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Also, on the subject of Dynasty Warriors... ever since reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel, I find one thing absolutely hilarious: Of the playable characters belonging to the "Jin" faction in Dynasty Warriors 8... only two of them actually lived to see Wei become Jin officially. And it's the two that were introduced in that game.
Not to mention that Xiahou Ba's belonging to Jin is highly questionable in the first place, considering he historically nope'd out of Wei and defected to Shu right after Sima Yi's* coup d'état (heck, even in the game, the guy isn't playable unless you get to the hypothetical stuff). Why they felt the need to make a guy whose only relevance to the entire story is "he defected to Shu after his family line got wiped out" playable is beyond me, but hey, I'm not with Omega Force, so what the f*** do I know? Doesn't help that the character itself is... there. He exists. That's really all I can say about him.
However, I will say there are several people they left as generics that have way more involvement in the RotTK novel. Involvement that goes beyond "yeah, that guy... defected that one time. Go him!"

Pay no heed to my random ramblings.

*Sima Yi is Jin's 'faction leader'... even though he didn't live to see it, as he died two years after establishing his family as the top dogs in Wei, thus technically laying the foundation for what would become Jin, buuuuut...

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3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, on the subject of Dynasty Warriors... ever since reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel, I find one thing absolutely hilarious: Of the playable characters belonging to the "Jin" faction in Dynasty Warriors 8... only two of them actually lived to see Wei become Jin officially. And it's the two that were introduced in that game.
Not to mention that Xiahou Ba's belonging to Jin is highly questionable in the first place, considering he historically nope'd out of Wei and defected to Shu right after Sima Yi's* coup d'état (heck, even in the game, the guy isn't playable unless you get to the hypothetical stuff). Why they felt the need to make a guy whose only relevance to the entire story is "he defected to Shu after his family line got wiped out" playable is beyond me, but hey, I'm not with Omega Force, so what the f*** do I know? Doesn't help that the character itself is... there. He exists. That's really all I can say about him.
However, I will say there are several people they left as generics that have way more involvement in the RotTK novel. Involvement that goes beyond "yeah, that guy... defected that one time. Go him!"

Pay no heed to my random ramblings.

*Sima Yi is Jin's 'faction leader'... even though he didn't live to see it, as he died two years after establishing his family as the top dogs in Wei, thus technically laying the foundation for what would become Jin, buuuuut...

Like strapped for characters as it is. Also, no fun having the Jin faction to last only like 17 years (between the conquests of Shu and Wu) at what is basically the post-epilogue of the Three Kingdoms era and not much was happening anyway.

Correlating Jin to the Sima family's takeover was likely a fitting compromise, since it was the time of the decline of power of the Cao family.

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Playing a little more Sakuna, I've finished my second year's rice harvest. I'm not quite sure if the three days per season thing is purely for gameplay's sake or if it is actually real for the game's world. It'd be very odd if it wasn't actually the case, but the game seems to imagine things are not that short either. Somewhere far short of an actual 365 days year, but longer than 3 days?

The game was nice enough to offer a few scrolls on farming at the start of the second year, and Tauemon provides a little advice every day if you talk to him, but I still haven't gotten a good grasp of farming. The farming skills you unlock over time from farming are helping me, but the guidance could be a little better. I understand the premise of wanting the player to gradually learn to get better at agriculture, which isn't really the case for traditional farming sims. What holds you back in those isn't experience, it's money, stamina, time, and tool quality. If someone started a SoS/Stardew-styled farming game with maxed stamina, maxed tools, and all the money necessary to buy the best seeds and any soil-improvement stuff on day one, would there be anything stopping them from having the same agricultural output as someone in their third ingame year?

To break down the Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin rice cultivation process as I'm experiencing it:

  • Planting- I might've messed up on the timing of when to do this in my second year. Although the light grid you unlock during your second year is helpful for rice spacing, maneuvering Sakuna so that your seedlings fall right where you them to on the lines isn't easy. I've put too much space between all my rice sprouts so far.
  • Weeding and Pests- Looking for those randomly generated exclamation points that let you pick up invisible bugs and frogs to help manage bad bests could have been done better, though I do like the concept of integrated pest management, which is seeing use nowadays in modern agriculture as chemical-free alternative to pesticides. Weeding my first year's report I think I did a good job with, this second year stated I did terrible, I don't get it.
  • Watering- Wet farming is a fun change from the usual watering can stuff. Having acquired the farming skill that lets me see the exact water level and with it the precise temperature of the field is very helpful. Keep it temperate on the temperature side seems easy to remember, but the water level hasn't been defined so well, start lower when the plants are small, increase it as they grow, but I'm not sure by how much. Nor, how to reconcile things were the ideal water level for watering and the ideal water level for the ideal temperature were to differ.
  • Fertilizer- Need to use a lot more ingredients in this stuff. My fields are running low on nutrients. Otherwise this looks to be quite simple. Prepare fertilizer at night, it'll finish maturing as you sleep, and then you spread it the morning because the rice doesn't absorb the nutrients very well when it's dark.
  • Harvesting and Drying- Harvesting seems very easy, all that matters is which day you choose to reap the stalks. Drying them is also simple, place them on the racks, inspect every so often and if Sakuna says they look pretty dry, take them off. If it rains, you know you have to leave them on the racks longer.
  • Threshing and Hulling- The game keeps track of what time of day you do these two activities, I'm not sure why, does it affect rice quality in some way? ↓→Y← and ↑↓ ad infinitum. You can get into a rhythm with these fairly quickly, so it isn't too annoying. And technically, you barely have to hull the rice if you don't want to do a lot of it.
    • Hull the rice the bare minimum and you get Brown Rice, go to 100% on hulling and you get White Rice.
      • White Rice provides more experience the game states, which I think is important because the rice harvest is the only way you level up in Sakuna.
      • Brown Rice provides stronger food bonuses when you cook with it later. Which should be substantial stat bonuses of its own kind, but food bonuses last only one day.
      • I guess the various percentages of hulling between Brown and White offer different EXP-to-food bonuses ratios. I wouldn't know, because so far I've gone with White Rice both times.
      • I like the gameplay split on the two kinds of rice. Brown rice having most of that hull is scientifically more nutritious for you IRL. As for the White Rice gameplay bonus, well they needed to make the preferred form of rice in Japan appealing in some way. And EXP is an alright way of doing that, White Rice is more readily digestible carbohydrates I suppose, which I could imagine is good for youngsters, and youngsters are the ones who are growing.
    • Threshing and hulling might explain this game's subtitle. Of Rice and Ruin. The "ruin" in question will be your left Joy-Con for having done the same strokes again and again over a short period of time.
    • However, I am very, very, very glad there is no rhythm minigame associated with any step of the rice cultivation process. I'm am horrendous with those.
  • Tilling- This wintertime activity for softening the soil before Spring arrives and you have to plant again looks quite simple. You almost instantly get the gold light indicator that tells you when you've plowed a spot enough. And the rocks you have to pick up and remove are big and easily seen, better than weed removal and pest management. All this takes is time.

Because I'm currently trying to improve my execution of the basics, I haven't paid much attention to the fertilizer stats nor the various qualities of the rice, which a scroll informs me are but synonyms for the stats they boost of Sakuna when the rice is finished- Aroma is Magic, Taste is Strength, Yield is HP, for instance.

Nonetheless, despite having to invest effort into understanding the above information, and wishing for a little more guidance, I am enjoying this system. I've been interested in seeing what a more intensive form of agriculture would be like in a video game, and this looks like it could be it. And, I think I can say I am coming to appreciate humanity's not so ancient past of pre-industrial farming techniques and the fundamental to human civilization food supply it generated more. Watching Sakuna plant each rice seedling by hand is enough to make my back ache at the reality that the billions of premodern rice farmers who once lived on this Earth who had to do the same every year for days on end, and thats just the first step in the process.

Getting to the combat. It's enjoyable, fairly fast, Sakuna's movement feels a little off, but I'm liking it. I'm nowhere near the best at action games, but I try to have fun. I've lost to a few boss enemies. Healing items don't exist as I learned in advance of buying this game, but the most common food bonus in the game seems to be Natural Healing, which starts regenerating your HP if you aren't hit for a short while, and thats fair, it encourages learning how to dodge for the wannabe pros, and for the weak, except for bosses, you can run out of enemy range and wait a bit before jumping back into the fray. I almost killed the first boss after a long back and forth, I got it down to about 15th of it's HP, but I died and the auto-save right outside its lair quickly loaded up. The levelups from first rice harvest combined with some new equipment turned the first boss into a piece of rice cake. Hopefully it won't be that overpowering for later bosses. 

The story isn't very strong at the moment, and I don't think it has to be. The chats at dinner between the characters is embellishing things with a pleasant bit of humble charm that can drive me forward. Talk of the unseen and unexplored worlds of the "Lofty Realm" of the gods and its counterpart the "Lowly Realm" of humans, talk of the characters themselves; I like the picture it paints. I wouldn't call the characters one big strange family, not yet at least, but they're mostly getting along and I'm liking it. And, if there are any Switch hackers out there, could they please give Dromarch a Tama recolor? Another old-manly beast familiar to another young lady.


3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Why they felt the need to make a guy whose only relevance to the entire story is "he defected to Shu after his family line got wiped out" playable is beyond me, but hey, I'm not with Omega Force, so what the f*** do I know?

Zhuge Dan is better, but still a defector. Xiahou Ba I'd guess got included out of nepotism, being the son of Xiahou Yuan.


3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

*Sima Yi is Jin's 'faction leader'... even though he didn't live to see it, as he died two years after establishing his family as the top dogs in Wei, thus technically laying the foundation for what would become Jin, buuuuut...

According to Wikipedia, he was posthumously honored by his grandson Sima Yan as an Emperor of Jin. 

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Like strapped for characters as it is. Also, no fun having the Jin faction to last only like 17 years (between the conquests of Shu and Wu) at what is basically the post-epilogue of the Three Kingdoms era and not much was happening anyway.

Correlating Jin to the Sima family's takeover was likely a fitting compromise, since it was the time of the decline of power of the Cao family.

Fair point.
The only "major" thing that happened was essentially a 15-year long standoff between Jin and Wu along the Yellow River, and that's pretty much it.
Doesn't exactly compare to the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Red Cliffs, Wuzhang Plains, Hefei, Hulao Gate, and Xiapi, now, does it? xD

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Zhuge Dan is better, but still a defector. Xiahou Ba I'd guess got included out of nepotism, being the son of Xiahou Yuan.

Zhuge Dan at least had a character arc in 8(XL) that led to his rebellion (the game paints it as one result of Sima Shi dying and Sima Zhao being, well, Sima Zhao). And you could play as him in previous battles
Xiahou Ba is there as an NPC for a couple battles until the coup d'état happens (which is... maybe two battles total?), and then he's just gone, unless you unlock the hypothetical stage to get him back. I'd say nepotism of sorts is a good explanation for his inclusion.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

According to Wikipedia, he was posthumously honored by his grandson Sima Yan as an Emperor of Jin. 

Ah, true! I forgot about that one.

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1 hour ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Edit: Tfw you try to pull a pro gamer move but the game says: 84% miss.

Wait, but that's only 68% miss...



Good morning, all!

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Started playing Age of Calamity from where my demo save left off. Overall impressions so far are really good. The game has an excellent presentation and the gameplay itself feels really good when performance is good. Problem is, the frame rate has some trouble keeping up, and sometimes it will tank to a near standstill. Oof indeed. I will say though that those moments are pretty rare, but worth mentioning. The cutscenes look spectacular, but the lower resolution is pretty obvious, especially since I played BotW at a higher one.

Ngl, I wish the music were heavy metal tracks. I want some bangers to fight to, not strings. But, to give the game credit, the music there is pretty solid for what it is. I'm using the JP voiceovers, and honestly, it feels like the closest we'll get to a Zelda anime without it being the real deal.

The story so far is probably the most creative premise the series has seen since Majora's Mask. It may not be peak storytelling, but at least it bothers to tell an interesting story, unlike most Zelda games. Of the characters I've used so far, Urbosa is my favorite to play as. She reminds me a lot of Lucina from FEW gameplay-wise. She was also my favorite champion from BotW.

Ramblings aside, I'm looking forward to continuing with the game. Other than the performance hiccups, it's good stupid fun, like musou games usually are.

Apart from Age of Calamity, I went into some more online Smash as both Marth and Ike. I actually picked Ike back up quicker than I did Marth, but I'm still kinda bad with both of them. I'll probably play some more online later.

Edited by twilitfalchion
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2 hours ago, Father Shrimpas said:
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Edit: Tfw you try to pull a pro gamer move but the game says: 84% miss.

What if you

Had a 48% hit-rate

But God said


38 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

So I just finished Royal again and I am reminded why it is my favorite game of all time

I can relate to this. I'm currently on my fifth playthrough of Xenoblade 2 and every playthrough makes me appreciate more why it's my favorite game of all time.

14 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Ngl, I wish the music were heavy metal tracks. I want some bangers to fight to, not strings.

I feel the other way around actually. It's nice to see a Musou that doesn't just go for the metal tracks for once. There isn't anything wrong with that but not going with a dominant metal OST makes Age of Calamity stand out more among it's Mousou brethren.

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And, of course, the best music to fight to.

As if I haven't posted enough RD music in this thread already.

Fought the first Sephiroth I've seen online. His kit's alright. Seemed on pretty even footing with Ike.

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2 hours ago, Benice said:

Wait, but that's only 68% miss...



the 84% hit attack that missed is a different one

and if you mean the one in the picture, the 42% missed, but doesn't matter because Flora with the brave dual attack killed the enemy xD

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1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

Fought the first Sephiroth I've seen online. His kit's alright. Seemed on pretty even footing with Ike.

The opening frames he has on his aerials are pretty ugly save his fair, though.

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Mhm, true.


Huh, all I'm familiar with with the Touhou series is this banger of a song and that it's a bullet hell series. That and a bunch of anime girls dressed for tea.


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