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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Now please excuse me while I go cry tears. They're victorious, I can assure you! AhahehehehhuhhhWHYYYYYY

EDIT: Oh no, a Shadow Dragon character has disappeared!

EDIT: Oh no, a Shadow Dragon character died before the game as well!

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17 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Even when I was sufficiently leveled, Nezda, or in one instance Guan Yu, instantly OHKO'ed me on Normal, so I gave in and swapped over to Easy for more fun.

This guy is nasty. I always have trouble when he's on a stage, so I don't blame you at all for this.
And now you can imagine my... face of joy when I found out what I have to do to get Wang Yuanji's Mystic Weapon.
Chapter 3 - Battle of Tong Gate: Defeat Nezha in 6 minutes within the start of the battle.
On Hard or above.
With a character whose attacks don't stun enemies ever. I mean, I like Wang Yuanji ever since Warriors All-Stars... but there are better characters for killing officers.

"Just don't get the Mystic Weapon", you might say, but there is an achievement that asks you to get all the Mystic Weapons, and if possible, I would like to get it.
Though I most likely won't be able to do it until I've maxed her out or at least got her some much better weapon skills.

17 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My primary issue with the level 1 problem is the movesets, nobody has their full arsenal of attacks at base, thats far more crippling. Getting people to like 15-20 is necessary to resolve that.

Yeah, that too, definitely.
Though if a character has somewhat effective specials, you can mitigate this at least somewhat, but it does hurt a lot.
Ma Chao, for example, lives and dies by his C2/3-EX combo (in my opinion, at least)... which he doesn't get until the level 15-20 mark you mentioned, meaning until then, his moveset will be nearly useless. Which isn't a very good first impression he leaves, since he's the first character you control.

Coincidentally, the level 15-20 mark is also when many enemies stop one-shotting you with their specials. But getting there is a pain sometimes, particularly when you're low on Growth Points (which you usually are, because the story mode stages usually don't give out a lot of those - not enough to effectively use more than three or four characters, at any rate).

17 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And, while I have your attention Draggy, I stumbled in the past few days on a -fictional- character taken from IRL folklore they could add to Dynasty Warriors (they've already been featured in two unrelated games with the trappings of history). Taken from Wikipedia:

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In this year on Cửu Chân prefecture, there was a woman named Triệu Thị Chinh[nb 1] who organized a revolt against the Ngô [Wu].

Our [Vietnamese] history recorded that lady Trieu was a people of Nông Cống district. Her parents were dead all when she was a child, she lived with her older brother Trieu Quoc Dat. At the age of 20, while she was living with her sister-in-law who was a cruel woman, she [Trieu Thi Trinh] killed her [sister-in-law] and went to the mountain. She was a strong, brave and smart person. On the mountain, she gathered a band of 1.000 followers. Her brother tried to persuade her from rebelling, she told him: "I only want to ride the wind and walk the waves, slay the big whales of the Eastern sea, clean up frontiers, and save the people from drowning. Why should I imitate others, bow my head, stoop over and be a slave? Why resign myself to menial housework?".

The Mậu Thìn year, [248], because of the cruelty of Ngô [Wu] mandarins and misery of people, Trieu Quoc Dang revolted in Cửu Chân prefecture. Lady Trieu led her troops joined her brother's rebellion, soldiers of Trieu Quoc Dat made her leader because of her braveness. When she went to battles, she usually wore yellow tunics and rode a war-elephant. She proclaimed herself Nhụy Kiều Tướng quân (The Lady General clad in Golden Robe).

Giao Châu Inspector Lục Dận sent troops to fight [her], she [Trieu Thi Trinh] had managed to fight back the Ngô [Wu] forces for 5 or 6 months. Because of the lack of troops and fighting alone, she [Trieu Thi Trinh] could not manage to fight a long war and was defeated. She fled to Bồ Điền commune (present-day Phú Điền commune, Mỹ Hóa district) and then committed suicide.



Lady Trieu as a Vietnamese Zhurong contesting Wu? (Yes, she was in southeastern China, for she was not of the modern Vietnamese ethnicity, but an ancestral relative group that lived in China, and being a relative is enough for present day Vietnamese nationalists to extoll her.)

Sure she's fictional, but so is Baosanninang, probably her boyfriend, and likely Zhurong and her husband. So why not include her if she has a bold personality? Koei needs women to throw into DW.


Oh, this is very interesting! I'd be down for it!
Looking at the date in which this supposedly took place, this would open up the possibility of exploring some late Wu stories, which the series is a bit lacking in, as Wu's part in the story ends at Fan Castle or Sun Quan's becoming an emperor; they only appear again briefly during Zhuge Dan's rebellion and that's it. Even in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel, Wu's history from Sun Quan becoming emperor of Wu to Zhuge Dan's rebellion is summed up in one paragraph.
But reading up on what happened there historically, that opens up incredibly interesting possibilities to tell stories, and to add more of a tragic note to Wu's downfall because of Sun Quan becoming loopy in his old age and not listenting to his advisors anymore.
Not to mention more opportunities to add female characters, as Sun Quan's daughters, Sun Luyu and Sun Luban, had a pivotal role to play during the many inheritance disputes. They wouldn't even need to introduce a new mother for them, as they are Lianshi's daughters, reportedly.

Since you mentioned them: The funniest thing about Baosanniang and her husband is that those two are essentially a very old example of fanfiction.


Also, good morning, everyone!

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Stop, everyone!

The Berwick Saga translation has been updated. We must discuss this riveting turn of events.

...Or, y'know, we don't have to, I just wanted to say it. Any Berwick news is good news!

Okay Saint Rubenio, I’ll bite. Why should I play Berwick Saga? Give me your best sale’s pitch.

Edited by Wraith
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Second map is pretty much done now.

also teehee alert


Btw technically I should remove the thread's title, if people here continue discrediting Cold Steel.

Because otherwise it makes no sense because no one will get the origin of this thread.

Edited by Jules Necrofantasia
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Discredit Cold Steel all you want: This never gets old. xD


Ah, yes. Playing Berwick Saga.
That thing I gave up on because PS2 emulation is complete horseplop on my system.

Come to think of it...
A lot of games and game series that are beloved around here, I'm... not exactly fond of
Xenoblade 2 wasn't for me, neither in its gameplay, nor entirely in its story (it was good until Chapter 6, then it just lost me completely for some reason)
The Trails series didn't grab me at all in the end, and not even Sky FC saved it for me. I still haven't finished it, and I confess, I don't really feel like doing so, either.
Fates Conquest is by far my least favorite game of all time. At least with Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux or Persona 4 Golden, two other candidates for my least favorite game bracket, I can still at least say that the combat, music and partially the story were good/interesting enough, even if the dungeons (in Strange Journey) and characters for the most part (in Persona 4 Golden) were complete garbage. With Fates Conquest, aside from a few very minor things, such as neat skill ideas (although those do not apply solely to Conquest, but Fates in its entirety, and while I absolutely do not like the characters, which turns me off from ever playing it again, Birthright, at least, I found kind of fun to play), I struggle to find a single good thing to say about it.
Then again, this also applies to the mainline Pokémon games. But those didn't nearly frustrate me as much as Conquest did. In fact, there was a time when I liked these, but nowadays, I'm like "Why?"
And Berwick Saga is one of those games where reading about it made me go "yeah, this won't be for me in all likelyhood." After dropping FE4 and FE5, the name Kaga alone makes me anxious about it, but the final nail in the coffin for me was that it was compared to Fates Conquest, gameplay-wise. The comparison "like Fates Conquest", even when it's meant as praise, is about as foreboding a sentence to me as someone saying "hey, is your nuclear reactor supposed to be making that noise?"

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36 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Okay Saint Rubenio, I’ll bite. Why should I play Berwick Saga? Give me your best sale’s pitch.

You're putting me in a bit of an awkward spot here. I don't think I can do the game justice, but I'll try my very best.

It's the best strategy game I've ever played, in my humble opinion at least, and Kaga's magnum opus. It's so completely unlike his other games, so lacking in the usual Kaga-brand bullshit, that it almost doesn't feel like a Kaga game. The maps are all (with only one exception) tightly designed and often very unique in scope and objectives, and the saves the game offers every 5 turns help alleviate any frustration you may feel. There are also many gameplay quirks and mechanics that make the game quite unique, unlike any other I've seen. If I had to describe it, it's kind of like a middle ground between FE and something like Final Fantasy Tactics, but really, in practice, it feels like its own beast.
The lack of a proper enemy phase (player and enemy units move simultaneously) and the fact that battles end when someone gets hit make for a very player-focused game. Skills and equipment are more important than stats (which are actually rather unimportant), and almost every unit has something unique to them that isn't easily replicated. There's but two truly bad units in the game, and they're both justified. On the other hand, free recruits are difficult to come by. Most people are initially mercenaries that you have to hire with coin, and each character has their own requirements to join permanently, dependant on their character arcs. The gameplay-story integration, already one of Kaga's specialties, is at an all-time high in this game.

Speaking of the story, it is also wonderful. I'd call it better than all of FE, but that's just me, heh. It differs in scale from most FEs. You're no hero, you're just some guy who arrives at the king's doorstep with a tiny force to offer your humble help. The game's missions are divided into main missions, where you follow the main characters in their important quests, and sidequests, where the lords aren't available. In those, usually you just help someone out of a bind or do somebody some sort of favor (though these "favors" vary in scale, of course).
The game also makes an effort to introduce the secondary characters into the main campaign, by making them the protagonists of their own missions, their own side objectives and their own events. It's a different system from FE's supports, and I believe it comes across as more organic and just better.

Then there's the graphics and the music. They're not as important, but they're also great. The pixel art in this game is gorgeous.

Now, if I had to list any flaws, well... If you're not fond of RNG in FE, this game might drive you a little crazy at the beginning - however, rest assured that the game is designed around it. Hitrates are quite low, but the "battles end when someone gets hit" mechanic justifies that, and there are ways to improve your reliability even at the beginning.
Weapon durability is also RNG, with the chance of breaking increasing as the weapon's condition worsens, but the chance is low enough that I don't think it's that big of a deal. Certainly a flaw, but not a gamebreaking one.
You can capture enemies to take their equipment and sometimes ransom them back for money, but capturing is the most RNG this game gets, and though there are ways to improve your chances, it's never as reliable as I'd personally like.
There's one map that's kinda bad. Yes, only one map, and even it is certainly not on the same level as the likes of Battle Before Dawn. Again, in my opinion, but... yeah.

...And that's about all the flaws I can come up with. Overall, it's a game that is tightly designed and excellent in every aspect, with very few flaws that don't drag down the experience. One of the most unique strategy games out there, offering a fair challenge, varied missions, replay value in spite of its length and a great story to top it all off. I would call it a masterpiece, and I cannot recommend it enough to everyone that can find a way to play it.


...I wrote a wall of text about Berwick Saga again...

17 minutes ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:

Btw technically I should remove the thread's title, if people here continue discrediting Cold Steel.

Because otherwise it makes no sense because no one will get the origin of this thread.

Well, if you want my opinion, there's no need to remove the title for my sake - I already didn't get the origin of this thread!

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

the final nail in the coffin for me was that it was compared to Fates Conquest, gameplay-wise.

To be honest, now that I've played Conquest, I wouldn't compare them. Sure, there's a focus on skills and equipment, but it's nowhere near Berwick's level in that aspect, and Conquest has gotten a bit too "stat inflation"ish in its later stages for my liking. Seriously, everyone has a bazillion everything, I hate it. Berwick is never like that. Stats barely matter in combat!

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

..I wrote a wall of text about Berwick Saga again...

It's your favorite game.
It happens!

I could write walls of text about Nights of Azure, too. If people cared, that is

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be honest, now that I've played Conquest, I wouldn't compare then. Sure, there's a focus on skills and equipment, but it's nowhere near Berwick's level in that aspect, and Conquest has gotten a bit too "stat inflation"ish in its later stages for my liking. Seriously, everyone has a bazillion everything, I hate it. Berwick is never like that. Stats barely matter in combat!

Well, in that case, I will retract that statement about it!

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12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Well, in that case, I will retract that statement about it!

Nice! Still, I wouldn't want to seem like I'm making an empty claim, so here's my evidence.

This is a random axe mook from the first map of the game.

This is a random axe mook from the final map of the game.

11 HP, 7 strength, 4 speed, 4 defense. Not quite the jump in stats you'd expect from map 1 to map 41, is it? The most noticeable differences are his skill stats, which make him a lot more accurate than the map 1 mook, and his far superior equipment.

Here's another comparison: The axe mook from the final map, and this miniboss from the first map. These two are in virtually identical classes, despite the different names.

He actually has better defense and HP. An enemy from the first map (not even the map's main boss, at that) has some better stats than an enemy from the final map.

You probably get the point by now. Now, this doesn't mean the game is a walk in the park. It gets pretty brutal at times, but the difficulty comes from the enemy set-ups and equipment, not from them having a thousand defense, so there's ways around them beyond "have your own behemoth to toss at the problem."

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nice! Still, I wouldn't want to seem like I'm making an empty claim, so here's my evidence.

This is a random axe mook from the first map of the game.

This is a random axe mook from the final map of the game.

11 HP, 7 strength, 4 speed, 4 defense. Not quite the jump in stats you'd expect from map 1 to map 41, is it? The most noticeable differences are his skill stats, which make him a lot more accurate than the map 1 mook, and his far superior equipment.

Here's another comparison: The axe mook from the final map, and this miniboss from the first map. These two are in virtually identical classes, despite the different names.

He actually has better defense and HP. An enemy from the first map (not even the map's main boss, at that) has some better stats than an enemy from the final map.

You probably get the point by now. Now, this doesn't mean the game is a walk in the park. It gets pretty brutal at times, but the difficulty comes from the enemy set-ups and equipment, not from them having a thousand defense, so there's ways around them beyond "have your own behemoth to toss at the problem."

Oh, that's nice! Thank you! ^^
That is indeed already better than Conquest in that case.
Though... I'd consider pretty much anything better than Conquest, to be honest.

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21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, if you want my opinion, there's no need to remove the title for my sake - I already didn't get the origin of this thread!

Teehee is the favorite line of the girl in the screenshots below.

She is a kinda controversial character.

29 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


Discredit Cold Steel all you want: This never gets old. xD


This is the best of Cold Steel III.





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10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Though... I'd consider pretty much anything better than Conquest, to be honest.

Hah... Well, not gonna lie, at this point I can't blame you. The lategame enemies are absurd.

9 minutes ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:

Teehee is the favorite line of the girl in the screenshots below.

She is a kinda controversial character.

Let's see the screenshot...

...Ah yes, I can imagine why she may be controversial.

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On 1/23/2021 at 4:34 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

The positive to come from that papal history was a complete shattering of any notion of all of Europe's great and powerful men being on their knees powerless before the Papacy. Of course, the individual man makes a difference, but the commonplace image of the Church being all-powerful in the Middle Ages is a fiction. Respect for the Papacy yes, nobody wants to be excommunicated, and the Church amassed great land holdings, but the Pope was in no way invincible and capable of playing almighty kingmaker. And it's better this way, because the premise the Church controls all is a tad bland.

Sure, but when you consider the reason England got carte blance to invade Ireland was a papal edict, I still will argue they held an outsized influence.

Thanks for talking about Barbarossa regardless, despite that I wasn't insisting you had to, just thinking of an example of a period of the HRE that could be of interest that wasn't it's destruction.

On 1/23/2021 at 4:34 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Using predestination and the Elect to be arrogant sounds possible. Although predestination is infamous for being a source of anxiety as well, because "what if for all my acting as though I'm Elect throughout my life, I'm doomed to burn for eternity?".😬

Which is awkward because Calvin brings it up as something people shouldn't be doing (letting themselves overthink the mystery) and accepting it as God's grace.

Really is in the eye of the beholder.

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14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah... Well, not gonna lie, at this point I can't blame you. The lategame enemies are absurd.

Let's see the screenshot...

...Ah yes, I can imagine why she may be controversial.

I will point this out in the project.


She has interest in academic people.


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32 minutes ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:

This is the best of Cold Steel III.

Yes. XD

32 minutes ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:




So this is what unit creation in SRPG studio looks like? Neat!

22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Let's see the screenshot...

...Ah yes, I can imagine why she may be controversial.

Worth noting is that Musse is basically what people meme'd Edelgard to be like when Byleth was announced to have the role of a teacher.
Which of course, I used to my advantage and made this:



No regrets.

22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah... Well, not gonna lie, at this point I can't blame you. The lategame enemies are absurd.

That they truly are.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't entirely fond of the lategame.

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Well, her behavior and appearance are facade, but I don't want to tell more because it would go into spoiler territory.

In one list she was listed as one of the worst RPG characters.

I like her, simply because she has a good reason for her acting and she is a refreshment for the most bland cast in Cold Steel III.



So this is what SRPG studio looks like? Neat.

It is basically just a software to make maps à la Fire Emblem.


Random fact: Musse shares Lucina's current VA.

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9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That they truly are.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't entirely fond of the lategame.

I intend to go into more detail when (...if) I finish the game, but my current opinion of Conquest is quite similar to my opinion of Thracia: Great game until the lategame, where it takes a dive.

Though, I must say, so far Conquest's dive is even worse than Thracia's. At least you can just warpskip that shitty-ass Reinhardt map. I don't like that that's the optimal solution, but you don't have to put yourself through the torture. And beyond that one map, the Thracia lategame is more tedious than anything else. This is... oof.

13 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Worth noting is that Musse is basically what people meme'd Edelgard to be like when Byleth was announced to have the role of a teacher.

You mean what she actually is in the game?

For all the complaints I heard of everyone loving the shit outta Corrin for no reason, at least the Hoshidans had the "siblings" excuse to sorta half-heartedly excuse it, and the retainers + Yukimura all despise them. Edelgard just hopelessly falls in love with Byleth even in the routes where they're not her teacher. Seriously, why is she all like "you're the last person I ever wanted to fight" in friggin' Azure Moon? I don't know you, you dickhead! We spoke twice!

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