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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Ok, kinda random idiotic question: how the hell do you edit and qoute people XD

I can't do that lmao, and just manually qoute and mention haha

Highlight the text and click "quote selection." Or just hit the quote button next to the + button below a comment.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

...Exactly the only part i hated of Math classes xD

I remember when we were tested on percentage calculation in... 8th grade, I think... that was the only time I ever got a perfect score on a math test (to the point where that is the only thing I remember from 8th grade). XD
Being the son of an accountant does that to you, I suppose.

Just now, twilitfalchion said:

I hated statistics so much when I had to take that back in Fall 2019, lol.

Depends on the teacher, perhaps. Our teacher did a loooot of practical stuff when we had that topic.
Maybe that's why I liked it so much.

Just now, Shrimperor said:

Ok, kinda random idiotic question: how the hell do you edit and qoute people XD

I can't do that lmao, and just manually qoute and mention haha

It's a bit weird and I only discovered it recently myself, but if you quote someone, that quote will show up in a new post. You right click and copy the quote box, then you click edit on your previous post and paste the quote into that. There might be an easier way to do it, but that's the way I found.
Sorry if that shocked anyone so far. XD

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Among Us be like

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5 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Highlight the text and click "quote selection." Or just hit the quote button next to the + button below a comment.

but that just adds it to new post...

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

It's a bit weird and I only discovered it recently myself, but if you quote someone, that quote will show up in a new post. You right click and copy the quote box, then you click edit on your previous post and paste the quote into that. There might be an easier way to do it, but that's the way I found.

...I am an idiot xD

Why did i never try that before.........

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I remember when we were tested on percentage calculation in... 8th grade, I think... that was the only time I ever got a perfect score on a math test (to the point where that is the only thing I remember from 8th grade). XD

Nice XD

Edited by Shrimperor
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Just now, Shrimperor said:
...I am an idiot xD

Why did i never try that before.........

If it's any consolation, I only discovered it recently myself.
And I've been a member for almost 6 years. XD
Wait... 6 YEARS?!? What the hell?

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Nice XD

My one tiny triumph in math. XD

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Wait... 6 YEARS?!? What the hell

so one can call you a serenes boomer, right?


I have been here for 3 Years now, huh. And i never really became active until like early last year a bit before 3H release after r/fe turned into a salt mine for some reason xD

So, who here has been using Internet since 2002 or before xD

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

There's a reason why when i visit countries or hear about countries having flags everywhere and having nationalist propaganda, i feel hella uncomfortable, and that's exactly why.

Honest to God, when i was in school, i just assumed that the Pledge of Allegiance was just a thing everyone does. It wasn't until after i had graduated High School that i found out that most countries actually don't do the Pledge of Allegiance. I also heard stories about how students in America can get punished for not doing the Pledge of Allegiance and i was like "yeah, what the fuck is this propagandist bullshit".

14 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I don't know if you noticed, but people are very rude. I cant believe the attitude some people have, like is it so hard to apologise or say excuse me whe they bump into you? Small things like that arent that hard.

It didn't used to be like that, which is the sad part. You could actually trust people!

I think it may have to do with America being an individualist country. Part of the reason why it's like the only first world country to not have basic things like universal healthcare is because of America's insistence on "you have to work for everything".

I actually found out that water utility companies in UK can't actually shut down someone's access to water. If someone can't pay the monthly bill, they work out alternatives but it is illegal for a water utility company in the UK to shut down your water supply. Guess what American water utility companies are allowed to do.

15 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

My "forte" (if you can call it that XD) was statistics and percent calculations.

For me it was uh...........geometry, i guess.

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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Congrats, that's more than me! XD

Thank you! XD
I confess that I honestly forgot most of it, though, since I never really needed it since then.
Though I suppose playing Fire Emblem would necessitate resurrecting that knowledge...

Just now, Armagon said:

For me it was uh...........geometry, i guess.

That was easily my worst nightmare.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

so one can call you a serenes boomer, right?

Sure! XD

By the way, remember this guy?G9DmUQV.jpg

Thanks to you, I now refer to him exclusively as "Boomer Dino". XD

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So, who here has been using Internet since 2002 or before xD

Under my father's guidance, of course.

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


Your next profile pic xD

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Thanks to you, I now refer to him exclusively as "Boomer Dino". XD

lmao xD

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


They call us



6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Honest to God, when i was in school, i just assumed that the Pledge of Allegiance was just a thing everyone does. It wasn't until after i had graduated High School that i found out that most countries actually don't do the Pledge of Allegiance. I also heard stories about how students in America can get punished for not doing the Pledge of Allegiance and i was like "yeah, what the fuck is this propagandist bullshit"

I would say the pledge itself is the least of the country's problems...

But everything around it is ridiculous.

Like people being pissed of at people not doing it rather than being pissed of at people dying or people not getting their rights.

Honestly i read even more horrifying news about Murica this week, but i don't wanna post em here.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Your next profile pic xD

I could use a picture of this guy, sure!
Even though he's rather useless as a Servan, sadly (his special move is gliding across the battlefield in a straight line, while Aluche hangs on to him; enemies in his path will be carried with him.)
But I dig his design! And pterosaurs are kinda like dragons or wyverns, anyhow. XD

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

lmao xD

You did this to me!!!

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

They call us




3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Hmm, to write another Shrimpramblings now, or to leave it for tomorrow, hmmmmm

but don't force yourself.

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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

You did this to me!!!

This sounds so wrong XD

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

but don't force yourself.

I will probably leave it for tomorrow since it will take like an hour to write my thoughts down xD

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

So the town in Rune Factory 5 is located on the back of a giant creature that flies above the clouds?

Now where have i seen that before...

Actually, RF Frontier had Whale Island.:


Accessible via a beanstalk. It was but a dungeon however, with Iris Blanche alone living there, and only then until the story is done. 

Having some footage of RF5 at last is good, though I'm not hyped on it yet. Our information remains scanty.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

This sounds so wrong XD

But you know how I meant it, hopefully. XD

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I will probably leave it for tomorrow since it will take like an hour to write my thoughts down xD

*looks at clock*
Yeah, I get you! ^^

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Whales, especially of the humpback variety, are my favorite animals, so this makes me extremely happy, somehow.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

*looks at clock*
Yeah, I get you! ^^

ikr xD

Ya know what, instead of Shrimpramblings, i will do a Shrimpramblings mini. Ya know, like these mini nintendo directs xD

So, more differences between Tech and fantasy factions:

Almost all Tech units will have 0% Mag growth and very low Res growths (since they come from a place with no magic and all), however, higher def growths and more range options on average. Fantasy factions def growth will be pretty low except for Armor knights or equivalent. Generally going for High lethality gameplay, so expect low Def but high Atk all around. That should also make units that can tank ala Armor Knights more valuable.

Standard Move will be 6 (Like Tellius and Jugdral). 

For Tech faction that means Scouts will have 7 Mov (1 lower than cavs.), Troopers 5 Mov, Medics, Engineers and Spies 6 Mov, Snipers 4  Mov and Mortar 3 Mov. Vehicles and Drones depend on Type really.


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25 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Honestly i read even more horrifying news about Murica this week, but i don't wanna post em here.

Same. I usually try to keep this place free of politics but sometimes i can't help it.

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Actually, RF Frontier had Whale Island.:


Accessible via a beanstalk. It was but a dungeon however, with Iris Blanche alone living there, and only then until the story is done. 

Oh right, there was a reference to this in RF4. Although i think in this case, the island is just that. An island. It's not alive like the town in RF5.


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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

ikr xD

Ya know what, instead of Shrimpramblings, i will do a Shrimpramblings mini. Ya know, like these mini nintendo directs xD

So, more differences between Tech and fantasy factions:

Almost all Tech units will have 0% Mag growth and very low Res growths (since they come from a place with no magic and all), however, higher def growths and more range options on average. Fantasy factions def growth will be pretty low except for Armor knights or equivalent. Generally going for High lethality gameplay, so expect low Def but high Atk all around. That should also make units that can tank ala Armor Knights more valuable.

Standard Move will be 6 (Like Tellius and Jugdral). 

For Tech faction that means Scouts will have 7 Mov (1 lower than cavs.), Troopers 5 Mov, Medics, Engineers and Spies 6 Mov, Snipers 4  Mov and Mortar 3 Mov. Vehicles and Drones depend on Type really.


Should I act all disappointed and complain about it on social media now, too? XD

Interesting, interesting!
I like the idea that tech guys have no magic at all!
I'd wager vehicles (except for the really slow ones like tanks) and drones would be the tech equivalent to horses, wvyerns, and pegs, so their movement would probably be around that general area.
All in all, good stuff! 👍

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How do you make a classic overworld theme even better? You make it metal, that's what.


On a side note, the Hori Split Pad Pro is actually a solid replacement for the Joy-cons. Much more comfortable as well. For $50, I'd say it's worth it despite the lack of rumble or gyro. Really feels like a pro controller. The d-pad is better than the official pro controller d-pad as well. No false diagonals.

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12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Should I act all disappointed and complain about it on social media now, too? XD

#ShrimpyBad trending in Draggyland 

pffffffffft xD

12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I like the idea that tech guys have no magic at all!

Would make no sense for them to have magic, imo xD.

I don't wanna go ''They suddenly find they have hidden magic inside them all along'' because that would make no sense for a technologically advanced civilization to have never discovered something like that.

I think

That and i love gameplay interaction moments like these, aslong as it does not affect gameplay so too harshly looking at you, FE4

However, some units will target Res, like Flame Tanks. Their total Atk might be low in the end (since 0 Mag), but they deal effective damage against a certain type of enemies, so it should work out.

12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I'd wager vehicles (except for the really slow ones like tanks) and drones would be the tech equivalent to horses, wvyerns, and pegs, so their movement would probably be around that general area.


APCs will have the highest movement in game, since they exist just for pure movement options and can't attack. 

Wyverns will have the lowest move of the flying classes, but will be tankier in return. In a way to not just make them Pegasi but better and with axes xD


I should put all this stuff in a word document somewhere xD


12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

All in all, good stuff! 👍


It's honestly fun to theorycraft from time to time, even if nothing will come out of it haha

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Politics talk about modern stuff, and meanwhile I'm over here, having once more waged war against the Byzantine Empire to put another Catholic claimant to the throne on my terms (more like, invited her and her husband, requested conversion on them, then press the claim). Unlike the previous one, this one is Greek and Born in the Purple, so... she's faring better off in comparison so far. Though the problem is having all those Iconoclast vassals that could get elected successors... hmm...

I also managed to mass convert Sweden and England. This last one got the title usurped by a Saxon guy who actually managed to unite most of the island so far. All the vassals were still Catholics so it was an easy affair to convince him.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

#ShrimpyBad trending in Draggyland 

pffffffffft xD

lmao XD

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Would make no sense for them to have magic, imo xD.

I don't wanna go ''They suddenly find they have hidden magic inside them all along'' because that would make no sense for a technologically advanced civilization to have never discovered something like that.

I think

I'd agree with this, actually.
It would seem to out of left field (not to mention horribly cliché) if they did.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

That and i love gameplay interaction moments like these, aslong as it does not affect gameplay so too harshly


6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

However, some units will target Res, like Flame Tanks. Their total Atk might be low in the end (since 0 Mag), but they deal effective damage against a certain type of enemies, so it should work out.

Seems fair!

6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


APCs will have the highest movement in game, since they exist just for pure movement options and can't attack. 

Wyverns will have the lowest move of the flying classes, but will be tankier in return. In a way to not just make them Pegasi but better and with axes xD


This is something I wish they'd make a thing in actual FE, too.
Because as it stands, Wyverns are pegs, but better. XD

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I should put all this stuff in a word document somewhere xD


7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


You're welcome! ^^

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

It's honestly fun to theorycraft from time to time, even if nothing will come out of it haha

I agree!

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Ah, also, Fantasy factions is more akin to high fantasy rather than typical fe medieval fantasy with some magic on the side, if my posts with many races and Demon Prince didn't make it clear xD

Otherwise Tach faction will just roflstomp fantasy faction xD

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

This is something I wish they'd make a thing in actual FE, too.
Because as it stands, Wyverns are pegs, but better. XD

Yeah, it always grinds my gears tbh. Make Wyvern have everything pegs have but just give them much lower Res (doesn't matter anyway since you can brave axe mages before they touch you) and 10% less speed lol.

Also, Armor units will stay useless aslong as they can't tank well. I don't think low mov is their problem, but the fact that they can't do even the tanking job well.

In games and Fanprojects where Armor units can tank well (and are almost the only ones able to do so), i find myself using them much more, despite their low mov.

Hower making an Armor unit have 25 Def instead of typical 10-15 Def but getting doubled by 40-50 Atk enemy makes them die faster anyway. Not to mention mages.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ah, also, Fantasy factions is more akin to high fantasy rather than typical fe medieval fantasy with some magic on the side, if my posts with many races and Demon Prince didn't make it clear xD

I thought as much! XD

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Yeah, it always grinds my gears tbh. Make Wyvern have everything pegs have but just give them much lower Res (doesn't matter anyway since you can brave axe mages before they touch you) and 10% less speed lol.

Maybe because this is a remnant of Wyverns being a promotion of Pegs.
Though you'd think with 16 games in they'd have changed that by now.

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also, Armor units will stay useless aslong as they can't tank well. I don't think low mov is their problem, but the fact that they can't do even the tanking job well.

In games and Fanprojects where Armor units can tank well (and are almost the only ones able to do so), i find myself using them much more, despite their low mov.

Hower making an Armor unit have 25 Def instead of typical 10-15 Def but getting doubled by 40-50 Atk enemy makes them die faster anyway. Not to mention mages.

Yep. Armor units' biggest problem is and always has been their pathetic Speed.
Especially in the games where enemies have ridiculously high attack values (such as Three Houses, for instance), getting doubled means death, no matter how high your defense is.
And then, like you said, Mages exist, and they eat Armors for breakfast.

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