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How to tell if you're a noob Ike user:

Destiny Hero

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1. If you're already a noob.

2. If you overuse his crappy nuetral B all the time, which is actually one of his worst attacks.

3. If you don't realize that his forward smash can almost always stop an edgegrabbing opponent.

4. If you overuse his down aerial several times when you could have easily used the forward smash.

5. If you don't use Aether to go through the edge of a stage.

6. If you use any taunt besides his side one.

7. If you lose to Bowser.

8. You don't have any friends to fight for.

Anything to add to the list?

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1. If you're already a noob. Yes.

2. If you overuse his crappy nuetral B all the time, which is actually one of his worst attacks.If it works against an opponent often, the opponent turns into a noob

3. If you don't realize that his forward smash can almost always stop an edgegrabbing opponent.No, it isn't that hard to dodge when edgehogging (there's no term called edge grabbing)

4. If you overuse his down aerial several times when you could have easily used the forward smash. Down aerial is better than forward smash in many cases

5. If you don't use Aether to go through the edge of a stage.Can't argue with this. It is great for countering edgeguarders.

6. If you use any taunt besides his side one.How does this make you noobish?

7. If you lose to Bowser.There are some really good Bowsers out there.

8. You don't have any friends to fight for.No complaints

Anything to add to the list?

Edited by Knife
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Eruption just sn't that good of a move if you know how to use Ike's other attacks right.

#3: If an opponent is going to grab a ledge (recovering, etc.), Ike's <> Smash can usually hit them. I do it all the time.

#4: O'm talking about cases where, especially at 50+%, the < smash can easily be used, but people go for racking up damage instead.

#6: Because his side taunt is teh shit :U

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Ike isn't really that tough to deal with, although good Ikes are rough. Then again, even Ganondorf is a challenge when somebody is good as him. Still, there's also signs of noob Kirby, Pikachu, and Metaknights. Preferable when it comes to Thunder, that stone attack, and the Tornado and simple A attack.

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Side smash isn't as easy to land as you think. You need to play better players and see what I mean.

If you know exactly how to use it, then it is very easy to land. Especially when they're grabbing ledges, coming up from ledges, ending attacks, missing a grab, getting faked out, or if they're landing.

Ike isn't really that tough to deal with, although good Ikes are rough. Then again, even Ganondorf is a challenge when somebody is good as him. Still, there's also signs of noob Kirby, Pikachu, and Metaknights. Preferable when it comes to Thunder, that stone attack, and the Tornado and simple A attack.

I used to kick ass with Ganny, but I got bored of using him since he's so slow. I can't stand how stiff he is.

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A good technique to edgeguard with Ike is:

If an opponent is coming back onto the stage from the air, use Aether just on the edge of the stage, get them caught up in it, and when you come back down, have it so you grab the edge. The opponent will continue plummeting down off the stage because you're holding it.

Used it quite a bit myself. I've killed opponents on ~30% this way. Works very well if done right.

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There is a frame of invincibility before grabbing the edge, so I kinda doubt you could edgeguard that.

The smash has pretty sweet range. If they're any bit above the stage at al, they're dead.

A good technique to edgeguard with Ike is:

If an opponent is coming back onto the stage from the air, use Aether just on the edge of the stage, get them caught up in it, and when you come back down, have it so you grab the edge. The opponent will continue plummeting down off the stage because you're holding it.

Used it quite a bit myself. I've killed opponents on ~30% this way. Works very well if done right.

Sweet! Usually, whenever I manage that, it's a suicide, but still works.

Ike gets beats by Bowser, I don't know what this nonsense is about.


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If you know exactly how to use it

If I know exactly how to find the cure for HIV, then it's easy for me to pull off...

What I'm trying to say is even if you know how to do something, you won't always be able to actually do what you want to do. I have played Brawl only a couple of times. My friend has told me many times how to do a certain thing (I can't remember what it was called) so that I knew exactly how to do it. I couldn't always manage to pull it off, though.

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If I know exactly how to find the cure for HIV, then it's easy for me to pull off...

What I'm trying to say is even if you know how to do something, you won't always be able to actually do what you want to do. I have played Brawl only a couple of times. My friend has told me many times how to do a certain thing (I can't remember what it was called) so that I knew exactly how to do it. I couldn't always manage to pull it off, though.

Well, when most people say "if you know how to use it", they usually also mean "and are able to use it".

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Sweet! Usually, whenever I manage that, it's a suicide, but still works.

I've suicided on occasions as well, normally because I misjudged how close to the edge I need to be... But it's got a much higher success rate than fail rate.

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I've suicided on occasions as well, normally because I misjudged how close to the edge I need to be... But it's got a much higher success rate than fail rate.

I can never get in a good position to use Aether like that. It might be because I fight the AI too much. My brothers aren't challenging enough, and all of my friends live too far away.

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I can never get in a good position to use Aether like that. It might be because I fight the AI too much. My brothers aren't challenging enough, and all of my friends live too far away.

I't like 2 steps awy from the edge i believe it works sometimes for me

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Brawl AI is retarded. Go to AiB/Smashboards, do some WiFi battles, get raped, lern2marth, THEN come back and say it works. Most non-noons recover from below to avoid such simple edgeguards.

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Would it be like

E- Enemy I- Ike A- use Aether

That's the edge of the stage.



<- A

Like that?

try it with in those distances you'll get it right.

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I really hate the AI. I mean, it has to use auto-blocking and auto-timing to win >_>

Because of my strategy, the AI is actually very difficult for me to beat, and normal players, no matter how good or bad they are, are easy for me. I don''t get that, though. I think it's definately the fact that it autoblocks, which screws over everything I do.

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