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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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So I was playing Smash online with my brother, and we were against someone who played Kirby and Kirby, and they tried to cheese KO's with swallow. And proceeded to t bag after a kill. I was playing ZSS and once they had one person left, I ran away the entire game using Flip Jump. Ran the time out by not engaging one time. The guy was soooo desperate to hit me, it was pathetic.

Act like that, fine.

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Teabagging is crouching repeatedly as a way of taunting your opponent in Smash. It's usually done by cocky players or poor sports who just want to mock their opponent. Not always, of course, but that's the case more often than not.

If Nintendo just let the players taunt in quickplay, it probably wouldn't be as common as it is.

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Teabagging is the equivalent of boasting online. Smash taunting really depends on how it’s used, imo.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

I was drinking alright

soup that is xD



I am a strict anti-alcohol person. Have enough examples in my family and hate the thought of even losing control of myself

I am anti alcohol as well, that is, I don’t want to drink any in my life time (I would say when I’m of age, but I definitely don’t want to do it before then). I don’t have any examples in my family, though.

4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Do I want to know what's teabagging?

“In video games, “teabagging” describes the act of a player (usually an enemy competitor) repeatedly crouching up and down over another player. It's a universal taunt that people use in fighting games, FPS gamesand sports games. ... Though it may not be inherently obvious in the video, that's an evolution of the teabag.”

In Smash you can’t really do it over the other player, so it’s more just crouching repeatedly while they’re flying away in one of the animations, or as they’re respawning, if I had to guess.

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24 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Taunting is fine, IMO.

Teabagging is poor sportsmanship though, to me at least.

It's literally the same thing honestly.

32 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Tbh they shouldn't have disabled taunting online

Only on Quickplay. Arenas (which is the superior online mode) does let you taunt but only up to three times iirc.

At any rate, teabagging is so universal that I do it even in single player games when I do something cool.

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It sounds to me like a form of primitive and juvenile masculine behavior. Metaphoric testicular dangling over your defeated foe? What are we, human or walruses stabbing the rivals to a harem to a bloody death? And being a form of trolling, I think we can universally agree the Internet would be a better place without it, and I’d say we should want the same in games. -Of course, getting incensed is precisely what the trolls want.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Me, who thinks T-bagging is hilarious, especially with certain characters.


I'm sure this was the jerks reaction after trying to chase me down after 5 minutes long. I'm sure he wasnt so happy then. 

I agree with twilitfalchion, it's just a sad way to think your "outplaying" your opponent. 

Its also why after enough time of them doing it, I refuse to engage, i run the time out and take my win from them. They dont like it? Too fucking bad, learn to play the game.

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7 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Too fucking bad, learn to play the game.

I mean, they are.

There's no rule that says that you can't teabag.

No offense but if you can't handle someone teabagging you, then you probably shouldn't play competitive.

Cause like, when someone teabaggs me, I just go


It's competitive spirit, that's all it is.

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I drank a bit of wine on New Year's at Midnight. I mean, I'm not 21 yet but really, what's the difference between a 20 year old and a 21 year old (also my uncle tricked me into drinking a bit of beer when I was three years old because he told me it was apple juice so this isn't even my first alcoholic taste).

Anyways the wine a drank a sip of tasted like shit.

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Well that’s 2 Harry Potter books finished in 3 days. On to book 3 I suppose...

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I drank a bit of wine on New Year's at Midnight. I mean, I'm not 21 yet but really, what's the difference between a 20 year old and a 21 year old (also my uncle tricked me into drinking a bit of beer when I was three years old because he told me it was apple juice so this isn't even my first alcoholic taste).

Anyways the wine a drank a sip of tasted like shit.


Just why?

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I'd say, I've never drank any alcoholic drink... and I never plan to.

That said, I... well, honestly, I can't really say for certain, but it's possible I may have tasted some at least. I've taken enough Communion bread during Mass in my life, and I know some of them have been wine-dipped... I think. Honestly I don't remember if it was really wine-dipped Communion bread, or dipped with... don't know what could it be if not wine...

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Alcohol is beautiful, just don’t drink it. I enjoy a nice, long documentary on the art of high-end alcoholic beverages. Scotch: A Golden Dream, was the most recent of the sort I’ve seen. The passion, the science and the history of the craft is to be admired. Doesn’t mean I’d ever try a single malt, as one of the interviewed distillers said, the first time they tried it during a workplace lunch break, they were floored. But I hope someone keeps consuming the stuff, keep the tradition alive. Also, they said that ultimately, all the craft and intricacies doesn’t matter, the best booze you’ll ever drink is the stuff you have in good company. 🍻🥂

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Enjoys tricking kids into drinking beer?


As far as the alcohol talk goes, I’ve never had any and never will. The end.

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Different cultures view alcohol differently. For some it's a rite of passage or not something nearly as questionable for minors as in other countries.

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