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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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7 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Is it just me or is Monado Jump not... fitting? I dunno, maybe it's just me but it doesnt sound like it "belongs".

Because they just made it up.

6 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

I'd agree, actually. Anything to make FE4 more playable than it currently is. I could see the Echoes treatment doing quite a bit to make the story and characters more interesting as well.

The downside is that Echoes is still pretty faithful to the original's gameplay, for better or worse. An FE4 remake being faithful would only be worse.

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, I had a funny thought while showering this morning that I wanted to share:
You know how in the GBA FE games, Fighters do this very goofy pose when they attack/crit something?
This one, to be exact.

What if, when they missed, they didn't return to their starting position, but instead held that pose and just rolled past the enemy off-screen?

And they can't be attacked by the enemy once they've rolled off-screen. Big brain think.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

same price as xbox for 'normal' while digital is more expensive huh

Microsoft and Sony really had that standoff to see which one would reveal their price first only for both to have the same price. Well, for physical editions anyway.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

Oy...Good golly, if they put gambits as they are in Three Houses in the next game, it'd be a very good reason for me not to get it.

They are a neat idea but they are not well executed, yeah.

57 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


we fishing now boys XD


Alright, maybe this isn't a bad deal after all XD


In addition to the PS5 news, it has been confirmed that we're starting to get $70 as a new standard. The Demon Souls remake and Destruction All-Stars are both $70. The Miles Morales Ultimate Edition is also $70 but that's because that's $20 for the remastered Spider-Man PS4 game (Miles Morales normal edition is $50).

This was an inevitability, we should be prepared to see $70 as the new standard in the future.

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7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

definetly not 3H

3H was AS only. Also Fatesawakening was AS +1/2LCK, 1*Lck iirc

When I looked at capped stats for some of my units in Awakening...
Let's take my female Robin for instance, who had 50 Speed and 46 Luck with a Speed boon and Defense bane as a Swordmaster without additional weapons or skills to raise either of these. She came out at 96 avoid, which is where I got that calculation from. And increasing her Speed or Luck via pair ups or weapons that had that increased her avoid accordingly, so at least for Awakening, I can relatively safely say that it's straight up Speed + Luck that determines avoid.

I could be entirely wrong, though.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

And they can't be attacked by the enemy once they've rolled off-screen. Big brain think.

That would mean missing would help them. Awesome!
But the way I thought it, they'd roll back in from the other side of the screen. XD

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be careful of who you call Lyn in middle school


just revisiting yggdrasill while waiting for new version xD

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I can relatively safely say that it's straight up Speed + Luck that determines avoid.

ok that's for awakening then hmm

if i had fates on hand i could'Ve checked Fates as well, but i don't XD

3H is definetly AS + skills though, as seen here


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13 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


be careful of who you call Lyn in middle school


just revisiting yggdrasill while waiting for new version xD

Nice, nice!

13 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

ok that's for awakening then hmm

Yup. I think so, at least.

13 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

if i had fates on hand i could'Ve checked Fates as well, but i don't XD

I do have it... it's on my shelf, but I don't feel like getting up to pick it up. XD

13 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

3H is definetly AS + skills though, as seen here


I see, I see! Thanks for sharing! ^^
Shows how much attention I pay to these things. XD

12 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

sits quietly and watches as Tibarn destroys everything

The true Tibarn experience.

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These last few maps in 3H haven't been good at all...If I weren't going for the Death Knight, I could have probably Four-turned Chapter 5 easily. I've got a bad feeling about this...

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

Does Izuka ever stop warping around? I'm trying to end the chapter by killing him with Tibarn, but he either spawns new enemies around him or warps away.

Nope. It's a grind chapter, really-And a nice change of pace from tough chapters like Oliver's. I think the reinforcements stop at turn 99, though.

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

Does Izuka ever stop warping around? I'm trying to end the chapter by killing him with Tibarn, but he either spawns new enemies around him or warps away.

ah yes. You gotta figure something out iirc 

Like rush him with Elincia + dance and Amiti his face

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