we go and save a bunch of ballisticians. A familiar face will be among them. See if you can guess who it is.


22 hours ago, Golb89 said:
  On 8/3/2020 at 10:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Until then, do the opposite of faring bad, please. See you around!


[Bonus3] (Replacing the above)







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Part 51 - Kill thief.


On 8/4/2020 at 12:22 AM, Dayni said:
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Thracia is actually the one game it doesn't work at all, so that's weak.

I never said otherwise. I just mentioned the game.

Also I would argue skill interplay is no bad thing.

It's no bad thing, but when the skill doesn't work so well without another one's help...

Still, this argument has gone on for long enough. Let's just settle for "FE Vantage okay, Berwick Vantage great."

That would be suitably dramatic from Hubert.

And considering there's no Rewarp I agree.

Right? It's perfect.

I still find it weird there'll be no Wyverns that'll be that much in the way that you have to deal with them.

Ohoho, believe me, there will be. I'm not skipping any sidequests. I forgot to put it in the rules, but I'm not skipping anything unless I outright cannot beat it for one reason or another.

Okay, I think I was more commenting on it giving the arrow +9 Wind essentially.

The arrow has 1 bonus wind damage. The negative wind defense increased that bonus damage to 9. The physical damage of the arrow was unaffected, and thus didn't pierce the wyvern's defenses.

...is what I would be saying if Sylvis hadn't been amazing and gotten a crit. Thanks to the crit, she dealt physical damage (as I've mentioned before, a crit's bonus damage pierces defenses) on top of the extra wind damage.

I get the idea of it having effective immunity to fire, that doesn't really confuse me much. And of course in RPG logic if it's immune to one.....

That's it, yes.

I dunno, I wasn't a fan.

But then again Mother's not something I've gotten into.

Ah. Well, that's fair enough.

That's a problem because it's covering the nice sprites dammit!

Hmph... Who else but Dayni?

Guts is an ability that raises attack if you have a status ailment. Pretty good ability.

Ahh, I understand. Funny ability.

I doubt he's going to look chuffed any time soon.

A visit to the Kingfisher Pavilion and he'll be looking like Webber.

You know, Stx9k60n o

I don't think I've had an hour in the monastery unless I'm way overthinking.

Not that it isn't a timesink, just that it alone doesn't sink me too much. Usually (Fistfuls of fish intensifies.)

It wouldn't be so bad if the maps weren't so tiny. I swear they last like 15 minutes, all of them!

Also, back to my experience of chapter 4. I had to reset once. It was not DK related. It was related to me mistakingly getting Leonie murdered because generic mages are a pain in the early game. My DK strat was pretty simple actually. Take one unit with 9 AS and a strength stat not a multiple of 5 (If multiple of 5 10 AS is fine). Buff with Rally Str and Spd (From two units with D authority that I already have) to get them 14 AS. Get them to take out the archer in DK's range, sit someone behind (Stride being used to allow higher movement for those around, mainly convenience and to take out the mage on the other side to be safe because if not they can kill). DK attacks, doesn't double and if he doesn't crit we continue (Because that's sadly still a problem.). Next we bring him down into Dark Spikes range with gambits and we're done. All this for pretty good hitrate, especially Lysithea on 98%.

I mean, Lysithea is the designated DK murderer. It's really not all that surprising that it was an easy fight with her.

Still pissed I didn't record it, I had him taken out with Hilda, Marianne and Lysithea. Three enemies bodied him.

That was cool.

Sorry if I sound like I'm out to rain on your parade, but killing the DK with Lysithea is not impressive. It's the normal thing to do. That'd be like bragging about soloing Veld with Ced. This is the real bragging rights.

(Yes, it was all leading up to me linking that for the billionth time. What did you expect?)

Also chapter 5 ended up hell and I had to reset because an archer attacking me somehow led to all the enemies moving at once, on top of ambush spawns at the same time because I'd triggered them. Once I didn't manage to trigger literally a dozen men it was uneventful. I also recruited Bernadetta before that map, so that was good. But yeah, ambush spawns make the other things more annoying to deal with thank you.

Why would you go for Bernadetta? I know her personal skill is great, but... she's insufferably one-note!

Well at least you didn't find a body.


That sounds awfully convenient.

At least that'll be nice and easy.


No surprises eh?

Yes. I mean, no. No surprises.

Quick, where's Herman? I want to smash his head in with it.

If he doesn't melt we know he's not Gharnef.

Bwahahahahahahah... If only it were that easy. Bash Volcens's face in with an orb, bring Bernard back from his exile.

That's some endurance.

Fortify is awesome.

And with that Beriwck keeps on rolling on with Bernard in jail.

Because that's still a thing.

Sadly, it is.

Berwick Island sounds like some resort.

Only it's for political prisoners.

Come to Berwick Island for an unforgettable experience! Once you arrive, you won't be able to leave!

Little did Bernard know, they meant it literally.

Alright, that's Dead for you.

C'mon, let's have faith...

Imagine if Bernstol manages to get away by tricking them with a Bern Stool.

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! That is the one move Zephyrus couldn't foresee. He just leaves a Bernstool in the middle of the battlefield to distract him.

I mean, I get where you're coming from.


It's different mainly because Kita vs. Berwick's artist, but I get it. It's like Doomguy Vs. Sid again.

It's different in the same way PoR!Titania is different from RD!Titania, for instance. It's clearly the same guy in different artstyles.

As for it being shenanigans, the most likely thing it related to notes that got left behind. It's not like they did nothing besides.

It'd have helped if they'd done more with Begnion frankly than they did, but I'm not too pleased by Raze so far.

Might just be my Berwick bias talking here, but Raze > Begnion. And I don't think Raze is that amazing, either. This game focuses on different things than developing the evil Empire, sadly. Still, we'll get some things, don't worry.

Well, you can't say he doesn't have a damm good reason. Also, harsh assessment of Reese's dad. Is this going to be like when Zelgius faced Ranulf? Because oh no, I like Ranulf.

Well... We shall see.

We'll see if I like him later on.

I guess we will.

Does Arcturus get to stay by Zephyrus for much longer than Levail for Zelgius?

I did say there's one difference, didn't I? That's all I'm going to say on the matter.

I mean, maybe the last manservant he hired robbed his bike or something.

Heheheheheheheheh... Yeah, let's... Let's go with that.

I mean, sure they don't look similar, but he kinda does look like Volcens bitching here.

He does look a lot less sleep-deprived than Volcens. Having a different girl for every night of the week probably helps with that.

Where's his Herman?

Oh right, he doesn't like men.

I mean, he really doesn't like men.

Totally not compensaiting, no sir.

Now, let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe he's just... a lesbian reverse trap, for example.

Oh look, I haven't seen that word outside AoE2 for ages!

Mamlukes, Janissaries, what's next for Kaga to use from actual historical armies?

There's probably something in Vestaria that I'm forgetting right now.



Are you.... are you actually kidding me?

He's literally going to go away from the battle to become a lumberjack?


Okay, I guess he's found a new calling.


Truly a sign that this is 2020, he's drinking in a restaurant because the pubs are closed.

But... Alex's tavern is open!

Though I suppose Clifford's presence is bound to drive most customers away.

To quote another old man, Ward's not old, he's 36.

Yeah, he's just like Hans Moleman, no?

...Well, actually, considering Ward is the Endgame Beard no matter his age, I wouldn't think so...

I'm sorry what.

He'll be missing?

This is intriguing.

Good thing we got resolution on that in the exact same update, no?

What I said when they got added to Heroes and I instead focused on getting Lena and Julian.

Oh yeah, they added both Krises alongside Lena and Julian instead of Matthis. A bit of cringe to compensate for the actually good decision. This is still Heroes, after all.

20 year gap more like, but that creep factor's more like 50.

Only 50?

Considering this creep, he probably accounted for when Savat left to get supplies before going in.

He seems like that kind of creep.

Jikes... I can imagine him just waiting behind some bushes for Savat to leave. How Cecily doesn't put two and two together and realize that Lane always happens to come see her when Dad isn't around is beyond me.

You sound like Kamui when he hears about getting paid.

Like you're Thrift Kamui.

Hmph... Well, you know how stingy this game is with cash. I need more money for furniture!

Well that's convenient.

Quite. Kaga must've been fond of Sherpa.

I'm not gonna lie, this song pick's for me.

Eyy, I've actually heard that one! It's that famous!

That's some nice translatin' @Aethin.

Remember Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Cure? I 'member.



Shit's on fire yo.

Good assessment.

Also, try aiming at the enemy next time.

Imagine that. There's just a chance she sets the entire battlefield on fire when she uses Pallas Leia, killing everyone.

Man, Perceval's just been getting the rough end of the stick honestly.

Poor guy.

I'll admit, even I feel bad for calling him names.

Then again, learning some random person can use your family's precious magic is an awful way to learn you're adopted.

If it's any consolation, I'm pretty sure he's always known he's adopted and doesn't mind.

So with the adoption information, I kinda feel comfortable saying go get him.

Kinda? I hope this isn't the wrong conclusion.

Ahahahahahah... Yeah, it'd be safe for her to "go get him". Though, personally, I prefer to consider these two very close friends. They don't have that chemistry, you know?

Like Weiss and Sylvis. Grrrr...

Guess I was wrong on Reese being first.

Hey, I was banking on Arthur or Ruby. I don't think anybody expected 20% Magic Growth girl to be the first.

Also, nice more magic.


Considering my Byleth comparison previously, I almost want to pun on this.

But no. The crests are still less to blame than those who were greedy enough to use them as a divider of class to begin with.


So he's gone.

Oh well, least you got the Kris.

Lose Almuth, get Kris. That's... eeuugh.

So, someone's found the Valflame I see.

I mean, Valflame's actually a bit weaker than Pallas Leia. The +10 magic boost does bring its effective might above Pallas Leia's, but the raw might is lower.

I see you're getting catty at someone trying to anger your favourite.

H-Hey, that's not it! B-Baka...!

I mean, she didn't draw it per say, but knowing how fast she can do so that's murderous intent right there.

She just wants to paint Alex's walls a pleasant shade of red. Spice up the decor a bit.

Isn't this the guy who caught Sylvis's arrow mid-air?

Eyup, that's the one.

Well that's dark.

Berwick's always been dark.


Ahahahahaha... This is just as golden as the first time.

So, a bad guy, but not a bad guy?

Good summary.

Why, because he managed to make it kinda work?

She'll probably still shoot him, but the idea he rattled her would boil you over?

Hmph... I will say nothin'! I'll just kill him and that'll be the end of it!

This time is freaking massive.

Lotta shit going on.

I warned you.

Meanwhile, as you said, Darros became sail. He's also free if you wanted to try him out.

I'm gonna guess you're talking to the general readers of the thread. As for me, if I wanted to try him out I'd play FE11 or 12. ...Mostly 12. He's too shit in FE11.


On 8/4/2020 at 3:49 AM, This boi uses Nino said:
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Yeah, Darros is cool. But I still won't play heroes.

Neither will I, but hey. Darros.

Well that's good.

I knew we'd come to an agreement.

Yeah, even though I need glasses I can see 😄 

You, too?

Lol, I think it's kinda funny.

That's what happens when you're a tiny clinic in the middle of nowhere and you've no idea what a copyright is.

Hehe that sounds like a programmer alright, logic is pretty cool to work around. It's probably why I like Picross a bunch too, if you don't know what that is look it up.

I know. Never played it, but it seems like a cool game.

I looked it up and bruh what's up with the Foreheads?

Yes, that's what everyone's first impression is like. Not me, though. I was like 8 when I first watched it, so I didn't even notice the foreheads. When I finally rewatched it 12 years later, I was too busy giggling like a little girl to be bothered by it.

It's Edelgard tier! Still, if you like it it's got to do something right.

I'm not sure if I'd recommend it, to be honest. I love it, but I will fully admit I'm biased due to nostalgia, so my opinion may not be the one you want to listen to. I usually try to avoid that kind of bias, but with this show it's too much. It's a flawed show (seasons 1 and 4 spend a bit too much time meandering with what could be considered "filler"; the ending was rushed and, though it was a decently satisfying conclusion, it left a few questions unanswered), but I'm willing to forgive all the flaws because, goddamnit, I adore it. I love it to pieces. It's great.

And his hips damn it acknowledge them! Yes you did once but do it again!


Hmm? But you showed someone from SGW and pretty much said he's made for you and he likes working out, I suppose that's what you like to do and why you're so defensive of your body shape? It could of course be the opposite but either way it's fine.

...You... you completely missed the fact that the guy was a recolored Arran, didn't you? And the joke with the healthy lifestyle thing - the joke being that Arran is sick in book 2 - you missed that too, didn't you?

I never work out. The few times I've done it it's not been that bad, actually, but... hot damn, is exercise profoundly boring. Oh yeah, I'll just run for an hour straight. Or I'll raise my arm for an hour straight. Even listening to music, the minutes seem to pass at the speed of a still rock when I'm exercising.

I've always said Volcens correctly iirc, and I still don't get why too many people mistake your and you're... they are said differently too! 

Well, when you're really starting out it's easy to confuse two words that seem exactly the same.

Woag what the hell? Those stats are terrible!

They're worse than terrible. That's where my streak of bad luck started, right there.

Maybe this is because I call you papa Ruben now, so... Brother Ruben! Now you will have good reflexes! ... Well sadly you'll also speak like a teenager... that's a downside

I considered doing it for the joke, but I think I'll pass. I don't want to die of cringe.

Oh yeah, Volcens dumb.

Why did you just say Volcens's name twice in a row?

Lel, I didn't think that was the reference that's cool.

Well, it wasn't a full-on reference, but I'm still happy someone responded with that.

Look back on Thaddy's quote, I wrote in bold "[Shut up daddy]" purposefully miswriting his name.

Oohhh, right, Thaddy, daddy... I get it now.

Yeah it's just I think you told me it's if you get hit, roll again which would be useless in 100% because that way you won't dodge the 2nd one. Brightbow already explained to me anyways.

Yeah, you misunderstood me. Well, no matter.

Alright, I'm not too good at puns anyways tho lol.

Neither am I. The real expert here is The Roger.

Oh I see... that's interesting.

Quite, yes.

Well I didn't understand you well it seems.

Damn you...!

You know I think I'm just dumb because people always say some plot twists were easily foreshadowed and I just go "b-but... I didn't figure it out..." so here when Lebough or whatever said that I was like "oooh I wonder what's gonna happen" but then you make it super obvious that it's gonna be Reese and yeah it is...

1- Why are you beating yourself up? You missed half the story! Of course you don't know who it is!

2- No, it's not... It's not Reese. Reese is some random guy with nothing special to him. The Gram isn't even a super special sword of legend or anything, it's just a regular blade that's more powerful than most. In fact, I don't think it's ever explained why only Reese can use it. My headcanon is that he refuses to let anyone else have it because, damnit, it's the first time he's ever had anything special and he's not about to let the pleb get their grubby mitts on it.

Did we get the 12 shards for it though? I must have missed them in this LP...

Damned Gotoh... He can warp, but he won't bother to go looking for the shards himself... Lazy bastard...

Hmm... ok maybe this person is a mage and not Reese...

You're getting there.



Oh he's Reese's dad? Wait no he died right?


Nope, that's Reese's dad right there. It's fair to assume that the protagonist's dad in a FE/FE-like is dead, but no. Bernstol's still kicking. He's the one who's been sending money our way the whole game, in fact! It's always either him or Reese's sister-in-heat, Lynette.

I know, you know who Lynette is. I just wanted to remind everyone that Reese's sister wants to get in her brother's brotherly pants.

Yeah Arcturus is pretty cool.


Anastasia huh?

Yes, that is her name. Anastasia.

Oh the file name of the portraits are fun to read... "yo" lol.

You should check out the one for my angry face.

They have? Uh... I guess I really am dumb with storytelling and stuff.

He's sitting on an elevated throne surrounded by women. I'd say that's pretty on-the-nose.

Oh this is the first time we see them?

Faisal was namedropped in the intro of the game, way back in the first update. This is the first time he's seen in person, though.

Aaaah... but wait is Rasputin sleeping with the emperor's daughters?

He only has one little kid, so... I would hope not.

Bruh... these two are dumb... well atleast this guy is using him for as long as he can... Volcens straight up imprisoned him.

It's really sad that Volcens loses against Walcens.

So I guess Bernstol is Reese's dad. Man him going through all that is amazing, I love this guy!

He's been sending money the entire game. He's the best.

Hehehe, I notice a lot of sidequests go like
Some shopkeep: Man I need this but I can't get it because the empire is there
Someone in your army: Ok I'll get it since that just so happens to be where we go next.
Some shopkeep: Oh thank you very much!!

Yes, it's pretty funny.

This Lane guy is... ridiculous! He definitely is scheming sth... though it's also unfair to just categorize him like that because he's weird... I don't like being like that.

On 7/13/2020 at 6:32 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Jmas5mny o

Come now. One thing is acting weird, like say Erzheimer, and another is acting like a serial rapist with a girl 20 years younger than yourself. Which category do you think Mr. Wetman falls into?

I quote ths for convenience, holy shit that is amazing! And I think it was in the staring gif of the introduction post? HOLY FUCK!

Yes, this spell was among the introduction gifs. You could barely see it for a second. Now we get to witness it in its full glory.

Man that is honestly quite depressing, to have been going at it for far longer and still... be inferior to someone new.

And now is when we think back to all the times I've screamed murder at him for missing and feel bad...

Fuck man, Percy was trying his best with magic and now he realizes he's adopted? Damn...

Like I said to Dayni, I'm fairly certain he already knew. That's not the problem.


That's not the wow, the Pallas Leia is the wow.

Lynette? Some Gotoh of the game?

You'll see in due time.

Yes he did and it was hilarious.

I'm going to tear him apart--

The wooden cavalry... hmm... it's probably some mission in FE2, 😛 

What...? No! That's not it!

Will we meet Astram in this map?

...Wait... then, do you or do you not know what it is?

...FE4! FE4, goddamnit, it's a mission in FE4! How ignorant can you be!?



On 8/4/2020 at 11:23 AM, BrightBow said:
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That's kinda the issue with Heroes. Even if they add characters from good games for a change, it's still more appealing to play those good games instead.

Yeah... Even when it comes to mobile gaming, you can just get yourself an emulator and play (some of) the actual games on your phone. I respect Heroes players, of course, but... I can't say I understand them. Heroes is just Worse FE with gambling for units instead of hitrates. What does anyone see in it? For fuck's sake, I can see more upsides to playing Path of Radiance than Heroes! And I despise PoR!

Good for him to realize how obnoxious it would be if an enemy would be able to use the power of Vengeful offensively.
You know, unlike with Vengeance in Awakening which triggers all the time because there is no distinction between attack and counterattack mechanically.

Ahahahahahahahah... Well, IntSys tried. Can't fault 'em for that.

In Berwick it's also limited to Axes, so there is no way to use it at 2 range. But in Awakening it's a skill of Dark Mages, so attacking from outside the opponent's range is not an option. You just gotta do the complicated math to make sure you survive. ...including all possible variations for when Dual Strikes or critical hits trigger, since the attack power is based entirely on the enemy's remaining HP.
It's just like with Crossbows in Radiant Dawn. Good grief, how hard is it to copy something and make it work at least as well as in the source?

Seeing how they added TRS's story into FE7 and broke the entire lore of Elibe in the process, I think it's pretty safe to say that copying things right would require thinking, and that's not high on IntSys's list of priorities.

...Then again, they made a better FE3 than Kaga that also happens to be my favorite game in the series (discounting KagaSaga). So... Guess that's score 1 for IntSys.

What I'm trying to say is, Kaga and IntSys both have their moments in FE, but Berwick Saga trumps all.

Oh my god! Nagra said to give the orb to the apostle and Lebough agreed. Then he gave the orb to Reese. This means the apostle is...
Faye! Of course, it's so obvious to me now. That's why the game's cover frames her as a main character next to Reese and Ward!

She's the Valbar of this game.

...Well, no. At least I can see where they were coming from by putting her in the box art. Even if her stuff can be easily missed by getting her killed in chapter 3. Or, y'know, just plain getting Faramir killed and then her.

g7jy5qYy_o.png  I have no reason to respond to the vulgar works of a man like yourself.

Meoilxpy o My... apologies. I spoke out of turn... I think.

g7jy5qYy_o.png  No, No. It's my fault. It's not really an excuse but you just reminded me of that blond little shit I meet at the tavern earlier this month. I am deeply sorry Lord Reese.

Meoilxpy o I... see.

Hwahahahah... Great callback.

g7jy5qYy_o.png  But he believes Her Eminence is just a mere dropout from the church of Veria. Why would he give the orb to someone he considers a delinquent?

Bnes4lei o Quiet, Nagra!

Meoilxpy o  I will leave this orb in the care of Her Eminence then. I am truly honored by the trust the church puts into me. But, and I apologize for being so straightforward about this, it does confuse me why you believe it for the best for me to stay in the dark about what you precisely expect me to do.

Frankly, I think the only way anyone could possibly miss this at this point is if they've missed half the story as well, like the Boi who uses Nino.

Not only is he a nobody, but he doesn't even have special bloodline privileges. Like, Marth also was only a minor noble but his bloodline allowed him to use the Falchion. Reese doesn't have anything like that. 

I think I said this at the beginning of the LP, but Reese is second only to Ike when it comes to being completely irrelevant. He beats Ike because at least he's a noble, but beyond that... He's not even a big noble, and unlike Ike, he doesn't get to keep the privilege of murdering final bosses all to himself!

Anyway, Lebough specifically said he would give the orb to the apostle before giving it to Reese. So it doesn't really feel like her identity is meant to be a twist at this point. Heck, when her identity is made official later, it's not played as a twist either.

I think they just left it up to the player to figure it out at their own pace, but were confident they'd get there sooner than later.

I guess it's just another case of the writing for sidequests being kinda weird. Like back with the Elbert one: "You think the empire has someone who can do this weird "strategy" thing?"

Or, y'know, every single time there are Imperial brigades chilling in Verian territory. Disaad in particular was pretty saad.

It looks rather impressive if you don't obtain it in the same chapter as the Pallas Leia, at least.
And I suppose is comparatively weakness fits in with what Almuth said about Light magic being mainly about healing. But considering how much time this thing spends useless in the storage, it's quite a bit of a letdown.

The virgin Starlight vs the chad Pallas Leia.



On 8/4/2020 at 11:47 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:


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 I mean, I can see that. I know I was dying to get to the update where Caeda promoted... because damn I was happy when she got that last level.

It's always satisfying to share your victories with others.

I guess they were feeling a little testy that day.

Eeewww... That sounds awful.

Batman #66. August 1951, The Joker's Comedy of Errors. I have that issue... albeit in reprint form. Because DC oddly enough have reprinted it multiple times in collections. Mine happens to be the "Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told" volume. I mean, technically I also have it thanks to a Golden Age Batman Omnibus... and I think it's in the 75 years of the Joker volume as well from memory. You can tell someone on their reprint staff finds it hilarious. It even appears in the revised version of the Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told where they cut out some of the stories to make way for newer ones. So basically, I think I've got it in four different volumes over the years while getting the volumes for other stories.

Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told


As for the term, I'm fairly sure it's derived from a portmaneu of "Bonehead" and "Blunder".

That's probably it. Wait, but then where did the other meaning come from? That definitely isn't a bonehead, there are no bones there!

I mean, what out of context quote was actually that bad?

None, I just felt like being a dick to you, The Roger The Paladin.

I mean, the fact they didn't try is especially obvious when you consider the fact he literally has that whole bit with his real name being Khalid that didn't even end up making it into the game because he had too little relevance for that to be worked in organically as opposed to being revealed after the fact.

Ahh, yes. That. Everyone was like "Ohmigosh Claude's real name is Khalid, isn't that amazing?!" and I was like "Weird choice to reveal his actual name 24 years after the game's release... Oh, wait, you mean the dumb one."

Really, that's just Eugen being great. Which is nothing new.

That much is true.

I mean... now that you mention that (I have never been involved in Tactics Ogre), that does make a lot more sense. I still can't help but think of the clickbait site.

Not that I can blame you, mind. But yeah, that's the actual origin of his name. In fact, his rank is a reference to Tactics Ogre too. Denim is the main character of that one, and Vice's best friend. Well... At the beginning, that is.

Have you ever done an update that was all horseman jokes and nothing else?

Well, there was chapter 3 of TRS where all I did was have PTSD and a reader called me out for being repetitive.

Eh, I suppose even the best of the best can make mistakes. And I'm clearly the best of the best LPers. I am superior to Pewdipie. I should be granted Emperorship of the entire world. I must reign...! Then again, what was it they said about me taking the reins...?

"Is he a Paperboy or a Paperman? Hmmm. Paperman. That sounds like a Super-hero movie. When that movie comes out I'm gonna talk about how awesome it is for 48 seconds, then call that a full review".

This sounds oddly specific. Another reference?

Only if he doesn't desert.

Hah! Perfect. Very you reply.

I mean, that was the point of the claim. Hell, he even teleported out then... just like this time.

It is truly perfect! How funny life is sometimes...

Plot twist. Kaga is a time-traveller. That's how he always does it first.

Turns out the reason his games are the way they are is that every time someone makes a complaint he goes back and makes it even worse.

A lot of people complained about Xavier.

Maybe, but it's true. It's pseudo-intellectual double-speak that ultimately tells you nothing. But it's true.

Good point.

Technically she's engaged until after the game. But other than that nitpick...

Doesn't really change much, does it?

Fair and balanced gameplay. Even Kaga didn't want to have a ton of supporters stack and make the map into hell.

It very much would've been if he'd done that. So let us praise Kaga for his neverending wisdom. Hateful wisdom, but wisdom all the same.

That's much better to be honest. I'd personally have had this random generic bishop with rescue on his final map just to show that.

That would've been better, but it would've required that IntSys put more thought into it than

"Okay, we need Hubert to be the boss of 12 missions because we can't afford to pay the artist to make more portraits for bosses."

"Can't we just recolor Metodey?"

"We don't have the time. The game is releasing tomorrow. And we've already had a good few delays, if this keeps up Ninty's going to shut us down."

"Four routes was a mistake."

"Why is this turtle, who has a son, constantly kidnapping a woman and trying to marry her? I know. He's obviously homosexual".

I mean, people get called gay for simply not wanting to have sex all the time. Even though it's perfectly possible for gay people to want to have sex all the time. What I'm trying to say is, people who use gay as an unironic insult are dumb.

Honestly makes me wish I saw it once back then. But such is life, no one even knew it existed until too late apparently.

A shame. But, what can you do. Such is life: Garbage.

Now to hack the guy into Super Mario Odyssey.

He'll be the real final boss: the hatman.

Or at least that one former Avatar with the monocle...


That's just begging for a Boney M parody.

Who's Boney M?

...Oh, a music group. Damnit, why can't anyone stop referencing music? You know how hopeless I am with this! It's almost as if it were slightly funny to watch me react to these references in this exaggerated manner!

I'm going to be really disappointed if this doesn't end up in Pretzel by the end of the fanfic.


Maybe the student surpassing the teacher wasn't the most original theme for my fanfic. Then again... it's not the only one.

There's also the part where Matthis is awesome. Which is awesome.

From liability to world destroyer in one move.

Best way to describe it.

I suppose this is how Jean Grey felt when she became Phoenix... until they retconned it so she never became Phoenix. So she never felt that way obviously.

I guess the closest equivalent to the Jean Grey retcon would be for Enid to die. Which... Is a very distinct possibility that I am hoping does not come to pass.

Probably the same reason I despise Peri? Namely my first impression was them being particularly nasty to a character I like.

I... wouldn't compare Shaiah to Peri...

I don't know, from Shaiah's comments I think he might legit have a thing for her.

Wait, so you're telling me Weiss enjoys getting verbally abused and shot at by Sylvis?

...Fuck me sideways, turns out he's a handsome version of me...

Oh boy. I can't wait to have to play my version of this chapter and get bombarded by ballisticians every step of the way like it's a mortar-shelled no man's land in World War 1.

That map is absolutely brutal. Best of luck to you...



On 8/4/2020 at 9:35 PM, BrightBow said:
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In a way this feels like a really forced way to drop exposition but... well, I just love how this indirectly emphasizes just how utterly screwed Bernstool is.



Seeing how you spelled it right down below, I'm pretty sure at this point you're doing it on purpose so I have an excuse to post this. Thanks!

He puts all his hopes on a surprise attack against an enemy general and then we hear in the very next scene that Zephyrus made preparations for every possible scenario, to the point his right hand thinks he is overdoing it.

Not to mention that they were specifically targeting him from the beginning. It's not looking good... But there's always a chance...


Weiserjn o With a sufficiently tight collection of fire mages, we should be able to burn through whatever metal plating a flying saucer would have. If we are lucky, a hole is all it needs to bring such a thing down. But in case that's not enough, we need to make sure we have a squadron of Wyvern Knights at the ready to infiltrate it. They should be able to take out the saucer's staff and effectively disable it.

Vkwzpjfv o Sir, don't you think the idea that aliens would aid Margrave Bernstol is a little out there?

Weiserjn o  We have to be ready for everything, Arcturus. So let's continue. It might be possible that the Goddess Veria sends down an avatar. It's hard to predict how huge such an avatar might be, but I think if we can have two squads of Lancers focus a charge on one of her feet, we might stagger her long enough to target her head. The question is, should we rely on our archers or our wyverns to deal that blow... ?

Ahahahahahahah... "Don't you think the idea that aliens would aid Margrave Bernstol is a little out there?" should've been in the actual game. What a great line.

It's probably save to say that Bernstool's pretty straightforward desperation move is something that Zephyrus can easily deal with.

He might get a lucky crit. Seeing how his son gets two crits per mission... it may not be too out there to assume he got his critical talent from his dad.

Now that's just unfair. For one, said general actually does conspire against him. Also unlike Volcens, Faisal doesn't purge any potential rivals to his position while he is losing the war super hard.

Volcens also doesn't have a room of women. He has Herman and Waluigi But Lame instead.

...Fuck me, now I feel kinda bad for Volcyboy... No wonder he's so pissy all the time.

Can I just say that I love how this is such an arbitrary sum of money? Like, the first time he sent money it was a really nice, round number. Like exactly 20000 denarii, I think. Getting such a random amount of money this time shows that Bernstol really did desperately scramble together whatever he could to send to his son.

Good catch! I never realized it, but you're completely right. It's not just here, either. The sums Bernstol and Lynette send to Reese get more and more arbitrary as the game goes on.

Pj4xam53 o Or at least drag him down to Alex' place. Our guests can smell the liquor from the other side of the room.

Xhqpmjzv oWhy can't anyone respect my place? I don't run a den for drunkards, for Goddess's sake! My bar is a respectable establishment, and I'll thank you to--

Z5z6uoje oAlex... Alex...! *Hic* Where... W-Where'd you go...!? I need... I need another one, Alex...!

Pj4xam53 o...You were saying?

Xhqpmjzv oSigh...

Z5z6uoje oAlex! Finally! C'mon, man... *hic* P-Pour me another one...

2xdxkwpj oWho are you!? Leave me be! I am the King of Veria! Unhand me! I-I'll have your head... Graaaahhh!


Meoilxpy o It shouldn't be much of a problem. I'm sure the army can lead itself for a few hours while I'm looking around for your family.

This reminds me of that one TRS update where the Sea Lion's crew nearly sunk the ship while Holmes was off getting exposition from Bishop Law and Order.

Well, he did call Daoud a "young man". Puts his own age in perspective.

Ah yes, Daoud. Father, veteran, kid.

I think it has some uses. For example it can ensure that Thaddy can survive a hit from the Ice Wyvern. And that map probably turns into quite a mess if that wyvern is not provoked and starts attacking people all over the place. Although I suppose a Miracle Charm can serve the same purpose. And it might not even be needed if Thaddy provokes out of hiding. But I'm not sure how Hide affects Provoke in every possible scenario, so it might be good to have a backup, just in case.

Good. Perfect. I should've known that you'd come up with something after I've already sold it and played through the entire main mission.

Pretty brave to pressure a weapon saleswoman like this. In case she gets too nervous, there are plenty of sharp objects everywhere.

Really, it's lucky for him that she's so gullible. And that Savat never seems to be around these days.

Ps4nmuuw oCome to me, cover me, hold me. Together we'll break these chains of love...

Oxm8ceei o Uhhh...

Rnwsddzf o ...

Ps4nmuuw o My apologies. I just love that song.

Seriously, Lane's design is so perfect. He permanently looks like he's shooting daggers at whoever he's talking to.

Oh hey, it's the girl in whose name another highlander wanted to kill Sherpa. This can only mean good thing.

Kisses and cuddles?

...Then again, that'd incur Aegina's wrath instead...

Aofpvug6 o On second thought it was kinda stupid of me to have you unleash the power of such a powerful orb without giving you a warning first.

When you think about it, Perceval handled that extremely poorly. She could've accidentally turned him into a puff of smoke if she didn't happen to aim for the trees.

Oof. That poor tree.

Tree, singular? That's a whole forest gone down!

Guess everyone else will need to have their events on the cemetery now. Let's hope it won't get too crowded there.

On the bright side, Christine and Czene won't feel so lonely anymore.

Aofpvug6 o   Correct. But I didn't expect you would only chant "with the power of the flames". The "destroy all evil" part is kinda important.

It's the difference between "focus power of double suns into enemy" and "power of double suns." Semantics matter!

Although Adel and Leon both do have a different portrait in the files. I think those unused ones were initially intended as their unpromoted portraits. It would make sense given their status as light armored cavalry.

You mean the ones where they're wearing chain armor? Yeah, that would've worked for their unpromoted forms.

Or maybe the devs just realized that no one would ever be able to promote Leon or Adel anyway, so why even bother?

...That's probably closer to the truth. They really are impossible to get there.

She's specifically from the Lowlands, yet her father Duke Warrenheit died defending the Highlands. Maybe the actual Duke of the Highlands died earlier in the war. Or it could be that Highlands and Lowlands have shared governance for some reason.

I'd say the former is more likely.

7vgktny4 o Which means I'm now essentially a Mage Kn...

Wyuzeypu o ...a FLAME FENCER!!!

7vgktny4 o  ...what?

Yeah, not really a fan of this class name change. Mage Knight is such a common label, I see no reason not to use it here. Doesn't exactly help that the script emphasizes that whole "mage and knight" thing like this.

On a related note

04edcfbn oHey, old man! Look at me! I'm looking better than ever! I'm no longer a regular Privateer! Now I'm an Admi--


04edcfbn o...the heck is that?

Ih49ob2i oI don't know, but it suits you better. I don't believe we should be calling you Admiral when there's nothing about you to admire.

8pq7puj5 o......

...Yeah, I agree, mage knight would've been better. But oh well, what can you do.

Wyuzeypu o Not to mention all this valuable stuff that people leave in here for some reason. Selling this stuff was such a great help. I mean, with my fee I can barely afford some boiled eggs.

Come to think of it, where did Almuth even live? Maybe he was crashing on Erzheimer's couch. They just nerded out together during their free time. Well, Almuth's free time. I don't think Erzheimer has not-free time.

Well, now that it's empty, at least others can use the library for events now. Considering the cliffside got wrecked and all.

Come now, do you really want to risk the library getting Alexandria'd the next time Perceval is feeling moody?

Promoted Enid be like...

Ahahahahahahahah... Yes, exactly.

K6a8y571 o ...as opposed to the usual pleasant smell of liquor and Clifford's vomit.

Z5z6uoje o Hey, stop with that slander! I only ever vomit onto the streets, like any civilized person.

Z5z6uoje o Urgh, spilled my drink again. I really need to find a tavern that doesn't spin all the time

Hwahahahahaha... To be fair, he never was the talkative kinda drunk. He barely ever says a thing when he's getting boozed off his ass. Including, of course, the time his daughter is heading off to die at the hands of brigands.

Well, I suppose her nasty habit of demeaning other women is not exactly her most charming quality. But she's got other perks.

Like the fact that she kicks everyone's asses from chapter 1 onwards?
Except chapter 5. 'Cause fuck you, Vanmilion.

K6a8y571 o  Sounds good to me. You go ahead.

Jyfyeyjs o Why?

K6a8y571 o  Because I forgot my Crossbow, so I can't blast you at 0 range.

Pffft. As if a dinky little thief like that girl overthere could possibly stand a chance against her. Even unarmed she could probably wrestle her down, no problem.

Man, Shaiah sounds like the sort of people who insists that Camilla is totally a deep character and those who think she is jump blatant incest fetish bait just don't understand the many intricacies of her character, which totally aren't based on 90% fanon and 10% on obscure supports being written by various interns who did not coordinate with the actual writing team in any way

Don't be so harsh, man. See, Camilla is better than you think. She has two big, juicy personalities and a huge, supple backstory to boot.


Anyway, I haven't played her game, so I can't really judge. Though I suppose the fact that the character designs and choices are a big part of why I've never tried Fates out says enough about the matter by itself.

Jyfyeyjs o I mean, his bounty isn't even that high. I'm sure you could catch that Riddle guy instead. He has twice the bounty, yet he is a total scrub.

To be fair, Weiss's bounty is made higher by reasons.

With that name, I was surprised to see that he has brown hair instead of white.


Y4trsnk7 o

He looks like a character from Twilight now. So I'm glad Kaga exercised some restraint.

K6a8y571 oShit! I can stop him from running away, but I wasn't prepared for him to just slowly walk away. That bastard is always one step ahead.

If this is how he's been getting away from her so far, I might have to re-evaluate my opinion of her...

...Re-evaluation complete. Sylvis is still best waifu.

Sylvis be like...

If Berwick Saga had voice acting, I can believe this'd be more or less how she'd sound right here.



On 8/5/2020 at 5:10 PM, Goddess Serra said:

Hey guys!


I just wanted to say I’m back on SF. I took a much-needed break to focus on other important stuff, both during quarantine and beyond, and I honestly don’t see myself using SF all that much outside of keeping up to date with this LP and a few others, especially now that I find it easier to keep up with the hacking community on FEUniverse.

Yeah, for all hacking purposes, FEUniverse is definitely the better site to follow. There are a couple things in Serenes you can't find there (most translations, for instance), but when it comes to fully original hacks, it's the best place.

That being said, I don’t really have any witty remark about the LP (even though I caught up on like ten pages’ worth of updates in a week),

Goodness, 10 pages? That's like, half the whole LP! My regards.

but you’re definitely making Berwick Saga more enjoyable than I thought it would be.

I am glad you think so!

Maybe I should try it out myself one of these days.

Please do, it's a great game. I'd call it better than all FE, but that's just me.


On 8/6/2020 at 12:25 AM, Dayni said:

Oh hey, another person returning.

Let's keep 'em coming.

Yeah, Berwick's sort of the most active LP flame personally too. I do have other reasons, but not as much any more.

I am honored.

As for hacking, I feel like there's so much going on that I can'tr really keep up with it all. FEU is definitely the better place to be, but even that doesn't take from how much there is on at once.

Yeah, it's great that so many good hacks are being released, but it can feel rather overwhelming.


On 8/6/2020 at 12:44 AM, Golb89 said:

Finally Isomer has ended: now i'm fre-

Yeah, nevermind...

When you like a game, any excuse is good to play it.


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(Hover the cursor on the dialogue boxes to display their translation)

I don't think I can, mostly because that ain't loading. The page loads, but the content I imagine you want me to see is nowhere to be found.


Sequel of this. Maybe.

I'd just like to know exactly what kinda swear words she spewed as her kids watched this episode of domestic violence.

Incidentally, Texas.


*Insert enemy with weapon/shield-breaking weapon here*


I like her hoodie. Snazzy.

*Insert Barselphony here. Again*



I like how half your addendums are about Barselphon.

*Insert Ruben's "because i am a master tactician" moments here*


I'm not entirely sure why I'm standing on my underwear looking at the sun, but... Yeah, kinda.


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That post was removed only after i edited my comment, which happened AFTER i got banned: as i said, you need to check the links in my comments and bactrack from there.

You'll have to forgive me if I'm missing something obvious, but the only links in that comment are the source, the original removed post and the meme you've posted a couple times here, which explains absolutely nothing.

Also pretty sure i already showed you this

Pretty sure you didn't, actually. If you did, I must've missed it.

and commented upon it: just to reiterate, assuming all that was true (it isn't!) i apparently did it all in the span of 24 or so hours as i didn't get any warning or any kind of interaction with the mods before that.

Well, shit... I don't think I can properly judge the situation, given that I've only heard of it from your perspective. So I'll just have to take you at your word that it was an unfair ban. Not that I can do much about it, really.

I'd also like to point out that "lied about the reason why i got banned from GFL's subreddit": assuming it was true (again: it ISN'T!), HOW do they know it and, most importantly, WHY would they care?

To be fair, if you were really doing that (which, again, I don't know), I can see why they'd care. It'd be in pretty poor taste, just going to another sub to publicly badmouth the mods. It's not like it was the other end of the internet, either, these two games seem to share a lot of fans.

Again, however, I'll take you at your word that you did nothing, since I've no further information on the matter.

Those game did NOT stop getting updated: they were SHUT DOWN, which means they can no longer be played (you can technically still play DW's first world, which is basically tutorials land, but that's it)

Ohhhhh, maybe that just means there's an issue with the entire game's playability residing with the developers' servers, giving the game an inevitable expiration date! Maybe that just plain sucks!

As for GK, they basically made most of its new units AND newer features locked behind real money transactions, whereas before they could all be obtained through premium currency, which could be earned even as F2P.

Yeah, these guys got carried away. C'mon, developers! For shame! You're supposed to make the premium currency so slow to obtain that nobody in their right minds would spend the time, and will instead buy it from the real money store! That's the way to do it! You should know that, being gacha developers!

As a matter of fact, i basically have almost any existing ROM for GB, GBC, GBA, SNES, N64, NDS, SMD, SMS, SGG, NGP and many PSX ones too (plus the emulators to run all of them, of course), as well as several PC games: it's just that gacha games are so damn addicting!


Not gonna lie, this sentence makes me... extremely sad. Please take no offense, it just... good lord, this is painful to read.

(Though i'd never play more than one... at least until they released AK)

(And as a pure F2Player, i'm actually quite oculate when spending resources)

Well, I suppose picking a gacha over actually good games is as respectable as anything. It's not like you're murdering anyone. 'Sides, I've watched Code Lyoko twice now, but completely ignore all the supposedly amazing shows out there. So it's not like I'm immune to bad taste, I guess.

...Really sorry if I come across as passive-agressive here. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I despise gachas and mobile gaming in general.

Conversely, i contributed to Des becoming a bully:

Though she had it MUCH rougher before "Intelligence Quests" were introduced:

(Now she shares the pain with 3 other bosses, so her burden has been greatly lessened as a result)

A riveting story arc.

Pretty sure i posted it back then too. Or at the very least i remember posting it at least twice before.

Actually, I think you weren't commenting yet back then. Unless I'm misremembering.

Guess you weren't paying attention, time to fix that:

Well hey, we're talking about games that I neither know nor enjoy nor care about. Forgive me for getting a bit lost here and there.

(Unless you intended the water)

Yey, grinding. Another fun game mechanic that is the reason I don't enjoy most RPGs out there.

It's what makes Lisa: The Painful so awesome, actually. No grinding, most of the fights are bosses that require actual strategy instead of outlasting them. Now that is the way to do it. You know what isn't the way to do it? Implement grinding on top of gacha mechanics.

Pretty sure i mentioned all that myself back then.

Kaga you did it first!


Thanks. I hate it now.

Because she does.



Hah! Neat.

Now that's a genius idea.


Someone else did though:




Bwahah! Great.

Actually, if they had powercrept Springfield instead of M14 they would have most likely made much more money: as i said, most of MICA's bad decisions come from incompetence and/or pure @assholery rather than greed.

They're not mutually exclusive, you know. It's possible to be a greedy, incompetent asshole. From what I've heard of these guys, that's a good description for them. If there was no greed involved they wouldn't powercreep anything in the first place. But in a game of this kind, if you don't powercreep, people keep the units they have and don't try to get any more, resulting in a loss of money for the devs. And we can't have that, can we?

Ahh, the good ol' dad going out to buy milk.


Ahhh if it isn't my old friend the format.

1- You know, from the stuff you share about these games, it's like they're FEHeroes except everyone is Camilla. And that's not exactly high praise. I already prefer to pretend that FEHeroes does not exist.

2- Oh dear, now she's a chibi.

3- I'm sure there's a really funny meta joke here, but I have no idea about the gameplay of this game, so I don't get it.

Hah! Okay, that's good.

This one works fine too for me though: dunno why you get all these issues with links and .gifs.


It always seems to happen with the last ones you post. Like, right here. Again. I can't see that.

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Oh, no. You're not gonna fool me with this. I know exactly who that is, and I'm not falling for it.

7 hours!? The story for this event lasts 7 hours!? Fuck me sideways...!

These dad jokes are great. Keep 'em coming.



Yes, kinda.

Good ol' prequel memes. That's always great.


Oh boy, siege. Pants so short they might as well not exist? Animal ears? Bewbs? Random lolipop? Yep, it's official: We got ourselves another anime design!


Pffft... I just love the tiny Arcturus in comic sans. Amazing.

He's actually playable?

Well, we'll see, won't we?


I like the cute face.

No, not the one in the last panel.


Oh, we've got ourselves a poet here.

Again, that is not how you use siege equipment. You're gonna go flying like that.


It's a stick. How hard can it be to swing a stick?

Actually, I think this may fit the TRS Plum event more than anything.

Her hair's covered in dandruff.

Yey, sexual assault!

...I had... not much else to say, sorry.


That's a bit too meta for me.




Insert Luigi saying "thunderrrrrr" here.

Devil axe gun!

Yey, stalker.




Why are some of these so tiny compared to the others? Can barely make out what's written there! Until I open them, of course, but... Well, at this point I'm grasping at straws for things to comment about these things. So there. A comment about the image's size.


(In case you were wondering, but even if you weren't, this is Lava)


Cold color scheme.


(I can't wait for you to turn Enid into a piromaniac in your fanfics, just like you turned a certain other blue-aired trainee-like girl into a psycho murder AND mugger...)

Hah! You speak as if I turned every character I come across into maniacs.


(There were several other characters that would have fitted better here, but i got none of them so i couldn't post any of their promotion quotes)

That's a shame.

Incidentally, is that where you got the habit of saying "maybe" all the time?

Hey, it worked. The target was hit. That's what matters.



Ahahah... Oh, goodness gracious...

Pah, that was funny. All those idiots can go fuck 'emselves.

Why is the title so badly written, though?




Ey, new one! Skyfire? Not bad. No exposed skin? Good! I give this one 7/10.

The power of lolipops.



That he is!


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The poor pizza.



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Why... why is that the same exact character but the good version?



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Oh boy, this one again. Except this time it's the Creep Under The Bed edition.



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You are welcome.

Ahahahahahahahah! The hell did that one come from? The land of memes... Urrrggh...



13 hours ago, Golb89 said:


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*Insert Ruben's quote about Rhodes Island being not safe because of "Martel" here*


Yes, well, you're just proving my point now.

Or rather, this:

What even is a--

(Note: "appuru pie" is just "apple pie")

(Also, this is Provence. Maybe)

Oh, okay.



Why is that person wielding two glowing dildos, though?


13 hours ago, Golb89 said:


Oh look, it broke again. Like all your replies.

Okay, that one's kinda funny. If only because this guy still looks completely out of place in Uninspired Anime Waifus Universe. Seriously, someone should lead him back to Metal Gear.


Ah, yes. Summer alts. The greatest part of gachas. Totally doesn't contribute to my hatred for the genre.

Hypergryph on the other hand...

No, seriously, the more you talk about these games, the less I understand how anybody could love them this much. These games are fucking shit! I mean, don't get me wrong, more power to you if you like them, but... why? It's so bad for so many reasons... reasons that go beyond "bad story" and "boring gameplay", too!

And now it doesn't work for me either: maybe like this?


(If this one works, then it was probably a matter of hotlinking from the source's site: i thought only Pixiv did that nowadays, but apparently i was wrong)

This one already worked before--

Wait... Is that Miles Edgeworth!? I just noticed! Miles Edgeworth is flapping his arms around while holding glowing dildos! What even is happening here!?

...I must say, though, Edgeworth with a monocle is perfect. They should've given him one instead of generic glasses.




But then it turns out, Mothma was a trap!



(Sorry, not sorry)

Thanks, now I hate your favorite games even more!




Yeah, I'm not opening that, when it's "alternative" to that abomination above.

You posted this one before, yes.

Aaaand this one.

[Bonus3] (Replacing the above)

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I don't get this one.




I couldn't come up with anything better for today's section titles:

Mzj6wn9d o

Featuring no elephants.

Coz8rnc2 o

Kramer picks up a spare sword, because he's coming today.

Rcnoyd4f o

Team. Lack of Clifford worries me a little bit, but I'm sure we'll pull through. Other than that, I'm hoping this will be Faye's redemption map, after her string of deaths. Kramer is only here for the happiness boost.

Qdlicdao o

Today's map. It's another escort mission, and not the most difficult at that. The Imperials will appear from both sides, and later from the lower left corner of the map. The villagers will be completely fine, as they'll make it out before any Imperials can reach them. The ballisticians are the real problem. Protecting them isn't all that difficult, but they'll only run when they're sure the villagers are mostly safe, and with 2 movement to their name, they'll have difficulties escaping from enemies. We'll have to keep them at bay ourselves.

This is all reflected by today's tactics points: The villagers aren't involved. We need to save three ballisticians for a point, and all four for two points. If two ballisticians die, it's game over. Moreover, we get a character if we save them all, so that's important. For the last tactics point, it's like chapter 6: a boss will appear late into the map, and we need to kill or capture him before we leave.

For the civilian requests, we've got the church right where Marcel is standing. Ward needs to pay the local bishop a visit. Russel's wife is the villager right below Sylvis. Reese must speak with her. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason Russel's sidequest takes place in the restaurant instead of the tavern: so that Reese could arrive and take over the request. Ward can't be in two places at once, after all. Lastly... Well, I think it's pretty obvious what tree Daoud's supposed to cut down. Even in this map-wide view, you can probably tell. It sticks out like a sore thumb.

Wet8bxpr o

Three of the ballisticians are generic. However, the one between Ward and Owen...

Mxtrehwq o

...Is somebody we know! Yes, this guy is the recruitable character that joins if all the ballisticians make it. Of course the best game has a playable ballistician. Let's do this right so I get to show him off, shall we?

4yt8xw6e o

Let us begin, then.

Wzvdopg2 o

Meoilxpy oNot yet, I still see four of them standing outside the window. Why haven't they left yet?

3cxl4xfi oHm, I wonder...

Fggm17by oQqjuneb3 o

Meoilxpy oBuy some time? What's this now?

Stqgibtb oOh hey, you're that Reese guy. I'm Burroughs. Nice to meet you.

9qk5ifz8 o At this point, our notoriety as "those guys who do everything for everyone in town" has grown enough that Reese has earned some recognition of his own. Cool details.

Meoilxpy oYou're a ballistician, right? Why are you still here after General Rosecchar ordered a retreat?

Stqgibtb oAs long as we're here, the villagers are still protected. Orders or none, I'm not gonna just abandon them and run away. I figured we'd stick around until they evacuate, and then we'd have no problem following the orders.

Meoilxpy oI appreciate the sentiment, but you won't be going anywhere fast with your ballistae. If you don't leave immediately, the enemy will catch you. Therefore, I order you again: Retreat immediately.

Geszn7cx oXbf9dymj o

C1whrhoj oWe anticipate that the main bulk of their forces will not be far behind.

3cxl4xfi oThank you, soldier. Lord Reese, our schedule is tight, but I think we have enough time to help these ballisticians for a little while.

Stqgibtb oYou don't need to worry about us. We're nobody important.

3nxsthb5 o

Lgjkwhcy o Dude, and then who will take care of Bianca if something happens to Klamp? You promised! Ergh... a drunken promise made to another drunkard, but... oh, and she's also more competent than both of you combined, but... Where was I going with this again?

Stqgibtb o...Well, I say that, but it's not like I'm planning on dying here, either.

9qk5ifz8 oThat's better. You need to survive so I can fire bolts at enemies from a distance.

Meoilxpy o...I understand. We'll help you and the villagers for as long as we can before we retreat. But our primary goal here is still to get you ballisticians back to Fort Remagen, or else it may fall. Understood, Burroughs? Those are your orders.

Stqgibtb oI got it, Lord Reese. I'll hit 'em with a few good shots, and then I'll get going.

Gwiac6be o

Oki-dokie. Let's get the ballisticians out of here.

Aom9aem8 o

Let's not waste time. Daoud heads north to the most massive tree in existence. Seriously, compare that tree to the tiny trees in the forest around it. Those things are the same height as the tree's visible trunk!

Then again, I suppose every unit is the size of a house, so... It's not something to think too deeply about.

9zslr4lp o5fpu7ubb o

He is immediately attacked, and can't retaliate because I forgot to have him equip an axe. Great start as always.

Fa4w8rnb o51s7wpxi o

Marcel and Sherpa advance to cover the eastern front.

Noy1lglq oNyqzl3cs oItwu7yjh o

Marcel promptly puts his dodgetanking skills to good use.

Byqpm0ft o

You may've noticed half the village is searchable. Let's have it, Axel. But first... equip the Mjöllnir.

Cvgwlddq o

The reason is that hiding in this house is a bounty target.

Bw1xzkjs o

Vasquez is basically "Axel or bust". I guess if Czene or Thaddy get three or four crits they could kill him, but that's not as reliable as having Axel bash his head in a couple of times with the thunder axe.

Pvkijle9 oYv3y41a5 o

C'mon now...

Likk1d99 o

Okay, there we go.

Knwdut21 o

Good hiding place? That only put you in reach of Axe's axel!

Lvd2t0op o

The ballistae have begun to fire at the enemy.

Ydbmsmfw oHey guys, let's have a bet. The one who kills the most Razites wins!

C1whrhoj oAll right, you're on. You're gonna be paying my tabs the rest of the month!

Ijomful7 oNot if I can help it!

Stqgibtb oHeh... C'mon, guys. We know who's gonna win. You guys might as well go home already.

9dfnxr7f o

Ward can't make it to the church this turn. Next one, then.

Bssnnv8c oHksqfov3 oUfuutjk9 o


Igr6muwa o6axjteql oNngqatki o

Bleh... There it is, the first kill steal from Burroughs. Expect him to take a few more yet.

Stqgibtb oThere we go, score 1 for me!

Ydbmsmfw oBah...

Trnnpaqq o

Faye advances. My focus on this map will be to get her enough kills to reach level 10. Preferably before actually strong enemies start appearing. Also, Reese walks towards Russel's wife. Can't catch her just yet, but next turn will be it.

Zk5klkrw oEa3gowlf o7myqlvdf oEumwfljf o

Not bad for the first fight!

...Ohhh, but wait, the ballisticians will steal the kill... Unless she attacks first next turn.

P8nlub6o o

Baaah... Really?

Ibidz4ek o

Another thing I want to do today is see if Ruby can reach her promotion thresholds. To that end, she will be frontlining against those soldiers.

Trypebth o

Never mind, it's time to harrass unarmed Faye.

Dns2h8aa o


Is she going to die again? C'mon, you can't do this...!

Iszoi3bf o

Okay, then. Change of plans: we need to kill everyone but the guy she almost killed. That way, she can kill him first thing next turn and be safe.

Bb8pz82u oWuirwxse o

To that end, Sylvis unleashes her suppressed rage from the encounter with Weiss on this guy.

Botjau4j o

D'ooohhhh, really?

Y6edm2yn oSyngxy1y o

At least she got the blast in. That hitrate, man. What was Perceval complaining about? She's even worse than him when she's not rocking Pallas Leia!

Paxe3w5x o

Well, crap. That's two enemies in Faye's range... The plan is busted. Her safety takes a higher priority. I could have her equip her miracle charm, but that'd be a huge waste. She's going to be recruited soon! If we can keep it just a bit longer, she'll be able to hand it over to Owen!

Qqcydg4e o7kginbsr o

Anyway, moving Ruby forward turns out to have been an absolutely terrible idea, because now we've got two girls in mortal peril. Perhaps this is time to give fortify its first whirl?

Sydojfwv o

While we get our asses kicked, the NPCs flee for their lives.

Dawbakqb o

Okay, new turn. There are reinforcements, but I missed them. Anyway, here's the deal: I'm pretty sure the other side's enemies move first. Thus, let's try to kill as much as possible right now. Marcel and Daoud can handle themselves fine.

Hkfa0k7q oLenr1mod o

Great. Just fantastic.

Hemssmyz o

Look, just... Get the hell out, okay? If someone's gotta die, let it be Faye. Assuming she gets hit again. Two hits in a row from a below 20 hitrate would be absolutely depressing.

2dtzyu7q o6ltg527x o

Well, it doesn't matter. I was right. These guys move first. Good. That gives us a bit of time...

B9fend03 o

Aaaand fuck. Well, actually, I probably shouldn't be complaining, Faye's in deep shit, but... Goddamnit, my experience!

Ijomful7 oHahah! I haven't lost yet!

Stqgibtb oGood shot!

Dpt3t95k o

Ah, okay. That works.

Wc9pe33f o6pbnmaoy o

Thanks, Owen. You're great as always.

Jrmyplk4 o

The time has come. Revenge!

Wlisq5nq o

Crouching thrust!

Nfazupdq oMfnxzg7p o

Points of skill and experience both. Just what I like to see!

L7mmxmcr o

Nice, and that was some legit Jeiganing! Great, very nice. See, Burroughs? That's how you do it. You do things I want you to do, instead of just stealing the easy kills.

C1whrhoj oDamnit, he didn't drop! The knights are gonna steal my kill...

Stqgibtb oHey, if you want, we can count that as half a point.

C1whrhoj oPsch! As if I need your pity points to beat you!

8ltavykj o

The time has come. A trap has been set up in America for the final soldier!

Zscjbiq8 oP6kueccx o

Now, I really should get to moving Daoud. He's just getting plinked endlessly at this point.

Fidiykp4 oCno5xd6x o

Ah, that helps. I better hurry, though. Burroughs is going to try and steal that kill.

Ydbmsmfw oGaaahhh! Why are they so resilient? They're getting hit by bolts bigger than them!

Stqgibtb oYou just don't know how to shoot, that's your problem.

Ydbmsmfw oHmph... Well then, big-shot, why don't you show us how it's done?

Dkkkg5ek o

Getting Marcel levels would be sweet as well. The sooner he gets to level 15, the better.

7iicx4od oPrvjggax o

Piece of trash, you can't be... Burroughs, no!

8i4il1hr o


Stqgibtb oThere. Done.

Ydbmsmfw oBah... That was just a lucky shot.

C1whrhoj o...Hey, why is Sinon's tactician glaring at us? We're helping him, and yet he looks like he's about to burst...

Ijomful7 oThat guy? He's a known madman. Just ignore him. Focus on the enemy.

Epg8pg9k o

Fuck me, that's another one down. Oh, well. Get moving, Daoud.

Bka4oypb o

Ah, can you hear that? I do believe it is the sound of a fool having sprung the trap!

Yqsc3nbk oNdajmvqd o

Goodbye! Ahahah!

Y0yjvt30 o

In retrospect, it would've been fine to let him go after Faye, who needs the experience more. But what can I say, Overwatch is too satisfying.

Rdrmcao8 o

Reese mounts and runs over Russel's wife on his way to talk to her.

Fviwevfs o
4jxsdqkl o
Gu8edywm o



Also, she lost her daughter. Well. Shit. Russel's gonna end up like Clifford when he finds out...

Meoilxpy oI'll search for her, ma'am. But in the meantime, please go while there's still time. It's all right. You can trust me.

Lgjkwhcy o I like how he feels the need to clarify that he's trustworthy. I mean, I would hope that the Berwick League's commanders would all be trustworthy-- Oh, right, Volcens. Never mind, he was right to clarify.

H0s8ajsg o...I understand. Please, save my daughter...

Lgjkwhcy oGood fuckin' luck. Little Meryl's nowhere to be found--

Aok4kwrm o

Oh, there she is. She just materialized in the southern part of the map. Convenient.

7fq3hd5c o

Wgbc9fdl oOh, what should I do...? Mother... Help me...

Mctzg5ks o

Yey, first villager withdrew! Anyway, as you can see, Russel's request isn't over quite yet. Reese needs to get down there and lead Meryl back to the road. Until he does, she'll just pace back and forth in the lower part of the map. Should be easy, as long as the reinforcements down there don't start spawning yet. If they do she's... kinda screwed, not gonna lie. That's why it's important to do this as soon as possible.

Aj4jrfmm o

Now that Vasquez is dead, there's no reason to waste the Mjöllnir on feeble thieves. Let's equip this cheaper axe and have Axel search another home.

Djsp0nv5 o

Ah, no enemy, great! Just a bit of gold.

432beurl oR3jlh3d0 o

Sherpa does some Jeiganing.

Xoskaa8l o

And without further ado, let's have some more text!

2ozr7zcz o

3cxl4xfi oBishop Simas?

Qn32vp52 o... ... ...

3cxl4xfi oBishop!

Qn32vp52 o...As you can see, I am praying. I do not know who you are, but please leave me in peace.

3cxl4xfi oWe are the Knights of Sinon. Please run while you can, Bishop. Imperial soldiers are approaching fast.

Qn32vp52 oWhy do you think I am praying? I wish for the people of this village to escape the coming destruction.

3cxl4xfi o...How long will this prayer take?

Qn32vp52 oA little while longer.

3cxl4xfi oVery well. I suppose I will just wait.

Sfimxl1a o

Lgjkwhcy o You didn't even try, Ward!

3cxl4xfi oFor now, I will do my best to keep the enemy away from this church until you finish praying.

Bg6uh2q1 o

The villagers continue to run. C'mon, faster, faster! Or else Burroughs won't stop stealing my kills!

Z1v95rpm oRhn83ou6 o

The turn after Ward visits the church, Simas complains about getting interrupted by a man who wants to save his life. Now that's a reasonable guy.

Nvxbrfvo oLlwj4p2w o

More enemies. Gunners are a step above spearmen, but still nothing too bad.

M9wkhsca o

First up, let's keep Burroughs from stealing this kill from Marcel.

Dsdc6nyk o


Stqgibtb oAh, I had my eye on that one! What a shame...

Ydbmsmfw oHah! Looks like you were too slow on the uptake, mate.

Stqgibtb oOh, don't give me that. You haven't scored a single kill yet.

Ydbmsmfw o......

Iwcylg7t o


Z2ivujij o

That was a great fight. Thank you, Marcel.

Mborwzgi o

Oh, dear.

6kbzlmtp oMfmiegxa o

Hah! Yeah, no. He's too good at sidestepping for the likes of you to harm him.

Yvkpezw6 oDpnnsjrh o

Bit of healing for Ruby before the action starts once again.

Azaqgfoq o

Axel searches the next house. Oh no, trouble.

0yfmx37c oQveqxbn4 o

So scary-- Oh, please! Axel, come now!

Slirgitd o

There we go, that's better!

Ijmqx2it o

We get 2000D, and...

Uki3xdzi o

More strength for the pile! Pretty sure he's either my strongest unit or among the strongest right now. And he has Pulverize on top of that strength. Hah! I love this guy.

0tusjvng o

Goddamn-- Of course, when he can't kill, he misses! Burroughs, damn you!

Stqgibtb oHuh. Well, would you look at that. I missed.

C1whrhoj oGot anything to say now, hot shot?

Stqgibtb oStill winning.

C1whrhoj oDamn you...!

H8o9rdbp o

Anyway, Reese can't reach Meryl just yet. Next turn it is, then. He'll move closer for now.

S0guviun o

Enid doesn't have much to do at the moment, so she'll visit the store so Axel doesn't have to. Maybe. I don't know. I might change my mind.

Vfh4i404 oBqq6rmg4 o

Hello enemy. Bye ally.

9znfh3gs o

Hmmm... Okay, I need to wait for one of these guys to fire before I can swoop in and take the kill.

Rrubvm08 oT5um972g o

...Or, you know, I could use the fact that we've two moves before the ballistae and kill him now.

Xjju1ijo oB3jmfkn3 o

No skill points now either? Ruby, don't slow down! Your growths are huge and you've already hit the hardest threshold! I need you to promote so I can get your dad! And also one of the coolest scenes in the game. And also, heck, just promoted Ruby! She's already pretty awesome, imagine her with medium shields!

M9mud3ur o

Speaking of people who I want to promote... Though, in Faye's case, it's as easy as finishing her paralogue, and then she both promotes and joins the team. Just gotta raise that level to 10 already!

3dfngydv o

...Good. Thank you, Faye. This is the way to do it.

Tqocbibi o

The ballistae didn't fire at the wounded enemy. Instead, a villager stole their turn. Still, it doesn't matter. Faye was the one who needed that kill.

Sigh... Anyway. Daoud advances.

Vtemk3si oEx8lcb2u o1k91jsd4 o

Okay, Sherpa. Jeiganing time.

Kqfg7vmx o

That'll be a great kill for Marcel next turn.

L656gmcn o

Oh boy... More enemies. Same deal on the other side.

K2suifbj o

Ahh, finally! As you can see, Burroughs doesn't wait for the villagers to escape. As soon as they're far enough from the town, he decides that they're good to go.

Qo1ws1dg oA5qaghur o

I'm glad he'll stop stealing kills from Marcel. He needs them to get movement!

Zm1qifsv oXzmgw6we o

Jikes, two damage.

Rcn3cklr o

Sherpa's defenses aren't quite so good, so he runs back a bit. Let Marcel bear the brunt of the enemy.

Po9nnrrh o

Meanwhile, Axel, instead of Enid, visits the sundries.

V0vl3ldn o

Oh hey, there's a guy just standing there.

6azyggik o

Ggy97vv1 oCould you give this to a man named Bluck at the bowyer's shop in Navaron when you get back? He'll understand once he gets it. Please, help me out here.

Sdbabb2e oYtj2htup o

Well shit, we just got a citizen request in the middle of the map! I think this is the only time it happens, but it's pretty cool.

59tadkny o

He leaves, and we get to shop.

Wnjcvv0f o

Materials and an extra bag! Since I have the money, I'd like to get everything, but...

G82mwdvl o

In a display of poor foresight on my part, Axel can't buy the bag, because bags cannot be put inside other bags, and to do inventory management, I have to leave the store. Due to Morrison's event, leaving will end Axel's turn. Oh, well, what can you do. Next turn.

Kribhkmq oDwtpwp66 o

Oh no, two arrows.

Opevo3vn oQrlbulxs o

Hah! I always love it when Marcel doesn't even flinch and the arrows just bounce off his chest.

Dacfrt9o o

Okay, Ruby. This is a bit risky, but if she gets hit, Owen can run in and heal her with physic. We've got two moves before the enemy.

Rwif0cru oDaebcczb o


Nx8gvixd o

Okay, good. Still no skill points in sight, though...

Nhlbtzk9 oWzfpvi5y o

Ruby retreats while Enid returns to the team.

Izma81lb o

The first axeman goes after Faye. Perhaps this time she'll actually fight properly, instead of getting smacked by a low hitrate?

Ltsyndbk oLkjyk6dw oWe9fjtbz o

Holy shit, she almost destroyed the guy in one round!

396fform o

And now, let's break the broadsword on his head!

Ucakkgpl o

Kablooie! Hahah!

Vufyzx8d oNsslrced o

Level one of two. Buff myrmidon! Buff myrmidon! Buff--

5kxhe49g o

D'aww. Oh, well. It's all right.

4etohisn o6lc4welm o

Ahh, how nice! Thanks for the jeiganing, Burr--

Wait... aren't you guys supposed to move out now?! Dude! Leave! You can't stay here, eventually we're going to have to get out ourselves, and then you'll be screwed!

Ydbmsmfw oOi! Burroughs, what the hell? You said it was time to move out!

Stqgibtb oOh... Sorry, I must've hit the crank by accident. Can I still get my half point for that?

Ijomful7 oYou lying little-- Well, if you're gonna cheat, so am I!

C1whrhoj oYeah, noone's moving until you do!

Stqgibtb oToo bad... But I'm still winning.

Ydbmsmfw oGrrrrr!

Worgaaxl o

Okay, Daoud's made it to the tree... Wait... no command? Maybe I have to wait...

Be4k31xq o

...Wha... What? What's going on?!

Jpwocawv oGa3aicvw o

Anyway, this guy runs to heal instead of attacking. I really shouldn't have attacked with Ruby, but I wanted those damn skill points that she did not get.

60dmtanb o

Back to Daoud... Hmmm... Maybe he needs to have an axe equipped? That's the kind of attention to detail I'd expect from Kaga.

M9fjmm9v o

Reese, fetch the kid.

That didn't come out right.

Ogvgzq9n o

Wgbc9fdl oHuh?! Y-Yes, I am... But who are you...?

Meoilxpy oThis place is dangerous. Get out of here, quickly.

Wgbc9fdl oI-I'm sorry... I was trying to find my way out, but I got so lost...

Meoilxpy oThe road to Fort Remagen is just up the ridge here to the east. We'll hold off the enemies, so you go on ahead.

Wgbc9fdl oI will! I'll go as fast as I can! Thank you, Mr. Knight!

Iyraovmb o

That didn't seem to do anything right now, but next turn, she'll begin heading towards the escape point. Reese will stick around for a couple of turns, just in case any enemies appear.

C3kx9q6g oAl7qf8r9 o

Owen will patch up Axel, so he can safely continue searching the houses. With Vasquez dead I'm pretty sure there are no tough enemies left in there, but best be safe than sorry.

A4yzsnms oVwl0yzfe o

Another turn, and Simas's prayer continues.

Pituesxw o

Oh, shoot! Burroughs!

Fai1xuzh o

That is better. If you're wondering, Ward doesn't actually need to stand on the church the entire time, just keep enemies away from it. I just prefer to be sure that no accidents happen. Accidents like that axeman going after Simas instead of one of the playable characters.

Mywlvmhb oKrkbd7fo o

Come now. You'll never kill him. Give it up!

42kyn7fd o

...Okay, that may be a small setback.

Jpionjie o

Ah, we'll get through this.

Aql4zlip o

Let's equip this kinda broken shield for the time being.

Tkuwe0ub o9liba94r o

Revenge for the leather shield! Quickly, before Burroughs steals the kill!

Zs1luors o


Gsvais2e o

As for Daoud, he really did need to have an axe equipped. I guess he isn't blocky enough to punch trees down.

Vk0cp8g0 o
Flxw50un oNoppkqmo o

He smacks the tree once with a downwards slash, and it falls sideways. Okay.

Evpa7hqp oObhsbyzp o

The lumber is ours! Now he may return to the battlefield and do... something.

Pgbm415u oE6z8nd7q o

D'oh... That would've been some great Jeiganing.

Ydbmsmfw o...Bah... to hell with this. Burroughs can have the win. You coming?

C1whrhoj oYeah, sure... The villagers are safe, anyway. The knights can handle this. I think I've earned a nap or three after my heroic deeds today.

Onpqgcdr o

Just like before, Ruby will be confronting the enemy. She'll stand just on the edge of his range to lure him closer. Into Faye's loving embrace, to be precise.

Oy9v9ga8 oSv3hq31j o

Hah! As if. Shame about the overkill defense, but at least the shield hasn't broken just yet.

0wavrwxo o

Ahhh, that's better. Thanks, Burroughs. That'll be a fine kill for Marcel next turn. That's being the whole mission so far, isn't it? Training for Marcel and Faye.

I'd like to point out, however, that he's still not leaving. Please leave. I'm asking nicely. Politely. Kindly. Please move out before the enemy catches you, Burroughs.

Ccr6x0ga oWdguct7u o

Also, searching. One more house and Axel's done, finally.

Brdqk4f8 oI5xxghxf o

While he does that, Owen purchases the bag. Storing the fortify is also a good idea, because it's extremely easy to misclick and waste a use. Unlike DSFE, this game doesn't ask for confirmation when you try using it. It's happened to me multiple times before, so let's only take it out when it's needed, shall we?

2xvybndi o

Ah! Look! Finally, someone's decided that it's about time to get a move on! Now, if only Burroughs'd follow his fellow ballistician's example...

Aqrxhnw7 o

I seriously hope he doesn't wait for all the NPCs to leave.

1w9ucyvq o

Ah, how nice! Since this guy is in revenge mode against the ballisticians, he didn't attack Sherpa. And now he's in the perfect place for...

Zoqxzynb o

The Endgame Beard to make his move!

3bkoxvfz oM5cw9zxp o

Boom! His end is near!

69setbkd o

The only villagers left now are Meryl and her mother. Shame they don't matter outside of the one sidequest, and it's the ballisticians that should haul ass already.

Lsztoqyd o

The trap has been sprung!

5eees2ex oUbdqtu5y o

And with that...

Sqtmzokc o

It's all over for you.

Vucnxpv9 oGcar7i7x oZ7w3exaz oXockegxd o

53 experience to go.

Aebz9low o

Not looking too bad so far.

Axmpknpo oAshyar6k o

Simas, you needy bastard! I leave you for five seconds and you start complaining?

Well... Actually, I checked, and he says the same thing if Ward stays in the church the whole time. So yeah. Not sure what's up with this line. Just a friendly reminder to protect Simas, I guess.

Cjdx4gqm o

Incidentally, a garbage bag has appeared.

Nlr72mfy oV7p3cjae o

He has darkmend, scylla and Prepared so you can't even catch him off-guard after he heals. Thankfully, Erzheimer already has one of either item, so we can just kill him.

Ngpcj4eh o

Let's celebrate the start of a new turn with a murder.

Tyc5pto6 oPq9xyjxr o

Level 10 time! If you could make it a good one, too, it'd be awesome.

4wx5fv8w o

Hah! Well, not bad! I'm okay with this.

6k9i0g2b oW24y7ll2 o

Oh yeah, that's a good idea. Switch from one invincible wall to the other. You're sure to succeed this time around.

Mpkxr2fl oXde1bkuo o

Ow! Jesus!

Tckjnizl o

That's right, take that, you dick! You... dick that looks exactly the same as the generic ballisticians.

Ydbmsmfw oDamnit, another one that survived! Why won't the king supply us with better gear!?

Stqgibtb oDunno, man. I seem to be beating you just fine with it.

Ydbmsmfw oGrrr... Screw you, Burroughs!

Ichfqpy8 o

Ward could finish him off, but eh. Burroughs can have this one. Ward instead goes back to defending Simas.

Ytovy1sx oVyijxr2k oAeu5lfwm o

There are enemies that I didn't show on the other side. Ruby gets us started. Again, no skill points. Annoying...

Osltmstu o

Yeah, yeah, whatever. Who else was going to get this kill? Sherpa? He already got Riddle last map.

Stqgibtb oAnd another one down!

Ydbmsmfw oScrew this. I'm getting out.

Stqgibtb oYeah, yeah... I think I'll fire just a couple more bolts.

Ydbmsmfw oYou sure? If we don't hurry, the enemy's going to catch us...

Stqgibtb oBah. You worry about yourself. Just a couple more...

Ydbmsmfw o......

1erqlokk o

Look, exact damage!

Chijybap oU374tupk o1xigcuft o

For fuck's sake, she took a bolt to the face...

7pmmru9c oZesw8tac o

Well, fuck. Kramer gets the kill, then. Even though he doesn't need it. On the bright side, at least this is something for him to do beyond "exist to get happiness."

Dngse47q o


Ct2yxw6n o

Why is one of the ballisticians leaving, but not the other ones?

W5sp4tjq o

Daoud continues to walk back to the action.

7vcsadyt o

Pretty sure this is the final house Axel has to search today.

D7t2rm0d o

Oh no. An enemy.

J2unlnrg o


Zx4gprxz oUtvt5lq6 o

Hah! Now this is just hilarious. Axel used Robbery to get the thief's knife... and then it turned out that the house's loot was another thief's knife. And this knife is completely useless, because all it does is increase the chance of Mug being triggered. You know, the skill that only Czene had? Oh, well. Vendor trash is fine.

Autyfwy0 o

His shopping spree done, Owen walks back to the team. Or, well... What's left of it, because Ruby, Faye and Kramer are all the way overthere now. It worries me a bit, actually. They might get killed if a strong enemy appears there.

Z4jyhnkt oFbqrnqgj o

Sherpa cannot reach the closest enemy, so he simply approaches.

Ipmyuzvv o

Martha is gone. I won't repeat the meme. One time is enough.

...Okay, just one time: W H Y   D I D   Y O U   S A Y   T H A T   N A M E ? ! ? ! ? ? ! ! ? ! ?

Fpqii7lr o

Another turn gone... Ahh, finally! Simas is done praying, so against all odds, he has decided that, hey, living ain't so bad after all. Let's continue living instead of dying in this church.

Cevtfodk o

Simas has a brace that I'd like and a physic orb that I'd also like. Shame I can't get them off him.

Tgtyaxup o

Also, Ward is back to full.

Cac7bnrs o

Another lonely reinforcement. Who is, sadly, enough to finish off Faye.

Qvrllryw o

Run for your life! Or, well, for the ability to promote this chapter!

B53lbdbc o

The axeman tries his luck against Sherpa.

Mp8pokxf oWxlbz3aa o

It does not pay off.

Qn4netar o

Oh, please-- Great! Great. Thank you, enemy, for dodging Burroughs's number 73534653623452 attempt to steal my kills.

...No, but seriously, can you please start moving? This is starting to really worry me. You've got two move. You can't afford to waste this much time.

Stqgibtb oDrat! Okay, okay, one more, one more.

Untrzmx4 oSqo0orm7 o

See, we've got this under control. You don't need to continue wasting time here, just move!

Fiyvhc18 o

Daoud's exciting quest to reach the action before it ends continues.

Gdyh34az oNtjisisn o

Kramer and Ruby double back to safety. Best not linger around the spawn points too long. The enemy may come to us instead.

U3r6kvty o

And so he does.

Xk2zcgjk o95bstpzf o

Fsss... Kramer!

6nvlj3sn o

Guess it's up to Enid, now.

Piwgbdtt oDi6vmf8o o

Oki-dokie, that is better.

Lth0pc0e o

Great, accuracy.

E4qjlspc o

His duty done, Ward moves out of the church. I think I'll have him charge the priest on his horse next turn. Perhaps.

Pde47hbk oLa2knb3e o

More healing for Faye. I'm not giving up. You'll get to level 10 today if it's the last thing you do. Of course, it helps that it wouldn't be, because you'd be saved by Faramir if it came to that. See, that's why Faramir > Clifford. They're both dicks, but at least Faramir bothers to keep Faye safe. Faye, who... isn't even his daughter, or a relative of any kind... Like Ruby to Clifford...

Clifford, goddamnit! Why do you gotta be like that? You're the only unit who can use lances at base! I want to love you!

Xwq4hyj7 oB24uxtdi o

Okay, so this is the current situation. Meryl is well on her way out, and Simas will follow suit. Afterwards, the only thing left will be for Burroughs to stop meandering and run for his life already.

Zkzox888 o

Ah, crossbowman!

R8frliau o

Goddamnit, more enemies... do I just have to ensure nobody is in Burroughs's range for him to start moving?

Hjmk7zls o

Damnit, that's impossible! How're we going to kill all these guys before they walk into his range?

Dybaz5ut oJjakb3iu o

Well, first off, unnecessarily risk being unable to finish this asshole off by using the broadsword instead of the cutlass. I can't do math, okay? I was sure she had exact damage even with the shield.

1dnaqd0o o

Well, that worked out, at any rate.

Jkp58om5 o

GAAAAAAAHHHH! Oh, thank goodness she's the tankiest mage in this game. 3 whole defense points is more than any of the others ever get.

Qb3cdpyu oOjp8zkom o

Then again, Owen does have a few more hitpoints.

Q5j1vjej oQ9xcjvhh o

I like her hand just offscreen. It looks funny to me. Also, that fire effect is too good.

Rzyffq6j o

Okay, so... Burroughs. Let's try to lure the enemies closer, and then quickly kill them before Burroughs can have a chance to shoot.

Nbxsstlj o

But first, Enid runs for cover.

9bbqk0ab o

No, seriously, the hell is this AI? This guy started running ages ago, and yet Burroughs is still waiting for someone to come and kill him.

V8fk8qwh o

At any rate, Meryl's mostly safe at this point, so Reese rushes to get some action before the end of the day.

Tkoz6qon oYex07vog o

Oof, that guy has throwing spears!

A3lndggf o1ncyewwz o

He broke Marcel's shield, too. Dang it... is he really going to run out? Seriously? He had 4 shields in his inventory! I get that he's been tanking everything the entire map, but... Still!

Kovkufhz o

Now, quick! Before Burroughs can steal it, get the kill!

3nek5wxx oC1czc6vw o


Yehcbcd8 o

Oh, for fuck's sake, now the ballisticians are standing in each other's way... That's what 2 move does to you, I guess.

Bttxx4dt o

In other news, Daoud has almost made it back. Isn't that amazing?

Ipgatszb o

Hmm... Well, that looks to be all this team'll do for this turn. I could have Sylvis snipe the crossbowman, but what for? He'll die next turn either way.

Sjescul9 o

...Oh, please... The enemy and the NPCs get two consecutive moves! Just watch, the soldier is going to get closer and then Burroughs is going to waste yet another turn firing at generics.

Sougggv0 o

These guys need help. Axel, get to it.

Ydbmsmfw oBurroughs, damnit! Get a move on already!

Stqgibtb oAnd leave the knights in the dust? Nope. They came here to save us, and I'm gonna repay them in full.

Ydbmsmfw oNo you won't if you die! Damnit, man! Get out of there already! Can't you see they can handle themselves? Forget the stupid bet and go!

Stqgibtb o......

O0nlqsmy o

Pah... Like clockwork. He didn't even attack Sherpa. Goddamnit...

Jkdjyou5 o

...Never mind, Burroughs has had enough and is finally running even though there are still enemies within reach of his bolts! Why? Who knows, who cares!

Stqgibtb o...Heh... Okay. I'm going. But I won't forget that debt. The three of you owe me a drink or two.

Ydbmsmfw oBah... You idiot. You better hurry, then! I won't be able to buy you that drink if you bite the dust here!

Ues4jx6s o

This is cause for celebration. Ward, do the honors!

Lrkdwz9v o

That's the way to do it.

D4st3oie oN1xzywnm o

More enemies! More! More experience for Faye and Marcel!

Pwbfgoha o

Faye goes after the crossbowman. With the cutlass, because I refuse to let her miss this.

Tdk8ochv oCj1rmc8c o

Excellent. Give me that level!

Fszv1xut o


Heartache. Ow.

4vrqjmqm oEskeh1mn oWtlrnuhs o

One of the bowmen tries to nail Sherpa in the knee, but he fails.

Imkn6n9z oMb2l4nyn o

Before attacking the spearman, Marcel equips yet another one of his shields. Look, he can use the iron shield without penalties now!

Psvzyj8n oTybv7c08 o

He proceeds to fail miserably and be forced to put the shield to good use immediately. Thanks.

Uf23jddk o

Oh, well. That's okay, I guess.

Mpld8hij o

Try to do something in his stead, Daoud.

X3kcbkg9 oZdg7bq02 o

Great. Marvelous.

Hpkzd5ms oSegjamy0 oCxggkoiz o

Gosh darn it-- We're getting overrun by two stupid archers and an unhittable soldier! Really!?

J4ojwdy0 o

It's honestly sad how far behind Burroughs has fallen. He's the one guy we absolutely want alive, and he's the one with the highest chance of being intercepted by some asshole reinforcements.

...Then again, if any of the ballisticians die we lose him, so I guess it doesn't matter...

7jfh91ny o

Time to take off the kid gloves. We need these guys dead fast.

Boxa0mh4 oUwcg7ap3 o

C'mooooon... pleeeeease...

0qhy7rk2 o

That's something, I guess...

Xl1infbu oXq5wshei o

That's also something. We're still getting overrun, but... something.

Maiblhlf oXpth29yj o

What? Oh, please, don't do this...

Vm15e6m2 o

Fuck me, this is so annoying.

U6vfjuiy o

At least Burroughs is officially leaving. I was a bit worried he'd turn around to shoot at enemies again.

O7xctyjk oNtzxnqvh o

Naturally, it falls upon Axel to be the best and succeed where everyone else has failed. That's the way to do it!

8tly9ten oIln4wokn o

And now he's even more reliable!

3k2sqjnn oG2klgri7 o

Kramer runs south. Enid and Sylvis also waste their turns to try and get that lone soldier to come closer.

T2ob8mux o

And... for some reason, this one didn't attack Ruby. What...? Why? This one's not in revenge mode against anyone! He's just some guy who's appeared and didn't do anything!

9z45dbjj o

Fine by me.

Lhqzkykh oOjz6sl86 o

That's some action for Reese. About time!

Shoh8cuq o

Okay, it could be better, but we're hanging in there.

Abyk7t4a o

Another turn, another wave of reinforcements. In this case, it's... a woman with a colored sprite?

Kd6muoha o

Oh, dear.

8pr9uth9 oCxdl3idr o

Okay, she's extremely good. Thankfully, there's a pretty obvious way to deal with her non-lethally.

Wcihgrzp o

On the other side, one spearman.

Kbev2pon o

Oh, my goodness... Daoud's hitrate! Now that is what I call "reliable"!

1eqyemsm oQo1tzlad o

Marcel time again. Please, please don't miss...

Mqxhomj8 oGodyhnw2 o

Good. Thanks a lot.

Rkdykiuc o


V5ogb4ey o

Hey, we've never seen scylla, have we? This is the perfect opportunity, then! I wonder what it'll look like.

V2kd0nvx o

...Holy... shit. The spell looks absolutely badass! With a blood-curling slash sound accompanying the effect, too. All in all, it's great. Here, in video form, so you can listen to the sound effects. Don't worry, there are no spoilers there.

Also, Death missed. Quite handy.

Ks92blsc oDnnpcgqi o

But enough of me gushing about Berwick's graphics. Time to achieve our first goal of the chapter.

Zzgfmhqs oZusbak0h o

Again? Ohhh, well. Who cares. It's over. Level 10, see? Now she just needs happiness. Maybe. I'd hope she doesn't, with the amount of times she's died. Which, don't forget, gives her happiness for some reason.

Ypv3ky39 o8esy74ck oUczpmkgy oVx7vwhf6 o

Next up, Axel whacks a guy so hard that he drops his bow. No injury, though.

Eiloyy6g oSqh1b4j3 o

...Hah! He just stole Kay's vulnerary for himself. Always love when enemies do this kind of thing.

P9swxxsg o

Ballisticians on the move. Look, it's a really cool formation! Two hexes between each ballistician. Fancy.

L5xvbykc o

Ahh, fuck... Sherpa can't reach Kay just yet. Well, damn.

Vtjbvm9z oVaio91jb o

Ward, kill the archer, then.

Gj3vzjjt oCwdtryom o


N7skxhro oWoxz3b5h o

No! What?!

K8zihtxw o

Okay, so here's the plan. Daoud will run back, and then we pray that Kay isn't aggressive. It'd really piss me off if she was, but that random soldier from before wasn't...

Ncudma7n o

Nice. I'm glad things have worked out in my favor.

Djcbamvl o

We could try to kill her, but that'd be profoundly stupid. Not to mention impossible, in this manner at least: when I later came back to record her battle lines for the update bonus, I discovered that attacking her with Sherpa triggers the same scene as talking to her. The rest can fight her just fine, though.

V6hiamvn o

Anyway, let's see what this is all about.

4hjlyfmu o

Well, the music implies nothing good, that's for certain...

1w4wvxim oLong time no see, Kay.

355ewdhj oDon't "long time no see" me, you worthless traitor! My father... and all the others... They're dead because of you! Draw your sword, Sherpa! Today, one of us will live, and one of us will die!

Uedfz3v4 o I should hope not! The optimal thing would be for you to join me! Then I get two units out of this deal!

1w4wvxim o......

355ewdhj oWhat's wrong? I thought you were a brave man!

X3po3fwj o

Oh, okay. He's just committing suicide by angry acquaintance.

355ewdhj oWhat are you playing at...?

1w4wvxim oDo what you want with me. I won't resist.

355ewdhj o...Resigned yourself, have you? As you wish. I'll end it quickly...

Q2vi8cnj o

Don't you dare! He's my playable! You can't do this...!

Pjddvisz o

Oh, thank goodness... Wait, no, that's not good either!

Ppyaxlbt o

I'm pretty sure purple generics are only ever seen here. Can't say I get why they're purple, but they look fabulous, so it's fine.

Qocafpke oThis man works for the League. We might get information out of him.

355ewdhj oI can't allow that. This man is responsible for---

Qocafpke oYou are Chieftess Kay of the Conoll Clan, is that correct? I believe we had an agreement that you would cooperate with the Empire in exchange for your autonomy. Or are you saying that you can no longer honor our arrangement?

355ewdhj oI don't mean that, sir! I simply wish to kill this man with my own hand!

Qocafpke oThat is fine. After we have interrogated him thoroughly, he will be all yours. Until then, however, he must be allowed to live.

Nv7ygjuq o

Well, fuck. That went from bad to worse in no time at all.

Vmnvuht5 o

And they're both gone. I... I can only hope we'll see him again.

...Incidentally, we're halfway through, and you know what that means. Yep, it's time to call it a day or three! Next time, we hopefully finish the map with no casualties. Ruby will hopefully get skill points. Burroughs and his pals will hopefully make it out safely. So, yeah, hopefully a lot of things will hopefully happen. Hopefully. I hopefully hope that you farewell until then! See you next time! Hopefully!


Death count: Christine
                        Faye x 2

* Unavailable

Capture count: 2 (Daoud, Elbert)

Cripple count: 1 (Perceval)

Reset count: 3 (Ward: 1, Abus: 2)


Current perfect streak: 2.5 map

Best perfect streak: 6 maps


BONUS: Kay's combat lines.

Rklphv8a oTbfjbjze o

She's... very intense, all right.


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If you want to take a look at Vasquez stats, the unit lists list all units that have been on the map. Including those who have been killed or got captured. So you can even see the stat pages of the guys who you fought inside houses.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hmph... Who else but Dayni?


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It wouldn't be so bad if the maps weren't so tiny. I swear they last like 15 minutes, all of them!

I don't know about 15, some certainly do though.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sorry if I sound like I'm out to rain on your parade, but killing the DK with Lysithea is not impressive. It's the normal thing to do. That'd be like bragging about soloing Veld with Ced. This is the real bragging rights.

(Yes, it was all leading up to me linking that for the billionth time. What did you expect?)

Fine, if I'd finished with Knightkneeler that would have been better.

Also, I think that's the first you linked that to me. Who'd I even finish Veld with the first time, I've forgotten.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why would you go for Bernadetta? I know her personal skill is great, but... she's insufferably one-note!


I'm not playing this with the story or supports much in mind honestly, hell I've been playing it mute and having other stuff on at times.

Also unfortunately she shares a Part 2 Paralogue and unlike Annette I do have access to the other unit.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Might just be my Berwick bias talking here, but Raze > Begnion. And I don't think Raze is that amazing, either. This game focuses on different things than developing the evil Empire, sadly. Still, we'll get some things, don't worry.

I mean, I'm not a Begnion fan either, really think the senate's a weak bunch of villains.

Wait, have you finished RD?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Only 50?

50's the number I threw out, you can say what you think anyways.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahahahahahah... Yeah, it'd be safe for her to "go get him". Though, personally, I prefer to consider these two very close friends. They don't have that chemistry, you know?

I mean, porque no los dos?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, Valflame's actually a bit weaker than Pallas Leia. The +10 magic boost does bring its effective might above Pallas Leia's, but the raw might is lower.

I make the comparison because both are high. 2 might's not that massive a difference though it is one.

I say, while forgetting effectiveness modifiers could make that more again.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Berwick's always been dark.

Darker than usual.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No elephants?


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Qdlicdao o

Today's map. It's another escort mission, and not the most difficult at that. The Imperials will appear from both sides, and later from the lower left corner of the map. The villagers will be completely fine, as they'll make it out before any Imperials can reach them. The ballisticians are the real problem. Protecting them isn't all that difficult, but they'll only run when they're sure the villagers are mostly safe, and with 2 movement to their name, they'll have difficulties escaping from enemies. We'll have to keep them at bay ourselves.

This is all reflected by today's tactics points: The villagers aren't involved. We need to save three ballisticians for a point, and all four for two points. If two ballisticians die, it's game over. Moreover, we get a character if we save them all, so that's important. For the last tactics point, it's like chapter 6: a boss will appear late into the map, and we need to kill or capture him before we leave.

For the civilian requests, we've got the church right where Marcel is standing. Ward needs to pay the local bishop a visit. Russel's wife is the villager right below Sylvis. Reese must speak with her. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason Russel's sidequest takes place in the restaurant instead of the tavern: so that Reese could arrive and take over the request. Ward can't be in two places at once, after all. Lastly... Well, I think it's pretty obvious what tree Daoud's supposed to cut down. Even in this map-wide view, you can probably tell. It sticks out like a sore thumb.

Is there a turn limit?

Also, that tree's probably preventing other trees from growing around it, you're only helping the forest.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Mxtrehwq o

...Is somebody we know! Yes, this guy is the recruitable character that joins if all the ballisticians make it. Of course the best game has a playable ballistician. Let's do this right so I get to show him off, shall we?

So there he is.

Drunken ballastician sounds like he'd be awful at hit honestly.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Stqgibtb oOh hey, you're that Reese guy. I'm Burroughs. Nice to meet you.

9qk5ifz8 o At this point, our notoriety as "those guys who do everything for everyone in town" has grown enough that Reese has earned some recognition of his own. Cool details.

That's what happens when you spend your time doing that for more than half a year.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
7fq3hd5c o

Wgbc9fdl oOh, what should I do...? Mother... Help me...

Dangit Meryl, how did you do that to yourself?

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Uki3xdzi o

More strength for the pile! Pretty sure he's either my strongest unit or among the strongest right now. And he has Pulverize on top of that strength. Hah! I love this guy.

Axel's doing the axe god's work.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Sdbabb2e oYtj2htup o

Well shit, we just got a citizen request in the middle of the map! I think this is the only time it happens, but it's pretty cool.

Well, there for you. And at least it's easy enough.

That sounds like something he would do more often and I feel should be done more often.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
4wx5fv8w o

Hah! Well, not bad! I'm okay with this.

RLqT4D9D_o.pngCome back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your legs off!

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
1xigcuft o

For fuck's sake, she took a bolt to the face...

The moment she came up to him was immortalised in cinema.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Fszv1xut o


Heartache. Ow.

You hate to see it happen.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Kd6muoha o

Oh, dear.

Oh crap, it's time for the vengeance arc of Berwick Saga.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
8pr9uth9 oCxdl3idr o

Okay, she's extremely good. Thankfully, there's a pretty obvious way to deal with her non-lethally.

Who would win: Sylvis or Kay?

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
V2kd0nvx o

...Holy... shit. The spell looks absolutely badass! With a blood-curling slash sound accompanying the effect, too. All in all, it's great. Here, in video form, so you can listen to the sound effects. Don't worry, there are no spoilers there.

Yeah that does look neat.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
4hjlyfmu o

Well, the music implies nothing good, that's for certain...

1w4wvxim oLong time no see, Kay.

355ewdhj oDon't "long time no see" me, you worthless traitor! My father... and all the others... They're dead because of you! Draw your sword, Sherpa! Today, one of us will live, and one of us will die!

She's gonna bite his head off!

Are we sure they didn't take specific quotes in Tellius FE? Because that sounds like a certain knight in black at the end there.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ppyaxlbt o

I'm pretty sure purple generics are only ever seen here. Can't say I get why they're purple, but they look fabulous, so it's fine.

Qocafpke oThis man works for the League. We might get information out of him.

This man means no good, does he?

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Qocafpke oYou are Chieftess Kay of the Conoll Clan, is that correct? I believe we had an agreement that you would cooperate with the Empire in exchange for your autonomy. Or are you saying that you can no longer honor our arrangement?

355ewdhj oI don't mean that, sir! I simply wish to kill this man with my own hand!

Qocafpke oThat is fine. After we have interrogated him thoroughly, he will be all yours. Until then, however, he must be allowed to live.

Sure, that's what all interrogators all say.

Three Houses progress: I had to restart Chapter 6's main map for a chest key. Also the first group are the worst thing about that map.#

Chapter 7 is near the end and I've gotten Linhart, with Mercedes inevitable with being B rank and the rest of the recruits close as well. I'm aiming on getting to Chapter 9 to have most of them sorted out.and be starting paralogues while not underlevelled (I have a plan. A painful plan personally.)

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You, too?

Yeah I thought I had told you that I use glasses before.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I know. Never played it, but it seems like a cool game.

Unironically enough, you can start with Mario's Picross for the Gameboy, it's pretty good to start with.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm not sure if I'd recommend it, to be honest. I love it, but I will fully admit I'm biased due to nostalgia, so my opinion may not be the one you want to listen to. I usually try to avoid that kind of bias, but with this show it's too much. It's a flawed show (seasons 1 and 4 spend a bit too much time meandering with what could be considered "filler"; the ending was rushed and, though it was a decently satisfying conclusion, it left a few questions unanswered), but I'm willing to forgive all the flaws because, goddamnit, I adore it. I love it to pieces. It's great.

I see.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:



1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...You... you completely missed the fact that the guy was a recolored Arran, didn't you? And the joke with the healthy lifestyle thing - the joke being that Arran is sick in book 2 - you missed that too, didn't you?

I never work out. The few times I've done it it's not been that bad, actually, but... hot damn, is exercise profoundly boring. Oh yeah, I'll just run for an hour straight. Or I'll raise my arm for an hour straight. Even listening to music, the minutes seem to pass at the speed of a still rock when I'm exercising.

Ahh... yes the joke went over my head...like a joke about planes... though I did know Arran is sick in Book 2.

Yeah lol it is boring AF

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, when you're really starting out it's easy to confuse two words that seem exactly the same.

That is true.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I considered doing it for the joke, but I think I'll pass. I don't want to die of cringe.

Maybe the bigger problem would be not knowing what a teenager says... which is greatly exaggerated anyways, people speak english and maybe use their favorite words that's it.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

1- Why are you beating yourself up? You missed half the story! Of course you don't know who it is!

2- No, it's not... It's not Reese. Reese is some random guy with nothing special to him. The Gram isn't even a super special sword of legend or anything, it's just a regular blade that's more powerful than most. In fact, I don't think it's ever explained why only Reese can use it. My headcanon is that he refuses to let anyone else have it because, damnit, it's the first time he's ever had anything special and he's not about to let the pleb get their grubby mitts on it.

Well that's true, it just is a very common occurrence too.

Yeah thought it wouldn't be Reese... also lol on the gram thing.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Nope, that's Reese's dad right there. It's fair to assume that the protagonist's dad in a FE/FE-like is dead, but no. Bernstol's still kicking. He's the one who's been sending money our way the whole game, in fact! It's always either him or Reese's sister-in-heat, Lynette.

I know, you know who Lynette is. I just wanted to remind everyone that Reese's sister wants to get in her brother's brotherly pants.

BernStol being up and alive is epic. Also I was confused because I only remembered Lynette giving money, dunno why only remembered her.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You should check out the one for my angry face.

If I find it in this LP then I will, if it wasn't in it please share when you quote back.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He only has one little kid, so... I would hope not.

Well damn, now the Razite monks are also MAPs (it's a new acronym for pedophiles, these people think theirs is a sexuality)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Come now. One thing is acting weird, like say Erzheimer, and another is acting like a serial rapist with a girl 20 years younger than yourself. Which category do you think Mr. Wetman falls into?

Well that's fair...

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, this spell was among the introduction gifs. You could barely see it for a second. Now we get to witness it in its full glory.

Btw I understand recording a video, but how do you make gifs or rather get the images for the gifs? Do you just press F12 a million times then sort the images out? That's what I understood from the gif maker you linked earlier, that it just compiles several images.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What...? No! That's not it!

[Mr. Nino says sth here]

...Wait... then, do you or do you not know what it is?

...FE4! FE4, goddamnit, it's a mission in FE4! How ignorant can you be!?

Are you sure it's not the map in FE5 where you defend Tahra? It has a lot of ballistas...

Jokes aside I did know what map it was lol.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Like I said to Dayni, I'm fairly certain he already knew. That's not the problem.

I should have quoted this more above but was the actual problem just sucking at magic?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's dumb. Hopefully you recruited Midia for this one. Btw I saw a video LP of this game a bit ago and holy crap the screenshots don't give the map presentation (that is units and music and all that) enough credit, this game definitely should have sold much much more!

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ijomful7 oHahah! I haven't lost yet!

Stqgibtb oGood shot!

This rivalry is actually pretty fun.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Gu8edywm o



Nobody said Martha

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ipmyuzvv o

Martha is gone. I won't repeat the meme. One time is enough.

...Okay, just one time: W H Y   D I D   Y O U   S A Y   T H A T   N A M E ? ! ? ! ? ? ! ! ? ! ?

Ok... so it's a meme...

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Fszv1xut o


Heartache. Ow.

Cruel... I wish atleast dodging or 0 damage exp was a thing


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
V2kd0nvx o

...Holy... shit. The spell looks absolutely badass! With a blood-curling slash sound accompanying the effect, too. All in all, it's great. Here, in video form, so you can listen to the sound effects. Don't worry, there are no spoilers there.

Also, Death missed. Quite handy.

It does look pretty good.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Nv7ygjuq o

Well, fuck. That went from bad to worse in no time at all.

Vmnvuht5 o

And they're both gone. I... I can only hope we'll see him again.

This does not bode well...


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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Seeing how you spelled it right down below, I'm pretty sure at this point you're doing it on purpose so I have an excuse to post this. Thanks!

Well, you gave him a Bernstool portrait and all. If I spell the name correctly now, it would make me a contrarian.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Good catch! I never realized it, but you're completely right. It's not just here, either. The sums Bernstol and Lynette send to Reese get more and more arbitrary as the game goes on.

Btw, there is a similar moment like that in chapter 7 of Vestaria Saga. The one where you first meet Cyltan, Accorte and of course the Mangulites. The woman in one of the houses at the start thinks you are with the Mangulites and gives you exactly 574 denari to get you to spare her daughter.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Three of the ballisticians are generic. However, the one between Ward and Owen...

Although one of them has Maim. So that can be fun if you get lucky.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

7fq3hd5c o

Maybe that girl is drunk because this sounds like a Clifford line.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Wha... What? What's going on?!

Just because Daoud can carry a tree the size of a mountain doesn't mean he can also pull it out of the earth with his bare hands.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
1xigcuft o

For fuck's sake, she took a bolt to the face...

Or her "Fayce", one might say.

I suppose it's rather appropriate that even her paralogue is about her getting rekt.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

8pr9uth9 o

Apparently her class name was Highlander, just like Sherpa. Guess Aethin figured there can only be one.
Or more likely he figured that classes who clearly have different abilities should also have different names. Same with Ruby and Arthur, who also had the same class name despite Arthur being unable to use Spears and Ruby being unable to use Medium Shields.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, my goodness... Daoud's hitrate! Now that is what I call "reliable"!

You could try giving him good axes for a change.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, Death missed. Quite handy.

No surprise. Death knows Ward is still pissed about his wife and Elbert's girlfriend. He's gonna keep his distance for the foreseeable future.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Qocafpke oThis man works for the League. We might get information out of him.

Out of a mere mercenary? Good luck with that. Maybe he can tell you what the Kingfisher has on it's menu this month.

Qocafpke o You take me for a fool, highlander?! No restaurant has "Boiled Egg" as their daily special! 


Edited by BrightBow
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14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Mzj6wn9d o


I love it when Burroughs decides he likes battle crying and chills inside the village until turn 18.

Me? I also battle cried. Only without the battle part.

Also, I was very glad that this was the last Rescue Green Units And Escape (Also known as RGUAE) map.

On 8/3/2020 at 1:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rasputin, Cardinal of the Church of Raze.

Ah yes, an assistant named Rasputin. That's going to end well. It sure did for the Russians!


EDIT: Hahahaaaaaa I lost my thirty minutes of replies after I changed the page! AAAAAA-

I shall instead summarize what you would have missed.

Salt about Enid promoting.

Me accidentally getting Faye to level 10 before chapter 5 started but her being unable to promote because Happiness.

I apparently got a green unit killed in chapter 4, so no Daoud for me. I don't really mind as I wasn't going to use him anyways, but please capture portrait man for me!

Salt about Enid promoting.

And a question: Does the magic band perchance count towards Enid's promotion? It's wishful thinking, I know, but maybe it's a cheese strat?

On 8/3/2020 at 1:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Cgjxeapj o Curse that crafty Zephyrus...

I love this too much. Perfection in a portrait. Glorious. Genius.

On 8/3/2020 at 1:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Did he just... Did he just aggressively flirt with her to distract her? And it worked?

...I'm going to kill that fucker--


14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o Dude, and then who will take care of Bianca if something happens to Klamp? You promised! Ergh... a drunken promise made to another drunkard, but... oh, and she's also more competent than both of you combined, but... Where was I going with this again?

No more Klamping cheeks puns if he dies!

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Kd6muoha o

Oh, dear.


Another member for Sherpa's harem!

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Burroughs and his pals will hopefully make it out safely.

I hope you don't get him killed the same way I did!

...Either time! He shouldn't have died to Obama, but eh. That won't happen because ENID AAAAAAAAAAAAA

On 8/3/2020 at 1:28 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Death count: Christine
                        Faye x 2

Where's Sylvis' confidence?

Finally got back! Sorry 'bout missing so much!

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15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Part 51 - Kill thief.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

When you like a game, any excuse is good to play it.

I don't like Theater though, doubly so when the current one is just a copy-paste rerun of the first one from March, with all the issues and glitches STILL not fixed!

(And really, every single event since CT back in February has kinda sucked so far...)


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't think I can, mostly because that ain't loading. The page loads, but the content I imagine you want me to see is nowhere to be found.

Guess it can't be helped then:


Panel1: *Bragging and taunting*

Panel2: "So it's true you have been caught and brainwashed!"

Panel3: "I wasn't brainwashed, 416..." "What?!"


Panel1: "Then why are you fighting for them?" "That's because..."

Panel2: "Help me 416..."


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'd just like to know exactly what kinda swear words she spewed as her kids watched this episode of domestic violence.

Incidentally, Texas.

They are supposedly both from Siracusa, so...

Incidentally, Lappland.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm not entirely sure why I'm standing on my underwear looking at the sun

You might also notice i didn't post the source of that one: that should be enough of an hint.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You'll have to forgive me if I'm missing something obvious, but the only links in that comment are the source, the original removed post and the meme you've posted a couple times here, which explains absolutely nothing.







And these too:






15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ohhhhh, maybe that just means there's an issue with the entire game's playability residing with the developers' servers, giving the game an inevitable expiration date! Maybe that just plain sucks!

Again, i think you completely missed the meaning of "shut down": there wasn't a malfunction of the servers, they were straight up terminated.


(Also, that Itam Games revival thing announcement dates back to over a year ago and overall that company smells like scam to me)


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, these guys got carried away. C'mon, developers! For shame! You're supposed to make the premium currency so slow to obtain that nobody in their right minds would spend the time, and will instead buy it from the real money store! That's the way to do it! You should know that, being gacha developers!

That's what AK devs do instead, sort of.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Really sorry if I come across as passive-agressive here. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I despise gachas and mobile gaming in general.

I actually did too back when i had just quitted GK.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's what makes Lisa: The Painful so awesome, actually. No grinding, most of the fights are bosses that require actual strategy instead of outlasting them.

That's actually how GFL works too till roughly the first 8 chapters (out of 11) and most events so far (rankings excluded): the grinding is there to power level new units in a timely manner and corpse dragging exists to do so without consuming too many resources (kinda like jeiganing)

Then there is the farming for limited drops: that admittedly sucks, but eh.

(Then again, the vast majority of those limited drops exists only for collection purposes... just like a good 90% of the 200+ units in this game, actually)


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But in a game of this kind, if you don't powercreep, people keep the units they have and don't try to get any more, resulting in a loss of money for the devs. And we can't have that, can we?

But you get M14 for free as soon as you start the game, you get the 3 most powerful units in the game for free by beating the first 3 chapters and crafting new units in this game doesn't cost any premium currency, plus starting with Isomer they literally give you a free 5* unit of your choice every time you beat an event (which is actually much easier than it sounds, as starting with isomer events now have a difficulty selection split that make them beatable even by newbies), on top of the ones they already give on every anniversary...

... heck, the reason the vast majority of units in this game are so useless is because getting the best ones is so easy!

And as i mentioned before, the only things that MIGHT require to spend money on in this game are skins and furniture, and they are purely cosmetics.

(Also, the "miss 5 stars" from that comic is MG4, whom you have seen before and who's one of the worst units in the game despite being a 5*)


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahh, the good ol' dad going out to buy milk.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

1- You know, from the stuff you share about these games, it's like they're FEHeroes except everyone is Camilla.

Because of the boobs?

(Though i have to say AK is really tame with fanservice compared to most other gachas: they don't even feature "damaged" artworks)


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

3- I'm sure there's a really funny meta joke here, but I have no idea about the gameplay of this game, so I don't get it.

(i.e. she basically got "parked" where enemies can't reach her to just serve as a "battery" with her skill and nothing more)

(Also, the main reason she's shunned is because you get both Fang and her 4* counterpart for free early on, both of which do the job much better than her, so not even newer players would feel the need to use her aside from personal bias and unlike Fang she DOES get powercrept by her higher rarity counterparts, Texas in primis)

(That said, i definitely WOULD have used her alongside Fang, but since i got Siege as my "starter"...)

(Finally, i'd like to point out that Vanilla is the offensive-oriented one of the duo while Fang is the defensive one, even though in this game axe/hammer wielders tend to take defensive roles while lance/spear wielders usually take offensive ones)


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah! Okay, that's good.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It always seems to happen with the last ones you post. Like, right here. Again. I can't see that.

I can't either actually, but as i mentioned later in my addendums i think i found the way to fix that.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

7 hours!? The story for this event lasts 7 hours!? Fuck me sideways...!



(It wouldn't even be much of an issue if the story of this event didn't suck)


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

These dad jokes are great. Keep 'em coming.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh boy, siege. Pants so short they might as well not exist? Animal ears? Bewbs? Random lolipop? Yep, it's official: We got ourselves another anime design!

*Points gun* "Always has been"

(Though aside from the animal ears and maybe the lollipop the rest isn't really THAT "relevant" imo)


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, we've got ourselves a poet here.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Again, that is not how you use siege equipment. You're gonna go flying like that.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's a stick. How hard can it be to swing a stick?

Actually it's a sledgehammer: you can't see the top because it got cut out of the pic when i trimmed it.


But yeah, it seems to be just an ordinary sledgehammer.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's a bit too meta for me.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yey, stalker.

On 8/6/2020 at 12:44 AM, Golb89 said:



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why are some of these so tiny compared to the others?

Ask SF's devs, not me: that's just how the site crops up pictures when they are too long.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Cold color scheme.


Her powers aren't even fire-based. Unlike her 5* counterpart.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Incidentally, is that where you got the habit of saying "maybe" all the time?

Nope: Kaga i did it first.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why is the title so badly written, though?

Ask the author of that post.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ey, new one!








... nope.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The power of lolipops.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why... why is that the same exact character but the good version?

Dunno, i don't know that much about MG: i figured you would know instead.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh boy, this one again. Except this time it's the Creep Under The Bed edition.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why is that person wielding two glowing dildos, though?

They are those things people wave at concerts. Or at least those things japanese people wave at concerts. Or at least those things japanese people wave at concerts in anime.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh look, it broke again. Like all your replies.



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, yes. Summer alts. The greatest part of gachas. Totally doesn't contribute to my hatred for the genre.

That's a skin though, not an alt character.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wait... Is that Miles Edgeworth!? I just noticed! Miles Edgeworth is flapping his arms around while holding glowing dildos! What even is happening here!?



Also, that's the artist's self-insert (though now that you mentioned it, the way he draws Griffin's uniforms does make them look just like Miles Reiji's garbs.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I'm not opening that, when it's "alternative" to that abomination above.

Then you give no choice:



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You posted this one before, yes.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Aaaand this one.

On 8/6/2020 at 11:01 PM, Golb89 said:


Enphasys on "Edits".


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't get this one.

Just replace "Kokodayo!" with "Always has been" and you'll get it. Maybe.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah yes, I saw these ones years back. I liked them.



(Had you already seen the unpublished episodes too?)

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I couldn't come up with anything better for today's section titles:

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Qqjuneb3 o

Meoilxpy oBuy some time? What's this now?

Stqgibtb oOh hey, you're that Reese guy. I'm Burroughs. Nice to meet you.

Meoilxpy oYou're a ballistician, right? Why are you still here after General Rosecchar ordered a retreat?

Stqgibtb oAs long as we're here, the villagers are still protected. Orders or none, I'm not gonna just abandon them and run away. I figured we'd stick around until they evacuate, and then we'd have no problem following the orders.

Meoilxpy oI appreciate the sentiment, but you won't be going anywhere fast with your ballistae. If you don't leave immediately, the enemy will catch you. Therefore, I order you again: Retreat immediately.

(Yes, i know that they are not really planning to die there, but eh)


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lastly... Well, I think it's pretty obvious what tree Daoud's supposed to cut down. Even in this map-wide view, you can probably tell. It sticks out like a sore thumb.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Aom9aem8 o

Let's not waste time. Daoud heads north to the most massive tree in existence. Seriously, compare that tree to the tiny trees in the forest around it. Those things are the same height as the tree's visible trunk!


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Itwu7yjh o

Marcel promptly puts his dodgetanking skills to good use.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You may've noticed half the village is searchable. Let's have it, Axel.



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Let's have it, Axel. But first... equip the Mjöllnir.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Knwdut21 o

Good hiding place? That only put you in reach of Axe's axel!



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
P8nlub6o o

Baaah... Really?



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Dns2h8aa o





15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ydbmsmfw oGaaahhh! Why are they so resilient? They're getting hit by bolts bigger than them!

Stqgibtb oYou just don't know how to shoot, that's your problem.

Ydbmsmfw oHmph... Well then, big-shot, why don't you show us how it's done?


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
8i4il1hr o



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Now that Vasquez is dead, there's no reason to waste the Mjöllnir on feeble thieves. Let's equip this cheaper axe and have Axel search another home.



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Djsp0nv5 o

Ah, no enemy, great! Just a bit of gold.



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

2ozr7zcz o

Qn32vp52 oNope, i'm Heidi's granpa. Again.

3cxl4xfi oOh sorry, i got the wrong person. Again.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
6kbzlmtp oMfmiegxa o

Hah! Yeah, no. He's too good at sidestepping for the likes of you to harm him.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Axel searches the next house. Oh no, trouble.



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Uki3xdzi o



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Speaking of people who I want to promote... Though, in Faye's case, it's as easy as finishing her paralogue, and then she both promotes and joins the team. Just gotta raise that level to 10 already!



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Vufyzx8d o
15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

42kyn7fd o

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A3lndggf o



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Back to Daoud... Hmmm... Maybe he needs to have an axe equipped? That's the kind of attention to detail I'd expect from Kaga.



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
M9fjmm9v o

Reese, fetch the kid.

That didn't come out right.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Owen will patch up Axel, so he can safely continue searching the houses. With Vasquez dead I'm pretty sure there are no tough enemies left in there, but best be safe than sorry.



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Okay, that may be a small setback.




15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Vk0cp8g0 o


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ydbmsmfw o...Bah... to hell with this. Burroughs can have the win. You coming?

C1whrhoj oYeah, sure... The villagers are safe, anyway. The knights can handle this. I think I've earned a nap or three after my heroic deeds today.



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'd like to point out, however, that he's still not leaving. Please leave. I'm asking nicely. Politely. Kindly. Please move out before the enemy catches you, Burroughs.



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ydbmsmfw oDamnit, another one that survived! Why won't the king supply us with better gear!?

Stqgibtb oDunno, man. I seem to be beating you just fine with it.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ydbmsmfw oGrrr... Screw you, Burroughs!


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dngse47q o



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pretty sure this is the final house Axel has to search today.

D7t2rm0d o

Oh no. An enemy.

J2unlnrg o




15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah! Now this is just hilarious. Axel used Robbery to get the thief's knife... and then it turned out that the house's loot was another thief's knife. And this knife is completely useless, because all it does is increase the chance of Mug being triggered. You know, the skill that only Czene had? Oh, well. Vendor trash is fine.



(Incidentally, that SPEQ was the "grand prize" for Isomer's ranking: yes, it'd be MUCH more useful used that way than actually equipping her with it)


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
6nvlj3sn o

Guess it's up to Enid, now.

Piwgbdtt oDi6vmf8o o



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Jkp58om5 o

GAAAAAAAHHHH! Oh, thank goodness she's the tankiest mage in this game. 3 whole defense points is more than any of the others ever get.

Qb3cdpyu oOjp8zkom o



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Q5j1vjej oQ9xcjvhh o



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ipgatszb o

Hmm... Well, that looks to be all this team'll do for this turn.



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
O7xctyjk oNtzxnqvh o

Naturally, it falls upon Axel to be the best and succeed where everyone else has failed. That's the way to do it!



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Another turn, another wave of reinforcements. In this case, it's... a woman with a colored sprite?

Kd6muoha o

Oh, dear.

8pr9uth9 oCxdl3idr o


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Uczpmkgy oVx7vwhf6 o

Next up, Axel whacks a guy so hard that he drops his bow. No injury, though.



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Nv7ygjuq o

Well, fuck. That went from bad to worse in no time at all.



15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Incidentally, we're halfway through, and you know what that means. Yep, it's time to call it a day or three! Next time, we hopefully finish the map with no casualties. Ruby will hopefully get skill points. Burroughs and his pals will hopefully make it out safely. So, yeah, hopefully a lot of things will hopefully happen. Hopefully. I hopefully hope that you farewell until then! See you next time! Hopefully!





(Just because)




(Same as above)

(Also, this was the PV for the 1st season)


Edited by Golb89
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9 minutes ago, Golb89 said:

Nope: Kaga i did it first.

SMH my head you didn't say "Maybe."




Welp, may as well respond to the last update I commented on while I'm here!


On 7/26/2020 at 2:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahahaha... At least try to recruit best healer this time?

Success! I got him! Orbel, however, likes axes and blocked the gate and died.

...And I would have been completely toasted if not for the guard skill, as I didn't have any bow units.

But he shall now go to the bench because he is the Best Healer, and is therefore bad.

On 7/26/2020 at 2:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh wow, that's very good. Congratz!

Eheh....I kinda sorta got Faye to level ten...

Before chapter 5 even started...

But I'm mostly sad that she can't promote yet. Please...I just need her promoted for chapter 6 for the EZ kill on Minas' boyfriend whose name I can't recall!

On 7/26/2020 at 2:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay then. Enjoy promoting Adel in chapter 13. If at all.

I will! Eat that!

On 7/26/2020 at 2:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

It was cooler when Tauroneo did it.

But Tauroneo is an unironically good unit!

On 7/26/2020 at 2:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm genuinely curious. Where could you have gotten that from? There's only one unit in Berwick Saga that gains horses from promotion, and that's Czene.

Uh...Clarine has blonde hair and a horse after promotion, and Saphira has blonde hair, ergo they are the same unit?

On 7/26/2020 at 2:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yumil without her hood. It's not the same character as Yumil.

They're not the same character? I've been hoodwinked!

I'm sorry



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14 hours ago, Benice said:

SMH my head you didn't say "Maybe."

Well, that's because... wait, you read my comments?!





Pretty sure you can figure out where they would have been in my previous post if their authors had uploaded them a few hours earlier:

(And the original version too, because why not)




Also, gonna be on vacation for the next 2 weeks, meaning much more limited time and internet: see nya!





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On 8/7/2020 at 11:24 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Bw1xzkjs o

This guy's Japanese name is Basuku, that is, "Basque."  I pray our resident Iberian will forgive me for switching this to an actual name. Maybe I should've google translated all of his lines into Euskera instead.


On 8/7/2020 at 11:24 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

2ozr7zcz o

Unlike in earlier patches, where I had changed magical incantations and prayers and such into Irish, these lines by Simas are a more-or-less "faithful" translation (minus the fact that I forgot to include the second line):

#‥セー・フィア‥●[30]モー・セル‥        see fia moo seru
#‥アーフ・ラーマ‥●[30]ヴィー・ダー‥    aafu raama vii daa

There's also a much later quotation by [REDACTED] casting Berserk, which seems to be in some Romance language:

ケ・ベルバ・ラ・バァーサクッ!!!      ke beruba ra baasaku-!!!

Maybe they're some kind of badly-translated French?

""C'est fier mon celle... Affurrement vie d'â..."
"Que verbe la berserque!!!"

(I'm basically making shit up at this point, I don't think the above "sentences" are even remotely sensible or made of proper words)


On 8/7/2020 at 11:24 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
8pr9uth9 oCxdl3idr o

Okay, she's extremely good. Thankfully, there's a pretty obvious way to deal with her non-lethally.

Behold, the only time the Huntress class appears! It's actually the female variant of the Highlander class (and it is named as such in the Japanese version). Man, I wish Sherpa could use bows and crossbows...



On 8/4/2020 at 5:28 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Auxsttnv o

1w4wvxim o......

1w4wvxim o...'kay.




Also, one thing I missed from before is that the intended implication with ya boi Almuth is that he had a little crush on Enid, but he's just kinda stuck as the shoulder to cry on in this situation, since he understands that Enid only has eyes for Percy. He's too decent & meek of a guy to try and take advantage of their fight, and he knows he's going to be leaving soon anyway, so he's just bearing with it and moving on with his life.


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Part 52 - Critical Saga 3: The Criticizing.

Look, let's just:

On 8/7/2020 at 6:00 PM, BrightBow said:

If you want to take a look at Vasquez stats, the unit lists list all units that have been on the map. Including those who have been killed or got captured. So you can even see the stat pages of the guys who you fought inside houses.

Handy. I checked him out, and... well, he's really bad. Fair enough, I guess. Hiding a powerhouse in a house wouldn't be nice. It'd make defeating him even more reliant on Axel than it already is.


On 8/7/2020 at 8:03 PM, Dayni said:
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I don't know about 15, some certainly do though.

Most, in my experience. Though I guess hard difficulty doesn't help. Everything but the DK is so easy...

Fine, if I'd finished with Knightkneeler that would have been better.

It would've been, yes.

Also, I think that's the first you linked that to me. Who'd I even finish Veld with the first time, I've forgotten.

I'm certain it wasn't someone as cool as Hicks.

Also, that wasn't a finisher. That was a one-round. I'm... still so proud of that, to this day.


I'm not playing this with the story or supports much in mind honestly, hell I've been playing it mute and having other stuff on at times.

Yeah that's fine, I guess. She just annoys me every time she opens her mouth. Which is a shame, because her character concept has potential. If only she wasn't played for laughs and waifu-bait... and if only she had more than one character arc that she goes through in every single one of her supports!

Also unfortunately she shares a Part 2 Paralogue and unlike Annette I do have access to the other unit.

Right, right.

I mean, I'm not a Begnion fan either, really think the senate's a weak bunch of villains.

At least Raze doesn't have Literally Hitler and Evil Gay Person. Seriously, Valtome is low-key offensive. Just the lack of Valtome is a point for Raze. And Numida isn't much better, he's so absurdly blatant that I cannot take him seriously. Oliver is an unironically better character than either of them, and that's... so sad.

Hetzel's extremely interesting despite his limited screentime, and Lekain is a fine villain. But that's about it. Everyone else sucks.

Wait, have you finished RD?

Yes. Unbelievable, I know, but after spending a month on it I eventually powered through the terrible lategame maps.

It was... Pfeh. The first part was great. Second part was a bit boring, but good. Part three was awful and part four was slightly less awful but still awful. RD beats a few of the other FEs, but I wouldn't call it a game I'd be willing to go back to. Saving Pelleas would be fun (that poor man deserves so much better), but putting myself through the latter two parts again? Yeah, I think I'll pass.

50's the number I threw out, you can say what you think anyways.


Times 10.

I mean, porque no los dos?

Friends with benefits? Okay... I guess that's a middle ground...

I make the comparison because both are high. 2 might's not that massive a difference though it is one.

I say, while forgetting effectiveness modifiers could make that more again.

In a few words, both are great and destroy everything.

Darker than usual.

Yeah, that's probably true.

No elephants?


Take this! ...generic ballista!

Is there a turn limit?

Yes. 24 as usual.

Also, that tree's probably preventing other trees from growing around it, you're only helping the forest.

Yey, we're the heroes!

So there he is.

Drunken ballastician sounds like he'd be awful at hit honestly.

Funnily enough, he learns Aim after a couple levels.

And to be fair with the man, he's nowhere near the level of Clifford. Even in the bar scene, he was doing a lot better than Klamp. Or Holmes. See, Burroughs was still conscious enough to avoid picking a fight with Bianca. Holmes tried to sass Eugen, and we all know how that went.

That's what happens when you spend your time doing that for more than half a year.

We're definitely the heroes, yep. Please ignore the time we kidnapped a woman and murdered her lover.

Dangit Meryl, how did you do that to yourself?

Considering her mother started all the way back in the village, I'm guessing she took off running then fell down the cliff.

Maybe I should've had Reese escort her further. She clearly can't take care of herself.

Axel's doing the axe god's work.

He's the Axe Prophet!

Well, there for you. And at least it's easy enough.

That sounds like something he would do more often and I feel should be done more often.

Probably, but oh well, we'll just enjoy it while it lasts.

RLqT4D9D_o.pngCome back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your legs off!

Heheheheeheheh... Jesus, though. Imagine this guy trying to bite a guy's legs off--

Hftoextd o

On second thought, don't imagine it.

The moment she came up to him was immortalised in cinema.

Ahahahahaha... That moment's so funny. It probably shouldn't be, but... She's ready for everything, you think there's going to be a big fight scene, and then... She just flies, because Budd is actually smart and knows better than to engage in a sword duel with her.

You hate to see it happen.

You hate more to see it happen to you!

Oh crap, it's time for the vengeance arc of Berwick Saga.

I can only hope she rethinks her life and learns about the power of friendship before she offs Sherpa.

Who would win: Sylvis or Kay?


...Not gonna bother with the stats. It's Sylvis because I said so.

Yeah that does look neat.

Nothing else? Thank you.

She's gonna bite his head off!

I should hope not!

Are we sure they didn't take specific quotes in Tellius FE? Because that sounds like a certain knight in black at the end there.

Yeah, as well as... every single dramatic duel in the history of fiction? It's kind of a generic quote. This was probably just a coincidence.

Arcturus, on the other hand...

This man means no good, does he?

What do you think?

Sure, that's what all interrogators all say.

Then the suspect just happens to die after days upon days of torture.

Three Houses progress: I had to restart Chapter 6's main map for a chest key. Also the first group are the worst thing about that map.#

Chapter 7 is near the end and I've gotten Linhart, with Mercedes inevitable with being B rank and the rest of the recruits close as well. I'm aiming on getting to Chapter 9 to have most of them sorted out.and be starting paralogues while not underlevelled (I have a plan. A painful plan personally.)

Good luck.

...With chapter 13. Don't forget, that is all that matters in maddening Three Houses. Beating chapter 13.


On 8/7/2020 at 8:44 PM, This boi uses Nino said:
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Yeah I thought I had told you that I use glasses before.

Maybe you did and I forgot. It's something I do sometimes.

Unironically enough, you can start with Mario's Picross for the Gameboy, it's pretty good to start with.

I'll keep that in mind.

I see.


Good, I see.

Ahh... yes the joke went over my head...like a joke about planes... though I did know Arran is sick in Book 2.

With the amount of times I've said that Arran if my favorite Archanean, I'd thought you would've caught at least one or two of them.

And, well, being sick is kind of his main thing in book 2.

Yeah lol it is boring AF

Which isn't a good excuse, but... Oh, well. Guess I'll be a lazy slob the rest of my life.

That is true.

Another really difficult english word is "Erzheimer", as you well know.

Maybe the bigger problem would be not knowing what a teenager says...

Which I don't.

which is greatly exaggerated anyways, people speak english and maybe use their favorite words that's it.

Well, that is fair, I suppose.

Well that's true, it just is a very common occurrence too.

I'll take you at your word.
Yeah thought it wouldn't be Reese... also lol on the gram thing.

It's as good an explanation as I can come up with.

BernStol being up and alive is epic.

Bernstol with a capital S? That's a new one.

Also I was confused because I only remembered Lynette giving money, dunno why only remembered her.

I always refered to them as Dad Funds first and foremost, so it is rather strange.

If I find it in this LP then I will, if it wasn't in it please share when you quote back.

Uedfz3v4 o

Well damn, now the Razite monks are also MAPs (it's a new acronym for pedophiles, these people think theirs is a sexuality)

Last I checked, MAP was that thing you moved units around.

Well that's fair...

See, you get it.

Btw I understand recording a video, but how do you make gifs or rather get the images for the gifs? Do you just press F12 a million times then sort the images out? That's what I understood from the gif maker you linked earlier, that it just compiles several images.

It's as you said. I activate the emulator's slowmo, and then spam F12.

Are you sure it's not the map in FE5 where you defend Tahra? It has a lot of ballistas...

Goddamnit, have you ever played FE? It's the most famous map in TearRing Saga!

Jokes aside I did know what map it was lol.

Yeah, the Astram comment made that obvious enough.

I should have quoted this more above but was the actual problem just sucking at magic?

It's... complicated.

That's dumb. Hopefully you recruited Midia for this one. Btw I saw a video LP of this game a bit ago and holy crap the screenshots don't give the map presentation (that is units and music and all that) enough credit, this game definitely should have sold much much more!

Oh, absolutely. This game is absolutely gorgeous.

This rivalry is actually pretty fun.


Nobody said Martha


Ok... so it's a meme...

Obviously. Why else would I just randomly start screaming like that?

Cruel... I wish atleast dodging or 0 damage exp was a thing

Yeah, no. 99 EXP? Too bad, gotta get another kill.

It does look pretty good.

I'm glad everybody agrees with me for once.

This does not bode well...

We'll just have to wait and see what happens!



On 8/7/2020 at 10:57 PM, BrightBow said:
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Well, you gave him a Bernstool portrait and all. If I spell the name correctly now, it would make me a contrarian.

Ahahahah... You should feel proud. You're the reason the Bernstool portrait exists.

Btw, there is a similar moment like that in chapter 7 of Vestaria Saga. The one where you first meet Cyltan, Accorte and of course the Mangulites. The woman in one of the houses at the start thinks you are with the Mangulites and gives you exactly 574 denari to get you to spare her daughter.

Hwahahahahahah... Oh, man, that's cruel.

Although one of them has Maim. So that can be fun if you get lucky.

Really? I didn't notice. How... random.

Maybe that girl is drunk because this sounds like a Clifford line.


Just because Daoud can carry a tree the size of a mountain doesn't mean he can also pull it out of the earth with his bare hands.

Hey, if I can do it in Minecraft...

Or her "Fayce", one might say.

Good one.

I suppose it's rather appropriate that even her paralogue is about her getting rekt.

Stop being so hard on her. She's doing well when she's not busy dying.

Apparently her class name was Highlander, just like Sherpa. Guess Aethin figured there can only be one.
Or more likely he figured that classes who clearly have different abilities should also have different names. Same with Ruby and Arthur, who also had the same class name despite Arthur being unable to use Spears and Ruby being unable to use Medium Shields.

Some liberties are fine, I'd say. I wasn't aware that Ruby and Arthur shared a class name despite having vastly different kits.

You could try giving him good axes for a change.

Axel has the monopoly on all the good axes.

No surprise. Death knows Ward is still pissed about his wife and Elbert's girlfriend. He's gonna keep his distance for the foreseeable future.

Death knows the full extent of Ward's beard's power. After all, he's the one that cleans up after him!

Also, Elbert's girlfriend. I don't think you bullying Ward is ever going to get old. Though you should watch yourself. If you piss him off enough, he might jump through the screen to beat you up.

Out of a mere mercenary? Good luck with that. Maybe he can tell you what the Kingfisher has on it's menu this month.

Qocafpke o You take me for a fool, highlander?! No restaurant has "Boiled Egg" as their daily special! 

Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha... They just start arguing about food while Kay watches exasperatedly.



On 8/8/2020 at 6:47 AM, Benice said:
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I love it when Burroughs decides he likes battle crying and chills inside the village until turn 18.

I still have no idea why that happened to you. Or, heck, to me too, to a lesser extent. Why does he say "okay guys, let's leave" and then he doesn't leave? What's the AI shenanigans here?

Me? I also battle cried. Only without the battle part.

I battle cried the day Axel died in my first run.

...I hope I won't have to go through that ever again.

Also, I was very glad that this was the last Rescue Green Units And Escape (Also known as RGUAE) map.

To be honest, I prefer RGUAE to FUCK.

Foul, Underhanded Crossbowmen Kill. Strange wording, I know, but come now, doesn't it fit chapter 11-1 like a glove?

Ah yes, an assistant named Rasputin. That's going to end well. It sure did for the Russians!

Faisal will definitely live a long, fulfilling life with allies like this.

EDIT: Hahahaaaaaa I lost my thirty minutes of replies after I changed the page! AAAAAA-

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA that sucks I'm sorry.

I shall instead summarize what you would have missed.

Salt about Enid promoting.

Hah! Of course.

Me accidentally getting Faye to level 10 before chapter 5 started but her being unable to promote because Happiness.

Well, chapter 8 isn't bad either.

I apparently got a green unit killed in chapter 4, so no Daoud for me. I don't really mind as I wasn't going to use him anyways, but please capture portrait man for me!

I did back in chapter 6, remember?

Salt about Enid promoting.

More? Ah, I'd say I'm sorry, but I would be lying.

And a question: Does the magic band perchance count towards Enid's promotion? It's wishful thinking, I know, but maybe it's a cheese strat?

Believe me, I tried. Nope, it's only her raw magic. The liquid magic works because it increases it permanently. Temporary boosts like food and equipment don't do anything.

I love this too much. Perfection in a portrait. Glorious. Genius.

It's... Bernstool.


It was the only reaction I could've had.

No more Klamping cheeks puns if he dies!

The Klamping cheeks puns are going to happen every time Klamp's on screen, don't kid yourself.

Another member for Sherpa's harem!

The one that wants to kill him. A vital addition to the crew.

I hope you don't get him killed the same way I did!

...Either time!

I should hope so, considering I love him as a unit and can't reset for him.

He shouldn't have died to Obama, but eh. That won't happen because ENID AAAAAAAAAAAAA

Oh, having Enid promoted this early will definitely help me in a couple of places.

Where's Sylvis' confidence?

Sylvis's confidence is still whole because she's the greatest person, unit and waifu. I'll kill you if you disagree!

Finally got back! Sorry 'bout missing so much!

Stop it, you don't owe me anything.


On 8/8/2020 at 7:49 AM, Golb89 said:
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I don't like Theater though, doubly so when the current one is just a copy-paste rerun of the first one from March, with all the issues and glitches STILL not fixed!

(And really, every single event since CT back in February has kinda sucked so far...)

So basically, they're not addressing basic problems and are instead copy-pasting events so people put more money in their pockets for the smallest effort possible on their part.

Why does anyone play this again?

Guess it can't be helped then:


Panel1: *Bragging and taunting*

Panel2: "So it's true you have been caught and brainwashed!"

Panel3: "I wasn't brainwashed, 416..." "What?!"


Panel1: "Then why are you fighting for them?" "That's because..."

Panel2: "Help me 416..."


They are supposedly both from Siracusa, so...

Incidentally, Lappland.

Yeah, Lappland is apparently a place.

You might also notice i didn't post the source of that one: that should be enough of an hint.

Hint? Hint to what? It's an anime, that's all I can glean from that image.







And these too:





Thanks. That saves me some trouble.

I won't delve too much into this because, well, it's got nothing to do with me, but... from what I can see in these messages, it seems the mods made a mistake, eventually realized it and apologized to you. They even offered to make an exception and let you repost your thing, even though reposting is against the sub's rules.

So my question is: were the insults and the all-caps sarcasm necessary? And did you really post cropped images of the private chats for everyone to see? What even were you trying to accomplish by doing that? I must say, I can't blame them for losing patience with you if that's how you acted throughout the ordeal. Though a permanent ban was perhaps overly harsh.

My advice is, next time, calm down and take a breath before you send insults and demands at people who can ban you. Even if you were on the right, that's not the kind of tone you should take if you want somebody to help you with a problem.

Again, i think you completely missed the meaning of "shut down": there wasn't a malfunction of the servers, they were straight up terminated.


What do you mean, I "completely missed" the meaning? This doesn't contradict what I said in any way! Since the servers were terminated, that's the end of that, nobody can ever play these games again! It's almost as if relying on the devs' servers staying up to be able to play a game is bullshit! Which is... what I said last time. This literally changes nothing. Games being unplayable if the servers go down is bullshit and shouldn't happen.

(Also, that Itam Games revival thing announcement dates back to over a year ago and overall that company smells like scam to me)

Oh boy, a scam related to a gacha. What a shocking revelation.

That's what AK devs do instead, sort of.

Ahahahahahahahahahah... Well, you know, that's one thing I get out of our talks: that I miss absolutely nothing. This genre is not worth the time.

I actually did too back when i had just quitted GK.

What changed your mind? AK and GFL seem like more of the same stinking dogshit!

That's actually how GFL works too till roughly the first 8 chapters (out of 11) and most events so far (rankings excluded): the grinding is there to power level new units in a timely manner and corpse dragging exists to do so without consuming too many resources (kinda like jeiganing)

Then there is the farming for limited drops: that admittedly sucks, but eh.

(Then again, the vast majority of those limited drops exists only for collection purposes... just like a good 90% of the 200+ units in this game, actually)

No... M-My dude, you... no... you can't do that... You can't say "That's how GFL works!" and then proceed to explain how the grinding is there to get things done "in a timley manner". Then how long does it take to get up to speed without grinding? Let me guess: too long for anyone to bother.

In Lisa, all your time and resources are spent towards the objective, towards the bosses. Not towards making the grinding less painful.

But you get M14 for free as soon as you start the game, you get the 3 most powerful units in the game for free by beating the first 3 chapters and crafting new units in this game doesn't cost any premium currency, plus starting with Isomer they literally give you a free 5* unit of your choice every time you beat an event (which is actually much easier than it sounds, as starting with isomer events now have a difficulty selection split that make them beatable even by newbies), on top of the ones they already give on every anniversary...

... heck, the reason the vast majority of units in this game are so useless is because getting the best ones is so easy!

And as i mentioned before, the only things that MIGHT require to spend money on in this game are skins and furniture, and they are purely cosmetics.

(Also, the "miss 5 stars" from that comic is MG4, whom you have seen before and who's one of the worst units in the game despite being a 5*)

One of these days you'll have to let me know what exactly is good about these games, seriously.

1- Jikes...

2- Why is that girl's dad a cybernetic goat?

Because of the boobs?

Yes. Yes, exactly.

(Though i have to say AK is really tame with fanservice compared to most other gachas: they don't even feature "damaged" artworks)

Yeah, well, eating a piece of shit is better than eating a piece of shit covered in piss and bile. Get what I'm saying?

I don't want "really tame fanservice compared", I want "really tame fanservice period". Let women wear armor, goddamnit. Or just... fuckin' jackets.

(i.e. she basically got "parked" where enemies can't reach her to just serve as a "battery" with her skill and nothing more)

Ah, I see.

(Also, the main reason she's shunned is because you get both Fang and her 4* counterpart for free early on, both of which do the job much better than her, so not even newer players would feel the need to use her aside from personal bias and unlike Fang she DOES get powercrept by her higher rarity counterparts, Texas in primis)

(That said, i definitely WOULD have used her alongside Fang, but since i got Siege as my "starter"...)

(Finally, i'd like to point out that Vanilla is the offensive-oriented one of the duo while Fang is the defensive one, even though in this game axe/hammer wielders tend to take defensive roles while lance/spear wielders usually take offensive ones)

And people complain about FE unit balance. Yeah, Wendy may be bad, but... at least Wendy doesn't require you gamble to get her!

Pffff... The poor girl.

I can't either actually, but as i mentioned later in my addendums i think i found the way to fix that.

I see.

(It wouldn't even be much of an issue if the story of this event didn't suck)

Oh boy, more things that are bad about these games. At this point, I think you're criticizing them more than me. And you're the one who supposedly loves them!

I think that's my favorite character in this game.

*Points gun* "Always has been"

(Though aside from the animal ears and maybe the lollipop the rest isn't really THAT "relevant" imo)

Well, I suppose I've higher standards for what isn't a "big oppai cringe" design.

I don't understand, what does that have to do with poets?


Actually it's a sledgehammer: you can't see the top because it got cut out of the pic when i trimmed it.


But yeah, it seems to be just an ordinary sledgehammer.

How difficult can it be to swing a sledgehammer around? It may take some strength, but this girl has arms the width of my finger. Pretty sure I could do it.

You cut out the part where she goes AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Ask SF's devs, not me: that's just how the site crops up pictures when they are too long.

Which is good. We don't want huge images to overflow the threads.

Her powers aren't even fire-based. Unlike her 5* counterpart.

That's even more random than Kaga's names.

Nope: Kaga i did it first.

You're Kaga?!?!?!? Unbelievable...!

Ask the author of that post.

I don't think I will.


... nope.


Okay, that's... the other power of lollipops.

Dunno, i don't know that much about MG: i figured you would know instead.

I'm not the biggest expert on Metal Gear, myself. I just said Metal Gear because, well, c'mon, look at that guy. He looks like he'd be right at home having a wrestling match with Senator Armstrong.

So that person's whole character is that they're Saul. Check.

They are those things people wave at concerts. Or at least those things japanese people wave at concerts. Or at least those things japanese people wave at concerts in anime.

My headcanon's still that Miles Edgeworth is swinging glowing dildos for no reason. It's much more... beautiful.



Did you just... tell me nobody loves me? How dare you, I'll kill you!

That's a skin though, not an alt character.

What does it matter? Skins, alts... same rubbish. If I wanted to see characters I like in swimsuits, I'd browse DeviantArt. Or Rule34.

Also, that's the artist's self-insert (though now that you mentioned it, the way he draws Griffin's uniforms does make them look just like Miles Reiji's garbs.

Hmm, I see--


Wh... What's wrong with Miles?

Here, I got a better one for you: Benjamin Hunter.

Then you give no choice:


Ahahahahahahah... Okay, good one.

Enphasys on "Edits".

I see. I think.

Just replace "Kokodayo!" with "Always has been" and you'll get it. Maybe.




(Had you already seen the unpublished episodes too?)

Probably not, it was a long time ago. I just remember the one where Toadette tells Luigi she's his biggest fan and he actually got a good ending for once. Luigi just... deserves the world. He gets more personality in the Luigi's Mansion franchise than Mario does in the main franchise. Heck, Mario gets more personality in the Luigi's Mansion franchise than Mario does in the main franchise. Luigi's Mansion best Mario franchise, is what I'm saying.

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(Yes, i know that they are not really planning to die there, but eh)

They might if they don't hurry the fuck up!

Daoud comes out of nowhere and hacks her in half.

Good, more horny fanart. Great.

Hwahahahaha... Marcel and Derrick in a nutshel.


Zima. That's okay. No exposed skin or oversized bewbs? That's better. The face is as generic as the rest, but I suppose that's asking too much. 8/10. Conglaturation, you did it, Arknights.

...And the punchline is...?


No, no, wait! Double back! What's the punchline? That joke has no punchline!




Ooouch, that's brutal.

Wait, what...? Is there a random old man that's playable among the generic waifus? That cannot be, there has to be another explanation! Old men don't sell!




I saw it first, Swordsaint!

Qn32vp52 oNope, i'm Heidi's granpa. Again.

3cxl4xfi oOh sorry, i got the wrong person. Again.

He really does look exactly like Heidi's grandpa.

Seeing how fabulous all of his animations are, I could believe it.




This girl has the right attitude.


She even looks like Ruby if Ruby was in a bad gacha game!


This one's cool as well. I dig the hoodie, too.


Ahah! Great.

That escalated quickly.


Horsemen! Damn those bastards... exterminate them all!



That has nothing to do with anything, but it's a very true comic.

Incidentally, for a while I thought Nowi was from Fates.


That did not end well, did it?




Quite true. Unless your name is Faye. Faye is immortal.

That reminds me of the time I did that Hunger Games thing in TRS, and the Brilliant Dumbass activated an explosion that killed Holmes and myself. Grrrrr... it's not a happy memory, I can tell you that much! Butterman's waifu won! That was so frustrating...


...That last question is quite worrying.


Whoa, watch the fucking language!

(Incidentally, that SPEQ was the "grand prize" for Isomer's ranking: yes, it'd be MUCH more useful used that way than actually equipping her with it)

Even this game's fans hate the developer. Lovely. But at least you've a developer. Us TF2 fans watched Valve leave to buy cigarettes, and they never came back. We're abandoned children, each and every one of us.

...Then again, even if it's abandoned, our game at least is good.






These lines are so cheesy. "THIS DIVINE LIGHTNING SHALL PIERCE THE SKIES" tier of cheese. I unironically love that line, by the way, so take that as a compliment to your favorite game.




Is this Sylvis? No, too much swearing. She's Hilda! The real Hilda, that is.


Greythroat? That's not a good sign... Chain smoking is unhealthy, you know.



That's a really obscure reference I'm not sure I even got right, please bear with me


Why is everyone a pervert?




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(Just because)

Hi, person.



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(Same as above)

(Also, this was the PV for the 1st season)




On 8/8/2020 at 8:06 AM, Benice said:
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SMH my head you didn't say "Maybe."

That is true.

















Welp, may as well respond to the last update I commented on while I'm here!

Go on ahead!

Success! I got him! Orbel, however, likes axes and blocked the gate and died.

To be fair, I don't think Orbel gets you anything other than Paramythis's scene. Which, admittedly, is so awesome that it's a shame to lose it.

...And I would have been completely toasted if not for the guard skill, as I didn't have any bow units.


But he shall now go to the bench because he is the Best Healer, and is therefore bad.

Hah! That's... even more neurotic than me. I always make exceptions for people I like. Like Owen. I like Owen.

Eheh....I kinda sorta got Faye to level ten...

Before chapter 5 even started...

Again, chapter 8 ain't bad.

But I'm mostly sad that she can't promote yet. Please...I just need her promoted for chapter 6 for the EZ kill on Minas' boyfriend whose name I can't recall!

Feed her food!

Or... you know, kill her. That seems to be good for her happiness.

I will! Eat that!

You will have my undying respect if you manage it.

But Tauroneo is an unironically good unit!

Yes. He's also a person I like, thus he gets a Saint Rubenio Good Unit pass. Seriously, that moustache alone makes him the best character in Tellius. Alongside Titania, because hormones, I guess.

Uh...Clarine has blonde hair and a horse after promotion, and Saphira has blonde hair, ergo they are the same unit?

Please. Saphira is lucky she is nothing like Clarine. In fact, everyone is lucky they're nothing like Clarine. They'd all be dead if they were.

They're not the same character? I've been hoodwinked!

I'm sorry

Hoodwinked? That's a nice word. I must write it down. Thanks.



On 8/8/2020 at 11:23 PM, Golb89 said:

Well, that's because... wait, you read my comments?!


I mean, they are public comments.



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Pretty sure you can figure out where they would have been in my previous post if their authors had uploaded them a few hours earlier:

(And the original version too, because why not)

This format is unbearable I swear.



No, not maybe. It is absolutely dreadful. How's one supposed to reply to anything when I can't write between the things?

Also, gonna be on vacation for the next 2 weeks, meaning much more limited time and internet: see nya!


See you around!





On 8/9/2020 at 2:41 PM, Aethin said:
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This guy's Japanese name is Basuku, that is, "Basque."  I pray our resident Iberian will forgive me for switching this to an actual name.

Forgive? I thank you for changing shit like this and Huerto!

Maybe I should've google translated all of his lines into Euskera instead.

Ahahahah... This got a good hearty laugh out of me. Thanks.

Unlike in earlier patches, where I had changed magical incantations and prayers and such into Irish, these lines by Simas are a more-or-less "faithful" translation (minus the fact that I forgot to include the second line):

#‥セー・フィア‥●[30]モー・セル‥        see fia moo seru
#‥アーフ・ラーマ‥●[30]ヴィー・ダー‥    aafu raama vii daa

Oh. Well, that's okay. It's not like I can undertand it, anyway.

There's also a much later quotation by [REDACTED] casting Berserk, which seems to be in some Romance language:

ケ・ベルバ・ラ・バァーサクッ!!!      ke beruba ra baasaku-!!!

Maybe they're some kind of badly-translated French?

""C'est fier mon celle... Affurrement vie d'â..."
"Que verbe la berserque!!!"

(I'm basically making shit up at this point, I don't think the above "sentences" are even remotely sensible or made of proper words)

Kaga, the man who spoke many languages. Badly.

Behold, the only time the Huntress class appears! It's actually the female variant of the Highlander class (and it is named as such in the Japanese version). Man, I wish Sherpa could use bows and crossbows...

The female variant of the highlander class that is... completely different from the highlander class. 'Kay then.

1w4wvxim o...'kay.

Pffffft! I wish that's what he actually replied.

Also, one thing I missed from before is that the intended implication with ya boi Almuth is that he had a little crush on Enid, but he's just kinda stuck as the shoulder to cry on in this situation, since he understands that Enid only has eyes for Percy. He's too decent & meek of a guy to try and take advantage of their fight, and he knows he's going to be leaving soon anyway, so he's just bearing with it and moving on with his life.

Ohhhhh... So that's why... Ahhh...

That explains a lot of things. Things that first-timers won't understand just yet. For now, though, let's just appreciate that Almuth is the greatest person and won't take advantage of the situation even though he doesn't know Perceval.



Get straight to the point:

Vmnvuht5 o

Last time, Sherpa encountered an old friend and they left on a romantic stroll under the moonlight. With spears pointing at his vital organs. While we wait for them to return, we'll wrap up the map.

Ni6097lr o

Another passive soldier. What's with this AI? Are they programmed to zero-in on the ballisticians or what? That's such a terrible idea...

Hprijxnx o


Shiyhmtv o

Meryl's out. It's only Simas left and then we can focus on the ballisticians. Not that the villagers were ever in any danger.

3sqieokz o

A knight this time. It seems they're finally starting to up their game. That's not good...

Hnmyxgzk oFoxxwqd4 oCiw6a4gg o

On this side, an axeman with throwing axes and counter. That's a peculiar choice. Counter won't work if he's attacked at close range.

Wwldwwxk o

First of all, let us get rid of this guy before he tries to murder Ward again.

4qdinubz oOtmvmeau oLlrn8r2b o

I'm glad Axel is the best as usual.

Ckr0zbd2 o

Hah! That's neat.

Kno2a5ao o

...Ah! Axel!

Zuklulnn oG1ytam7l o

Axel, no! Shit...

Kzgyklhs o

Die, damn you!

Zrz4ngky oPesw0usi o

Axe skill and a level. Fine, let's have it. Can it be a good one?

Hzuyatyu o

It's good, all right.

J5z6qq97 oHhux2pl2 o

Some more sword training for Ruby. Can you please get points already? Pretty please?

Dcplsmig o

Ahhh, at last. Thank you, Ruby.

Apbfnrnh o52huc4gz o


0uykivt5 o

You'd do me a pretty big favor if you died.

Ktdhqdyb o

That wasn't so hard, was it?

Qlti2mbr o

Uhhh, Reese level!

3pk8uvsd o

Pretty great! I can't wait for his promotion.

28csxu7m o

The bishop's out, and that's sidequest nº 3 fulfilled. Now we just need to get back alive so we can give Bluck Morrison's parcel. Should be simple enough.

Incidentally, there's a pretty stupid mistake visible in this image. So it's time to play "spot the LPer's mistake". Winners get imaginary cookies.

Jlhbsgdg oXjrpuprl o

Some healing for Ruby, courtesy of Best Healer.

Hghxr32n o


17mbimrz o

Oh, thank God...

Xzltjo5v oOnrtdqo2 o

Having reached level 10 already, Faye is in no hurry to get any more kills.

Pwuy66vl o

Ahhhhh, fuck my life... There's the mistake. Burroughs has two move. Kramer was standing two hexes away from him. So he only moved one.

Leave it to me to screw myself over when the game itself finally stops doing it.

Rpm8yhip o

Burroughs isn't entirely blameless, however. He has Hurry, but he won't use it! What gives!?

Kqdzbiaw oFkqi0blu o

In any case, Ward--

Ward! Dude, what happened!?

Lyuzfvbw o

Get back, Ward. I am disappointed in you!

...Ahh, I'll get over it the next time you land a strike.

Bh7g8yem o

If you squint your eyes, you can just about see the combat forecast.

Fspbb9ol o


Vpyjqtwh o

Yet another guy who doesn't attack immediately. Fine by me.

Qhe6lnt8 o

Rossweisse time it is!

Wf6y8a1l oO93ddtow o

Hah! If that works it's going to be hilarious.

Bhcgmf96 o

Nope. Oh, well. It's okay.

Xvencfkv o

Since Sylvis has doubled back to help with the reinforcements, it's up to Enid and Kramer to ensure the ballisticians' safety.

G9zvejuk o

Ah! Crossbowman!

Fcovsbcl o

Holy shit... Holy shit, that is so scary...! I think he has almost 30 might, adding the arrows's power! Blistering barnacles...!

Mwahlcq2 o

Nobody on this side, though. Thank goodness. That means I don't have to hurry to get Axel to hide.

Z1zyyros o1iollsvw oYvredqua o

Let's go, Ruby. I'm hoping for skill points in your next level. Do not disappoint me.

7ymyohyv o5tmr2svy o

Jikes... shit...!

Ohz0vopj o

This guy has to go immediately. I want that crossbowman to enjoy as little help as possible.

E3a8ie0h o


Ofrvfruc oLgr5ej8a o

Ahahahahahah! The Leen Meen Creet Macheen Reese is back in town, baby!

Rcwqshv4 oYec5uu5x o

Also, sword skill.

Lcu2m7yt o

I think this was a misclick. I think.

It6vcywy o

I am so done with this guy. Time to Pulverize.

Bbxasnin o

No! What?! This guy is even worse than the soldier from the other update!

Dalszdkf o

Oh dear.

Mfvk15tp o

Hoooo! Oh, that could've been really bad...

Xb0vtzdu o

...Oh my God that is so risky... I can't do this...!

O1gz0zkk oNh7xak8h o

Ward redeems himself!

1smtd7g7 oHvvrxoqn oCjuwd0dg o

And with that, Marcel finishes him off for some more experience.

Aauommvb o

Nice. A black screenshot. I'm only showing this because I'm the most skilled man in the world.

Vehh3pbc o

Actually, what happened here is that this Imperial, in an attempt to attack Faye, moved into Sylvis's Overwatch range. Heheheheheh...

Joephswi o1tultj3t o

The damage isn't all that amazing, but it's fine!

Ymz3peuh o

If we could kill this guy sooner than later, that'd be great.

5efcvxlh o6ox0d0oq o

C'mon, Faye...

Tas5lz46 o


Sxbeglhu o

Oh! Oh! Oh! It's still going, it's still going!

Ym10x6ki oBednbery o


Aetpuxem oJx86kdfz o

Take that, haters. Faye good. Er... when she's not busy getting killed by my blunders. Frankly, I think the problem here isn't Faye, it's me.

Vxnkzvoj o

A free broadaxe. This will be nice for another of the atelier's busted axes.

Rsqo1ojo oCxdrsbs9 oXz2sol3x o

Not a perfect heal, but it's not like it would've made a difference. If that crossbowman doesn't go to hell post-haste, she's going to die no matter what.

Edwparjp o

I'm going to have Daoud hang back a bit. He's not strong enough to be so close to the enemy spawn point.

Wdzzmcms o


C1fym9rk o

No reinforcements here, but... Oh, God, we've run into a dilemma. Do I kill the gunner, or do

Aby6haoc oWcqukjbj o

I save Axel. Ruby and Reese will both survive, and... Honestly, Faye dying again would suck, but at least it wouldn't be permanent.

Iysenyvy o

Wha... Why is he going after Reese again? Why not Faye!? What is this? Is he just trying to force a reset, is that it? Because that's such a stupid idea!

Xrr10rhg oM9rhr75y o

Well, that couldn't have gone any better. Phew...

Lzsfimny oKzhnxkdu o

Since this guy failed miserably, there's no need to Gram him. Let's instead waste Rossweisse uses.

9mq3lvgt o

Sorry, I've just... kinda fallen in love with this bow. Look at that damage! 100% accuracy, too! This is too much...! I should never have dismissed this weapon just because the magic boost seemed useless!

Qnylamig o

And now she's even more foolproof!

Aamprupx o

If she fails, then we Gram.

Zbknlgxg oOoxbsxys o

Very good. Then we won't Gram.

Tvepj9fw o

A coin!

9a3xegow o

Faye, run down. Perhaps you'll join Kramer and Enid. Though, at this point, I think you should take my "plans" with a grain of salt. I tend to forget them over the course of a turn.

Cnwavxsg oHxdhagzi o

Now, on to the other side. Ward, get us started!

Awwi28ch oPqcmsckh o

Now their only option is Marcel. Hah, good luck with that!

Uuojewkz oLutpj6jv oCmjhwlnn o

How'd that work out for you, mm?

Metnhmuq oMjkniv0p o

And now, for the finisher!

Tnyfwntk o97belxne o

Come now... Please...!

Yqag6lpl o

That's all right, at least.

Klmucsia o

I think Daoud can stay in the church to heal his paper cuts he's been sporting the entire map.

Itvujzoj o

Wait, how does the church heal units if it has already been evacuated? Oh, well, I guess it's best not to question it.

Also, that soldier did not attack. Why is it only the spearmen...?

Znuflyjb o

Not looking bad so far... Unless they throw a curveball at us, we should be--

Rnbshcmf o

Yeah, that's not a curveball.

Bw0gtr4t o

...That... may prove to be a slight inconvenience.

Wrdp6vbs o

Also, another big knight appeared up here, I just missed him in my screenshot.

Bzdp44qd o

Let us kill him, then.

Q6lpczqk oMtjrkrip o

No crits, sadly, but thanks to Adept, Reese has gotten through almost half his healthbar.

W0xpiasn o

Look, he's provoked, too! That's going to come in handy.

Mbxosret o

But first, Marcel has to fend off some fans. He's really famous, you see. Nobody can believe the legend of the 12-year-old knight until they see him in person.

Moyggm2e oI7nvnsfb oWqkf94lx o

I mean, at least he didn't use up his shield.

Qgvsproh oUvaprhs3 o

He's gotta bolt now, though. Bolt'n heal.

Izjvwwp8 o

Okay, so I've got the most brilliant idea.

0c8syihb o

That's actually perfect. The knight will be invalidated by Sylvis, and the armor guy will not attack anyone because he's angry at Reese.

Q9jykfkx oAb2jfpe1 o

Poor little Razites. Can't get past this!

Ak3axgh1 o

Now, let's see...

Iy4rtkno o

10 damage in total with the estoc? Eh... could be better.

Bv28zhmq o

With a spear, she'll deal less damage if he uses his shield, but more if he doesn't. Eh, I'm fine with this gamble.

7cv0tvfa o

Just... please don't miss. Oh, wow, she turned her spear into a heavenly arrow!

Ise5pvfg o

Niceeeeeee, that's what I like to see! Except, well, no skill points. But no worries. We're getting there.

A3cffsmq o

Now, Faye can finish the job.

3lpyn4tk oX3l3hecn o

Almost at another level.

Uuvodlmv o

And now, this guy walks right past all the squishies on his way to Reese. All according to plan.

Vplpgveo o

If you're wondering why I'm checking this guy's range, it's because...

...Actually, I've forgotten what it was, but seeing how I was too panicky to remember to take a screenshot of his equipment, it's probably bad.

Pzuwgssz o

Oh yeah, I was definitely panicking. Where's Ward even going now?

Ecczyjk9 o

Ohhh, right, he's freeing the space for Axel to attack.

7guf1lso o0ljz637g o

An exemplary job, as per usual.

C7145fyh oHf4rdwdp o

That was the last francisca. He'll have to bust out the hatchets soon enough. Also, 95 experience.

Ykj6v7jp o

Ahhh, and he took the man's iron spear! These things are great, so I'm glad he did. Thanks a lot, Axel!

Ire1bdsp o

That guy's definitely going to catch Burroughs if I don't do something.

Krrjm4vv o

Daoud, you can join the lower team. You're not doing anything up there.

Omzq6kmx o

Now, let's do the following: Kramer will stand on a cliff. Since he has Climber, he doesn't lose avoid from this. If the knight makes the mistake of attacking him, he will lose all avoid, but Kramer won't. In other words, this is a very smart, high IQ move.

1oebguxz oHfhn85he o

In the meantime, Enid can wound him with Perceval's teachings.

Wait, no, she actually nailed him.

...Ahhh, sorry. I can't make fun of him in good conscience after Enid's promotion event...

Xaoynccm o

Also, Ruben made a whoopsie, as usual.

Dvxwepqp o




Mdyrwpky o

Ohh, that shield's an Erzheimer item.


L3mlqtwm o

Fuck that. I don't care about anything else, Axel's hiding away first thing. Anyone but Axel.

Ssrdekpo o

Oh, I didn't show it, but a cavalier appeared down where the heavy knight was. So yeah, even more problems for the ballisticians. I'm glad I put Kramer where I did... it may not've been of much use against the heavy knight, but if I hadn't done that, this guy would've circled around the cliff. And then he'd be in range of the ballistae...

Rxusaud2 oExgm8acj oVhypm8qi o

Also, Kramer has done a most excellent job.

Rqybzrrq o

Finally! Finally, it has started! The first ballista is out. But if Burroughs doesn't make it, it won't matter...

Ptlrtbxp o

Holy hell, this is so scary...

Axpqqtfq o

Okay, so let's mark the end of his charge range...

Hq1xfp1v o

...Aaaaahhhhhh to hell with it, Marcel can take that.

G9cyvfnw o

...I... I hope.

Zytweiv0 o

Can't forget about the other side, either. This guy is scary enough on his own.

Bhfnjdh2 oYnguwxnh oQlrb8qul oXur1wn2f o

He was no match for the Meen Leen Creet Macheen Reese, though.

Od6mw2nm o

Oh, goodness...

6nzu5zra oDrpth9q9 oNycamt7y oNod1mb8f o

...Wait, what? Why did he use his standard arrows? He can't damage Marcel with them! 2 damage with the ember arrows is better than nothing!

Kpm34nmq o

Oh, man, another shield down the drain... Well, he's worked so hard today that I can't say I feel like it's been a complete waste. He'll have to pack a ton of leather shields in the future, though.

Zj1mschd o

You! You're dead. No distractions allowed when we face the lancer!

Hjzkv3yd oQlng2hz8 o

Why am I getting this terrible feeling of déjà vu...

Jmuaf4tv o

Goddamnit, of course...

8cyocfly o

Get out, Ward... Quick!

Kvli3wqr o

Fuck me, here it comes... Brace for impact, Marcel! This'll be the ultimate test for your tanking capabilities!

Loqyddud o


Hzqrqcdt oF8rro2zi o

Aaaaaaack! Gwaahah... Okay. Okay. We're good. We're golden. And now he can't Canto away, because he used up his full movement. That is good, that is great.

Xo8a1qwm o

Daoud keeps running to assist Kramer and Enid.

Lnprowf3 o

Now... about this guy.

Wvxhcxmb oPwp7zqtq o

He will fall swiftly. Especially because he failed to shield himself from Kramer.

U5p9atxc o

This team needs help. Urgently.

Kzz2jm2r o

First, however, these guys need to take care of a little problem of their own.

0kgam3at o

I really need to stop using the Rossweisse, but... Jesus, look at that. I cannot stop, it's too good!

Wble6m7y o

Of course Burroughs is the last one to move. Why wouldn't he be?

Qunvah3k o

Now, this has a small chance of failure that... By all means, I should've accounted for. I didn't. I'm a genius.

Zpjtrxuq o2uezczsx o

...Urrrghh... Why do I take these reckless risks? After all I've been through...

Lgknpyi0 o

Noooo... Ruby, don't... don't do this... this sucks every time it happens... please...

Xarfzobb o

Well, then. Let's take out our frustrations on this fellow. If Kramer dodges. If not, it'll be the opposite.

Fcdnkcxj oBwzpmvwf o04m5z3in oXhk4im2k o

Damn, even more of this? Kramer's on fire today!

Xsiwruiq oLuzpsayw o

And now, it's up to Enid to finish this off.

Iocrwqw6 oCnydde1j o

Burn! Burn to the ground!

Cnydde1j oIsjcfyoh o


Jpkbxcmj o

...Oh, no... no, no, no... Axel has been revealed? Fuck... Frack!

26eph5kg o

Dang...! More enemies.

Ydeshm5h o

Axel is at full health now, at least. That's something. The lancer is too close to be truly effective this turn, but I still want him dead.

0njba5wj o

Meeehh... That could work, but he misses and he's fucked. That's why I was so scared of this guy: it's another crossbowman with a brave crossbow.

3uoadszm o

Yeah, no. When it comes to Axel, safety comes first.

Scpjbjbp o

Oh, Christ... She's on a cliff, too. That avoid...! Eeesh!

Wwggi9wj oU5y2k8lp o

Oh, phew... She persevered, in spite of the avoid penalty.

Hoax0mrk o

So did he, though... bleh.

V4kssyid o

Second ballistician is out. Now we cannot lose unless Reese or Ward die. It's just a matter of getting the remaining two out safely...

Yyfqensb o


Vjrjt2ii o

Fall down and-- D'oooowww...

Ul6pswig o

That is something, at least.

4m8djgva oPo9dojy6 oSszjsqjx o

Marcel equips his final shield and picks up Ward's vulnerary for himself.

Iopqxorl o

This guy, too, flees to heal.

8baayfdb o

Now, for this side. I want everyone other than Reese outta there.

Iiob3v6v o

Oh, for fuck's sake...

Od9amsdi o9nodkyn6 o

Gaaaaahhh! Stop it!

Vyzsu2zj o

Damnit, not the horse...

5hwopa1o o

Sylvis leaves the danger zone as well.

Incidentally... Did that lancer just sit right next to Ward instead of running away to gain some distance for his next charge? What is he, an idiot?

Xtea3lfx oWs4yhifg o

Second horseman fails just like the first.

Fhn82rfr o

Now-- Oh, goodness gracious...

P3tr0tuw o

I am sorry. You cannot be allowed to live.

Eyqqurwz o5cuukgzb o

Hahahahahah-- Oh, dang it, one HP away from death... I mean, sure, he still has the second hit, but that's a second use of the Gram he didn't have to waste.

Prxqkbu3 oVz6fphzs o

Oh, another crit? Pffft... At this rate, he'll have performed more critical hits than regular hits in this map!

Bpkyscca o

New Reese level. May it be great and fruitful.

B0zyibkn o

I mean... It could've been speed only.

Zmrs5bbc o

Now, run and cover Ruby. I'd like to cover Sylvis, but it's impossible. I don't have four units to surround her. She'll just have to take it.

Gh8gnutg oYez1y3ci o8ghpvxxj oLncndl6w o

Marcel continues to take no damage from anyone. I love knights in this game. I know they're not the best, but at least in this one they can do their one job properly.

Rob0dm19 o

Everyone continues to run. Closer to the lance, which I'm completely fine with. The less damage he can deal with his charge, the better.

Kwj7uylv o

Down south, Enid finishes off the cavalier.

Borwl3ux oBr3y45gm o

Well landed.

Bey9ev2e o

I'm done demanding magic from you, though it would be much appreciated still.

Wmhvklqe o

Ehhhhh... Fire accuracy is all right, but sword level for Enid might as well be nothing at this point.

8xqk6ugu o

Awesome, a second-rate horse! It's better than the thin ones, anyway.

5jmlpft4 o

Oh, no... Oh, God... Oh, man! Shit! Burroughs is in range of the brave crossbow guy!

Nuyumulz o

Ahhh, fuck... Okay, let's try this. He won't die if he gets hit, anyway.

6clafaxp o

Still, I'm glad he got the hit through.

Xsldm7v1 o

Oh, please. Even more problems... That's an erased Owen if I don't move him.

Joyuelm1 o

That is better. I'm pretty sure he can't kill anyone now.

0uqkacxc o

Soldiers? Bah, that's nothing. Kramer and Enid can deal with that without breaking a sweat. It's just the crossbowman that could get troublesome...

Yxre5fmg o

...Hoo! That almost was a problem too. Almost.

Incidentally, that's a new turn. Which means the lancer has to go.

Rjc0wws2 o

Reese, you do the honors. Or, well, try to. But you're the Leen Meen Creet Macheen Reese. A crit and he's toast. Do it!

Nh54l90b o

Oh, fuck! An injury! That might be nice... we could try getting that shield of his. Assuming he lives, of course, which might not happen.

Kv6owpbn oClwns2ux o

Hmmmm... Well, shit. It may be worth attempting a capture.

Pziua7iu o

He charges at Reese in retaliation.

Bcb2s1wg o

It did not work.

E2yghldr o

Hmmm... He ran a bit too far, though...

Tq2tjxnc o

Now... For this guy. I did the math, and I'm 87% sure he has the exact damage he needs to one-round Burroughs.

...Okay, so, I think we can all see that the guy's clearly glowing red. Which means he's going to go after Daoud no matter what. So Burroughs is safe.

You know who didn't see this? Past me.

Hwurxmgr o

For a moment I contemplated doing this. This absurdly risky move that could've gotten Axel killed.

Qiknu3hy oO7hbazm5 o

Thankfully, I eventually realized I could just put Daoud in front of Burroughs to keep him from getting killed. Phew... That could've been a disaster, and entirely my fault too.

Gbilf59k o

Time for some more Rossweissing.

3s5cypqb o8vfx02ul o

Another hit and he's down.

Nwe7agf3 o

Ahhh! Fuck, I hadn't foreseen this!

Hiyvd0ut o

Nooooohohohohoooooh! Owen!

Suz8q5k5 o

Heal Owen, heal Owen! Quick!

4xkgoejn oB7zcbkah o

Ohhh, thank goodness...

2f8vuvdl oM4uwe5kg o

This happens as planned.

G2fbvsgt o

Daoud took two points of damage and got a shield point out of it. Good show!

Ptde2zfx o

...Well, it won't be such a good show if I can't kill him right now.

F6nzldhm o

But I think I'd like to do this first. If both this rider and the soldier go after Sylvis, it could be bad.

Tt8asv4a o

One less problem on our plates. That's less plates I'll be needing.

Doah3f9y o

Sword'n spear, sword'n spear, sword'n spear!

42clvhxu o

Ahhhh, well, that's pretty good! Defense is awesome, plus a free sword point! That promotion is ever closer to becoming a reality.

9mxicwcq o

Now, get back.

J8dskejh o5fojyqzx o

Faye begins to work on the horseman. I want everyone dead by the end of the turn.

N2nqdme1 oNqsuj0pc oDbm2sgyo o

The soldier to the west failed to do much of note. You know, I'm pretty sure at this point, she could do the 1-range counter with a light sword.

K5pyikxf o24rf9kmm o

Then Marcel-- eeeeeeeeell! Damnit, Marcel! Balderdash and piffle!

Cfxqrfxq oIf you notice Faye and Marcel haven't moved, it's because I took these screenshots earlier, but they didn't fit there

Now... this guy. I completely fucked up the math and thought 8 + 7 = 14. Thus, I thought this killed the guy, even though it didn't, it only left him at 1 HP.

Tb0a7ni9 o

So I tried this instead, because, again, 8 + 7 = 14, so this just deals a bit of damage to him.

4qqnknn0 oAdsxdg2q oQnrkktkd o

Yeah. How did that go for you, dumb tactician of the past? Urrrk...

Tyvilgoj oWeycswho o

Fuck it, then. We'll get other chances to nab this shield. Let's just down this guy before he can skewer someone.

Uezc9wcj oMwbmme9t o

One hitpoint? Meh, could be worse. Could be speed.

Zd90ghp3 o

Now, let's give this a shot.

Qqjlknbv o

Ah, there's Perceval's influence.

...Fuck, sorry, really, I am, it's just... he's so easy to pick on...


...You think if Perceval and Enid got together he'd miss her v

Xppnqowi oIpscgve3 o

Okay, swift bow asshole is back for more, and he's going after Axel!

Izhghhr6 o0uvzhfnk o

He half succeeded. Which is fine, I guess. Better than a full success.

T6t21ell o

Hmmm... can't be helped. Gotta try this.

Pujzlsdy o

Phew... would've been awkward to salvage the situation if that hadn't worked.

Qdjicfv6 oU6vuajas o

Not a bad haul.

Zrclg0r7 o9q1mdyj5 o

That's another turn gone, and also a new wave of rein-- Oohh, shoot! A general? That can only mean one thing.

8ykd3mqm o

Indeed, it is today's third tactics point! It's walked itself to us.

5fwuzto1 o

Let's allow Axel to patch himself up before we talk about him.

X8hnr3a4 oDwmzsu2x o

The secondary villain from Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (one hell of a coincidence, eh?) is kinda like Ortmann but not really. For one, he appears a whole two turns earlier, and he's not surrounded by troops, so he's far easier to get to. To compensate, he's tougher than Ortmann, rocking a knight sword (which, as we know, is a brave sword) and Counter for good measure. Anyone who attacks Von Beck risks taking two strikes to the face. Still, magic will easily down him.

Or it would, if I wasn't woefully unprepared for this encounter. Enid is too far away, and I'd rather not risk Owen's life, thank you very much.

Ysxoerej o3et4bdjf o

Also, these guys have appeared on the easter side of the map. The chu-ko-nu is scary enough, but then there's the priest. See that? That is not just an Erzheimer item: It's an Erzheimer item that we won't want to give up immediately, because it's absolutely godly. Mages don't care about speed and already have no defense, so that's just a flat 3 magic they're getting. This is a huge boost, and both Aegina and Perceval would greatly benefit from it. We just need to get it off this guy...

Fluhfcph oAxbwxfn3 o

First, however, we must do some cleaning up.

Zpushj9e o

And some leveling up! Make it a good one. I always ask for the same, but you guys don't always respond appropriately.

Voui3jlo o

See? Sigh... Well, no matter. You've gotten some good levels in the past, and the important thing is that you're a bit closer to getting move, anyway.

T1it6t7p o


Fcqdvh9h oNqk4lr2j o

I think I just shit myself.

Faye, you goddamned... Get recruited already so I can give your miracle charm to Owen! I won't sleep soundly until I do...

Spqmuozc o

Oh look. Ballistician is gone.

Sojtfj0i o1hgs73nw oGc7e4bom o

This isn't the Rossweisse any more, it's just a regular bow with Aim. Because at some point I have to exercise some restraint, no?

3cjjwopi o

Now, let's circle around him and let Ruby finish the job with a spear.

Djgmjvbq oV3crwv8o o



Pihtvnyw o

For fuck's sake, really? Can everyone please stop bullying Owen?

Brlhxmxc o

Thank goodness he's great at dodging. I cannot wait to give him a miracle charm...

Ezr084zl o

You bastard of a bastard... You nearly killed Owen!

Dvrfp7ca oKky5791i o

You'll die for that! Die! Die!

Lola4bf9 oSstorx6x o

He's gone now, Owen...

4vjllkcl oExfpknos o

Now... I think Reese will take care of the priest. A quick Gramming should suffice to get us that brace of his, and then he can run from the chu-ko-nu bastard on his horse.

Ehkl72wi o

To that end, Reese waits at the edge of the crossbowman's range. Ward, meanwhile, rolls down the cliff.

Bfxtw2vw o

Ahah! Yeah, sure. Never. That's when I'll give this a shot.

H4tov4v4 o

You can just run.

Yiee2kpj o

No, not you. I'd much rather you stayed put.

Skekcztw o

This damn soldier. You can just go fuck right off.

Ykmhyhsn oBtbkyy7m o


Zyfrlzwk o

Yes, great!

Hfine3kg oRncpdlb9 o

Uhhh, new level! Let us have it!

Ndif1kdk o


Ep1ddlvl o

C'mon, Burroughs. You're almost there. Just a bit further!

Xa0adk2j o

Speaking of, I think Daoud can leave. I don't see him doing much more at this point.

S0nk3pkc o

Well, looks like we've won to me.

S3kur12b oLpigtwme o

Bit of healing for Ward, and...

Klpbegvo o

I think it was around this point that I realized "oh fuck this is an escape mission and half my army is on the other side of the map."

7oqr37zo o

Also, Von Beck seems to have no intention of charging at us.

Lrxzj1sf o

The plan was to deal with the priest, but I'm pretty sure Reese won't be able to Canto far enough to avoid the crossbowman. Thus...

8xbi2jra oWxb3j9t1 o

I marked the priest's range and then attacked him instead.

Iwwb9ne7 oQ9zrpmd6 oBvximehz o

Groovy. Does anyone still use that word? Bah, whatever...

6ehsovje o

Reese can deal with the priest next turn, and then get out.

7i4kqy4w o

Oh, fuck... Damnit, that's too much damage...!

Dnj5zdoi oH00uy2ec oV0tijkmg oZ8riqj6t o

I don't know what I was worried about. This is Sylvis we're talking about.

Ubjq9yub o

About time, goddamnit! Got me a little worried for a bit there, but he made it in the end. He'll be completely fine now.

Pki25tiw o

Since we've got a little bit of time, let's try and do something with Von Beck. Ruby can make it back in three turns with her horse.

Wb1rcs8c o

No weapons, so as not to trigger a Counter.

Sf4ycxkr o

You're going down! How dare you try to harm my Sylvis? I-I mean Sylvis. Just Sylvis.

Mh5ojtqp o

The point is, you're dead and she's alive.

Egkcmto8 o

A level!

Nwojzpwd o

Well, that is okay. More HP and dodge... I'm fine with this, I guess.

C5nu8mm1 o

Gold? Neat.

Ribduqg6 o

Here he comes, the garbage bag.

Naalnbzg o

The guys on foot really need to get going now, though. Faye and Marcel especially. Marcel is slow and Faye is way too far away.

Zs7qofjk o

Hmmm... You know, maybe Daoud shouldn't be leaving just yet. I might need all hands on deck here. Wouldn't want to lose someone to these two scrubs. That'd be so embarrassing.

Y3qakd4d o2jumyjmf oCbowbvud o

Let us deal with them swiftly, shall we?

Uifzand8 o

That is not swift, Kramer. He's still alive.

Qnpa9wx4 o

Ah, no time for that now! Here comes Von Beck!

Jlnjuv2l o

Von Beck's theme.

Sorry, wrong link. Von Beck's actual theme.

Ccpugqto o

Wmtod0gi oHad you fled sooner, we could not have caught you like this... But now, you will die a meaningless death, as you deserve!

Nn9trpon o

Big words. Let's have it then.

V2wvef7m oRxv3tlru o

Well, that could've gone worse.

I26rrad8 o

Now, if we get lucky, this could perhaps be it for this lowly soldier.

Y31yxakt oZboqld8j oVaelfmb3 o

I suppose it just wasn't to be.

Xvgoug6i o

Yes, yes, Reese. I know it's turn 20. I'm on it.

Ct48s3dx o

Oh God, that's no good.

K7xf1hd3 o

Well, either way, she has to run at max speed if she wants to stand a chance to make it to the escape point. It's turn 20... To be honest, I'm afraid for her. Killing that soldier with her was a mistake. She might not reach safety in time...

Oujljjfl oFsqhmu2x o
N6ovaggl o

Meanwhile, Enid gets attacked by a soldier because I was too busy making sure Sylvis didn't get hurt.

Wabu3uea o

Since she didn't get hit and is thus in no immediate danger, I can afford to have Ruby chuck a pilum at Von Beck. Maybe I'll get lucky?

Fxzqbcrj oWqzdfovc o

Of course not.

Jlm22rpi o

You know what? Fuck it. That's all I wanted from her. 19 on both WpSkills is a decent outcome. She'll have plenty of chances to get the last points before the chapter ends.

Erlmsx4z o

She can just run now. I wish this game had rescue. I could ferry Sylvis to the end of the map.

Dyeid8na o

Well, no point in lamenting now. Let's do this, and then Reese is free to go as well.

A99feret oSyduj9r1 o

Nice. Adept, too, for extra flair.

K489vbvm o

Not again...!

Nngyeojz o

This beautiful thing is all ours now!

8uydmaj5 oMa6enble o

Ah! Enid!

Wruo7e3a o2d89dcee o

How dare you, I'll kill you!

Lmfifwbx oCcesrrug o

Is everyone really going to end the map inches away from a level? Really?

Upwbu95w o39rwcxz5 o

Well, with everyone but Von Beck dead, there's no reason to stick around. Let's go.

Mncwancr o

Owen leaves as only he knows how.

...Come to think about it, everyone else we've seen using this technique are Razites. Coincidence?

Snjx4jh5 o

Goddamnit, this guy just won't advance! It's almost as if he were the commander and didn't want to risk himself unnecessarily!

Geutgm2o o

Three turns, huh... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Qounf76t o

Fuck it. Reese has enough time to try this.

Czhq8rao oF6gf1kfm o

C'mon, Reese. You know what to do. You've been doing it the entire game. Remember the time I was trying to capture the first boss in the game and you went "NOPE" and crit him? Do that again, please.

3p7m7zff oYww7sfvx o

Goodness, that was a terrible performance... Since they both have + weapons, the battle lasted two rounds for both units. Reese got denied both times. That's why he isn't attacking.

8dvp3vey o

Reese gains shield skill from failing to shield: A Berwick Saga classic.

On8cdgoh o

Let's give this another try. At this point I have little hope that we'll succeed, but... Meh. Who cares. Reese will promote either way. I'd just like that knight sword.

Wmqikmqp o


Hp361qhe o

No, seriously, everything's under control. Reese will have enough time to get out.

Ofklfo3j o

Speaking of getting out, everyone who can does.

Ulymduga oJvb8qqmi o

The following turn, I try this yet again, to no avail.

Tfx3zicm o

Ruby rides out of there. It's a one-on-one now.

Pojomkle o

C'mon, Reese... I believe in you!

I know, he can die. That's... troublesome.

61ikrsrp o

Yes! Now we've a chance...

Ezh64afg o

Eyyyy, that's absolutely great!

8osirs2s o

Wow, he's actually winning the fight.

Wvoyzryg o


Nykzkf9m o

Ohohohohohohoh, my God! Exact damage! He beat him in one single round, the absolute madman! He's a monster, a maniac!

Yq9bpyqa o

That was so lucky, I can't believe it. What mistake? You made no mistakes, you were just unfortunate!

Lfn0wrxx oFdwrf8ha o

Way to end the map with a bang. Hoho!

4yonghuv o

I don't even care, that was awesome!

Euielktz oYaftcmu6 o

And now, we have a new brave sword! That's good, Ward's is starting to look worse for wear.

Heatmz21 o

Now, the problem is... It's turn 22. And Sylvis is still all the way up there.

Uekirgsd oF3ypjv4f o

Phew... As it turns out, I had exactly enough time to get all three of the stragglers to the escape point.

Sltyprqk o

I'll be damned...! That was absolutely gorgeous! It looked a bit rough at times, but we've pulled through. No casualties, we got everything... damn! I'm very happy with the way this map went. Next time, we return to Narvia and recruit Burroughs. Since he survived, it will surely go swimmingly. Then it'll be sidequest time! Everyone's favorite time! May we all farewell till the time to return to the thread for another update comes to pass! Byeeeee~!


Death count: Christine
                        Faye x 2

* Unavailable

Capture count: 2 (Daoud, Elbert)

Cripple count: 1 (Perceval)

Reset count: 3 (Ward: 1, Abus: 2)


Current perfect streak: 3 maps

Best perfect streak: 6 maps


BONUS: A few failure quotes.

Ynfb1jpm oG5lyalsl oX48nsxct oOkz0zbm0 oUb8jomdg o

These are the ones I could bother to record. Getting the villagers killed is way more difficult than saving them, and the ballistae tend to die before them.

3p0p2xqw oDol2nosf o

When a ballista dies, Reese says this.

Bpyecdcf o

Then if another one dies, he says this and it's game over time. Fairly sure that isn't grammatically correct, I'll have to hit Aethin up.

5j6jtp6q o

Lastly, if turn 24 arrives and Reese is still on the map, he says this. Why does he say something in this map but not in other maps? Don't ask me!

Is52guec o

Owen's death quote when he's in garbage bag mode. Not exclusive to this chapter, but I happened to get it, so might as well share it, since it's different from his usual one (that I hope we won't ever see). Azrael? That's interesting...

9egitbwp o

Axel's capture quote. For no other reason than I find it to be positively heartbreaking. That isn't true, Axel! I'll pay 10 ransoms if I get you captured 10 times! You need to be able to go back to your daughter, man...! Jesus, saddest capture quote, saddest death quote, saddest epitaph... Thank goodness his ending's nice, at least. Just gotta get him there alive...


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On 8/9/2020 at 7:41 AM, Aethin said:

Unlike in earlier patches, where I had changed magical incantations and prayers and such into Irish, these lines by Simas are a more-or-less "faithful" translation (minus the fact that I forgot to include the second line):

#‥セー・フィア‥●[30]モー・セル‥        see fia moo seru
#‥アーフ・ラーマ‥●[30]ヴィー・ダー‥    aafu raama vii daa

There's also a much later quotation by [REDACTED] casting Berserk, which seems to be in some Romance language:

ケ・ベルバ・ラ・バァーサクッ!!!      ke beruba ra baasaku-!!!

Maybe they're some kind of badly-translated French?

""C'est fier mon celle... Affurrement vie d'â..."
"Que verbe la berserque!!!"

(I'm basically making shit up at this point, I don't think the above "sentences" are even remotely sensible or made of proper words)

Woah that's pretty cool.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe you did and I forgot. It's something I do sometimes.

Yeah, it happens to me too.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

With the amount of times I've said that Arran if my favorite Archanean, I'd thought you would've caught at least one or two of them.

And, well, being sick is kind of his main thing in book 2.

Well I suppose you've been asked this before but why is Arran one of your favorites?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Another really difficult english word is "Erzheimer", as you well know.

Yes... of course...

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bernstol with a capital S? That's a new one.

Y-yeah... terrible blunder... sometimes when I write Marcus' name I write it like MArcus because the A and shift key are so close, but the S is not only further from the shift key but it's nowhere near a capital letter in Bernstol... and wait I almost just did it again, I held down the shift key by instinct... uh... ok hand.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uedfz3v4 o

That is indeed me when I see Volcens.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Last I checked, MAP was that thing you moved units around.

Oh yeah that's a map, or in certain instances a Map. But MAP stands for the disgusting acronym of: Minor-Attracted Person. And sure that isn't a disgusting word but it's its point, to sugarcoat pedophiles, you usually see it on twitter though.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's as you said. I activate the emulator's slowmo, and then spam F12.

Ah ofc, slow motion helps.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Goddamnit, have you ever played FE? It's the most famous map in TearRing Saga!

But TearRing Saga is not an FE game, and I've only ever played FE14 and 13, I was told 7 was a good game to start with 😄

Vmnvuht5 o

Last time, Sherpa encountered an old friend and they left on a romantic stroll under the moonlight. With spears pointing at his vital organs. While we wait for them to return, we'll wrap up the map.

Ahh how romantic, I too wish to date a lady who points a knife at my throat...

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hzuyatyu o

It's good, all right.

"It's good, all right."? That's the best level I've seen someone in Berwick get!


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
3pk8uvsd o

Pretty great! I can't wait for his promotion.

Oh my another good one! ... Wait you're 2/3 through the game and he has those stats? Man the Gram really does carry him. His promotion is story based I imagine?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Rpm8yhip o

Burroughs isn't entirely blameless, however. He has Hurry, but he won't use it! What gives!?

Oooh! Hurry sounds like a fun skill to use.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Qhe6lnt8 o

Rossweisse time it is!

Excuse me... 30 damage?!?! And 100% Hit? I know I saw the Rossweise but I didn't know it would be this good! HOLY CRAP!

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ofrvfruc oLgr5ej8a o

Ahahahahahah! The Leen Meen Creet Macheen Reese is back in town, baby!

Hahaha! Creet Macheen Reese let's go!

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Aauommvb o

Nice. A black screenshot. I'm only showing this because I'm the most skilled man in the world.

Put this in a museum man. Make up a lot of bullcrap and you're good to go.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Aetpuxem oJx86kdfz o

Take that, haters. Faye good. Er... when she's not busy getting killed by my blunders. Frankly, I think the problem here isn't Faye, it's me.

That was pretty lucky, but cool. Hey good job on you for screenshotting all that 😄

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Mbxosret o

But first, Marcel has to fend off some fans. He's really famous, you see. Nobody can believe the legend of the 12-year-old knight until they see him in person.

You're kidding ofc right? You must be! Marcel can't be 12 years old and... hold that big ass shield and have such an epic cape and... he's one of your tankiest units too!

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
X3l3hecn o

Almost at another level.

Also 90 exp doesn't botter me much, it's just that when you are at 95% exp, you really should get some chip exp. Man it's crazy to see how much more slowly units grow because they don't get chip or battle experience, only when they kill.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Zytweiv0 o

Can't forget about the other side, either. This guy is scary enough on his own.

Bhfnjdh2 oYnguwxnh oQlrb8qul oXur1wn2f o

He was no match for the Meen Leen Creet Macheen Reese, though.

Hot damn Reese, I like this.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
8xqk6ugu o

Awesome, a second-rate horse! It's better than the thin ones, anyway.

Or the dead hones.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Groovy. Does anyone still use that word? Bah, whatever...

My grandma still uses it a lot and CyanYoh, Mangs' former designer, also says it a lot according to Mangs himself.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'll be damned...! That was absolutely gorgeous! It looked a bit rough at times, but we've pulled through. No casualties, we got everything... damn! I'm very happy with the way this map went. Next time, we return to Narvia and recruit Burroughs. Since he survived, it will surely go swimmingly. Then it'll be sidequest time! Everyone's favorite time! May we all farewell till the time to return to the thread for another update comes to pass! Byeeeee~!

Yeah it went super well, that's super nice!


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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It would've been, yes.

  Yeah, about that, I did it in Chapter 8. Sadly no one shot, but Hilda did take off more health than Lysithea did in 4 (She wasn't deployed in Chapter 8 in case you're wondering). (Meanwhile in Chapter 6 I left him locked in his room and killed the grunts from outside. I love dunking on him.)

Bit trickier with the gambits too, but I was in panic mode trying to save the villagers and deal with Solon being near enough to killing Jeralt after Jeralt chose to charge him (Solon was on one HP afterwards to be fair)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, that wasn't a finisher. That was a one-round. I'm... still so proud of that, to this day.

I mean, it is Veld, finishing and 1-rounding are often synonymous.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

At least Raze doesn't have Literally Hitler and Evil Gay Person. Seriously, Valtome is low-key offensive. Just the lack of Valtome is a point for Raze. And Numida isn't much better, he's so absurdly blatant that I cannot take him seriously. Oliver is an unironically better character than either of them, and that's... so sad.

Hetzel's extremely interesting despite his limited screentime, and Lekain is a fine villain. But that's about it. Everyone else sucks.

I'm pretty sure with how Valtome was written he does everything high key including being offensive, Numa Numa is utterly forgettable (and how is he literally the guy in Jojo's imagination?), Hetzel just feels ineffectual to anything going on and to quote someone Fuck Lekain. Meanwhile Sephiran and Zelgius are both at least part Laguz which saves them because it's one of the villain categories Tellius does better in with its villains.

Shiharam was Begnion's last decent boss and he defected. (Oliver's meme god status kinda makes him not qualify)

Point being, Sanaki should have just made herself the Senate.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, as well as... every single dramatic duel in the history of fiction? It's kind of a generic quote. This was probably just a coincidence.

But that close a quote? It would be too coincidental.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Axe skill and a level. Fine, let's have it. Can it be a good one?

Hzuyatyu o

It's good, all right.

No, aside from the weapon levels it's more like this.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
3pk8uvsd o

Pretty great! I can't wait for his promotion.

Is this the Levelling as well?

Jeeze Reese, leave some of that for other units.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Bh7g8yem o

If you squint your eyes, you can just about see the combat forecast.

Marcel shouting AAAAAAAAA in the distance.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Aetpuxem oJx86kdfz o

Take that, haters. Faye good. Er... when she's not busy getting killed by my blunders. Frankly, I think the problem here isn't Faye, it's me.

Oh man, if you'll excuse me:


(It was this or an It's not you, it's me joke)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
9mq3lvgt o

Sorry, I've just... kinda fallen in love with this bow. Look at that damage! 100% accuracy, too! This is too much...! I should never have dismissed this weapon just because the magic boost seemed useless!

I mean, 100% accuracy is always nice.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Itvujzoj o

Wait, how does the church heal units if it has already been evacuated? Oh, well, I guess it's best not to question it.

Simas left a bunch of bottles and a note saying "Drink me"

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hq1xfp1v o

...Aaaaahhhhhh to hell with it, Marcel can take that.

RLqT4D9D_o.pngHave at you.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hzqrqcdt oF8rro2zi o

Aaaaaaack! Gwaahah... Okay. Okay. We're good. We're golden. And now he can't Canto away, because he used up his full movement. That is good, that is great.

Now see, that makes sense for shattering the shield.

Razite knight (Offscreen): YOUR SHIELD'S OFF

Marcel getting on another shield:

RLqT4D9D_o.pngNo it isn't.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
42clvhxu o

Ahhhh, well, that's pretty good! Defense is awesome, plus a free sword point! That promotion is ever closer to becoming a reality.

+Def, that's good considering her being on the front line.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Qqjlknbv o

Ah, there's Perceval's influence.

...Fuck, sorry, really, I am, it's just... he's so easy to pick on...


...You think if Perceval and Enid got together he'd miss her v

He would miss her while she was elsewhere for sure.

I am not going anywhere else with that because I am not a dirty bird.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
X8hnr3a4 oDwmzsu2x o

The secondary villain from Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (one hell of a coincidence, eh?) is kinda like Ortmann but not really. For one, he appears a whole two turns earlier, and he's not surrounded by troops, so he's far easier to get to. To compensate, he's tougher than Ortmann, rocking a knight sword (which, as we know, is a brave sword) and Counter for good measure. Anyone who attacks Von Beck risks taking two strikes to the face. Still, magic will easily down him.

Or it would, if I wasn't woefully unprepared for this encounter. Enid is too far away, and I'd rather not risk Owen's life, thank you very much.

Von Beck is too obvious a villain name, how have the OC squad no realised they're the baddies?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ndif1kdk o



Also, 1 in each defence, cute but awful.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Wvoyzryg o


There's many other lines he'd use.

Although, for your money this could be better.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Nykzkf9m o

Ohohohohohohoh, my God! Exact damage! He beat him in one single round, the absolute madman! He's a monster, a maniac!

Yq9bpyqa o

That was so lucky, I can't believe it. What mistake? You made no mistakes, you were just unfortunate!

The Crittening is truly satisifed now.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'll be damned...! That was absolutely gorgeous! It looked a bit rough at times, but we've pulled through. No casualties, we got everything... damn! I'm very happy with the way this map went. Next time, we return to Narvia and recruit Burroughs. Since he survived, it will surely go swimmingly. Then it'll be sidequest time! Everyone's favorite time! May we all farewell till the time to return to the thread for another update comes to pass! Byeeeee~!

I mean, it can't turn bad now, can it?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Is52guec o

Owen's death quote when he's in garbage bag mode. Not exclusive to this chapter, but I happened to get it, so might as well share it, since it's different from his usual one (that I hope we won't ever see). Azrael? That's interesting...

I wonder if this is like Nuibaba and her worship of Medusa.

In real news, we're going to get a second lockdown at this rate.

Not helping matters is that a cousin's getting married.

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18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Stop being so hard on her. She's doing well when she's not busy dying.

I do think she is pretty amazing. She is practically the Glass Joe of Berwick Saga. Keeps getting stomped, yet always limps back into battle to block some more blades with her face.

18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Axel has the monopoly on all the good axes.

I suppose he needs all the help he can get with his crappy axe rank. Too bad he still can't take any hits.

18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Burroughs isn't entirely blameless, however. He has Hurry, but he won't use it! What gives!?

Evidently it's a skill that the AI is not capable of using.

I do have to wonder why the game didn't just give him Celerity. I mean, Ballista can't move and attack at the same turn anyway. So for the most part it's really just an inconvenience having to constantly move using a command skill.

Well, there is a trick that allows Burroughs to move and attack at the same time, but that's clearly not intended.

18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ward! Dude, what happened!?

You keep having him use swords rather then using his stronger Spear rank.

18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Tas5lz46 o

And she ended her turn on a cliff tile too. 0 avoid and 3 HP. So that's nice.

18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Take that, haters. Faye good. Er... when she's not busy getting killed by my blunders. Frankly, I think the problem here isn't Faye, it's me.

I don't know. Because you kept killing her off,  she build up luck, which protects her from getting crippled by attacks that leave her at 3 HP or whatever.

18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Eh, could be worse. Could be a squad of 4 Lancers who all have lances that deal +4 damage for each tile and Supporter. That would suck.

18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Wait, what? Why did he use his standard arrows? He can't damage Marcel with them! 2 damage with the ember arrows is better than nothing!

If that second arrow would have hit, the shield would have been broken and Marcel would have been left with 5 HP from the Lancer.

19 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Marcel continues to take no damage from anyone. I love knights in this game. I know they're not the best, but at least in this one they can do their one job properly.

Just a reminder, Marcel has the same unit type as dismounted Reese and various other riders. He is not an Armor like Derrick is.

19 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahhh, fuck... Okay, let's try this. He won't die if he gets hit, anyway.

Guy needs 4 rounds of combat to even have a chance of killing Daoud. And that's assuming all his attacks hit and Daoud never blocks. Daoud is silly like that.

19 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

For a moment I contemplated doing this. This absurdly risky move that could've gotten Axel killed.

19 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Daoud took two points of damage and got a shield point out of it. Good show!

The chad Daoud vs whatever unflattering noun you use for a guy who murders the parents of blind little girls.

19 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, these guys have appeared on the easter side of the map. The chu-ko-nu is scary enough, but then there's the priest. See that? That is not just an Erzheimer item: It's an Erzheimer item that we won't want to give up immediately, because it's absolutely godly. Mages don't care about speed and already have no defense, so that's just a flat 3 magic they're getting. This is a huge boost, and both Aegina and Perceval would greatly benefit from it. We just need to get it off this guy...

While we are on the subject of eroticism, as far as I can tell there is no way to actually chose which items to give to Erzheimer. There seems to be a predetermined order in which they have to be offered.
So if the game won't take anything but the Divine Brace despite you having other items you won't mind separating yourself from, you can borrow it to Halfman until you finished your Erzheimer transactions. That would cost a small fee, of course.
You can get around this fee by using the Item List to instead give the brace to a mercenary who is currently unavailable for hiring. So for example Derrick before the main mission is beaten or Faramir before Faye is hired.

19 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Thank goodness he's great at dodging. I cannot wait to give him a miracle charm...

Or just have him equip Holy.

19 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No weapons, so as not to trigger a Counter.

But she wouldn't trigger Counter anyway, as long as she isn't the one doing the attacking.

19 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wmtod0gi oHad you fled sooner, we could not have caught you like this... But now, you will die a meaningless death, as you deserve!

Well, Ruben is all about meaningless deaths. I mean, have you seen how Czerne bit the dust? Got murdered by a guy who wasn't even trying to fight her because Ruben insisted she should block his escape route.

19 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Goodness, that was a terrible performance... Since they both have + weapons, the battle lasted two rounds for both units. Reese got denied both times. That's why he isn't attacking.

Interesting. I always thought those additional attacks would be performed no matter what.


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On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Eeewww... That sounds awful.

I mean... that's the point isn't it?

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


That's probably it. Wait, but then where did the other meaning come from? That definitely isn't a bonehead, there are no bones there!

Unless you happen to be a dog or wolf. In which case there is quite literally a bone in that digit... and if they extract hastily during the act... it is entirely possible for them to break it.
I know this because of an old story involving a bucket of water to separate two, and every time I think about it I lose a little sanity.

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Denim is the main character of that one, and Vice's best friend. Well... At the beginning, that is.

And here I thought he just liked jeans. Not to be confused with Jean Grey. Though she definitely has a fanbase... as a female character is want to.

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


Well, there was chapter 3 of TRS where all I did was have PTSD and a reader called me out for being repetitive.

Well, I know it wasn't me. Because I was late to TRS.

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


Eh, I suppose even the best of the best can make mistakes. And I'm clearly the best of the best LPers. I am superior to Pewdipie.

Considering how irritating I find him... that's a low bar.

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Who's Boney M?

Lucas' dog. The M is a refurence to the series title.
But for an actual answer, they did a song called "Rasputin" about... well, Grigori Rasputin.

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


I guess the closest equivalent to the Jean Grey retcon would be for Enid to die. Which... Is a very distinct possibility that I am hoping does not come to pass.

Yeah, but if she died, then she'd have to come back as a fencer and it'd turn out that the entire time she was a flame fencer was a cosmically powerful being impersonating her. Then she'd die for real to Chaos or someone, and then he'd get decapitated... but come back for no reason while she stayed dead. Then she'd come back as a Flame Fencer and it'd turn out that she was also the Flame Fencer the whole time for no reason. Actually... I'm not even going to acknowledge that one. It's just... stupid. I mean, so is the fact Jean stayed dead from a story where Magneto was literally decapitated, but Magneto came back (I know they said it was an imposter, but it's a bit hard to impersonate one of the most powerful beings on the planet). If you get the impression I didn't like the way the second death and either resurection was handled, you'd be right.

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


Wait, so you're telling me Weiss enjoys getting verbally abused and shot at by Sylvis?

I mean, it's rather common in fiction for criminals to have a thing for their conveniently opposite gender pursuer.... whether reciprocated or not. In this case, I'm going with not.

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Mxtrehwq o

...Is somebody we know! Yes, this guy is the recruitable character that joins if all the ballisticians make it. Of course the best game has a playable ballistician. Let's do this right so I get to show him off, shall we?

Shadow Dragon

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Aom9aem8 o

Let's not waste time. Daoud heads north to the most massive tree in existence. Seriously, compare that tree to the tiny trees in the forest around it. Those things are the same height as the tree's visible trunk!

Have you ever seen the world's largest tree? Thing has an 11.1 metre diameter at base. For reference, the average bus is 14 meters long. It's 83 meters tall. It's neither the tallest or widest tree in existence... but the tallest is thinner and the wider ones are shorter. So it takes up more space than either.

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Knwdut21 o

Good hiding place? That only put you in reach of Axe's axel!

Well, on the bright side, whoever he was hiding from can't find and kill him if he's dead can they? Wait...

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

More strength for the pile! Pretty sure he's either my strongest unit or among the strongest right now. And he has Pulverize on top of that strength. Hah! I love this guy.

Does it speak more of the difference in Berwick stats to normal FE, or just my luck with Caeda that they both have 14 strength at this point?

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Gsvais2e o

As for Daoud, he really did need to have an axe equipped. I guess he isn't blocky enough to punch trees down.

I mean, would you try punching that goliath down?

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Cjdx4gqm o

Incidentally, a garbage bag has appeared.

He was here to pick up his new clothes from the store. Latest designer brand you know.

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Zx4gprxz oUtvt5lq6 o

Hah! Now this is just hilarious. Axel used Robbery to get the thief's knife... and then it turned out that the house's loot was another thief's knife. And this knife is completely useless, because all it does is increase the chance of Mug being triggered. You know, the skill that only Czene had? Oh, well. Vendor trash is fine.

When it turns out the house's owner was a thief... a thief went in to rob the house, and Axel killed and robbed the thief and the owner. How many layers of crime are we on? And does that make this war crimes?

On 8/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
V2kd0nvx o

...Holy... shit. The spell looks absolutely badass! With a blood-curling slash sound accompanying the effect, too.

Suddenly I feel like I'm playing Castlevania for some reason.

On 8/11/2020 at 5:09 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Itvujzoj o

Wait, how does the church heal units if it has already been evacuated? Oh, well, I guess it's best not to question it.

The hand of the Goddess Protec.

On 8/11/2020 at 5:09 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Now, let's do the following: Kramer will stand on a cliff

Meanwhile, a certain wiki asks how he can stand on another character.

On 8/11/2020 at 5:09 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

You think if Perceval and Enid got together he'd miss her

Yes. I'm certain he'd miss her when she was in a battle without him... or vice versa. What a nice wholesome question. I can't understand why it was small.

On 8/11/2020 at 5:09 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
8ykd3mqm o

Indeed, it is today's third tactics point! It's walked itself to us.

Wooden Cavalry... recruitable ballistician... Von BECK. Is this chapter just Kaga apologizing for the last time he did this chapter?

On 8/11/2020 at 5:09 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Wvoyzryg o



I knew it. That sword is cursed.

I'll have to catch up on the other responses/replies some other time. Because you know... kind of out of it still.


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On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Reese Saga 3:

Fixed it for ya!

On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Stop it, you don't owe me anything.


On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I still have no idea why that happened to you. Or, heck, to me too, to a lesser extent. Why does he say "okay guys, let's leave" and then he doesn't leave? What's the AI shenanigans here?

He realizes that Bianca's back in Navaron and he probably shouldn't go back.

On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I battle cried the day Axel died in my first run.

...I hope I won't have to go through that ever again.

What kind of Rubenio LP would this be without the favorite unit dying?

On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

To be honest, I prefer RGUAE to FUCK.

Foul, Underhanded Crossbowmen Kill. Strange wording, I know, but come now, doesn't it fit chapter 11-1 like a glove?


On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I did back in chapter 6, remember?

Oh, right. Oops.

On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Believe me, I tried. Nope, it's only her raw magic. The liquid magic works because it increases it permanently. Temporary boosts like food and equipment don't do anything.


On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

More? Ah, I'd say I'm sorry, but I would be lying.

Mostly because the Nagra trap thing killed my Enid after she finally got two points of magic on the same map. And I lost both of them to the sands of time... And Kaga loving the player.

On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

The Klamping cheeks puns are going to happen every time Klamp's on screen, don't kid yourself.

True enough...

On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

The one that wants to kill him. A vital addition to the crew.




She literally does try to make moves on Sherpa, right? I am nearly certain that this happens...


On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Sylvis's confidence is still whole because she's the greatest person, unit and waifu. I'll kill you if you disagree!


On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That is true.


















On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, I don't think Orbel gets you anything other than Paramythis's scene. Which, admittedly, is so awesome that it's a shame to lose it.

Well, he at least made it that far this time. Better than my first run where he got "killed" by a crit right away, but his miracle charm saved him.

And then he got crit again by a second thief...

On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah! That's... even more neurotic than me. I always make exceptions for people I like. Like Owen. I like Owen.

Imagine liking a good unit...

Actually, that's not true. I like Catria. One good unit! Yas!

On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Or... you know, kill her. That seems to be good for her happiness.

What?! Why would getting her killed increase her happiness?

Ooohh, it's Kaga realizing that I like Faye so I have to kill her off several times to promote her.

On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes. He's also a person I like, thus he gets a Saint Rubenio Good Unit pass. Seriously, that moustache alone makes him the best character in Tellius.



Alongside Titania, because hormones, I guess.

As one does.

On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Please. Saphira is lucky she is nothing like Clarine. In fact, everyone is lucky they're nothing like Clarine. They'd all be dead if they were.

True, True.

On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

It's only Simas left

Yo, I remember this guy! He died!

On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Pojomkle o

C'mon, Reese... I believe in you!

Please. Reese will probably die doing this!

On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Nykzkf9m o

Ohohohohohohoh, my God! Exact damage! He beat him in one single round, the absolute madman! He's a monster, a maniac!


...Maybe because he's still level 2 because I never bother using him before he gets the Gram...

On 8/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


Hey, it's Gargamael's cat!

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Part 53 - The most important event.

You'll never guess:

On 8/10/2020 at 11:40 PM, This boi uses Nino said:
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Woah that's pretty cool.


Yeah, it happens to me too.

Happens to most, I'd say.

Well I suppose you've been asked this before but why is Arran one of your favorites?

I love the gameplay-story integration with his illness, the fact that he's one of the very few characters in the series for whom dying in battle is a legitimate ending to his character arc, and his support with Kris in FE12 is not only one of the best-written supports in the entire game (Kris is somehow good in it!), it also adds a whole new dimension to his character that didn't exist in FE3 - it explains exactly why he's so devoted as to fight in spite of his terminal sickness. Also, "sick knight who wants to die in the battlefield rather than in a bed" is a pretty unique concept that I don't think is seen elsewhere in the series. Leaving his character aside, he's one of most fun Jeigans in the series, being able to do a ton of work thanks to his diverse reclassing options without being overly powerful like so many other earlygame prepromotes. Oh, and I like his design, too. That hair is glorious.

That's the short of it. Yeah, I know, "short". He's just a great character in every way.

Yes... of course...


Y-yeah... terrible blunder... sometimes when I write Marcus' name I write it like MArcus because the A and shift key are so close, but the S is not only further from the shift key but it's nowhere near a capital letter in Bernstol... and wait I almost just did it again, I held down the shift key by instinct... uh... ok hand.

The Marcus thing is okay, but where does BernStol come from? Unless it's a reflex from being used to reading the name "Bern"...

That is indeed me when I see Volcens.


Oh yeah that's a map, or in certain instances a Map. But MAP stands for the disgusting acronym of: Minor-Attracted Person. And sure that isn't a disgusting word but it's its point, to sugarcoat pedophiles, you usually see it on twitter though.


Ah ofc, slow motion helps.

It sure does.

But TearRing Saga is not an FE game, and I've only ever played FE14 and 13, I was told 7 was a good game to start with 😄

It is the one I started with. For a while I thought I wouldn't need to try other FE games, because 7 was so awesome I couldn't fathom the others could possibly top it.

Then I tried other FE games, and they were all better than 7, and I've never returned to that one since. Whoopsie.

Ahh how romantic, I too wish to date a lady who points a knife at my throat...


That's even worse, actually. Running won't save you from that.

"It's good, all right."? That's the best level I've seen someone in Berwick get!

I'd be a lot more thrilled about it if it had been someone other than Daoud. I'm not using Daoud all that much lately, so... meh.

Oh my another good one! ... Wait you're 2/3 through the game and he has those stats?

Actually, if you pay attention to the army's stats, Reese is pretty average. That's the way Berwick Saga works: As I've said multiple times, stats aren't that important. They're not completely irrelevant, but a powerful skillset and solid equipment are far more useful.

Man the Gram really does carry him.

That said... yeah. Reese is all right with regular weapons, but he kicks so much ass with the Gram it's not even worth giving him any.

His promotion is story based I imagine?

Nope. See how, in each main mission, I've been describing the requirements to get this thing called "tactics points"? Well, when you get 18 tactics points (with 3 points per mission, chapter 7 is the earliest you can pull it off), Reese promotes. He automatically does it in chapter 10 if he hasn't by then.

Incidentally, his promotion also permanently recruits Larentia. You know, only flier in the game that you need to pay to play with? It's a good idea to get it sooner than later. I missed one point in chapter 5, so he didn't promote last chapter, but he will now.

Oooh! Hurry sounds like a fun skill to use.

Arturo has it. I've gotten some occasional uses out of it.

Excuse me... 30 damage?!?! And 100% Hit? I know I saw the Rossweise but I didn't know it would be this good! HOLY CRAP!

Neither did I. It's quite impressive!

Hahaha! Creet Macheen Reese let's go!

Leen Meen Creet Macheen Reese!

Put this in a museum man. Make up a lot of bullcrap and you're good to go.

Equilateral Darkness Within The Introspective Etherosphere.

That was pretty lucky, but cool. Hey good job on you for screenshotting all that 😄

Thanks. Usually I don't react so fast to unexpected things like that.

You're kidding ofc right? You must be! Marcel can't be 12 years old and... hold that big ass shield and have such an epic cape and... he's one of your tankiest units too!

Of course I'm joking. He has a baby face, but he's obviously not one.

Also 90 exp doesn't botter me much, it's just that when you are at 95% exp, you really should get some chip exp. Man it's crazy to see how much more slowly units grow because they don't get chip or battle experience, only when they kill.

To be fair, the game is balanced around it.

Hot damn Reese, I like this.

So do I.

Or the dead hones.

That is true.

Also, hones.

My grandma still uses it a lot and CyanYoh, Mangs' former designer, also says it a lot according to Mangs himself.

I'm like your grandma now? That's groovy.

Yeah it went super well, that's super nice!

Super/10, is my veredict.



On 8/11/2020 at 2:20 AM, Dayni said:
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  Yeah, about that, I did it in Chapter 8. Sadly no one shot, but Hilda did take off more health than Lysithea did in 4 (She wasn't deployed in Chapter 8 in case you're wondering). (Meanwhile in Chapter 6 I left him locked in his room and killed the grunts from outside. I love dunking on him.)

Bit trickier with the gambits too, but I was in panic mode trying to save the villagers and deal with Solon being near enough to killing Jeralt after Jeralt chose to charge him (Solon was on one HP afterwards to be fair)

Yes, Jeralt is effectively chapter 8's time limit. He has no sense of self-preservation.

I mean, it is Veld, finishing and 1-rounding are often synonymous.

That isn't just a regular ol' 1-round that any random joe like Ced can pull off, though. It's a capture 1-round.

I'm pretty sure with how Valtome was written he does everything high key including being offensive,

...Yes. Absolutely. The guy's just... ugh.

Numa Numa is utterly forgettable (and how is he literally the guy in Jojo's imagination?),

He's Literally Hitler! Who came up with these designs?!

Hetzel just feels ineffectual to anything going on

Honestly, Hetzel was the biggest waste in Tellius. What's there is great, but the fact that he's only introduced completely out of nowhere in the final arc of RD (his one scene in PoR doesn't count, he doesn't even act like the same person there) kinda ruins him. It's like they forgot they had one more guy in that one PoR scene until the end of the game's development and had to scramble to do something with him.

and to quote someone Fuck Lekain.

Indeed. Fuck Lekain.

Meanwhile Sephiran and Zelgius are both at least part Laguz which saves them because it's one of the villain categories Tellius does better in with its villains.

Sephiran and Zelgius are okay. Though the whole Black Knight revenge arc feels rather tacked on.

Shiharam was Begnion's last decent boss and he defected. (Oliver's meme god status kinda makes him not qualify)

Honestly, I got to Shiharam before I quit PoR, and I felt he was rather overrated. The Jill stuff is great, no doubt about that, but you take Jill out of the picture, and he's a guy who comes across as extremely meek and incapable of standing up to Petrine, who then proceeds to go along with the plan to ruin the lives of peasants because "muh orders." I'm probably wrong, as usual, but... meh.

Point being, Sanaki should have just made herself the Senate.

Absolutely agree.

But that close a quote? It would be too coincidental.

I like how in this case you're the one who's going for the "Kaga Did It First" argument while I'm playing Devil's advocate in IntSys's favor. How the tables have turned.

No, aside from the weapon levels it's more like this.

Like I told Boi, I'd be a lot more thrilled about it if it had been someone other than Daoud.

Is this the Levelling as well?

Levelling Saga.

Jeeze Reese, leave some of that for other units.

Jeeze Reese. I need to steal this.

Marcel shouting AAAAAAAAA in the distance.


Oh man, if you'll excuse me:


(It was this or an It's not you, it's me joke)

Ahahahahahahahahahah... I love this. This is great.

I mean, 100% accuracy is always nice.

In other words, it is never not nice.

Simas left a bunch of bottles and a note saying "Drink me"


RLqT4D9D_o.pngHave at you.

But enough talk!

Now see, that makes sense for shattering the shield.

Razite knight (Offscreen): YOUR SHIELD'S OFF

Marcel getting on another shield:

RLqT4D9D_o.pngNo it isn't.

The references just write themselves now.

+Def, that's good considering her being on the front line.

Yeah, to be honest that was the best part of the level, alongside the weapon skill of course.

He would miss her while she was elsewhere for sure.

I am not going anywhere else with that because I am not a dirty bird.

That's the right call.

Von Beck is too obvious a villain name, how have the OC squad no realised they're the baddies?

At this point I think they have. In, uh... more ways than one, maybe.


She's gonna benchpress Chaos next they meet.

Also, 1 in each defence, cute but awful.

Ahahahahaha! I hadn't even noticed. That's so sad...

There's many other lines he'd use.

Although, for your money this could be better.

Personally, I think him randomly yelling BLOOD works.

Also, good ol' Death Note. So over the top.

The Crittening is truly satisifed now.

Until the next instalment in the Critical Saga.

I mean, it can't turn bad now, can it?

Keep reading.

I wonder if this is like Nuibaba and her worship of Medusa.

Nope. I won't say anything else, but... It's nothing like that. Azrael is a person.

In real news, we're going to get a second lockdown at this rate.


Not helping matters is that a cousin's getting married.

Ah, well... congratulations, I suppose.

That could be inconvenient, though, given the current state of affairs.


On 8/11/2020 at 5:17 PM, BrightBow said:
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I do think she is pretty amazing. She is practically the Glass Joe of Berwick Saga. Keeps getting stomped, yet always limps back into battle to block some more blades with her face.

Her commitment is quite admirable. I can only hope it will eventually pay off.

I suppose he needs all the help he can get with his crappy axe rank.

Yeah, well, you're just too negative. He's been quite reliable so far.

...Probably helps that he's also had the monopoly on the eagle brace since we got it.

Too bad he still can't take any hits.

Don't remind me, I'm scared enough as it is.

Evidently it's a skill that the AI is not capable of using.

I do have to wonder why the game didn't just give him Celerity. I mean, Ballista can't move and attack at the same turn anyway. So for the most part it's really just an inconvenience having to constantly move using a command skill.

Just an example of Kaga being a dick.

Well, there is a trick that allows Burroughs to move and attack at the same time, but that's clearly not intended.

That sounds fun, but I don't think I will. I'd like to keep exploits at a minimum, thanks.

You keep having him use swords rather then using his stronger Spear rank.

Good to know that it's me and not Ward's age catching up to him.

And she ended her turn on a cliff tile too. 0 avoid and 3 HP. So that's nice.

She proceeded to survive everything, crit a guy, get strength and escape unscathed. So that's nice.

I don't know. Because you kept killing her off,  she build up luck, which protects her from getting crippled by attacks that leave her at 3 HP or whatever.

Ohhh, right, that's a thing. Well, guess those Faye deaths weren't so bad after all.

Eh, could be worse. Could be a squad of 4 Lancers who all have lances that deal +4 damage for each tile and Supporter. That would suck.

Oh, yeah. Good thing Kaga isn't evil enough to do something so horrible, right? Right...?

If that second arrow would have hit, the shield would have been broken and Marcel would have been left with 5 HP from the Lancer.


Just a reminder, Marcel has the same unit type as dismounted Reese and various other riders. He is not an Armor like Derrick is.

Yeah, of course. That's how he can move in the snow.

Guy needs 4 rounds of combat to even have a chance of killing Daoud. And that's assuming all his attacks hit and Daoud never blocks. Daoud is silly like that.

Daoud is a pretty fun unit, honestly. I don't use him enough.

The chad Daoud vs whatever unflattering noun you use for a guy who murders the parents of blind little girls.

...okay, pick on me to your heart's content, but you mess with my favorite characters and we're going to have a problem.

What I'm trying to say is, how dare you I'll kill you.

While we are on the subject of eroticism,

I just want to acknowledge that this is amazing.

as far as I can tell there is no way to actually chose which items to give to Erzheimer. There seems to be a predetermined order in which they have to be offered.
So if the game won't take anything but the Divine Brace despite you having other items you won't mind separating yourself from, you can borrow it to Halfman until you finished your Erzheimer transactions. That would cost a small fee, of course.
You can get around this fee by using the Item List to instead give the brace to a mercenary who is currently unavailable for hiring. So for example Derrick before the main mission is beaten or Faramir before Faye is hired.

That's clever. It hadn't occured to me. Thanks a lot for the tip, I'll be sure to put it to good use when the time comes.

Or just have him equip Holy.

Yeah, and then a swift bow archer pops out of nowhere and I laugh.

Nope. I want to be as safe as possible. Heck, I'd give Axel a miracle charm if he didn't need the eagle brace.

But she wouldn't trigger Counter anyway, as long as she isn't the one doing the attacking.

...Fuck, that's right... I keep forgetting.

Well, Ruben is all about meaningless deaths.

Hey, now, that is not true. Rutger died for a good cause. He lured two enemies closer in chapter 8 so I could kill them easier.

I mean, have you seen how Czerne bit the dust? Got murdered by a guy who wasn't even trying to fight her because Ruben insisted she should block his escape route.

No-- Goddamnit, you know that's not how it went! How was I supposed to know Krishna would elect to escape from the cave by phasing through the wall? That made no friggin' sense! Kaga killed Czene, not me!

...Christine, on the other hand...

Interesting. I always thought those additional attacks would be performed no matter what.

Well, as it turns out, you don't know everything. Hah! I am winner! Me 1, you... ergh, 4535234. But I'm getting ever closer!



On 8/12/2020 at 6:26 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:
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I mean... that's the point isn't it?

I suppose so, but still...

Unless you happen to be a dog or wolf. In which case there is quite literally a bone in that digit... and if they extract hastily during the act... it is entirely possible for them to break it.
I know this because of an old story involving a bucket of water to separate two, and every time I think about it I lose a little sanity.

Grrrrrraaahhhhh...! That's not a mental image I needed.

Actually, I'm pretty sure it's possible for human penises to "break", too. There may be no bones, but if an erect penis is twisted far enough, the tubes within it go pop. Isn't that fun?

And here I thought he just liked jeans. Not to be confused with Jean Grey.

Nah, the game was the one that liked jeans. For some reason the main characters had this naming trend with jeans. They dropped it in the PSP remake.

Though she definitely has a fanbase... as a female character is want to.


Well, I know it wasn't me. Because I was late to TRS.

She isn't around anymore, I'm afraid. Oh, well.

Considering how irritating I find him... that's a low bar.

I'm fairly certain I've never watched a full video of his. In fact, I must've watched like 5 minutes of Pewdipie in total throughout my entire life. Even as a kid I found him to be loud and infuriating.

Lucas' dog. The M is a refurence to the series title.

I should've known, of course.

But for an actual answer, they did a song called "Rasputin" about... well, Grigori Rasputin.

You need to make a spoof of that song with this game's Rasputin next we see him.

Yeah, but if she died, then she'd have to come back as a fencer and it'd turn out that the entire time she was a flame fencer was a cosmically powerful being impersonating her. Then she'd die for real to Chaos or someone, and then he'd get decapitated... but come back for no reason while she stayed dead. Then she'd come back as a Flame Fencer and it'd turn out that she was also the Flame Fencer the whole time for no reason. Actually... I'm not even going to acknowledge that one. It's just... stupid.

This is the pinacle of confusion.

I mean, so is the fact Jean stayed dead from a story where Magneto was literally decapitated, but Magneto came back (I know they said it was an imposter, but it's a bit hard to impersonate one of the most powerful beings on the planet).

Hehehe… Foolish bastards. What you just defeated was Lord Magneto’s double. Lord Magneto has already returned to his own lands. I’ll pay you back in full for this someday. Until next time!!

If you get the impression I didn't like the way the second death and either resurection was handled, you'd be right.

Really? I couldn't tell, you seemed so chipper while you were describing it. As chipper as me when I see Volcens.

I mean, it's rather common in fiction for criminals to have a thing for their conveniently opposite gender pursuer.... whether reciprocated or not. In this case, I'm going with not.

I will never let it happen. I'll murder the bastard! I'll tear him apart...!

Shadow Dragon

In fairness, SD is second only to New Mystery in my ranking of FEs. And there are a few aspects in which it beats even FE12, the ballisticians being one of them. So yeah, I absolutely agree.

Have you ever seen the world's largest tree? Thing has an 11.1 metre diameter at base. For reference, the average bus is 14 meters long. It's 83 meters tall. It's neither the tallest or widest tree in existence... but the tallest is thinner and the wider ones are shorter. So it takes up more space than either.


Well, on the bright side, whoever he was hiding from can't find and kill him if he's dead can they? Wait...


Does it speak more of the difference in Berwick stats to normal FE, or just my luck with Caeda that they both have 14 strength at this point?

A combination of both.

I mean, would you try punching that goliath down?

I wouldn't try punching big jungle trees down in Minecraft, no. Too much time.

He was here to pick up his new clothes from the store. Latest designer brand you know.

By "store" you mean the store's garbage bin, right?

When it turns out the house's owner was a thief... a thief went in to rob the house, and Axel killed and robbed the thief and the owner. How many layers of crime are we on? And does that make this war crimes?

On a scale from Plum to Sasha, it's... closer to Sasha, but not quite there. Because there can only be one Sasha.

Suddenly I feel like I'm playing Castlevania for some reason.

wow look it's a castlevania boss gif

The hand of the Goddess Protec.

Ahahahah... Good answer.

Meanwhile, a certain wiki asks how he can stand on another character.

That is quite the kinky ship.

Yes. I'm certain he'd miss her when she was in a battle without him... or vice versa. What a nice wholesome question. I can't understand why it was small.

Heheheh... Sure you can't.

Wooden Cavalry... recruitable ballistician... Von BECK. Is this chapter just Kaga apologizing for the last time he did this chapter?

Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me if he remembered that chapter and decided it'd be fun to do it in reverse. The Von Beck thing is too specific to be a coincidence (even if I did miss it because I was too busy making a different connection). It's like Adel being called Kein in the game files. There's no way that was merely an accident.

I knew it. That sword is cursed.

Considering the amount of crits it is capable of inflicting on unsuspecting enemies, I'd say we may've discovered what became of the Lukuud after the events of TRS.

I'll have to catch up on the other responses/replies some other time. Because you know... kind of out of it still.

How dare you not power through your health issues so you can write replies to feed my ego, I'll kill you.

...Seriously though, you're only a couple of updates behind. Don't feel obligated to write a detailed reply, just skip over the second part of chapter 8 if you aren't up to it. I don't want you suffering headaches in an attempt to write funny stuff for me.



6 hours ago, Benice said:
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Fixed it for ya!

Hey, Faye also got a crit! How could you, of all people, miss that?


How dare you, I'll kill you!

He realizes that Bianca's back in Navaron and he probably shouldn't go back.

Pfffhwahahahahah... Good guess.

What kind of Rubenio LP would this be without the favorite unit dying?


Matthis died near the end of FE12, and was retired after the reset


Raigh died in FE6


Lee died twice in TRS


...God fucking damnit-- Screw the accuracy, Axel needs a miracle charm more than he does the eagle brace.


Right? I think so too! I... I just wish it wasn't.

Oh, right. Oops.

I forgive you for your mistake.



Still, good effort.

Mostly because the Nagra trap thing killed my Enid after she finally got two points of magic on the same map. And I lost both of them to the sands of time... And Kaga loving the player.

Oh my God... Wait, did she get both points in five turns? How many kills did you feed her in such a short time?!

...Five. Which would be enough if she started close to a level, depending on the kill.

Yeah, that checks out. I'm so sorry...

True enough...

Heheheheheheh... Sorry, not sorry.


Shaking my head my head?




...Anyway. I lost your spoiler. So here's the reply.


Not really, to be honest. They have a kinda tragic ending.


That's it, I'm killing you. Take this, my killing edge!!

...Wait, no, I always establish myself as a mage. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'VE BEEN FOILEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!


Maybe so.

Well, he at least made it that far this time. Better than my first run where he got "killed" by a crit right away, but his miracle charm saved him.


And then he got crit again by a second thief...


That is so unfortunate. Maybe you should LP Berwick Saga. Your luck gives mine a run for its money.

Imagine liking a good unit...

Actually, that's not true. I like Catria. One good unit! Yas!


Well, I think it's fine to like good units so long as they're also fun units. For instance, TRS Sierra. That girl is such a joy to use. Then there's something like Seth or Titania, who are just "send at enemies to watch the game play itself." How fucking boring is that?

What?! Why would getting her killed increase her happiness?

Don't ask me! That's how the game works!

Ooohh, it's Kaga realizing that I like Faye so I have to kill her off several times to promote her.

You don't have to do it, but if you want to get her fast, it would be a good idea to kill her off right before the end of the last map of each chapter until she joins. Being crippled will boost her happiness, and since the chapter ends right there, she doesn't miss any battles.


What's with the face? You can't tell me that Tauroneo's moustache isn't awesome! It wouldn't be right to say something so horrible!

As one does.

Hey, I like her character. As a unit... she's slightly less terrible than Seth, but still pretty damn terrible. I used her in Radiant Dawn and before long all the Ike chapters could be summarized as "throw Titania and Ike at things, keep the enemy phase running in the background while I do other, actually entertaining things."

True, True.

So true, it warrants yet another true: true.

Yo, I remember this guy! He died!

...Who didn't die in your run?!

Please. Reese will probably die doing this!

Heh... Eheh... Boy, do I have some news for y--


Jesus, don't shout in my ear! It's not like it's anything new, he's been doing this in every single chapter since the very beginning!

...Jokes aside, though, I'll agree that him nailing Von Beck through the shield twice and getting a crit on top of it with exactly enough damage to kill him in one round was... extremely fortunate. I am so happy.

...Maybe because he's still level 2 because I never bother using him before he gets the Gram...

Sheesh... Reminds me of my Marth in my FE12 LP. Barely trained him... Seriously, you think I'm bad now? You should've seen me back then! The only reason I got through that one is because Matthis decided to carry the entire team and myself on his shoulders!

Hey, it's Gargamael's cat!


Oh, okay, it's an evil monk with an evil cat. Wonderful.


What happens in this update:

4pjduktb o

Last time, we saved ballisticians and villagers. Faye finally made it through a map without dying. Today... Holy shit, that guy looks scary.

Meoilxpy oI can't help but notice, General, that your soldiers are astir... Has something happened?

May2lfrx oOh, that? It's nothing worth worrying about. One of our soldiers attempted to desert during the last battle. I am having him flogged.

Ysxyffeo o

Sounds like it... I hope it's nobody we know.

Meoilxpy oA deserter?

May2lfrx oYes, sad but true. In these days, there are many among us who would rather run than fight. The soldiers need a firm hand to remind them that such cowardice is unacceptable. That man has been sentenced to death by 300 lashes. We will make a fine example of him.

Lgjkwhcy o I wonder if Herman personally appointed this gem to his position.

Meoilxpy o......

May2lfrx oWe would be delighted to have you stay with us in Remagen, if you can. The men could use your help. Although, seeing as you're Roswick's new favorite, I suppose you'll have to go back and report, eh?

Mnkiezme oFleuhctr o

Meoilxpy oYes, you're right... I'm afraid I must be off, General Rosecchar. I wish you good fortune in the coming battles.

May2lfrx oThank you.

Zs4scg3x o

Meoilxpy oWard, there's a man collapsed in the road...

3cxl4xfi oWho could it be, I wonder? I will go and see.

8z8jrba8 o

3cxl4xfi oHe appears to have been beaten severely and then dumped here.

Meoilxpy oHow terrible... Sister, this man needs medical treatment!

0a8gs4ne o
Uh07mhdf o33gbwenc o

Meoilxpy oWe've done as much as we can here. We should take him back to the abbey in Navaron.

3cxl4xfi oBut milord, is this man not the deserter that General Rosecchar spoke of earlier?

Meoilxpy oI suppose he must be... His name was Burroughs, wasn't it?

Lgjkwhcy o ...Oh, all right. All that trouble to protect him and then he goes and gets himself sentenced to death for... some reason?

Lbnylm6a o

Lgjkwhcy oThe implication here is that Rosecchar decided that the four ballisticians disobeying orders to stay behind and protect the villagers was "desertion", and Burroughs took the fall for the four of them. Which is just... great, amazing.

3cxl4xfi oYou have a point there... I will find a cart to carry him.

Meoilxpy oPlease do. We can hardly leave him out here to die as food for wolves.

3cxl4xfi oOf course, sir.




C1whrhoj oPhew... Okay, they're taking him away.

Ydbmsmfw oFor a moment there, I thought we'd dragged him all the way out here for nothing! Glad to see these guys are as noble as the rumors say.

Ijomful7 oWell, we've done what we could. If he makes it, he had better not demand those drinks we owe him!

Ydbmsmfw oDon't kid yourself, you know he'll do it. He's shameless, the bastard.

C1whrhoj o...Either way, we'd better get back to camp quick. He took the blame for what happened in the battle, but if they discover we saved him, we're toast.

Ydbmsmfw oYeah... Godspeed, you magnificent bastard. I hope you survive this. You deserve to... even if you are a shameless bastard.




Pnwembn0 o
N7ltkax7 o

355ewdhj o......

Qocafpke oCouldn't endure it, I assume? You put on an air of bravery, but you're just a woman after all...

Lgjkwhcy o Ahhh, yes. Sexism. That's how you know this guy's a villain.

...Wait, didn't Reese also...

Qocafpke oThen again, even most men wouldn't have the stomach to watch torture like that...

355ewdhj o...It has nothing to do with you.

Qocafpke oOh...?

Ta9hgq7c o

Hoo, boy. This does not look good.

Xtocck39 o

7ajnehbu oYes, all of them who didn't resist and who could still work. The others we put down.

355ewdhj oWha---?!

Rsmou4y4 oGood. Get them ready to work. If any of them can't or won't, put them to the stake like usual.

7ajnehbu oYes, Father.

Lgjkwhcy o These guys are just great, aren't they?

355ewdhj oYou can't do this! This wasn't what we agreed on!

Qocafpke oHeathen enemies of the state must be dealt with according to God's law. If it weren't for our little agreement, we'd be burning you and the rest of your savages with them. You should be thankful to Chief Magnard and know your place.

355ewdhj o...Then, are you doing the same thing in all the occupied territories...?

Qocafpke oOf course. We must eliminate these vermin.

Cixov9me o

Qocafpke oYou and your people should prepare for conversion as soon as possible. If you do, you need not suffer the same fate as these Verians. They are only good as slaves.

355ewdhj oSlaves...?

Qocafpke oNow then, I'll be back later. Soldiers, I'm leaving things to you. Once you're finished with that man, you can give him to this girl. Not that he'll last much longer... We can hardly use him to work alongside the others.

7ajnehbu oUnderstood, sir.

Lgjkwhcy oYou think they're trying to get Kay to doubt herself on purpose? They've put on the most gruesome show they could muster in front of her. Or maybe they want to threaten her, even though at no point did she show any signs of going against the arrangement. Either way, these people are dumb.

Kkg7mgku o

Exactly 2:17 A.M.

Ubfjj1md o

An unknown person has arrived!

1w4wvxim o......

Stx9k60n oSherpa... Wake up...

1w4wvxim oWho...? Who are you...?

Stx9k60n oYou'll die if you stay here. Here, take my shoulder...

1w4wvxim oUrgh... Gah...!

Stx9k60n o......

Nvqazcay o

And just like that, we're back.

5hnob2me o

Let's begin working through the events now.

2yki7npa o

Ps4nmuuw oA man named Morrison from the shop in Kanne Village happened to ask us to give it to you.

Phrbyqeh oWell, that's rather strange...

Ps4nmuuw oHow so?

Phrbyqeh oI don't think I've ever known a man named Morrison, least of all from Kanne Village...

Ps4nmuuw oHm... Then what are the contents of this parcel, I wonder?

Phrbyqeh oI'm curious about that, too... Here, I'll open it up...

Evv4npnl o

Ps4nmuuw oBows?

Phrbyqeh oAnd some special ones at that... These are masterwork Apollyon bows, hand-crafted from yew wood! I almost never have the chance to keep bows as nice as this in stock... And he's sent me three of them!

Ps4nmuuw oI still do not quite understand...

Phrbyqeh oAh, hold on, there's a letter here with them...

Mryddad8 o

I like how Bluck gets character development and backstories in all of his citizen requests. Meanwhile, Reiss is all like "I lost my axes! Get my axes back for me! Axes, axes, axes!", and Pejj outright doesn't exist.

Ggy97vv1 oA long time ago, when I was still a novice, I didn't even have enough to afford food for the next day. I've never forgotten the kindness you showed me, feeding me and giving me a place to sleep. You told me, "I used to struggle a lot, too, but these struggles helped make me who I am today. I wouldn't trade these experiences for the world."

Ggy97vv1 oYour words encouraged me to keep moving forward, and I eventually became a respected craftsman. And now, before I leave this village, I want to give you these bows. I never sold them to anyone. Without your food and your kind words, neither I nor these bows could have ever existed. Please take them, with my deepest thanks. Morrison.

S9zgwan3 o

Ps4nmuuw oHe must have become a fine bowyer over the past few years.

Phrbyqeh oYou said it... Just look at these! I doubt I could make something as nice as these...

Ps4nmuuw oI'm glad I could help to bring such a kind gift to you, Mr. Bluck. I suppose I shall be off, then.

Kla7zou7 o

Ps4nmuuw oI couldn't possibly...

Phrbyqeh oI've got three of them here. One for me, one for you... And the last one for... Hm...

Ps4nmuuw o...For whom?

Aabcx8fy o


V3edenra o

That was quite wholesome, and we got a good bow out of it too!

N8dhkrpf o

Next up, the lumber for the Atelier.

Ouibgqfv o

Qxsdpmty oWhat in the... Sir Daoud, you brought back a tree this size by yourself?!

Uootydkn o...Is it too small?

Txzubig9 o Ahahahahahahahahahahah... Daoud, you absolute dork. That tree was, like, 10 times the size of the trees surrounding it! It was so huge, it had a clearing all for itself in the forest!

Qxsdpmty oNo, not at all! I just didn't expect you to bring back an entire log... (Look at the size of it...! This log's got to weigh almost eight stone!)

9qk5ifz8 oThat's 50 kilograms. In other words, Daoud fought off that crossbowman while carrying the weight of a small person on his shoulder.

Uootydkn oIf I didn't have to carry my armor or shield around, I could've gotten you a bigger one, but...

Uedfz3v4 o A bigger one?! There wasn't a bigger one, Daoud! That was it!

Qxsdpmty oT-That's quite all right! This is plenty!

7matn5wc o

Uootydkn oIf we're finished here, I'm going to go on home now.

Qxsdpmty oPlease wait, Sir Daoud!

Uootydkn oDo you need something else?

Qxsdpmty oLet me give you a plank or two from this log you brought me. It's the least I can give you.

Uootydkn oBut I'm not really in the need for any lumber...

Vwladjm0 o

Lgjkwhcy o Yeah... Bringing it back here to do business with you guys. Sneaky.

Uootydkn o...If you insist, then all right. Thanks.

Qxsdpmty oThank you, Sir Daoud! It's been a pleasure meeting you!

Lp0lohld o

Now we can craft more things!

Ezz3pszt o

Let's see if Russel's family made it safely.

Nbaymrgd o

Yep, looks like it.

Wzjo1nii oI can't express my gratitude enough, Lord Reese!

H0s8ajsg oI feel the same. Thank you for finding and protecting my little girl.

Wgbc9fdl oYes, thank you, Lord Reese!

Meoilxpy oI am glad you made it out safely. I should apologize for asking you to follow the road here on your own...

Wgbc9fdl oAh, n-no... I knew you were protecting me, Lord Reese, so I wasn't worried...

9qk5ifz8 o That's because you don't know him too well. You should see him smile. You'd be running back to the Imperials and begging them to take you away from him.

Meoilxpy oIs that so? You're quite brave, Meryl.

Wgbc9fdl oT-Thank you...

Fq6wje7p o

3cxl4xfi oA wise decision. It is much safer here. However, I promise that the day will come that you can safely return to Kanne Village.

Lgjkwhcy o Don't make promises you may not be able to keep, Ward. We're losing the war.

3cxl4xfi oUntil that day comes, I wish you the best of luck here.

Bc5yjkwl o

Wzjo1nii oSo, to thank you, I want you to have this. It's not much, but...

3cxl4xfi oA gift...? You needn't do that for us...

Wzjo1nii oThis is steel wire, made from many small threads braided together. It's much stronger than ordinary sinew or thread strings.

3cxl4xfi oOh? What is it used for?

Wzjo1nii oI think it's best used for making powerful crossbow strings, but it's yours to do with as you like.

3cxl4xfi oI see... Well, I accept it gladly.

Wzjo1nii oThank you, General Ward. And of course, you too, Lord Reese.

U6mlijkd o

With the rapid crossbow made, there's only one item we can craft with this: the Ollerus, a long-range crossbow with the nosferatu effect. It's... less useful than you'd think. Neither Sylvis nor Christine should ever be getting hit to begin with. As... Christine proved the hard way, back in the day.

Lbtj55rb o

Next up, the bishop.

B42ybkmj o

3cxl4xfi oIt was no easy task, I must say. When I could not convince him with words, I began to panic...

2d3gjvxf oTo tell the truth, there is a good reason he was so obstinate.

3cxl4xfi oEven to go so far as to stay behind praying at the risk of his own life?

2d3gjvxf oIn the past, Kanne Village has been the target of a large-scale attack by many groups of bandits. The village's hired guards fought back against them, but the enemy was still far too numerous. The mayor decided to temporarily evacuate the village, and the bishop, just a priest at the time, followed.

3cxl4xfi o......

0m9qimhq o

2d3gjvxf oBishop Simas only learned of this after the fact...

3cxl4xfi oWhat happened to them?

2d3gjvxf oThe ones who were left behind were all slaughtered by the attackers. None survived. After that, the bishop vowed to stay in the village for the rest of his life...

6pfbj0vf o

3cxl4xfi oHow tragic...

2d3gjvxf oStill, Sir Ward, we are truly thankful for what you've done. We have little to offer you, but please take this.

3cxl4xfi oWhat is it?

Nry7jga8 o

Lgjkwhcy o Elixir? That's rather underwhelming... I can count the amount of times I might've needed a concoction instead of a plain vulnerary with the fingers of one hand, let alone a full heal. Heck, the concoction heals 40 HP. There's almost nobody in the army who couldn't get a full heal from that.

3cxl4xfi oExtraordinary... I am certain that we can put it to good use. Please give my best wishes to Bishop Simas for me.

2d3gjvxf oOf course. Take care, General.

X4ndgxae o

Ahh, it wasn't an elixir, it was a panacea! Can't ever have too many of these. Thanks a ton for lending us this, Lendel.

Mx8dbkyh o

Valery time.

Tvb4qamu oVyexkvep o


Ecqitebs o6h8uqpka o

We could go and give Erzheimer the brace, but like I've said before, this thing's too good to be handing it over to Erzie. If we get every other Erzheimer item, I'll give it to him the last opportunity we get, so we can see the final Erzheimer scenes.

Cotfzemn o

And now, it's event time. First off... Reese's promotion! Of course, we won't get to see him in action until next chapter, but free Larentia for the entire chapter is still pretty nice.

Iubqwaex o

Ah! Volcens! Also, it's been a while since I last linked scene music. Let's have some.

Pobpolog oYour Majesty, please consider the enormity of what Lord Reese has achieved during his time here. If he is not properly rewarded for his actions, the citizens may feel that their patron has been slighted...

2xdxkwpj oHm... I suppose that is true...

Hxq4hdqj oI must respectfully disagree.

Lgjkwhcy o Of course you must... can't let Volcens do something right for once in his life.

Hxq4hdqj oLord Reese's popularity is merely a result of his father's influence.

Uedfz3v4 o What?! "His father's influence" didn't even get him past the front gate when he first arrived! Couldn't you come up with a better excuse!?

Hxq4hdqj oI believe rewarding him for that would be irresponsible.

Jhvoux35 o I agree with Minister Padolf. Granting him a title at this time seems much too premature.

9qk5ifz8 o I like how even Herman can't figure out a way out of this one, so he's just supporting Padolf's shitty-ass excuse.

Bnes4lei oMight I share my thoughts on this, Your Majesty?

2xdxkwpj oArchbishop Lebough? Yes, feel free to speak.

Bnes4lei oThe title of Knight Lord is simply a mark of fame, not one of any true power or rank in the kingdom. Much like the title of paladin among ordinary knights, it is a badge of honor to reward great deeds. Many kings throughout the centuries have rewarded their loyal subjects with this title.a

Ialtp1tw o

Bnes4lei oGiving the title to Lord Reese will surely show your dedication to the well-benig of the kingdom's citizens.

Txzubig9 o Ahhh, I see Lebough's strategy... he's appealing to Volcens's ego. Brilliant idea!

2xdxkwpj oI see... By awarding it to that boy, we will also improve our image with the people... Very well. Roswick, see to it that the ceremony is prepared.

9qk5ifz8 o And it worked! Thanks, Lebough, we owe ya one.

H8n6gm3x o
Suohmfbm o
M9b7lphu o

There he is! The man of the hour! He's donned new clothes that don't match his combat sprite!

Fbknkmvn o

Tpvwxbgq o

9qk5ifz8 o And to your great frustration, I might add.

Hxq4hdqj othe title of Knight Lord is to be granted to you. May you persevere in loyalty and love for His Majesty.

Meoilxpy oI accept with great joy. For His Majesty's sake, I will forever persevere! I will devote all the strength I have to Mother Veria and to the people of her kingdom!

Fnnlsbik o

Zig1fg6v oFor all you have endured thus far, I thank you with all my heart.

Meoilxpy oI am truly honored, Your Highness.

Zig1fg6v oMay your name be forever engraved in the hearts of the people. The Goddess's blessings be upon this extraordinary young man!


2xdxkwpj oGrumble grumble...

Zig1fg6v oWhat's the matter, dear brother?

2xdxkwpj oYou've never called me an "extraordinary young man"... What does he have that I don't?

Yyb62xuz oI can call you "man" if you want.

2xdxkwpj o...Hmph... I think I'll pass.

Yyb62xuz oYes, on second thought, I don't think "man" is quite the word I'd use...

2xdxkwpj oSienna, I'm this close to having a blade stuck in Bernard's throat. How about it?

Zig1fg6v o...(Indeed, "man" is not the right word to describe you, dear brother)...


Xg7tw8ff oKhh6h2wx o

Okay, Reese is promoted! He's... actually a bit better than Ward, now. He can't use spears or guard people, though. Not that he wants to use spears, mind. The Gram is his weapon of choice.

Gq2rcake o

2xdxkwpj oWhether it be rank or dominion, gold, silver or treasure... Ask it, and I will grant your wish.

Meoilxpy oI have no desire for rank or land, Your Majesty. I have but one simple request.

2xdxkwpj oIs that so? Tell me, what is it?

Xnzhbcjl o

2xdxkwpj oKnight of Pesil? ...Herman, what is he talking about?

Lgjkwhcy o So... Yeah, you know all those times we joked about Volcens not releasing Larentia because he forgot about her? Yeah. As it turns out, that's the real reason. Volcens completely forgot about her. Our liege, ladies and gentlemen.

Jhvoux35 o I presume he means the woman who was arrested on charges of being an Imperial spy...

Pobpolog oBut she has already been acquitted! Lord Herman, have you neglected to release her all this time...?

2xdxkwpj oWell, then I see no issue with granting your request, Lord Reese. Herman, have her released at once.

Jhvoux35 o Yes, Your Majesty...

Txzubig9 o Well, took us long enough, but Herman's evil scheme to deprive me of my flier has been foiled. Suck on that, collar man!

G82yr06i o

This is another one of my favorite tracks. Listen till the end, there's a little surprise.

Meoilxpy o......

5utjtvhw oLord Reese, you mustn't keep putting yourself at risk for my sake... Please, forget about me...

Zebypio0 oNo can do. Right, Lord Reese? We're in this together now. I've got to make a living somehow...

Obcfrwap oYwjttbbz o

Hah! I don't think so.

2ycihfte o

Zebypio0 oW-What?! Hold on a sec! I ain't done nothing wrong! It was all Lord Reese's idea! I can explain everything!

9qk5ifz8 o I like how he's actually right. It was Reese's idea. He's making Jung take the fall for both of 'em. Jesus... Reese is horrible!

Y8ew3fye oDon't worry, Mr. Jung. I'll be taking care of you personally to make sure you receive justice. Take him away, men.

7ajnehbu oYes, milord!

Yqxcm2ry oEj5kr5af o
He can, and he is.
Jjdbfz70 o

And off he goes. He never shows up again, so I'm guessing Vanmilion had him thrown in the dungeon to rot for the crime of making a deal with Reese. A deal that was devised by Reese, I should point out. Jung's greed was his undoing, but beyond that, Reese is the true criminal mastermind.

Uzfgb1hb o

Y8ew3fye oDame Larentia, you've been released. I apologize for all you've had to endure.

Larnvf3s o

Y8ew3fye oAs his reward for being made a Knight Lord, Lord Reese asked for your release.

5utjtvhw oYou did...?!

Sn3zj03l o3w5tyvfa o

Meoilxpy oI am sorry I was unable to keep my word to you until now. Please forgive me.

5utjtvhw oLord Reese...!

Roee9diu oIcawdg9w o

Awww... Well, that was pretty nice.




Zebypio0 oWeyl, how can you do this?! Don't let them take me away! Is this because I refused to give you a bigger cut--

Rcymypww oKeep spewing lies, will you? Don't listen to this bastard, men. This way.

Zebypio0 oYou piece of sh-- What...? Wait, the holding cells aren't this way...


Ons14mdv oWhy, hello, Jung.

Zebypio0 o...! No... Not you...!

Ons14mdv oTsk, tsk... What a mess this is. How could you let this happen, Jung?

Zebypio0 oN-No! Wait, it wasn't my fault... Reese, it was Reese! He double-crossed me!

Ons14mdv oThat he did... I'm honestly impressed. I didn't think he had it in him. Maybe I should've approached him instead of his tactician.

Zebypio0 oS-See, you understand! None of this is my fault--

Ons14mdv oIndeed, I understand. I also understand, my friend, that your testimony would be enough to bury everyone involved. And, well, I don't think we can have that, can we?

Zebypio0 o...!

Ons14mdv oLord Reese had the right idea. We can have you fall all on your own, as the sole villain of this story. It's quite convenient, isn't it? And all I have to do is make sure you cannot talk... Easy.

Zebypio0 oWait! I won't... I won't talk! I swear! I can still be of use! If you bust me out, I can go and swindle some other lordling out there! I-I'm good at that, I'm great at that! Please...!

Ons14mdv oAnything else, or can we get started? I'm in kind of a rush. Mr. Routh wants me to fill out some forms before the end of the day.

Zebypio0 o...Vanmilion! Lord Vanmilion, sir! Help me! T-They're--

Ons14mdv oNow you want the "pigs" to save you? Hah... Vanmilion will never know what became of you. The higher-ups don't pay too much attention to what goes on in the dungeons. You of all people should know that.



Ons14mdv oHuh. Good thing I brought a spare scarf.


Th6qrsp4 o

Next up, Sherpa.

Fpkbagjz o

1w4wvxim oWhy are you apologizing?

355ewdhj oMy father should never have gotten involved with the Empire. Until now, I never saw them for what they really are... I hated you for abandoning my father... But I was wrong. I was just a naive girl making the same mistakes as him...

1w4wvxim oYour father... Chief Magnard was a great man beloved by everyone.

Ihmhqxgy o

Lgjkwhcy o ...The Verians were what? Come now, Sherpa. They're the good guys, there's no way good guys would do something like this. Surely this must be the Raze Empire's doing-- Oh, wait, right. Volcens is terrible and his dad was even worse. We almost went for five minutes without the game reminding us that the Verian royal family are horrible people! Well, except Sienna. Sienna's great, and she should be queen instead of Volcens.

1w4wvxim oAnd to me, he was like a father. He took me in and taught me how to fend for myself... He meant more to me than any real parent could. I owed him everything. I thought that I could do anything for him. Even die for him.

1w4wvxim oBut three years ago, when he told me what he intended to do...

Zbw8hyt8 o

Oh boy, a flashback!

Ap2wve2d o

4i07piio oI can't agree to this. We'll still just be at the beck and call of foreign rulers!

Agpektst oIf we cooperate with the Razites, they've guaranteed our autonomy as a dependency of the Empier. It certainly sounds much better than our current situation, doesn't it?

4i07piio oAnd you're willing to tell our people to just give up our culture and what we've believed for so long? To just give up their faith and start worshipping the god Raze?!

Agpektst oThe Empire says it will not force our people to convert.

Lgjkwhcy o Uh... That's not what they told your daughter...

Agpektst oAnd what's more, Sherpa...

4i07piio oWhat?

Agpektst oWe of the Conoll have lived in these lands since long before the days when the Verians invaded. It was the Verians who came and conquered us, stealing our land and destroying our way of life.

Yhfckzlp o

Agpektst oExchanging one for the other can hardly change our destiny now.

4i07piio oI know that the one calling himself Duke of hte Highlands is our enemy... And if the Kingdom of Veria supports his rule, then they're our enemy too. I know that, but...

4i07piio oBut this is bigger than us. If we do this, we'll be betraying all the people of the Berwick League. Even if we do survive, how could we possibly justify our actions to the other tribes of this land?!

Agpektst oI expected that you would say something as much... But at this rate, we are running out of options...

4i07piio oChief Magnard, please!

Gigahv8z o

Agpektst oIf you won't obey me, Sherpa... Then you're nothing more than a traitor!

Urimrims o

Jesus Christ!

Im0vadhc o

Look, it's ingame gore. You can tell it's not mine because there aren't rivers of blood spraying everywhere.

Agpektst oWhat's wrong, Sherpa? Fight back! Fight me, coward...!

Bpuj0lm6 oI... I won't... I won't fight you, Chief Magnard...

Agpektst o...Sherpa, I... I'm an old man, worn and wearied by decades of war... I've become a coward... And now I've harmed one of my own clan...

Z9qgzlok o

Agpektst oI'm just an old man who's lost his ambition and reason for living... This war, the fight for independence... I'm so tired of it all... I just want to live my days in peace with Kay...

Bpuj0lm6 o......

Agpektst oSherpa... If you killed me, then you would become the new chieftain. You're strong, Sherpa. Strong enough to make the right choice.

Agpektst o...I want you to do it, Sherpa. Kill me. Do it for everyone's sakes. ...Do it!

Bpuj0lm6 oChief...

1delk6la o

1w4wvxim oThat's what happens when you try to stop a sword with your face.

9qk5ifz8 o Hah! This guy's a jester even when he's recounting the tragic story of how his father figure stabbed him in the eye.

1w4wvxim oBecause he attacked me unjustly, I had the right to defend myself. That was his plan. He wanted me to kill him with my own hands... And become the new chieftain.

Uedfz3v4 o Jesus, Magnard! Couldn't you have aimed for his shoulder, then? If you only wanted to provoke him, there were better ways to go about it than cutting off his eye! He might need it if he succeeds you, y'know?

355ewdhj oMaybe... You should've done it...

1w4wvxim o...After that, I came here to Narvia, far away from the clan.

Suvqw5av o

355ewdhj oAfter you left, I asked Father why you did, but he wouldn't tell me anything... So I thought you had abandoned Father, and the clan... and me...

1w4wvxim o......

355ewdhj oAnd so, I even blamed Father's death on your betrayal... I thought that if you'd been there...

1w4wvxim oKay...

355ewdhj oBut when I saw what our allies in the Empire were doing, I realized that it was Father who'd been wrong.

1w4wvxim o...You were right to blame me. I ran away, and I abandoned him and my clansmen to their deaths. Everything that's happened since has been because of my cowardice.

355ewdhj oThen when I found you... Did you let me catch you on purpose? So that I could kill you...?

Oeqdtklb o
Ako1cgg4 o

Whoa! That was a quick reconciliation.

Djqhfljp o

...Really?! You could've entered the tavern at any point in time, and you pick this exact moment!? What, do you have a jealousy sensor that triggers whenever Sherpa is with another woman? "My Sherpa senses are tingling! I must go and walk in on him so as to produce a love triangle!"

1w4wvxim o...Was that Aegina?

355ewdhj oHee hee... Seems I'm not the only one you're hiding things from.

1w4wvxim oWhat do you mean?

355ewdhj oYou're always so insensitive...

1w4wvxim oWhat's that got to do with anything...?

Kygfkpua o

1w4wvxim o......

355ewdhj oIt's all right... I want you to stay here. You have your own battle to fight. I want you to be honest with your own heart, like in the old days...

1w4wvxim oKay...

355ewdhj oThere's no need for farewells... There's still something I have to do before I go.

Rmawf208 oFrwzwjxj o
H27au6cg o

Think that's over? Nuh-uh. Now we've got to see how Aegina's holding up. She's... sitting in front of a grave, now. That can't be good.

Yccuacti o

Vxqntpa3 oPrincess...? What's the matter? What happened?

Rkdow2fs o(Why did I have to get so angry...?)

Vxqntpa3 oPrincess...

Rkdow2fs o(Why could I do nothing but run away!?)

Kejfkwup o

Rkdow2fs o...Huh?! Y-Yes, Rosalie?

Vxqntpa3 oI've been calling out to you for several minutes now, Princess... Your heart must be aching...

Rkdow2fs oT-That's not true... I was just lost in my thoughts...

Vxqntpa3 o...Thoughts about Mr. Sherpa?

Rkdow2fs oW-Why would you bring him up?! He's got nothing to do with it!

6vlqniac o

Txzubig9 o Ahahahahah... Rosalie is a bit like the Alfred to Aegina's Batman. Except they're both teenage girls, and Rosalie is a pervert.

Rkdow2fs oMore importantly, Rosalie, I'm grateful to you. You've decorated Father's grave so beautifully... I would've liked to make a proper one for his body back in Riana, but...

Vxqntpa3 oYou've already done so much for His Late Majesty, Princess. I am certain he is happy just with the fact that you are safe now.

Rkdow2fs oRosalie...

Vxqntpa3 oIt's only been a short time since we came to this country, but it feels like we've been here for ages...

Rkdow2fs o......

B2ev09pt o

Rkdow2fs o...Yes...

Vxqntpa3 oPrincess...?

Rkdow2fs oIt's not bad to feel welcomed... But I can't lose sight of the duty that I must fulfill. You understand, don't you?

Vxqntpa3 o......

0ak9wglg o

Today is flashback day, apparently. Also, another one of my favorite tracks. Not sure why. It's just... I like it.

Qyesgdrd o

There's Rosalie's dad, alongside a guy who, believe it or not, has a unique sprite. I'm pretty sure nobody else in the entire game is a recolor. It's always either sprite reuses or unique portraits. Morai is somehow unique and not at the same time.

O10tjkat oNow, quietly step aside... You shall abdicate the throne to me.

Tomonr3m oThe throne of Riana will never be taken by one who does not carry the blood of St. Riana in his veins!

O10tjkat oOh, I don't think you'll have to worry about that for long...

Tomonr3m oWhat?! You can't mean...!

Lgjkwhcy o ...He's going to drink Marius's blood? Please tell me he's going to drink Marius's blood, and then he'll politely show Aegina out...

O10tjkat oDon't worry, King Marius... I'll take good care of little Aegina.

Uedfz3v4 o ...Fuck me-- Berwick Saga! How many more rapist villains must you throw at us before you are satisfied!? At least in this game some of them have died, though... It's not quite as terrible as the whole TRS Slaver business...

O10tjkat oYou can rest easy... Yes, rest in peace! Ha ha ha...!

Tomonr3m oYou... You traitor---!

Iqrzxfal o
J02rpvf9 oDwkti0wv o

Well, fuck. There goes the king of Riana.

Io2h6ke2 o
Ga5vsybr o
Emqzvvok o

Rkdow2fs oI'm going to bring Morai to justice. I'll see to it that he pays for his crimes, or I'll die trying.

Uedfz3v4 o Goodness, she is more like Batman than I initially thought! It's like... teenage magical girl Batman with a smiling pedophile instead of a smiling clown as her archnemesis.

Vxqntpa3 oPrincess, please don't say such terrible things... If anything ever happened to you, I don't know what I'd do...

Rkdow2fs oI'm sorry, Rosalie... But I've made up my mind.

Qcqbgngu oRlnaxhjt o

There's Kay. Time for the confrontation of the ages.

Rkdow2fs oYou're that woman...

355ewdhj oYes... We didn't have a chance to speak back at the tavern.

Rkdow2fs o......

Vxqntpa3 oMiss Aegina, I think I should be going on home now...

Zd0figum o
Zx65fu4t o
Yzcnrxgn o

Rkdow2fs oHe never told me... I never knew anything about it...

355ewdhj oThat's what he does. He never tells anyone else what he's feeling.

Rkdow2fs oIt seems that... you know Sherpa quite well...

355ewdhj oWe've known each other since we were both children... But I never could get that close to him.

Ffhsk7iz o

9qk5ifz8 o Never mind, there's no confrontation. Kay's giving him up.

Rkdow2fs oAnother woman?

355ewdhj o...I'm going back to the Highlands.

Rkdow2fs oWhat...?

Lgjkwhcy o"I'm going back to the Highlands" seems to be Kay's version of "I am a man of Duscur." You think she stops people on the street to let them know she's returning to the Highlands?

355ewdhj oI won't be taking Sherpa with me, so don't you worry.

Rkdow2fs oWorried?! Who would be worried about him? In fact, just take him! Nothing would make me happier!

9qk5ifz8 oPfff... oh, please... Aegina. More like Animegina.

355ewdhj oHee hee... I'm a little jealous of you.

Rkdow2fs oHuh...?

355ewdhj o...When I return home, I'm going to lead my clan in the fight against the Empire. As the daughter of a proud people, it's my responsibility to regain what we've lost.

Rkdow2fs oI suppose... We're a bit alike in that way...

An9vyb96 o

Lgjkwhcy o What? Riana too? How many nations has Veria been oppressing? I thought they were supposed to be the leaders of the Berwick League, the protectors of all against the evil Raze Empire!

9qk5ifz8 o ...Oh, I just got it: Veria is the United States of America. Guess that explains Volcens...

I apologize to all American readers. I'm just kidding. Love y'all.

355ewdhj oAnd now, they're being tormented yet again by the Empire. Small countries like ours are always being used by bigger ones... But still, I'm not going to repeat my father's mistakes. I'm going to fight to regain my home with my own two hands, and I'm going to do it my way.

F11pkdgd o

Rkdow2fs o......

355ewdhj oI wish I could stay and talk with you for a while longer, but I must be going now.

Rkdow2fs o...Wait...!

355ewdhj oHm?

Rkdow2fs oI'm sorry... I misunderstood you...

355ewdhj oHee hee... That's all right. Here, you should have this.

Rkdow2fs oWhat is it?

Cdndffiu o

355ewdhj oThen, no matter how far apart you are or what pain you go through, you're destined to meet again. It's an old, old tradition passed down among Highlander clans.

355ewdhj o...I know at least one man who would grieve heavily if you died.

Rkdow2fs o......

C1f1irbl o

OH that's going to Owen, no questions asked. I know at least one man who would grieve heavily if he died.

355ewdhj oFarewell... Princess of Riana.

Ipcencve o

Rkdow2fs oAh... Thank you... Chieftess Kay...

Iqrm0ppw o

Oh, what's that? You think that's enough of that? Silly child... We must recruit Sherpa! Yeah, you may've forgotten in between backstories 1 and 2, but the purpose of that whole thing was to recruit Sherpa. And that's what we'll be doing in this event. Don't worry, it's a lot shorter.

Na8teqja o

1w4wvxim oActually, starting today, I'm washing my hands of this whole mercenary business.

Meoilxpy oYou are?! That's a shame...

1w4wvxim oUntil now, I've been thinking about my former clansmen fighting on the side of the Empire... But I've settled all my debts with the past now. From here on out, I'm going to follow my own heart.

9qk5ifz8 o I'm glad he's following Kay's advice, and I'm gladder that his heart has led him into our team.

Meoilxpy oI see... Very well, then. Still, I'm grateful for all the work you've done for us, Sherpa.

Dmajvkis o

Look, it's that theme again!

Meoilxpy oYou want to join my army?

1w4wvxim oSure, if you'll have me.

Meoilxpy oOf course I will! You'd be most welcome among the Knights of Sinon.

1w4wvxim oBut let's make one thing clear. I'm not going to swear loyalty to the Kingdom of Veria.

Pjsttolv o

1w4wvxim oYou're one of the few Verians who I know we Highlanders can trust.

Meoilxpy oSherpa... If you truly mean that, then I'm afraid I can't have you. There's nothing that following me can gain for you or your people.

Reavxqdj o

Meoilxpy oIf you fight for me, we will fight as comrades under the same flag of the Kingdom of Veria. And if we die together, then we will be buried as fellow soldiers of that same kingdom.

Lgjkwhcy o Hey Reese, can you try saving all these technicalities until after he has joined us? Pretty please?

Meoilxpy oThat's all I ask of you, and it's all I can offer you. If you cannot agree to that, then...

24fvheb1 o

1w4wvxim oYou're a man I know I can place my trust in, Lord Reese.

Ljttukjk o

Uhh, the next part of Sherlock's character arc!

C83gtutv o
87cxoa3h o

Fuck, she's gone...

Oxve08tv o

Euilmzmc oOphelia... Where have you gone...?

4lvo4cue o

Xhqpmjzv oYes?

Euilmzmc oOphelia's father, Basselin... What kind of man was he? What was his story?

Xhqpmjzv oWell... I heard he was once a devout Verian priest in his younger years. Then, one day, he just left. He started devoting himself fully to crafting musical instruments. That's about all I know.

Euilmzmc o......

Xhqpmjzv oNow that I think about it...

Euilmzmc oDid you remember something?

Rbwdot9k o

Euilmzmc oYou do?! Where?

Xhqpmjzv oThere's an abandoned warehouse over in the harbor district. She'd go there from time to time to practice her lyre without anyone being around to hear. That's what she told me, at least.

Euilmzmc oSomewhere near the harbor... You're sure?

Xhqpmjzv oNope. Never been there, myself. Wouldn't be much point in going. Even if I did find her, I know I could never convince her to come back.

81pbhfmq o

Euilmzmc o......

Euilmzmc o...Thank you, Alex.

Gdfp32te o

Quick, to the harbor! Sherlock must find love!

...Love that, apparently, went into an abandoned warehouse by herself after her whole life was ruined by accusations of murder and witchcraft.

...There's a non-zero chance we'll find a corpse, and I don't like it.

Yelhpqeg o

Oh, phew... Thank goodness, she's just... sort of chilling there, in the absolute darkness.

...Wait, what?

Euilmzmc o...Ophelia.

Gmqr9vox oSherlock...!

Euilmzmc oYou don't need to say anything. Just please, hear what I have to say.

Gmqr9vox o......

Euilmzmc oWhen I... When one of our comrades dies, the survivors will make a big racket and be merry for them. It's one of the ways we mourn for people back in my homeland.

9qk5ifz8 o Random worldbuilding in this random scene? Sure, why not!

Euilmzmc oBut one night... I tried to join in on the cheering, but tears just wouldn't stop coming. No matter what I did, I was just a man sobbing alone in a tavern full of people...

E3oymb7m o

Gmqr9vox o......

Euilmzmc oI know better than anyone that your songs don't hurt people. It was your song that saved me.

Gmqr9vox o...Sherlock...

Euilmzmc oWon't you play for me, Ophelia? I don't care if it's in this dusty place. I don't care where it is.

Yat6smw8 o

Gmqr9vox o......

9qk5ifz8 o She begins playing at this point.

Euilmzmc o......

Euilmzmc o...Thank you... Ophelia...

Geefnlg8 o

That was very nice. I'm glad that Sherlock has found love... uh, in a pitch-black warehouse.

Anyway, last event, and then it's sidequest time at last. Seek the truth? No character... what could this be?

Klqwvh1a o


Translations in white text, highlight to read.

3cxl4xfi oCome again?

Q1mgvbsq o... .... .. .... ... ....

I'd like to work for you.

3cxl4xfi oAre you certain, lad?

Q1mgvbsq o..., ..... ........, ... .....

Yes, quite certain, Sir Ward.

3cxl4xfi oWell, that's certainly interesting... I'll tell Lord Reese.

Vlpfqpy3 o

"My recruitable senses are tingling! I better go and try to talk this person out of joining my army!"

Kbyyjohu o

3cxl4xfi oWell, milord, it's Derrick here... He says he wants to leave the mercenaries and join our knights.

Txzubig9 o Ohhhhh! Derrick is joining us!? Yes! He's joining forever and ever! Raze's screwed now! This is the most important event of all!

Meoilxpy oIs that so? Well, Derrick, may I ask why?

Nvsq8zx6 o

9qk5ifz8 o Then stop looking. Just look in the mirror!

Meoilxpy o...Come again?

3cxl4xfi oWell, his personal ambitions aren't really of that much concern to me. I know he's not a bad person. Plus, this way, we won't have to worry about his fee anymore.

9qk5ifz8 oAh yes, his extremely steep fee of a few hundred denarii. Thank Veria we don't have to worry about it any longer.

3cxl4xfi oHe'll just be on the regular payroll.

Meoilxpy oI have no objections. He's already shown his dedication to helping the townspeople. No matter who he is under that helmet, I trust him.

Emajxash o

Q1mgvbsq o... .... .. ......, .... ......

You have my thanks, Lord Reese.

3cxl4xfi oCome on, lad! Speak up for once!

Meoilxpy oIt's fine, Ward. He's shy, don't make him shout.

3cxl4xfi oShy? What makes you say that, milord?

Wrr1vrhq o

Txzubig9 o Ahahahahahahahahahahahah... Hahahah! Reese is such a gullible fuckin' fool, I swear. He was bamboozled by Barselphon, tricked by Ellis, never questioned Owen, assumes a guy who wants to join his army hides his identity because he's "shy"... He's amazing! How does he do it? Well... I guess caution could be considered an emotion, and we know how Reese is with emotions.

9qk5ifz8 o He isn't.

Mjivbjgy o

Anyway, Derrick has joined permanently. And now he can go to main missions. It's game over for Raze! Ahahahahah...! I'll never stop with this meme. Never. I love him, he's the best kind of meme.

Wxzqbiqf o

All right, decision-making time at last! We have three sidequests. This one is the chapter's own. Sadly, the second one requires Christine, so we can't get it.

Mdq9qtdx oXezdjjdi o

To compensate, we have two paralogues: Hero of the Sea, Sylvis's paralogue, and The Altar of Raze, Faye's paralogue. Turns out dying did give her enough happiness to unlock this in a timely manner. No sign of Kramer's paralogue yet, though...

Luu5dcuj o

After some pondering, I have decided to start with Hero of the Sea. For... not much of a reason, beyond that, out of these chapters, I think this is the one where Ruby'll have an easier time getting her last WpSkill points. Altar is a swamp map (don't worry, it's not awful like TRS's or Gaiden's swamps), and Armory Situation is a snow map, both of which will make it awkward for Ruby to move around. But if she doesn't promote after this one, I might have to deploy her there, too. I want free Clifford before the next chapter.

5ebgbjru o

Ps4nmuuw oWe received your request for military assistance. Are you the manager here, sir?

Oo812wff o

Ps4nmuuw oWould you please explain the situation to us?

Jx91oxfm oYes, of course. Our company specializes in the transport of cargo and travelers to other countries on the Sea of Berre. We're doing all we can to keep this country afloat with maritime trade through this awful war.

7tihhauo o

Jx91oxfm oThe navy does what it can to protect us near the ports, but they can't afford to guard us the entire way. We've tried hiring mercenaries and escort ships, to make up the difference, but... Well, there just aren't enough of them to go around.

Jx91oxfm oStill, this city depends on the goods and services we provide!

Lgjkwhcy oYes... And the lining of your pockets as well, hmm?

Jx91oxfm oWe can't stop working out of fear of a handful of pirates! And that's why I've kept sending messages to the military for help...

Oa8gidt9 o

Jx91oxfm oThat would be wonderful, thank you. Maybe the likes of you will be able to scare off those pirates for good.

Ps4nmuuw oWe will do our utmost. I shall return to you with my lord's response as soon as I am able.

Jx91oxfm oThank you, Lady Tianna.

9auwngab o

Meoilxpy oThat reminds me, the guild has also been requesting related jobs...

Ps4nmuuw oWith regards to cargo escorts? Yes, they are currently understaffed.

Meoilxpy oThat's quite unfortunate... Ward, prepare an escort party.

3cxl4xfi oMilord?

Meoilxpy oWe're going to do what we can to help these traders out.

3cxl4xfi oYes, milord!

Ekwcwbtg o

Sylvis's theme. I think I mentioned way back in chapter 1 how I consider this to be Sylvis's theme because it often plays in her scenes? Well, it also played in the earlier scene at the tavern with Shaiah, so... yeah. It's Sylvis's theme.

Meoilxpy oSylvis...?

K6a8y571 oYou remember what I told you before, about why I came here to Narvia in the first place, don't you?

Meoilxpy oYes, I remember. You're looking to capture a pirate named Weiss, wasn't that it?

K6a8y571 oRight, and now I've decided to be more proactive in my search.

Meoilxpy oOur purpose for this excursion is not to take prisoners, and I don't imagine we will encounter Weiss by chance...

Lgjkwhcy o Pfft. Please, Reese. You speak as if we don't always happen to conveniently get requests to do things in the places where we go to fight. I mean, hell, she knows for a fact that Weiss is in the area. This is a pretty reasonable course of action.

K6a8y571 oI know that. But it's better than searching for him on land.

Meoilxpy o...Very well. But tell me, why do all this just to seek out a single pirate? This is going far beyond your duties as a mercenary...

Lgjkwhcy oDidn't she tell you when you spoke in chapter 5, Reese? Weren't you listening? Oh, right, back then you were busy lecturing her about how important it is for women to stay in the kitchen. How you got out of that one without an arrow in the knee is beyond me.

K6a8y571 oI'm grateful to you for allowing me to come along, Lord Reese...

Szxr1bf6 o

Meoilxpy oSylvis...? No, never mind... Just remember, you're here first and foremost to lend us a hand. Any personal business comes second.

K6a8y571 oOf course. I am a professional, after all.

Cxa5absy o
Oh, hey. It's Miss "You Could Never Get A Man To Even Look At You, Sylvis". Also known as the comedian.
92sftvob o

K6a8y571 oShaiah?!

Jyfyeyjs o......

K6a8y571 oI'm surprised you're not with Weiss on his ship.

Jyfyeyjs oThat day we met at the tavern, he'd already let me off the ship...

Xy2msybg o

Jyfyeyjs oIf I could, I'd kill you with my own two hands right here...

Txzubig9 oHah! You wish! She'd turn you into swiss cheese if you tried!

Jyfyeyjs oBut...

K6a8y571 oShaiah...?

Jyfyeyjs o......

Lgjkwhcy oAwkward...

Kt4jxdze o1c9fhlbu o

And suddenly, Perceval!

Fbpwtcm5 o

And preparations! Sherlock gets some gear.

4zjuk4qi o

As well as Aegina, because... well, who knows. Now that I have the divine brace, I might deploy her more often.

Iag5z5wx o

Derrick takes the bag we bought last time.

Svyif9zv o

Adel takes the iron spear Axel robbed.

7d6on2ox o

Then, I sell the two knives.

Yjrwxhzl oRrfig39p o

Axes for Derrick.

Xd0khmf9 o

A new sword for Arturo. You know, he only needs to get one level and he'll promote. But there's no need to rush, Ruby is more important.

Zpzqdyrs oJ4liuoci o

Both Marcel and Derrick get two leather shields. I don't want a repeat of last time.

Auz5mjao o

Oh, before I forget! Owen takes Aegina's miracle charm. I feel much safer already.

Sq0tpbbv o

Kingfisher time! Kramer gets us started. He gets the daily special.

N0jm1dqr oFdobhlll o

I really don't care much for the bonuses in this case. I just want the happiness boost. The more he can get, the sooner he'll join. Perhaps. I haven't decided yet.

Hczr8nmv o

Aegina gets a pretty funny dish.

8w9qglhe o7ha5bhx5 oNtchpllf o

See, if the reaction to this dish is lukewarm, the unit gets 1 magic, which is always helpful for mages, and the defense loss doesn't matter when you already have 0. If the unit likes the dish, however, they gain Magicbane instead of magic. Enemy magic is so rare that, comparatively speaking, the dish becomes completely useless. Berwick Saga is funny like that.

4zjid5ui o

Whoops. That's a typo.

Awtuokbf o

Worth it, though. 12 more avoid will help her a ton in her paralogue.

5txacios oN0ofnu5z oCuvcgmvh o
Sdwzbgup oCkerkzbs oS0bb7iyh o

Derrick and Axel get food because I like them. Not much else.

Fql3xwfd o

Finally, I craft this with the ash wood we got. The Angon seems pretty fun (it's the closest thing to a regular FE javelin we'll get), but I prefer the other weapon that can be crafted with ash wood. Not to worry, though - Palitztzschztzhsczh has another plank for sale, and I can't craft the thing just yet, anyways.

Dv8y3hjv oUr690n0u o

All right, then. Next time, we will storm the seas and fight pirates. We probably won't encounter Weiss, because, I mean, according to Reese that'd be an inconceivable coincidence. At any rate, the important thing is that Sylvis will be part of our team for good afterwards. And, well, with any luck, so will be Clifford. Just two skill points... Not really asking for much, am I, Ruby?

Whatever comes to pass, I can only hope that you guys won't cease faring well. It's been over 50 updates at this point, and we're only halfway through... I fear I may soon run out of ways to fare you guys well. Hm. Maybe the classic way's not so bad. Here goes: Farewell! Hahah!


Death count: Christine
                        Faye x 2

* Unavailable

Capture count: 2 (Daoud, Elbert)

Cripple count: 1 (Perceval)

Reset count: 3 (Ward: 1, Abus: 2)


Current perfect streak: 3 maps

Best perfect streak: 6 maps



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27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I love the gameplay-story integration with his illness, the fact that he's one of the very few characters in the series for whom dying in battle is a legitimate ending to his character arc, and his support with Kris in FE12 is not only one of the best-written supports in the entire game (Kris is somehow good in it!), it also adds a whole new dimension to his character that didn't exist in FE3 - it explains exactly why he's so devoted as to fight in spite of his terminal sickness. Also, "sick knight who wants to die in the battlefield rather than in a bed" is a pretty unique concept that I don't think is seen elsewhere in the series. Leaving his character aside, he's one of most fun Jeigans in the series, being able to do a ton of work thanks to his diverse reclassing options without being overly powerful like so many other earlygame prepromotes. Oh, and I like his design, too. That hair is glorious.

That's the short of it. Yeah, I know, "short". He's just a great character in every way.

I see.

28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The Marcus thing is okay, but where does BernStol come from? Unless it's a reflex from being used to reading the name "Bern"...

I don't know, I think it was just my hand moving by instinct.

30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It is the one I started with. For a while I thought I wouldn't need to try other FE games, because 7 was so awesome I couldn't fathom the others could possibly top it.

Then I tried other FE games, and they were all better than 7, and I've never returned to that one since. Whoopsie.

Lmao, have you truly never played FE7 after? You really should to get used to it again. My FE journey is full of asterisks, in "short" it's like.

I played FE11 first but since my dad had a shop of games he sold on ebay, it wasn't mine and one day I left the cartridge above the box, my dad got mad because I could've lost it or whatever and I never played it again, after that all I remembered from the game was that there was a lot of blue in it, and there was a scene where you ran away and a woman was left behind, this of course somewhat happens in the prologue but I forgot the name of the game afterwards. 3 years later I saw my dad play FE15 and thus I asked my mom to get it for me for my birthday and I tore through that game, I was hooked. Then I played FE14 CQ and I couldn't beat it back then. Then I played 7 and 7 was hard to get into not because of no casual mode, but because the tutorial was ass. At one point I got over it and then FE7 became my passion, it didn't best FE15 (and still doesn't, I love FE15 a lot) but I have beaten every mode at least once, now I don't want to hear anything else from it though.

Well I guess I could just say "I played FE11 first, forgot about it then got FE15"... oh well.

38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


That's even worse, actually. Running won't save you from that.

It only means she's hooked me in to know my place ❤️ cringe


Nope. See how, in each main mission, I've been describing the requirements to get this thing called "tactics points"? Well, when you get 18 tactics points (with 3 points per mission, chapter 7 is the earliest you can pull it off), Reese promotes. He automatically does it in chapter 10 if he hasn't by then.

Incidentally, his promotion also permanently recruits Larentia. You know, only flier in the game that you need to pay to play with? It's a good idea to get it sooner than later. I missed one point in chapter 5, so he didn't promote last chapter, but he will now.

Ah I see. Yeah I had heard of tactics points somewhere.

40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Leen Meen Creet Macheen Reese!

Beetch Keeler too! Man I had other words to add too...

43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Equilateral Darkness Within The Introspective Etherosphere.

Deep... what a delightful scenery that describes *sniff* beautiful, here have 1,000,000 euros.

44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That is true.

Also, hones.


47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

May2lfrx oYes, sad but true. In these days, there are many among us who would rather run than fight. The soldiers need a firm hand to remind them that such cowardice is unacceptable. That man has been sentenced to death by 300 lashes. We will make a fine example of him.

Lgjkwhcy o I wonder if Herman personally appointed this gem to his position.

You mean germ or is gem intentional?

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Meoilxpy oI suppose he must be... His name was Burroughs, wasn't it?

Lgjkwhcy o ...Oh, all right. All that trouble to protect him and then he goes and gets himself sentenced to death for... some reason?

Wait what? He didn't desert! He retreated as it was commanded! Unless sth else happened idk.

50 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o Ahhh, yes. Sexism. That's how you know this guy's a villain.

...Wait, didn't Reese also...


51 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy oYou think they're trying to get Kay to doubt herself on purpose? They've put on the most gruesome show they could muster in front of her. Or maybe they want to threaten her, even though at no point did she show any signs of going against the arrangement. Either way, these people are dumb.

Yeah, big dummies.

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Phrbyqeh oAh, hold on, there's a letter here with them...

Mryddad8 o

I like how Bluck gets character development and backstories in all of his citizen requests. Meanwhile, Reiss is all like "I lost my axes! Get my axes back for me! Axes, axes, axes!", and Pejj outright doesn't exist.

Ggy97vv1 oA long time ago, when I was still a novice, I didn't even have enough to afford food for the next day. I've never forgotten the kindness you showed me, feeding me and giving me a place to sleep. You told me, "I used to struggle a lot, too, but these struggles helped make me who I am today. I wouldn't trade these experiences for the world."

Ggy97vv1 oYour words encouraged me to keep moving forward, and I eventually became a respected craftsman. And now, before I leave this village, I want to give you these bows. I never sold them to anyone. Without your food and your kind words, neither I nor these bows could have ever existed. Please take them, with my deepest thanks. Morrison.

S9zgwan3 o

Man this is so heartwarming...

56 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9qk5ifz8 oThat's 50 kilograms. In other words, Daoud fought off that crossbowman while carrying the weight of a small person on his shoulder.

Well I'm bad at weight measures, much less "stone". 50 kilograms is small person... gotcha. Though he doesn't have to carry it, he could have left it on the ground when fighting and picked it back up. However for a "massive" tree to weigh like a small person... it's pretty small tbh.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hxq4hdqj oI must respectfully disagree.

Lgjkwhcy o Of course you must... can't let Volcens do something right for once in his life.

Lmao, duel of the caped men. GO!

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Jhvoux35 o I agree with Minister Padolf. Granting him a title at this time seems much too premature.

9qk5ifz8 o I like how even Herman can't figure out a way out of this one, so he's just supporting Padolf's shitty-ass excuse.

Ah! A 2v1? Unacceptable, these fiends have got you cornered!

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bnes4lei oThe title of Knight Lord is simply a mark of fame, not one of any true power or rank in the kingdom. Much like the title of paladin among ordinary knights, it is a badge of honor to reward great deeds. Many kings throughout the centuries have rewarded their loyal subjects with this title.a

Ialtp1tw o

Bnes4lei oGiving the title to Lord Reese will surely show your dedication to the well-benig of the kingdom's citizens.

Txzubig9 o Ahhh, I see Lebough's strategy... he's appealing to Volcens's ego. Brilliant idea!

That is a brilliant idea, now it's a 2v2 battle between the caped men. Also Lebough says "Well-benig"

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

2xdxkwpj oGrumble grumble...

Zig1fg6v oWhat's the matter, dear brother?

2xdxkwpj oYou've never called me an "extraordinary young man"... What does he have that I don't?

Yyb62xuz oI can call you "man" if you want.

2xdxkwpj o...Hmph... I think I'll pass.

Yyb62xuz oYes, on second thought, I don't think "man" is quite the word I'd use...

2xdxkwpj oSienna, I'm this close to having a blade stuck in Bernard's throat. How about it?

Zig1fg6v o...(Indeed, "man" is not the right word to describe you, dear brother)...

Haha get rekt "Volcen's"

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

2xdxkwpj oKnight of Pesil? ...Herman, what is he talking about?

Lgjkwhcy o So... Yeah, you know all those times we joked about Volcens not releasing Larentia because he forgot about her? Yeah. As it turns out, that's the real reason. Volcens completely forgot about her. Our liege, ladies and gentlemen.

Bruh... I didn't even know that was a thing lmao. Though I also would forget about some spy I captured a long-time ago... well "long" time ago.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
2ycihfte o

Zebypio0 oW-What?! Hold on a sec! I ain't done nothing wrong! It was all Lord Reese's idea! I can explain everything!

9qk5ifz8 o I like how he's actually right. It was Reese's idea. He's making Jung take the fall for both of 'em. Jesus... Reese is horrible!

Damn... Reese you really are horrible!


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Zebypio0 oWeyl, how can you do this?! Don't let them take me away! Is this because I refused to give you a bigger cut--

Rcymypww oKeep spewing lies, will you? Don't listen to this bastard, men. This way.

Zebypio0 oYou piece of sh-- What...? Wait, the holding cells aren't this way...


Ons14mdv oWhy, hello, Jung.

Zebypio0 o...! No... Not you...!

Ons14mdv oTsk, tsk... What a mess this is. How could you let this happen, Jung?

Zebypio0 oN-No! Wait, it wasn't my fault... Reese, it was Reese! He double-crossed me!

Ons14mdv oThat he did... I'm honestly impressed. I didn't think he had it in him. Maybe I should've approached him instead of his tactician.

Zebypio0 oS-See, you understand! None of this is my fault--

Ons14mdv oIndeed, I understand. I also understand, my friend, that your testimony would be enough to bury everyone involved. And, well, I don't think we can have that, can we?

Zebypio0 o...!

Ons14mdv oLord Reese had the right idea. We can have you fall all on your own, as the sole villain of this story. It's quite convenient, isn't it? And all I have to do is make sure you cannot talk... Easy.

Zebypio0 oWait! I won't... I won't talk! I swear! I can still be of use! If you bust me out, I can go and swindle some other lordling out there! I-I'm good at that, I'm great at that! Please...!

Ons14mdv oAnything else, or can we get started? I'm in kind of a rush. Mr. Routh wants me to fill out some forms before the end of the day.

Zebypio0 o...Vanmilion! Lord Vanmilion, sir! Help me! T-They're--

Ons14mdv oNow you want the "pigs" to save you? Hah... Vanmilion will never know what became of you. The higher-ups don't pay too much attention to what goes on in the dungeons. You of all people should know that.



Ons14mdv oHuh. Good thing I brought a spare scarf.

That's... disturbing...

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Qyesgdrd o

There's Rosalie's dad, alongside a guy who, believe it or not, has a unique sprite. I'm pretty sure nobody else in the entire game is a recolor. It's always either sprite reuses or unique portraits. Morai is somehow unique and not at the same time.

Uh... who are these? The previous Razite emperors? Nah right?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, fuck. There goes the king of Riana.

Riana then... nvm.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o"I'm going back to the Highlands" seems to be Kay's version of "I am a man of Duscur." You think she stops people on the street to let them know she's returning to the Highlands?


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


9qk5ifz8 o ...Oh, I just got it: Veria is the United States of America. Guess that explains Volcens...

I apologize to all American readers. I'm just kidding. Love y'all.

[Insert Navy seals copypasta here]

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
C1f1irbl o

OH that's going to Owen, no questions asked. I know at least one man who would grieve heavily if he died.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"My recruitable senses are tingling! I better go and try to talk this person out of joining my army!"

Lol, Reese is definitely doing this.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Wrr1vrhq o

Txzubig9 o Ahahahahahahahahahahahah... Hahahah! Reese is such a gullible fuckin' fool, I swear. He was bamboozled by Barselphon, tricked by Ellis, never questioned Owen, assumes a guy who wants to join his army hides his identity because he's "shy"... He's amazing! How does he do it? Well... I guess caution could be considered an emotion, and we know how Reese is with emotions.

Lmao that last sentence... very true.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy oDidn't she tell you when you spoke in chapter 5, Reese? Weren't you listening? Oh, right, back then you were busy lecturing her about how important it is for women to stay in the kitchen. How you got out of that one without an arrow in the knee is beyond me.

God damn Reese...

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Whatever comes to pass, I can only hope that you guys won't cease faring well. It's been over 50 updates at this point, and we're only halfway through... I fear I may soon run out of ways to fare you guys well. Hm. Maybe the classic way's not so bad. Here goes: Farewell! Hahah!

Haha! Farewell too!


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22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He's Literally Hitler! Who came up with these designs?!

  He really isn't that close, the pencil's too wide.

His real facial hair crime's the soul patch.

22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, Hetzel was the biggest waste in Tellius. What's there is great, but the fact that he's only introduced completely out of nowhere in the final arc of RD (his one scene in PoR doesn't count, he doesn't even act like the same person there) kinda ruins him. It's like they forgot they had one more guy in that one PoR scene until the end of the game's development and had to scramble to do something with him.

Beyond Rafiel, he is indistinct, though you are right that there's something there I've always felt it wasn't as great as all that. Then with Rafiel the end of that period is left a bit too open and I lose track of Rafiel and Hetzel disappears into his manse and does nothing else.

And I'm pretty sure if I thought on it I could pick 10 bigger wastes of potential. I'll have to try to avoid Begnion just making up the full list though. 😛

33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, I got to Shiharam before I quit PoR, and I felt he was rather overrated. The Jill stuff is great, no doubt about that, but you take Jill out of the picture, and he's a guy who comes across as extremely meek and incapable of standing up to Petrine, who then proceeds to go along with the plan to ruin the lives of peasants because "muh orders." I'm probably wrong, as usual, but... meh.

I also missed Shiharam's best convo, I really like the one he has with Tanith (Best Tellius peg I'd argue, but off topic).

He finds himself in a situation where he's turned coat before and jut can't convince himself to do it again, partly because the man he turned coat to is actual nihilist Ashnard. Then Tanith says that he was an inspiration in that role of leaving Begnion, only for the Shiharam she sees now to be flooding a region to slow the enemy down angers her toward him and loses the respect she had. It says a fair bit about Begnion, more than we usually get. Frankly, it's one of the better boss convos in the series.

24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nope. I won't say anything else, but... It's nothing like that. Azrael is a person.

I see, so Azrael is important to Owen's dark side. Fitting name.

35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Zs4scg3x o

Meoilxpy oWard, there's a man collapsed in the road...

3cxl4xfi oWho could it be, I wonder? I will go and see.

Imagine if this were just some randomer who'd fallen over.

35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lbnylm6a o

Lgjkwhcy oThe implication here is that Rosecchar decided that the four ballisticians disobeying orders to stay behind and protect the villagers was "desertion", and Burroughs took the fall for the four of them. Which is just... great, amazing.

3cxl4xfi oYou have a point there... I will find a cart to carry him.

He almost didn't get away, he was so determined.

Rosecchar's a dick.

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Cixov9me o

Qocafpke oYou and your people should prepare for conversion as soon as possible. If you do, you need not suffer the same fate as these Verians. They are only good as slaves.

355ewdhj oSlaves...?

Why do people keep falling for the nation that's named after a verb for destroying an area with fire?

37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ubfjj1md o

An unknown person has arrived!

1w4wvxim o......

Stx9k60n oSherpa... Wake up...

Imagine if it was this old man who saved Sherpa.

39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Mryddad8 o

I like how Bluck gets character development and backstories in all of his citizen requests. Meanwhile, Reiss is all like "I lost my axes! Get my axes back for me! Axes, axes, axes!", and Pejj outright doesn't exist.

Ggy97vv1 oA long time ago, when I was still a novice, I didn't even have enough to afford food for the next day. I've never forgotten the kindness you showed me, feeding me and giving me a place to sleep. You told me, "I used to struggle a lot, too, but these struggles helped make me who I am today. I wouldn't trade these experiences for the world."

Ggy97vv1 oYour words encouraged me to keep moving forward, and I eventually became a respected craftsman. And now, before I leave this village, I want to give you these bows. I never sold them to anyone. Without your food and your kind words, neither I nor these bows could have ever existed. Please take them, with my deepest thanks. Morrison.

Bluck is the only shopkeeper worthy of development according to Kaga.

It's nice to see that his work is paying dividends, though I have to assume RIP Morrison.

40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Qxsdpmty oWhat in the... Sir Daoud, you brought back a tree this size by yourself?!

Uootydkn o...Is it too small?

Daoud is an absolute unit.


41 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9qk5ifz8 oThat's 50 kilograms. In other words, Daoud fought off that crossbowman while carrying the weight of a small person on his shoulder.

Considering he either spilt the log down and was carrying it in a bag or was carrying it in his off hand on the way, Daoud fighting with that tree is mad strong.

That level was just a fraction of his power.

43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wgbc9fdl oAh, n-no... I knew you were protecting me, Lord Reese, so I wasn't worried...

9qk5ifz8 o That's because you don't know him too well. You should see him smile. You'd be running back to the Imperials and begging them to take you away from him.

Are you kidding me? She knows that smile wouldn't be aimed at her, so she'd be doubly safe.

44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
0m9qimhq o

2d3gjvxf oBishop Simas only learned of this after the fact...

3cxl4xfi oWhat happened to them?

2d3gjvxf oThe ones who were left behind were all slaughtered by the attackers. None survived. After that, the bishop vowed to stay in the village for the rest of his life...

6pfbj0vf o

Sheesh, that was cruel to SImas.

Also, are all those losses why the place was so small years later?

45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Cotfzemn o

And now, it's event time. First off... Reese's promotion! Of course, we won't get to see him in action until next chapter, but free Larentia for the entire chapter is still pretty nice.

46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And now, it's event time. First off... Reese's promotion! Of course, we won't get to see him in action until next chapter, but free Larentia for the entire chapter is still pretty nice.

Iubqwaex o

Ah! Volcens! Also, it's been a while since I last linked scene music. Let's have some.

This is too uptempo a score for a scene about political intrigue, not gonna lie.

Also, man is Volcens just that determinedly petty huh?

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hxq4hdqj oLord Reese's popularity is merely a result of his father's influence.

Uedfz3v4 o What?! "His father's influence" didn't even get him past the front gate when he first arrived! Couldn't you come up with a better excuse!?

Hxq4hdqj oI believe rewarding him for that would be irresponsible.

Jhvoux35 o I agree with Minister Padolf. Granting him a title at this time seems much too premature.

Course, with the Walublondie and Gharnef working for him I shouldn't be surprised.

And I mean, with how Reese has done his father certainly has been a good influence on him.

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bnes4lei oThe title of Knight Lord is simply a mark of fame, not one of any true power or rank in the kingdom. Much like the title of paladin among ordinary knights, it is a badge of honor to reward great deeds. Many kings throughout the centuries have rewarded their loyal subjects with this title.a

Ialtp1tw o

Bnes4lei oGiving the title to Lord Reese will surely show your dedication to the well-benig of the kingdom's citizens.

Txzubig9 o Ahhh, I see Lebough's strategy... he's appealing to Volcens's ego. Brilliant idea!

Bnes4lei o@WhenLeBoughbreaks: If there's one thing I can trust, it's noble stupidity.

How I respond (And how Volcens should respond).

49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hxq4hdqj othe title of Knight Lord is to be granted to you. May you persevere in loyalty and love for His Majesty.

Meoilxpy oI accept with great joy. For His Majesty's sake, I will forever persevere! I will devote all the strength I have to Mother Veria and to the people of her kingdom!

Fnnlsbik o

Zig1fg6v oFor all you have endured thus far, I thank you with all my heart.

Zig1fg6v o@SienAAAAAAAAAAAAA: I managed to escape the cell for a bit and it was only to give Reese a title. I'd rather it have been @BerwickBernard

50 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Xg7tw8ff oKhh6h2wx o

Okay, Reese is promoted! He's... actually a bit better than Ward, now. He can't use spears or guard people, though. Not that he wants to use spears, mind. The Gram is his weapon of choice.

That's nice.

All that boost is noice.

Does he get move?

51 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

2xdxkwpj oKnight of Pesil? ...Herman, what is he talking about?

Lgjkwhcy o So... Yeah, you know all those times we joked about Volcens not releasing Larentia because he forgot about her? Yeah. As it turns out, that's the real reason. Volcens completely forgot about her. Our liege, ladies and gentlemen.

That seems very like him.

Should we use a method where he uses physical phenomena to help remember? Like he pinches himself. Or we use a knife each time we want him to remember something.

55 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is another one of my favorite tracks. Listen till the end, there's a little surprise.

I feel like I missed the surprise.

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Obcfrwap oYwjttbbz o

Hah! I don't think so.

2ycihfte o

Zebypio0 oW-What?! Hold on a sec! I ain't done nothing wrong! It was all Lord Reese's idea! I can explain everything!

I was calling you good Reese but this and Barselphon, I don't know what to think. Devious.

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Yqxcm2ry oEj5kr5af o
He can, and he is.

bs8NWU8m_o.pngYou knew that greed can only bring you an ill fate.

55 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ons14mdv oWhy, hello, Jung.

Zebypio0 o...! No... Not you...!

Ons14mdv oTsk, tsk... What a mess this is. How could you let this happen, Jung?

Valery better have an ill fate too.

57 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

355ewdhj oMy father should never have gotten involved with the Empire. Until now, I never saw them for what they really are... I hated you for abandoning my father... But I was wrong. I was just a naive girl making the same mistakes as him...

1w4wvxim oYour father... Chief Magnard was a great man beloved by everyone.

Ihmhqxgy o

Lgjkwhcy o ...The Verians were what? Come now, Sherpa. They're the good guys, there's no way good guys would do something like this. Surely this must be the Raze Empire's doing-- Oh, wait, right. Volcens is terrible and his dad was even worse. We almost went for five minutes without the game reminding us that the Verian royal family are horrible people! Well, except Sienna. Sienna's great, and she should be queen instead of Volcens.

1w4wvxim oAnd to me, he was like a father. He took me in and taught me how to fend for myself... He meant more to me than any real parent could. I owed him everything. I thought that I could do anything for him. Even die for him.

I mean, we know Mordias was the real monster and a sire of monsters (I call Sienna either an accident or illegitimate).

Also as a person descended from those who were ruled over by a larger nation I feel a bit of solidarity. Like Magnard should just be allowed to waltz up to the league nobles and do this.

57 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If we cooperate with the Razites, they've guaranteed our autonomy as a dependency of the Empier. It certainly sounds much better than our current situation, doesn't it?

I bet the Empier would be a better nation than the Empire at least.

58 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Agpektst oWe of the Conoll have lived in these lands since long before the days when the Verians invaded. It was the Verians who came and conquered us, stealing our land and destroying our way of life.

Yhfckzlp o

What is it with these racist Judgrali and just repeatedly migrating from continent to continent and fucking it up for everyone else?

59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Im0vadhc o

Look, it's ingame gore. You can tell it's not mine because there aren't rivers of blood spraying everywhere.

At least he has two arms.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Z9qgzlok o

Agpektst oI'm just an old man who's lost his ambition and reason for living... This war, the fight for independence... I'm so tired of it all... I just want to live my days in peace with Kay...

Bpuj0lm6 o......

Agpektst oSherpa... If you killed me, then you would become the new chieftain. You're strong, Sherpa. Strong enough to make the right choice.

Agpektst o...I want you to do it, Sherpa. Kill me. Do it for everyone's sakes. ...Do it!

Magnard just wanted to die.

That's pretty sad.

Agpektst oDo it do it do it.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
1delk6la o

1w4wvxim oThat's what happens when you try to stop a sword with your face.

Imagine if he'd tried to headbutt it.

Maybe it would have broken off him, who knows.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

1w4wvxim oKay...

This right here I should use more.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Djqhfljp o

...Really?! You could've entered the tavern at any point in time, and you pick this exact moment!? What, do you have a jealousy sensor that triggers whenever Sherpa is with another woman? "My Sherpa senses are tingling! I must go and walk in on him so as to produce a love triangle!"

Aegina clearly wanted to test out her fake id, only for something far worse to happen than Alex give her the shit beer.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
H27au6cg o

Think that's over? Nuh-uh. Now we've got to see how Aegina's holding up. She's... sitting in front of a grave, now. That can't be good.

How many hills like this are there in Navaron?

Are they all hills for people to die on?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kejfkwup o

I want to use this too.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Vxqntpa3 o...Thoughts about Mr. Sherpa?

Rkdow2fs oW-Why would you bring him up?! He's got nothing to do with it!

Rkdow2fs oB-baka!

1w4wvxim oKay.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o ...He's going to drink Marius's blood? Please tell me he's going to drink Marius's blood, and then he'll politely show Aegina out...

That is also terrifying and chances are he'd kill her anyway.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't worry, King Marius... I'll take good care of little Aegina.

Uedfz3v4 o ...Fuck me-- Berwick Saga! How many more rapist villains must you throw at us before you are satisfied!? At least in this game some of them have died, though... It's not quite as terrible as the whole TRS Slaver business...

Kaga and pedophilia: name a more depressing combo.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
J02rpvf9 oDwkti0wv o

Well, fuck. There goes the king of Riana.

You could say he got the cold elbow.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Zd0figum o

Rosalie just gets the best responses.

Even when she's just thinking.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o"I'm going back to the Highlands" seems to be Kay's version of "I am a man of Duscur." You think she stops people on the street to let them know she's returning to the Highlands?

355ewdhj oI'm going back to the Highlands,

I'm going back to the Highlands,

I'm going back to the Highlands,

I'm going back to the Highlands,

I'm going back to the Highlands,

I'm going back to the Highlands,

I'm going back to the Highlands,

lands lands lands lands,

I'm going back to the Highlands,

lands lands lands lands lands,

 I'm going back to the Highlands,

I'm going back to the Highlands,

I'm going back to the Highlands,

1w4wvxim oWhat was that Kay?

(Remind me to do a full version next time. Based off this classic.)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
An9vyb96 o

Lgjkwhcy o What? Riana too? How many nations has Veria been oppressing? I thought they were supposed to be the leaders of the Berwick League, the protectors of all against the evil Raze Empire!

I mean, clearly the good men have been doing nothing if Mordias and Volcens have been kings.

This truly is why Narvia should #Narxit.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

1w4wvxim oUntil now, I've been thinking about my former clansmen fighting on the side of the Empire... But I've settled all my debts with the past now. From here on out, I'm going to follow my own heart.

9qk5ifz8 o I'm glad he's following Kay's advice, and I'm gladder that his heart has led him into our team.

I mean, I'd say he should go after Kay, mostly because I don't see what he sees in Aegina.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Meoilxpy oSherpa... If you truly mean that, then I'm afraid I can't have you. There's nothing that following me can gain for you or your people.

Reavxqdj o

Meoilxpy oIf you fight for me, we will fight as comrades under the same flag of the Kingdom of Veria. And if we die together, then we will be buried as fellow soldiers of that same kingdom.

Lgjkwhcy o Hey Reese, can you try saving all these technicalities until after he has joined us? Pretty please?

Meoilxpy oI want to make it clear that I can't just help their clans out of hand.

Yeeeee-.thumb.png.cb6e0cb5c631868d245974Sure, and lose their potential alliance in the long term?

Lgjkwhcy oWait's who's that-


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
87cxoa3h o

Fuck, she's gone...


This is going to be a long complicated quest line isn't it?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Yelhpqeg o

Oh, phew... Thank goodness, she's just... sort of chilling there, in the absolute darkness.

...Wait, what?

Well she was found quickly.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Won't you play for me, Ophelia? I don't care if it's in this dusty place. I don't care where it is.

Yat6smw8 o

And how sweet.

No snark, just wanted to say it.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Translations in white text, highlight to read.

No need to highlight the text in the night theme.

*taps head

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Q1mgvbsq o... .... .. .... ... ....

I'd like to work for you.

And so soon after my suspect disappears.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

3cxl4xfi oWell, his personal ambitions aren't really of that much concern to me. I know he's not a bad person. Plus, this way, we won't have to worry about his fee anymore.

9qk5ifz8 oAh yes, his extremely steep fee of a few hundred denarii. Thank Veria we don't have to worry about it any longer.

Ward's just being thrifty, Clifford ain't a cheap date.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ekwcwbtg o

Sylvis's theme. I think I mentioned way back in chapter 1 how I consider this to be Sylvis's theme because it often plays in her scenes? Well, it also played in the earlier scene at the tavern with Shaiah, so... yeah. It's Sylvis's theme.

So what does the title mean in relation to her then?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy oDidn't she tell you when you spoke in chapter 5, Reese? Weren't you listening? Oh, right, back then you were busy lecturing her about how important it is for women to stay in the kitchen. How you got out of that one without an arrow in the knee is beyond me.

She realised it'd be game over.

I had to load so many images again just to read this update.

Sometimes you think it'll work out to load and then that happens.

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Keep in mind that the Archer on the southern bridge won't move, but the one on the northern one will. Not only that, but he also has Canto.

For the rest of the pirates, it always seemed pretty random to me if they would keep running away or start attacking. I don't know if there is a set rule for their behavior. Either way, it's probably best to keep a look out for enemies with dangerous loadouts and skills. I recall Killer Axes, Poleaxes... and of course enemies with Vengeance.
As for Weiss, it seems like he will automatically get crippled if hit by Sylvis. But you probably know that.




4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

4pjduktb o

Oh hey, it's General Crazyeyes again. Who I am still convinced is the son of Webber.

Stx9k60n o  

May2lfrx o

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

May2lfrx oYes, sad but true. In these days, there are many among us who would rather run than fight

May2lfrx o Heck, I would be running too if I had more then 3 movement.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The soldiers need a firm hand to remind them that such cowardice is unacceptable.

But... you are literally punishing him for NOT running away from the enemy.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Meoilxpy oWard, there's a man collapsed in the road...

Meoilxpy o Or maybe Faye just got her ass kicked again.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy oThe implication here is that Rosecchar decided that the four ballisticians disobeying orders to stay behind and protect the villagers was "desertion", and Burroughs took the fall for the four of them. Which is just... great, amazing.

Still, this turn of events is somewhat questionable. He didn't really desert, after all. He did however ignore a superior's orders, just like Marcel did. And we know what punishment he was meant to receive.
However... the superior in this case is Reese. And seeing how Reese makes no secret here that he disagrees with what was done to Burroughs, it's save to say he wouldn't have reported anything that would get him into trouble.

Also, there are some subtle blood spots on this sprite.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

N7ltkax7 o

Oh come on, it's obviously not the same to just watch.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Qocafpke oNow then, I'll be back later. Soldiers, I'm leaving things to you. Once you're finished with that man, you can give him to this girl. Not that he'll last much longer... We can hardly use him to work alongside the others.

You can't use him for work, yet somehow he is still able to do missions for the rest of the month. You guys suck at this.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

With the rapid crossbow made, there's only one item we can craft with this: the Ollerus, a long-range crossbow with the nosferatu effect. It's... less useful than you'd think. Neither Sylvis nor Christine should ever be getting hit to begin with. As... Christine proved the hard way, back in the day.

On the other hand, it's the only Crossbow that has 2 range. So it can actually be quite handy for Christine since her Bow rank generally isn't the best.
Of course Christine is dead and Sylvis gets much better 2 range out of bows, so she has little use for it.

Still, even with nothing to craft, those materials are generally worth a good deal of money.
There is of course a reward for crafting everything from the Blacksmith, but I'd imagine you already know it's not worth it. And you are already missing at least one Lion Pelt.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Vyexkvep o

That's a lot of cash for a scrub with no stats.

Heck, he only died because he just so happened to hide in a house that Axel happened to loot during the evacuation.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9qk5ifz8 o I like how even Herman can't figure out a way out of this one, so he's just supporting Padolf's shitty-ass excuse.

To be fair, Herman was probably giving him that excuse in the first place.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, Reese is promoted! He's... actually a bit better than Ward, now. He can't use spears or guard people, though. Not that he wants to use spears, mind. The Gram is his weapon of choice.

Nah. The only stat he beats base Ward in is Speed. Not exactly the most valuable stat in this game. Meanwhile Ward's weapon ranks are still much better.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pobpolog oBut she has already been acquitted! Lord Herman, have you neglected to release her all this time...?

Your investigation has come to a rather questionable conclusion, I must say.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9qk5ifz8 o I like how he's actually right. It was Reese's idea. He's making Jung take the fall for both of 'em. Jesus... Reese is horrible!

Yeah, it's a strange scene.
Obviously Jung is drawn and written as a creep, which considering we are in a Kaga game has... implications. But we really don't know anything concrete he had done that wouldn't reflect equally bad on Reese.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Larnvf3s o

Even Larentia thinks this is fishy.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Icawdg9w o

Considering what happened to Jung, clearly this isn't something that can be taken for granted. So you are wise for bending the knee here.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

4i07piio oI know that the one calling himself Duke of hte Highlands is our enemy... And if the Kingdom of Veria supports his rule, then they're our enemy too. I know that, but...

I guess Duke Warrenheit really was just the Duke of the Lowlands then. At the very least so far he hadn't been framed as such a douchebag.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Im0vadhc o

Look, it's ingame gore. You can tell it's not mine because there aren't rivers of blood spraying everywhere.

I'm kinda impressed that the game even has a separate sprite for the freshly wounded Sherpa. That's pretty neat.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bpuj0lm6 oI... I won't... I won't fight you, Chief Magnard...

Bpuj0lm6 o Maybe if I still had depth perception, I could kick your ass, but now...

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

355ewdhj oThen when I found you... Did you let me catch you on purpose? So that I could kill you...?

Probably not. I mean, you did write in your letter that you need to talk. Not that you need to have a duel to the death.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

355ewdhj oIt's all right... I want you to stay here. You have your own battle to fight. I want you to be honest with your own heart, like in the old days...

355ewdhj o Also, it would be REALLY complicated to welcome you back into the clan right now. Considering that your story doesn't reflect well on my late father who everyone in our clan holds in the highest regard.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Txzubig9 o Ahahahahah... Rosalie is a bit like the Alfred to Aegina's Batman. Except they're both teenage girls, and Rosalie is a pervert.

And Rosalie is actually the more important one of the two, funnily enough. If Aegina kicks the bucket, she's never heard from again. But Rosalie still has main story presence and shows up in other characters' events.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's Rosalie's dad, alongside a guy who, believe it or not, has a unique sprite. I'm pretty sure nobody else in the entire game is a recolor. It's always either sprite reuses or unique portraits. Morai is somehow unique and not at the same time.

Makes sense, though. He wouldn't run around in all black since he is either a Verian priest or was at least trying to pretend to be on. He even uses Blizzard for the kill rather then using Dark Magic like all the Raze Priests.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Rkdow2fs oI'm going to bring Morai to justice. I'll see to it that he pays for his crimes, or I'll die trying.

Well, this sounds serious. Let's hope this whole thing doesn't get casually resolved in a side event that doesn't seem to know what kind of tone it wants to go for.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Qcqbgngu o

355ewdhj o  Especially compared to that cliff over there where everything is burned down.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

355ewdhj oWe've known each other since we were both children... But I never could get that close to him.

355ewdhj o He didn't even want to have a duel to the death with me.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Euilmzmc oBut one night... I tried to join in on the cheering, but tears just wouldn't stop coming. No matter what I did, I was just a man sobbing alone in a tavern full of people...

E3oymb7m o

Must have been back when Christine died. I suppose they did have a lot in common. They both couldn't hit things with a bow.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

3cxl4xfi oWell, his personal ambitions aren't really of that much concern to me. I know he's not a bad person. Plus, this way, we won't have to worry about his fee anymore.

Wait, the regular soldiers get paid less then Derrick? Poor schmucks.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Txzubig9 o Ahahahahahahahahahahahah... Hahahah! Reese is such a gullible fuckin' fool, I swear. He was bamboozled by Barselphon, tricked by Ellis, never questioned Owen, assumes a guy who wants to join his army hides his identity because he's "shy"... He's amazing! How does he do it? Well... I guess caution could be considered an emotion, and we know how Reese is with emotions.

I mean, if you ignore the fact that Reese is right on the money.

I doubt Derrick is trying to hide his identity here. The only thing he would want to hide is that he is from the empire. There is also no reason why he would have to hide his day job. He doesn't even seem to use a fake name, considering he was called Derrick back when he was still with the Imperial army. And a soft voice sounds like something he'd have, considering what a friendly and considerate young man he is.
Though I imagine the armor has nothing to do with shyness and more with the fact that he isn't much of a fighter and needs all the help he can get.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Meoilxpy oOur purpose for this excursion is not to take prisoners, and I don't imagine we will encounter Weiss by chance...

Well, he was in the city earlier this month, so he is likely to operate in the area at least.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Finally, I craft this with the ash wood we got. The Angon seems pretty fun (it's the closest thing to a regular FE javelin we'll get), but I prefer the other weapon that can be crafted with ash wood. Not to worry, though - Palitztzschztzhsczh has another plank for sale, and I can't craft the thing just yet, anyways.

What might be more noteable then the 0-1 range is that unlike the other ranged spears this one has 60% accuracy instead of 50%.

Not saying it's a great weapon or anything. Heck, I never actually crafted it. It just never seemed to be the best use for the materials I had. So I don't know how useful it is in practice.



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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


It's funny how that works. Pedos sure love trying to argue they're harmless by sugar-coating themselves as being victims of society who can't help what they're attracted to. It's what you call a false equivalence argument where they deliberately try and invoke the same argument the LGBT movement did. You know, despite the obvious difference in consent. And age. I guess pedos just like shoving themselves down throats by any means possible.... if you'll pardon the imagery.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Then I tried other FE games, and they were all better than 7, and I've never returned to that one since. Whoopsie.

"All better than 7" ~Ruben
" FE7 > FE15 > FE9 " ~Also Ruben
Look, it's not even out of context this time.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Yes. Absolutely. The guy's just... ugh.

Is it bad that I never picked Valtome as gay because I assumed he was an autosexual? That is to say he's so up himself I believe the only thing he's turned on by is his reflection in the mirror. on the other hand that means he can always get lucky

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, I got to Shiharam before I quit PoR, and I felt he was rather overrated. The Jill stuff is great, no doubt about that, but you take Jill out of the picture, and he's a guy who comes across as extremely meek and incapable of standing up to Petrine, who then proceeds to go along with the plan to ruin the lives of peasants because "muh orders." I'm probably wrong, as usual, but... meh.

Honestly, a lot of what makes the guy comes from dialogue involving Jill (or sometimes Haar). Most of it in supports/base conversations without him. Basically, a lot of his character is from their memories of him rather than what he does in person.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, I'm pretty sure it's possible for human penises to "break", too. There may be no bones, but if an erect penis is twisted far enough, the tubes within it go pop. Isn't that fun?

Oh, yes. I know a story about that too thanks to a news article on a law-suit relating to that. But I am not posting it. It's better not shown.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Nah, the game was the one that liked jeans. For some reason the main characters had this naming trend with jeans. They dropped it in the PSP remake.

They dropped their jeans in the PSP remake? Oh dear...

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hehehe… Foolish bastards. What you just defeated was Lord Magneto’s double. Lord Magneto has already returned to his own lands. I’ll pay you back in full for this someday. Until next time!!

Kind of put's Hubert and the Death Knight to shame. I never saw either of them get decapitated. Though come to think of it, that would have made me laugh a lot if they came back from it.

Reminds me... I got a reminder on why I don't really bother with the post-2012 Marvel comics recently when my brother described a storyline in the Hulk with The Leader recently. So, the Leader, who basically is a janitor that got irradiated with gamma radiation and ended up with a giant forehead and super-intelligence... which doesn't stop him from constantly deciding it'd be a good idea to agitate an individual who gets stronger as he gets angrier continuously instead of doing something actually smart, dies. He comes back to life because he "is so smart he just thinks himself back to life". Unironically. That is the dumbest bit of writing I've heard in years and makes the whole complaint I had about Jean Grey/Magneto look like a minor nitpick in comparison. You may wonder why I'd want to mention this, beyond bitching about stupidity. Well think about who it reminded me of. He was so smart he thought himself back to life. Ergo he was "too brilliant to die".

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


And that's only the largest living presently. There was one 25% bigger that fell in the 80s. I believe there's also larger dead ones. My point is, trees can get pretty massive given time.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

By "store" you mean the store's garbage bin, right?

I was implying they sold you his specially ordered "clothes" by mistake when you bought the bag earlier.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Seriously though, you're only a couple of updates behind. Don't feel obligated to write a detailed reply, just skip over the second part of chapter 8 if you aren't up to it. I don't want you suffering headaches in an attempt to write funny stuff for me.

Pretty sure I did both parts... I just had a lot less of the second half in there because I ran out of funny stuff. Or buzzing in my ear. One or the other. It's just at that point I'd skipped over the other readers' replies... which I've since fixed.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how Bluck gets character development and backstories in all of his citizen requests. Meanwhile, Reiss is all like "I lost my axes! Get my axes back for me! Axes, axes, axes!", and Pejj outright doesn't exist.

Happy Axe Man is my favourite NPC. He's like Footballman last game.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uedfz3v4 o A bigger one?! There wasn't a bigger one, Daoud! That was it!

I suspect that wasn't the full tree.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wgbc9fdl oAh, n-no... I knew you were protecting me, Lord Reese, so I wasn't worried...

9qk5ifz8 o That's because you don't know him too well. You should see him smile. You'd be running back to the Imperials and begging them to take you away from him.

Meoilxpy oIs that so? You're quite brave, Meryl.

Wgbc9fdl oT-Thank you...

It would have been funnier if Reese simply did the smile with the "you're quite brave Meryl".

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bnes4lei oGiving the title to Lord Reese will surely show your dedication to the well-benig of the kingdom's citizens.

Txzubig9 o Ahhh, I see Lebough's strategy... he's appealing to Volcens's ego. Brilliant idea!

2xdxkwpj oI see... By awarding it to that boy, we will also improve our image with the people... Very well. Roswick, see to it that the ceremony is prepared.

9qk5ifz8 o And it worked! Thanks, Lebough, we owe ya one.

"If you push a negative hard enough and deep enough, it will break through to it's counterside and become a positive" ~ Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals (rule 11).
"Volcens got played by Lebough like a fiddle in the hands of a Georgian boy named Johnny" ~ The Roger the Paladin.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o So... Yeah, you know all those times we joked about Volcens not releasing Larentia because he forgot about her? Yeah. As it turns out, that's the real reason. Volcens completely forgot about her. Our liege, ladies and gentlemen.

Jhvoux35 o I presume he means the woman who was arrested on charges of being an Imperial spy...

Pobpolog oBut she has already been acquitted! Lord Herman, have you neglected to release her all this time...?

2xdxkwpj oWell, then I see no issue with granting your request, Lord Reese. Herman, have her released at once.

To play devil's advocate, Volcens had no reason to remember her if she was acquitted... especially if, as implied by Roswick's dialogue, it was a while ago. This wasn't mere incompetence by Volcens... but blatant malice by Herman.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Txzubig9 o Ahahahahah... Rosalie is a bit like the Alfred to Aegina's Batman. Except they're both teenage girls, and Rosalie is a pervert.

I miss the 80s, when it was canon that Alfred served in WWII and had a daughter with a woman in the french resistance (who literally showed up and stuck around for about 100 issues, the daughter not the mother). For some reason they retconned that after issue 400. Something to do with not aging the characters... and it getting towards the point where Alfred would be too old if he fought in WWII. So Julia Pennyworth forever disappeared from comics. Also of note is the woman Alfred had been with, Mademoiselle Marie, used to have her own series back in the fifties in Star-Spangled War Comics. She'd appear a lot in other war comics DC put out after, including SGT. Rock, The Losers, The Unknown Soldier, The Haunted Tank (which was about a tank crew and the ghost of a civil war general who hung around his descendant) and others that I don't remember. So it's kind of funny the daughter of two notable characters could disappear into the aether like that.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o"I'm going back to the Highlands" seems to be Kay's version of "I am a man of Duscur." You think she stops people on the street to let them know she's returning to the Highlands?

"Who are you and why are you telling me this?"



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