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Last time I submitted for the WYBO competition...

Wow, wasn't it Ho Ho No! for last year's Christmas?


Still, for all the memories attached to Ho Ho No, I'll always love it, no matter how cringe it is.

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All these people considering... nice job Acacia.

Anyway, I love how the duel vs older sibling and heir to the throne chapter in Conquest is one of the most brutal fights in the game, stacked with powerful enemies and skill combos and you will almost always have to battle your war across two paths and kill each of his retainers to get in and finally have a fighting chance at him, and in Birthright the thing blocking Corrin and Xander’s duel from everyone else is..... a door. Three tiles from where you spawn. Round of applause for that one guys.

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3 minutes ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:

One more tail, and the right one would be Estelle with adolish hair.

For some reason I think these two are not a concidience 

There's a reason why i call her Adol x Estelle's daughter



Good Morning btw^^

Edited by Shrimperor
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I can tell I'm almost done with Sakuna, barring any postgame this game might have. I think I'm on my ~12th Year, which is a little surprising, it feels longer than that. I can under no circumstances get distracted right now, particularly another Switch game, else I'll leave it undone for perhaps forever sorry I never got back to you Luigi's Mansion 3.


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, I'm feeling the same way with Conquest. Don't get me wrong, I haven't suddenly changed my mind or anything. It happens with most FEs, when I get to the final couple of chapters I start losing motivation for some reason. I wonder what's up with that. It has yet to happen for Berwick Saga though, three runs in and I still have a blast from start to finish

This has happened to me with all kinds of video games since... *checks the original release date of Tales of Symphonia* circa 2004, maybe 2005.

I used to think it was "I enjoy the fantasy, and by the finishing the game, I end it, and so I don't want to finish the game, so that the fantasy never dies". But it's clear to me now that that can't explain it.


51 minutes ago, Sooks said:

And that’s another map handled almost entirely by Ryoma and backpack.

I gave up on trying Ryoma solos on Lunatic. Swords were always too scarily accurate, and the Weapon Triangle meant either Lances & Daggers or Axes & Bows always stood the chance of forking him over.

Not to call Ryoma weak, he can be a good dodge tank, but I found him situational.

Guard Naginata on a Spear Master Hinoka is where the reliable Hoshido tanking was at -minus Berserkers.


59 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Back to maths real quick, I think we can all agree that the reason so many struggle is because schools (colleges included) focus so much on memorization and not on understanding.

To add on to this, while various jobs IRL do crunch numbers, that isn't what actual mathematicians primarily do. Mathematicians don't calculate math problems and then check an answer sheet to see if they were right. We're long past that phase in human history, if it ever actually was a thing, which I doubt.

Proposed mathematical theories, postulates, and other constructs have no answers that readily exist. You think about the infinitude of numbers, you search for some form of order within them, you express that order in the form of actual words and or a mathematical formulae, and then you carry out many tests to determine whether that construct you've proposed is Truth that reflects reality, or is invalid trash due to having holes in it.

If treated like this, math really is an empirical science I would think. However, whereas with physics, chemistry, biology, and environmental science is it possible to readily observe the physical world and then test a hypothesis it gives you, the realm of math is the realm of the immaterial and requires a very specially attuned mind to see in physical reality the basis for a mathematical hypothesis, much less test it.

And as for engineers and the like, I'm not sure if you could say their jobs are really about calculating either. Yes they do calculate, but is that the hardest/most important part? If I'm an architectural engineer, I can throw the numbers and formulae I need for determining whether a building survives an earthquake into a calculator. But, how do I determine what dangerous forces an earthquake emits that must be thrown into the math, and how strong those forces are, and what measures do I have to design into a building to mitigate those forces, and how do I independently confirm the efficacy of those quake-mitigation structures and materials (whilst not compromising the building's structural integrity and overall design)? Thats a lot harder I would think, a calculator can't answer those questions.

This leaves me wondering how math could possibly be more effectively taught beneath a collegial level. How do you get children to engage in abstract critical thinking? *Sigh* I guess one cannot abolish number crunching then, have to introduce math to kids somehow, even if it is totally wrong for the mathematician or any other math-related job.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Only eight people have this game logged (including me) and only six of them have actually rated it. In case you're wondering, i marked this game as "abandoned" which is basically just the fancy way of saying "dropped".

At least it's a testament to how big the database is. Hell, Backloggd even has a few fan games (including Fire Emblem). Well, few is probably an understatement. A massive understatement.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Yeah, i agree with you. When it comes to any subject honestly.

Memoritation is the worst way of teaching

Tbf, there are a few subjects where memorization is valid. The obvious one is History cause like.....what else do you do lol? History is literally just remembering people, places, events, etc.

Earth and Space Science is another easy one to just memorize. Actually, i feel the only part of science that needs understanding more than memorization is physics (math 2 babyyyyy) and chemistry. Cause like, i don't need to understand how a cell duplicates, i just need to know how. That make sense?

Literature is like the middle ground because you do need to remember things but also understand how to analyze and stuff.

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

How do you get children to engage in abstract critical thinking?

A lot of early math classes (i mean early) focus on combining math with visuals, so children can get an understanding. This doesn't help everyone of course, i've been terrible at math as early as the third grade. But that's how it starts.

By middle school, maybe even a year earlier, math is almost exclusively taught abstractly, save for the few word problems and visual graphs and whatnot.

I know that at the very least, i was better when it came to geometry than algebra. Because with geometry, you can actually see what it is your trying to solve.


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Ryoma just soloed the entire second to last map, with the exception of the boss only because I wanted to feed the kill to Corrin, with literally nothing other than a Corrin pair up, a couple of concoctions, and his prf weapon. I just throw him out there, hit the skip button on enemy phase, and see everything gone. It’s kinda fun how broken he is.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Guard Naginata on a Spear Master Hinoka is where the reliable Hoshido tanking was at -minus Berserkers.

Dual Naginata!

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

You all burning out late game and for me the Hype really starts late game sometimes leading to 10 hour marathons lol

Although there's usually a small break between mid game and late game...

We all know Conquest is the exception...

is it more than just Conquest?

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Earth and Space Science is another easy one to just memorize. Actually, i feel the only part of science that needs understanding more than memorization is physics (math 2 babyyyyy) and chemistry. Cause like, i don't need to understand how a cell duplicates, i just need to know how. That make sense?

Big disagree here. Only when you understand science can you do something with it.

Only if you understand a scientific concept can you apply your understanding to different concepts

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Master tactics. This is how you beat endgame.

16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Big disagree here. Only when you understand science can you do something with it.

Heh, like schools care...

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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Only if you understand a scientific concept can you apply your understanding to different concepts

Oh i agree but i'm not sure if every scientific concept can be applied to a different concept.

I could just be dumb rn though. But like, aside from chemistry (i had actually the worst teacher and classroom for this) and physics (which i never took), i never actually struggled at science. Maybe i did understand it after all.

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Because in 3H and AoC's case, performance and graphical quality wouldn't likely be an issue. And in BotW's case, the world could've had much more detail than it did.

Imagine first-party Nintendo games on consoles like the base PS4 and Xbox One. Since Nintendo is consistently behind the curve from a technological standpoint, it would be nice to have their games on hardware that can offer a much better experience in that way.

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To be honest, I never understood the complaints about BotW's world being empty-tons of stuff to see and explore everywhere. I think ten minutes seldom passed without me finding something neat.

Also I wish 3H was 3rd party as well, 'cause then I wouldn't have to play it.

Edited by Benice
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It's not about the density for me. It's about the potential for environmental detail being increased by quite a bit. The world overall would feel a bit more lush and living with that added, even if the amount of content remained the same.

Check this example of what the game could look like at higher resolutions and frame rates. No textures added, the game still looks significantly better.


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10 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Imagine first-party Nintendo games on consoles like the base PS4 and Xbox One. Since Nintendo is consistently behind the curve from a technological standpoint, it would be nice to have their games on hardware that can offer a much better experience in that way.

Yeah it would be nice but honestly, i never think about it when i'm actually playing the games.

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