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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Really glad Chugga's doing a Xenoblade 2 and Torna LP. The most influential member of the community playing these two games will only mean good things.

....I just hope youtube won't spoil me.

I will soon play XB2, but i want to Astral Chain and DMC 5 first, the former which i will start this weekend

hopefully xD

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Also yes, Escha & Logy is one of the best games in the series. In fact, it's the second best game in the series.

Debatable, since tastes might differ.

9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Because schools focus on memorizing rather than actually learning.

That's exactly it.
Most new students in university are horrendously bad at actually applying the stuff they've learned. I know this, because I used to occasionally help out with tutoring the first semesters and such.

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Okay, I finally completed Tales of Xillia 2!

That final boss battle was way easier than the few I did previous to that lol.

Finished at level 68, which was okay, although I wanted to make 70.

Something that I didn't like about the final boss sequence.


Chronos time stop was kinda BS, as it simply wasted OVL/Any other time based abilities.

Also, he got free Mystic artes since I couldn't move.

I got one game over since I didn't know what was coming the first time (although I should have)

The forced Chromatus against the final boss was cool, though.


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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Because schools focus on memorizing rather than actually learning.

...not everywhere, atleast in my experience.

I experienced both due to moving around alot  while young (we talked about this before).

4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Most new students in university are horrendously bad at actually applying the stuff they've learned. I know this, because I used to occasionally help out with tutoring the first semesters and such.

There's a reason why going from 1st semester to 2nd semester you notice a 70% decrease of students in lectures xD

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7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

....I just hope youtube won't spoil me.

Given that this will be his longest LP ever (for now at least), it might actually be a good while before Chugga's LP hits the real spoilery parts. So you might be good for that time. You might even have Xenoblade 2 before then.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

...not over here, atleast in my experience

Yes i do hear that Europe does generally have a better education system than the so called Land of Opportunity.

And America's education system is about to get worse.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

There's a reason why going from 1st semester to 2nd semester you notice a 70% decrease of students in lectures xD

Yup. And that decrease continues the higher up you go.

Seminar: 30 people at max! ... Five people actually register, only four actually show up. <- this was the case last semester for me. XD

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My entire grade and HS experience was memorization with little practical application given to it. I don't remember most of what I even learned in classes like physics, chem, plane geometry, and precalc because of it.

That, and I suck at math.

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

Seminar: 30 people at max! ... Five people actually register, only four actually show up. <- this was the case last semester for me. XD

30 people is like

4th semester stuff xD

after that it's definetly the 4-5 people experience you talked about xD

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

And America's education system is about to get worse.

>patriotic education

what the flying fuck, America....

This makes me honestly hella uncomfortable.


Honestly, education is the core of the country. Without it, nothing can be achieved.

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My education consisted of me sitting in a corner on a computer trying to make up 28 credits for high school since when I was a sophmore, I only had 2 credits. XD

edit: I was a genius obviously lol.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yes i do hear that Europe does generally have a better education system than the so called Land of Opportunity.

And America's education system is about to get worse.

Can only echo Shrimpy. This makes me uncomfortable to no end.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

30 people is like

4th semester stuff xD

after that it's definetly the 4-5 people experience you talked about xD

They set the limit at 30 for each seminar, no matter the semester at my university.
The last time I actually HAD 30 people in a seminar, was like, in my 4th semester, like you said. XD

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

>patriotic education

what the flying fuck, America....

This makes me honestly hella uncomfortable.

Just now, DragonFlames said:

Can only echo Shrimpy. This makes me uncomfortable to no end.

It's a very dangerous path. People are already comparing it with the Hitler Youth that was in Germany during the 30s and early 40s i think. 

If there's a glimmer of hope here, it's that if Trump loses the elections (which i hope to God that he does), Biden can just undo it since Trump is only implementing this like two months before elections. Of course, that is assuming Biden does undo it. I honestly don't expect Biden to do much (he'll probably die in office tbh) but i would hope he does that at least.

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13 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

My entire grade and HS experience was memorization with little practical application given to it. I don't remember most of what I even learned in classes like physics, chem, plane geometry, and precalc because of it.

That, and I suck at math.

This was me, except I never went to class, so I actually never learned most of it!

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25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Really glad Chugga's doing a Xenoblade 2 and Torna LP. The most influential member of the community playing these two games will only mean good things.

I assumed he would be playing Xenoblade X instead, but he explained that he didn't because some online features were removed and because he doesn't want a Switch port to be announced in the middle of it. I don't think we'll get a Xenoblade X port until after Monolith's next project is released, if ever though if Chugga did play X, it probably wouldn't be finished by the time the next Xenoblade game came out.

He also said two weeks ago that this LP had 284 pages of notes. The previous record (presumably held by Xenoblade 1) was only 154 pages, and the previous LP (Rescue Team DX) had 78 pages. I know Xenoblade 2 is big but I didn't think it would be that much bigger than the first game, even with Torna.

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

The only math classes I ever actually did well in (for reasons I can't explain) were Algebra 1 and 2, completely useless for the careers I've considered.

Math seems to be a common struggle for most people.

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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

it's that if Trump loses the elections

That's a big if. Biden is in Clinton's situation atm.

And that's why: GO VOTE!

I can't fathom how a country that claims to be democratic does it's hardest to make sure people don't vote. Over here during election times all parties come together to encourage everyone to go to vote. 1 Vote can decide the outcome of a constituency. Especially young people should go voting. Over here during last EUP election there was a big increase in young people voting and you know what happened? Conservatives went down like 8% (Do note that our conservatives are more like your democrats).

Then again, we also have a pretty robust voting system, even if some of our bigger parties are trying to change it in their favour. We also have a unified ID and registration system. Makes stuff a whole lot easier, i bet.

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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's a very dangerous path. People are already comparing it with the Hitler Youth that was in Germany during the 30s and early 40s i think. 

That's exactly the time period, yes.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

That's a big if. Biden is in Clinton's situation atm.

And that's why: GO VOTE!

I can't fathom how a country that claims to be democratic does it's hardest to make sure people don't vote. Over here during election times all parties come together to encourage everyone to go to vote. 1 Vote can decide the outcome of a constituency. Especially young people should go voting. Over here during last EUP election there was a big increase in young people voting and you know what happened? Conservatives went down like 10%.

Then again, we also have a pretty robust voting system, even if some of our bigger parties are trying to change it in their favour. We also have a unified ID and registration system. Makes stuff a whole lot easier, i bet.

Why cant people support each other? That's just America nowadays, people dont care about each other anymore, sadly.

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4 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

He also said two weeks ago that this LP had 284 pages of notes. The previous record (presumably held by Xenoblade 1) was only 154 pages, and the previous LP (Rescue Team DX) had 78 pages. I know Xenoblade 2 is big but I didn't think it would be that much bigger than the first game, even with Torna.

I would imagine it's because the DLC as well, not just Torna.

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

And that's why: GO VOTE!

That's the plan. My professor even said that we shouldn't come to class on Election Day (my college is likely resuming physical classes in October) which i'm grateful for although i was planning on skipping class that day anyway. I'd vote by mail but with Trump blatantly trying to sabotage the USPS, well....

Why Election Day still isn't a Federal Holiday makes no sense to me but then i remember how America isn't truly a democracy. 

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Why cant people support each other? That's just America nowadays, people dont care about each other anymore, sadly.

If only...

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Just now, Armagon said:

If only...

I don't know if you noticed, but people are very rude. I cant believe the attitude some people have, like is it so hard to apologise or say excuse me whe they bump into you? Small things like that arent that hard.

It didn't used to be like that, which is the sad part. You could actually trust people!

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7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That's exactly the time period, yes. And this is exactly why that kind of stuff makes me so uncomfortable.

There's a reason why when i visit countries or hear about countries having flags everywhere and having nationalist propaganda, i feel hella uncomfortable, and that's exactly why.

It also makes me hella uncomfortable when a country collects data about the ethnicity and religion of it's citizens. We've already seen how that can be abused.

There's a difference between loving your country and thinking you are better than everyone else just because you won the birth lottery.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Why Election Day still isn't a Federal Holiday makes no sense to me but then i remember how America isn't truly a democracy

Elections are usually on a Sunday over here, thank god.

You also don't need to register for it. You get a mail notifying you when the election is and where you can vote. 

But as i said, that also works thanks to our ID and registration system, which i hear americans and british people aren't really fond of.

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13 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

The only math classes I ever actually did well in (for reasons I can't explain) were Algebra 1 and 2, completely useless for the careers I've considered.

My "forte" (if you can call it that XD) was statistics and percent calculations.

Just now, Shrimperor said:

There's a reason why when i visit countries or hear about countries having flags everywhere and having nationalist propaganda, i feel hella uncomfortable, and that's exactly why.

It also makes me hella uncomfortable when a country collects data about the ethnicity and religion of it's citizens. We've already seen how that can be abused.

There's a difference between loving your country and thinking you are better than everyone else just because you won the birth lottery.

Yep, exactly.

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