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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ok so Lakeside Getaway is probably my favorite sidequest that I've done in Xenoblade X so far. It starts out so innocent but it quickly turns into fucking Alien and the fact that I did this quest at night upped the horror factor. And the fact that the parasites hatch after contact with water reminded me of the Doctor Who episode "The Waters of Mars". FYI I did the B-Route of this quest so Ajoa was able to survive.

I didn't realize the quest was exactly an Alien reference at the time, but yeah I love it. I knew something was wrong when Ajoa suddenly had the urge to shower in the middle of a crisis. More sci-fi movie references in sidequests next game!


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

What's really funny is that like three feet from where this screenshot was taken, there's a quest you can accept and it turns out the client is racist.

Thats the one where he has you round up Ma-non to murder, right? I can't believe the game actually lets you let him shoot them dead. 95% of the time, you're forced into siding against the racists, it's weird to think they'd let you do that even once.


4 hours ago, Armagon said:



Why'd you even walk over to its out of the way location? The mission can't be completed until after Chapter 11, little point in starting on it now, unless you want to grab some lobsters you'll have forgotten you collected later when you go to finish this.


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6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Atma-Avatars were mostly designed without eyes, because they're a feature that predominates our attention. The absence of eyes increases our focus on the mouths, which is important in Digital Devil Saga.

I see, I see.
Very interesting!

Come to think of it, Lucifer's second form in SMTIV also lacked eyes, which made the entire design look even more unsettling (which was probably the goal). Bit of a hot take, maybe, but I do like that design as far as final bosses go. It looks fittingly creepy, and the battle theme is just as unsettling.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My own stupidity of the day- Multi-Strike deals 2-7 hits of Physical damage, enemy reflects Phys and Pierce can't penetrate Repel.

Now I understand what it feels like to be shot with your own machine gun.

Ouch. That stings, for sure.
This is like trying to use Titanomachia in SMTIV Apocalypse against a group of Arahabaki, i.e. something that doesn't end well for you.
Been there before! XD

6 hours ago, Sooks1016 said:

Doesn’t make it true though. I mean it sucks, sure, it really really sucks, but you have to distinguish between your feelings and reality. And y’know, talk to me about it if that makes you feel better. And do whatever makes you feel better, so you can *smiiiiile*!

I don’t think you’re an idiot. If that matters at all. I mean you’re fluent in two languages... that’s never happening to me 😂

Ehehe, thanks! ^^

6 hours ago, Sooks1016 said:

Octopath Traveler is a great one.

If you have a 3DS, you should definitely give Bravely Default a shot. It's by the same developers.
Alternatively, you could wait until Bravely Default 2 releases... eventually. XD


Anyway, managed to wake up early for a change.
Good morning, everyone! *waves*

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Ohoho, I got this:


This is one of the best thing you can get in the game, claim to descend from Alexander the Great. Should it successful, a big rewards awaits. Best I know, there are two paths to choose. An expedition to find the tomb, or just hire scholars to forge a claim of descent. Both are very pricey paths. I went for the tomb one.


Should there be success on first try, now comes rolling the die for the acknowledge. It's a huge Prestige cost. By the way, also on the picture: me helping Jerusalem in a Holy War for Galilee.

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Getting the Bloodline of Alexander, among its benefits is being able to use the Invasion Casus Belli once per character. IT's like the Grand Conquest one, except the Prestige and Piety costs are MUCH reduced. The year is 1127 AD. 1127 is the year my truce with the Abbasids end... mwahahahaha...

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12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thats the one where he has you round up Ma-non to murder, right? I can't believe the game actually lets you let him shoot them dead. 95% of the time, you're forced into siding against the racists, it's weird to think they'd let you do that even once.

Yep. And yeah, it definitely was a bit odd that there was a split path there especially since this is part of a quest line. But even if it wasn't, it's very out of character to just allow Cross to watch innocents be murdered.

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why'd you even walk over to its out of the way location? The mission can't be completed until after Chapter 11, little point in starting on it now, unless you want to grab some lobsters you'll have forgotten you collected later when you go to finish this.

I'll be honest, I was confused as to why I hadn't started it yet. I heard so much about the infamous Rise of the Blood Lobster but I never actually found where the quest began.

I already found 10 lobsters but I wasn't looking for any of them. I just happened to come across them.

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Speaking of Fate, I was considering watching a (translated) playthrough of Fate/Extra CCC soon.
It's the only game in the "Extraverse" that I have only ever read about due to no finished translation for it existing (booo!).
As far as I've heard, it's basically Heaven's Feel, except weird. XD
BB is pretty cute, though, ngl.

Although I don't know when I'll be doing this or if I'll just let reading about the game be enough for me, since I have a bunch of other stuff to finish first, like Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 and most importantly, the Nep x Fate crossover.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I heard so much about the infamous Rise of the Blood Lobster but I never actually found where the quest began.

I already found 10 lobsters but I wasn't looking for any of them. I just happened to come across them.

As I heard one person put it, it's not so bad, if you start it early and look for a lobster every once in a while. If you save it for it later and attempt to do it all at once, it's worse.

I think it was a bad idea to make the second half the lobsters not appear until the entire first half was collected though. And, making the 99th lobster not appear until you've finished the necessary totally unrelated sidequest, just for the sake of the fighting area. I think they could've put the boss battle somewhere not quest-locked and still have the locale be interesting.

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I just noticed that I've been in the second half of the game time frame for a while now.

The earliest CK2 can start, thanks to DLC, is 769 AD. Game ends in 1453 AD. That's 684 years of game time, which amusingly enough, it means the halfway point is the year 1111 AD.

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Time to get the Fire Plume from the nest of the Salamander!
Good thing I don't actually have to fight that creature, because it would easily wipe the floor with me at this stage. Heh.
In other news, I got Tamaki's Frigid Slash and Victoria's Ice Rounds to level 5 each. Here's hoping that this will give them enough punch to really make a dent in the upcoming boss.

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38 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As I heard one person put it, it's not so bad, if you start it early and look for a lobster every once in a while. If you save it for it later and attempt to do it all at once, it's worse.

So it's the Xenoblade X version of Ursula's Blade Quest. Although Ursula's Blade Quest is still worse because it relies on real time.

20 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:
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hey look it's food for Sylvis

I'm sorry, anybody named Almachus is not being taken seriously lmao.

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I feel like I've played enough of Xenoblade X to where I can confidently say that i do think Xenoblade 2/Torna have the best combat in the series. X's combat is amazing and a massive improvement over Xenoblade 1's combat but I do like 2/Torna's more rhythmic feel more. That said, I would like a hypothetical Xenoblade X2 to keep the combat from the first game, with a few minor tweaks. As it is right now, it's almost perfect but what I'd like to see is the following:

-Hit-based cooldowns. This is the way of the future tbh.

-A lot more healing arts. I really like how they weaved healing into the combat itself as this helps the flow a lot but healing via Soul Voices is not as reliable as I'd like it to be.

-Skell Overdrive needs less RNG. Keep the six extension limit, that is fair. But Skell Overdrive extensions rely on two RNG rolls to be extended: the default extension chance and the Cockpit View activation rates, which boss the extension chances. Keep the general requirements but allow Cockpit Views to be triggered after a successful Soul Voice. So the new extension requirements would be: Succesful Soul Voice -> Garuanteed Cockpit View -> Garuanteed Skell Overdrive extension. Thus, the only RNG present would be the Soul Voices themselves but they happen very often (especially Melee and Ranged Soul Voices).

Bonus: map the Arts to the buttons but I wouldn't mind if they kept the Art pallet.

I definitely do think the general combat of 2/Torna should be the basis of future Xenoblade games but only for the numbered series. The X series can keep it's combat and hopefully just make some minor adjustments.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

I see serenes is drunk again

Really drunk looks like. I went to edit my double post to make it say "double" and that somehow ended up making an entirely new post.


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This is some peak kaga romance writing




''...'' S support





Peak Kaga game mechanic


Terrain map with Dark Mages and Berserk Staves...

This is FE5 ch16b all over again...

with fog...

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5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

dafuq? A provoked enemy unit just attacked a different unit than the unit that provoked it...

game pls

Wha-- Really? I didn't run into that glitch until my third run... It's extremely rare. Guess you can consider yourself lucky.

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

This is some peak kaga romance writing

It is, uh... It's something, all right.

At least it's not a 1000 year old loli

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

I'm sorry, anybody named Almachus is not being taken seriously lmao.

And you didn't even see the best part - due to some unfortunate font choices, in certain places lowercase As look like Os. So the map title calls this guy "the dork cordinal". Hysterical.

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Peak Kaga game mechanic

Ah yes, that one. The gimmick doesn't really matter that much when the spell usually kills you to death if it lands.

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Terrain map with Dark Mages and Berserk Staves...

This is FE5 ch16b all over again...

with fog...

Friendly bit of advice:


Believe it or not, the berserk spam isn't there because Kaga likes to make you suffer, for once - It's there to tell you that you shouldn't go towards the boss just yet. A little surprise will happen further into the map, and that'll be your chance to strike.


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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Friendly bit of advice

Huh, thanks!

Honestly i am a bit more worried about terrain + fog than i am about Berserk, since i do have Pacify, after all.


Well, there's also the fact that the game took Izerna away, who had my Phyiscs and fortify xD. Gotta save her asap.

Generally i don't mind enemy status staves much aslong as the game gives you a way to counter them, which this game thankfully does.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:
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Well, there's also the fact that the game took Izerna away, who had my Phyiscs and fortify xD. Gotta save her asap.


This map doesn't like the team's resident healers. All three of them get screwed over in one way or another.

Incidentally, it's time for a Cryptic Kaga Moment! They're rare in this game, but there's still a couple. Here goes:


If Perceval is force-deployed, make sure you attack the enemy holding Izerna with him. The game hints at it, but just to make sure. It's extremely important that you do this if you want to recruit Perceval.


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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This map doesn't like the team's resident healers. All three of them get screwed over in one way or another

Oh no.

Owen stay safe pls xD

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The game hints at it, but just to make sure

The game actually directly says it haha

Still, Thanks!

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