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16 minutes ago, Benice said:

It sorta does in FE7 too, in a way. You use a hand axe if the enemy doesn't have a sword and a javelin if they do

The joke here is using a Hand Axe willingly.


17 minutes ago, Benice said:

haven't played FE5 yet, but I do agree with FE4. As a narrative, it's fine, but as a game it falls on its face.

FE5 falls even harder. FE6 has ambush spawns but FE5 as a whole is just one big ambush from Kaga. And if Vestaria Saga is anything to go by, Kaga really loves his bullshit surprises.

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Just now, Armagon said:

FE5 falls even harder. FE6 has ambush spawns but FE5 as a whole is just one big ambush from Kaga. And if Vestaria Saga is anything to go by, Kaga really loves his bullshit surprises.

Oh boy! Hmm...Maybe I should LP Thracia before FE6. I have been wanting to play it for a while...

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Ironically nowadays if I had to compare two games from different eras of the series I feel are similar in certain ways, I would probably compare FE5 and 6, so it's funny at least in my eyes seeing people dislike one in favor of the other, but that's just me, and I'm a big dumbo.

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11 minutes ago, Caster said:

Ironically nowadays if I had to compare two games from different eras of the series I feel are similar in certain ways, I would probably compare FE5 and 6, so it's funny at least in my eyes seeing people dislike one in favor of the other, but that's just me, and I'm a big dumbo.

For me it's because FE6 got rid of everything i loved from FE5, while doubled down on everything i hated

Also FE5 has waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better map design, characters and Story than FE6. It's not even a contest

Edited by Shrimperor
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Can we stop having vomit contests in this thread? I think we know each other's FE preferences well enough at this point.



Not what I think of as Tetris music.

Can Nintendo... I dunno, revive the very old Pokemon Puzzle League games but make it Ninty Puzzle League instead, with each franchise featuring its own unique spin on the same basic puzzle format? 

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10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not what I think of as Tetris music.

All I can think of is that this meme is now canon


Real talk though, I think the Xenoblade theme is the coolest theme Tetris 99 has had and I'm not saying that out of bias. I don't really play it though, I'm more of a Puyo-Puyo guy.


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Basically done with Fate Extella.
That last route was... certainly a thing.

But let's take it from the top, shall we? Here's a mini review of Fate Extella, Fate's very own Musou spin-off game:

Good Stuff:

  • The game's art style and graphics look great. Each character looks alive and shows a lot of personality just by their design alone.
  • The game runs very smoothly on the PS4, something which it has over very nearly every other Musou-type game (in which case Marvelous outdid Omega Force at their own game), where the framerate would frequently crap itself trying to keep up with it all
  • The story and setting were interesting. Particularly the third route, called Dawn Arc, managed to pull at my heartstrings. Like, a lot.
  • Each Servant character, both the ones I knew and the ones I didn't know beforehand, endeared themselves to me one way or another. From the quirky ridiculousness of Elizabeth Bathory to Gilgamesh's smugness to Karna's calm kindness, each of the Servants firmly cemented themselves among the characters that I liked.
  • Speaking of the Servants, their special attacks, otherwise known as their Noble Phantasms, are absolutely stunning to behold. Each one looks more amazing than the last and you can feel a lot of effort was put into making each of them look and feel powerful.
    My favorites by far are Archer's Unlimited Blade Works (to probably no one's surprise) and Karna's Vasavi Shakti.
  • Gameplay is fast paced and fun, and I feel it improved on the traditional Musou combat style, offering more possibilities to spice up the usual hack-and-slash combat I do admit to enjoying. In fact, I feel like Fate is the franchise to make this kind of combat system seem plausible, since the other materials already depict Servants as far beyond any normal human in terms of fighting strength.
  • The music is an absolute joy to listen to, and the voice acting is stellar.

Bad Stuff:

  • The last act of the last arc suffers from some very, VERY dumb and contrived stuff that happens. Like... what the f*** is Saber Venus? Seriously.
  • Said last arc also completely sidelines one of the best Fate characters in Tamamo no Mae.
  • Said last arc's final boss also wasn't as enjoyable to fight as the previous three arcs'. Also, you got some Star Trek/Star Wars in my Fate there, Nasu.
  • You cannot choose who to play as in each of the main story arcs. You are always forced to play as the faction leader and have the opportunity to switch to their lieutenant. You play as Nero and Archer in the first and last arcs, Tamamo and Karna, in the second arc and Altera and Gilgamesh in the third arc. While all six of them are fun to play as in my eyes, and I liked all of these characters a lot, I did miss the variety that other Musou games tend to give you in this regard.
  • Due to this, some of the Servants that join each faction are completely sidelined, just like Tamamo.
  • Though there are side stories to remedy this, they are each only three stages long and you can't really get a feel for them in those three stages.
  • I said before that I like all the Servant characters. There is an exception to this, however: Archimedes is absolute hot garbage. By the end of the last arc, I just wanted someone, ANYONE to finally put a sword through his skull to make him shut up. I know that was probably the intention, seeing how he's a villain and all, but the "love to hate" sentiment turned into a "OH MY GOD, SOMEONE JUST KILL THAT GUY ALREADY!!!" sentiment somewhere between the second and third arcs. Spoiler alert: He survives everything. What. The. FUCK?
  • The camera is wonky, which can greatly hinder you, particularly in especially frantic situations.
  • Enemy captains never suffer from hitstun. They can just waltz through even your most powerful combo to interrupt you, which is incredibly annoying (strangely enough, enemy Servants do not have this quirk to them).
  • While I did like these Servants as characters, Li Shuwen and Iskandar weren't fun to play as. Their movesets were slow with terrible AOE and weak damage output.
  • The "True Ending" is a harem ending.

Weird/Funny Stuff:

  • When all is said and done, the dragon loli saved the world. Even if she didn't do it on purpose. Not bad for a joke villain with two catchy theme songs and a weird sense for nicknames, like "Piggy" or my favorite:

Route Ranking:
Altera > Tamamo > Nero > Nero 2.0

Best Musou Combat/10
Not Nights of Azure/10
Dragon Loli saved the world/10
Nasu ripped off MegaNep VII/10

Edited by DragonFlames
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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Honestly though, i really hated this whole Quantum lock thing or what ever it is called. The implications is has is...disturbing.

I personally thought that particular interpretation of how time works was an interesting one. It's also a good silencer for the people going "then why don't they travel further back in time?"
Probably prevented a lot of headaches.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

tl;dr: Nasu is a hack 😛

Harsh. XD
Seriously, though, I was so ready for Saber Venus to go "Next Form, Awakening Complete" or something.
And the fight(s) against that White Titan thingy immediately reminded me of the Dark CPU fights.

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7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I personally thought that particular interpretation of how time works was an interesting one. It's also a good silencer for the people going "then why don't they travel further back in time?"
Probably prevented a lot of headaches.

Thing is, Multiverse has always always been a part of the Nasuverse.

Always. And has been heavily interwined with the lore and story.

Too suddenly say ''Timelines get erased'' made me go ''you wot m8''

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Thing is, Multiverse has always always been a part of the Nasuverse.

Always. And has been heavily interwined with the lore and story

I am semi-aware of that, I think.
I do remember reading somewhere that the Emiya in Extella is post UBW Shirou, for example.

But, maybe this is my ignorance talking (and if it is, I apologize), but I currently don't see how one excludes the other.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

But, maybe this is my ignorance talking (and if it is, I apologize), but I currently don't see how one excludes the other.

The whole ''timelines get erased'' thing is very disturbing imo

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Thing is, Multiverse has always always been a part of the Nasuverse.

Fucking Hollow Ataraxia

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

The whole ''timelines get erased'' thing is very disturbing imo

Yeah, I can't deny that.
But it's not like something being disturbing has deterred Nasu from going through with it. I raise to you: Gilgamesh stealing Illya's heart. Literally.

And maybe it's just Nasu being meta af. You know, all those bad ends that people just reset? Maybe those are the timelines that "get erased", as it were.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

even before Hollow Atraxia, man xD

Don't click the spoiler, Draggy

  Reveal hidden contents

HF Rin's crystal weapon



What is Hollow Ataraxia?

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

But it's not like something being disturbing has deterred Nasu from going through with it. I raise to you: Gilgamesh stealing Illya's heart. Literally.

It's a different kind of disturbing.

The disturbing i am talking about is how the whole thing doesn't fit with the greater Nasuverse lore. Then again, maybe it's only a moon cell thing.

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

What is Hollow Ataraxia?

Fate/Stay Night's sequel.

And it's a sequel to all 3 routes.

At the same time. 

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3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

For me it's because FE6 got rid of everything i loved from FE5, while doubled down on everything i hated

Also FE5 has waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better map design, characters and Story than FE6. It's not even a contest

Agree with this 100%. FE5 is way superior to FE6 in every way possible.

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Fate/Stay Night's sequel.

And it's a sequel to all 3 routes.

At the same time. 





6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

The disturbing i am talking about is how the whole thing doesn't fit with the greater Nasuverse lore. Then again, maybe it's only a moon cell thing.

Ah, I see.
That's where I'm drawing a blank, because I have no clue about any Nasu stuff beyond Fate. And even that one I'm not sure I understand it 100%. XD

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Yet is somehow works xD

Somehow, I feel like I should have expected that.
I mean, this is the same franchise that turned King Arthur into a woman, turned Sasaki Kojiro into a fictional character (he existed, actually), made one of Hungary's biggest murderers into a dragon-themed idol, turned one of Japan's big three monsters into not only an aspect of a more or less benevolent goddess, but also into one of the most tragic and heartwarming characters ever, AND killed off an entire pantheon of gods by way of Dark CPU alien titan. Not to mention it retconned the origin of one of history's most famous conquerors into being an aspect of said alien titan.
So... yeah. I should NOT be surprised by that anymore, should I? XD

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Here's a mini review of Fate Extella, Fate's very own Musou spin-off game:

Nice. So i take it you enjoyed it overall?

26 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Fate/Stay Night's sequel.

And it's a sequel to all 3 routes.

At the same time. 

Ngl it's stuff like this that kinda turns me off from Fate/Nasu stuff. I do like several character designs but the whole thing is too daunting for me personally. I'm also not really a fan of battle royale-type stories which is what Fate mainly is.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ngl it's stuff like this that kinda turns me off from Fate/Nasu stuff. I do like several character designs but the whole thing is too daunting for me personally.

The only stuff you really should care are about are Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Zero

if you want to go deeper Hollow Attraxia and Prisma Illya (Manga! Anime is has like 100x loliservice as manga) are good.

the rest are...meh

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